chapter 7...14 generations, and implement the philippine cultural statistics framework to generate...

Note: This RDP 2017-2022 Midterm Update Chapter is still preliminary and subject to further review and RDC approval. This draft is NOT official and no part of this document may be cited or quoted. This is being circulated for public consultation purposes. 1 Chapter 7 1 2 Promoting Philippine Culture and Values 3 4 This chapter discusses the performance of the culture sector in the first half of the 5 plan period and identifies key challenges and strategic interventions to promote 6 Philippine culture and values and further enhance the social fabric. 7 8 Culture is considered as one of the pillars to achieve inclusive growth since it caters 9 to a wide range and cross-cutting sectors. In addition, the culture sector must 10 continue to document the Indigenous Knowledge System and Practices (IKSP) to 11 serve as a repository of knowledge on cultural and traditional practices and 12 information, identify culture bearers to ensure that practices are carried over 13 generations, and implement the Philippine Cultural Statistics Framework to generate 14 sound, relevant and accurate data and statistics. 15 16 The need for a Filipino identity as a catalyst towards inclusive, sustainable and 17 human-centered development is recognized in the Philippine and Regional 18 Development Plans. The following are the priority areas in this plan period: 19 a) safeguarding and enshrining our cultural heritage; b) achieving equity and 20 inclusion in access to cultural resources and services; and c) sustaining and 21 enhancing cultural assets to foster creativity and innovation for socio-economic 22 growth. 23 24 Assessment and Challenges 25 26 The inclusion of a chapter on culture and values in the Philippine and Regional 27 Development Plans contributed in mainstreaming culture and arts. Recognizing the 28 significant role of culture and arts in sustainable development and inclusive-growth is 29 likewise included in the Provincial Development and Physical Framework Plans and 30 Provincial Tourism Plans. 31 32 At the local level, culture and arts components were integrated in nine CDPs in 2017 33 and 21 in 2018. The unavailability of guidelines in mainstreaming culture and arts in 34 CDPs from the Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG) hindered the 35 mainstreaming of this component. In the two-year plan implementation, notable 36 achievements of the culture sector include increasing percentage of LGUs with Local 37 Culture and Arts Councils (LCAC) and percentage of LGUs which conducted cultural 38 mapping. 39 40 41 Valuing our diverse culture 42 43 The number of cultural centers/hubs and facilities increased from 54 in 2017 to 66 in 44 2018. This increase can be attributed to the assistance provided by the National 45 Historical Commission of the Philippines to LGUs. Cultural hubs may be a place or 46

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  • Note: This RDP 2017-2022 Midterm Update Chapter is still preliminary and subject to further review and RDC approval. This draft is NOT official and no part of this document may be cited or quoted. This is being circulated for public consultation purposes.


    Chapter 7 1 2

    Promoting Philippine Culture and Values 3 4 This chapter discusses the performance of the culture sector in the first half of the 5 plan period and identifies key challenges and strategic interventions to promote 6 Philippine culture and values and further enhance the social fabric. 7 8 Culture is considered as one of the pillars to achieve inclusive growth since it caters 9 to a wide range and cross-cutting sectors. In addition, the culture sector must 10 continue to document the Indigenous Knowledge System and Practices (IKSP) to 11 serve as a repository of knowledge on cultural and traditional practices and 12 information, identify culture bearers to ensure that practices are carried over 13 generations, and implement the Philippine Cultural Statistics Framework to generate 14 sound, relevant and accurate data and statistics. 15 16 The need for a Filipino identity as a catalyst towards inclusive, sustainable and 17 human-centered development is recognized in the Philippine and Regional 18 Development Plans. The following are the priority areas in this plan period: 19 a) safeguarding and enshrining our cultural heritage; b) achieving equity and 20 inclusion in access to cultural resources and services; and c) sustaining and 21 enhancing cultural assets to foster creativity and innovation for socio-economic 22 growth. 23 24 Assessment and Challenges 25 26 The inclusion of a chapter on culture and values in the Philippine and Regional 27 Development Plans contributed in mainstreaming culture and arts. Recognizing the 28 significant role of culture and arts in sustainable development and inclusive-growth is 29 likewise included in the Provincial Development and Physical Framework Plans and 30 Provincial Tourism Plans. 31 32 At the local level, culture and arts components were integrated in nine CDPs in 2017 33 and 21 in 2018. The unavailability of guidelines in mainstreaming culture and arts in 34 CDPs from the Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG) hindered the 35 mainstreaming of this component. In the two-year plan implementation, notable 36 achievements of the culture sector include increasing percentage of LGUs with Local 37 Culture and Arts Councils (LCAC) and percentage of LGUs which conducted cultural 38 mapping. 39 40 41 Valuing our diverse culture 42 43 The number of cultural centers/hubs and facilities increased from 54 in 2017 to 66 in 44 2018. This increase can be attributed to the assistance provided by the National 45 Historical Commission of the Philippines to LGUs. Cultural hubs may be a place or 46

  • Note: This RDP 2017-2022 Midterm Update Chapter is still preliminary and subject to further review and RDC approval. This draft is NOT official and no part of this document may be cited or quoted. This is being circulated for public consultation purposes.


    community where exchange of ideas, knowledge or talents may take place. These 47 also serve as a platform to provide space and support for networking, creative 48 outputs and cultural community engagements. 49 50 The National Commission on Indigenous Peoples (NCIP) reported that there were 51 three documentations conducted on IKSP through the formulation of the Ancestral 52 Domains Sustainable Development and Protection Plan. Culture bearers identified 53 increased to six in 2018 from one and two in 2016 and 2017, respectively. This can 54 be attributed to further recognition of the members of indigenous peoples (IPs) in 55 communities and participation of IPs in development activities. 56 57 Cultural mapping is a tool to document and identify tangible and intangible assets in 58 the community. From 2016 to 2017, there was a 200 percent increase in the number 59 of LGUs which conducted cultural mapping while from 2017 to 2018, it increased to 60 177.78 percent. Provision of technical assistance from the National Commission on 61 Culture and Arts (NCCA), involvement of teachers and Sangunniang Kabaatan, and 62 support of local chief executives to cultural mapping activities assisted in the increase 63 in percentage of LGUs which conducted the said activity. The output of the mapping 64 may be a database which may be used in policy recommendation and community 65 planning and development. 66 67 There was also an increase in the number of local festivities in the Region, from 44 in 68 2016 to 114 in 2017 and to 151 in 2018. These festivities are part of the annual 69 celebration of festivals in LGUs in cooperation with culture and arts councils, civil 70 society organizations, non-government organizations and academe. 71 72 The strong self-help cooperative efforts made possible by the bayanihan spirit have 73 faded as well as the sense of community and indigenous community. This loss in 74 belief in higher source of power caused a decline in creative energy. As a 75 consequence, our capacities for extemporaneous chanting and poetic debate such 76 as the traditional balagtasan, dallot, or balitaw, have become almost extinct. 77 78 Pagkamalikhain values of creative excellence advanced 79 80 The number of LGUs with established LCAC increased from 30.3 percent to 64.7 81 percent, from 2017 to 2018. The issuance of DILG memorandum circular 2002-81 for 82 LGUs to establish LCAC is instrumental in this positive development. 83 84 Cultural sites in the Region also increased from 290 in 2017 to 342 in 2018 as 85 reported in the Philippine Registry of Cultural Property of NCCA as the LGUs 86 documented their cultural properties. The output of the cultural mapping aids in the 87 identification and validation of these cultural sites. 88 89 90 91 92

  • Note: This RDP 2017-2022 Midterm Update Chapter is still preliminary and subject to further review and RDC approval. This draft is NOT official and no part of this document may be cited or quoted. This is being circulated for public consultation purposes.


    Inculcating values that foster common goods 93 94 Based on the study conducted by the National Economic and Development Authority, 95 the Philippines does not have a particular exclusionist culture but is quite religious 96 and conservative. Moreover, the Philippines does not have a particular 97 monumentalist culture where communities have clear identities in tradition and have 98 no reason to change and evolve. However, the country is described as being 99 compassionate, generous, willing to help others and exchange favors and service, 100 having a high opinion on oneself, and willing to demonstrate superiority. 101 102 Understanding Filipino values is a key in defining and making sense of people’s 103 social and behavioral patterns, and strengthening common identity towards national 104 and regional goals. The NCCA conducted a study to identify the core and sectoral 105 Filipino values. Results identified 19 core values which include family, education, 106 faith, health and wellness, and basic needs as top five most important values. Values 107 such as family-centered, faith and virtue-based, collective, concern for others, 108 education-oriented and ambivalent remained the same through time while focus on 109 economic security and awareness on importance of culture and heritage changed 110 over time. 111 112 Culture-sensitive public governance and development strengthened 113 114 Formal agreements for inter-agency support on cultural initiatives increased from one 115 to six in 2017 to 2018. These agreements are: 1) conduct of Museum Summit 116 spearheaded by the South Luzon Association of Museums and Mauban Words and 117 their Historico-Cultural Origins; 2) development of Taal, Batangas and General Trias, 118 3) Cavite Municipal Built Heritage Inventory; 4) Silang Church Complex plan; and 119 5) establishment of eco-art hub in Los Baños, Laguna. 120 121 To recognize the significant achievement of artists and cultural workers, four LGUs 122 established an award giving body for cultural initiatives. Some of the awarding and 123 incentive system of the Batangas Province include the implementation of Mabini 124 Batangas Awards, Huwarang Pamilyang Pilipino Awards, and Balisong Awards. 125 Likewise, the Regional Development Council also gives awards and recognizes the 126 exemplary achievement in the Region. 127 128 129 130

    131 132 133 134 135 136

  • Note: This RDP 2017-2022 Midterm Update Chapter is still preliminary and subject to further review and RDC approval. This draft is NOT official and no part of this document may be cited or quoted. This is being circulated for public consultation purposes.


    Action Plan 137 138 STRATEGIC FRAMEWORK 139 140 Figure 1. Strategic Framework to Promote Philippine Culture and Values. 141 142

    143 144 Chapter 7 is governed by the strategic framework where the main goal is to lay down 145 the foundation for inclusive growth, a high-trust and resilient society, and competitive 146 knowledge economy. The Culture sector will contribute to the attainment of the 147 overall goal by enhancing the social fabric and regaining public trusts 148 through “malasakit”. 149 150 To achieve this intermediate goal, the sector outcomes must first be recognized and 151 achieved. This will be made possible through: a) valuing our diverse cultures; 152 b) advancing the creative excellence; c) inculcating the values of common good; and 153 d) strengthening culture-sensitive governance and development. 154 155 Plan Targets 156 157 Over the remainder of the plan period, from 2020 to 2022, the challenges include 158 mainstreaming and integration of culture and arts components in CDPs and CLUPs, 159 development of cultural management plans, establishment of schools of living 160 traditions, membership of indigenous peoples in local council, and data gaps on 161 culture and arts. 162 163 164

  • Note: This RDP 2017-2022 Midterm Update Chapter is still preliminary and subject to further review and RDC approval. This draft is NOT official and no part of this document may be cited or quoted. This is being circulated for public consultation purposes.


    Table 7.1 Plan Targets to Promote Philippine Culture and Valuesi 165



    Results Indicator

    Baselinea Annual Plan Targets Responsible Agency

    Year Value 2020 2021 2022

    Societal Goal

    To lay down the foundation for inclusive growth, a high-trust and resilient society and a globally competitive

    knowledge economy

    Intermediate Goal

    Enhancing the social fabric

    Chapter Outcome 1


    Culture and



    Tolerance and respect

    for others enhanced

    Pride of being Filipino

    increased (%) 2013 95.3 NCCA

    Inclusion of culture in

    all development plans

    in key growth areas


    2017 1 1 1 1 NEDA

    Number of Provincial

    Development Plans

    with culture

    components increased

    2017 5 - - - NEDA

    Batangas Cavite

    Laguna Quezon Rizal

    Number of

    CDPs/CLUPS with

    mainstreamed culture

    and arts increased

    2017 9 38 44 TBD DILG (CDP),


    Batangas Cavite

    Laguna Quezon Rizal

    Number of cultural


    management plans

    developed across all

    levels of government

    TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD Provincial


    Batangas Cavite

    Laguna Quezon Rizal

    Percentage of LGUs

    mainstreaming culture

    in their local

    development plans


    TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD Provincial


  • Note: This RDP 2017-2022 Midterm Update Chapter is still preliminary and subject to further review and RDC approval. This draft is NOT official and no part of this document may be cited or quoted. This is being circulated for public consultation purposes.



    Results Indicator

    Baselinea Annual Plan Targets Responsible Agency

    Year Value 2020 2021 2022

    Batangas Cavite

    Laguna Quezon Rizal

    Subsector Outcome 1.1

    Our diverse

    cultures valued

    Distribution of

    cultural infrastructure



    Number of


    conducted on


    Knowledge System

    and Practices (IKSP)

    2016 1 TBD TBD TBD NCIP

    Percentage of LGUs

    with cultural mapping

    conducted increased

    2016 2.11% 5.63% 6.34% TBD DOT

    Batangas Cavite 2017 4.35% Increasin





    g Laguna 2017 30% Quezon Rizal

    Number of schools of

    living tradition


    2016 1 5 6 TBD NCIP

    Increased number of

    culture bearer


    2016 1 5 6 TBD NCIP

    Increased number of

    local festivities


    2016 44 56 59 TBD DOT, Batangas

    and Cavite

    Batangas Cavite 2017 21 Increasin





    g Laguna Quezon Rizal

    Subsector Outcome 1.2


    n values of




    Percentage of LGUs

    with Local and Arts

    Council (LCAC)


    2016 0.70% TBD TBD TBD Provincial


    Batangas Cavite 2017 56% Increasin





    g Laguna Quezon Rizal

  • Note: This RDP 2017-2022 Midterm Update Chapter is still preliminary and subject to further review and RDC approval. This draft is NOT official and no part of this document may be cited or quoted. This is being circulated for public consultation purposes.



    Results Indicator

    Baselinea Annual Plan Targets Responsible Agency

    Year Value 2020 2021 2022

    Number of arts

    academies and schools

    implementing special

    programs in the arts


    2016 1 Increasin




    TBD DepEd, CHED

    Increased number of

    cultural sites

    2016 42 Increasin




    TBD Provincial


    Batangas Cavite 2017 103 Increasin





    g Laguna 2017 98 Quezon Rizal

    Increased number of

    cultural activities

    2016 9 Increasin




    TBD Provincial


    Batangas Cavite 2017 21 Increasin





    g Laguna 2017 117 Quezon Rizal

    Increased percentage

    of filed applications

    for intellectual

    property for individual

    creative works

    2016 n.d. Increasin





    Subsector Outcome 1.3

    Values that

    foster the

    common good


    Regional grade

    average on Edukasyon

    sa Pagpapakatao


    2019 n.d. TBD TBD TBD DepEd

    Regional grade

    average on Music,

    Arts, Physical

    Education and Health


    2019 n.d. TBD TBD TBD DepEd

    Number of agencies

    with programs that

    promote Filipino

    values for the

    common good at the

    level of public service


    2019 0 TBD TBD TBD Culture related


    Curricula integrating

    courses of values used

    at all year levels in K

    to 12 enhanced

    2016 n.d.


    - TBD DepEd

    Subsector Outcome 1.4








    Number of formal

    agreements for inter-

    agency support for

    cultural initiatives

    across all levels of

    government increased

    2017 n.d. Increasin






  • Note: This RDP 2017-2022 Midterm Update Chapter is still preliminary and subject to further review and RDC approval. This draft is NOT official and no part of this document may be cited or quoted. This is being circulated for public consultation purposes.



    Results Indicator

    Baselinea Annual Plan Targets Responsible Agency

    Year Value 2020 2021 2022


    Laguna Quezon Rizal

    Percentage of required

    municipalities, cities,

    and provinces with

    Indigenous Peoples




    2015 n.d. Increasin




    100% NCIP

    Number of awareness

    and sensitivity

    campaign programs on

    the rights of PWD,

    IPs, women, youth

    and children increased

    2016 n.d. Increasin







    Number of provinces/


    with offices for

    culture and arts


    2016 2 Increasin




    5 Provincial


    Batangas Cavite

    Laguna 2017 20 Quezon Rizal

    Number of provinces/


    with institutionalized



    2017 TBD Increasin




    5 DILG

    Batangas Cavite

    Laguna Quezon Rizal

    167 Strategies 168 169

    Continue collection of accurate and up-to-date data on culture and values 170 171 The Philippine Cultural Statistics Framework will be continuously 172 implemented by the NCCA and the Philippine Statistics Authority to 173 generate sound, relevant and accurate cultural statistics. This is in support 174 to planning, policy formulation and budget programming, and monitoring of 175 accomplishments on the values, culture and arts development. The 176 Philippine Indigenous People’s Ethnographies Project under the NCIP 177 should also be continuously funded and implemented to strengthen 178 initiatives for documenting IKSPs and establishing community registries. 179


  • Note: This RDP 2017-2022 Midterm Update Chapter is still preliminary and subject to further review and RDC approval. This draft is NOT official and no part of this document may be cited or quoted. This is being circulated for public consultation purposes.


    These data and statistics will serve as basis in formulating plans to further 181 nurture culture and the arts in the Region. 182 183

    Subsector Outcome: Our diverse cultures valued 184 185 There is a need to promote appreciation of different cultures amongst the regions 186 and ensure that these individualities are integrated without compromising the 187 notion of a single national identity. To achieve this, different types of culture 188 should be defined, recognized, safeguarded, and promoted. 189 190

    Develop, produce, disseminate, and liberalize access to information on 191 Filipino culture and values 192 193 Promotion and information dissemination can be done through mobile 194 libraries, outreach programs and travelling exhibits in public spaces. 195 Digitization and content development of information on culture and values 196 may be done to produce information, education and communication (IEC) 197 materials. Mass communication technologies, such as social media and 198 websites, can be used to disseminate these IEC materials to a wide range 199 of stakeholders. 200 201

    Institutionalize and intensify heritage conservation plans and programs 202 203 There is a need to develop a regional culture awareness program and 204 heritage conservation and development plan guidelines that will be 205 cascaded to the local level. Due to the vulnerability of cultural heritage sites 206 to disasters and human-induced hazards, disaster risk reduction and 207 climate change adaptation should be mainstreamed in the plan to protect 208 and safeguard cultural and heritage sites. Regular conduct of structural 209 audit of these sites should also be reflected in the plan to find critical areas 210 for repair and suggest retrofitting measures to prevent damage of property 211 and loss of life. 212 213 Training and education opportunities on conservation and preservation of 214 tangible and intangible resources and on plan preparation must be made 215 available at the local level to increase the pool of local experts who will lead 216 the plan preparation. 217 218

    Continue the establishment Knowledge Development Centers and Schools 219 of Living Traditions for building capacities of Filipinos 220 221 The younger generation may not be completely aware of the different 222 Filipino traditional practices. To ensure that the practices are carried over 223 generations, culture bearers should be identified and the indigenous 224 knowledge system and practices should be continuously documented. The 225 established Schools of Living Tradition (SLT) should be maintained and 226 their number increased to strengthen cultural conservation in the 227 communities. 228

    229 230

  • Note: This RDP 2017-2022 Midterm Update Chapter is still preliminary and subject to further review and RDC approval. This draft is NOT official and no part of this document may be cited or quoted. This is being circulated for public consultation purposes.


    Expand inclusive cultural structures as civic spaces for dialogue and 231 cultural exchange 232 233 Aiming for cultural awareness equates to the development of culture-234 related facilities and the construction of learning sites. Ensure that the 235 existing structures are used more purposively as to serve as venues for 236 cultural activities. 237

    238 Subsector Outcome: “Pagkamalikhain” Value of creative excellence advanced 239 240 Creativity in development process should be continuously advocated. This will not 241 only aid in the improvement and popularization of Filipino culture but will also add 242 economic value. 243


    Boost the development of Filipino creativity as tool for social cohesion and 245 push for culture-based industry and creative economy 246

    247 Elevating arts and culture in regional and local conversations, such as use 248 of media and identifying culture champions at the local level, will encourage 249 artists. Provision of incentives to artists and media practitioners who 250 support culture-related activities and produce culture-related shows will 251 also serve as mechanism in promoting cultural awareness. Award giving 252 bodies in LGUs will serve as venue in recognizing local artists and cultural 253 workers. Thus, LGUs are encouraged to form award giving bodies to 254 promote culture and arts. 255


    Build public appreciation of Filipino creativity 257 258

    There is a need to change the mindsets on aesthetic and creativity for a 259 better appreciation of Philippine culture. Providing broader career 260 opportunities for culture and arts will encourage participation from the 261 younger generation in pursuing passion for culture and arts. Use of local 262 language or baybayin calligraphy, especially for signages, logos, name 263 cards, and public art can be encouraged to better appreciate Filipino 264 creativity and local language. Further appreciation of Filipino creativity may 265 be promoted through celebration of festivals and conduct of fairs and 266 events. The Department of Tourism’s visitor centers may be used as a 267 venue to exhibit creative local outputs and local commodities. 268


    Promote and hasten the development of Philippine creative economy 270 271 The competitiveness and attractiveness of our creative talents and products 272 are being recognized in the international markets. Thus, it is crucial for the 273 country and the region to transition to digitization and e-commerce as it is 274 an important source of trade and investment opportunities amidst the 275 development brought by the fourth industrial revolution. Since the concepts 276 of creative economy and creative industry are new, there is a need for 277 common and shared understanding between the government and 278 private sector on this matter. 279


  • Note: This RDP 2017-2022 Midterm Update Chapter is still preliminary and subject to further review and RDC approval. This draft is NOT official and no part of this document may be cited or quoted. This is being circulated for public consultation purposes.


    Subsector Outcome: Values for the common good inculcated 281 282

    Use various channels of values inculcation 283 284 NEDA and NCCA conducted a study on the association of Filipino cultures 285 and personalities and the present and shared core values of Filipinos. 286 Results of the study can be integrated in programs and projects, education 287 curricula, local ordinances and media to promote and inculcate these 288 values. Instilling these values is a step towards a high-trust society. 289 290

    Increase government efforts for promotion of value that foster the 291 common good 292 293 The government should partner with media in promoting values that fosters 294 common good. Engaging communities to participate in promoting good 295 values can be made. 296


    Encourage the youth to participate in cultural activities and to enroll in 298 culture and arts education programs 299

    300 There is a need to mainstream cultural education in basic, technical-301 vocational, and higher education. Inclusion of culture and arts in the 302 curriculum, capacity building and training of teaching personnel and 303 improving the learning materials can encourage the youth to enroll in 304 cultural and arts programs and attend in cultural activities. 305 306

    Mainstream culture and values in the basic, technical, vocational, and 307 higher education systems 308 309 Mainstreaming culture and values in education should start in the primary 310 education as the formative years of children are the periods wherein 311 cognitive, social, and emotional development starts. 312

    313 Subsector Outcome: Culture-sensitive governance and development strengthened 314 315 The government plays a crucial role in mainstreaming the Filipino culture and 316 ensuring that it is protected and preserved. 317 318

    Pursue institutional reforms for cultural development. 319 320

    Creation and institutionalization of LCAC and ordinances that promote 321 culture will aid in mainstreaming culture and the arts and in recognizing the 322 important role of culture and values in sustainable local development. 323

    324 325 326 327

  • Note: This RDP 2017-2022 Midterm Update Chapter is still preliminary and subject to further review and RDC approval. This draft is NOT official and no part of this document may be cited or quoted. This is being circulated for public consultation purposes.


    Strengthen the protection of the rights of vulnerable sectors of 328 to access cultural resources and to live a life free from discrimination and 329 fear. 330

    331 Celebration of the National Indigenous Peoples Month and National 332 Indigenous Peoples Day will mainstream their culture and traditional 333 practices, foster the appreciation of katutubo culture and traditions, and 334 eliminate discrimination. As such, government offices, academic 335 institutions, private sectors and other stakeholders should join in the said 336 celebrations. Participation in forums and dialogues with the IPs can be 337 done to further learn and appreciate their background, contribution and 338 participation in nation building. Inviting IP representatives during 339 consultation meetings and development planning is encouraged to take 340 note of their comments and opinions on socio-economic concerns. 341

    342 Major Programs and Projects 343 The government will implement the following programs, projects and activities to 344 attain the sector and subsector outcomes: 345 346 Subsector Outcome: Our diverse cultures valued 347

    Construction and enhancement of libraries and museums 348

    Development of knowledge materials on culture, values and indigenous 349 peoples 350

    Establishment of Schools of Living Traditions 351

    Enhancement and conduct of cultural awareness programs and advocacy 352 campaigns 353 354

    Subsector Outcome: “Pagkamalikhain” or Value of creative excellence advanced 355

    Development and promotion of Philippine creative economy 356

    Provision of tax incentives and breaks for artists and media advocating cultural 357 awareness 358

    Recognition of individuals and organizations who are champion in promoting, 359 preserving and protecting cultural heritage and arts 360

    361 Subsector Outcome: Values for the common good inculcated 362

    Integration of culture and core and shared values in the curricula and various 363 activities of the basic and higher education 364

    Forge partnerships with media and other stakeholders to widen cultural 365 promotion 366

    367 Sub-Sector Outcome: Culture-sensitive governance and development 368 strengthened 369

    Conduct of cultural mapping in cities and municipalities 370

    Provision of trainings and capability building in preparing the Cultural Heritage 371 Development Plan and integration of culture and values in local development 372 plans 373

    Representation of IPs in local councils 374

    Participation of the youth, Sangguniang Kabataan officials, and youth leaders 375 in cultural activities in the communities 376

  • Note: This RDP 2017-2022 Midterm Update Chapter is still preliminary and subject to further review and RDC approval. This draft is NOT official and no part of this document may be cited or quoted. This is being circulated for public consultation purposes.


    377 378

    Legislative Agenda 379 380

    Table 7.2 Legislative Agenda to Promote Philippine Culture and Values 381 382


    Support the Creation of Department of Culture

    Reorganization of NCCA and its functions

    Creation of office and plantilla items for culture and arts

    To have a better focus on cultural awareness, there should be a position dedicated to the perceived responsibilities

    Strengthen incentive system for media and artists: 1) Provision of tax incentives for media that promotes cultural oriented shows/content; 2) Provision of tax breaks for artists

    Media is considered as very influential due to many means it can rely and transfer information and message. Providing incentives to media will encourage them to create shows and integrate culture-related contents to their releases. This will also aid in promoting culture awareness.

    Issuance of AO on rectification of historical data

    Some learning materials provided to schools include errors in historical data, hence, a need to revise and enhance these materials

    Provision of guidelines on mainstreaming culture and arts in CDP/CLUP formulation

    CDP-TAC checklist includes the integration of culture and arts component in CDP; thus, there is a need for DILG to include guidelines on mainstreaming culture and the arts in local development plan

    383 iThere are no current baselines and targets for the indicators because data remain to be gathered and

    established through a national survey in 2019. Survey results will be released in 2020.