choosing authoring tools v.2.1

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Guidelines for choosing authoring tools


  • Choosing Authoring Tools

    Peter BerkingADL Co-Laboratory Hub

    An Overview


  • Disclaimer

    Vendor citations or descriptions are for illustrative purposes only

    and are NOT an endorsement by ADL. All vendors and products are listed in

    alphabetical order unless otherwise noted.


  • Purpose & Scope-1

    Present considerations forchoosing tools Categorize tools and

    provide examples Not intended as Comprehensive survey

    of available tools Comparative rating or

    evaluation of products


  • Purpose & Scope-2

    Title is Choosing Authoring Tools (plural) since usually one product will not suffice

    Tool 1

    Tool 2

    Tool 3


  • Overview

  • What Is an Authoring Tool?-1

    Creates, edits, reviews, tests, and configures e-learning

    Software may not be designed specifically for e-learning


  • What Is an Authoring Tool?-2

    Can be part of systems that perform broader e-learning functions (ex: LCMSs)

    Authoring ContentRepositoryCourse Delivery



  • What Is an Authoring Tool?-3

    Primary tools vs. auxiliary tools

    Tools discussed hereare primarily for WBT


  • Why Use Authoring Tools?

    Reduce technical overhead

    Automate time-consuming tasks Enforce standards and workflows



    WYSIWYGProgramming or

    scripting language

  • Why Is Choice So Important?

    Defines capabilities of your organization May or may not support your Types of e-learning products Delivery platforms File formats Standards Workflows

    Maximize durability


  • Process for Choosing Tools

  • 1. Determine requirements for Type(s) of training Learning functions needed Media Level of interactivity Skill sets of authors Need for non-technical

    staff to edit content Output file format Standards compliance Support and training the

    tool requires

    Interworking with other tools

    Collaborative authoring Number, roles, and

    distribution of potential tool users

    Bandwidth and other IT environment factors

    Budget for purchasing tool(s) and associated support/training contracts

    Process for Choosing Tools-1


  • 2. Determine budget for purchase including support and training contracts

    3. Determine categories of tools you will need

    4. Identify specific tools for theidentified key categories

    Process for Choosing Tools-2


  • Process for Choosing Tools-3

    5. Develop matrix that assesses tools identified in Step 4 against requirements developed in Step 1

    6. Filter and eliminate candidates. Send RFP if applicable.


    ToolRequirementsMatrixMedia supported

    Interactivity level

    Authoring skill set

    Editing by non-technical staff

    Output file formats

    Standards compliance

    Support and training reqd

    Collaborative authoring

    Number, roles, and distribution of users

    IT consider-ations


    Tool name

  • Process for Choosing Tools-4

    7. Compile features list for all remaining candidate tools

    8. Develop and complete a matrix that weights features and identifies tools that have them


    ToolFeaturesRatingMatrixFeature 1

    Feature 2 Feature 3 Feature 4 Feature 5 Feature 6 Feature 7 Feature 8 Feature 9 Feature 10 Rollup score

    Tool name

    Weighting factor

    Weighting factor

    Weighting factor

    Weighting factor

    Weighting factor

    Weighting factor

    Weighting factor

    Weighting factor

    Weighting factor

    Weighting factor


  • Process for Choosing Tools-5

    9. Contact highest scoring vendors andask for demo

    10. Make decision based on feature comparison, taking into account price, licensing, and other intangibles


  • Categories of Tools

  • Categories-1

    Purpose of categorization is to facilitate aligning your e-learning product requirements to tools Categories not mutually exclusive


  • Categories-2

    Self-contained authoring environments Web site development tools Rapid Application Development (RAD) tools E-learning development tools Web-based Desktop-based


  • Categories-3

    Self-contained authoring environments (continued) Simulation development tools System simulation 3D simulation

    Game development environments

    Virtual world development environments


  • Categories-4

    Self-contained authoring environments (continued) Database-delivered web application systems


  • Categories-5

    Learning content management systems (LCMSs) Virtual classroom systems Mobile learning development tools External document converter/optimizer tools Web-based Desktop-based


  • Categories-6

    Auxiliary tools E-learning assemblers/packagers

    Specific interaction object creation tools


  • Categories-7

    Auxiliary tools Media asset production tools

    Word processors, page layout, and document format tools


  • Categories-8

    Auxiliary tools (continued) Database applications

    Web-based collaboration and web 2.0 authoring tools

    Web page editors


  • Comparison of Categories


    Development Time and Cost

    Chart concept from


    Power and



    External document converter/optimizer tools

    Web development tools

    Rapid Application Development tools

    Web-based E-learningdevelopment tools

    Desktop-based E-learningdevelopment tools

    Virtual world development environments

    Game development environments

    Simulation development tools

    Database-delivered Web application systems


    Virtual classroom systems

  • Special Features and Issues

  • Open Source and Freeware

    Pros No license cost Flexibility in engineering to your requirements Not forced to rely on vendor for support Potentially quicker response to evolving requirements

    Cons Higher cost of installation, customization, and support Greater reliance on user networks, communities

    Freeware may not be open sourcerestrictions might apply.


  • Hosted Solutions

    Applies to web-based tools only Vendor installs and manages on their server Pros Eases your hardware and network infrastructure needs Lowers your staff costs for admin and maintenance Enables faster implementation

    Cons Restricts opportunities and scope for local customization May not meet your security requirements


  • Templates and Skins-1

    Definitions Skins are style sheets and/or interfaces Templates are starting points for building screens or

    course structures Both can include a lot of functionality as well as



  • Templates and Skins-2

    Advantages Saves time Reduces requirement for technical expertise Simplifies authoring process Enables non-technical staff to author Can enforce uniform standards Skins enable local variations on parent content objects Some LMSs apply skins dynamically according to user


    Disadvantages Can restrict creativity and create cookie cutter

    look and feel31

  • Output File Formats-1

    Most important question What output file format(s) does it produce?

    Establishing output format before choosing tools ensures that9Files will work within your infrastructure9You are not stuck with non-durable file formats

    LCMSs assemble and deliver files at runtime


  • Output File Formats-2

    Drivers for output format decision Type of training Requirements of delivery system Compatibility with network and firewalls Compression and streaming features Ability to edit in other tools Support for mobile learning


  • SCORM 2004 Support-1

    The tool must be able to create SCORM 2004-conformant content packages (4th Edition is current version)

    The tool should Support object-based learning design Allow SCOs to be defined at any level of course

    organization Support incorporation of all SCORM data model

    elements Allow direct viewing and editing of manifest files Enable reuse of course packages and manifests Allow creation of SCORM metadata Allow definition of sequencing and navigation rules


  • SCORM 2004 Support-2

    For SCORM 2004 sequencing and navigation, use any of the following if authoring tool does not include features to support it XML and Javascript Reload (free)

    Test sample SCO produced by authoring tool through SCORM Conformance Test Suite View sample content on your target course delivery

    system to ensure it functions as intended35

  • SCORM 2004 Support-3

    ADL does not certify the ability of an authoring to create SCORM conformant content View SCORM Adopters lists on the ADL

    Web site ( under What We Do then SCORM. Look in the SCORM Adopters section.


  • Section 508 Support

    Tools should facilitate generating compliant approaches/code/functions and disallow non-compliant ones Some authoring tools have built-in compliance

    checkers Verify compliance by testing with screen reader


  • Criteria for Assessing Quality and Suitability of Tools

  • Caveat

    The important question is:

    What can the software do in a right-out-of-the-box, plug-and-play use case scenario?

    notWhat can the software do?


  • Quality Criteria-1 (desktop and web-based tools)

    Learning technology used Sequencing and navigation Assessment features Technical characteristics of output Authoring ancillary documents Ease of learning and use User training, support, documentation Technical architecture


  • Quality Criteria-2 (desktop and web-based tools)

    Acquisition and maintenance Automation and process optimization Programming features


  • Quality Criteria (web-based tools only)

    Collaborative authoring and process management System access System performance Permissions and roles


  • General Recommendations

  • Recommendations-1

    Keep in mind that most software tools that are easier to learn and use have fewer capabilities, and vice versa Avoid first releases of software Ask vendor Who are your clients? How do your clients use the tool? Can we talk to your clients?

    Ask vendor for demonstration on your enterprise system(s) Avoid companies with short history in the market


  • Recommendations-2

    Check to see if the company is ISO and/or CMMI certified Buy only the components you need, especially if

    buying an LCMS Consider a hosted solution (for web-based tools) Do not overlook open source, freeware, or GOTS


  • Recommendations-3

    Use tools in combination Test tool on system configuration your authors

    typically use Err on the side of choosing a more powerful tool Determine skill sets of your authors and match to



  • Current Trends in Authoring Tools

  • Trends-1

    Team-based life cycle production and maintenance Use of XML Separation of content and appearance Integration and complexity of templates and skins Learning object-centric architecture Embedded best practice design principles Automated metadata generation and extraction Open architectures


  • Trends-2

    Support for team-based learning Gadget-based interface Support for social media Support for immersive learning technologies


  • References and Resources

  • Resources-1

    ADL Initiative

    ADL Registry



  • Resources-2

    Industry surveys, product comparisons, reports, buyers guides Bersin & Associates Brandon-Hall E-learning Guild Training Media Review

  • 53


    ADL Guide to Creating Reusable Content with SCORM 2004

    The ADL Registry and CORDRA, Volume 2: ADL Registry Overview and User Guide

    DOD Instruction 1322.26, Development, Management, and Delivery of Distributed Learning, June 2006

  • Learning Technology Lab

    Vendor-neutral Evaluation Environment Hosted at ADL Co-Lab Hub

    in Alexandria, VA Expert support to help resolve

    interoperability concerns Unbiased facilitation for dispute resolution

    Hosts a variety of LMSs, LCMSs, & authoring tools Support test and evaluation of content across platforms

    Showcase exemplar content and tools Enable rapid troubleshooting to quickly identify problem


  • Learning Opportunities-1

    Webinars: 1-hour sessions each week Current topics SCORM 2004 4th Edition Overview Creating Reusable Content with SCORM 2004 Sequencing SCORM 2004 Content (2-part series) Contributing to the ADL Registry Version 1.7 Federated Registry Architectures Choosing Authoring Tools Visual Design Principles for Reusable Learning

    Content Custom sessions may be available For details, visit 55

  • Learning Opportunities-2

    Online Office Hours Every Thursday from

    1:00 - 3:00 PM Eastern Instructional Systems

    Designer (ISD) and technical expert support For details, visit


  • Communications

    Bookmark Topic sections with new

    feature stories each month More resources for

    designers and developers

    ADL Initiative Insights Newsletter (monthly) Subscribe at


    Follow ADL on @ADL_Initiative

  • Slides for This Webinar

    Download at Navigation path:

    ADL Welcome>What We Do>Learning Technology Lab>Quick Links>Library> Direct link:


  • Questions or Comments?

    Peter [email protected]


    Choosing Authoring ToolsDisclaimerPurpose & Scope-1Purpose & Scope-2OverviewWhat Is an Authoring Tool?-1What Is an Authoring Tool?-2What Is an Authoring Tool?-3Why Use Authoring Tools?Why Is Choice So Important?Process for Choosing ToolsProcess for Choosing Tools-1Process for Choosing Tools-2Process for Choosing Tools-3Process for Choosing Tools-4Process for Choosing Tools-5Categories of ToolsCategories-1Categories-2Categories-3Categories-4Categories-5Categories-6Categories-7Categories-8Comparison of CategoriesSpecial Features and IssuesOpen Source and FreewareHosted SolutionsTemplates and Skins-1Templates and Skins-2Output File Formats-1Output File Formats-2SCORM 2004 Support-1SCORM 2004 Support-2SCORM 2004 Support-3Section 508 SupportCriteria for Assessing Quality and Suitability of ToolsCaveatQuality Criteria-1 (desktop and web-based tools)Quality Criteria-2 (desktop and web-based tools)Quality Criteria (web-based tools only)General RecommendationsRecommendations-1Recommendations-2Recommendations-3Current Trends in Authoring ToolsTrends-1Trends-2References and ResourcesResources-1Resources-2ReferencesLearning Technology LabLearning Opportunities-1Learning Opportunities-2CommunicationsSlides for This WebinarQuestions or Comments?