cheminform abstract: intramolecularly two-centered cooperation catalysis for the synthesis of cyclic...

ChemInform 2009, 40, issue 09 © 2009 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Dioxole derivatives R 0170 Intramolecularly Two-Centered Cooperation Catalysis for the Synthesis of Cyclic Carbonates from CO 2 and Epoxides. — Bifunctional catalysts containing an electro- philic salen-type center and a sterically hindered nucleophilic center of the MTBD-type are developed and PSL is found to be optimal for the transformations. Chiral propylene oxide (IIIa) affords the carbonate product with retention of configuration. However, the attempt to prepare optically active (IIIa) from the racemic educt in the presence of chiral PSL is not effective. — (ZHANG, X.; JIA, Y.-B.; LU, X.-B.; LI, B.; WANG, H.; SUN*, L.-C.; Tetrahedron Lett. 49 (2008) 46, 6589-6592; State Key Lab. Fine Chem., Dalian Univ. Technol., Dalian 116012, Peop. Rep. China; Eng.) — Mais 09- 117

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Page 1: ChemInform Abstract: Intramolecularly Two-Centered Cooperation Catalysis for the Synthesis of Cyclic Carbonates from CO2 and Epoxides

Dioxole derivativesR 0170 Intramolecularly Two-Centered Cooperation Catalysis for the Synthesis of Cyclic

Carbonates from CO2 and Epoxides. — Bifunctional catalysts containing an electro-philic salen-type center and a sterically hindered nucleophilic center of the MTBD-type are developed and PSL is found to be optimal for the transformations. Chiral propylene oxide (IIIa) affords the carbonate product with retention of configuration. However, the attempt to prepare optically active (IIIa) from the racemic educt in the presence of chiral PSL is not effective. — (ZHANG, X.; JIA, Y.-B.; LU, X.-B.; LI, B.; WANG, H.; SUN*, L.-C.; Tetrahedron Lett. 49 (2008) 46, 6589-6592; State Key Lab. Fine Chem., Dalian Univ. Technol., Dalian 116012, Peop. Rep. China; Eng.) — Mais

09- 117

ChemInform 2009, 40, issue 09 © 2009 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim