characterization of the solidification structures within the dendritic core of m2 high speed steel

Correction to Met. Trans. A, 1977, vol. 8A Characterization of the Solidification Structures Within the Dendritic Core of M2 High Speed Steel, by James McLaughlin, R. Wayne Kraft, and Joseph I. Goldstein Page 1'/87, Column 1, Item 3)* should read 3)* MC type carbides begin to precipitate from the liquid at about 1262~ L ~ MC. The following phrase should be added as the last line of the text in Column 1: "austenite and M6C carbides by a eutectoid reaction." 730-VOLUME 9A, MAY I978 METALLURGICAL TRANSACTIONS A

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C o r r e c t i o n to Met. Trans. A, 1977, vol . 8A

Characterization of the Solidification Structures Within the Dendritic Core of M2 High Speed Steel, by J a m e s McLaughl in , R. Wayne Kraf t , and Jo seph I. Golds te in

Page 1'/87, Co lumn 1, I t em 3)* should r e a d

3)* MC type c a r b i d e s begin to p r e c i p i t a t e f rom the l iquid at about 1262~ L ~ MC.

The fol lowing p h r a s e should be added as the l a s t l ine of the text in Column 1:

" a u s t e n i t e and M6C c a r b i d e s by a eu tec to id r e a c t i o n . "