charismatic hero - d20modern

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  • 8/19/2019 Charismatic Hero - d20modern


    Charismatic Hero


    Bonus Features

    1 +2 Charm, Inspiration (d6)

    2 +2 Favor  

    3 +2 Advanced Class

    4 +2 Ability core Improvement

    ! +3 Inspiration (d"), Font o# Inspiration

    6 +3 Ability core Improvement

    $ +3 Advanced Class #eat%re

    " +3 Ability core Improvement

    & +4 Inspiration (d1'), Favor (2 %ses)

    1' +4 Advanced Class #eat%re

    11 +4 Captivate

    12 +4 Ability core Improvement

    13 +! Inspiration (d12)

    14 +! Ability core Improvement

    1! +! Advanced Class #eat%re

    16 +! Ability core Improvement

    1$ +6 Favor (3 %ses)

    1" +6 Advanced Class #eat%re

    1& +6 Ability core Improvement2' +6 %perior Inspiration

    Class Features

     As a charismatic hero, yo% ain the #olloin class #eat%res*

    Hit Points

    Hit Dice: 1d6 per charismatic hero level

    Hit Points at 1st Level: 6 + yo%r Constit%tion modi#ier 

    Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d6 (or 4) + yo%r Constit%tion modi#ier per charismatic hero level

    a#ter 1st


    Armor: iht armor 

    Weapons: imple eapons, personal #irearms

    Tools: Choose any to types o# vehicles or tools

    aving Thro!s: Charisma and one other o# yo%r choice

    "ills: Choose to #rom Animal andlin, -eception, istory, Insiht, Intimidation,

    .er#ormance, and .ers%asion

    Charm At 1st level, yo% can %se an action to try and charm a creat%re* /he creat%re m%st have an

    Intellience score o# at least 6, and be able to see and hear yo%* /he creat%re m%st ma0e a

    isdom savin thro ith a -C o# " + yo%r pro#iciency bon%s + yo%r Charisma modi#ier* n a

    #ailed save, the taret is charmed* /he taret can repeat the savin thro at the end o# each o#

    its t%rns to attempt to end the e##ect* I# the creat%res savin thro is s%ccess#%l, it is imm%ne to

    this ability #or 24 ho%rs*

  • 8/19/2019 Charismatic Hero - d20modern



    o% can inspire others thro%h stirrin ords* /o do so, yo% %se a bon%s action on yo%r t%rn to

    choose one creat%re other than yo%rsel# ithin 6' #eet o# yo% ho can hear yo%* /hat creat%re

    ains one Inspiration die, a d6*

    nce ithin the ne5t 1' min%tes, the creat%re can roll the die and add the n%mber rolled

    to one ability chec0, attac0 roll, or savin thro it ma0es* /he creat%re can ait %ntil a#ter it rollsthe d2' be#ore decidin to %se the Inspiration die, b%t m%st decide be#ore the 7 says hether

    the roll s%cceeds or #ails* nce the Inspiration die is rolled, it is lost* A creat%re can have only

    one Inspiration die at a time*

    o% can %se this #eat%re a n%mber o# times e8%al to yo%r Charisma modi#ier (a minim%m

    o# once)* o% reain any e5pended %ses hen yo% #inish a lon rest*

    o%r Inspiration die chanes hen yo% reach certain levels in this class* /he die

    becomes a d" at !th level, a d1' at &th level, and a d12 at 13th level*


    9einnin at 2nd level, yo% have the ability to call in a #avor* /he #avor can be %sed to ain

    important in#ormation, ac8%ire the loan o# e8%ipment or doc%ments, or receive some other minor 

    #orm o# assistance* /he ame 7aster has the riht to re#%se a #avor, b%t in that case the %se o#

    this ability is not e5pended*

    o% m%st complete a lon rest be#ore yo% can %se this ability aain*

    Font of #nspiration

    9einnin hen yo% reach !th level, yo% reain all o# yo%r e5pended %ses o# Inspiration hen

    yo% #inish a short or lon rest*


    tartin at 11th level, hen yo% %se yo%r Charm ability s%ccess#%lly, yo% can choose the renderthe creat%re %naare o# its s%rro%ndins hile yo% contin%e to hold its attention* /his e##ect

    ends hen it s%cceeds at a savin thro aainst yo%r Charm ability*

    o% m%st complete a short or lon rest be#ore yo% can %se this ability aain*

    uperior #nspiration

     At 2'th level, hen yo% roll initiative and have no %ses o# Inspiration le#t, yo% reain one %se*