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Child Labour

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Post on 08-Aug-2015




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Child Labour

Who is a child?

A “child” is not necessarilydelineated by a fixed age.

According to the scientists,it is impossible to determine the abilities and maturities of children by his/her calendar age.

What is child labour? The term child labour is used for

employment of children below a certain age, which is considered

illegal by law and custom.

It is work for children that harms them or exploits them

in someway (physically, mentally, morally or by blocking access to


According to a recent estimate of the International Labour Organisation (ILO), more than 120 million children between the ages of 5-14 are employed as full time labourers around the world. A good number of such children labour in the most hazardous and dangerous industries. In India itself, it is estimated that there are at least 44 million child labourers in the age group of 5-14.

Causes of child labour

Overexploitation of population.

Decrease of resources.Decrease in literacy.Increase in poverty.Increase in unemployment.Lack of schooling and daily


Child labour statistics

One in every six children aged 5 to 14 worldwide is exploited by child labour.

There are approximately 9 million children involved in the unconditional worst forms of child labour.

• According to a recent estimate of the International Labour Organisation (ILO), more than 120 million children between the ages of 5-14 are employed as full time labourers around the world.

Child Labour around the world




International regulation governing the prohibition of

child labour

Their employment in work harmful to their morals or health or dangerous to life or likely to hamper their normal development should be punishable by law. States should also set age limits below which they paid employment of child labour should be prohibited and punishable by law.

Bangle Industry in India: The Cruel Darkness Behind The Vibrant Hues

• Bangle is a type of ornament worn mostly by South Asian women in different style. It is most famous in India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka, and is worn in Bangladesh too. 

•  Firozabad in Uttar Pradesh is the largest producer of glass bangles in the world. 

There is also a black side of the bangle industry. Child labour is still used extensively in Sadar Bazar market of Firozabad. A child labourer there said that he works in bangle factory for 8 hours and manages to earn 30 to 35 rupees a day. He has no time for studies and he does not have any option.

Rag Pickers• Most of the rag-pickers are

extremely poor, illiterate, and belong to rural immigrant families. Many commence their profession at the young age of five to eight years. Most of them never attend any school or have any formal education. Most of their families are in need of extra incomes from these young children.


• While children are collecting rags they are subjected to chemical poisons and infections. Because of malnutrition they suffer from retarded growth and anemia. The rag pickers are very prone to diseases like tuberculosis and cancer due to their exposure to hazardous materials.

• Life would not remain the same for over 2,000 child labourers working as domestic help, rag-pickers or begging across the district. They have been rescued, rehabilitated and offered primary education by the officials of labour department. The initiative is part of NCLP (National Child Labour Project) The rescued children now hope that good opportunities await them, once they complete their studies.

Child labour in Firecrackers Factory• As many prepare to light

up a sparkler to celebrate Diwali, spare a thought for the around 40,000 children employed in the hazardous firecrackers industry in Sivakasi, Tamil Nadu, for whom the festival simply translates into more forced work. There are over 60 million child labourers in India.

• Accidents in the firecrackers factories are fairly common. And even though the local employers’ union claims there is no child labour, casualties in accidents tell a different story. In July last year, an accident in a licensed unit, V.B.M. Fireworks, left three children dead. In August this year, eight revenue and police officials were killed while inspecting an unlicensed unit.

The childhood of human life is full of joy,immense happiness, play but ironically, these children work to support themselves and their families.


In 1996, Mumbai launched CHILDLINE, the country's first toll-free tele-helpline for street children in distress. As of March 2011, total of 21 Million calls since inception have been serviced by CHILDLINE service and operates in 255cities/districts in 30 States and UTs through its network of 415 partner organisations across India.

Regulation and prohibition actThis was declared

by the parliament on 23rd December, 1986.

It includes Prohibition of employment of children in certain occupations and processes.

No child shall be employed or permitted to work in any of the occupations which are hazardous by its nature.

• Any person who employs any child in contravention of the provisions of section 3 of the Act shall be punishable with imprisonment for a term which shall not be less than three months but which may extend to Rs. 20,000 or both. After having been convicted, any one committing a like offence shall be punishable with imprisonment for a term which shall not be less than six months but which may extend to two years.

Bachpan Bachao Andolan is an India-based movement campaigning for the rights of children. Its focus since formation in 1980 has centred on ending child labour and demanding the right to education for all children.

Conclusion At last we can say that the future of a community is in the well being of its children.

It is urgently required by implementing the international regulation for prohibition of child labour to ensure that they are given opportunities for healthy normal and happy growth of child’s mental physical , educational and spiritual development.

So if the governments of those countries where child labour is a curse take necessary step to implement the international regulation for prohibition of child labour properly then we can hope that this regulation play a successful part to demolish the child labour from the world and from the humanity.

There is urgent need to provide these children a life of Dignity and opportunities to….

Dare Dream and Do!

Let’s Pledge to Stop Child Labour

Thank You

Tejpal Kaur and Meghali SinghArts Stream