china marvels at mighty

Blood donor saved 2.4 million babies CONTACT US AT: 8351-9033 [email protected] Fri/Sat/Sun May 18~20, 2018 P10 BUILDING its cinematic universe in the same decade that China’s movie industry opened up and expanded has certainly helped Marvel Studios produce the kind of financial success that would fill Tony Stark with avarice, especially after its latest triumph. “Avengers: Infinity War,” the studio’s 19th feature, marks the Marvel Cin- ematic Universe’s 10th anniversary and has set some records to become the comic giant’s most successful super- hero movie in the world’s second-largest movie market. Although its release on the Chinese mainland came two weeks later than the rest of the world, the third installment in the “Avengers” saga opened Friday and raked in 493 million yuan (US$77.7 million) Sunday alone to top the foreign film box-office charts in China. It’s Marvel’s biggest and most star- studded epic yet, grossing 1.27 billion yuan in its opening weekend, earning the second-biggest opening in China’s box-office history after “The Fate of the Furious” and making it the country’s biggest superhero hit of all time. It’s worth noting that “Infinity War” eclipses “The Fate of the Furious” in dollars due to an exchange rate dis- crepancy, but the latter still earned more in yuan. Around 10 percent, or 128 million yuan, of the total was earned from the country’s 514 Imax cinemas, making it the highest-grossing film for the format in China since it was introduced here in 2002. The film starts where the mid-credits scene in last year’s “Thor: Ragnarok” left off: in outer space, aboard an Asgard- ian refugee ship, before diverging across multiple plotlines set both on Earth — in New York, Scotland and the fictional African country of Wakanda — and across the galaxy. The somewhat tragedy-laden tale revolves around the Mad Titan, Thanos, and his bid to bring balance to what he believes is an over- populated universe by removing half of its residents. To do so, he must collect six powerful gems called Infinity Stones. This storyline has been building since the end-credit scene in 2011’s “Thor,” when Thanos made his first on-screen appearance, followed by the subsequent revealing of five of the six Infinity Stones in “Captain America: The First Avenger,” “Thor: The Dark World,” “Guardians of the Galaxy,” “Avengers: Age of Ultron” and “Doctor Strange.” In “Avengers: Infinity War,” the final stone is unearthed and the seven-year- long story arc enters its final phase as earth’s mightiest heroes assemble across time and space in an attempt to nullify the threat posed by Thanos. With the film’s title listed as one of the top 50 most-searched phrases on micro- blogging site Sina Weibo, the popularity of the Russo brothers’ directorial flick — distributed by Walt Disney and pro- duced by Marvel Studios — is indisput- able, and it has obtained a score of 8.5 points out of 10 on the popular review site Douban. China marvels at mighty fighters H owever, there was just as much drama off screen as there was in the box-office bonanza itself. Earlier, organizers enraged Chinese fans attending a Shanghai promotional event April 19 when they issued fewer tickets to die-hard Marvel fans than to the fans of the Chinese singers Eason Chan, Jane Zhang and Jason Zhang, who were also invited to sing some songs and promote the movie. Things went from bad to worse when the event’s host sidelined Robert Downey Jr., Mark Ruffalo and Tom Holland, let- ting Chan stand center stage. Seemingly not quite prepared, Chan made the atmosphere even more awk- ward as he asked in a speech about the stars’ characters, Iron Man, Hulk and Spiderman: “What do we call them? Supermen?” Taking into account that DC’s Super- man has been a long-standing rival of Marvel’s characters in both comic books and on the big screen for more than half a century, it’s easy to understand the out- pouring of the fans’ wrath. Like real-life “Avengers,” the angry fans assembled, online, to demand jus- tice. Marvel Studios, Chan and the host all said sorry via their Weibo accounts. All seems to have been forgiven and for- gotten, though, as the roaring box-office numbers appear to show. When “Avengers: Infinity War” premiered at midnight of May 10 last week, millions of Chinese fans flooded to cinemas, although most of them had to work Friday. The first screenings brought in nearly 60 million yuan. For most industry watchers and crit- ics, the success of this latest “Avengers” outing is greatly due to the decade-long development of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, arguably the most influen- tial and lucrative movie franchise in the world, gathering together dozens of well-loved superheroes, all of which started with “Iron Man” in 2008. China’s movie industry grossed merely 4.34 billion yuan that year but soared to 55.9 billion yuan in 2017. It was a period of high-speed growth occurring, coincidentally, at the same time as the MCU’s expansion, giving it a perfect springboard to cultivate a large Chinese fanbase, compared with other blockbuster franchises, such as Star Wars, which began in late 1970s. For some, however, the franchise may have evolved a bit too far and become too “fan-oriented.” In a Douban review marked as “useful” by more than 8,000 netizens, film fan Ling Rui writes that audiences who did not watch the several previous Marvel films would feel confused about the plot of “Infinity War.” (China Daily)

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Page 1: China marvels at mighty end-credit scene in 2011’s “Thor,” when Thanos made his fi rst on-screen appearance,

Blood donor saved 2.4

million babies

CONTACT US AT: [email protected]

Fri/Sat/Sun May 18~20, 2018 P10

BUILDING its cinematic universe in the same decade that China’s movie industry opened up and expanded has certainly helped Marvel Studios produce the kind of fi nancial success that would fi ll Tony Stark with avarice, especially after its latest triumph.

“Avengers: Infi nity War,” the studio’s 19th feature, marks the Marvel Cin-ematic Universe’s 10th anniversary and has set some records to become the comic giant’s most successful super-hero movie in the world’s second-largest movie market.

Although its release on the Chinese mainland came two weeks later than the rest of the world, the third installment in the “Avengers” saga opened Friday and raked in 493 million yuan (US$77.7 million) Sunday alone to top the foreign fi lm box-offi ce charts in China.

It’s Marvel’s biggest and most star-studded epic yet, grossing 1.27 billion yuan in its opening weekend, earning the second-biggest opening in China’s box-offi ce history after “The Fate of the Furious” and making it the country’s biggest superhero hit of all time.

It’s worth noting that “Infi nity War” eclipses “The Fate of the Furious” in dollars due to an exchange rate dis-crepancy, but the latter still earned more in yuan.

Around 10 percent, or 128 million yuan, of the total was earned from the country’s 514 Imax cinemas, making it the highest-grossing fi lm for the format in China since it was introduced here in 2002.

The fi lm starts where the mid-credits scene in last year’s “Thor: Ragnarok” left off: in outer space, aboard an Asgard-ian refugee ship, before diverging across multiple plotlines set both on Earth — in New York, Scotland and the fi ctional African country of Wakanda — and across the galaxy. The somewhat tragedy-laden tale revolves around the Mad Titan, Thanos, and his bid to bring balance to what he believes is an over-populated universe by removing half of its residents. To do so, he must collect six powerful gems called Infi nity Stones.

This storyline has been building since the end-credit scene in 2011’s “Thor,” when Thanos made his fi rst on-screen appearance, followed by the subsequent revealing of fi ve of the six Infi nity Stones in “Captain America: The First Avenger,” “Thor: The Dark World,” “Guardians of the Galaxy,” “Avengers: Age of Ultron” and “Doctor Strange.”

In “Avengers: Infi nity War,” the fi nal stone is unearthed and the seven-year-long story arc enters its fi nal phase as earth’s mightiest heroes assemble across time and space in an attempt to nullify the threat posed by Thanos.

With the fi lm’s title listed as one of the top 50 most-searched phrases on micro-blogging site Sina Weibo, the popularity of the Russo brothers’ directorial fl ick — distributed by Walt Disney and pro-duced by Marvel Studios — is indisput-able, and it has obtained a score of 8.5 points out of 10 on the popular review site Douban.

China marvels at mighty fighters

However, there was just as much drama off screen as there was in the box-offi ce bonanza itself.

Earlier, organizers enraged Chinese fans attending a Shanghai promotional event April 19 when they issued fewer tickets to die-hard Marvel fans than to the fans of the Chinese singers Eason Chan, Jane Zhang and Jason Zhang, who were also invited to sing some songs and promote the movie.

Things went from bad to worse when the event’s host sidelined Robert Downey Jr., Mark Ruffalo and Tom Holland, let-ting Chan stand center stage.

Seemingly not quite prepared, Chan made the atmosphere even more awk-ward as he asked in a speech about the stars’ characters, Iron Man, Hulk and Spiderman: “What do we call them? Supermen?”

Taking into account that DC’s Super-

man has been a long-standing rival of Marvel’s characters in both comic books and on the big screen for more than half a century, it’s easy to understand the out-pouring of the fans’ wrath.

Like real-life “Avengers,” the angry fans assembled, online, to demand jus-tice. Marvel Studios, Chan and the host all said sorry via their Weibo accounts. All seems to have been forgiven and for-gotten, though, as the roaring box-offi ce numbers appear to show.

When “Avengers: Infi nity War” premiered at midnight of May 10 last week, millions of Chinese fans fl ooded to cinemas, although most of them had to work Friday. The fi rst screenings brought in nearly 60 million yuan.

For most industry watchers and crit-ics, the success of this latest “Avengers” outing is greatly due to the decade-long development of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, arguably the most infl uen-

tial and lucrative movie franchise in the world, gathering together dozens of well-loved superheroes, all of which started with “Iron Man” in 2008.

China’s movie industry grossed merely 4.34 billion yuan that year but soared to 55.9 billion yuan in 2017. It was a period of high-speed growth occurring, coincidentally, at the same time as the MCU’s expansion, giving it a perfect springboard to cultivate a large Chinese fanbase, compared with other blockbuster franchises, such as Star Wars, which began in late 1970s.

For some, however, the franchise may have evolved a bit too far and become too “fan-oriented.”

In a Douban review marked as “useful” by more than 8,000 netizens, fi lm fan Ling Rui writes that audiences who did not watch the several previous Marvel fi lms would feel confused about the plot of “Infi nity War.” (China Daily)