chapter gathering...chapter l 1st saturday eat 9 am. meet 10, belle’s little country kitchen 210...

Jun 2020 1 Gold Wing Road Riders Association Tennessee District Weekly Dinner Rides, we have been meeting at the restaurant at 6pm These dates are tentative based on COVID-19 4 Jun 122 West (Tullahoma) 11 Jun Urban Plantation (Shelbyville) 18 Jun TN-G Gathering (Gondola) Tullahoma 25 Jun Los 3 Amigos (new one) in Manchester 2 Jul Bluegill Grille (Tullahoma) 9 Jul Jiffy Burger (Manchester) Chapter Gathering 3RD THUR. OF EVERY MONTH AT GONDOLA PIZZA & STEAKHOUSE 412 E. CARROLL ST IN TULLAHOMA EAT AT 6:00 MEETING AT 7:00 EVERYONE WELCOME! “Friends for Fun, Safety & Knowledge” Chapter Director Assistant Chapter Director Dennis and Anne Greer Randy and Lisa Beasley (931) 728-1463 (931) 607-2710 Team Members Treasurer Jerry Hicks (931) 455-4863 Membership Enhancement Larry & Cathie Alexander Coordinator (931) 962-3990 Ride Coordinator Steve Sember (acting) Chapter Couple Steve and Carole Sember Individual of the Year Johnny Fielder Newsletter Editor Vacant Webmaster Vacant Sunshine Lady Pat Hicks (931) 455-4863 Dinner Ride Coordinator Lisa Beasley News Articles ALL MEMBERS Visit us on the internet: Director’s Corner I can’t believe it is June al- ready. Most of the restaurants in our area have reopened for dine in service including the Gondola. They have us on the schedule for 18 Jun. When I called they said they had a group of 20 on the patio at that time. They asked I call them with an estimated headcount prior to the meeting. I think we can resume our din- ner rides starting 4 Jun at 122 West in Tul- lahoma. I ask you to use your own judge- ment in attendance. Most of us are in the risk category so I understand. However, we are still going on rides. We have had more District Rallies cancelled and some rescheduled (see pg 7). Wing Ding 42 will be in Springfield MO in 2021. They plan to contact those with registrations. If you reserved rooms make sure they are cancelled. What have you been doing to keep yourself occupied since March. Send me in a story. Con’t on pg 2)

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Page 1: Chapter Gathering...Chapter L 1st Saturday Eat 9 AM. Meet 10, Belle’s Little Country Kitchen 210 W. High Lebanon, TN 37090 Meet 10, Belle’s Little Country …

Jun 2020


Gold Wing Road Riders Association Tennessee District

Weekly Dinner Rides, we have been meeting at the restaurant at 6pm

These dates are tentative based on COVID-19

4 Jun 122 West (Tullahoma)

11 Jun Urban Plantation (Shelbyville)

18 Jun TN-G Gathering (Gondola) Tullahoma

25 Jun Los 3 Amigos (new one) in Manchester

2 Jul Bluegill Grille (Tullahoma)

9 Jul Jiffy Burger (Manchester)

Chapter Gathering




“Friends for Fun, Safety & Knowledge”

Chapter Director Assistant Chapter Director Dennis and Anne Greer Randy and Lisa Beasley (931) 728-1463 (931) 607-2710 Team Members Treasurer Jerry Hicks (931) 455-4863 Membership Enhancement Larry & Cathie Alexander Coordinator (931) 962-3990 Ride Coordinator Steve Sember (acting) Chapter Couple Steve and Carole Sember Individual of the Year Johnny Fielder Newsletter Editor Vacant Webmaster Vacant Sunshine Lady Pat Hicks (931) 455-4863 Dinner Ride Coordinator Lisa Beasley News Articles ALL MEMBERS Visit us on the internet:

Director’s Corner

I can’t believe it is June al-ready. Most of the restaurants in our area have reopened for dine in service including the Gondola. They have us on the schedule for 18 Jun.

When I called they said they had a group of 20 on the patio at that time. They asked I call them with an estimated headcount prior to the meeting. I think we can resume our din-ner rides starting 4 Jun at 122 West in Tul-lahoma. I ask you to use your own judge-ment in attendance. Most of us are in the risk category so I understand. However, we are still going on rides. We have had more District Rallies cancelled and some rescheduled (see pg 7). Wing Ding 42 will be in Springfield MO in 2021. They plan to contact those with registrations. If you reserved rooms make sure they are cancelled. What have you been doing to keep yourself occupied since March. Send me in a story.

Con’t on pg 2)

Page 2: Chapter Gathering...Chapter L 1st Saturday Eat 9 AM. Meet 10, Belle’s Little Country Kitchen 210 W. High Lebanon, TN 37090 Meet 10, Belle’s Little Country …

Jun 2020


(Director’s Corner Continued from page 1)

I know some of us have been riding, others are mak-ing masks, and yet others are working on houses. Last month I noted Johnny and Jerry went to Ga to pick up Jerry’s trike but neither one sent me a story. So let me tell you what I heard. Johnny drove Jerry down in the truck and Jerry wanted to follow Johnny back home . But Johnny said he wanted to keep an eye on Jerry. They also tried to stop in the S Pitts-burg area for lunch. There’s another story you’ll have to ask them about

Tom Mowbray has been busy. Jerry said he helped

perform some maintenance on Pat’s trike. I saw him

at the old “Hawk’s” hardware. He was buying some

things to make a carrier for his trike. He said he was

headed to New Mexico later this year to attend a

Navy reunion. If you want to buy some led lights he

may have some he’d sell you. (he did not offer this

info to me).

I’m still looking for those volunteers to fill some

Team positions. Look at page 1 and let me know if

you are interested. I keep forgetting to take pictures

on our rides and at our dinner gatherings. Please

help me by taking some pictures and sending them

to me for the newsletter. Better yet why doesn’t

someone volunteer to be our photographer.

As far as I know, none of our Chapter members

have been infected. At last count we had 68 cases.

That’s up from 45 cases a month ago in Coffee


We had 2 Chapter rides in May and I rode twice with

the American Legion (AL) riders some who are also

GWRRA members. We rode to the Readyville Mill

( Goodness Gracious Café) in Readyville, TN and

the “bridge to nowhere” on 15 May. Then the AL rid-

ers rode to the McGavock Confederate Cemetery in

Franklin, TN on 16 May. Again, on 30 May we joined

the AL riders to visit Stillhouse Hollow Falls in Mt

Pleasant, TN. Then on 31 May we rode the back

roads to the Bell Buckle Café.

If you like to ride, come join us. If you like to eat, come join us. If you like to share your ride stories, come join us.


Ronnie Reeves 1 Jun Carole Sember 6 Jun

Faye Jernigan 10 Jun Tom Mowbray 18 Jun


Patrick and Shirley Daniel 24 Jun Jerry and Pat Hicks 25 Jun

GWRRA Anniversaries

Jerry and Pat Hicks 35 yrs Patrick and Shirley Daniel 15 yrs John Vaughn 11 yrs

If I forgot someone's birthday or anniversary please let me know.

Until next time, Ride Safe and Ride Often, Dennis and Anne Greer

Bridge to Nowhere

McGavock Confederate Cemetery

Page 3: Chapter Gathering...Chapter L 1st Saturday Eat 9 AM. Meet 10, Belle’s Little Country Kitchen 210 W. High Lebanon, TN 37090 Meet 10, Belle’s Little Country …

Jun 2020


Jerry Hicks got a new trike. Now he has some parts to sell. If you know of anyone who wants to buy these parts give Jerry a call (931) 455-4863. He sent me pictures of the trailer hitch and sad-dle bags (see pictures below). The saddle bags have the lights on the side and the “smiley face” on the back of the bike. The parts are off a 2012 but should fit any 2012-2017 model.

2012 Bike Parts For Sale

Page 4: Chapter Gathering...Chapter L 1st Saturday Eat 9 AM. Meet 10, Belle’s Little Country Kitchen 210 W. High Lebanon, TN 37090 Meet 10, Belle’s Little Country …

Jun 2020


June 2020 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 2 TN-O Gathering TN-B Gathering

3 4 TN-G R&D

122 West (T)

5 6 TN-L Gathering TN-N Gathering

7 8 9 TN-M Gathering

10 11 TN-G R&D

Urban Plantation (S)

12 13 TN-E Gathering TN-V Gathering TN-Z Gathering


15 TN-A2 Gathering

16 TN-C Gathering

17 18 TN-G Gathering TN-F Gathering TN-C2 Gathering

19 20 TN-Y Gathering TN-S Gathering TN-W2 Gather-ing


22 23 24 25 TN-G R&D

“new” Los 3 Ami-go’s (M)

26 27 TN-H Gathering TN-T Gathering

28 29 TN-Q Gathering

30 TN-A Gathering

In the United States, Flag Day is celebrated on June 14. It commemorates the adoption of the flag of the United States on June 14, 1777 by resolution of the Second Continental Congress.The United States Army also celebrates the U.S. Army birthday on this date; Congress adopted "the American continental army" after reaching a consensus position in the Committee of the Whole on June 14, 1775. he flag of the United States of America, often referred to as the American flag or U.S. flag, is the na-tional flag of the United States. It consists of thirteen equal horizontal stripes of red (top and bottom) alter-nating with white, with a blue rectangle in the canton (referred to specifically as the "union") bearing fifty small, white, five-pointed stars arranged in nine offset horizontal rows, where rows of six stars (top and bottom) alternate with rows of five stars. The 50 stars on the flag represent the 50 states of the United States of America, and the 13 stripes represent the thirteen British colonies that declared independence from the Kingdom of Great Britain, and became the first states in the U.S.

Page 5: Chapter Gathering...Chapter L 1st Saturday Eat 9 AM. Meet 10, Belle’s Little Country Kitchen 210 W. High Lebanon, TN 37090 Meet 10, Belle’s Little Country …

Jun 2020


July 2020 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 2 TN-G R&D

Bluegill Grille (T)

3 4 TN-L Gathering TN-N Gathering

5 6 7 TN-O Gathering TN-B Gathering

8 9 TN-G R&D

Jiffy Burger (M)

10 11 TN-E Gathering TN-V Gathering TN-Z Gathering

12 13 14 TN-M Gathering

15 16 TN-G Gathering TN-F Gathering TN-C2 Gathering

17 18 TN-Y Gathering TN-S Gathering TN-W2 Gather-ing

19 20 TN-A2 Gathering

21 TN-C Gathering

22 23 TN-G R&D

Western Sirloin (W)

24 25 TN-H Gathering TN-T Gathering

26 27 TN-Q Gathering

28 TN-A Gathering

29 30 TN-G R&D

Oak (M)


Independence Day the Fourth of July or July 4th) is a federal holiday commemorating the Declaration of In-dependence of the United States, on July 4, 1776. The Continental Congress declared that the thirteen American colonies were no longer subject (and subordinate) to the monarch of Britain and were now united, free, and inde-pendent states. The Congress had voted to declare independence two days earlier, on July 2, but it was not de-clared until July 4. An article in July 18, 1777 issue of The Virginia Gazette noted a celebration in Philadelphia: an official dinner for the Continental Congress, toasts, 13-gun salutes, speeches, prayers, music, parades, troop reviews, and fire-works. Ships in port were decked with red, white, and blue bunting. In 1778, General George Washington marked July 4 with a double ration of rum for his soldiers and an artillery salute In 1779, July 4 fell on a Sunday. The holiday was celebrated on Monday, July 5.

Page 6: Chapter Gathering...Chapter L 1st Saturday Eat 9 AM. Meet 10, Belle’s Little Country Kitchen 210 W. High Lebanon, TN 37090 Meet 10, Belle’s Little Country …

Jun 2020


August 2020 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 TN-L Gathering TN-N Gathering

2 3 4 TN-O Gathering TN-B Gathering

5 6 TN-G R&D

7 8 TN-E Gathering TN-V Gathering TN-Z Gathering

9 10 11 TN-M Gathering

12 13 TN-G R&D

14 15 TN-Y Gathering TN-S Gathering TN-W2 Gather-ing

16 17 TN-A2 Gathering

18 TN-C Gathering

19 20 TN-G Gathering TN-F Gathering TN-C2 Gathering

21 22 TN-H Gathering TN-T Gathering

23 24 25 TN-A Gathering

26 27 TN-G R&D

28 29

30 31 TN-Q Gathering

Aug is “admit you’re happy month; It is also Romance Awareness month; 1st week is Simplify your life week; 2nd week is Na-tional smile week; 3rd week is Friendship week; 4th week is be kind to humankind week; 1st Sat in Aug—International hango-ver day and National mustard day; 2 Aug is National ice cream sandwich day;4 Aug is National chocolate chip cookie day; 12 Aug is middle child's day; 21 Aug is National Spumoni and Sr citizens day; 25 Aug is banana split day; 26 Aug women equality

Page 7: Chapter Gathering...Chapter L 1st Saturday Eat 9 AM. Meet 10, Belle’s Little Country Kitchen 210 W. High Lebanon, TN 37090 Meet 10, Belle’s Little Country …

Jun 2020


Jun 20 11-13 Ohio Rally Wooster, OH Cancelled until next year

Jul 20 16-18 WV Rally Summersville, WV Cancelled until next year

Aug 20 13-15 KY Rally Lawrenceburg, KY Cancelled until next year

Sep 20 24-26 NC Rally Waynesville, NC No Goldwing Giveaway this year

Oct 20 1-3 AL Rally Eufaula, AL

8-10 GA Ride-In Dillard, GA

15-17 MS Rally Gulfport, MS

21-25 LA Rally Houma, LA

29-31 VA Rally Lynchburg, VA

Nov 20

Dec 20

Jan 21

Feb 21

Mar 21

Upcoming Events (items in yellow are planned Chapter rides/events)

Page 8: Chapter Gathering...Chapter L 1st Saturday Eat 9 AM. Meet 10, Belle’s Little Country Kitchen 210 W. High Lebanon, TN 37090 Meet 10, Belle’s Little Country …

Jun 2020


Lets Go Visiting! Chapter A Last Tues Eat 6:00 PM Meet 7:00 PM Golden Corral, 315 Old Lebanon Dirt Rd, Hermitage, TN.

CD's Troy and Vickie Hurt (615) 351-6629 Chapter C2 3rd Thursday Eat 6:30 PM Meet 7:30 PM La Costa Mexican Restaurant, 138 The Crossings

Crossville TN CD’s Randy and Stephanie Ryan (985) 201-3791 Chapter E 2nd Saturday Eat 9 AM Meet 10 AM Smyrna Bowling Ally, 96 Weakley Ln Smyrna, TN CD’s

Walter and Barbara Donnell (615) 273-4058 Chapter H 4th Saturday Eat 9 AM Meet 10 AM Shoney’s 1306 Murfreesboro Rd, Franklin, TN.; CD Will and

Thu Horsley (931) 483-2335 Chapter L 1st Saturday Eat 9 AM. Meet 10, Belle’s Little Country Kitchen 210 W. High Lebanon, TN 37090 CDs Andrew & Debbie Smith (615) 784-9772

Chapter N 1st Saturday Eat 5 PM Meet 6 PM, Olympic Steak House, 5711 Hwy 412, South Bells, TN CD Ross Cole (731) 415-9052

Chapter O 1st Tuesday Eat 6 PM Meet 7 PM Golden Corral 350 Stuart Rd NE (I-75 exit27), Cleveland, TN

CD Shane McAmis (423) 310-5903 Chapter Q Last Monday Eat 6 PM Meet 7 PM. Golden Corral 2811 Wilma Rudolph Blvd, Clarksville, TN.,

CD's Cindy and Al Bidwell (731) 642-0415 Chapter S 3rd Saturday Eat 1 PM Meet 2 PM Milo’s Coffee House, 100 Main St., Portland, TN. CD’s Grant and Carol Bottomley (615) 337-8386 Chapter V 2nd Saturday Eat 9 AM Meet 10 AM Honda Southern Power Sports, 1394 Workman Rd, Chatta-

nooga, TN.,CD Corliss Cooper (423) 800-1515 Chapter W2 3rd Saturday Eat 6 PM Meet 7 PM Perkins 1340 Germantown Pkwy, Memphis, TN CDs Ivan and Leesa Coburn (870) 739-1079 Chapter Y 3rd Sat Eat at 9 AM, Meet 10 AM: Trinity United Methodist Church, 2303 Jones Blvd,

Murfreesboro, TN. CD's Wesley and Cindy Neal (615) 668-4448 Chapter Z 2nd Saturday Eat 5:30 PM Meet 6:30 PM Shoney’s, 2225 Carmack Blvd, Columbia, Tn. CDs

Charlie and Pam Huffman (423) 586-0860


GWRRA TN Chapter G

Dennis and Anne Greer Sr Chapter Director