chapter 6 employee testing and selection

GARY DESSLER HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Global Edition 12e Chapter 6 Employee Testing and Selection PowerPoint Presentation by Charlie Cook The University of West Alabama Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education Part 2 Recruitment and Placement 第第第 第第第第 第第第 第第

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Page 1: Chapter 6 Employee Testing and Selection



Chapter 6

Employee Testing and Selection

PowerPoint Presentation by Charlie CookThe University of West AlabamaCopyright © 2011 Pearson Education

Part 2 Recruitment and Placement

第三組指導老師:謝琇玲 教授

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Why Careful Selection is Important為何謹慎甄選如此重要 p.202

Organizational performance


Costs of recruiting and hiring


The Importance of Selecting the Right Employees

Legal obligations and liability

法律義務和責任Negligent Hiring


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Person and Job/Organization Fit個人工作 / 組織契合度 p.202

• A candidate might be “right” for a job, but wrong for the organization.

• Person-job fit is usually the main consideration in selection, employers should care about person-organization

fit as well.

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Basic Testing Concepts基本的測驗概念 p.203

• Reliability 信度• Is a test’s first requirement and refers to its consistency( 一致

性 ).

Test-retest reliability estimates


Equivalent or alternate form


Ways to Measure Reliability

Internal comparison


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Basic Testing Concepts基本的測驗概念 p.204-205

• Validity 效度• Indicates whether the test is measuring what it is supposed to

be measuring.• It’s more difficult to prove that the tests are measuring what

they are said to measure, in other words, that are valid.

Criterion validity準則效度

Content validity內容效度

Types of Test Validity

Construct validity建構效度

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FIGURE 6–2 A Slide from the Rorschach Test p.204

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Evidence-Based HR: How to Validate a Test事證基礎的人資:如何實證測驗的效度 p.206


Relate Your Test Scores and Criteria 找出測驗成績與準則之間的關係 : scores versus actual performance 成績與績效

Choose the Tests 選擇測驗 : test battery 綜合測驗

Steps in Test Validation

Analyze the Job 分析工作 : predictors 預測因子 and criteria 準則

Administer the Test 舉行測驗 : concurrent 同時效度 or predictive 預測效度 validation




Cross-Validate and Revalidate 交叉驗證與再驗證 : repeat Steps 3 and 4 with a different sample


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FIGURE 6–4 Expectancy Chart p.208

Note: This expectancy chart shows the relation between scores made on the Minnesota Paper Form Board and rated success of junior draftspersons.

Example: Those who score between 37 and 44 have a 55% chance of being rated above average and those scoring between 57 and 64 have a 97% chance.

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Who scores the test? p.208

• Bias 偏誤There may be bias in how the test measures the trait it

purports to measure. The predictions one makes based on the test may be biased.

• Utility Analysis 效用分析• Using dollar and cents terms, [utility analysis] shows the

degree to which use of a selection measure improves the quality of individuals selected over what would have happened if the measure had not been used.

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Validity Generalization 效度推論 p.209

• The degree to which evidence of a measure’s validity obtained in one situation can be generalized to another situation without further study.

• Under the Uniform Guidelines, the employer should also find an equally valid but less adversely impacting alternative.

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Test Takers’ Individual Rights and Test Security 受測者的權利與測驗的安全性 p.209

• Under the APA’s standard for educational and psychological tests, test takers have the following rights: The right to the confidentiality of test results.

The right to informed consent regarding use of these results.

The right to expect that only people qualified to interpret the scores will have access to them, or that sufficient information will accompany the scores to ensure their appropriate interpretation.

The right to expect the test is fair to all. For example, no one taking it should have prior access to the questions or answers.

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Legal Privacy Issues 法律隱私問題 p.209• Common sense suggests that managers should keep their

knowledge of employees’ test results private.

• Avoiding Employee Defamation Suits1. Make sure you understand the need to keep employees’

information confidential.

2. Adopt a “need to know” policy. Sometimes supervisor may not “need to know”.

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How Do Employers Use Tests at Work?雇主如何在工作中進行測驗 p.210

• In general, as work demands increase (in terms of skill requirements, training, and pay), employers tend to rely more on testing in the selection process.

• Employers don’t use tests just to find good employees, but also to screen out bad ones.

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Computerized and Online Testing電腦化與線上測驗 p.211

• Computerized and/or online Testing is increasingly replacing conventional paper-and-pencil test. Such tests are also becoming more sophisticated.

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Types of Tests 測驗類型 P.212

Cognitive abilities


Motor and physical abilities


Personality and interests


What Different Tests Measure測驗方法



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IQ tests are test of general intellectual abilities. They measure not a single trait but rather a range of abilities, including memory, vocabulary, verbal fluency, and numerical ability.


Specific cognitive abilities

Test of cognitive Abilities認知能力測試


Measures of specific metal abilities, such as deductive reasoning, verbal comprehension, memory, and numerical ability.( aptitude tests)

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FIGURE 6–6 Type of Question Applicant Might Expect on a Test of Mechanical Comprehension

哪個齒輪會跟 driver 轉同一個方向 ?


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Such as finger dexterity, manual dexterity, and (if hiring pilots) reaction time.

Motor abilities Physical Abilities

Test of Motor and Physical Abilities操作與體能測驗


Include static strength ( such as lifting weights), dynamic strength ( like pull- ups), body coordination( as in jumping rope) and stamina.

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Measuring personality and Interests人格與興趣衡量 P213-214

- Nonperformance “ is usually the result of personal characteristics, such as attitude, motivation, and especially, temperament.

Personality tests measure basic aspects of an applicant’s personality, such as introversion, stability, and motivation


Self- reported

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The “Big Five” P.215

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Do personality tests predict performance ? 人格測驗可以預測績效嗎 P215

In fact, personality traits do often correlate with job performance

Other traits correlate with occupational success

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first•Projective tests are hard to


second•Personality tests can trigger

legal challenges

third•Some dispute that self- report

personality tests predict performance at all



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What someone has learned You take in school

“job knowledge”

like economics, marketing, or HR

Also popular at work

Achievement Tests成就測驗 P216

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Work Samples and Simulations

工作抽樣與模擬 P.216

Work samples


Measuring Work Performance Directly


Miniature job training and evaluation


Situational testing Video-Based Situational Testing

情境測試 & 影視模擬測驗

Situational Judgment


Management assessment



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FIGURE 6–8 Example of a Work Sampling Question

工作抽樣問題的範例 P.216

Checks key before installing against:


___ shaft 軸心 score 3

___ pulley 滑輪 score 2

___ neither 都沒檢查 score 1

Note: This is one step in installing pulleys and belts.


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Situational Judgment Tests 情境判斷測驗 P217

Situational Judgment Tests are personnel tests “ designed to assess an applicant’s judgment regarding a situation encountered in the workplace”.

Situational judgmnet tests are effective and widely used

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Management assessment centers管理評鑑中心 P217

The in-basket


Leaderless group discussion


Management games


Individual presentations


Objective tests

客觀的測驗The interview


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Situational testing Video-Based Situational Testing情境測試 & 影視模擬測驗 P218

• Require examinees to

respond to situations representative of the job.

• Work sampling and some assessment center tasks fall in this category.

Situational tests

• Presents the candidate with several online or PC- Based video situations, each followed by one or more multiple- choice questions.

Video-Based simulation

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Miniature job training and evaluation小型的工作訓練與評鑒 P219

Miniature job training and evaluation means training candidates to perform several of the job’s task, and then evaluating the candidates’ performance prior to hire.

Like work sampling , miniature job training and evaluation tests applicants with actual samples of the job, so it’s inherently content relevant and valid\

The big problem is the expense involved in the instruction and training.( 個別教學與訓練的費用)

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• 實際工作預告• Sometimes, a

dose of realism makes the best screening tool

Realistic Job Preview

• 針對管理人員的測驗技術

• even in large companies, when it comes to screening employees, you’re on your own

HR in Practice

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TABLE 6–1 Evaluation of Selection Assessment Methods各種測驗的評估 P.220

Assessment Method 評鑑方法

Validity 有效性

Adverse Impact 不利衝擊

Costs (Develop 發展 /Administer 執行 )

Cognitive ability tests


High (against minorities 對弱勢不利 )


Job knowledge test


High (against minorities 對弱勢不利 ) Low/low

Personality tests

人格測驗Low to moderate

Low Low/low

Integrity tests

誠實測驗Moderate to high

Low Low/low

Stuctured interviews

結構性訪問High Low High/high

Situational judgment tests


Moderate (against minorities 對弱勢不利 )High/low

Work samples

工作抽樣High Low High/high

Assessment centers

評鑑中心Moderate to high

Low to moderate, depending on exercise



Physical ability tests

體能測試Moderate to high

High (against females and older workers) High/high

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伍、 Background Investigations and Other Selection Methods

背景調查與其他的甄選方法 (p.220)

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1.Why Perform Background Investigations and Reference Checks? 為什麼要進行背景調查與資歷驗證 ? (p.220)• Investigations and Checks

Reference checks 資歷驗證 87%

Background employment checks 背景調查 69%

Criminal records 犯罪紀錄 61%

Driving records 駕駛紀錄 56%

Credit checks 信用狀況 35%

• Why check? To verify factual information provided by applicants

To uncover damaging information

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2.The Legal Dangers and How to Avoid Them 如何避免法律問題 (p.221)

Defamation ( 誹謗 )

Legal remedies ( 法律上的補償 )

Privacy ( 隱私權 )

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3.How to Check a Candidate’s Background 如何檢核候選人的背景資源 (p.222)

Former Employers

Current Supervisors

Written References

Social Networking Sites

Commercial Credit Rating Companies

Sources of Information

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4.The Social Network: Checking Applicant’s Social Posting (p.224)Making Background Checks More Useful

1. Include on the application form a statement for applicants to sign explicitly authorizing a background check.

2. Use telephone references if possible.

3. Be persistent in obtaining information.

4. Compare the submitted résumé to the application.

5. Ask open-ended questions to elicit more information from references.

6. Use references provided by the candidate as a source for other references.

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5.Using Preemployment Information Services

使用就業前的資訊服務 (p.225)


Notice of adverse action to applicant/employee

Employer certification to reporting agency

2. Acquisition and Use of Background Information

Disclosure to and authorization by applicant/employee

Providing copies of reports to applicant/employee




Use Caution

1. It’s can be tricky complying with EEO laws.

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6.The Polygraph and Honesty Testing 測謊與誠實測驗 (p.225)• Employee Polygraph Protection Act of 1988

Who Can Use the Polygraph?1. The employer has suffered an economic loss or injury.

2. The employee in question had access to the property.

3. There is a reasonable prior suspicion.

4. The employee is told the details of the investigation, as well as questions to be asked on the polygraph test itself.

Paper-and Pencil Honesty Tests?

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6.The Polygraph and Honesty Testing 測謊與誠實測驗 (p.225)

Honesty Testing Programs: What Employers Can Do Ask blunt questions. Listen, rather than talk. Do a credit check. Check all employment and personal references. Use paper-and-pencil honesty tests and psychological tests. Test for drugs. Establish a search-and-seizure policy and conduct searches.

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FIGURE 6–10 “The Uptight Personality” (p.228)

7.Graphology 筆跡測驗 (p.227)

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9.Physical Exams 體檢 (p.227)• Reasons for preemployment medical examinations:

To verify that the applicant meets the position’s physical requirements.

To discover any medical limitations you should consider in placing him or her.

To establish a baseline for future insurance or workers compensation claims.

8.”Human Lie Detectors” 人體測謊儀 (p.227)

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10.Substance Abuse Screening 濫用藥物的篩檢 (p.228)

• Types of Screening ( 什麼時候會篩檢 ) Before formal hiring After a work accident Presence of obvious behavioral symptoms Random or periodic basis Transfer or promotion to new position

• Types of Tests Urinalysis ( 尿液篩檢 ) Hair follicle testing ( 毛髮檢測 )

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11.Complying with Immigration Law 遵守移民法 (p.229)

• I-9 Employment Eligibility Verification form• E-Verify

Proof of Eligibility ( 資格的查驗 )• Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) 移民管理局

Avoiding Discrimination ( 避免歧視 )• Discrimination ( 歧視 )

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K E Y T E R M S (p.234)


test validity

criterion validity

content validity

expectancy chart

interest inventory

work samples

work sampling technique

management assessment center

situational test

video-based simulation

miniature job training and evaluation

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誠實測驗•  卡特洗衣公司的核心人物珍妮佛卡特與她的父親,再甄選應

徵者上面臨著如同父親所說「看似容易卻頗為困難」的問題。•  最重要的兩項工作「洗衣」與「燙衣」,只要徵者實際進行20 分鐘的工作測驗,就可以甄選出優秀的應徵者。

•  「應徵者是否知道如何燙衣服或如何使用清潔劑與機器,只要使他們實際操作就知道」

•  最嚴重的兩個問題是,員工流動率與誠實的問題。珍妮佛與父親希望可以降低員工流動率,也希望可以解決問題的員工測驗與雇用新員工上已浪費太多的金錢與時間。必須建立一套新的制度來防堵有偷竊習慣的員工。

•   且偷竊的問題不見得與金錢有關。洗衣和燙衣的員工經常在經理不在時自行開店工作,其中有些員工會偷竊洗衣用品或「做自己的生意」。

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問題• 1. 請具體說明,卡特洗衣公司可利用那些甄選方法來淘汰有偷竊傾向的員工?如何精確地執行?

• 2. 公司要如何解雇被發現偷竊的員工?當他到別家公司應徵時,公司應該設定何種程序以處理這些員工所要求的推薦資料?

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謝謝聆聽 ^_^