children and young people flyer

CHILDREN & YOUNG PEOPLE Groundwork North East Reaching Their Full Potential

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Groundwork North East's Children and Young People programme area flyer


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Groundwork North East

Reaching Their Full Potential

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CHILDREN & YOUNG PEOPLEReaching Their Full Potential

• Work with 240 schools

• Train 150 Teachers

• Deliver to 8,000 children

• Run 20,000 sessions with young people

• And love what we do!

Groundwork North EastGrosvenor House 29 Market PlaceBishop AucklandCounty Durham

DL14 7NP

Central office 01388 662 666C&[email protected]

Groundwork North East delivers innovative environmental education and positive engagement activities to unlock the full potential of children and young people.

Alternative CurriculumWorking closely with schools, colleges and training providers our dedicated team of qualified youth workers offer a comprehensivepackage of awards and accreditations that help young people raise their self-esteem and realise their potential beyond mainstream learning.

Pioneering programmes such as GreenStart™ have allowed us to develop over 15 years of expertise in delivering unique outdoor learning experiences to young children and families. All our programmes actively support Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum delivery.

In partnership with local authorities and schools we offer pupils a diverse range of memorable outdoor learning experiences tobuild bridges between schools and communities, as well as engaging young people in the environment.

We work in partnership to tackle Anti-Social Behaviour and help children and young people become part of the solution. Weprovide somewhere to go, something to do and someone totalk to, which is the best way of helping young people realise theirown potential and reduce risk of conflict within their community.

Our fully qualified staff deliver comprehensive training packages to professionals working in the education and young people sector, offering nationally recognised accreditations as well as bespoke packages designed to suit individual needs.

Positive Engagement

Staff Development& Training

Learning OutsideThe Classroom

Early Years Education

Sustainable Development Education

Working with schools, we deliver bespoke learning experiences that explore environmental issues and educate children and young people about the importance of sustainability, through a hands-onapproach to learning.

Play RangersPlay Rangers raise awareness of the importance of play whilst ensuring all children have access to regular sessions that combine fun, adventure, creativity and most importantly, good old fashioned playtime.

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CHILDREN & YOUNG PEOPLEReaching Their Full Potential

Groundwork North East

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Groundwork North EastTelephone 01388 662 666

C&[email protected]

CHILDREN & YOUNG PEOPLEReaching Their Full Potential

Our alternative curriculum programmes target young people who are identified as being most at risk of leaving formal education with few qualifications and becoming NEET (Not in Education Employment or Training).

Motiv8An alternative curriculum programme designed to target year 10 and 11 pupils struggling within mainstream curriculum, or who are at risk of exclusion and unlikely to make a positive transition post 16 years. The aim is to enable pupils to take part in a variety of positive learning activities, developing new skills and building self-esteem.


• ASDAN Youth Achievement

& Short Courses

• John Muir

• National Open College

Network (NOCN) Return to Form12 week accredited programme for 16-19 year old NEETS. Designed to re-engage young people with mainstream activities and provide opportunities to undertake a range of qualifications. This course builds skills and confidence and facilitates progression into education, employment and training.

By working closely with schools, colleges and training providers our dedicated team of qualified youth workers offer a comprehensive package of awards and accreditations that help young people raise their self-esteem and realise their potentialbeyond mainstream learning.


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CHILDREN & YOUNG PEOPLEReaching Their Full Potential

Groundwork North East

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Groundwork North EastTelephone 01388 662 666

C&[email protected]

CHILDREN & YOUNG PEOPLEReaching Their Full Potential

Our educational packages use the environment as a catalyst to provide in-depth learning experiences for 0 to 5 year olds and their families.

Our dedicated education team work alongside EYFS advisors to provide a range of EYFS INSET days. All training offered enables and inspires practitioners to embed the principles of outdoor learning into everyday practice, we also work with staff teams, providing bespoke in-house trainingin the form of Professional Development or ‘after school’ Training Sessions.


• Bugs to Balloons: using the outdoors to deliver knowledge and understanding

• Oh No Its Raining: Outdoors in all weathers and the EYFS

• Forest Schools and the EYFS: looking at how Forest Schools can support EYFS delivery

Working with local authorities and child care providers to deliver unique outdoor learning experiences to enhance Early YearsFoundation Stage (EYFS) curriculum delivery.


Since 2002, Groundwork officers have worked with children’s centres and nurseries throughout the North East to deliver GreenStart™, a

regional health and environmental engagement programme for 0 to 5 year olds and their families.

The programme promotes the value of the natural environment for play, learning and wellbeing to children and their families. It aims to meet the needs of the physical, intellectual and social development of babies and young children and encourages parental involvement as part of the children’s development.

GreenStart projects are tailor-made to meet the needs of individual groups but typically include activities such as exploring woodland, healthy walks (tots on tour), bird watching, pond dipping and growing and eating healthy food (tots plots).

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CHILDREN & YOUNG PEOPLEReaching Their Full Potential

Groundwork North East

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Groundwork North EastTelephone 01388 662 666

C&[email protected]

CHILDREN & YOUNG PEOPLEReaching Their Full Potential


We work with local authorities to assist schools to deliver Learning Outside the Classroom (LOTC). Our programmes are designed to offer pupils a diverse range of memorable learning experiences that help to build bridges between schools andcommunities and engage young people in the environment.


MORE TREES MORE GOODThis project is delivered on behalf of the Woodland Trust. Participants take part in tree planting and woodland education sessions, tailored to either primary or secondary pupils.

FOREST SCHOOLSThis programme takes the curriculum into nature’s classroom, providing a range of practical and exciting learning experiences.

GRAVESTONE DETECTIVESA heritage project connectingschools with important local heritage sites. Using gravestones as an educational resource, pupils explore local history and investigate using heritage research techniques. The programme also seeks to restore the gravestones and install interpretation panels.

SCHOOL GROUNDS PROJECTSInvolve the ‘whole school community’ in developing and improving school grounds. In partnership we ensure the grounds are designed to facilitate outdoor learning experiences and enhance their play value. We also advise on funding opportunities available to assist schools implement their ideas.

Through our Outdoor and Sustainability Education Service (OASES) we also offer an expert consultancy service advising schools on best practice and enabling them to deliver effective LOTC.

When planned and implemented well, learning outside the classroom contributes significantly to raising standards and improving pupils’ personal, social and emotional development.

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CHILDREN & YOUNG PEOPLEReaching Their Full Potential

Groundwork North East

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Groundwork North EastTelephone 01388 662 666

C&[email protected]

CHILDREN & YOUNG PEOPLEReaching Their Full Potential

Play Rangers raise awareness of the importance of play whilst ensuring all children have access to regular sessions that combine fun, adventure, creativity and most importantly, good old fashioned playtime.


Play DevelopmentWe believe that a ‘safe’ play space can also be exciting. Our play team works with local authorities and communities to develop strategies to enhance the play offer across the region. Our in-house landscape architects design playful spaces that have a low environmental impact and are rich naturalistic areas.

THE BENEfITS Of PLAY: • Increased self-awareness, self esteem and self respect

• Improve and maintain physical and mental health

• Opportunity to develop social skills in a safe and relaxed environment

• Increased confidence through developing new skills

• Promote imagination, independence and creativity

• Over 1,300 play sessions delivered each year

• 18,600 young people attended play sessions each year

Working to deliver quality play activities utilising local parks, open spaces and indoor areas, the Play Rangers work towards the ‘three frees’ ethos: • Activities are free to access

• Children are free to choose what they do • Participants are free to come and go from the sessions as they please

Play In SchoolsPlay Rangers work with both primary and secondary schools to deliver diverse sessions offering bespoke play activities that can be shaped around both the curriculum and pupil’s aspirations.

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CHILDREN & YOUNG PEOPLEReaching Their Full Potential

Groundwork North East

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Groundwork North EastTelephone 01388 662 666

C&[email protected]

CHILDREN & YOUNG PEOPLEReaching Their Full Potential

Groundwork North East’s team of qualified youth workers, works alongside local authorities, housing associations andthe police to tackle Anti-Social Behaviour and help children and young people become part of the solution.

We believe providing somewhere to go, something to do and someone to talk to is the best way of helping young people realise their own potential and reduce risk of conflict within their community.


Particip8Particip8 offers young people the opportunity to work alongside our team of qualified youth workers who act as mentors, offering one-to-one sessions to develop a programme of activities for the young person based around their interests.Sessions are designed to increase confidence enabling independence and responsibility, as well asincreasing the capacity to solve problems, manage emotions and relationships.


This estate based approach is helping to reduce youth related ASB identified in neighbourhoods. The scheme tackles the multiple barriers young people face by involving them in local decision-making and identifying activities for young people to do. Activities range from neighbourhood clean-ups to dj-ing workshops and are designed to offer young people positive outlets for their energy and creativity.

Funded by the Big Lottery Fund this project works with young people aged 10 – 18 years old ‘hanging around’ street corners, particularly in areas with shops. It addresses the concerns of communities by working in partnership with other services to improve local areas. Young people carry out small environmental improvements in partnership with the local businesses and organisations, developing mutual respect.

EACH YEAR, WE:• Have over 15,000 attendances

• Work with over 2,000 individual young people

• Run more than 1,500 sessions

• Work with over 50 partners from voluntary, statutory and private sectors

• Help young people to raise £20,000 towards projects

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CHILDREN & YOUNG PEOPLEReaching Their Full Potential

Groundwork North East

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Groundwork North EastTelephone 01388 662 666

C&[email protected]

CHILDREN & YOUNG PEOPLEReaching Their Full Potential

Groundwork North East works with colleges and training providers to offer comprehensive training packages to professionals working in the education and young people sector.

All sessions are delivered by fully qualified trainers, offering nationally recognised accreditations and bespoke packages designed to suit individual needs.


Inset TrainingAimed at employees who are responsible for delivering environmental projects within their organisations such as Eco Schools. Our team of qualified trainers ensure staff are equipped with the skillsand knowledge they need to successfully deliver such programmes.

NVQsNationally recognised qualifications in youth and play work delivered locally. The aim is to enable participants to take part in a varietyof positive learning activities and achieve the skills and competencies required within their role.


• NVQ level two & three in youth work

• NVQ play work • Minimum Standards working with children & young people

• Introduction to working with young people

• Inset teacher training

Self DesignClient tailored packages aimed at organisations who find themselves coming into contact with children and young people although they are not the core service within their business. We work with the police, community safety, housing providers and volunteer groups amongst others.

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CHILDREN & YOUNG PEOPLEReaching Their Full Potential

Groundwork North East

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Groundwork North EastTelephone 01388 662 666

C&[email protected]

CHILDREN & YOUNG PEOPLEReaching Their Full Potential


We work with schools to deliver bespoke learning experiences that explore environmental issues and educate children and young people about the importance of sustainability. Sessions provide pupils with the opportunity to make decisions based on real life scenarios adopting a hands-on approach to learning.

We also offer schools an Environmental Review Service, ensuring legislative compliance and effective resource management through our Outdoor And Sustainability Education Service (OASES).


GREEN CHECKThis programme harnesses pupils’ power to implement an Environmental Management System in their school. Allowing schools to work towards reducing their environmental impacts and achieving the Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS) award.

OASES, SUSTAINABLESCHOOLS SUPPORTAssisting schools to initiate and complete the s3 self evaluation tool. The OASES team can actively support schools to make progress through the eight ‘doorways’ of the National Framework for Sustainable Schools.

ECO- TWINSGaining an international perspective on travel and transport issues. Successes include schools in Sunderland who were supported whilst investigating the opportunities for sustainable transport alongside their link schools in France.

Schools should give all pupils the opportunity to put their understanding of local issues into aglobal context, so that they can see how their decisions can have an impact on others now and in the future.