charlie’s flying adventure m. h geometry 2015. three, two, one …. jump! charlie spread open her...

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Page 1: Charlie’s Flying Adventure M. H Geometry 2015. Three, two, one …. Jump! Charlie spread open her homemade cardboard wings, forming opposite rays with her

Charlie’s Flying Adventure

M. HGeometry 2015

Page 2: Charlie’s Flying Adventure M. H Geometry 2015. Three, two, one …. Jump! Charlie spread open her homemade cardboard wings, forming opposite rays with her

Three, two, one …. Jump! Charlie spread open her homemade cardboard wings, forming opposite rays with her arms, and flew off her playset. Umph! She hit the grass with a thud.

“Ohh, I can’t wait till I’m a pilot someday and then I can really fly!”




Did you know???Opposite rays are rays that share an endpoint and extend in opposite directions. Here, and form opposite

rays. They share point G and form a straight line.

Page 3: Charlie’s Flying Adventure M. H Geometry 2015. Three, two, one …. Jump! Charlie spread open her homemade cardboard wings, forming opposite rays with her



“Charlotte, come inside,” her mom called. “Mama, what are those straight clouds in the sky? They don’t

look normal.” Mama came outside, squinting into the sun.“Those white line segments up there? Airplanes make them,

Charlie-girl. I bet our neighbor, Mr. Phillips could tell you all about them. Remember how we saw him flying his crop duster the other day? Now come on in, your mac-cheese will get cold!”

Did you know???Line segments are measurable portions of a line. They have two

endpoints. Here, the airplane contrail represents . Point C and D are its endpoints and we can find the distance between the two points.

Page 4: Charlie’s Flying Adventure M. H Geometry 2015. Three, two, one …. Jump! Charlie spread open her homemade cardboard wings, forming opposite rays with her

Charlie plopped down at the table.“Mama,” she wondered, “Do you think Mr.

Phillips would let me ride with him in his crop duster plane? I think I could be a big help to him!”

Mama sighed, crossing her arms into vertical angles. Then she smiled. “I think he might … if we make him our famous can’t-put-em-down sugar cookies!”


Did you know???Vertical angles are angles formed by intersecting lines. They are across from

one another. Vertical angles are congruent. In this picture, Mama’s arms intersect and form vertical angles. <1 ≅ <2.

Page 5: Charlie’s Flying Adventure M. H Geometry 2015. Three, two, one …. Jump! Charlie spread open her homemade cardboard wings, forming opposite rays with her




“Are they ready, are they ready???” Charlie asked excitedly.“Let’s check!” Mama said. Together she and Charlie cracked open

the oven door, which created intersecting planes with the bottom of the oven.

“I can’t wait to take them over to Mr. Philips!” Charlie said. “Especially since they’re airplane shaped. You’re sure he said I could go?”

“That’s what he told me on the phone,” Mama reminded her. “He said to be there tomorrow, and not to forget the cookies!”

Did you know???Intersecting planes are two planes

that share a set of points. The intersection forms a line. The

bottom of Mama’s oven and the oven door intersect at .

Page 6: Charlie’s Flying Adventure M. H Geometry 2015. Three, two, one …. Jump! Charlie spread open her homemade cardboard wings, forming opposite rays with her

Charlie couldn’t sleep that night. She had never been in a plane before. Would it be scary? Thrilling? What if she fell out? She flicked on her flashlight and shined it around the perpendicular lines forming the border of the poster of Disney’s Planes hanging in her room. “Someday, I’ll be a pilot too!” she whispered to herself, clicking the light off.


m Did you know???Perpendicular lines are two

lines that meet at a right angles. The bottom and

the side of the Dusty poster form perpendicular lines.

Page 7: Charlie’s Flying Adventure M. H Geometry 2015. Three, two, one …. Jump! Charlie spread open her homemade cardboard wings, forming opposite rays with her



“I hear you’re gonna help me fly today, Charlie-girl!” Mr. Phillips was standing by his plane, whose wings formed a large obtuse angle. He bent down and winked at her. “Are you excited?”

“Yes, sir! I want to be a pilot when I grow up! Oh, and these are for you!” Charlie handed him the basket of airplane cookies.

Well, would ya look at that! You gals are somethin’ else. Thank you. Now, you ready, Miss Charlie?”

Did you know???An obtuse angle is an angle that measure more than 90o and less than 180o. <QRS

is an obtuse angle formed by the wings of the plane. It measures about 165o.

Page 8: Charlie’s Flying Adventure M. H Geometry 2015. Three, two, one …. Jump! Charlie spread open her homemade cardboard wings, forming opposite rays with her



This was it! Charlie was shaking when the engine roared on. As they began to move, her stomach began to churn. They slowly began to move down the runway, gaining speed like a ray that moves faster and faster in one direction. Suddenly her excitement turned to panic. “What if we crash?” Charlie wondered. But then … they were in the air!

Did you know???A ray is a portion of a line that has one endpoint and extends infinitely in one direction. Here the

airplane began at endpoint E and travels faster in the F direction, forming .

Page 9: Charlie’s Flying Adventure M. H Geometry 2015. Three, two, one …. Jump! Charlie spread open her homemade cardboard wings, forming opposite rays with her


Charlie peered out the side of the plane. Mama was down below, growing smaller and smaller as Mr. Phillips flew higher. She looked like a point in space, which has no actual shape or size. Charlie began to breathe heavily. They were so far up, what if something went wrong with the plane?

Did you know???A point is a location in space with no actual size or shape.

As Mama shrinks in the distance, she is represented by

point T.

Page 10: Charlie’s Flying Adventure M. H Geometry 2015. Three, two, one …. Jump! Charlie spread open her homemade cardboard wings, forming opposite rays with her


It was all she could do to keep breathing. Mr. Phillips tried to point out the crops below that formed perfect parallel lines, but Charlie only muttered “mmm hmmm,” and squeezed harder to the back of his seat. “I want to go back down!” she called out. “I’m scared.”

Did you know???Parallel Lines are lines in the

same plane that never intersect. The rows of crops show

multiple sets of parallel lines. Here, line k is parallel to line j.

Page 11: Charlie’s Flying Adventure M. H Geometry 2015. Three, two, one …. Jump! Charlie spread open her homemade cardboard wings, forming opposite rays with her




Finally Charlie felt the plane begin to descend as Mr. Phillips headed back toward the intersecting lines of the runway.

“Hang on, Miss Charlie, you’re doin’ great” Mr. Phillips coached. “We’re almost there.”

Did you know???Intersecting lines are two

lines that meet at a point. The two runways, represented by

lines a and b, intersect at point W.

Page 12: Charlie’s Flying Adventure M. H Geometry 2015. Three, two, one …. Jump! Charlie spread open her homemade cardboard wings, forming opposite rays with her

56 Mama was waiting for her. “Our

Charlie was a real trooper,” Mr. Phillips informed Mama. “Very brave. In fact, Miss Charlie, I have something for ya.” He pulled out one of his airplane cookies. “Made with love, guaranteed to make you feel stronger.”

“Tha-thank you, Mr. Phillips.” The wings and body of the plane formed supplementary angles. That is, they did until Charlie bit off the wing! Feeling sugar fill her mouth, she did feel a little bit better.

Did you know???Supplementary angles are two angles whose sum is 180o. The wing of the plane and its body form a straight line and therefore add up to 1800. <5 and <6 are supplementary.

Page 13: Charlie’s Flying Adventure M. H Geometry 2015. Three, two, one …. Jump! Charlie spread open her homemade cardboard wings, forming opposite rays with her




The next morning Charlie hopped out of bed and raced outside, zooming around on her bike. The tassels flew behind her like acute angles.

“Charlie-girl, where are your wings?” Mama called.

“Oh no, I don’t want to be a pilot anymore.” Charlie paused as she shared this important news. “Its too scary. I’m gonna be a race car driver!”

The End

Did you know???Acute angles are angles

whose measure is less than 90o. The tassels on Charlie’s bike form an acute angle. <NOP measures about 30o.

Page 14: Charlie’s Flying Adventure M. H Geometry 2015. Three, two, one …. Jump! Charlie spread open her homemade cardboard wings, forming opposite rays with her

Works CitedOpposite Rays: Segment: Vertical Angles: Planes: Lines:

Obtuse Angle: Point: Lines: Lines: Angles: Angle: