chapter 6-8 review

Chapter 6-8 Review InterWrite PRS

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Page 1: Chapter 6-8 Review

Chapter 6-8 Review

InterWrite PRS

Page 2: Chapter 6-8 Review

Which state proposed an alternative to the Virginia Plan?

A. Connecticut

B. New Jersey

C. Georgia

D. Rhode Island

Page 3: Chapter 6-8 Review

What argument did Madison make in favor of a large republic?

A. Distant rule allowed more freedom to flourish.

B. Distant rule removed the problem of a standing army.

C. No single faction could dominate a large republic.

D. A large republic meant more land and opportunity for all.

Page 4: Chapter 6-8 Review

Which of the following became the political and intellectual leader of

the Republicans?

A. John Adams

B. George Washington

C. Alexander Hamilton

D. Thomas Jefferson

Page 5: Chapter 6-8 Review

Which article of the Constitution addressed the legal standing of Indian

nations in the federal structure?A. Article I

B. Article III

C. Article VI

D. It didn't

Page 6: Chapter 6-8 Review

The “three-fifths” provision of the “Great Compromise” related to:

A. the vote required to pass a tariff

B. the property qualification for voting

C. the amount of the poll tax

D. the counting of slaves for representation and taxation

Page 7: Chapter 6-8 Review

Who didn’t pretend to be Publius?

A. John Jay

B. Alexander Hamilton

C. Sam Adams

D. James Madison

Page 8: Chapter 6-8 Review

For the assumption bill, Hamilton gave up…

A. The navy and army

B. The capital

C. The Bill of Rights

D. The BUS

Page 9: Chapter 6-8 Review

An important motive underlying most of Hamilton’s financial plans was:

A. to win votes for his own bid for the presidency

B. to get the federal government out of debt

C. to win the allegiance of Western farmers

D. to attract the support of the wealthy

Page 10: Chapter 6-8 Review

According to the Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions, who had the authority to declare an act of Congress void on the grounds that it was


A. the states

B. the Supreme Court

C. the chief executive

D. the people, in a national referendum

Page 11: Chapter 6-8 Review

A noteworthy feature of the outcome of the national elections of 1796 was that:

A. the Republicans elected their first presidentB. the president and the vice president were of

different political partiesC. no presidential candidate received a majority in

the electoral collegeD. the Federalists completely overwhelmed the

Republicans in both Executive and legislative branches

Page 12: Chapter 6-8 Review

The industry that was earliest and most readily adapted to the factory system

was making of:

A. furniture

B. glass

C. textiles

D. pottery

Page 13: Chapter 6-8 Review

What did "Messrs. X, Y, and Z" demand from American commissioners in Paris?

A. A bribe for French officialsB. A declaration of war against EnglandC. Repayment of revolutionary war debtsD. The whereabouts of Edmond Genet

Page 14: Chapter 6-8 Review

Three of the following were initially strong supporters of the War of 1812. Which

one openly opposed it?

A. John C. Calhoun

B. Henry Clay

C. Andrew Jackson

D. Daniel Webster

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In the War of 1812, the U.S. was most successful…

A. on the Great Lakes

B. in Detroit

C. in Washington D.C.

D. on the Atlantic

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At what battle did William Henry Harrison break the growing Indian alliance under

Tecumseh and the Prophet?

A. Battle of PlattsburghB. Battle of Put-In BayC. Battle of TippecanoeD. Battle of Horseshoe Bend

Page 17: Chapter 6-8 Review

The invention of the invention of the cotton gin resulted in…

A. the price of cotton dramatically increased

B. the institution of slavery in the South declined

C. the institution of slavery in South revived

D. the “long staple” or “sea island” variety began to be planted all over the South

Page 18: Chapter 6-8 Review

Which court case established the precedent of judicial review?

A. Fletcher v. Peck

B. Marbury v. Madison

C. Gibbons v. Ogden

D. Brown v. Board of Edu.

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“One single spot” on the earth, the possessor of which was “our natural

and habitual enemy”

A. Cuba

B. New Orleans

C. Oregon

D. Texan

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Jefferson’s initial reluctance to accept the Louisiana Purchase was based on:

A. fear of antagonizing Spain

B. the question of constitutionality

C. fear of antagonizing Great Britain

D. fear of losing New England Federalist support

Page 21: Chapter 6-8 Review

The purpose of Napoleon’s Continental System was:

A. to blockade the British Isles

B. to raise revenue from customs duties

C. to close the European continent to British trade

D. the way was now cleared for a French invasion of the British Isles

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When the 1st BUS closed in 1811, state banks…

A. decreased in numberB. issued bank notes that circulated as

moneyC. were solidly backed by gold and silver

reservesD. were carefully monitored by the federal


Page 23: Chapter 6-8 Review

The "Virginia Dynasty" included all of the following men except…

A. Thomas Jefferson

B. John Adams

C. James Monroe

D. James Madison

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“The power to tax is the power to destroy”

A. Dartmouth College v. Woodward

B. Fletcher v. Peck

C. McCulloch v. Maryland

D. Cohens v. Virginia

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A. Dartmouth College v. Woodward

B. Fletcher v. Peck

C. Johnson v. McIntosh

D. Cohens v. Virginia

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A. Gibbons v. Ogden

B. Fletcher v. Peck

C. McCulloch v. Maryland

D. Cohens v. Virginia

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A. Missouri Compromise

B. Adams-Onis

C. Hartford Convention

D. Essex Junto

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Which wasn’t in Clay’s American System?

A. abolition of slavery B. a high protective tariffC. maintenance of a national bankD. federal spending for internal


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The Monroe Doctrine was first publicly enunciated in…

A. a resolution of both houses of CongressB. a rider attached to an army

appropriations billC. a treaty negotiated with Great Britain

and ratified by the SenateD. a State of the Union address

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