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Chayolei Kislev


Page 1: Chayolei Kislev


Newsletter Vol. 5 Issue 1 - Kislev 5772

ב“כסלו תשע -שנה ה גליון א

THE דדד“““בסבסבס

Inside this issue:



P. 6P. 6



P. 21P. 21



P. 749P. 749



P. 0P. 0

Page 2: Chayolei Kislev


The Chayolei Monthly

The Chayolei Hamelech

Monthly Newsle-er

A project of the CCH Keep-

in-Touch ini�a�ve, pow-

ered by the Chayolei

Hamelech main office.

This newsle$er is published to help

campers and staff of Chayolei Hamelech

to relive their best summer ever and to

assist them in soothing their pain of

being away from camp during the year.

The content included inside is for the

eyes of Chayolei staff and campers

exclusively. No responsibility is taken

for those who were not present there

and dare to read this publica�on.

The CCH Newsle-er

Editorial Commi-ee




Shmoozel Leemanov

Contribu�ng editors:

BomBom and Co.

The Rat

The Tzfa�




Lishnarino and others


Father of CCH

Hey guys how’s it been since

you left camp! I hope everyone

is having a great year!

I can’t believe it’s already Kis-

lev! There is so much that I

could write about it! Here’s

something small - but im-


We all know that the month of

Kislev is the month with the

most Chassidishe Yomim To-

vim. Starting with; Rosh Cho-

desh, one of the most important

days of the year for a Chossid

in Dor Hashviyi.

It was Shmini Atzeres 5738

after the Rebbe suffered a heart

attack, 770 was in a big confu-

sion, no one knew what to do.

Chassidim never experienced

such a thing - that we cannot

see or be together with the Reb-

be. Our Rebbe was in a sense

concealed from our eyes! Many

“Choshuveh” people tried

giving ideas of what to do,

some said; we must say

Tehillim, some said; we must

be absolutely quite so the Reb-

be can rest, and so on. There

were Rosh Yeshivos, Mash-

pieim, and Eltere Chassidim

and nobody knew what the

right thing to do was. Until a

message came from the Reb-

be’s room, in the name of the

Rebbe; “if you want me to feel

better, then dance with the most

Simcha possible!”

And that is just what the Chas-

sidim did the rest of Yom Tov,

they danced until they had no

more strength, and then they

danced some more!

And finally on Rosh Chodesh

Kislev the Rebbe left 770 for

the first time since Simchas


Soldiers of the Rebbe! We stand in a time when our

Gashmius’dike eyes can't see

the Rebbe, we have this

"Mechitza" that is blocking our

view, and the last thing that we

heard from the Rebbe MH”M

about how to bring the Geulah

is through learning Inyonei

Geulah U’Moshiach, each one

on his level, to learn about the

Geulah and what we can do to

help bring Moshiach faster.

But as well as that, we must

remember one very important

thing, we must always be

Besimcha and like the Rebbe

says; “from our Simcha, will

come the Simcha Amitis” with

the Hisgalus of the Rebbe

Melech Hamoshiach now!

Have a great year!

Your head counselor,


Page 3: Chayolei Kislev

Your attention all

campers and counse-

lors, your attention

please! There is less

than seven thousand

hours left until camp


That means that there is

only three thousand

hours left to sleep.

One thousand hours to

brush your teeth

(continue brushing if

yellow remains).

One thousand hours to

say goodbye to Tatty

and Mommy and pack.

One thousand hours to

wait for the camp video

(or journal?).

Less than one thousand

hours to read this and

upcoming newsletters.

And one minute to eat

your sandwich!

Yup that’s right! One

minute left to eat your

sandwich. If you finish

eating before the minute

is over, you can also do

your homework (you

might want to take “fast

homework” lessons!)

Bottom line:

finish up your

sandwich and

do you r

h om e w o r k

fast, because

camp is going

to begin.


Kislev Edition

Page 4: Chayolei Kislev

The Chayolei Monthly


Dear Diary

High! Sea I lernt how to spel a litel more. I gest wunted to tel yu

wat eye hav bin duing

laytlee ferst I waz lisen-

ing two myami boyz

quayer and dey were

skweeking more then

mee but that waz last

weak enyway I danced-

ed with the torah on

simches torah and dat

waz awlso a nog tyme ago but I hav not ritten 2 u in so so long oh

look this thing I piked up off of the flur eye think eye can Eet it my

shirt is yelo and blak eeven though wen eye put it on 3 dayz ago it

waz wite now we r geting redy for rosh choidesh kislev we are go-

ingtu hav a massiv farbrangenish. Did yu no they payved kingsten

avenyu and now know 1 has to trip when they walk ecsept for pee-

pool lyke me hu sumtymes don't look wen dey walk (I tryed to spel

don't. Without dat litel yud in between the en and the tea but my

computeh dosent no how to spel so it puts deh yud there auter-

maticly) remember de atm in camp? He was funnny and I luved

camp and de bunkhowzes and all de fun in nite activiti and shabbis

and all deh free pops and laphy taphyeez my mummee sez dat so

mutch candee iz not so good for me but we no beter rite?

Page 5: Chayolei Kislev

Kislev Edition


Eye lernt to be a good riter you hav to hav brakes between sum

of the wordz dats y I mayde a brake

now did you no dat it snowded a few

weeks ago I don't have a cote but itz

fine becoz I have a lot of tishuze for

wen I catch a cold ooh a ranning

nose datz discussting elso eye am not

so good at caughting stuf so eyem

not two wurrid hav yu ever eeten

sooshi it tayst so good but I don't no

wat it iz so let me tel u ebout my weak so far firstlee eye went

to lefertz park and I stil hav these litel blak turf stuf in my

shooz eye wil tayke them out won of theyze dayz and we playd

hoola hoops it waz lodez of fun in skool I lernt ebout yitzchok

in the parsha his name iz funnee (get it?) I went to my frendz

hous and we playded a bunch of gaymz and we watchted a

videeoh ebout uncool moyshe hu iz as silee uz uncool

chatzcool and den eye went home but I walked slowlee becoz I

wantid to stay up past my bed tyme and elso oh man I have a

phew holes in my soks bye the way my frend mumee maykes be-

te mins meet den my mumee (eye hope she dosint confisgate my

dieree egain and reed this) k supeh tyme I hav to go we r having

minst meet


Love me!

Pe es I showereded more tymes dis

past week then deh hole sumer in


Pe es dats onlee becoz it rainded alot

Page 6: Chayolei Kislev

The Chayolei Monthly


So there I was, lounging in my oh-

so-comfortable couch, when I get

a phone call from a very scary per-

son, who tells me the interview is

needed for the first

newsletter of the

new year. At first I

didn't believe him,

because the Journal

still didn't come out

yet. But he - as I

told you already - is

very scary, so I told

him I'd get right to

it and write the in-

terview as soon as possible.

Three weeks have passed and here

I am.

I needed someone to interview,

someone really funny.

So who would it be? Just then I

saw one of my favorite people in

the world and asked him to con-

nect me on the phone to his

brother, and there I was in the

middle of Kingston Ave (literally)

interviewing the funniest person I

know - BERKO! Yes lifeguard Yis-

roel Berkowitz!

CN: Hello.

YB: Hello, who is this?

CN: This is me. I'm call-

ing from The Chayolei

Newsletter Inc.

YB: I can't hear you. All

I hear are cars beeping,

maybe get off the road.

CN: Okay, is that bet-


YB: Yes

CN: Good, also the cars were get-

ting mad at me. So can we inter-


YB: I'd rather not, I think I did this

last week.

CN: Great! Question 1 - Well,

what's up?

YB: The ceiling or helium. Is this a

trick question?

Page 7: Chayolei Kislev

Kislev Edition


CN: Where are you now?

YB: I'm in the hallway.

CN: No, No. Where in the world

are you?

YB: Oh back in my home state -

California - right near Uncle Crazy

(no offense to my uncle)

CN: So you ever think about


YB: All the time. My linen still has

that smell, how could I not?

CN: That's it?

YB: No. Also my towels and


CN: I mean what else about


YB: The Staff trip.

CN: And?

YB: After lights out.

CN: I feel like you're not being


YB: How could you feel anything?

We're speaking through a tele-


CN: Oy. What else is news?

YB: Well I

finally got

used to

not walk-


around in

a bathing

suit all

day long.

CN: It took you so long?

YB: Yeah! It was bad. Tahalucha

was the worst, you should have

seen the looks I was getting.

CN: You're joking...

YB: I'm not sure if that's a question

or a statement.

CN: I was really just talking to


YB: Yes, you seem to do that a


CN: Anyway, I'm going to go. I've

walked all the way down I'm past


YB: Well enjoy the walk back up.

CN: Any last messages?

YB: Yes. I really miss camp. I sing

all the songs and do all the fun

stuff all day. I send my best re-

gards to all the campers that re-

member me! And see you in 770 -

Yerushalayim NOW!

CN: Amen. Thanks for your time.

YB: You didn't give me an option

Page 8: Chayolei Kislev

The Chayolei Monthly











6 7





Fill in the boxes with English


Below are the hints that tell

you which word to put in.


2. The absolutely marvelous night ______

4. Our EMT is a also a ___

5. Watch your back___

6. Yanki Greenberg ____ to town

10. Who is the king of corny jokes? ______

11. We want _________ NOW!

12. Hayom Yom Huledet Yossi __________


1. Chayolei is in ____________

3. Kol Hakavod ____ Meod

6. Uncle _______

7. Zushe der _______

8. ______! Woooooooooow!

9. Yossel has a ____

Page 9: Chayolei Kislev

Q: Why should bowling alleys be quite?

A: So you can hear a pin drop!

Kislev Edition


Q: Why did the police go to the baseball g


A: Because someone was stealing a base!

Q: Why can’t a bicycle stand up? A: Because it’s two 8red!

Q: Why did the basketball player go to the doctor?

A: He wasn’t ge:ng enough shots!

Q: What does a winner of a race lose?

A: His breath!

Page 10: Chayolei Kislev

The Chayolei Monthly


All this popcorn and

pizza is making me


Page 11: Chayolei Kislev

Kislev Edition



5658: The 'Rashag' (the Rebbes

brother-in-law)'s birthday.

5738: The Rebbe MH"M returns

home for the first time since Shmini



5748: The Seforim (that were

stolen) were returned to the library.


5564: The wedding of the Tzemach

Tzedek (to the Mitteler Rebbe's



5689: The Rebbe MH"M's 'Tenoim'.


5534: The Mitteler Rebbe's


5588: The Mitteler Rebbe's



5587: The Mitteler Rebbe was

released from prison.


5689: The Rebbe MH"M's 'Uffruf'.


5746: The federal court ruled that

the Rebbe MH"M does not have to

come to court. ("being that a King

does not testify!")


5689: The Rebbe MH"M's wedding.


The Alter Rebbe (at five years old)

becomes a member of the Chevraya



5533: The Mezritcher Maggid's


5559: The Alter Rebbe was released

from prison - "Rosh Hashanah


5559: Menucha Rochel (the Mitteler

Rebbes daughter)'s birthday.


5557: The Tanya was officially printed

for the first time.

5559: The Alter Rebbe finally reunites

with the Chasidim.


5621: The Rebbe Rashab's Bris (even

though he was born Chof Cheshvan).


5561: The Alter Rebbe was released

from prison after his second arrest.


5561: (Some say that this is the day

the Alter Rebbe was freed from prison

the second time, and some say) Chas-

sidim were released from prison.

חודש כסלו

Page 12: Chayolei Kislev

The Chayolei Monthly


“What will be with me?” thought Yaa-

kov to himself, depressed. “When will

my luck start to change?”

It was only a few short years since

Yaakov ben Ari had made the deci-

sion to return to Jewish observance

and had become close to Chabad

Chassidism. He had studied in various

Chabad Yeshivos, including the Reb-

be’s own Yeshivah in Brooklyn. Now

Yaakov was close to 30 years old and

eager to start a family of his own.

However, his unique background and

his relatively advanced age compared

to his friends made this no simple


At the time Yaakov was studying in a

Yeshivah in Kfar Chabad, Israel. One

night, while sleeping in the Yeshivah

dormitory, Yaakov dreamt that he saw

the Rebbe, surrounded by Chassidim.

As the Rebbe and the Chassidim

passed, Yaakov tried to join them but

did not succeed. At one point he was

able to grab the jacket of one of the

Chassidim, and begged him to please

approach the Rebbe and ask him for

a blessing to get married. The Chassid

agreed happily, approached the Reb-

be and then returned to Yaakov and

said, “The Rebbe says that you should

speak to Rabbi Abuchatzeira.”

When Yaakov woke up, the dream

was still vivid in his mind and he was

at a loss to interpret its meaning. Why

was the Rebbe sending him to Rabbi


He also did not know exactly where to

turn, as the famous Kabbalist Rabbi

Yisrael Abuchatzeira, the Baba Sali of

blessed memory, had recently passed

away. Yaakov happened to have been

one of the last people to receive a

blessing from Rabbi Abuchatzeira. It

was on Shabbat, 3 Shvat, 1984, the

day before the Baba Sali’s passing.

Yaakov had been invited for a Shab-

bat meal with a family in Beersheba

who lived not far from him. That

week, one of the guests was the rabbi

of the nearby Soroka hospital. After

the meal, the rabbi mentioned that he

was going to walk to the hospital and

visit Baba Sali, who was then hospital-

ized. He suggested that Yaakov join


When Yaakov entered the Baba Sali’s

room, the attendant introduced him

The Rebbe’s message that came in a dream

Page 13: Chayolei Kislev

Kislev Edition


as a returnee to Judaism who had

become close to Chabad. The Baba

Sali, despite his frailty and pain,

raised himself up, placed his hands

on Yaakov’s head and gave him a


Now Yaakov wondered if there was

a connection between that event

and his dream. He also wondered

who he should turn to now, after the

passing of the Baba Sali.

After consulting with his Rav, Rabbi

Yosef Yitzchak Wilschansky, the

head of the Chabad Yeshivah in

Tzfas, Yaakov decided that he would

visit a Kabbalist of the Abuchatzeira

family who lived in his city of Beer-

sheba. Thus, Yaakov arrived at the

home of Rabbi Elazar Abuchatzeira

of blessed memory, a grandson of

the Baba Sali.

As was his custom, Baba Elazar sat

with his head downcast and his eyes

closed. An attendant was also pre-

sent in the room, and Yaakov told

the attendant, in the Rabbi’s pres-

ence, the purpose of his visit. He

described his dream in short and

asked for a blessing to get married.

The attendant repeated his words to

the Rabbi and the Baba Elazar

blessed him – “may it be immediate-


Yaakov left his home encouraged

and full of hope. He returned to

Yeshivah in Kfar Chabad and waited

to see what the outcome would be.

Shortly afterwards, Yaakov became

ill and suffered from terrible ab-

dominal pains. From experience he

knew that eating plain rice would

help with this illness.

A good friend by the name of Yehu-

dah Adot, who lived in Kfar Chabad,

offered his assistance. “My wife will

be happy to prepare the rice for

you. Come to my house this after-


When Yaakov came to the Adot

home for lunch, it occurred to Mrs.

Adot that he would be a perfect

match for one of her friends. She

took upon herself to be the match-

maker and arranged a meeting be-

tween Yaakov and her friend. In-

deed, the two enjoyed each other’s

company, and after a short court-

ship they both wrote to the Rebbe,

asking for his blessing for the match.

It did not take long and they re-

ceived the Rebbe’s blessing for their

engagement. The two stood under

the Chuppah together on the 28th

of Sivan, 5744 (1984).

Baba Elazar’s blessing, that it should

happen immediately, was fulfilled in

its entirety. Yaakov, today Rabbi

Yaakov Ben Ari, conducts Chabad

activities on a number of Israeli kib-

butzim. He does not know exactly

why the blessing had to come via

the Baba Elazar, but “the main thing

is that the blessing was fulfilled,” he

concludes happily.

Page 14: Chayolei Kislev

The Chayolei Monthly


What’s a pole?

99% Yossel and Mendy Paul’s nickname

5.7% The staff giA

87% Where the counselors of bunk Chof-Ches Daven in 770

40% What’s a poll?

The cam

p vid

eo is


ost ready!

The cam

p vid

eo is


ost ready!

The cam

p vid

eo is


ost ready!

The cam

p vid

eo is


ost ready!

Get it now!

Get it now!

Get it now!

Get it now!

Page 15: Chayolei Kislev

One of the prophecies about the future redemption is that at that time there will no longer be any wars. The world will use its weapons and war machines only for good things. Well, on January 31, 1992 the President of the United states and the Prime Minister of Russia, together with some leaders of other powerful countries, gathered to-gether at the central meet-ing place of the United Nations (a special organi-zation whose goal is to create peace and harmony among the different nations) and decided that once and for all they were really going to put an end to war. This would be done by each country de-stroying a certain amount of its weapons and by working together to create peace, unity, harmony and friendship among them-selves. There is another event which took place not long ago in which we see these words of the prophet coming true.

There is a country in Africa called Somalia which had a terrible civil war in 1991. The main fighting took place in the capital - Mogadishu. As a result of the war there was not enough food in the city, and so about four million people were in danger of starving to death. In fact every day, hundreds of people were starving to death. When the United States of America heard about this, they sent warplanes loaded with food, medicine and clothing to help out these people. Rather than using these planes for war, and rather than keeping the food and clothing for themselves, the USA was now using these things to help out needy people who were not related to them and never had anything to do with them. This is the exact opposite of how things used to be. We are seeing how the entire world is beginning change and just as the prophet said - they are beginning to change for the better.for the better.for the better.for the better.

Kislev Edition


Page 16: Chayolei Kislev

The Chayolei Monthly


One day, a wealthy man visited

the Baal Shem Tov, and donated

a large sum

of money for


How can I repay you for your generous

dona8on Avigdor?

No thanks!

Maybe a


No thank you Rabbi, I have everything I need! Thanks

to my hard work, I have created a successful business

selling the highest quality wood!

And my

health is

great, my


family is

doing fine, I

don’t need


NU! Everything is

good by you, that's

great, but why

haven't you said

“Baruch Hashem”

even once!



Listen here Avigdor, every 8me Hashem does good

for us in our life we must remember to say “Baruch


Even though it seems odd,

why would Hashem need our

thanks? Nevertheless we

must recognize that all good

that comes to us; Parnasa,

Famly, and Health, it all

comes from Hashem and we

must thank him for it

I very much wanted to give you a Brocho

or someway to repay you, but since you

refuse, let me at least ask you for a small

favor .

Please give this le-er to the Rabbi of your congrega8on in Brod!

Ok! All the

best Rebbe!

Here is a man who believes only in his own

strength, right Rebbe?

I hope that he

will at least think

about what I told

him…. To be con8nued (The pictures are for illustra8on purposes only)

Page 17: Chayolei Kislev

Scavenger huntScavenger hunt

How many 8mes does it say the word Chayolei or

.in this newsle-er? Answer in next issue חיילי

Kislev Edition


The Chossid Reb Yisroel Nevler once gave

over an interesting Vort by a Farbrengen:

There is a Posuk in Tehilim

מיד ּכלב יחידתימחרב נפׁשי הצילה

Save me… from the hand of my only dog.

To understand this Possuk he gave a Moshol:

There was once an area, where there were a lot

of big dangerous dogs that could attack, and weren’t pleasant to have an

encounter with. There was someone that wanted to pass through that area.

So he came at a time that all the dogs were sleeping, that way, it wouldn’t

be so dangerous. The problem was that there was a little dog there that

was still awake, and as soon as he started to pass through, the little dog

started to bark...

Reb Yisroel explained that this is a lesson to us.

When we are learning (for example), there are good times - when the Yet-

zer Horos (the dogs) are sleeping and the learning is going great! Then

someone wants to throw a little joke in or some kind of disturbance that is

not necessary. His little Yetzter Horo is still awake and can wake up all

the other ones!

That is what Dovid Hamelech was asking in this Possuk in Tehilim, that

Hashem should save him from the “only dog” that could ruin everything!

Page 18: Chayolei Kislev

The Chayolei Monthly


1) “I’m going to hit that camp-

er who threw garbage on the


2) “Why are campers always

laughing at me”

3) Davening to “Yonah, Yonah,

Yonah Meir Shifrin”

4) Campers doing Mivtzoyim

5) Find the Makom Hachalal

Chodesh Kislev is a month of Farbrengens.

Mission 1: Take upon yourself a Hachloto this month!

Chanukah! A great opportunity to do the Rebbe’s Mivtzoyim.

Mission 2: Hop on a tank and help other Jews light up the world!

If you did the missions, call 347-913-5772

and leave your full name, and say that you did the missions!

The following missions are not only for Chayolei Hamelech campers, but for

anyone who wishes to join! Pass the word around amongst your friends!

Page 19: Chayolei Kislev

Kislev Edition


As usual, we bring you the list of the birthdays of your fellow campers. Don’t

forget to call them before or on their birthdays to wish them a happy birthday

and to see how they’re doing. If we missed your name, please contact us.


Aaron Goffstein - 9 Kislev - 513-477-8640

Yechiel Vogel - 12 Kislev - 718-467-6505

Yeremiyahu Hutcheson - 24 Kislev - 210-213-3322

Solomon Weller - 26 Kislev - 513-631-0177

Tuvia Nissim Jacobs - 27 Kislev - 563-380-8689


Zalmen Sandhaus - 8 Kislev - 646-248-3913

Zalman Baumgarten - 14 Kislev - 718-930-0902

Mendy and Zalmy Spritzer - 17 Kislev - 718-774-9787

Mendy Ross - 17 Kislev

Shiya Lishner - 30 Kislev - 718-771-3780

For Chayolei news, call 347-913-5772

Page 20: Chayolei Kislev

Chayolei Hamelech Newsle-er Inc.

319 Kingston Ave.

Brooklyn, NY 11213


[email protected]