choice quotes


Post on 18-Oct-2014



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How to use quotes to create happy experiences, play the quote-casting game, taken from the fully happy workshop, a mindfulness experience/training, using the REIGN acronym, r for relax, e for explore, i for immerse, g for growing connection and n for navigate possibility. and there's more. The remainder of the slides offers a focusing question, and 2 quotes for each of the 9 focal points that represent a happy choice.


Choosing Happiness

Quote-fully HappyAllies on the road to Happiness

The Happy Heart Project on FacebookChoosing HappinessAllies on the road to HappinessThe Happy Heart Project on Facebook

Our achievements of today are but the sum total of our thoughts of yesterday. You are today where the thoughts of yesterday have brought you and you will be tomorrow where the thoughts of today take you.

~Blaise Pascal

How to Use Quotes to Change Your ExperienceThe Happy Heart Project on Facebook

There is something about quotes that make it appealing to most people I have never met a person who didn't appreciate a quote, also known as words of wisdom and even pearls of wisdom. I love calling them words of empowerment and even POW WOWs.

The Happy Heart Project on Facebook

So, what is a great way to leverage this power and take your experience to the next level? Its a game I created and I call it QUOTE-CASTING. Read on to find out how it works: How to Use Quotes to Change Your ExperienceThe Happy Heart Project on Facebook

Start with a focal point - this might be in the form of a question, a project or a lesson you want to learn. Take the time to formulate this question. Even if you have a current project or the like, it is worth the extra effort to create a question to guide the process and create an experience you want to have. E.g. Fully HappyHow to Use Quotes to Change Your ExperienceThe Happy Heart Project on Facebook

The next step is choose a quote. This can be a random choice or one that is more directive such as looking up a particular type of quote (google). For example, search "courage" quotes.How to Use Quotes to Change Your ExperienceThe Happy Heart Project on Facebook

Now that you have a question and quote in front of you, you are ready for the next step: .How to Use Quotes to Change Your ExperienceThe Happy Heart Project on Facebook

Now that you have a question and quote in front of you, you are ready for the next step: .How to Use Quotes to Change Your ExperienceBetween stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom ~ Victor FranklThe Happy Heart Project on Facebook

The acronym "REIGN" will guide you through creating and enhancing your experience. R - relaxE - exploreI - immerseG - generate connectionsN - navigate possibilitiesHow to Use Quotes to Change Your ExperienceThe Happy Heart Project on Facebook

Dedicate some time; I suggest you take 60 seconds (or more) with each quote doing the following 5-step experiential exercise/practice.How to Use Quotes to Change Your ExperienceThe Happy Heart Project on Facebook

1. Relax Take in a deep breath then release. Relax your body, noticing the difference. Read the quote.How to Use Quotes to Change Your ExperienceThe Happy Heart Project on Facebook

2. Explore Explore your way into the quote, just allowing yourself to open to connections.

How to Use Quotes to Change Your ExperienceThe Happy Heart Project on Facebook

3. Immerse Use your imagination to journey deeper, inquiring into the words. Engage your physical senses, emotions and intention. Trust your intuition.

How to Use Quotes to Change Your ExperienceThe Happy Heart Project on Facebook

4. Generate Connections Make links between your question, quotation and experience. Become playful as you allow your focus to generate answers and insights.

How to Use Quotes to Change Your ExperienceThe Happy Heart Project on Facebook

5. Navigate Possibilities Notice these insights and their possibilities. I have found it useful to keep an insight journal. Insights are the answers that will help you most. Keep a non-judgmental stance as you plan converting these insights into an action step. Any small, immediate action will make a difference.How to Use Quotes to Change Your ExperienceThe Happy Heart Project on Facebook

BONUS Material: First and foremost, whatever path you are on, it always embraces an element of wanting to increase happiness and feel more fulfilled.

You can make it more of a game by writing quotes on cards and casting these.How to Use Quotes to Change Your ExperienceThe Happy Heart Project on Facebook

I have found it helpful to choose a focus, as broad or as specific as you wish. It may be on the subject of happiness or a specific choice you can make that helps you practice happiness e.g. purpose, authenticity, courage, possibility, connection. These are 5 of the 9 focal points I use in a workshop called Fully Happy. How to Use Quotes to Change Your ExperienceThe Happy Heart Project on Facebook

Try this process on the following words of wisdom (WOWS) for size:How to Use Quotes to Change Your ExperienceChoosing HappinessWhat does it feel like if in this moment I am choosing happiness by living on PURPOSE?The Happy Heart Project on Facebook


The Happy Heart Project on FacebookHappiness is an expression of the soul in considered actions.


Sense of intention, what you want to experience, meaning think of what you have done in last hour, is it congruent to your purpose to be happy?There is a reasonA big pictureCalling Including to be happy


The Happy Heart Project on FacebookI am here for a purpose and that purpose is to grow into a mountain, not to shrink to a grain of sand. Henceforth will I apply ALL my efforts to become the highest mountain of all and I will strain my potential until it cries for mercy.

~Og Mandino

Sense of intention, what you want to experience, meaning think of what you have done in last hour, is it congruent to your purpose to be happy?There is a reasonA big pictureCalling Including to be happy

21Choosing HappinessWhat does it feel like if in this moment I am choosing happiness by living from AUTHENTICITY?The Happy Heart Project on Facebook


The Happy Heart Project on FacebookThe enemy of the truth is very often not the lie - deliberate, contrived, and dishonest -- but the myth -- persistent, persuasive, and unrealistic.

~John F. Kennedy

True to myself inner truth, code, genuineness, congruence, real, principles, non-negotiables/ not compromise onSelf-determinationSelf-direction, to notice deception, to practice power so that not duped, Greater TruthTrue nature


The Happy Heart Project on FacebookAuthenticity is the alignment of head, mouth, heart, and feet - thinking, saying, feeling and doing the same thing - consistently. This builds trust, and followers love leaders they can trust.

~Lance Secretan

True to myself inner truth, code, genuineness, congruence, real, principles, non-negotiables/ not compromise onSelf-determinationSelf-direction, to notice deception, to practice power so that not duped, Greater TruthTrue nature

24Choosing HappinessWhat does it feel like if in this moment I am choosing happiness by living in POSSIBILITY?The Happy Heart Project on Facebook


The Happy Heart Project on FacebookLiving is a form of not being sure, not knowing what next or how. The moment you know how, you begin to die a little. The artist never entirely knows. We guess. We may be wrong, but we take leap after leap in the dark.

~Agnes de Mille

Options open, let go, now, moment, paradox, examine rules, boundariesMiraclesDifferenceGrowthFlowExceptional


The Happy Heart Project on FacebookI am neither an optimist nor a pessimist. I am a dyed-in-the-wool possibilist! By this, I mean with an eco-mind, we see that everything's connected and change is the only constant.

~Frances Moore Lapp

Options open, let go, now, moment, paradox, examine rules, boundariesMiraclesDifferenceGrowthFlowExceptional

27Choosing HappinessWhat does it feel like if in this moment I am choosing happiness by living from a sense of CONNECTION?The Happy Heart Project on Facebook


The Happy Heart Project on Facebook

Throughout our lives we long to love ourselves more deeply and to feel connected with others. Instead, we often contract, fear intimacy, and suffer a bewildering sense of separation. We crave love, and yet we are lonely. Our delusion of being separate from one another, of being apart from all that is around us, gives rise to all of this pain.~Sharon SalzbergInternally referenced stop and connect to your inner joy, follow you bliss as gpsHearts desireone


The Happy Heart Project on Facebook

When people go within and connect with themselves, they realize they are connected to the universe and they are connected to all living things.

~ Armand DimeleInternally referenced stop and connect to your inner joy, follow you bliss as gpsHearts desireone

30Choosing HappinessWhat does it feel like if in this moment I am choosing happiness by living in COURAGE?The Happy Heart Project on Facebook


The Happy Heart Project on FacebookIf you do not ask yourself what it is you know, you will go on listening to others and change will not come because you will not hear your own truth.

~Saint Bartholomew

Do the thing and you will have the power courage ot own personal power, when something is out of your control, can still choose to be happy, steps take to manage your experienceCourage to embrace this paradox, courage to detect inauthenticityPersonal power, courage to face truth even when painful willing to explore this to transform itResourcefulness the turning point, point around which it all turns, now of endless possibility, paradox, risk worth taking, not denial of riskSelf-reliance32COURAGE

The Happy Heart Project on FacebookIn the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.

~Albert Einstein

Do the thing and you will have the power courage ot own personal power, when something is out of your control, can still choose to be happy, steps take to manage your experienceCourage to embrace this paradox, courage to detect inauthenticityPersonal power, courage to face truth even when painful willing to explore this to transform itResourcefulness the turning point, point around which it all turns, now of endless possibility, paradox, risk worth taking, not denial of riskSelf-reliance33Choosing HappinessWhat does it feel like if in this moment I am choosing happiness by living from SELF-AWARENESS?The Happy Heart Project on Facebook


The Happy Heart Project on FacebookKnowing others is wisdom, knowing yourself is Enlightenment.


Observe myselfAware of what and how you are choosing, step out, step in, observerMindfulness, recognize, accept, investigate, non-judgmentalTo what extent do you identify with certain roles, expectations, and the like?


The Happy Heart Project on FacebookBetter to light a candle, than to curse the darkness

Observe myselfAware of what and how you are choosing, step out, step in, observerMindfulness, recognize, accept, investigate, non-judgmentalTo what extent do you identify with certain roles, expectations, and the like?

36Choosing HappinessWhat does it feel like if in this moment I am choosing happiness by living in APPRECIATION?The Happy Heart Project on Facebook


The Happy Heart Project on FacebookTo be alive, to be able to see, to's all a miracle. I have adopted the technique of living life from miracle to miracle.

~Arthur Rubinstein

Growth, learning, expansion, enhance experience, seek to know better, insight journal, tadah to aha, gratitude journal, compliments, ccchecklist, rampage of appreciation, synchronicities, Self-fulfillmentRegenerationSustainablilityResourcefulness


The Happy Heart Project on FacebookLive your life each day as you would climb a mountain. An occasional glance towards the summit keeps the goal in mind, but many beautiful scenes are to be observed from each new vantage point.

~Harold B. Melchart

Growth, learning, expansion, enhance experience, seek to know better, insight journal, tadah to aha, gratitude journal, compliments, ccchecklist, rampage of appreciation, synchronicities, Self-fulfillmentRegenerationSustainablilityResourcefulness

39Choosing HappinessWhat does it feel like if in this moment I am choosing happiness by living with RESPONSIBILITY?The Happy Heart Project on Facebook


The Happy Heart Project on FacebookShallow men believe in luck, believe in circumstance. Strong men believe in cause and effect.

~Ralph Waldo Emerson

Choices, practices, make amends, take responsibility for my experiences, ConsequencesAccountability to tell truth, know when lies are being toldVictim to Victor, responsible for actions, but healthy attitude to mistakes. You do not bear responsibility for actions of others


The Happy Heart Project on FacebookA hero is someone who understands the responsibility that comes with his freedom.

~Bob Dylan

Choices, practices, make amends, take responsibility for my experiences, ConsequencesAccountability to tell truth, know when lies are being toldVictim to Victor, responsible for actions, but healthy attitude to mistakes. You do not bear responsibility for actions of others

42Choosing HappinessWhat does it feel like if in this moment I am choosing happiness by living making a CONTRIBUTION?The Happy Heart Project on Facebook


The Happy Heart Project on FacebookThe greatest good you can do for another is not just to share your riches, but to reveal to him his own.

~Benjamin Disraeli

What I am doing, counts, prosperity consciousness, InfluenceResponsiveness, no expectation of payback, give, be for the sake of happy, without guarantee of recognition


The Happy Heart Project on FacebookIf you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion.

~The Dalai Lama

What I am doing, counts, prosperity consciousness, InfluenceResponsiveness, no expectation of payback, give, be for the sake of happy, without guarantee of recognition

45The Happy Heart Project on Facebook

When working in a group, this is the point where we reflect and share our experiences. We discuss the quotes that have special significance for us. We also share ideas on how to refine the process and just unique perspectives on what works best for each of us. How to Use Quotes to Change Your ExperiencePURPOSEAUTHENTICITYPOSSIBILITYCONNECTIONCOURAGESELF-AWARENESSAPPRECIATIONRESPONSIBILITYCONTRIBUTIONThe Happy Heart Project on Facebook