child abuse - sexual harassment in-service training

West End Church of Christ Child Abuse – Sexual Harassment In- Service Dr. Robert Wilson, Elder 1

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Post on 20-Jun-2015




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  • 1. Dr. Robert Wilson, Elder 1

2. Overview Types of AbuseIndicators of AbuseMandated ReportersDisclosureReporting Suicide IdeationGods Response to AbuseSexual HarassmentPrevention 2 3. Children are Blessings Psalm 127: 3-5Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruitof the womb a reward. Like arrows in the hand of awarrior are the children of ones youth. Blessed is theman who fills his quiver with them! He shall not be putto shame when he speaks with his enemies in the gate. 3 4. John 16:21 When a woman is giving birth, she has sorrowbecause her hour is come, but when she hasdelivered the baby, she no longer remembers theanguish, for joy that a human being has been borninto the world.4 5. Types of Abuse Physical Abuse Emotional Abuse Neglect Sexual Abuse 5 6. Physical Abuse The non-accidentalphysical injury of a childGA Code Section 19-7-5 6 7. Physical AbuseIs the visible and widely recognized form of child abuse (marks, lacerations, bruises, welts, scratches, burns unexplained fractures/dislocations, and unexplained spots.) Marks, Bruises, and Abrasion 7 8. Physical AbuseIndicators Has unexplained burns, bites, bruises, broken bonesor black eyes Has fading bruises or other marks noticeable after anabsence from school Seems frightened of the parents and protests or crieswhen it is time to go home Shrinks at the approach of adults Reports injury by a parent or another adult caregiver8 9. A pattern of behavior that impairsa childs emotional developmentor sense of self-worth 9 10. Emotional AbuseVerbal abuse or other maltreatment resulting in impaired psychologicalgrowth and in extreme cases, impaired physical development.Screaming, Yelling, Profanity, and Name Calling 10 11. Emotional Abuse Indicators Shows extremes in behavior Inappropriately adult or infantile Is delayed in physical or emotional development Has attempted suicide Reports a lack of attachment to the parent11 12. The failure of a parent, guardian, or othercaregiver to provide for a childs basic needs.This can also include failure to protect themfrom a known risk of harm or danger12 13. Physical NeglectIs most often seen through hoarding food, poor hygiene, inappropriatedress, inadequate supervision, un-met medical needs, and frequentunexcused absences.13 14. Neglect Is frequently absent from school Begs or steals food or money Lacks needed medical or dental care,immunizations, glasses, etc. Is consistently dirty and has severe body odor Lacks sufficient clothing for the weather Abuses alcohol or drugs States that there is no one at home to provide care14 15. Guidelines for Supervision(Child Protective Services) Children 8 or under should never be left alone Children between 9 12 (based on level of maturity)may be left alone for brief periods of time (less thantwo hours) Children 13 years old or older (based on a level ofmaturity) may be left alone and may perform therole of a babysitter, as authorized by the parent, forup to 12 hours. 15 16. Anything done with a child for thesexual gratification of an adult orolder child(VIDEO)16 17. Sexual Abuse- Indicators Has difficulty walking or sitting Suddenly refuses to change for gym or to participatein physical activities Reports nightmares or bedwetting Experiences a sudden change in appetite Demonstrates bizarre, sophisticated or unusualsexual knowledge or behavior Becomes pregnant or contracts a sexuallytransmitted disease Runs away 17 18. Sexual Abuse Exploitation, trafficking, Pornographic Material, advance knowledge ofsexual activity, difficultly standing, sitting, or walking, itching or rubbingof genitals and play behaviorExploitation and Trafficking 18 19. Commercial SexualExploitation of Children Indicators When individuals buy, trade, or sell sexual acts witha child Branding or tattooing Withdrawn and uncommunicative Large amounts of money Inappropriate dress or poor hygiene Runaway or lack of adult supervision/support19 20. Reasons For AbuseMany people have difficulty understanding why a personwould harm a child. Children are abused for many reasonsas a result of a combination of life stressors and complexissues. The following are examples of stressors which maylead to abuse, but not limited to these cited examples:StressA crisis or series of crisesLack of Parenting Knowledge and SkillsSubstance AbuseTrans-generational Violence 20 21. Ways To Prevent Child Abuse Value and Support Parents Strengthen Parenting Facilitate Friendships and Mutual Support Respond to Family Crises Link Families to Services and Opportunities Further Childrens Social and EmotionalDevelopment Observe and Respond to Early Warning Signs ofAbuse and Neglect21 22. 22 23. Suicidal Thoughts, Threats or Gestures Suicide is the 3rd most common cause of death among youth 10-24years old. Of reported suicides among 10 to 24 age group, 83% of the deathswere males and 17% were females. However, girls are more likelyto report attempting suicide than boys. The top three methods of suicide among young people includefirearm (46%), suffocation (39%), and poisoning (8%) 15% of students in the grades 9-12 reported seriously consideringsuicide, 11% reported creating a plan, and 7% reported trying totake their own life in the 12 months preceding the survey.Suicide in Georgia State and County Statistics(2005) and Suicide Prevention (2008) 23 24. What to LISTEN and LOOK for Behavioral & Situational:Verbal: Increased apathyI wish I were dead Increased risk taking or self destructive behaviorsI wont be around muchlonger. Sudden decline orIf (such and such) does or improvement in academicdoesnt happen, Ill kill myself. performanceIm going to end it all. Recent disappointment or rejectionsWho cares if Im deadanyway. Death of friend or family member, especially if by suicide 24 25. &Other Serious Incidents25 26. Mandated Reporters Section 19-7-5 of the Official Code of GeorgiaAnnotated, relating to reporting child abuse,designated several categories of individuals asmandated reporters who having reasonable causeto believe that a child has been abused shall report orcause reports of that abuse to be made All child service organization personnel aremandated reporters26 27. Elders EverybodyWhos Minister DeaconsMandated to SundayReport: SchoolTeachers WednesdayoSNight BibleSchoolTeachers Coordinators VBS workers YouthWorkers YouthDirectors EveryMember ofthe church 27 28. Penalties for Not Reporting Any person or official is required by Georgia Law toreport suspected cases of child maltreatment andwho knowingly and willfully fails to do so shall beguilt of a misdemeanor 28 29. Obeying the Law of the LandRomans 13: 3 - 53 For rulers are not a terror to good conduct, but to bad.Would you have no fear of the one who is in authority?Then do what is good, and you will receive hisapproval, 4 for he is Gods servant for your good. But ifyou do wrong, be afraid, for he does not bear the swordin vain. For he is the servant of God, an avenger whocarries out Gods wrath on the wrongdoer. 5 Thereforeone must be in subjection, not only to avoid Godswrath but also for the sake of conscience. 29 30. What to do When a ChildDiscloses Do Do1. Find a private place to 5. Report the disclosure to talk with the childone of the coordinators2. Reassure the child6. Respect the childs need3. Listen openly andfor confidentiality calmly4. Write down the facts and words as the child has stated them 30 31. Protocol The person suspecting abuseshould notify one of thecoordinators. One of the coordinators willnotify Robert Wilson, elderand should DFACS becalled, he will be thereporting agent to DFACS Robert Wilson will notifyleadership 31 32. Prevent Child Abuse DFACS Intake Telephone Number 1-855-422-445332 33. 33 34. Corporal Punishment In Georgia, Corporal Punishment is legal. Abuse isnot. Corporal Punishment is any physical punishment ofa child to inflict pain as a deterrent to wrong doing. It may produce transitory pain and potentialbruising. If pain and bruising are not excessive or undulysevere and result only in short-term discomfort, thisis not considered maltreatment - Georgia DFCS 34 35. Corporal Punishment No youth worker shalluse corporal punishmentfor any reason. Physical force mayONLY be used when itis an alternative to agreater harm. Any use of physical forceshould be reported to thecoordinator immediately The coordinator shouldnotify Robert Wilson,elder immediately35 36. Gods Response ToDisciplineThe Bible teaches that physical discipline is appropriate, beneficial, and necessary. This does not advocate child abuse. A child should never be disciplined physically to the extent that causes physical damage to the child.36 37. Proverbs 23: 12-1412 Apply your heart to instructionand your ear to words of knowledge.13 Do not withhold discipline from achild; if you strike him with a rod, he willnot die.14 If you strike him with the rod,you will save his soul from Sheol. 37 38. Proverbs 13: 24 Whoever spares the rod hates hisson, but he who loves him is diligentto discipline him.[e]38 39. Reflection on Gods WordChildren who are not disciplinedoften grow up rebellious, will haveno respect for authority, and thuswill find it difficult to willingly obeyand follow God. 39 40. 40 41. Sexual HarassmentAs defined by the Equal Employment OpportunityCommission (EEOC) and the Office of Civil Rights(OCR)Sexual Harassment consists of :1. unwelcome sexual advances2. requests for sexual favors3. sexually-motivated physical conduct4. other verbal or physical conduct or communication of sexual nature 41 42. Gods Response to Sexual Harassment 4: 4-8 I Thessalonians4 that each one of you know how to control his ownbody[c] in holiness and honor, 5 not in the passion of lustlike the Gentiles who do not know God; 6 that no onetransgress and wrong his brother in this matter,because the Lord is an avenger in all these things, as wetold you beforehand and solemnly warned you. 7 ForGod has not called us for impurity, but in holiness.8 Therefore whoever disregards this, disregards notman but God, who gives his Holy Spirit to you.42 43. Sexual Harassment What is or is not sexual harassment depends upon allthe surrounding circumstances Depending upon such circumstances, examples ofsexual harassment may include, but are not limitedto the following: 43 44. Examples of SexualHarassment Verbal harassment or abuse Subtle pressure for sexual activity Unwelcome or inappropriate sexually-motivatedtouching Offensive or unwelcome sexual advances orpropositions Unwelcome, intentional touching of intimate bodyparts Graphic or degrading verbal comments about anindividual or his/her physical attributes 44 45. Examples of Sexual Harassment Display of sexually suggestive comments or gestures Lewd or suggestive comments or gestures Off color language or jokes of sexual nature Demanding sexual favors accompanied by impliedor overt threats concerning an individualemployment or educational status Demanding sexual favors accompanied by impliedor overt promises of preferential treatment withregard to an individuals employment or educationalstatus45 46. Responsibility of the person feeling harassed Voice your Objection Let the alleged offender know that their behavior isunwelcomed and intolerable Let the alleged offender know that their behaviormust cease Warn of next steps if their behavior is repeated Document: date, time, locationIf the behavior is repeated: Document and report the incident to the elders 46 47. Overt Behavior These actions are considered assault- a criminalmatter Inappropriate touching of a sexual natureSteps you should take: Object Immediately Report the offense immediately to the elders 47 48. Protocol For Reporting Sexual Harassment Reports of sexual harassment should be documentedon a incident report All reports should be submitted to one of the elders Elders will meet with alleged victim and the allegedperpetrator Referrals for next steps 48 49. References Georgia Department of Human Services 404-657-3400 National Parent Helpline 855-427-2736 Child Welfare Information Gateway 800-394-3366 Strengthening Families 202-371-1565 Georgia Department of Education Atlanta Public School- Social Work Department49