chapter 71© copyright janson industries 2014 avoiding data entry errors ▮ catching an exception...

Chapter 7 1 © copyright Janson Industries 2014 Avoiding Data Entry Errors Catching an Exception Formatters StringBuffer Choice Iteration Method Overloading Non-graded Assg

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Page 1: Chapter 71© copyright Janson Industries 2014 Avoiding Data Entry Errors ▮ Catching an Exception ▮ Formatters ▮ StringBuffer ▮ Choice ▮ Iteration ▮ Method

Chapter 7 1© copyright Janson Industries 2014

Avoiding Data Entry Errors

▮ Catching an Exception

▮ Formatters

▮ StringBuffer

▮ Choice

▮ Iteration

▮ Method Overloading

Non-graded Assg

Page 2: Chapter 71© copyright Janson Industries 2014 Avoiding Data Entry Errors ▮ Catching an Exception ▮ Formatters ▮ StringBuffer ▮ Choice ▮ Iteration ▮ Method

Chapter 7 2© copyright Janson Industries 2014

Lots of different types of errors:

Entering a qty of 1 and price of 1.50, results in cost =


Considered a Soft error (no exception)

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Chapter 7 3© copyright Janson Industries 2014

Throwing Exceptions

▮ When a hard error is encountered, the JVM throws an exception

▮ Example: trying to divide by "four”

▮ The operating system does not react well…

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Chapter 7 4© copyright Janson Industries 2014

Normally a user: Enters valid values Clicks the Divide button Result is displayed in the label

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Chapter 7 5© copyright Janson Industries 2014

Entering the incorrect value “four” and clicking Divide does

not result in an exception being displayed on the


... it's displayed in the console

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Chapter 7 6© copyright Janson Industries 2014

Run Time Exceptions

Or worse yet, in production

Is this how the user should see an exception/error?

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Chapter 7 7© copyright Janson Industries 2014

Throwing Exceptions

▮ To handle the error programmatically, program must catch the exception

▮ For example, dividing two user supplied values can result in an exception(s)

▮ Here’s the code for calculator example…

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Calculator Code

Various imports

Various variables

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private Checkbox divCB = null;

private Button exitBtn = null;

private Button execBtn = null;

private Label resultLbl = null;

CheckboxGroup arithFunc = new CheckboxGroup();

private double result, firstNum, secondNum;public void windowActivated(WindowEvent e){}

public void windowClosed(WindowEvent e) {}

public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) {


public void windowDeactivated(WindowEvent e) {}

public void windowDeiconified(WindowEvent e) {}

public void windowIconified(WindowEvent e) {}

public void windowOpened(WindowEvent e) {}

public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {

if (e.getSource() == exitBtn)

{ System.exit(0);}



public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e) {



WindowListener methods

Action Listener methodItem Listener


Make result, firstNum, and secondNum class level


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Chapter 7 10© copyright Janson Industries 2014

The workhorse

private void doCalc() {

String msgBegin = new String("The result of ");

String msgPrep = new String(" ");

firstNum = Double.valueOf(numeratorTF.getText());

secondNum = Double.valueOf(denominatorTF.getText());

if (addCB.getState()) {

msgBegin = msgBegin + "adding ";

msgPrep = msgPrep + "to ";

result = firstNum + secondNum;

} else {

if (subCB.getState()) {

msgBegin = msgBegin + "subtracting ";

msgPrep = msgPrep + "from ";

result = firstNum - secondNum;

} else {

msgPrep = msgPrep + "by ";

if (multCB.getState()) {

msgBegin = msgBegin + "multiplying ";

result = firstNum * secondNum;

} else {

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Chapter 7 11© copyright Janson Industries 2014

if (divCB.getState()) {

msgBegin = msgBegin + "dividing ";

result = firstNum / secondNum;


if (subCB.getState()) {

resultLbl.setText(msgBegin + secondNum + msgPrep + firstNum + " is " + result);

} else {

resultLbl.setText(msgBegin + firstNum + msgPrep + secondNum + " is " + result);



public static void main(String[] args) {

new Calculator();


public Calculator() {






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Visual component objectsprivate Checkbox getAddBox() {

if (addBox == null) {

addBox = new Checkbox();



addBox.setBounds(new Rectangle(18, 101, 43, 23));



return addBox;


private Checkbox getSubBox() {

if (subBox == null) {

subBox = new Checkbox();

subBox.setBounds(new Rectangle(75, 101, 66, 23));





return subBox;


private Checkbox getMultBox() {

if (multBox == null) {

multBox = new Checkbox();

multBox.setBounds(new Rectangle(155,101, 59, 23));





return multBox;


private Checkbox getDivBox() {

if (divBox == null) {

divBox = new Checkbox();

divBox.setBounds(new Rectangle(228, 101, 54, 23));





return divBox;


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private TextField getNumeratorTF() {

if (numeratorTF == null) {

numeratorTF = new TextField();

numeratorTF.setBounds(new Rectangle(196, 37, 36, 23));


return numeratorTF;


private TextField getDenominatorTF() {

if (denominatorTF == null) {

denominatorTF = new TextField();

denominatorTF.setBounds(new Rectangle(196, 69, 36, 23));


return denominatorTF;


private Button getExitBtn() {

if (exitBtn == null) {

exitBtn = new Button();

exitBtn.setLocation(new Point(240, 167));


exitBtn.setSize(new Dimension(50, 23));



return exitBtn;


private Button getExecBtn() {

if (execBtn == null) {

execBtn = new Button();

execBtn.setLocation(new Point(125, 167));


execBtn.setSize(new Dimension(50, 23));



return execBtn;

} Chapter 7 13

Visual component


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private void initialize() {

resultLbl = new Label();

resultLbl.setBounds(new Rectangle(12, 129, 278, 23));



denominatorLbl = new Label();

denominatorLbl.setBounds(new Rectangle(46, 69, 139, 23));

denominatorLbl.setText("Enter second number: ");


numeratorLbl = new Label();

numeratorLbl.setBounds(new Rectangle(74, 37, 111, 23));


numeratorLbl.setText("Enter first number: ");


this.setSize(300, 200);



this.add(numeratorLbl, null); this.add(denominatorLbl, null);

this.add(getNumeratorTF(), null); this.add(getDenominatorTF(), null);

this.add(getMultCB(), null); this.add(getAddCB(), null);

this.add(getSubCB(), null); this.add(getDivCB(), null);

this.add(getExitBtn(), null); this.add(getExecBtn(), null);

this.add(resultLbl, null); this.setVisible(true); }



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Chapter 7 15© copyright Janson Industries 2014

Run Time Exceptions

▮ How do you identify statements that might generate exceptions?

▮ Try to cause errors through destructive testing

▮ Input bad data▮ Null value, wrong data type, incomplete value

▮Make resources unavailable▮ Delete an expected file, no Internet connection

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Chapter 7 16© copyright Janson Industries 2014

Run Time Exceptions

▮ By typing in bad values like “four” and 0, exceptions are generated

▮ Stack trace messages will identify

▮ Line of code that caused the exception

▮ The particular exception that was generated

▮ Read through stack for message pertaining to your class

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Chapter 7 17© copyright Janson Industries 2014

Run Time Exceptions

Specific exception generated

Class, method, statement number causing exception

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Chapter 7 18© copyright Janson Industries 2014

Run Time Exceptions

▮ It's doCalc that

▮ Converts the text field data to numeric

▮ Does the divide

▮ These statements can cause ▮ NumberFormat and Arithmetic exceptions

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Chapter 7 19© copyright Janson Industries 2014

Catching Exceptions

▮ Programs can catch exceptions

▮ Catching tells JVM that the application will handle the exception

▮ Why catch?▮ Solve the problem programmatically▮ Offer users chance to fix problem▮ Display better messages (than the

JVM) so users can fix the problem

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Chapter 7 20© copyright Janson Industries 2014

Try and Catch

▮ Try identifies statements that may throw an exception

▮ Catch(es):▮ Immediately follow try▮ Identify the exception to be caught▮ Contain code to handle the specific

exception try {

statements that may throw an exception


catch (exception_object_type exception_variable) {

statements to perform if specific exception occurs


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Chapter 7 21© copyright Janson Industries 2014

RAD and Exceptions

▮ RAD will put in try and catch(es) for the appropriate exceptions that can be thrown▮ Highlight statement(s)▮ Click Source, Surround With, Try/catch Block

▮ Alternatively, specify the Exception superclass and all subclasses will be caught▮ catch (Exception e) { } catches any


▮ Sloppy programming?

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private void doCalc() {

msgBeginning = new String("The result of ");

msgVerb = new String(" ");

try {

firstNum = Double.valueOf(numeratorTF.getText());

secondNum = Double.valueOf(denominatorTF.getText());

} catch (NumberFormatException e) {


resultLbl.setText("You must enter the value " +

"in number format (ex: 9, 192.4, etc.)");


: : : : :

Try and Catch

Must import java.awt.Color also

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Let RAD do it for you

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Get rid of the stack trace print and …

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… add error handling code into catch

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When run - oops

Also, when valid data re-entered and executed...

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What's going on?

... the valid message is red.

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Catching an Exception

▮ Also, catching an exception does not stop the program execution

▮ So, need to change code such that:▮ If input error, no calculation is done ▮ Reset result label text color to black

▮ Lots of ways to implement this:▮ Need a new Boolean variable to indicate

if the data is valid/invalid▮ Create a separate input validation


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Moved validation from doCalc to validateInput

private boolean isInputValid;

Add code to create the boolean class level variable

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▮ At beginning of validateInput, add code to reset label color and boolean value

▮ When exception caught set boolean to false

▮ actionPerformed and itemStateChanged invoke validateInput first and if isInputValid is true, invoke doCalc

Chapter 7 30© copyright Janson Industries 2014

Catching an Exception

isInputValid = true;


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Doh! – the error msg doesn't fit

Run to test

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Throwing an Exception

▮ Usually there are lots of edits & audits on input data and class must throw exceptions

▮ For instance, negative numbers should not be accepted but do not cause an exception▮ Check for negative values (with an if)▮ If negative, throw an exception▮ Have the catch:

▮ Blank out the negative value(s)▮ Display a message

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Throwing an Exceptiontry {

: : : :

if ((firstNum<0) || (secondNum<0)) {

throw new NumberFormatException(); } }

catch (NumberFormatException err){

: : : :

if (firstNum < 0) {

numeratorTF.setText(" ");

resultLbl.setText("Quit messin' with negative numbers!");


if (secondNum < 0) {

denominatorTF.setText(" ");

resultLbl.setText("Quit messin' with negative numbers!");

} }

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Click on


The negative number is erasedAnd the message is displayed

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▮ More efficient than Strings:

▮ Strings are immutable▮ Assigning a new value to a String variable

creates a new String object▮ Old String object still exists and is


▮ Changing the StringBuffer value does not create a new StringBuffer object

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▮ More flexible than Strings:

▮ Append – adds text to the end of a string buffer (i.e. concatenates)

▮ Insert – places text at a specified location within a string buffer

▮ Replace – substitutes text for a specified substring within the string buffer

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Chapter 7 39© copyright Janson Industries 2014

StringBuffer Examples

▮ Results in: Chicken wings are very tasty.

▮ Results in: Chicken wings are good for you.

StringBuffer a = new StringBuffer("Chicken wings are tasty.");

a.insert(18, "very ");


StringBuffer a = new StringBuffer("Chicken wings are tasty.");

a.replace(18, 23, "good for you");


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▮ Calculator creates message text unique for each operation

▮ The result of dividing 7 by 2

▮ The result of adding 7 to 2

▮ With Strings:▮ Can only use concatenation▮ Each concatenation creates a new

String Object – very inefficient

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▮ Append correct arithmetic verb to msgBeginning StringBuffer

if (addBox.getState());


msgBegin.append("adding ");

result = firstNum + secondNum;


StringBuffer msgBegin =

new StringBuffer("The result of ");

StringBuffer msgPrep = new StringBuffer(" ");

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if (addCB.getState()) {

msgBegin.append("adding ");

msgPrep.append("to ");

result = firstNum + secondNum; }

else { if (subCB.getState()) {

msgBegin.append("subtracting ");

msgPrep.append("from ");

result = firstNum - secondNum; }

else { msgPrep.append("by ");

if (multCB.getState()) {

msgBegin.append("multiplying ");

result = firstNum * secondNum; }

else { if (divCB.getState()) {

msgBegin.append("dividing ");

result = firstNum / secondNum;



} }

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if (subCB.getState()) {

resultLbl.setText(msgBegin.append(secondNum) .append(msgPrep).append(firstNum)

.append(" is ").append(result).toString());

} else {



.append(secondNum).append(" is ")



▮ Fix creating the message▮ No concatenation, append▮ To set label, must convert to String


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Editing Data

▮ The best way to avoid data entry errors is to prevent them▮ Limit the values that can be entered

▮ A Choice component only allows a value from a list of values to be selected and entered

▮ Adv: using one choice instead of many visual components (e.g. checkboxes) means less coding

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▮ Combines a TextField and drop-down list

▮ To define a choice and populate it with values:Choice schoolsCB = new Choice();






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▮ When user clicks on choice button, the list will be displayed

▮ To retrieve a selected list item:▮ Create and add an ItemListener to the

Choice▮ Define an itemStateChanged method▮ Use getSelectedItem method

public class ChoiceEx extends Frame implements

ActionListener, ItemListener, WindowListener {...

public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent choice)

{ selectedSchool = schoolsCB.getSelectedItem();


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▮ Pull it all together:

▮ Use choice instead of checkboxes

//import java.awt.Checkbox;

//import java.awt.CheckboxGroup;

import java.awt.Choice;

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▮ One Choice instead of four check boxes and a check box group means▮ One variable instead of five▮ One get component method instead of five

public class CalcChoice extends Frame implements ActionListener, ItemListener, WindowListener {

: : : : : :

private Choice arithFuncChoice = null;

//CheckboxGroup arithFunc = new CheckboxGroup();

//private Checkbox multCB = null;

//private Checkbox addCB = null;

//private Checkbox subCB = null;

//private Checkbox divCB = null;

StringBuffer msgBegin = new StringBuffer("The result of ");

StringBuffer msgPrep = new StringBuffer(" ");

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private Choice getArithFuncChoice() {

if (arithFuncChoice == null) {

arithFuncChoice = new Choice();

arithFuncChoice.setBounds(new Rectangle(120, 100, 89, 21));







return arithFuncChoice;



▮ Added this…

▮ but got rid of…

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//private Checkbox getMultCB() {

// if (multCB == null) {

// multCB = new Checkbox();

// multCB.setBounds(new Rectangle(155, 101, 59, 23));

// multCB.setLabel("Multiply");

// multCB.setCheckboxGroup(arithFunc);

// multCB.addItemListener(this);

// }

// return multCB;


//private Checkbox getAddCB() {

// if (addCB == null) {

// addCB = new Checkbox();

// addCB.setBounds(new Rectangle(18, 101, 43, 23));

// addCB.setLabel("Add");

// addCB.setCheckboxGroup(arithFunc);

// addCB.addItemListener(this);

// }

// return addCB;


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//private Checkbox getSubCB() {

// if (subCB == null) {

// subCB = new Checkbox();

// subCB.setBounds(new Rectangle(75, 101, 66, 23));

// subCB.setLabel("Subtract");

// subCB.setCheckboxGroup(arithFunc);

// subCB.addItemListener(this);

// }

// return subCB;


//private Checkbox getDivCB() {

// if (divCB == null) {

// divCB = new Checkbox();

// divCB.setBounds(new Rectangle(228, 101, 54, 23));

// divCB.setLabel("Divide");

// divCB.setCheckboxGroup(arithFunc);

// divCB.addItemListener(this);

// }

// return divCB;


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//this.add(getMultCB(), null);

//this.add(getAddCB(), null);

//this.add(getSubCB(), null);

//this.add(getDivCB(), null);


▮ Added this…

▮ but got rid of…

this.add(getArithFuncChoice(), null);

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If Add selected

If Subtract


▮ Check the Choice value

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if (arithFuncChoice.getSelectedItem()== "Multiply") {

msgBegin.append("multiplying ");

result = firstNum * secondNum;

} else {

if (arithFuncChoice.getSelectedItem()== "Divide") {

msgBegin.append(" dividing ");

result = firstNum / secondNum; }

} } }

if (arithFuncChoice.getSelectedItem()== "Subtract") {


.append(msgPrep).append(firstNum).append(" is ")


} else {resultLbl.setText(msgBegin.append(firstNum)

.append(msgPrep).append(secondNum).append(" is ")



If multiply

If Divide


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▮ Create CalcChoice such that

▮ Arithmetic operations are in a Choice

▮ Uses a StringBuffer to build the message

▮ Email to

[email protected]

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Non-graded Assg

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▮ JVM doesn’t always show info the way you would like

▮ Can manipulate Strings and StringBuffers

▮ But that can get messy Chapter 7 57© copyright Janson Industries 2014


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▮ Work a little differently▮ You don’t create an instance/object▮ You get an instance from the format


▮ 4 steps to format▮ Import format class▮ Get an instance of the formatter from the

format class▮ Set the formatter properties (optional)▮ Use the formatter’s format method

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Number Formatter

▮ Results in: 3.0






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Number Formatter

▮ Results in: 3




import java.text.NumberFormat; : : : :

NumberFormat nf = NumberFormat.getInstance(); : : : :





Defaults are:3 decimals

maxno decimal


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Number Formatter

▮ Results in: 3




import java.text.NumberFormat; : : : :

NumberFormat nf = NumberFormat.getInstance();

nf.setMaximumFractionDigits(2); : : : :





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Number Formatter

▮ Results in: 3.00



import java.text.NumberFormat;

: : : :

NumberFormat nf = NumberFormat.getInstance();






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Chapter 7 63© copyright Janson Industries 2014

Currency Formatter

▮ Results in…

import java.text.NumberFormat;

: : : :NumberFormat cf = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance();

: : : :msgLbl.setText("The cost of this" +

" transaction is: $" + cf.format(cost));

3 items costing $1.77 each with 6.5% tax

▮ Results in: 5.65515

cost =(3 * 1.77) * 1.065

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▮ Currency defaults are usually good enough

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Currency Formatter

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Chapter 7 65© copyright Janson Industries 2014

Date and Time Formatters

▮ A little more complicated

▮ First of all, you can get the current date by

▮ Importing java.util.Date

▮ Creating a date objectimport java.util.Date;

: : : : Date d = new Date();


▮ Results in: Tue May 31 13:11:59 EDT 2014

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▮ DateFormat class has predefined formats

▮ To use a DateFormat:▮ Import DateFormat class

▮ Get a DateFormat instance (getDateInstance) and specify the format to use

▮ Create a date object

▮ Use date format object’s format method and pass the date object as a parameter

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Chapter 7 67© copyright Janson Industries 2014

DateFormat import java.text.DateFormat; : : : :

Date d = new Date();

DateFormat dfShort= DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.SHORT);

DateFormat dfMed = DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.MEDIUM);

DateFormat dfLong = DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.LONG);

DateFormat dfFull = DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.FULL);






Results in: Tue Mar 13 14:38:59 EDT 2012


Mar 13, 2012

March 13, 2012

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

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Chapter 7 68© copyright Janson Industries 2014

DateFormat for Time


DateFormat tfShort = DateFormat.getTimeInstance(DateFormat.SHORT);

DateFormat tfMedium = DateFormat.getTimeInstance(DateFormat.MEDIUM);

DateFormat tfLong = DateFormat.getTimeInstance(DateFormat.LONG);

DateFormat tfFull = DateFormat.getTimeInstance(DateFormat.FULL);





Results in: 13068621902251:16 PM1:16:30 PM1:16:30 PM EDT1:16:30 PM EDT

Time stored as a number

In USA, LONG & FULL are the same

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▮ Allows you to define a format

▮ To use a SimpleDateFormat:▮ Import SimpleDateFormat class▮ Create a SimpleDateFormat object and

specify the format using date format symbols▮y – year, s – seconds, a – (AM or PM)▮M – month, m – minute▮H – hour (0-23), h – hour (1-12)▮d – day of month (1-31), D – day of year▮z – time zone

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Chapter 7 70© copyright Janson Industries 2014


Results: 05/31/201401:19 PM

1 O'clock PM, Eastern Daylight Time


import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;

: : : :

SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy");

SimpleDateFormat stf = new SimpleDateFormat("hh:mm a");

SimpleDateFormat st2f = new SimpleDateFormat("h 'O''clock' a, zzzz");

SimpleDateFormat sd2f = new SimpleDateFormat("D");





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▮ WHILE and DO WHILE allow looping based on a condition

▮ FOR allows looping for a set number of iterations based on a ▮ Starting value

▮ Increment value

▮ Ending value

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▮ WHILE allows looping based on a condition

▮ FOR allows a certain number of iterations

while (eof == 0) {

statements to be repeated;


for (int j = 0; j < max; j++) {

statements to be repeated;


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▮ DO WHILE checks the condition after the statements are executed

▮ Condition is checked at end of loop ▮ Therefore, the loop will be executed at

least once

do {

statements to be repeated;

} while (eof == 0);

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▮ BREAK and CONTINUE provide exits from a loop

▮ Results in:

for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++) {

if (j == 2) {



System.out.println("j = " + j);


j = 0

j = 1

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▮ Results in:

for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++) {

if (j == 2) {


System.out.println(“j = “ + j);


j = 0

j = 1

j = 3

j = 4

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Chapter 7 76© copyright Janson Industries 2014

Method Overloading

▮ Having methods with the same name but different signatures

▮ Signature = method name + parameters

▮ Why? Overloading makes your class more flexible/easier to use