character education novel unit schooled by gordon korman

Character Education Novel Unit Schooled by Gordon Korman

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Character Education Novel Unit Schooled by Gordon Korman . Day 1: Bellringer Assemble Your Learning Journal. Essential Questions. How can we show others “ respect? ” Is “ change ” positive?  Negative?. Day 1: Chapters 1-3. Learning Targets - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Character Education Novel UnitSchooled by Gordon Korman

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Day 1: Bellringer

Assemble Your

Learning Journal

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Essential Questions

• How can we show others “respect?”• Is “change” positive?  Negative?

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Day 1: Chapters 1-3• Learning Targets

– Write your learning targets on the LEFT side of your learning journal.

• I can use active reader strategies to gain meaning from the text.  (predicting, questioning, clarifying, connecting, commenting, inferring, etc.).

– Are there any words that you do not understand in the learning targets?

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• Inside your Learning Journal, assess yourself on each of these learning targets.

• Here is an example…

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Day 1: Say Something Strategy• Read as much as your hand will cover, then “Say

Something” (see below) about what you just read before moving on.– Make a prediction– Ask a question– Clarify your thoughts– Make a comment– Make a connection

• If you can do one of these things about what you read, then keep reading. If not, then re-read.

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Day 1: Chapters 1-3• Listen as I read Chapters 1-2 aloud to you.

– Purpose for Reading: • pg. 8, par.7 “We talk it out, think it out, work it out” is one of

Rain’s sayings. Is this good advice for problem solving? Why or why not?

• Your Job: – Think about the purpose question.– Try to identify when I use the “Say Something”

Strategy. • Make a note in your Learning Journal when you hear me do

one of these things.

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Day 1: Chapters 1-3

• Read Chapter 3 with a partner* or independently– Practice using the “Say Something” strategy

as you read.

• Chapter 3 Purpose Question– Zach ends his chapter by saying, “This was

my year.” What does he mean by that? How do you predict Zach’s “year” will turn out?

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Day 1: Homework

Read Chapters 4-6– Purpose for Reading: What does the author tell

us about Cap, Hugh, or Zach’s characters? – Choose a character to focus on for tomorrow’s

analysis: Cap, Hugh, or Zach• Come to class ready to describe that character and

have an example from the book to support your description.

– Think about the character from multiple points of view: the character’s point of view and the other characters’ view of that person

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Day 2: Bellringer

• Write your learning targets on the LEFT side of your learning journal.– I can analyze a character using the FAST

strategy.– I can write to reflect on and explain my


• Are there any words that you do not understand in the learning targets?

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Day 2: Chapters 4-6

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Day 2: Chapters 4-6

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Day 2: Chapters 4-6

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Day 2: Chapters 4-6

• Expert Groups– Use the FAST approach to analyze a character

(see handout).• FYI:

– Feelings/Thoughts must come from the character’s point of view, but Actions/Saying can also be observed by other characters.

– Use text evidence (quote or example from the text; page number included) to support your analysis.

– Use the back of the character map to write explanations using text evidence (quotes or examples).

» You will use the back page as your present your character to another group.

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Day 2: Homework

• Read Chapters 7-9 (Don’t forget to use the “Say Something” Strategy!)– Purpose for Reading:

• What do you think the author is trying to tell the reader so far? Why do you think that? Find examples in the text to support your answer.

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Day 3: Bellringer• Write your learning targets on the LEFT side of your

learning journal.– Chapters 4-6

• I can analyze a character using the FAST approach.• I can analyze how the author develops the theme through characters.

– Chapters 7-9• I can determine the theme (author’s message) in a paragraph,

chapter, and novel.• I can write to reflect on and explain my thinking.

• Are there any words that you do not understand in the learning targets?

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Day 3: Chapters 4-6• Jigsaw- 12-15 minutes (4-5 minutes each

person)– Get into new groups (teacher-chosen)– Share your character map with your new group

members and learn about the other characters as well.

• Presenting Student -– Share Character Map and text-evidence – Have group members go to page/paragraph to reread the


• Listening Students-– Determine if the text evidence supports the FAST analysis

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Day 3: Chapters 4-6

• Self-Assessment (2-3 minutes)– Look back at your learning targets for

Chapters 4-6– Chapters 4-6

• I can analyze a character using the FAST approach.• I can analyze how the author develops the theme through

characters.– Check= I got it.– Star = I’m getting there.– Circle = I need help with this one.

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Day 3: Chapters 7-9• Think-Write- Pair-Share (12-15 minutes)

– “When you are unkind to others, it is usually because you don’t believe that you, yourself, deserve kindness” (pg. 48)

• Think: (1 minute) – “Is the quote on page 48 an appropriate theme (message

from the author) for the story so far? Why or why not?”

• Write: Write your response to the above prompt (5 minutes)

• Pair: Share your thoughts with a partner (1 minute)• Share with the group (2-3 minutes)

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Day 3: Chapters 7-9

• Self-Assessment (2-3 minutes)– Look back at your learning targets for

Chapters 4-6– Chapters 7-9

• I can determine the theme (author’s message) in a paragraph, chapter, and novel.

• I can write to reflect on and explain my thinking.– Check= I got it.– Star = I’m getting there.– Circle = I need help with this one.

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Day 3: Exit Ticket & Homework• Exit Ticket

• Respond to this question on the sticky note before you leave. Put them on the board and sort them by character.

– “Which character is the author using to develop this theme? Why do you think this?”

• Homework• Read Chapters 10-12 (Don’t forget to use the “Say

Something” strategy while you read.)• Purpose for reading

– What is the author’s message (theme) in these chapters?– How does the author use the characters’ decisions to develop

the theme?

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Day 4: Bellringer• Writing Prompt (5 minutes)

– Draw a bus that uses the whole page. – Draw 5 lines inside the bus. Choose one of these two

quotes from Rain (Rain “isms”) and write 5 sentences to describe what you think about her ideas.

• “You always know what you are doing when you’re doing the right thing.”

• “A Community thrives when each member does what he/she is good at.”

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Day 4: Chapters 10-12

• Learning Targets– Write your learning targets on the LEFT side

of your learning journal.• Chapters 10-12

– I can analyze how the author develops the theme through dynamic characters.

– I can evaluate to make an informed decision. – I can write to reflect on and explain my thinking.

– Are there any words that you do not understand in the learning targets?

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Day 4: Chapters 10-12

• Focus Question: – How does the author use the characters’

decisions to develop the theme?

• Decisions, Decisions– Thinking Critically about Character’s Decisions– Chalk Talk– Human Likert Scale

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Day 4: Homework• Read Chapters 13-16 (Don’t forget to use the “Say Something”

Strategy while you read.)

– Purpose for Reading: Sophie’s Dad, Rain, and Cap choose to act a certain way in these chapters. Are these positive or negative actions? Why do you think so? Be prepared to discuss.

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Day 5: Bellringer

• Writing Prompt: (5 minutes)– Draw a ladder that takes up the whole

page with at least 5 rungs.– Choose one of these Rain “isms” and

write 5 sentences on the rungs to describe what you think about her ideas:

• “Following rules is more important than living your life”

• “When people are negative, they are trying to put duct tape on their own damaged souls.”

• “When we judge others, we are really judging ourselves.”

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Day 5: Chapters 13-16

• Learning Targets– Write your learning targets on the LEFT side

of your learning journal.• Chapters 13-16

– I can analyze how the author develops the theme through dynamic characters.

– I can evaluate to make an informed decision.– I can write to reflect on and explain my thinking.

– Are there any words that you do not understand in the learning targets?

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Day 5: Chapters 13-16• Steps for Decision-Making

1. Alternatives: Think of many, varied things you could do.2. Criteria: Think of the varied questions you need to ask

about these things you could do. Samples are below:3. Weighing: Use your answers to help you make a decision.

• Is it safe?• Will anyone get hurt?• What does my conscience say?• What would my parents think?

4. Decision: State your final decision.5. Reasons: Give many, varied reasons for your decision.

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Day 5: Chapters 13-16

• Independently – Choose a character from Chapters 13-16.

• Identify a decision that character made.• Use the decision making foldable to evaluate whether

the character made a good decision or a poor decision.• Be prepare to explain your thoughts.

• Whole Class Discussion: – How does the author use these decisions to

develop the character and affect the theme?

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Day 5: Homework

• Read Chapters 17-20 (Don’t forget to use the “Say Something” Strategy while you read.)

– Purpose for Reading: • How does the author use Hugh’s decision in these

chapters to communicate his character trait?

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Day 6: Bellringer• Writing Prompt: (5 minutes)

– Draw a picture of a bracelet (a circle with with 5 sparkles coming from the jewels of the bracelet).

– Choose one of the two Rain “isms” below, and write 5 sentences the sparkles to explain whether you agree with Rain or not...

• 1)”There should be no limit on giving. Only taking”• 2) “Popularity has nothing to do with the truth”

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Day 6: Chapters 17-20

• Learning Targets– Write your learning targets on the LEFT side

of your learning journal.• Chapters 17-20

– I can analyze how the author develops the theme through characters.

– I can analyze a character using the FAST approach.– I can write to reflect on and explain my thinking.– I can write to reflect on and explain my thinking.

– Are there any words that you do not understand in the learning targets?

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Day 6: Chapters 17-20• Independently, analyze Hugh using the Character

Map (see handout)

• When you finish, get with a partner to discuss these questions:– Has Hugh changed any since the beginning of the book? If

so... how? If not, explain.

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Day 6: Homework

• Read Chapters 21-24 (Don’t forget to use the “Say Something” Strategy while you read.)

– Purpose for reading: How does “looking the other way” communicate that you approve of something?

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Day 7: Bellringer

• Writing Prompt: (5 minutes)– Draw a large swirl represent Cap’s “tie-dye”

shirt.  – Write 5 sentences to describe what you

believe Rain means when she says, ”We always try to save the world, but sometimes the world doesn’t want to be saved.”

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Day 7: Chapters 21-24

• Learning Targets– Write your learning targets on the LEFT side

of your learning journal.• Chapters 21-24

– I can determine the theme (author’s message) in a paragraph, chapter, and novel.

– I can analyze how the author develops the theme characters.– I can analyze a character using the FAST approach.– I can write to reflect on and explain my thinking.

– Are there any words that you do not understand in the learning targets?

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Day 7: Chapters 21-24

• Poll Everywhere– Poll #1:

• On pg. 156 Mr. Kasigi says, “When I chose to look the other way, I was sort of putting a stamp of approval on it.” What does he mean by this?

– Poll #2:

• Make a list of many, varied characters that “looked away.”

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Day 7: Chapter 21-24• RAFT Activity

– Choose one of the characters that “looked away” listed in Poll #2.

– Create a product that communicates why the person looked away and if it was a good decision or not.

– Role- Character of Choice (one that “looked away” in the story)– Audience- The person that they “looked away” from– Format- poem, song/rap, skit, monologue– Topic- “looking away”

– The product should somehow be tied to the author’s message about “looking away.”

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Day 7: Homework

• Read Chapters 25-27 (Don’t forget to use the “Say Something” Strategy while you read.)

– Purpose for reading: Rain makes several broad, stereotypical statements about the world outside of Garland on page 180 -181. Are these statements fair?

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Day 8: Bellringer• Writing Prompt: (5 minutes)

• Draw an outline of a picture of a T-shirt that takes up the whole page. Draw 5 lines inside the T-shirt.

• On page 169, Zach and Hugh describe their status situations as well as Cap’s.

• Explain why the use of a “natural guidance system” or “book of instructions” is a good metaphor for their descriptions.

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Day 8: Chapters 25-27

• Learning Targets– Write your learning targets on the LEFT side

of your learning journal.• Chapters 25-27

– I can determine the theme (author’s message) in a paragraph, chapter, and novel.

– I can write to reflect on and explain my thinking.

– Are there any words that you do not understand in the learning targets?

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Day 8: Chapters 25-27• Contamination is defined as “the process of being

contaminated.” According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, contaminated means “to soil, stain, corrupt, or infect by contact or association.”

• Discussion Appointments:– Make “appointments” with three different classmates.

Record this in their learning journals. • Garland Partner-• C Average Partner-• Donnelly House Partner-

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Day 8: Chapters 25-27

• Garland Partner: (5 minutes)– With this partner, explain what “contamination

means.”– Re-read page 181. Identify how Cap was

“contaminated” from Rain’s point of view. Identify how Cap realizes that he he was “contaminated.”

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Day 8: Chapters 25-27

• C Average Partner: (5 minutes)– Share what you discussed with your Garland Partner.– By showing these contrasting opinions about being

contaminated, what is the author trying to tell the reader (theme)?

– Is the “contamination” a good thing or a bad thing in this situation?

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Day 8: Chapters 25-27

• Donnelly House Partner: (5 minutes)– Discuss what was discovered while with

Garland and C Average Partners.– Based on this discussion:

• “What would a better word be for “contamination” that would better communicate the author’s message?”

• With this partner, prepare to use this word to explain the theme of the novel in your own words to the group.

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Day 8: Chapters 25-27

Share your thoughts with the class after the Donnelly House


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Day 8: Homework

• Read Chapters 28-31 (end)– Purpose for reading: Why does the author

title the novel Schooled?

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Day 9: Bellringer• Writing Prompt: (5 minutes)

– Draw a circle, then the 3 lines inside to make a peace sign.

– Then write 3 reactions on the lines to Rain’s statement, “I used to think change was a choice. That you could avoid it if you stuck with your convictions.”

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Day 9: Chapters 28-end

• Learning Targets– Write your learning targets on the LEFT side of

your learning journal.• Chapters 28-end

– I can determine the theme (author’s message) in a paragraph, chapter, and novel.

– I can analyze how the author develops the theme through characters.– I can analyze a character using the FAST approach.– I can write to reflect on and explain my thinking.

• Are there any words that you do not understand in the learning targets?

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Day 9: Chapters 28-end

• Chalk Talk– Respond to these questions by writing your

answer or responding to another. • Why would the author title the book this way?• What does it mean to be “schooled?”• Who got “schooled?”• What does getting “schooled” have to do with the

theme of this novel?

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Day 9: Chapters 28-end

• Character Analysis (independent; see Character Map)

– Analyze a character that changed (or didn’t change) throughout the book.

– Write an ACES paragraph to explain your analysis.• How does the character’s transformation communicate

theme of the book?– Did the character's change help communicate the author's

message?– Did the character's lack of change help communicate the author's


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Day 10: Bellringer• Bellringer: (5 minutes)

• Draw a picture of a large box to represent a TV. Draw 5 lines inside the box.

• Respond to this Rain-ism by explaining what she means and whether you believe this statement is true.: “TV is a vast wasteland that lowers our standards until we can’t tell the difference between bad and good.”

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Day 10: After Reading

• Learning Targets– Write your learning targets on the LEFT side

of your learning journal.• I can analyze how the author develops the theme

through characters.• I can write to reflect on and explain my thinking.

• Are there any words that you do not understand in the learning targets?

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Day 10: After Reading

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Day 10: After Reading

• Static vs. Dynamic Foldable Coordinate Grid (see handout)– To get you started… think about these

characters• Cap- He didn’t change but remained who he was.

However, he gained new perspective... where would he be placed on this coordinate grid? Is this positive or negative?

• Student Body- They changed... how much did they change? Was it positive or negative change?

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Day 11: BellringerWriting Prompt: (10 minutes)

– Read the article from How to Beat Social Alienation pg 4-5 and pages 34-36.

– Draw a picture of 5 spitballs with an arrow (line) coming from each one.

– Respond to the article with five sentences on the lines to express how you feel about social alienation.

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Day 11: After Reading

• Learning Targets– Write your learning targets on the LEFT side

of your learning journal.• Chapters 28-end

– I can analyze how the author develops the theme through characters.

– I can write to reflect on and explain my thinking.

• Are there any words that you do not understand in the learning targets?

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Day 11: After Reading

• Types of Bullying– Relational

• trying to destroy a person’s relationship with other by effecting how others feel about that person

– Verbal• bullying by relentless teasing and insults

– Physical• bullying with physical violence

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Day 11: After Reading

• Novel Hunt– Find examples of your assigned type of bullying

in the book.– Post your examples on your class’ Wallwisher.– Sort the examples into the three different types

of bullying.• Relational• Verbal• Physical

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Day 11: After Reading

• Exit Ticket: – What is the author’s message about bullying?

 Create a Rain-ism  to explain his message.  •  Write the saying/advice you think Rain would say

on the Exit Ticket before you leave.– Short (one sentence)– Profound– Thought-provoking

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Day 12: Bellringer• Writing Prompt: (5 minutes)

– Draw a picture of a large sun with 5 beams.

– Write 5 sentences to respond to this Rain “ism” by explaining what she means and whether you believe this is true:

• “Authority is a power trip. A community thrives when each member does what he or she is best at.”

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Day 12: Performance Task

• Learning Targets– Write your learning targets on the LEFT side

of your learning journal.• I can explain, examine, and exhibit the theme of

“respect others” as I work on a project with a small group of peers.

– Are there any words that you do not understand in the learning targets?

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Day 12: Performance Task

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Day 12: Performance Task

Work with your “Agency Partner” to complete this performance task.

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Day 13: Bellringer Writing Prompt: (5 minutes)

– Draw the outline of a car (to cover the page).– Draw 5 lines inside the car. – Sophie describes her father with a metaphor

when she says, “He could make conversation with a brick wall--part of his salesman DNA.” What does she mean by that?

– Write 5 sentences to explain.

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Day 13: Performance Task

• Learning Targets– Write your learning targets on the LEFT side

of your learning journal.• I can explain, examine, and exhibit the theme of

“respect others” as I work on a project with a small group of peers.

– Are there any words that you do not understand in the learning targets?

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Day 13: Performance Task

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Day 13: Performance Task

Work with your “Agency Partner” to complete this performance task.