chapter 6 phase transformation and residual stress...

CHAPTER 6 Phase transformation and Residual stress analysis 6.1 Introduction Cylindrical grinding is a manilfacturing process rvith a relatively liigh power density input (Kruszynski and Luttelvelt, 1991). This results in the predominance of thermal pheno~nena in the grinding process and in the creation of the surface layer of ground components. The grinding temperature, the temperature gradients and the rate of lieatflow are the major factors which influence surface integl-ity. Of all the propel-ties that describe the surface layer chalxteristics, residual stresses may be regarded as the inost representative one. On the one hand. they give a good estimate of the surface integrity of the workpiece and on the other hand they afyect the functional propel-ties of the components \Iery sig~lificantly. Residual stresses are also useful in quantitatively deteill1ining the grinding conditions. It is dificult to describe the grinding conditions quantitatively by ~lsiilg other surface layer parameters (e.g.. Microstrnctu~-a1 changes), as they occur only in a specific range of grinding conditions or have an ONiOFF characteristic like burns i.e.. they occur or do llot occur. All reasons nlentioned above inake the residual stress as one of the most impoi-tant surface layer properties. With the recent improvement on ~ixichines to measure the residual stress through XRD, the interest on the knowledge to control such stl-esses has increased. This interest has its importance due to the fact that the presence of the residual stress interferes with the fatigue strength of the Materials. 6.2 Residual stress formation Grinding removes the illeta1 from the workpiece in the form of sniall chips by mechanical action of abrasive particles bonded together 111 a grinding wheel. Compared

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    Phase transformation and Residual stress analysis

    6.1 Introduction

    Cylindrical grinding is a manilfacturing process rvith a relatively liigh power

    density input (Kruszynski and Luttelvelt, 1991). This results in the predominance of

    thermal pheno~nena in the grinding process and in the creation of the surface layer of

    ground components. The grinding temperature, the temperature gradients and the rate of

    lieatflow are the major factors which influence surface integl-ity.

    Of all the propel-ties that describe the surface layer chalxteristics, residual

    stresses may be regarded as the inost representative one. On the one hand. they give a

    good estimate of the surface integrity of the workpiece and on the other hand they afyect

    the functional propel-ties of the components \Iery sig~lificantly. Residual stresses are also

    useful in quantitatively deteill1ining the grinding conditions. I t is dificult to describe the

    grinding conditions quantitatively by ~lsiilg other surface layer parameters (e.g..

    Microstrnctu~-a1 changes), as they occur only in a specific range of grinding conditions or

    have an ONiOFF characteristic like burns i.e.. they occur or do llot occur. All reasons

    nlentioned above inake the residual stress as one of the most impoi-tant surface layer


    With the recent improvement on ~ixichines to measure the residual stress through

    XRD, the interest on the knowledge to control such stl-esses has increased. This interest

    has its importance due to the fact that the presence of the residual stress interferes with

    the fatigue strength of the Materials.

    6.2 Residual stress formation

    Grinding removes the illeta1 from the workpiece in the form of sniall chips by

    mechanical action of abrasive particles bonded together 111 a grinding wheel. Compared

  • to other machining processes such as tuining, milling etc., grinding requires x r y high

    energy input per unit volume of material removal. The frictional resistance encountered

    between work illaterial and the tool and rhe chip tool interface and the resistance to

    defoimation during shearing of chips contribute to the rise in temperature at the cutting

    zone. The temperature generated is not only high but the thermal actions are also severe.

    The thei-ma1 and mechanical actions can affect 111e surface integrity of the ground

    surface to a depth of'about 2111in. These actions result in rlic de\.elopltie~i~ of high residual

    stresses (either compressive or ~eiisiie).lf the developeci residual stresses arc. of tensile

    nature \vith considerably highel- values they will initiate surhce cracks.

    6.3 Phase transformation

    The heat generated in grinding and the consequent high temperatures are of

    primary importance since they affect the tool life, diineilsioilal accuracy and surface

    integrity of the machined part and ultiiuately economics ofmachining.

    Excessive grinding temperature causes thelnlal damage to the work piece. As per

    Malltin (1978), grinding temperature generated during grinding is a direct coi~sequeilce

    of the energy input to the process. One of the coinman types of thermal damage is called

    grinding burn.

    Littrnann and Wulff (1955) have found that for hardened steels which have been

    burned during gnnding, the work piece subsuiface consists of a rehardened zone near the

    surface and a softened tempered zone beneath it. This would suggest that the onset of

    burning is characterized by the formation of austenite over some portion of the work

    piece subsurface. Rehardening at the surface occurs by martensite foimation as the cooler

    material in the bulk of the workpiece quenches the surface. This refers to phase

    transformation in grinding. If the phase transformation is mai-tensite to ferritelpearlite the

    volume decreases hindered by the bulk matenal produces tensile residual stresses If the

  • phase transformation is ferrite;pearlite to martensite the volulnt increases hindered by the

    bulk material produces comprsssi\;e rcsiduai stresses.

    With this in mind as a pal? of the research. the effect of heat generation!'work

    surface temperature on the residual stress of various percentage carbon steels subjected to

    cylindrical grinding process is srudied and discussed belolv.

    6.4 Residual stress on the surface

    The surface residual stress and the sub-surface residual stress are of great

    importance on the fatigue resistance of the materials. Ki~mbcl- of researchers report that

    if those stresses are of compressive 11atures impro\.e thz resistance to fatigue whereas if

    those stresses are of tc~lsile ~iatul-e depending on their magnitude they contribute to a

    decline in the fatigue resistance. In ordcr to verify t h ~ bella\,iour of the residual stress

    for the fine grinding and rough &I-inding. some experiments are conducted fbllo\ving the

    methodology presented below.

    Table 6.1 and 6.2 shows the details about materials subjected for fine grinding and rough

    grinding test respectively.

    Table 6.3 and 6.4 shows the operating parameters and their levels for fine grinding and

    rough grinding test respectively.

    Table 6.5 shows the experimental design matrix used in both the tests.

    Table 6.6, 6.7, 6.8 (fine grinding) and 6.9, 6.10, 6.1 1 (rough grinding) shows the test


    Table 6.1 Details about the materials subjected for fine Grinding test (Residual stress analysis)

    %, of Type of aheel 1

    Carbon used

    0 15

    I ShJo 1 Matenal Des~gnanon -- 7

    I I AIS1 33 10

    steel Medium carbon I 2 1 '4ISI 4340 , 0 45 structural steel I

    1 and I

    1501n1n 1

    =351nm AllO;

    A120, 1 75 1 3 Length = Hlgh carbon hlgh speed

  • Table 6.2 Details about the materials subjected for rough Grinding test (Residual stress analysis)

    I I Matel-ial Type of\vheel Size 1 1 used -


    2 F


    Table 6.3 Operating parameters and their le\ els for fine grinding (Residual stress analysis)

    Number of' passes Np 3

    Med~uni carbon structural steel

    High carbon high speed steel

    Higli carbon Non-shl-inking d & ~ steel

    S ho

    1,- iC ,,,,, -La*, Total depth of cut 50 75 I 100

    1 3 Wlieel speed ' Ns r p m 3 5 5 0 ' 1730 - 1 1 2 1 3 1

    - n~edium 1 high i

    I I 3 I 3 1

    ; 2 4 Work spezd 3 I

    AISI 4340

    ~a r r lne t e i notatloo 1 l i l l l r ~ Levei\/act~~ai

    Table 6.4 Operating parameters and their levels for rough grinding (Residual tress)

    Lei elitcode

    .-.A- ..-I 7 -r - -- ow m e d i u ~ - ~ ~ i ~ ~ ~ medium 1 liigli Total depth of rut I Dc pni I I 1 I


    Table 6.5 Experimental design matrix (Residual stress Analysis)

    AlrO; Dialnetel- =351iim

    1 standard order / Depth of cut I Number of passes MJlieel speed Work speed 1

    A 2 0 1 1 and i .,,,, k n g t l l = 1 150nirn

    AISI M7 0.80

    .US1 0 2 - -

  • Table 6.6 Fine grinding test results of AISI 3310 steel material

    Table 6.7 Fine grinding test results of AlSI 4340 steel material (Residual stress analysis)

    Table 6 .8 Fine grinding test results of AlSI T5 stecl material (Residual stress analvsisl

    SA - Surface appearance, Li - Light appearance, Da - Dark appearance DB - Degree of burn, nb - no burn, b - burn HE - Hardening effect, Sh - Selective hardening, Oh - Over hardening Td - Thermal damage, VHN- Surface Hardness in Vickers's Hardness Number

  • Table 6.9 Rough grinding test results of AISI 4340 steel material

    Table 6.10 Rough grinding test results of AISI M2 steel material (Residual stress analysis)

    Table 6.11 Rough grinding test results of AISI 0 2 steel material (Residual stress analysis)

    1 Ex. KO.

    1 2 3 4 5


    Ra, Rt and Rz - Surface roughness in prn T, - Grinding Temperature in " C Q, - Amount of heat entering into the workpiece in W/mm UQ, - Residual stress in axial direction , MPa {Tensile (+)and Compressive(-) ) UQ, - Residual stress in hoop direction, MPa {Tensile (+) and Compressive(-) )


    Li Li Li Da

    0.27 2.9 0.23 3.1

    DB FIE VHN I nb j Sh 287

    L i i n b 6LinbSh314

    -232 -219

    2.7 : 932 265 2.9 1 820 1 242

    of,,, ~ o,,,, I

    -222 ! -21 I

    I Rs ' Rr 1 Kz ; -SS 1 Q.


    1 D a -269 -263



    -244 -274

    11b nb

    310 - - - - ~ --

    -218 -216


    0.25 1 2.7 T d ] - ~ - 1 -

    202 21 1 253

    2 1 1 7 Sh 288 ! 0.16

    2.4 800 1 225 1 -2% /-212 1 - 1 _

    775 795 840

    2.8 2.4 Sh


    2.4 2.5 290 0.17

    343 0.30 1 2.9 2.5

  • 6.5 Residual stress beneath the surface

    The residual stress bencatl~ the surface of few grind hardened (Rough grinding)

    s17ecimens are measured using Residual stress analyzer. It is found that the stress

    developed at the surface is compressive in nature .The results are tabulated in Table 6.12.

    Table 6.12 Micro hardness and Residual stress of grind hardened specimens

    Depth Residual stress in MPa and hlicrohardness in VHN of g i i l d l~ardcned ~ beneath the ~ specimens for different trials of mug11 ginding test 1

    AISI b12((i1" tr~al) AlSI 02(3"' trial) Residual 1 Hardness 1 Resldual I Hardness stress stress 1 -

    206 -276 1 292 -364

    6.6 Control of Residual stress

    The ground components which are critically important and to be used in dynamic

    loading need special attention because their functional efficiency and fatigue life are

    predon~ina~ltly gove~ned by the existence of the tensile residual stresses and micro cracks.

    The grinding temperature could be reduced to some extent by improving the

    machinability characteristics of the work material, the wheel abrasives, and by optimizing

    the process parameters. Selection and use of superhard abrasives like Cubic Boron

  • Nitride could also resist the thermal effects. But even after that the temperature problein

    remains acute and even profuse cooling with conventional cutting fluids in the fo1111 ofjet

    or mist is virtually unable to solve this problem. The main reasons are;

    a) Rapid wheel loading by the clogged chips,

    b) Inefficient fuilctioning of the coolant, and

    c) Inadequate heat carrying capacity of the con.i;entional fluids.

    Seine recent techniques have enabled pai-tial control of the gi-inding temperature.

    Aoyama and Inasaki (1984). 1.zporlet1 that the quick raise in high temperi~turc due to

    wheel loading can be controlled by online ultrasonic cieaiiing o r tlie lodgcd chips from

    the wheel surface. I11 convelltional peripheral sul-face grinding, a thin but stiff air film

    developed arounti the wheel surface prevents the cutting fluids fiotn desired l'unctioning.

    This problem has also been pairially overcome either by adopting z-z cooling technique

    or by using scraper board and coating of the unused wheel faces.

    Grabner and Tonsoff ( 1984) have recently reported that CBY wheels ~f properly

    manufactured, selected and used provides much less cutting forces. temperature and

    hence less tensile residual stresses. But CBN wheels are very expensive.

    In spite of such developments, it is still felt necessary to develop sollie sinlple

    econonlic cooling process to remove the major portion of the heat much effectively.

    Under sucli circumstances cryogenic cooling by agents like Liquici nitrogen (-196°C)

    which is gradually being made available in plenty and at lov~el- pl.ices may serve the

    above purpose. Research has already been undei-taken in this direction to explore the

    effectiveness and economic feasibility of cryogenic grinding.

    Uhera and Kumagai (1 968, 1969) reported that cryogenic machining w ~ t h liquid

    nitrogen resulted in relatively lesser cutting forces. longer tool life and better surface

    conditions. Ippolito and Fillippi (1970) also observed similar results in cryogenically

    cooled face milling. Paul and Chattopadhyay (1995) investigated into the role of

    cryogenic cooling on the different machinability parameters under different conditions of

  • gl-inding of some steels and obsel-\fed signiticant rtduction i n surfact. dalnages. ciltting

    [orczs and cutting tempel-atures.

    Proper application of liquid nitrogen jet reduces grinding temperature drastically

    and protects the surface from che~nical and galvanic deterioration. which results in

    i) Much better finish and other conditions of the g r o u ~ ~ d surfaces,

    li) Lesser grinding forces,

    iii) Much less tensile residual stresses, and

    iv) Longer tool life.

    However, retention of grit shal-pness and reduction oj'plastic flow are expected to

    be able to reduce the cutting fol-ces and increase tool lit& due to extreme cooling.

    6.7 Results and discussion

    For a worlcpiece subjected to grinding. mechanical pinstic deformation, thelnlal

    plastic defollnatioll and irreversible deformation due to phase transfomlation are the

    major cause of residual stress generation (Zhang et al..I992). The magnitude and nature

    of the residual stresses left after grinding at different operating conditions have been

    measured by X -ray diffi-action technique using the Residual stress analyzer. The

    measurements have been made on ground specimens along the axial, hoop direction and

    beneath the surface as shown in figure 6.l.The results are shown in tables 6.6, 6.7, 6.8,,6.11 and6.12.

    Figure 6.1 Measurement of residual stress in axial (A), hoop (B) direction and depth

    beneath the surface (dl) on the grind-hardened specimen

  • In fine grinding the resitlual stl-ess values obtained c1ea1-ly, sho~v that the

    magnitude of the harmful tensile 1.csidua1 stress 11as heen reduced cjuite substantially

    (Table 6.6, 6.7. 6.8). Fui-tlier, in rough grinding . i t is found thal the stress developed at the

    surface are conmpressive in nature (Table 6.9.

    In the grinding process, the induced residual stresseb in a ground specin~en are

    due to tlie combined action of mechanical, themmal and transfolmational effccts.

    Mechanical forces during grinding expand the surface of a sanlple so that the plastically

    deformed surface experiences a compressive residual stress state while the elastically

    deformed layer next to the surface layer is left in a state of residual tension. Dui-iiig tlie

    grinding process. the temperature dramatically increases in a thin surface layer of the

    specimen, while the bulk inner parts remain cool. .4s tlie plastically defonned surface

    layer cools, its thern1al contraction is aided by the part's interior, generating tensile

    residual stresses at the surface. At certain grindir-ig conditions. the grinding zone

    temperature is so high that it can cause transformation of'the phases. Due to the phase

    transformations. change in the specitic \.olume of tlic different phases reduces the tensile

    residual stresses or improves the coiimpressii~e residual stresses.

    In fine grinding. at 50 p111 depth of cut. mechanical effects are predominant and

    at 75 pnl depth of cut the~mal effects influence the tensile residual stress to decrease. At

    100 pm depth of cut. the grinding zone tenlperature is above the Acl line of the iron

    carbon equilibrium diagram. Partial phase transforn~ation from ferrite to austeiiite could

    take place at this conditioil and reduce the already induced tensile residual stresses. This

    call be the reason for the reduction in the residual stresses at 100 pm depth of cut as

    indicated in figure 6.2.

    A significant obsei-vation made froni the figure 6.3 is that, in low stress grinding

    (low metal removal rate) tlie thermal effect is less important and the mechanical effect

    overtakes the thermal aspect and the superimposition of the two results in a low tensile

    residual stress profile in the A,1 - A,3 tenlperature zone ( i.e. 730CC -9 10°C).

  • - 1

    I - AIS133 10 + AISI 4340 + AISI T5

    Depth of cut in microns

    Figure 6.2 Depth of cut Vs Average Tensile Residual stress

    I + AISI 33 1& AISI 434WAISI T5 1

    Grinding temperature in Degree Celsius

    Figure 6.3 Grinding Temperature Vs Tensile Residual stress

  • From tables 6.9,6.10 and 6.1 1, it is evident that the stress developed at the surface

    for the materials AISI 4340, AISI M2, AISI 0 2 (subjected for high metal removal rate

    grinding) are compressive in nature. This shows that the mechanical effect overtakes the

    thermal aspects and the superimposition of the hvo results in a residual profile that is

    predominantly in the compressive zone.

    The compressive residual stress developed on the surface of the grind hardened

    components shows that there is phase transformation of ferrite or pearlite to martensite.

    The compressive state of residual stress enhances the fatigue behaviour of the grind

    hardened components.

    The residual stress profiles of the specimens, AISI 4340, M2, 0 2 are shown in

    figure 6.4.From the figure it is evident that there is a considerable induced compressive

    residual stress (175 MPa) upto 0.6mm. After that it decreases with increase in depth

    beneath the surface. But upto 0.85mm the stress developed is compressive in nature.

    Further, the magnitude of the compressive residual stress is more for the material which

    is having higher percentage of carbon content. This is a significant finding in this study.

    1 -- A151 4340. h1SI M2 AISI 0 2 1

    Depth beneath the surface in mm

    Figure 6.4 Residual stress Vs Depth beneath the surface

  • Most thermal analysis of grinding processes are based on the moving heat source

    theory and according to this theory the Peclect number (PC) of a grinding process ,

    reflects the variation of the grinding feed speed and thus the thermal energy or difhsion

    rate through the ground surface. If all the other grinding conditions are the same an

    increase of Pe results in a decrease in grinding temperature and an ii~crease of cooling

    rate (Mofid Mahadi and Liangclii Zhang. 1999).Lower values of grinding temperature

    (with in the Acl - Ac3 I-ange) produces increased compsessive residual stresses 01.

    educed tensile residual stresses (Tables 6.9. 6.10 and 6. I I ) .

    PC - Peclect number, 1;s - Velocity of wheel. 2a - length of the heat source or dialnetel of

    wheel, cc - Thennal diffusi\,ity of the wheel

    T,- Grinding temperature, R- partition ratio, Q, - Heat generated per unit area per unit

    time. k , - Thelma1 conductivity of the wheel

    Table 6.12 indicates that Res~dual stress decreases fi-om the surface to the

    subsurface; it clearly shows that, at the boundary of the rnai-tensite zone. a rapid change

    of residual stress occurs due to the sudden change of workpiece lsroperties Further, this

    table reveals that greater the material hardness greater will be coinpressive resldual stress.

    The fine grinding and rough grinding experimental results indicate that at higher

    depth of cut, either over hardening or thermal damage of components occurs and this

    effect is undesirable. The results indicate that if wheel speed increases specific grinding

    energy increases, intuin residual stress also increases.

  • A significant relation bztween tempel.ature and resitiuai stress is founcl fi-om the

    results and when the wheel n.ol-1~ contact zone temperature is low, the stress fomiaiion is

    collipressive stress or low tensile stress. It is a desirable aspect from the fatigue strength

    point of view of the component.

    When a ~ ~ ~ o r k p i e c e experiences the critical temperature variation in grinding,

    phase change occurs at a certain distance away from the grinding zone as demonstrated

    by figures 6.5, 6.6, 6.7 and 6.8.

    Figure 6.5 The subsurrace microstrr~ctr~re of AlSI 4340 grind hartlencd component \+ith less white etched areas

    Depth beneath the surface in mm

    Figure 6.6 The subsurface nlicrostructure of AISI TS grind hardened component with moderate white etched areas.

    Depth beneath the surface in 111111

    Figure 6.7 The subsurface microstructure of AISI M2 grind hardened component with more white etched areas.

    Depth beneath the surface in mill

    Figure 6.8 The subsurface microstructure of AISI 0 2 grind hardened component with more white etched areas of moderate conversion of austenite into martensite.

  • Concluding Remarks

    f* The cornpi-essive residual stresses are obtained on the surface of the specimen. It

    enhances the fatigue strength of the grounded parts. These negative I-esidual

    stresses rnay slow dotvn the crack initiation and propagation in the con~ponents.

    Residual stress decreases from the surface to the sub-surface and it is found o u ~

    that there is a sig~lificailt relation between temperature and residual stress i.e.,

    when the wheel work contact zone temperature is low. the stress formation is

    compressive or low tensile. I t is a desirable aspect from the fatigue strength point

    of the component.

    *:* In fine grinding, i.e., ductile regime grinding, it is observecl that there is a

    reduction of teiisile residual stress between the temperature range 720°C to 930°C

    (Acl - Ac3) for alloy steels. I t matches with the suggestion given by Brinksmeier

    et al. (1982).