chit chat 1


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Page 1: Chit Chat 1


Page 2: Chit Chat 1

Storter unit

Uni t

Uni t

Uni t

Uni t

Uni t

Uni t

Uni t

Uni t

Uni t

Uni t


Uni t


aa:,,. ' ,..,,
























Extro topicsAlphobet ropDogs ond monthsHolloweenChristmosEoster



Page 3: Chit Chat 1

Hetto, lh Spike.Hetto, lm Kot-(


O Storter unit Lesson 1

Page 4: Chit Chat 1

Hetto li'nJet.

Superstors! Superstors!

Hello, Superstor.Whot's gour nome?I'm Kot. Kot!Mg nome's Kot.

Hello, Superstor.Whot's gour nome?I 'm Spike. Spike!My nome's Spike.

Superstors! Superstors!

Hello, Superstor.Whot's gour nome?l'm Jet. Jet!My nome's Jet.

Hello, Superstor.Whot's gour nome?l 'm Nick. Nick!Mg nome's Nick.

Superstors! Superstors!Hetlo, lh Nick.


Hello. Whot's gour nome? Storter unit Lesson 1

Page 5: Chit Chat 1


Storter unit Lesson 2 Yellow, white, green ...

Page 6: Chit Chat 1

One, two, three,Four, f ive, six.Six l i t t le bugs,In o c i rcus t r ick!

Seven, eight, n ine,Ten, eleven, twelve.Twelve l i t t le bugs,In o circus tr ick!

One, two, three ... Storter unit Lesson t O

Page 7: Chit Chat 1

Listenond f ind.


Ask ondonswer.

Unit 1 Lesson 1 Whot's this? A rubber.

Page 8: Chit Chat 1




Stond up, stond up, Superstors!Are gou reodg? Let 's 9o, go, go!

Superstors, point to o penci l .Superstors, point to o book.

Superstors, point to o penci l coseSuperstors, point to o pen.

Superstors, si t down ond rest.Now stond up ond do i t ogoin!

Plog thegome.


Sit down, pleose.

Point to o pen. Unit 1 Lesson 2

Page 9: Chit Chat 1






Listen,reodond oct .


A red pen, pleose.

Thonk gou.

Unit 1 Lesson 3 A red pen, pleose.

Page 10: Chit Chat 1

r @1

Unit 1 Lesson 4

Page 11: Chit Chat 1


Co\ours Yes. Wel l done!

Unit 2 Lesson 1 Whot colour's the clock?

Page 12: Chit Chat 1

Thirteen, Jourteen, JiJteen, sixteen.Teenoger! I 'm o teenoger!

Seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twentg!Teenoger! l 'm o teenoger!

l 'm o teenoger todog!

How old ore gou, Jet? l 'm seventeen.

@How old ore gou? I 'm seventeen. Unit 2 Lesson 2

Page 13: Chit Chat 1

SuPerstqrsfqn club*******

Nome Ann

Fqvourite colour PurPte

SuPerstqrsfqn club*******

Nome Ltz

Age 10

Fqvourite colour orange

fqn cfub*******

Nome Sam

Age 12Fovourite cofour Green O

lrp"rrtorcrqn club

ofouir orange &


Norne JoeAge t2

Superstqrsfqn cfub*******

Nome pat

Age 11

l 'm ten.


Yes, l 'm Liz.

Fovourite cofour Green t

@ Unit 2 Lesson 3 Whot's gour fovourite colot

Page 14: Chit Chat 1

Help{ AmonsLer'.I

4r/1{ t /*-:

hw( )o

Help I Aboy ond a gir l l

{\r-*Zt 6#+ a{:gi\ -- 3b.*d^w^^ tq_y*-' "#

Stop, Sam





Hello .WhaL's gour name?

l 'm Bloop

WhaL's this,Dloop ?

nrJ{=- j






.-.- -'-\^ :-- .-4

scl rb"( r ' L)-\- '

(-' ffio-oo C-

Look I This is MY comic.G,-) \ - -

- 7 ' ' l l t



Unit2Lesson4 @

Page 15: Chit Chat 1


Whot's this?It's o fish.

Whot's this?It 's o dog.

Whot's this?It 's o bird.

With o verg loud

Whot's this?It 's o robbit.

Whot's this?It's o cot.


Whot'sthis? W \ t 'I t 'sqspider. _ ̂ - '&

Whot's this, Kot?

computer pet!

Unit 3 Lesson 1 Whot's this? l t 's o f isft

Page 16: Chit Chat 1



Yes, i t is.

ls i t o cot?

ls it o robbit? Yes, it is. / No, it isn't. Unit 3 Lesson 2

Page 17: Chit Chat 1

o big uog

@ Unit 3 Lesson 3 ls i t o big cot?

Page 18: Chit Chat 1

W&It 's OK, Digger

Bloop is a frrend



) . /


WhaL's this ?

+r' V'', Nq."-:rTo ! *rs5-vf

" ,'l)\' bl

Digger's rng Vet

ls iL a caL?

Nol Digger 's a dog' L isten I


lL 's a dinosaur!

This is MY pe1Hello,Wibble

ry,gxlr:-N-:+"=' . -tt\d."Vi'i"7, s

iY -;q;;'a €'Wowl lL 's btg'

ffi' vWrbble isl i l t le


Unit 3 Lesson 4

Page 19: Chit Chat 1

@ My nome's Ben.I'm ten. My cotis block.

My nome's Sue.I'm nine. My dogis little.

C I'm Kevin. I'meleven. My dogis big.

I'm |onet. I 'meight. My cotis white.

Units 1-3 Review A

Page 20: Chit Chat 1
Page 21: Chit Chat 1

& W&ww*wwListen,reooond f ind.

qLD "


-$:*- , -


OK. l 'm ongru.


s@l 'm hungrg.

l 'm hoppg.

Are gou sod? Are uou onoru?)

\ t -

I\>\Jr''l- It (\,s

J' ' i!c; '


Yes. l 'm ongrU.

Unit 4 Lesson 1 l 'm hoppg. Are gou sod?

Page 22: Chit Chat 1


5he's t ired.He's thirstg.He's sod.She's hoppg.

Unit4Lesson, @

He'95he's tired.

Page 23: Chit Chat 1

Listen,reod ond

, oct.


Listenond sing.


Good morning. GoodThe sun is worm, theGood morning. GoodHow ore you?, i i i 1, t l i . ! ' ' l I : , : ' : r :

mornrn9.skg is blue.morning.

Good oJternoon. Good oJternoon.The dog is hot, the skg is blue.Good oJternoon. Good oJternoon.How ore you?


: t : ! ' . ; l l - l i i ! ' l f

i : r { - i i i iGi- i } . i , *Lr

Good evening. Good evening.The skg is dork ond there's the moon.Good evening. Good evening.How ore gou?i ' r ; : ; : ree; i ' r r r i ; r { ' . r .1

i : l ' , . . , , ; : ' t . ) . - " '

Good of ternoon. How ore gou?Good morning.How ore gou?

l 'm f ine, thonk gou. I 'm f ine, thonk gou.

Good evening. How ore gou?

Unit 4 Lesson 3 How ore gou? I 'm f ine, thonk gou.

Page 24: Chit Chat 1


' m-961 4&ff i+

Are gouhungrg".

YUCK! Here Try Lhis.


No, thank tlou,bloop fu

WhaL's the matlecDigger ?

A4 . te

Where's Wibbter

Unit 4 Lesson 4

Page 25: Chit Chat 1






@ Unit 5 Lesson 1

Page 26: Chit Chat 1

Do gou know Pqul?Mg bogfr iend Poul .He's got red hoir .But thot 's not ol l !

Oh no! Woit o minuteWhot now, Poul?Look ot gour heod!No hoir ot o l l !

Now he's 9ot dork hoir .Now he's got blond hoir .Now he's got short hoir .Now he's got long hoir .

Eavgvrite fuces in pdp ** POP QU,IZ@a

She's got brown eges.She's got dork hoir .

@ She's got long hoir .S,he's got blue eges.

@ She's got short blond hoir.She's got glosses.

@ She's got green eges.She's got blond hoir.

Chrissie Speors Rodonnq

Jockg Lopez Mil l ie Hol l iwel l

He'VShe's got brown hoir. Unit 5 Lesson 2

Page 27: Chit Chat 1

This is Clonk.

He's got short hoir.

He's got big eyes.

He's got o little no:e.

He's got o big mouth.

This is Clinkq.

She's got long hoir.

She's got o big nose.

She's got o little mouth.

She's got little eors.

1 Cl inko hos got long hoir .

@@2 Clonk hos got long hoir .

@@3 Clonk hos got o l i t t le mouth.

@@4 Cl inko hos got big eors.


5 Clonk hos got big eges.









@@6 Cl inko hos got l i t t le eues.

@@7 Cl inko hos got o hoppg foce.

@@8 Clonk hos got o sod foce.


Unit 5 Lesson 3 Clonk hos got o hoppg foce.

Page 28: Chit Chat 1

@v. and she's blueond green.


Whaljs t has,Digger ?

Cone on,


Unit5Lesson4 @

Page 29: Chit Chat 1



This ismg fomi lg.

Who's this?

It's mg sister.

Who's this?

Unit 5 Lesson 1 Who's this? l t 's mU mum.

Page 30: Chit Chat 1

a r* g*-'*\_

l 've gotone sister.

l 've gotthree brothers.

l 've gotthree sisters.

I hoven't goto brother.

Unit6Lesson, @I've got two sisters.

Page 31: Chit Chat 1

My nome's Soroh.I'm twelve. I've got twobrothers ond one sister.

This is Mott. He'smy big brother.He's fourteen.

This is my little brother,Sqm. He's hoppy!

This ismy sister,Anno.She'seleven.

This isKoty.She's myfriend.

Soroh hos got one sisterond two brothers.

@@Kotg hos got glosses.


Anno hos got short hoir.

@@Soroh hos got two big brothers.

@@Som hos got o hoppu foce.


Gorg hos got three sistersond one brother.

AmU hos got two brothersond two sisters.

@@3 Ellen hos got long brown hoir.

@@4 Gorg hos got two big sisters.

@@5 Gorg hos got o pet.


I'm Gory qnd I'm eleven.I've got two sisters ondone brother.

Amy is mylittle sister.She's eight.

[essie isn'fmysister. She'smy friend.

This is Bo.He's four.

@ Unit 6 Lesson 3 Shet got long hoir.

Page 32: Chit Chat 1

W =

" : - i ' , ,N1

i'rr"1],istI')'trs: . f t - r ,

Tnank gou,'adres and genLleff ien. goodbye'.

NhaL a Lerrrblectrcus!



lL 's adtnosaurl

One, two, three,

l 've goL bhedinosaur, boss!

Unit 6 Lesson 4

Page 33: Chit Chat 1


This is my fomily.

This is my mum. Ihis is my

She's got hoir. He's got hoir.

My dod hos

blue eyes.

This is my grondmo.

She's got hoir.

My sister Liso

got green eyes

got blue eyes!

ond I 've

I've got sister ond

Ben is mv little . He's seven.


Units 4-6 Review B

Page 34: Chit Chat 1

Play the game@

Page 35: Chit Chat 1

Reodond sog.



You've got two honds.Clop gour honds!

You've got two orms.Wove gour orms!

You've got two legs.

-- Kick gour legs!

You've got two Jeet.Stomp your Jeet!

You've got one heod.Shoke your heod!

Now shoke ol l over.


Unit 7 Lesson 1

Do the Superstor shoke!

You've got two honds.

Page 36: Chit Chat 1

@* g:fr?&€?trr .& Listenond f ind.


Hos it got green orms? Unit 7 Lesson 2

Page 37: Chit Chat 1


Answerthequestions. Big Foot

1 Hos Big Foot got long orms or short orms?

2 Hos i t got long hoir or short hoir?

3 Hos i t got o big heod or o l i t t le heod?

4 Hos i t got big honds or l i t t le honds?

The Loch Ness Monster5 Hos the Loch Ness Monster

got o long neck or o short neck?6 Hos it got big eges or l i tt le eges?7 Hos it got o big mouth or o f ittfe mouth?8 Hos it got o green bodg or o red bodg?

Big Foot

Big Foot hos got long

orms ond long legs' It hos

got o little heod ond long hoir'

It hos got big honds ond VERY

big feet-

The Loch Ness Monster

The Loch Ness Monsterrs verg big. It is greenqnd it hos got o long neck.It hos gor o little mouth ondverg little eges.

Unit 7 Lesson 3 Hos it got long hoir or short hoir?

Page 38: Chit Chat 1

I w7Wave gour orms

;\,2^? '.}:l_

\- \

SLanV your feet.' ic, lb hasn'L. l l 's gob-- uo legs and Lwo little

Wqit I l 've goLan idea.


t, Quick I This waAt

Unit 7 Lesson 4

Page 39: Chit Chat 1

Hove gou got o block skir t?No, I hoven' t . l 'm sorry.Hove gou got o white shirt?No, I hoven' t . l 'm sorry.

Hove you got o blue jumper,Or o T-shirt or o coot?No, I hoven' t . l 'm sorrg.I t 's o crozV clothes shop. .

Hove Uou got o gel low hot,With pink ond oronge spots?Hove gou got o purple jocket,With green ond yel low dots?

Yes, I hove! Here gou ore!Look! I 've got lots!I 've got crozy clothes -f t 's o crozg clothes shop!

fieCrurzf CLoTI|ESst{op

Unit 8 Lesson 1 Hove gou got o T-shirt?

Page 40: Chit Chat 1

Hove gou gotJet 's jeons?

Yes, I hove.Here gou ore.

Jet's T-shirt

Nick's jocket

Nick's T-shirt

Kot's shoes

Spike's shoes

Kqt's T-shirt

Jet's shoes

Spike's shirt

Jet's jumper

Nick's shoes

Spike's jumper

Kot's jocket

Hove gou got Jet 's jeons? Unit 8 Lesson 2

Page 41: Chit Chat 1

Mork:Sol lg:

Whot o greot museum!Oh no! Look dt the hots.Whot o mess!

@ Mork: Whose hot is th is?Sol lg: l t 's the pirote 's hot.Mork: And whose hot is th is?Sol lg: The clown's.

Mqrk: Whose hot is th is?Sol lg: l t 's the pol ice of f icer 's hot.Mqrk: Whose hot is th is?Sol lg: The cowbog's.

Sol lg: Let 's go.Mork: OK.

Police officer:Clown:Pirote: CW!Cowbog:

Unit 8 Lesson 3 Whose hot is this?

Page 42: Chit Chat 1

Unit8Lesson4 @

lL's Bobo's hatShe's a clown.



Whose hat is Lhis?

Wait l lt, hasn'LgoL a rnasK.

No, I haven't.


OK LeL'sfind Wibblel

{"f6*"W- ' :e

a monster !

Page 43: Chit Chat 1

Sousoges ond pototoes, pleose.

pizza ,/chickensausagesvegetables


Whot do gou l ike?

@ Unit 9 Lesson 1 Whot do gou l ike? | l ike solod.

Page 44: Chit Chat 1

Do gou l ikeYes, I do.One Jor me,And one Jor

Do gou l ikeYes, I do.One for me,




And one for gou.

Do gou l ike bonqnos?Yes, I do.One Jor me,And one for gou.

No, I don' t .

Do gou l ikeice creom, Jet?


Do gou l ike ggoghurt? 1-'

Yes, I do.f f i@

Do gou l ike opples? Unit 9 Lesson 2

Page 45: Chit Chat 1

Sports Stor food

Hello, Morio. Whot do youlike for breokfost?I like cereol.

What do you like for lunch?I like solod.

Solod andpizza?No. I don't like pizzo.

What do you like for dinner?My fovourite dinner is fishand vegetobles.

Do you like chips?No, I don't. I don't likepototoes.

Whqt do you like forbreakfast, Arnold?I like eggs.

How mony eggs?Nine or ten!

Whqt do you like for lunch?I like pizza for lunch.

And solod?No, I don't like solqd.

What do you like for dinner?Burgers - lots of burgers!

Nome Breokfost Lunch Dinner

Morio 6


Unit 9 Lesson 3 I l ike solod. I don't l ike pizzo.

Page 46: Chit Chat 1

Come on This wag No, l ' rn. . .Tot'o Lhe

clown ond th,sis rnj sisfen

Hello Dolike pie?

?ie?Yes,l do.

Here you are!


Itke cages.

UniteLesson4 @

Page 47: Chit Chat 1

Whot do gou l ike for breokfost?I don' t l ike cereol . I l ike opplesond bqnonos for breokfost .

And whot do gou l ike for lunch?Mg fovour i te lunch is pizzo.And solod?Yes, I l ike solod.

Do gou l ike c lothes?Yes, I do. Mg fovour i te jocketis red ond green. l t 's greot!

Hove gou got

No, I hoven' t .jeons. l 've got

blue jeons?

I don' t l ike blueblock jeons.

Units 7-9 Review C

Page 48: Chit Chat 1


= SoU ond do'

i '1 = Whose - is this?

6 = Hove Uou got -?i = Whot's this?aal = Do uou l ike -?t l

o9Units 7-e Review C @

Page 49: Chit Chat 1

1 There is

2 There ore

3 There ore

4 There ore

one elephont.

two l ions.



5 There is

6 There ore

7 There ore




@ Unit 1o Lesson 1 There ore two lions.

Page 50: Chit Chat 1

There's o big, fot l ionin mg mum's jeep.

The l ion soys'ROAR!'And the horn sogs 'Beep, beep, beep. 'The horn sogs 'Beep, beep, beep. ' ' r

There ore two long snokes mg mum's j . .p.

The snokes sog 'HISS! 'The l ion sogs'ROAR!'And the horn sogs 'Beep, beep, beep. '

7 in mg mum's j . .p.The monkegs sog 'OO! 'The snokes sog 'HISS! 'The l ion sogs'ROAR!'r r rs rrrJrr JuyJ r \

" f i .

And the horn soys 'Beep, beep, beepoi -ffi

There ore Jour hungrg crocodi lesin mg mum's j . .p.

t ,

The monkegs sog 'OO! '

- The snokes sog 'HISS!'lThe l ion sogs 'ROAR!'

:q i

r The horn soqs 'Beep, beep, beep. ' s

eThere's one little bogin mg mum's i ""p.

The bog sogs 'Ssshhh! 'But. . .

There's o big, fot l ion., Uni t 10 Lesson 2

Page 51: Chit Chat 1

Reod ondmotch.




I 'm o penguin.I'm from the Antorctic.

I'm on eogle.I'm from North Americo.

I'm o porrot.I'm from South Americo.

I like fish.

I like gross ond leoves.

I like fruit ond nuts.

I like fish ond little onimols.

l 'm an e

l 'm Jroml 've got

I t ike


North Amertca.

I'm on ostrich.I'm from Africo.

I've got long legs.

I've got short wings ondshort legs.

I'm red, blue ond yellow.

I've got big block wings.

# Unit 1o Lesson 3 l 'm o penguin.

Page 52: Chit Chat 1

WWrbbles norAour dinosaur.Shes MY peL




A monsler ?l'rn nof scaredof monsters.

Unit 10 Lesson 4 #

Page 53: Chit Chat 1

filY #sw&ngrt*w &Kx$mwwReod,f indono sou.

Ask ondonswer.

bol l




gui tor

umbrel lo

dol l


Unit 11 Lesson 1 ls there o bol l in the room?

Page 54: Chit Chat 1

How mongcomputers orethere in gour

room, Kot?

Whot 's th is?

No, Kot! There oref ive computers. I t 's mg new


There ore fourcomputers.

CD ploger

How mong telephones orethere in Kot 's room?

How mong computers ore there? Unit 11 Lesson 2

Page 55: Chit Chat 1

There ore lots of books ond comics inmg room. Mg comics ore in o big box.

There's o l i t t le TV on mg toble. I hoven,tgot o v ideo recorder in mg room.

There's o big poster in mg room.There ore pens ond penci ls on mg desk.

There's o l ion ond o monkeg on mgbed - o tog l ion qnd monkeg!

I l ike music. l 've got o CD ploger inmU room. l t 's on mg desk. Mg CDs ore

in o box. There ore music posters inmu room.

1 Are there CDs on Kevin's desk?

2 Are there posters in Kevin's room?

3 Are there videos in Som's room?

Are there books in o box in Som'sroom?

Are there pens on Jeon's desk?

Are there onimols on Jeon's bed?



Unit 11 Lesson 3 Are there posters in Kevin's room?

Page 56: Chit Chat 1


Lookl Theres


@"a dinosaura monsLer

Ladres ondgenLlemen,

Lhe dinosaur

Yes' And Lhemonster's dangeroust

Geb Lhe nnonsferl

GeL Lhe dinosourl

Unit 11 Lesson 4

Page 57: Chit Chat 1

In the street


Spike: Good morning.

In the house


Spike: Sorrg. Here Uou ore.






Ssh ! Listen to the TV.This is Big Bod Bi l lg. He'so bonk robber. He's gotshort, block hoir ondblue eges.

Hel lo! l 'm home.Whqt's in gour bog,5pike?The new Superstors CD.

But this isn't o CD. lt 'slots of moneg!Oh no! The mon in thestreet. l've got themon's bog!Who's got gour bog?

Bi l lg: Me! And l 'm verg ongrg!

Unit 12 Lesson 1

Page 58: Chit Chat 1


Bi l lg:


Bi l lg:




Jet :


J im:

Look! l t 's the bonk

robber from the TV.

You've got mg bog AND

mg moneg !

I t isn ' t gour moneg. l t 's

the bonk's moneg.

Kim, J im! Get the bog!

Here gou ore.

Thonk gou.

Oh no! There's o spider

in the bog.I don' t l ike spiders!

Quick, Superstors!

l 've got J im.

l 've got Kim.

And l 've got Big Bod

Bi l lg!

Look! There's o pol ice

off icer. HELP!

You've got the robbers.

Wel l done, Superstors!

Superstors: Thonk gou.Officer: And whot's this?Jet: lt 's o new song bg the

Superstors. Listen !

Unit 12 Lesson 1

Page 59: Chit Chat 1

Come here, chi ldren.Come ond look!We're ot the endOJ gour Engl ish book.

Goodbge, gir ls!Teocher, too.Goodbge, boys!Goodbge ol l oJ gou.

Engl ish lessonsAre greot fun.But we l ike beqches.And we l ike sun!

Goodbge from Jet,From Nick ond Kot.Goodbge Jro. Spike.But don't be sod.

I t 's summer t ime.Give o big cheer.Hove o greot time.See gou next geor!



Unit 12 Lesson 2

Page 60: Chit Chat 1

ffil'm tired.

comtc, Sarn

Heffo, Mr Bunkum.

It isn't a monsl,ert.

,HEl|'s a girl

with a maskt-

LetS go horne,

Thank Uou, Ally andSan. And thaik Aou,


Unit 12 Lesson t @

Page 61: Chit Chat 1

Units 1&-12 Review D

Page 62: Chit Chat 1

4 Do gou l ike

@sff,Hove gou IHow mong

ore there?Who's th is?


colour 's your 19 ls there c i

in gour room?

16 ls i totelevis ion?

7 Hove gougot o green

26 Hovegou got,- \brown @ @ ?

24 Whotcolour's the

14 ls there o

in gour bog?

11 How monu

g6sdore there?

12 Are gou

Units 10-12 Review D

Page 63: Chit Chat 1

tgListen, ondt chont.

obcd ei+ hi i k\ m n o P cl r s t u v w x g z

A, B, C,D, E, F, G.Sog the olphobet ropwith me!

H, I , J,ond K, L, M.I t 's the olphobet rop!Let 's rop ogoin!N,O,BQ, R, S.We're neor the end.Yes! Yes! Yes!

IU,V,Wx,Y,zThe olphobet ropis in gour heod!


; Listenrond plog.


Let 's plog the olphobet gome.How do gou spel l gour nome?

Page 64: Chit Chat 1

| . , , , : l l ia l i , , , : : l l r i l . i

' t ' t l , 'taa-


o-l \ v-



Page 65: Chit Chat 1

KaK.,Kgws&tl&ft@Adsri L isteni ond: chont.

A big, fot spider,A witch's hot,A pumpkin Joce,A vompire bot.A ghost, o monster,Red ond green.

. A hoppg,spookgHol loween!


I t 's o treot. Greot! Oh no! A tr ick!

Page 66: Chit Chat 1



Hoppu Hol loween!


' Listen,

' reodLook ot mgghost costume.

And l 'm o cot !

Page 67: Chit Chat 1




Woke up!ls i t Chr istmos Dog?No, i t 's Chr istmos Eve.Come on!


Look!ls i t Fother Chr istmos?Yes, i t is . And he's stuck!


Listen,reodo nd'oct .





I t 's OK, Fother Chr istmos.One, two, three . . . PULL!

Thonk gou!Whot 's th is, FotherChristmos?

It 's mg bog. And here is opresent for gou, Debbie.

Page 68: Chit Chat 1










I t 's o gome. Thonk gou!A CD bg the Superstors!Mg fovourite!Look! A footboll book!It 's greot. Thonk gou!

Now o present for gou,Fother Christmos.

Oh! Whot 's th is?I t 's o mince pie.And o corrot for gourreindeer.

l 'm hungrg but . . . I know!The corrot is for me ondthe mince pie is for mgreindeer l

OK, Fother Christmos.

Goodbge, children.And Merrg Christmos!

Merrg Christmos!

Page 69: Chit Chat 1

&+s&%q#&+sYou need: cord

H pencits

# scissors

&stue W

1 Drow oroundCut i t out.

3 Glue the cords.

Moke oChristmosreindeer.

Write oChristmosmessoge.

gour foot. 2 Drow oround gourCut them out.

4 Drow the


reindeer's foce.

Merrg Chr istmos!

Page 70: Chit Chat 1


Deck the hol l wi th boughs oJ hol ly.Fo-lo-lo-lo-lo, lo-lo-lo-lo.It 's the seoson to be jol lg.Fo-lo-lolo-lo, lo-lo-lo-lo.

Page 71: Chit Chat 1

@ ffiwru#@ffi s dListenond sing.


Moke onEostercoro.

' l l ike Eoster, 'Sogs Emilg.'Lots oJ chocolote,Al l for me! '

But Grondmo smi lesAnd soys, 'Thot 's notEoster meons hope,

hope Jor us ol l . '

' l l ike Eoster, 'Mg brother sogs.' l l ike lots of Eoster eggs!'

But Grondmo smi lesAnd soys to John,'Eoster meons love Jor everyone. '

You need: poper W

scissors pencirs V

2 Drow o robbit.

4 Write in gour cord.


3 Cut the robbit out.

Page 72: Chit Chat 1

Main structure Vocabulary

Sbrter unitNi'lello, Superstars!Fte{lo, bugs!

What's your name?My name's . . . / l 'm . . .

Hello / Goodbyered, yellow, green, blue, white, black, brownNumbers: 1-1 2Yes / No

tinrt 1Classroom bugs

What's this?A red pen.

pencil, pen, book, bag, ruler, rubber, pencil case, boy, girlStand up, Sit down, Point toPlease / thank vou

Wnit 2The TV show

How old are you? l 'm . ,What colour's the . . ?What's your favourite colour?You're . .

chair, table, clock, door, board, window, deskNumbers: 13-20purple, orange

Unit 3Super pets

It 's a . . .ls i t a . . .? Yes, i t is. / No. i t isn' t .

pet, dog, cat, mouse, rabbit, fish, bird, spiderbig, little

Unit 4Pirates

l'm + adjectiveHe's/She's+adject iveAre you . . .?

happy, sad, hungry thirsty, angry, scared, tiredGood mornin g/afternoon/even ingHow are you? l 'm f ine, thank you.

Unit 5Funny faces

l 've got. . .Heb got . . . / She's got

face, hair, ears, eyes, nose, mouthlong, short , blond, darkg lasses

Unit 6Family photos

How many ... have you got?I haven't got . . .This is my.. .Who s this? l t 's . .

family, mum, dad, grandad, grandma, sister,brother, friend


Unit 7The body rap

You've got . . .I t has got . . .Has i t got . . .?Yes, it has. / No, it hasn't.

body, head, arms, legs, hands, feetclap, wave, kick, stamp, shakevery

Unit ISuperstar clothes

Have you got a . . .?Yes, I have. / No, I haven't.Whose . . . is this?I ts Nicks . . .

shoes, T-shirt, coat, jeans, shirt, jacket, hat, jumper, skirtsorrypirate, clown, police officer, cowboy

Unit 9Bug caf6

What do you like?I l ike . . . / | don' t l ike . .Do you l ike . . .?Yes, ldo. /No, ldon' t

pizza, chips, chicken, salad, fish, sausages, potatoes,vegetables, apples, oranges, bananas, chocolate, yoghurt,ice cream, burgers, cereal, eggs

for breakf asVlunch/d in ner

Unit l0Animalsafar i

Unit 11My favourite things

Unit 12Goodbye, Superstars!

There is / There are ..alan

Yes. there is. / No, there isn't.Are there . . .?Yes, there are. / No, there aren't

animals, monkey, snake, lion, elephant,giraffe, hrppo, crocodile, parrot, ostrich,eagle. penguin

W, ball, radio, computer, poster, doll, aeroplane,umbrella, guitar, keyboard, video, video recorder,telephone, CD playerIn. on

Revision Revision

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