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  • 8/9/2019 Char an 123456


    Electrical Short-term loadforecasting Using Fuzzy logic

    Project ReportSubmitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award

    of KVPY.

    ByCharan pratap singh

    Under the supervision ofDr. Sonali Bhatnagar

    Deptt. Of Physics and Comp. Sc.

    Faculty of ScienceDEI, Dayalbagh Agra-5

    Session 2010

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    1.1 Introduction

    1.2 Literature review

    1.2.1 Regression Methods

    1.2.2 Time series

    1.2.3 Expert system

    1.2.4 Fuzzy logic

    1.2.5 Neural network

    1.2.6 Hybrid fuzzy neural approach

    1.3 Important factors for load forecasting

    1.4 Type of load forecast


    2.1 Introductions

    2.2 Classifications of short term load forecasting methods

    2.2.1 Similar day approach

    2.2.2 Regression methods

    2.2.3 Time Series


    3.1 Short term load forecasting techniques

    3.1.1 Neural Network

    3.1.2 Expert System

    3.1.3 Fuzzy Logic

    3.1.4 Support Vector Machines


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    4.1 Fuzzy logic technique

    4.2 Historical data and key factors

    4.3 Fuzzyfication

    4.4 Membership functions

    4.5 Fuzzy Rule Base

    4.6 Results



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    I hereby to inform you that the PROJECT REPORT for the KISHORE VAIGYANIK

    PROTSAHAN YOJANA 2010 titled Electrical Short-Term load forecasting using

    fuzzy logic projected by Charan Pratap singh has been carried out under my supervisiontowards partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of KISHORE VAIGYANIKPROTSAHAN YOJANA 2010

    Further to the best of my knowledge, the matter embodied in this work has not been

    submitted for the award of any degree.

    Dr. Sonali Bhatnagar

    Deptt. Of Physics and Comp. Science

    Faculty of Science, D.E.I., Dayalbagh

    Agra, (U.P.)


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    Knowledge is an infinite sphere of which the center is everywhere and circumference


    Any small or big task cannot be accomplished without the help of connoisseurs.

    I express my deepest sense of gratitude to the Most Revered, Chairman, Advisory Committee

    of education, Dayalbagh for His guidance provided to us from time to time.

    I have no words to express my deep sense of gratefulness and gratitude to the Dr. Sonali

    Bhatnagar, Department of physics and Computer Science, Faculty of Science, D.E.I.,

    without whose sustained motivation and guidance, this project would not have been

    accomplished successfully.

    Dayalbagh Charan Pratap Singh

    June-2010 B.Sc.


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    Today, its the need of developed and developing countries to consume electricity more

    efficiently. Though developed countries do not want to waste electricity and developing

    countries cannot waste electricity. Hence, the wise use of electricity is the need of hour. This

    leads to the concept Load Forecasting. The short term load forecasting on daily basis.

    Though this can be extended to hourly or half- hourly or real time load forecasting. Load

    forecasting is an important component for power system energy management system.

    Precise load forecasting helps the electric utility to make unit commitment decisions,

    reduce spinning reserve capacity and schedule device maintenance plan properly. Besides

    playing a key role in reducing the generation cost, it is also essential to the reliability of

    power systems. The system operators use the load forecasting result as a basis of off-line

    network analysis to determine if the system might be vulnerable. If so, corrective actions

    should be prepared, such as load shedding, power purchases and bringing peaking units on

    line. Load forecasting plays an important role in power system planning, operation and

    control. Forecasting means estimating active loads at various load buses ahead of actual load

    occurrence. Planning and operational applications of load forecasting requires a certain lead

    time also called forecasting intervals. On the basis of lead time, load forecasts can be

    divided into four categories: very short-term forecasts, short-term forecasts, medium-term

    forecasts and long-term forecasts. The forecasts for different time horizons are important for

    different operations within a utility company. Since in power systems the next days power

    generation must be scheduled every day, day-ahead short-term load forecasting (STLF) is

    a necessary daily task for power dispatch. Its accuracy affects the economic operation and

    reliability of the system greatly. Under prediction of STLF leads to insufficient reserve

    capacity preparation and, in turn, increases the operating cost by using expensive peaking

    units. On the other hand, over prediction of STLF leads to the unnecessarily large reserve

    capacity, which is also related to high operating cost.

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    Accurate models for electric power load forecasting are essential to the operation and planning

    of a utility company. Load forecasting helps an electric utility to make important decisions

    including decisions on purchasing and generating electric power, load switching, and

    infrastructure development. Load forecasts are extremely important for energy suppliers, ISOs,

    financial institutions, and other participants in electric energy generation, transmission,

    distribution, and markets. Load forecasts can be divided into three categories: short-term

    forecasts which are usually from one hour to one month, medium forecasts which are usually

    from a month to a year, and long-term forecasts which are longer than a year. The forecasts for

    different time horizons are important for different operations within a utility company. The

    natures of these forecasts are different as well. For example, for a particular region, it is

    possible to predict the next day load with an accuracy of approximately 1-3%. However, it is

    impossible to predict the next year peak load with the similar accuracy since accurate long-

    term weather forecasts are not available. For the next year peak forecast, it is possible to

    provide the probability distribution of the load based on historical weather observations. It is

    also possible, according to the industry practice, to predict the so-called weather normalized

    load, which would take place for average annual peak weather conditions or worse than

    average peak weather conditions for a given area. Weather normalized load is the load

    calculated for the so-called normal weather conditions which are the average of the weather

    characteristics for the peak historical loads over a certain period of time. The duration of this

    period varies from one utility to another. Most companies take the last 25-30 years of data.

    Load forecasting has always been important for planning and operational decision conductedby utility companies. However, with the deregulation of the energy industries, load forecasting

    is even more important. With supply and demand fluctuating and the changes of weather

    conditions and energy prices increasing by a factor of ten or more during peak situations, load

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    forecasting is vitally important for utilities. Short-term load forecasting can help to estimate

    load flows and to make decisions that can prevent overloading. Timely implementations of

    such decisions lead to the improvement of network reliability and to the reduced occurrences

    of equipment failures and blackouts. Load forecasting is also important for contract

    evaluations and evaluations of various sophisticated financial products on energy pricing

    offered by the market. In the deregulated economy, decisions on capital expenditures based on

    long-term forecasting are also more important than in a non-deregulated economy when rate

    increases could be justified by capital expenditure projects. Most forecasting methods use

    statistical techniques or artificial intelligence algorithms such as regression, neural networks,

    fuzzy logic, and expert systems. Two of the methods, so-called end-use and econometric

    approach are broadly used for medium- and long-term forecasting. A variety of methods,

    which include the so-called similar day approach, various regression models, time series,

    neural networks, statistical learning algorithms, fuzzy logic, and expert systems, have been

    developed for short-term forecasting. As we see, a large variety of mathematical methods and

    ideas have been used for load forecasting. The development and improvements of appropriate

    mathematical tools will lead to the development of more accurate load forecasting techniques.

    The accuracy of load forecasting depends not only on the load forecasting techniques, but also

    on the accuracy of forecasted weather scenarios. Weather forecasting is an important topic

    which is outside of the scope of this chapter.

    1.2 Literature Review

    The literature on the load forecasting and methods is much diversified and it is not possible to

    complement them in the limited time span. Therefore, in this section, the literature on

    Short term Load Forecasting is briefly revived. This literature review offers the

    background for the thesis work. The published literature has been classified into six main


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    1.2.1 Regression Methods

    Engle et al. [1] presented several regression models for the next day load forecasting.

    Their models incorporate deterministic influences such as holidays, stochastic influences

    such as average loads, and exogenous influences such as weather. [2], [3], [4] and [5]

    describe other applications of regression models applied to load forecasting.

    1.2.2 Time Series

    Time series method is based upon the assumption that the data has some internal structure such

    as autocorrelation, trend or seasonal variation. Most commonly used classical time series

    methods are ARMA (autoregressive moving average), ARIMA (autoregressive integrated

    moving average), ARMAX (autoregressive moving average with exogenous variables), and

    ARIMAX (autoregressive integrated moving average with exogenous variables). Fan

    and McDonald [6] and Cho et al. [7] described implementations of ARIMAX models

    for load forecasting. Fogel et al. [8] used an evolutionary programming (EP) approach to

    identify the ARMAX model parameters for one day to one week ahead hourly-load-

    demand-forecasting. The evolutionary programming is a method for simulating

    evolution and constitutes a stochastic optimization algorithm. Yang and Huang [9]

    proposed a fuzzy autoregressive moving average with exogenous input variables(FARMAX) for one day ahead hourly load forecasting.

    1.2.3 Expert Systems

    Ho et al. [10] proposed a knowledge-based expert system for the short-term load

    forecasting of the Taiwan power system. Operators knowledge and the hourly

    observation of system load over the past five years are employed to establish eleven day-

    types. Weather parameters were also considered. Rahman and Hazim [11] developed a site-

    independent technique for short-term load forecasting. Knowledge about the load and the

    factors affecting it is extracted and represented in a parameterized rule base. This rule-

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    based system is complemented by a parameter database that varies from site to site. The

    technique is tested in different sites in the United States with low forecasting errors. The load

    model, the rules and the parameters presented in the paper have been designed using no

    specific knowledge about any particular site. Results can be improved if operators at a

    particular site are consulted.

    1.2.4 Fuzzy Logic

    One of the advantages of the use of fuzzy logic is the absence of a need for a mathematical

    model mapping inputs to outputs and the absence of a need for precise inputs. With such

    generic conditioning rules, properly designed fuzzy logic systems can be very robust when

    used for forecasting. Of course in many situations an exact output is needed. To produce such

    precise outputs, defuzzification can be used after the logical processing of fuzzy inputs. [12],

    [13] and [14] describe applications of fuzzy logic to load forecasting.

    1.2.5 Neural Networks

    The interest in applying neural networks to electric load forecasting began in 1990.

    Artificial Neural Networks have parallel and distributed processing structures. They can be

    thought of as a set of computing arrays consisting of series of repetitive uniform

    processors placed on a grid. Learning is achieved by changing the interconnection

    between the processors [15]. To date, there exist many types of ANNs which are

    characterized by their topology and learning rules. As for the Short term TLF problem, the

    BP network is the most widely used one. With the ability to approximate any continuous

    nonlinear function, the BP network has extraordinary mapping (forecasting) Abilities. The

    BP network is a kind of multilayer feed forward network, and the transfer function within the

    network is usually a nonlinear function such as the sigmoid function. Neural Networks are

    widely used for load forecasting, Fault diagnosis/Fault location, Economic load dispatch and

    Security assessment etc. in the field of power systems [16]. The topology of BP network can

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    be of 3-layers or 4-layers, the transfer function can be linear, nonlinear or a combination of

    both. Also, the network can be either fully connected or non-fully connected. The BP network

    structure is problem dependent, and a structure that is suitable for a given power system is not

    necessarily suitable for another. The typical BP network structure for Short Term Load

    Forecasting is a three-layer network, with the nonlinear sigmoid function as the transfer

    function [17]-[18]. In addition to the typical sigmoid function, a linear transfer function from

    the input layer directly to the output layer was proposed in [19] to account for linear

    components of the load. Because fully connected BP networks need more training time a

    non-fully connected BP model is proposed in [20], [21]. The reported results show that

    although a fully connected ANN is able to capture the load characteristics, a non-fully

    connected ANN is more adaptive to respond to temperature changes. Moreover, [21]

    presents a new approach to STLF which combines several sub-ANNs together to give

    better forecasting results. A recurrent high order neural network (RHONN) is also proposed

    [22]. Due to its dynamic nature, the RHONN forecasting model is able to adapt quickly to

    changing conditions such as important load variations or changes of the daily load pattern.

    A 3-layer ANN with suitable dimension is sufficient to approximate any continuous non-

    linear function [28]. The 4-layer structure is implemented and a load forecaster using this

    structure was reported [23], [15], [25], [26].The BP network is a kind of array which can

    realize nonlinear mapping from the inputs to the outputs. Therefore, the selection of input

    variables of a load forecasting network is of great importance. Broadly, there are two

    selection methods. One is based on experience [23], [15], [27], [19] and the other is based

    on statistical analysis such as the ARIMA [21] and correlation analysis [25]. The input

    variables are largely determined on engineering judgment and experience. In all, the input

    variables can be classified into 6 main classes:

    1. Historical loads [15-30],

    2. Historical and future (forecasted) temperatures [15-27],3. Historical and future (forecasted) relative humidity [30]

    4. Hour of day index [15],[21],[25],[31],

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    5. Day of week index [15],[21], [25],[31],

    6. Wind-speed and sky cover [20], [31],

    7. Rainfall (Wet or dry day) [31].

    The BP algorithm is widely used in STLF and has some good features such as, its ability to

    easily accommodate weather variables, and its implicit expressions relating inputs and

    outputs. However, the raining process is time consuming training process and it converges to

    local minima. The research work has attributed the premature saturation as the major

    reasons for these drawbacks [32]. A method to prevent premature saturation by the

    appropriate selection of the initial weights is proposed in [33]. The BP algorithm with

    momentum (BPM) converges much faster than the conventional BP algorithm [34]. In [27],

    [35], it is shown that the use of the BPM in STLF significantly improves the training

    process. The authors of [18] present extensive studies on the effects of factors such as the

    learning step, the momentum factor to BPM. They proposed a learning algorithm for

    adaptive training of neural networks. A learning algorithm motivated by the principle of

    forced dynamic for the total error function is proposed in [36]. The rate of change of the

    network weights is chosen such that the error function to be minimized is forced to decay in

    a certain mode. An approach by updating the weights in direct proportion to total error is

    proposed in [35]. With this, the periods of stagnation are much shorter and the possibility

    of trapping in local minima is greatly reduced. Determination of the optimal number of

    hidden neurons is a crucial issue. If it is too small, the network can not possess sufficient

    information, and thus yields inaccurate forecasting results. On the other hand, if it is too large,

    the training process will be very long [15]. The work in [32] discusses the number of

    hidden neurons in binary value cases. In order to make the mapping between the output

    value and input pattern for Iarbitrary learning patterns, the necessary and sufficient number

    of hidden neurons is ( I-1).[37] highlights that a multilayer perception with ( k-1) hidden

    neurons can realize arbitrary functions defined on a k-element set. Up to our knowledge, there

    is no absolute criteria to determine the exact number of hidden neurons that will lead to an

    optimal solution. Different numbers of hidden neurons are used in [12], [15], [20],

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    [21].ANNs can only perform what they were trained to do. As for the case of STLF, the

    selection of the training set is a crucial one. The criteria for selecting the training set is that

    the characteristics of all the training pairs in the training set must be similar to those of the

    day to be forecasted. To obtain good forecasting results, day type information must be taken

    into account. There are two ways to do this. One way is to construct the different ANNs for

    each day type, and feed each ANN with the corresponding day type training sets [22], [30].

    The other is to use only one ANN but contain the day type information in the input variables

    [15],[21],[28],. The former uses a number of relatively small size networks, while the later

    has only one network of a relatively large size. A typical classification given in [15]

    categorizes the historical loads into five classes. These are Monday, Tuesday-Thursday,

    Friday, Saturday and Sunday/Public holiday. The work in [17], collects the data with

    characteristics similar to the day being forecasted, and combines these data with the data from

    the previous 5 days to form a training set. The conventional methods use observation and

    comparison [15], [17], [19] and methods based on unsupervised ANN concepts and selects

    the training set automatically [12], [20] are used for day type classification.

    1.2.6 Hybrid Fuzzy Neural Approaches

    Researchers have proposed several different ways to combine fuzzy logic with neuralnetworks techniques in order to improve the overall forecasting performance. They are

    classified into five categories according to the method of combination:

    Fuzzy logic system at the output stage of the neural network forecaster to

    manipulate the output [38], [39], [40];

    Fuzzy logic at the input stage of a neural network to preprocess the inputs [41],

    [42], [43];

    Integrated fuzzy neural network to create a fuzzy rule base from the historical

    training data [44], [45];

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    Separate fuzzy logic and neural network forecasters to forecast different

    components of the load [46];

    Fuzzy logic technique for the classification of huge training data into different

    classes and neural network to forecast the load according to the classified training

    data [30]

    1.3 Important Factor for Load Forecasting

    For short-term load forecasting several factors should be considered, such as time factors,

    weather data, and possible customers classes. Generally following factor are mostly



    Day light intensity of cloud

    Day type capacity



    Wind velocity


    The medium- and long-term forecasts take into account the historical load and weather data,

    the number of customers in different categories, the appliances in the area and their

    characteristics including age, the economic and demographic data and their forecasts, the

    appliance sales data, and other factors. The time factors include the time of the year, the day

    of the week, and the hour of the day. There are important differences in load between

    weekdays and weekends. The load on different weekdays also can behave differently. For

    example, Mondays and Fridays being adjacent to Weekends, may have structurally different

    loads than Tuesday through Thursday. This is particularly true during the summer time.

    Holidays are more difficult to forecast than non-holidays because of their relative infrequent

    occurrence. Weather conditions influence the load. In fact, forecasted weather Parameters is

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    the most important factors in short-term load forecasts. Various weather variables could be

    considered for load forecasting. Temperature and humidity are the most commonly used load

    predictors. An electric load prediction survey published in [17] indicated that of the 22

    research reports considered, 13 made use of temperature only, 3 made use of temperature and

    humidity, 3 utilized additional weather parameters, And 3 used only load parameters. Among

    the weather variables listed above, two composite weather Variable functions, the THI

    (temperature-humidity index) and WCI (wind chill index), are broadly used by utility

    companies. THI is a measure of summer heat discomfort and similarly WCI is cold stress in

    winter. Most electric utilities serve customers of different types such as residential,

    commercial, and industrial. The electric usage pattern is different for customers that belong to

    different classes but is somewhat alike for customers within each class. Therefore, most

    utilities distinguish load behavior on a class-by-class basis [32].

    1.4 Type of Load Forecasting

    Over the last few decades a number of forecasting methods have been developed. Two of the

    methods, so-called end-use and econometric approach are broadly used for medium- and long-

    term forecasting. A variety of methods, which include the so-called similar day approach,

    various regression models, time series, neural networks, expert systems, fuzzy logic, and

    statistical learning algorithms, are used for short-term forecasting. The development,

    improvements, and investigation of the appropriate mathematical tools will lead to the

    development of more accurate load forecasting techniques. Statistical approaches usually

    require a mathematical model that represents load as function of different factors such as time,

    weather, and customer class. The two important categories of such mathematical models are:

    additive models and multiplicative models. They differ in whether the forecast load is the sum

    (additive) of a number of components or the product (multiplicative) of a number of factors.

    For example, Chen et al. [4] presented an additive model that takes the form of predicting load

    as the function of four components:

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    L =Ln +Lw+Ls +Lr,


    L = total load,

    Ln = the normal part of the load,

    Lw = the weather sensitive part of the load

    Ls = a special event component that create a substantial deviation from the usual load


    Lr = a completely random term, the noise

    Chen et al. [55] also suggested electricity pricing as an additional term that can be included in

    the model. Naturally, price decreases/increases affect electricity consumption. Large cost

    sensitive industrial and institutional loads can have a significant effect on loads. The study in[55] used Pennsylvania-New Jersey-Maryland (PJM) spot price data (as it related to Ontario

    Hydro load) as a neural network input. The authors report that accurate estimates were

    achieved more quickly with the inclusion of price data.A multiplicative model may be of the


    L =Ln Fw Fs Fr,


    Ln = the normal (base) load

    Fw =current weather

    Fs =special events

    Fr =random fluctuation

    Fp =electricity pricing

    Fw, Fs, andFr= the correction factors are positive numbers that can increase or decrease the

    overall load. These corrections are based on current weather (Fw), special events (Fs), and

    random fluctuation (Fr). Factors such as electricity pricing (Fp) and load growth (Fg) can also

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    be included. Rahman presented a rule based forecast using a multiplicative model. Weather

    variables and the base load associated with the weather measures were included in the model.

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    2.1 Introduction

    Load forecasting plays an important role in power system planning, operation and control.

    Forecasting is the study to estimate active loads ahead of actual load occurrence. Planning

    and operational applications of load forecasting requires a certain lead time also called

    forecasting intervals [47]. Accurate models for electric power load forecasting are

    essential to the operation and planning of a utility company. Load forecasting helps an

    electric utility to make important decisions including decisions on purchasing and

    generating electric power, load switching, and infrastructure development. Load

    forecasts are extremely important for energy suppliers, and other participants in electric

    energy generation, transmission, distribution, and markets. The forecasts for different time

    horizons are important for different operations within a utility company. For the next year

    peak forecast, it is possible to provide the probability distribution of the load based on

    historical weather observations. It is also possible, according to the industry practice, to

    predict the so-called weather normalized load, which would take place for average annual

    peak weather conditions or worse than average peak weather conditions for a given area.

    Weather normalized load is the load calculated for the so-called normal weather conditions

    which are the average of the weather characteristics for the peak historical loads over a

    certain period of time. The duration of this period varies from one utility to another. Some

    companies take the last 25-30 years of historical data.

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    2.2 Classification of Short Term Load Forecasting Methods

    2.2.1 Similar-Day Approach:

    This approach is based on searching historical data for days within one, two, or three years

    with similar characteristics to the forecast day. Similar characteristics include weather, day of

    the week, and the date. The load of a similar day is considered as a forecast. Instead of a single

    similar day load, the forecast can be a linear combination or regression procedure that can

    include several similar days. The trend coefficients can be used for similar days in the previous


    2.2.2 Regression Methods

    Regression is the one of most widely used statistical techniques. For electric load forecasting

    regression methods are usually used to model the relationship of load consumption and other

    factors such as weather, day type, and customer class. Engle et al. [1] presented several

    regression models for the next day peak forecasting. Their models incorporate deterministic

    influences such as holidays, stochastic influences such as average loads, and exogenous

    influences such as weather. References [1], [33], [17], [3] describe other applications of

    regression models to loads forecasting.

    2.2.3 Time Series

    Time series methods are based on the assumption that the data have an internal structure, such

    as autocorrelation, trend, or seasonal variation. Time series forecasting methods detect and

    explore such a structure. Time series have been used for decades in such fields as economics,

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    digital signal processing, as well as electric load forecasting. In particular, ARMA

    (autoregressive moving average), ARIMA (autoregressive integrated moving average),

    ARMAX (autoregressive moving average with exogenous variables), and ARIMAX

    (autoregressive integrated moving average with exogenous variables) are the most often used

    classical time series methods. ARMA models are usually used for stationary processes while

    ARIMA is an extension of ARMA to no stationary processes. ARMA and ARIMA use the

    time and load as the Only input parameters. Since load generally depends on the weather and

    time of the day, ARIMAX is the most natural tool for load forecasting among the classical

    time series models. Fan and McDonald [10] and Cho et al. [5] describe implementations of

    ARIMAX models for load forecasting. Yang et al. [37] used evolutionary Programming (EP)

    approach to identify the ARMAX model parameters for one day to one week ahead hourly

    load demand forecast. Evolutionary programming [14] is a method for simulating evolution

    and constitutes a stochastic optimization algorithm. Yang and Huang [43] proposed a fuzzy

    autoregressive moving average with exogenous input variables (FARMAX) for one day ahead

    hourly load forecasts.

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    3.1 Neural Networks

    The use of artificial neural networks (ANN or simply NN) has been a widely studied electric

    load forecasting technique since 1990 (see [22]). Neural networks are essentially non-linear

    circuits that have the demonstrated capability to do non-linear curve fitting. The outputs of anartificial neural network are some linear or nonlinear mathematical function of its inputs. The

    inputs may be the outputs of other network elements as well as actual network inputs. In

    practice network elements are arranged in a relatively small number of connected layers of

    elements between network inputs and outputs. Feedback paths are sometimes used. In applying

    a neural network to electric load forecasting, one must select one of a number of architectures

    (e.g. Hopfield, back propagation, Boltzmann machine), the number and connectivity of layers

    and elements, use of bi-directional or uni-directional links, and the number format (e.g. binary

    or continuous) to be used by inputs and outputs, and internally. The most popular artificial

    neural network architecture for electric load forecasting is back propagation. Back propagation

    neural networks use continuously valued functions and supervised learning. That is, under

    supervised learning, the actual numerical weights assigned to element inputs are determined by

    matching historical data (such as time and weather) to desired outputs (such as historical

    electric loads) in a pre-operational training session. Artificial neural networks with

    unsupervised learning do not require pre-operational training. Bakirtzis et al. [1] developed an

    ANN based short-term load forecasting model for the Energy Control Center of the Greek

    Public Power Corporation. In the development they used a fully connected three-layer feed

    forward ANN and back propagation algorithm was used for training. Input variables include

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    historical hourly load data, temperature, and the day of the week. The model can forecast load

    profiles from one to seven days. Also Papalexopoulos et al. [21] developed and implemented a

    multi-layered feed forward ANN for short-term system load forecasting. In the model three

    types of variables are used as inputs to the neural network: season related inputs, weather

    related inputs, and historical loads. Khotanzad et al. [13] described a load forecasting system

    known as ANNSTLF. ANNSTLF is based on multiple ANN strategies that capture various

    trends in the data. In the development they used a multilayer perception trained with the error

    back propagation algorithm. ANNSTLF can consider the effect of temperature and relative

    humidity on the load. It also contains forecasters that can generate the hourly temperature and

    relative humidity forecasts needed by the system. An improvement of the above system was

    described in [14]. In the new generation, ANNSTLF includes two ANN forecasters, one

    predicts the base load and the other forecasts the change in load. The final forecast is computed

    by an adaptive combination of these forecasts. The effects of humidity and wind speed are

    considered through a linear transformation of temperature. As reported in [21], ANNSTLF was

    being used by 35 utilities across the USA and Canada. Chen et al. [4] developed a three layer

    fully connected feed forward neural network and the back propagation algorithm was used as

    the training method. Their ANN though considers the electricity price as one of the main

    characteristics of the system load. Many published studies use artificial neural networks in

    conjunction with other forecasting techniques (such as with time series [7] regression trees

    [20], or fuzzy logic [34]).

    3.2Expert System

    Rule based forecasting makes use of rules, which are often heuristic in nature, to do accurate

    forecasting. Expert systems, incorporates rules and procedures used by human experts in the

    field of interest into software that is then able to automatically make forecasts without human

    assistance. Expert system use began in the 1960s for such applications as geological

    prospecting and computer design. Expert systems work best when a human expert is available

    to work with software developers for a considerable amount of time in imparting the experts

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    knowledge to the expert system software. Also, an experts knowledge must be appropriate for

    codification into software rules (i.e. the expert must be able to explain his/her decision process

    to programmers). An expert system may codify up to hundreds or thousands of production

    rules. Chow et al. [31] proposed a knowledge-based expert system for the short term load

    forecasting of the Taiwan power system. Operators knowledge and the hourly observations of

    system load over the past five years were employed to establish eleven day types. Weather

    parameters were also considered. The developed algorithm performed better compared to the

    conventional Box-Jenkins method. Rahman and Hazim [29] developed a site independent

    technique for short-term load forecasting. Knowledge about the load and the factors affecting it

    are extracted and represented in a parameterized rule base. This rule base is complemented by

    a parameter database that varies from site to site. The technique was tested in several sites in

    the United States with low forecasting errors. The load model, the rules, and the parameters

    presented in the paper have been designed using no specific knowledge about any particular

    site. The results can be improved if operators at a particular site are consulted.

    3.3 Fuzzy Logic

    fuzzy logic is a generalization of the usual boolean logic used for digital circuit design. an

    input under boolean logic takes on a truth value of 0 or 1. under fuzzy logic an input has

    associated with it a certain qualitative ranges. for instance a transformer load may be low,

    medium and high. fuzzy logic allows one to (logically) deduce outputs from fuzzy inputs.

    in this sense fuzzy logic is one of a number of techniques for mapping inputs to outputs (i.e.

    curve fitting).among the advantages of fuzzy logic are the absence of a need for a

    mathematical model mapping inputs to outputs and the absence of a need for precise (or even

    noise free) inputs. with such generic conditioning rules, properly designed fuzzy logic systems

    can be very robust when used for forecasting. of course in many situations an exact output (e.g.

    the precise 12pm load) is needed. after the logical processing of fuzzy inputs, a

    defuzzification process can be used to produce such precise outputs. references [25], [18],

    [34] describe applications of fuzzy logic to electric load forecasting.

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    3.4 Support Vector Machines

    Support Vector Machines (SVMs) are a more recent powerful technique for solving

    classification and regression problems. This approach was originated from Vapniks [35]

    statistical learning theory. Unlike neural networks, which try to define complex functions of

    the input feature space, support vector machines perform a nonlinear mapping (by using so-

    called kernel functions) of the data into a high dimensional (feature) space. Then support

    vector machines use simple linear functions to create linear decision boundaries in the new

    space. The problem of choosing an architecture for a neural network is replaced here by the

    problem of choosing a suitable kernel for the support vector machine [6]. Mohandes applied

    the method of support vector machines for short-term electrical load forecasting. The author

    compares its performance with the autoregressive method. The results indicate that SVMs

    compare favorably against the autoregressive method. Chen et al. [2] proposed a SVM model

    to predict daily load demand of a month. Their program was the winning entry of the

    competition organized by the NITE network. Li and Fang [28] also used a SVM model for

    short-term load forecasting.

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    4.1 Overview of Fuzzy Logic Technique

    According to Bauer et al [48],

    "Fuzzy Logic is basically a multi-valued logic that allows intermediate values to be

    defined between conventional evaluations like yes/no, true/false, black/white, etc. Notionslike rather warm or pretty cold can be formulated mathematically and processed by


    According to Bart Kosko [49],

    The facts were always fuzzy or vague or inexact. Science treated the gray or

    fuzzy facts as if they were the black-white facts of math. Yet no one had put forth a single fact

    about the world that was 100% true or 100% false. "Logic to most people relates to two state

    thinking, the idea that the outcome can only be either true or false, 1 or 0, right or wrong.

    This form of logic dates back to ancient Greece and is perfectly adequate to answer simple

    questions in single dimensions, for example, if A is 1 and B is 0 what is A AND B? It can

    be extended, as is done in Boolean algebra to more complex questions, as long as all the

    parts can be described using the same restricted alphabet of two symbols. Such logic is a

    deductive way of understanding consequences and a highly valuable intellectual technique

    [50]. But this sort of logic is inadequate when we need to reason about variables that have

    more than two values, or in cases where multiple incompatible variables are involved.

    Yet we still need to make decisions in these cases, so how can we proceed? Bivalent, or

    two states, logic is just a sub-set of a more powerful type of logic known as fuzzy logic. The

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    concept of Fuzzy Logic (FL) was conceived by Zadeh and presented not as a control

    methodology, but as a way of processing data by allowing partial set membership rather than

    crisp set membership or non-membership. Zadeh reasoned that people do not require precise,

    numerical information input, and yet they are capable of highly adaptive control [50], [51].

    Fuzzy Sets

    Fuzzy sets have membership properties defined between 0 and 1. This means that if we take

    an attribute say 'red' we can express the colour of any particular apple as a position in this

    fuzzy set. We may say for example that it is 30% red and thus has a fuzzy truth value (FTV) or

    membership function of 0.3. The relation of FTV to actual values depends upon the desired

    mapping from the real world to the normalized range 0 to 1, and this is arbitrary. The

    membership function is a graphical representation of the magnitude of participation of

    each input. It associates a weighting with each of the inputs that are processed, define

    functional overlap between inputs, and ultimately determines an output response. The rules use

    the input membership values as weighting factors to determine their influence on the fuzzy

    output sets of the final output conclusion. Once the functions are inferred, scaled, and

    combined, they are defuzzified into a crisp output which drives the system. There are

    different membership functions associated with each input and output response.The

    commonly used shape to describe the membership function is triangular, but bell, trapezoidal

    and exponential can also be used. More complex functions are possible but require greater

    computing overhead to implement. Fig.1 illustrates the different shapes of membership

    functions commonly in use.

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    1.Triangular 2.Trapmf

    3.Gbellmf 4.Guassmf

    5.Gauss2mf 6.Sigmf

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    7.Dsigmf 8.Psigmf

    9.Pigmf 10.Smf

    Fuzzy logic is reasoning with fuzzy sets. Operations on fuzzy sets are similar to those of

    standard logic but are differently defined [69]. Let us assume two FTVs to illustrate,

    A(0.4) and B(0.7).

    Union (the joined boundaries of the values): A

    OR B = Maximum of the FTVs i.e., 0.7

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    Intersection (the commonality between the values): A

    AND B = Minimum of the FTVs i.e., 0.4

    (again reducing to bivalent logic in the extremes)

    Negation (the opposite of the value)

    NOT A = 1 FTV A i.e., 0.6

    (Once more this is simply an extension of normal logic)

    If there is just one variable then decisions are easy, the option with the best value is selected,

    but it is very difficult to deal with multiple variables where compromise or trade-off the

    values is required. In classical logic we can pick the option whose worst is the least bad

    (Max-min) or we could pick the option whose best is the highest (Max- max). In fuzzy

    logic we rate each variable as a fuzzy truth value, giving 1 to the best option, 0 to the worst

    and proportionate in between (we could alternatively rate them with respect to a theoretical or

    practical minimum and maximum for the variable in question). A motoring example is

    considered :

    Table 4.1 A Motoring Example (Real Values)

    Classical logic would set the best at 1 and rest (not-best) 0, i.e.:

    Real Values Consumption mpg Max Speed mph Acceleration s

    Car A 30 120 9

    Car B 40 110 11

    Car C 45 100 12

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    Logic Values Consumption Max Speed Acceleration

    Car A 0 1 1

    Car B 0 0 0

    Car C 1 0 0

    Table 4.2 A Motoring Example (Logic Values)

    Then Max-min would choose all of them (all are 0 minimum) and Max-max either A or C

    (both have 1) - not much use as a method of choice.

    Fuzzifying these values instead (where for Acceleration here low is good, so the minimum gets

    the maximum marks) we get:

    Fuzzy Values Consumption Max Speed Acceleration

    Car A 0 1 1

    Car B 0.66 0.5 0.33

    Car C 1 0 0

    Table 4.3 A Motoring Example (Fuzzy Values)

    Here Max-min would choose B (0.33 minimum satisfaction) and Max-max A (two 1s), a

    compromise choice is provided by fuzzy reasoning (depending on your preference for

    least-worst versus most-best).

    Fuzzy systems being inherently nonlinear however can deal with those situations hard to

    formulate in traditional linear mathematical terms, and this includes complex nonlinear

    machines and systems with multiple interrelated variables.

    4.2Historical data and key factors

    A good quality of historical data for input parameters for the last few years has been stored in

    data base management system (DBMS) for accurate load forecasting. The system load is the

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    sum of all the consumers load at the same time. The objective of system Load Forecasting

    is to forecast the future system load. Good understanding of the system characteristics helps

    to design reasonable forecasting models and select appropriate models in different situations.

    Short term load forecasting mainly depends on the following conditions:

    - Day capacity

    - Weather conditions

    - Day temperature

    Though the day capacity can be defined as working day or non working day (weekend or

    holiday). But as per this study weekend and holiday are put in the same category when no

    work or negligible work is done. One more category as special day has been considered. This

    is the category when work is done after regular 8 working hours of the day (means if work is

    done for 9 Hrs. in a day shows one complete regular day and 1 Hr. of special day) or 9 Hrs. of

    special day depending on the type of work. Overall working in an institute can be divided into

    two parts-Class (Theory and Tutorials) and Practical Labs and workshops. The day capacity is

    very much dependant on two factors:

    - The type of work (either Theory or Practical)

    - Day Elongation

    So day capacity can be calculated as

    DC= .. eqn.4.1

    Where DC is Day Capacity, Ti is Evaluation Factor for the type of work and D is Elongation

    of the day in eqn. (4.1). Two main factors have been defined to decide weather conditions

    Cloudy and/or Rainy weather. Cloudy weather gives an important effect of the day light

    intensity means more the clouds, lesser will be the day light intensity, more will be the

    consumption of electricity. These factors somehow are related to days minimum temperature

    and days maximum temperature. Actually, there can be a comparison between two working

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    days with similar day capacity but different weather conditions; load consumed on both the

    days will be different. This can also happen that for two days, one is working and other is non

    working with different weather conditions, the load consumed is same.

    4.3 Fuzzification

    Fuzzy linguistic variables are used to represent various inputs as well as output parameters as

    the member of fuzzy sets. In order to express the fuzziness of information, this paper makes an

    arrangement of fuzzy subsets for different inputs and outputs in complete universe of discourse

    as membership functions [9]. The relationship between several inputs and output may be non

    linear but linear membership functions have been used for simplicity and only the membership

    function for seasons is taken as ridge-shaped Membership functions such as gbell mf, gauss

    mf, and gauss2mf.

    The Days Minimum Temperature and Maximum Temperature are represented as fuzzy subset

    [Very Low (VL), Low (L), Medium (M), High (H), and Very High (VH)].

    The linguistic variables of Day Capacity as [Minimum (min), Very Low (VL), Low (L),Medium (M), High (H), Very High (VH), Maximum (max)].

    The fuzzy subset for day capacity is [Very Low (VL), Low (L), Normal (N), High (H), Very

    High (VH)].

    The Seasons fuzzy subset is given with the names of season as [spring, summer, autumn,


    The rain forecast has been given by fuzzy subset [No Rain, Drizzling, Normal Rain, Heavy


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    Similarly, the output factor load also has been assigned as fuzzy subset with membership

    functions [Minimum (min), very low (VL), Low (L), medium (M), High (H), Very High (VH),

    Maximum (max)].

    INPUT Type of M.F. No. of M.F. Range of M.F.

    Days mini. temperature Trimf 5 -5 to 35CDays max. temperature Trimf 5 5 to 50 C

    Days light intensity of cloud Trimf 5 0 to 100 %

    Day type capacity Trimf 7 0 to 1

    Season Gauss2mf 4 0 to 350

    Rain Trimf 4 0 to 1

    OUTPUT Type of M.F. No. of M.F. Range of M.F.

    Forecasted load Trimf 5 4000 to 10000 MHW

    Table 4.4 Details of input and output M.F.

    4.4 Membership Functions

    Figure 2 FIS Editor Window

    Fig 4.4.1 Membership function of The Days Minimum Temperature

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    4.4.2 Membership function of The Days Maximum Temperature

    4.4.3 Membership function of The Days Light Intensity

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    4.4.4 Membership function of The Days capacity

    4.4.5 Membership function of The Season

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    4.4.6 Membership function of Rain

    4.5 Fuzzy Rule Base

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    This is the part of fuzzy system where heuristic knowledge is stored in terms of IF-THEN

    Type Rules. The rule base is used to send information to fuzzy inference system (FIS) to

    process through inference mechanism to numerically evaluate the information embedded in the

    fuzzy rule base to get the output. The rules are like:

    IF (MinTemp is M) and (MaxTemp is L) and (Day Light-Intensity (Clouds) is VH) and

    (Season (Day Number) is SUMMER) and (Rain is NORMAL) THEN (Output Load is


    IF (Min Temp is H) and (Max Temp is H) and (Day Light-Intensity (Clouds) is L) and

    (Season (Day Number) is AUTUMN) and (Rain is DRIZZLING) THEN (Output Load

    is H).

    IF (Min Temp is VL) and (Max Temp is VL) and (Day Light-Intensity (Clouds) is H)

    and (Season (Day Number) is WINTER) and (Rain is NO_RAIN) THEN (Output Load

    is MAX).

    IF (Min Temp is H) and (Max Temp is H) and (Day Light-Intensity (Clouds) is L) and

    (Season (Day Number) is SPRING) and (Rain is NO_RAIN) THEN (Output Load is


    IF (Day Type (Day Capacity) is MIN) and (Season (Day Number) is SUMMER)

    THEN (Output Load is MIN).

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    Figure4.5.1Rule editor window

    4.6 Result

    Fuzzy Logic technique approach to short term load forecasting is proposed in this project

    report work. The daily load data from Dayalbagh and Dayalbagh Educational Institute

    Dayalbagh Agra for different day types is used for load forecasting. DEIED USIC data is the

    complete load demand of Dayalbagh and Dayalbagh Educational Institute taken from

    Dayalbagh Electricity Deppt. USIC Dayalbagh , Agra. And finally as per the result. I make

    the rules and find the following surface

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    Rule Window

    Surface window

  • 8/9/2019 Char an 123456



    Graph of Days max. temp. V/s forecasted

    Graph of Days minimum temp V/s forecasted load

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    Surface in between season ,day mini. Temp and forecasted load.

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    We can use fuzzy logic to forecast the load to some extent but there are inherent disadvantages

    to the system because of the degree of freedom in selecting membership functions, method of

    fuzzification and de-fuzzification. Such problems may be overcome by combining neural

    network and fuzzy logic. The neural network optimizes the rule base. This involves the

    training of the network to the historical data to determine the rules that contribute to a better

    decision. The network also modifies the initial choice of the membership function to fit the

    system. Some another technique are ANN and Genetic Algorithm. These types of Hybrid

    expert systems are under research.


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