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CHAPTER III METHOD OF THE RESEARCH In this research, the writer uses the research method that serves forexamining the use of wall magazine to improve writing skill. The discussion in this study involves setting and characteristic of subject of the research,design of the research, procedure of the research, data collection, and data analysis. 3.1 Setting and Characteristic of Subject of the Research The research is conducted at SMP 2 Mejobo Kudus. The school location is strategic. The distance is about 6 (six) kilometers from the main road of Kudus-Pati, exactly near Brayung Market on the street Raya Mejobo telephone (0291)435393Kudus 59381. 28

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In this research, the writer uses the research method that serves forexamining the use of wall magazine to improve writing skill. The discussion in this study involves setting and characteristic of subject of the research,design of the research, procedure of the research, data collection, and data analysis.

3.1 Setting and Characteristic of Subject of the ResearchThe research is conducted at SMP 2 Mejobo Kudus. The school location is strategic. The distance is about 6 (six) kilometers from the main road of Kudus-Pati, exactly near Brayung Market on the street Raya Mejobo telephone (0291)435393Kudus 59381.The school has some rooms which include24 (twenty four) classrooms, a teacher office room, consultant room, a language laboratory, a library, a musholla, a canteen and some toilet rooms.SMP 2 Mejobo Kudus is a state junior high school in Kudus. It has gained akreditasi A from Departemen Pendidikan Nasional. The numbers of student in academic year 2010/2011 are 844 (eight hundred and fortyfour). There are 42 teachers and a headmaster who handles the teaching learning process at SMP 2 Mejobo Kudus.The writer was conducted in the eighth grade class in during the second semester of academic year 2011/2012.The number of the students in the classroom is 38 students; 16 female and 22 male. Their ages range are from 12-15 years old. It also has the input background has the background input about the students of SMP 2 Mejobo. In the below, there is the table of students score.Table 3.1 the table of students scoreStudentsUHStudents UH





















The consideration of choosing the eighth grade students to be the subject of the research is based on the English test scores.The teacher said that students score in the first semesterwere under the classification of KKM (Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal) determined that is 72. So, they are still difficult to learn English. Here, the writer hopes that wall magazine could make them happy and comfortable in English teaching and learning.3.2 Variable of the ResearchTo answer the research problem, there are some variables that the researcher wants to investigate. Those variables are as follows:1. Teacher variable: the teacher activities in the process of teaching English to Improve students writing skill by using Wall Magazine.2. Students variable: the students activities in the process of teaching English to improve their writing skill by using Wall Magazine.3. The writing skill of the students istaught by using Wall Magazine.4.The teachers problem in teaching English by using Wall Magazine.

3.3 Research DesignEvery research needs a plan called research design. In order to do the research effectively and accurately according to the goal of the research, it needs a strategy planning for gathering and analyzing the research finding. Hornby (1974:718) states that research is investigation undertaken in order to discover new facts, get additional information, etc.According to Ali (1982: 5), Research is the way to solve problem scientifically, systematically, and logically. According to Tyrus in Ali (1982: 5), Research is the way to understand something through observation or trying in looking for evidence which appears with that problem, that is done very careful so will get the solution of problem.Research has benefit to develop educational system or practical importance to implement the education. Researchers can find out everything that is connected in its supporting factors.The research design which is used in this research is Classroom Action Research. The history of CAR is brought by Kurt Lewin who is the American social psychology. Then, it is developed by Stephen, Kemmis, Robin Mac Taggart, Josh Elliot, and Duve Ebbult. CAR is begun in Indonesia in the last 1980.According to Burns (2010: 30) explains that, Action research (AR) is something that many language teachers seem to have heard about, but often they have only a hazy idea of what it actually is and what doing it involves.Elliot (1991: 69) said that the study of a social situation with the view to improving the quality of action in it. According to Kemmis and Mc Taggart (1988), action research is a form of collective self-reflective enquiry undertaken by participants in social situation in order to improve the rationally and justice of their own social or educational practices, as well as their understanding of these practices and the situations in which these practices are carried out.The conclusion is the action research is research carried out in the classroom by the teacher of the course mainly with the purpose of solving the problem or improving the teaching learning process.

Figure 3.1. Classroom Action Research Design of Cycles Kemmis & McTaggart (1988)In the beginning observation, the reflection is determined by writing knowledge of students in teaching learning process. To know through wall magazine can improve their writing skill, so the writer uses achievement test to measure it and uses non-test too. The next step is the researcher do the research, the writer uses cycles. There are some cycles in classroom action research: planning, action, observation, and reflection (Burn, 2010: 8).

3.3.1 The Steps of Cycles in Classroom Action Research3.3.1.1PlanningThere are some activities in planning stage, they are:1. To make teaching planning by using Wall Magazine.2. To make list of observationto know teacher and students activities in teaching learning process.3. To make list of testto know teacher and students activities in teaching learning process.4. To make list of Questionnaire s to know teacher and students activities in teaching learning process. ActionThis activity is the implementation or application of planning concept. It is based on the procedure which has been arranged in planning stage before. In this stage, the teacher should follow the rule of planning. Besides that, the teacher must consider and adapt the students and class condition so that the teaching learning process will run naturally. Those will be known by teaching concept, observation concept, and questionnaire concept., Test and Questionnaire This activity is used to know the teacher and students activity in teaching writing process which is used to improve their writing skill with a list observation that appropriates theme, and teaching concept. is the supervision done directly or indirectly concerning the thing (Raharjo, 2011:42).That contains the learning activity in the classroom, what materials and responds from the students. To know the students activities in teaching learning process of English in improving writing skill through wall magazine a list observation. So, the writer can know the interaction between the teacher and students in teaching learning process. is instrument or exercise used to survey of ability, skill, and knowledge of students or group (Suharsimi, 2001: 150). In this stage, giving test to the students is done by the writer to know the level of their writing skill. To know the level of students writing skill, the writer gives assessment when the students do the assignment and discussion in solving a problem in their group. The form of test that is used to measure the students writing skill is written test. The score is categorized in language aspects which are consist of grammar, vocabulary, and confidence. Questionnaire Questionnaire is method of data collection to understand the individual person by using the list of questions about the individual aspects (Raharjo, 2011:90). In this study, Questionnaire contains the indicators, questions, and their answers. The indicators of questionnaires are students interest, teaching method, and rubrics. In students interest contain about the feeling of students about Wall Magazine. Wall Magazine is taught by teacher that is teaching method. And rubrics are like the evaluation of students about Wall Magazine. Questionnaire is also used to know how the students respond about using wall magazine in teaching learning process with use some questions. ReflectionIn this stage, the writer examines and considers the result and impact of the action before critically. In this case, the writer gets the data from observation, achievement test, and questionnaire which has analyzed until the writer finds out its reflection.In this last session, the teacher, and observers discuss together about learning teaching process. The product of analysis activity at the first cycle is used to revise first planning. The second cycle is used to as revise the first cycle, and third cycle is used to complete the first cycle and second cycle. The teacher and observer summarize what their result from discussion makes report about using Wall Magazine.

3.4 Procedure of ActionThere are some procedures that must be done in doing this research.Those procedures are Procedure of Action I, II, and III, but the writer will finish if it has been appropriate with minimal score in the school.

3.4.1. Procedure of Action IThe writer gives task in written form to the students to be creative writing in recount text. Then, the students make their writing interesting, for example they make their writing colorful and good looking. Observation is done to observe in teaching writing process. The writer will observe the process of teaching writing process. First, the teacher gives questionnaires to know the understandings students in learning of writing through wall magazine.In this cycle, the students are asked to make recount text. Here, the writer is teaching while the teacher of SMP 2 Mejobo Kudus will observe the teaching and learning process. Then, the teacher will show about Recount and narrative text. After that, the students read and analyze Wall Magazine. If they have read and understood, the teacher will give assignments. They write recount textin colorful paper based on the picture to become their assignment. Finally, they can put in Wall Magazine.

3.4.2. Procedure of Action IIThe writer continues of repeated activity. In this activity II process, the teacher gets the problem from cycle II that is in spelling word, tenses, and less creative. Then, they should have designed to make Wall Magazine.In this cycle, the teacher also gives the questionnaires first. After that, the topic or problem which is given to the students, it must be oriented on the curriculum lesson of SMP. The students are asked to make narrative and recount text by different question to improve their writing skill. It is to know how the students ability in writing based on text or lottery writes narrative and recount. With the same topic step, the students should be hoped more understand condition and situation. After the students are doing these steps, the teacher gives evaluation about their writing.

3.4.3. Procedure of Action IIIThe repeat of characteristic as the continued action, where the students review their lesson but the teacher gives different learning method to get the best score than cycle I and II. In this action process, before the teacher gives some questions to be related by the material, the students are hopefully to know their material with the good grammatical. Here, the students are asked to share their experience in their holiday by their own sentences. So, the students should be hoped getting the best score (more from the KKM score), than cycle I and II.Finally, the teacher will gives questionnaires again to know the understandings students in learning of writing through wall magazine.

3.5 Data CollectionIn collecting the data, the writer did several steps or activities below:1. Asking for companion letter from the Dean of Teacher Training and Education Faculty.1. Asking permission to the headmaster of SMP 2 Mejobo Kudus.1. Asking permission to SMP 2 Mejobo Kudus English teachers to do the research and test.1. Giving treatment to the students in teaching English through wall magazine.1. Giving Questionnaire to the students.1. Analyzing Wall Magazine can improve the Writing Skill SMP 2 Mejobo Kudus in the Academic Year 2011/2012 or not.

3.6 Data AnalysisThe writer gets data from observation, test, and Questionnaire . 0. The data observation is used to know the activity of teacher and students in the classroom. So, the writer observes how to improve the writing skill after being taught through wall magazine.0. Test is used to know the level of students in writing skill. It is also used to know the response of the students in teaching learning process through wall magazine. Here, the teacher gives assessment for them. The language aspects are grammar, vocabulary, and confidence. It can look for average score from those language aspects. Every item in action I, II, III is looked for their average scores. To look for the average score, I need formula, follow as:

fxX = N

Note:X= average score fx= sum of the whole of scoreN= total of student

Besides that, the average score of students writing skill can use these categorized, follow as:

Table 3.2 Criteria of Score for the Students Writing SkillThe score of the students Writing SkillCriteria

< 70Low



81-85Very Satisfactory


After that, it can make into percentage, follow as: XNP = x 100 % RNote:NP= The average score percentage of Writing SkillX= The average scoreR = Maximum Score (100)0. Questionnaire is used to know how to solve the problem of teacher in teaching learning process of improving writing skill of SMP 2 Mejobo Kudus through wall magazine in the Academic Year 2011/2012 statistic calculation to describe the writing skill of SMP 2 Mejobo Kudus in before and after being taught through wall magazine. There are many things to consider when evaluating writing result. I used the criteria of scoring of writing English in Handayani (2010) quoting Broadman (2001) in the book entitled writing to communicate which is published the writer by Longman in giving scores as follow in the below text.

Table 3.3 The Criteria of Scoring of Writing English from the Book entitle Writing Skill to Communicate by Broadman and Rydenberg

ScoringAspects of Good Writing

Exceptional :25-23Very Good :22-20Average:19-17Need Work: 16-0 ScoreContent or ideas

1. Has excellent support2. Is interesting to read3. Has unity and completenessAdheres to assignment parameters

Exceptional :25-23Very Good:22-20Average:19-17Need Work: 16-0 ScoreOrganization


1. Has topic sentence with2. Clear controlling idea3. Has Supporting sentenceHas Coherence and Cohesion1. Has introductory of paragraph with clear these statements.2. Has body paragraph with good organization.3. Has concluding paragraph4. Has coherence and cohesion

Exceptional :25-23Very Good:22-20Average:19-17Need Work: 16-0 ScoreGrammar / Structure

1. Demonstrates control of basic grammar (tenses, verb and noun)2. Show sophistication of sentence structure with complex and compound sentences.

Exceptional :15-14Very Good :13-12Average :11-10Need Work :9-0 ScoreWord choice / Word Form

1. Demonstrate sophisticate choice of vocabulary items.2. Has correct idiomatic3. Has correct word form.

Exceptional :10Very Good: 9-8Average:7-6Need Work: 5-0 ScoreMechanics

1. Has good paragraph format.2. Demonstrates good control over use of capital letter, periods comas and semicolon.3. Demonstrates control over spelling.4. Doesnt have fragments, comma slices or run on sentence.

Table 3.4 The Criteria Assessment of Improving Students Writing Skill by Using Wall Magazine

The Score of the Students Writing SkillCriteria

86 100Very Satisfactory

73 85Satisfactory

61 72Fair

0 60Low