chapter i - the feldpost card features (code: a) ·...

Chapter I - THE FELDPOST CARD FEATURES (CODE: A) From the point of view of the service, a fieldpost card is a postal entire for inland mail, with the postage fee paid in advance, such mail being exempted from postage only for the military personnel or the civilians working under employment contract for the army. The postage exemption was granted for the mail addressed to the military personnel as well. For certification, the army unit cachet had to be applied on the mail - although there are many cases where such a cachet is missing. The fee for the supplementary services such as Registration, Express, foreign mail, etc. was not covered by the concession granted to the military personnel; it had to be paid for and that was confirmed by affixation of stamps. (see Fig. 18 - "Fieldpost" mail affixed with stamps for extra postage fee; / page 69) Both simple (open) postcards and lettercards or double, (reply-paid cards) were printed, along with letter cards - i.e. the same postal items as where the postage was due in full by the sender. They were offered on sale at the Post Offices and could be purchased for 1 Heller / 1 Fillér a piece for the simple cards or 2 Heller / Fillér a piece for double, reply paid or letter cards. In this catalogue, the fieldpost cards are classified as following: Postcard type Code Postcard type Code - simple post cards; A1 - semi-illustrated post cards; A5 - reply-paid (double) cards; A2 - picture post cards; A6 - lettercards; A3 - improvised fieldpost cards; A7 - stationery cards; A4 - other cards; A8 NB: the use of the K.u.k. fieldpost cards in the Succesor states as necessity postcards is detailed in a distinct chapter. AX A fieldpost card consists of two basic elements: the paper or the card item and the printing or the graphic structure (or layout) elements. 1 - The paper (card). In most of the cards, the paper is relatively soft and dull; sometimes one can come across semi- chalky or chalky paper but that is usually seen with special cards and not in case of the ordinary postcards that were manufactured in large amounts - which are made on dull, porous or compact paper, with lower finish. Three features are to be considered: colour, thickness, horizontal dimensions (length x height). 1.1 Colour: the following colours are known: - usual colours: the most often seen by far are: brick- pink, brown; yellowish-white, white(ish); - scarce colours: yellowish (butter), grey, greenish grey, olive; - rare colours: light green, grey(ish) green, light blue, greenish blue, reddish violet, intense violet; All the basic colours are seen in at least 2-3 shades, from pale to intense. 1.2 - Thickness: is rather variable; we may see thin paper in cards that bend to 70-80 degrees under their own weight when hold by a corner (i.e. cca 0.08 mm) to very thick, rigid cardboard, thicker than in picture postcards (cca. 0.7-0.8 mm); exceptionally, the paper may go beyond this limit; the thin paper is more common than the thick one, most of the cards being cca 0.2...0.3 mm thick. The thickest cardboard seen was 1.2 mm. 1.3 - Horizontal dimensions: 140 x 90 mm (minimum 126 x 81 mm, maximum 148 x 96 mm) with a large tolerance of 3 mm. Possibly the cutting machinery gauges differed - we should remember that the fieldpost cards were manufactured in many printing workshops and by many publishers, ranging from the major printers like Aero Mill in Wien or The National Printing Office in Budapest, to small local printers owned by publishers like Brassoi Lapok of Braşov or family businesses like Jan Simacek of Austerlitz (Slavkov). Therefore, varying from a standard size is not unusual. The paper is not a catalogue feature but some collectors do prefer to collect all the paper varieties with each card. At least one of them is scarce or maybe rare.

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Page 1: Chapter I - THE FELDPOST CARD FEATURES (CODE: A) · Chapter I - THE FELDPOST CARD FEATURES (CODE: A) From the point of view of the service,


From the point of view of the service, a fieldpost card is a postal entire for inland mail, with the postage fee paid in advance, such mail being exempted from postage only for the military personnel or the civilians working under employment contract for the army. The postage exemption was granted for the mail addressed to the military personnel as well. For certification, the army unit cachet had to be applied on the mail - although there are many cases where such a cachet is missing. The fee for the supplementary services such as Registration, Express, foreign mail, etc. was not covered by the concession granted to the military personnel; it had to be paid for and that was confirmed by affixation of stamps. (► see Fig. 18 - "Fieldpost" mail affixed with stamps for extra postage fee; / page 69)

Both simple (open) postcards and lettercards or double, (reply-paid cards) were printed, along with letter cards - i.e. the same postal items as where the postage was due in full by the sender. They were offered on sale at the Post Offices and could be purchased for 1 Heller / 1 Fillér a piece for the simple cards or 2 Heller / Fillér a piece for double, reply paid or letter cards. In this catalogue, the fieldpost cards are classified as following:

Postcard type Code Postcard type Code - simple post cards; A1 - semi-illustrated post cards; A5 - reply-paid (double) cards; A2 - picture post cards; A6 - lettercards; A3 - improvised fieldpost cards; A7 - stationery cards; A4 - other cards; A8 NB: the use of the K.u.k. fieldpost cards in the Succesor states as necessity postcards is detailed in a distinct chapter. AX

A fieldpost card consists of two basic elements: the paper or the card item and the printing or the graphic structure (or layout) elements.

1 - The paper (card). In most of the cards, the paper is relatively soft and dull; sometimes one can come across semi-chalky or chalky paper but that is usually seen with special cards and not in case of the ordinary postcards that were manufactured in large amounts - which are made on dull, porous or compact paper, with lower finish. Three features are to be considered: colour, thickness, horizontal dimensions (length x height).

1.1 Colour: the following colours are known: - usual colours: the most often seen by far are: brick- pink, brown; yellowish-white, white(ish); - scarce colours: yellowish (butter), grey, greenish grey, olive; - rare colours: light green, grey(ish) green, light blue, greenish blue, reddish violet, intense violet; All the basic colours are seen in at least 2-3 shades, from pale to intense.

1.2 - Thickness: is rather variable; we may see thin paper in cards that bend to 70-80 degrees under their own weight when hold by a corner (i.e. cca 0.08 mm) to very thick, rigid cardboard, thicker than in picture postcards (cca. 0.7-0.8 mm); exceptionally, the paper may go beyond this limit; the thin paper is more common than the thick one, most of the cards being cca 0.2...0.3 mm thick. The thickest cardboard seen was 1.2 mm. 1.3 - Horizontal dimensions: 140 x 90 mm (minimum 126 x 81 mm, maximum 148 x 96 mm) with a large tolerance of 3 mm. Possibly the cutting machinery gauges differed - we should remember that the fieldpost cards were manufactured in many printing workshops and by many publishers, ranging from the major printers like Aero Mill in Wien or The National Printing Office in Budapest, to small local printers owned by publishers like Brassoi Lapok of Braşov or family businesses like Jan Simacek of Austerlitz (Slavkov). Therefore, varying from a standard size is not unusual. The paper is not a catalogue feature but some collectors do prefer to collect all the paper varieties with each card. At least one of them is scarce or maybe rare.

Page 2: Chapter I - THE FELDPOST CARD FEATURES (CODE: A) · Chapter I - THE FELDPOST CARD FEATURES (CODE: A) From the point of view of the service,



Din punctul de vedere al serviciului îndeplinit, o carte poştală militară are regim de întreg poştal pentru corespondenţă internă cu taxa achitată, corespondenţa fiind gratuită numai pentru personalul militar sau pentru cel civil angajat de armată. Scutirea de tarif era acordat şi pentru corespondenţa adresată personalului militar. Pentru conformitate, pe corespondenţa militarilor se aplica ştampila unităţii militare - deşi se cunosc numeroase cazuri în care aceasta lipseşte. Taxa poştală pentru servicii suplimentare precum Recomandat, Expres, corespondenţă internaţională, etc. nu era cuprinsă în gratuitatea acordată personalului militar; ea trebuia achitată şi atestată prin aplicarea de mărci poştale.

Fig.1 - Corespondenţă "Fieldpost" cu taxare suplimentară pentru plata tarifului; Fieldpost mail affixed with stamps for extra postage fee;

CP militară utilizată pentru corespondenţă civilă;

Fieldpost card used by a civilian; CP fără ştampila unităţii militare (corespondenţă civlă?);

Fieldpostcard without army unit cachet (civilian's mail?);

CP militară expediată din Galiţia de est, corespondenţă civilă

prin Kuk Feldpost, francată corect, ştampilată la sosire;

Fieldpost card mailed from Eastern Galicia, correctly franked civilian mail by Kuk Feldpost, cancelled upon arrival;

CP de ocupaţie militară expediată în străinătate de persoană civilă din Serbia, francată corect (15 h);

Military occupation stationery card mailed from Serbia, correctly franked (15 h);

CP militară expediată în străinătate (USA) de personal militar

din armată, francată corect cu 10 h (+ 5 h scutire);

Fieldpost card used for foreign mail (USA) by Army personnel, correctly franked 10 h (+5 h fee exemption);

CP militară expediată în străinătate (USA) de personal din armată, nefrancată, taxată cu PORTO la sosire (2x2 c);

Card addressed abroad (USA) by military personnel, not franked, submitted to taxation on arrival, PORTO (2x2 c);

Page 3: Chapter I - THE FELDPOST CARD FEATURES (CODE: A) · Chapter I - THE FELDPOST CARD FEATURES (CODE: A) From the point of view of the service,


N.B: even though a card may sometimes stay within the above tolerance, it is still possible that a certain card may have derived from a larger size type, where margins were trimmed off. Such cases are easy to recognise. "Perfect" and "sharp" corners should always be regarded as suspicious until the contrary has been proven, especially with thin paper cards. As a matter of principle, unjustified cases of trimmed cards should be avoided.

2 - The design: the elements of the fieldpost postcard layout. For printing, black ink was generally used, but other colours are known as well: grey, dark blue,

green, mustard, red brown, red. Polychrome was used for certain semi-illustrated cards with lithographic printing, and sometimes rare pigments occur, such as silver or gold. The printing is uniform but it is sometimes flawed by offset printing, variable intensity from very heavy to almost invisible print, graphic elements missing, or "slipped" printing. In general the printing is good or average. The layout elements constitute the criteria according to which the fieldpost card type is established. The former are coded and the totality of those partial codes give the code of the card type. The title codes are produced at the beginning of each section.

N.B: An example on how to establish a fieldpost card code (or type) is given on page 116.

2.1- The title. The fieldpost card title is printed more or less centred, above the space for the destination address. It may appear in a large variety of types, in different languages, with different fonts within the same language and even with a variable layout as the case may be. It is one of the main features for classification and allows the collector to compare types or subtypes. As a rule, a certain title type is constant for the whole duration of the war, regardless of the paper features; but starting from a basic type, modified types appear when certain printing elements change.

The main feature of the title for classification is the language which will be considered the language of the fieldpost card - and in case of the cards where titles are provided in two or more languages, the language of the first row will be considered. 2.1.1 - the language; the card title can appear in one language (usually in German or in Hungarian), in two languages (i.e. bi-lingual cards) or in more than two languages (i.e. multi-lingual cards). The languages used are symbolised according to the table below NOTE: where the title appears in several languages and one of them is printed in capitals and bold letters compared to the other (and usually in central position), that will be considered the title giving the card language; such cases are rare and seen only in a few cases with the semi-illustrated cards. According to the title language, we have: Item no. Postcard type Code Item

no. Postcard type Code

1 Cards without a title A10 5 CP with Croat title. (Cr) A14 2 Cards with German title (Ge) A11 6 CP with Polish title. (Po) A15 3 Cards with Hungarian title. (Hu) A12 7 CP with Ukrainian title. (Uk) A16 4 Cards with Czech title (Cz) A13 8

2.1.2 - the title; in general, there are several titles with each language and, with some title types, there are sometimes different title spellings; note the predominance of the German and Hungarian languages, the less frequent use of the Czech, Croatian or Polish languages and the virtual absence of the other languages spoken by the soldiers drafted throughout the Empire - with rare exceptions, in case of some bi-lingual and multi-lingual cards. And there too, other languages for the first row are rare occurrences. Regarding the title layout, there are 60 basic title types known, of which 2 are false titles (see page75). 2.1.3 - the letter type (font): for titles, the printers used a variety of typographic characters (fonts) that in general have no connection to the fonts used for the sender indications but may be the same for the supplementary indications where these were provided. For the Hungarian language titles, a smaller variety of fonts was used. The font types can be classified into four forms themselves: serif, sans-serif, Gothic (Fraktur) and ornamental, the latter producing more decorative letter types. The letter format can be thin (normal) or thick ("bold"), and the layout is generally straight or, in very rare cases, tilted ("italics").

Page 4: Chapter I - THE FELDPOST CARD FEATURES (CODE: A) · Chapter I - THE FELDPOST CARD FEATURES (CODE: A) From the point of view of the service,


S-au tipărit atât CP simple (deschise) cât şi CP închise sau CP duble (cu răspuns plătit), la fel ca şi cărţile poştale la care taxa poştală era achitată integral de expeditor. Ele găseau de vânzare la oficiile poştale şi puteau fi cumpărate pentru suma de 1 Heller respectiv 1 Fillér / buc. pentru cele simple şi respectiv 2 Fillér cele cu răspuns plătit sau cele închise. În catalogul de faţă, cărţile poştale sunt clasificate în următoarele grupe:

Tip de carte poştală

Cod catalog

Tip de carte poştală

Cod catalog

- cărţi poştale simple; A1 - cărţi poştale cu marcă fixă; A5 - cărţi poştale cu răspuns plătit; (CP duble); A2 - cărţi poştale ilustrate; A6 - cărţi poştale semi-ilustrate; A3 - CP corespondenţă improvizate; A7 - cărţi poştale închise; A4 - alte cazuri; A8 NB: utilizarea cărţilor poştale după terminarea războiului drept cărţi poştale de necesitate în statele succesorale este tratată într-un capitol distinct. AX

O carte poştală prezintă două componente de bază: cartonul sau suportul şi tiparul sau elementele de structură grafică.

1 - Suportul (cartonul). În majoritatea cazurilor este vorba de carton relativ moale şi mat; mai rar, sunt semnalate cazuri de

carton semi-cretat sau cretat, dar acest lucru este de regulă valabil pentru piese mai deosebite şi nu în cazul cărţilor poştale obişnuite, produse în masă, care de cele mai multe ori sunt realizate pe hârtie mată, poroasă sau compactă, cu grad de finisare mai redus. Există trei caracteristici care trebuie luate în considerare: culoare, grosime, dimensiuni în plan orizontal (lungime şi înălţime):

1.1 Culoarea: se cunosc următoarele culori: - culori comune: de departe cele mai des întâlnite culori sunt: alb, alb-gălbui, roz cărămiziu, brun; - culori mai rare: gri, gri verzui, oliv, gălbui (culoarea untului), portocaliu; - culori rare: verde deschis, verde-gri, albastru deschis, albastru verzui, violet roşcat, violet intens;

Toate culorile de bază sunt întâlnite în cel puţin 2-3 nuanţe diferite, de la pal până la intens.

1.2 - Grosimea: variază destul de mult; întâlnim hârtie moale, care se îndoaie până la 70-80 de grade sub propria greutate când cartea poştală este ţinută de un colţ (cca. 0.08 mm) până la carton foarte gros şi rigid, mai gros decât cel folosit pentru cărţile poştale ilustrate (cca. 0,7...0,8 mm); în mod excepţional, se pot întâlni şi situaţii în afara acestor limite; hârtia subţire este mai des întâlnită decât cea groasă sau foarte groasă, majoritatea cărţilor poştale având cca. 0,2...0,3 mm grosime. Cel mai gros carton întâlnit a fost de 1,2 mm grosime. 1.3 - Dimensiuni orizontale: 140 x 90 mm (minim 126 x 81 mm, maxim 148 x 96 mm) cu o toleranţă largă, de 3 mm; probabil că reglajele maşinilor de decupat erau diferite – să nu uităm că aceste cărţi poştale au fost realizate într-un număr mare de imprimerii şi tipografii, de la cele de importanţă majoră cum ar fi Aero Mill din Viena, Imprimeria naţională din Budapesta, până la imprimerii locale mici în proprietatea unor edituri ca Brassoi Lapok din Braşov sau a unor afaceri de familie precum Jan Simacek din Austerlitz (Slavkov). Astfel, gradul de abatere de la o anumită dimensiune standard este mai mare iar imperfecţiunile tiparului sunt adeseori evidente. NB: Chiar dacă pare a se încadra în toleranţa amintită, este teoretic posibil ca o anumită carte poştală să provină dintr-un subtip de dimensiuni mai mari, la care s-a tăiat din margini. Acest lucru se recunoaşte cu uşurinţă. Colţurile „perfecte” şi „înţepătoare” trebuie considerate aproape întotdeauna suspecte până la proba contrarie, mai ales la cărţile poştale pe hârtie subţire. Ca principiu, se recomandă evitarea colecţionării nejustificate a unor piese cu margini tăiate.

Caracteristicile cartonului nu constituie element de catalogare, dar unii colecţionari preferă să colecţioneze toate varietăţile întâlnite la fiecare tip de carte poştală; cel puţin una din ele este mai rară.

2 - Desenul: elementele de structură ale cărţii poştale. Pentru imprimare s-a folosit tuş sau cerneală tipografică culoare neagră, dar se cunosc şi alte culori:

gri, albastru pal sau închis, brun roşcat, verde muştar, verde, roşu. Uneori, pentru CP semi-ilustrate s-a folosit policromia şi procedeul litografic, precum şi pigmenţi rari ca auriu sau argintiu.