chapter 4 electron configurations

Chapter 4 Electron Configurations

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Chapter 4 Electron Configurations. Early thoughts. Much understanding of electron behavior comes from studies of how light interacts with matter. Early belief was that light traveled as a wave, but some experiments showed behavior to be as a stream of tiny fast moving particles. Waves. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


  • Chapter 4 Electron Configurations

  • Early thoughtsMuch understanding of electron behavior comes from studies of how light interacts with matter.Early belief was that light traveled as a wave, but some experiments showed behavior to be as a stream of tiny fast moving particles

  • Waves Today scientists recognize light has properties of waves and particlesWaves: light is electromagnetic radiation and travels in electromagnetic waves.

  • 4 Characteristics of a wave:1) amplitude - height of the wave. For light it is the brightness2) Wavelength () distance from crest to crest. For light defines the type of light Visible light range 400-750nm

  • Properties continued3) Frequency () measures how fast the wave oscillates up and down. It is measured in number per second. Hertz = 1 cycle per secondFM radio = 93.1 MHz or 93.1 x 106 cycles per secondVisible light = 4 x 1014 cycles per second to 7 x 1014 cycles per second 4) speed 3.00 x 108 m/s

  • Short wavelength, high frequencyLong wavelength, low frequencyVisible SpectrumROY G BIV Longer wavelength shorter wavelength

  • Electromagnetic spectrum (meters)10-11 gamma10-9 x-rays10-8 UV10-7 visible light10-6 infrared10-2 microwave1 TV

  • Wavelength and frequencyWavelength and frequency are inversely related!! = c/Where is the wavelength, c is the speed of light and is the frequencySpeed of light = Constant = 3.00 x 108m/sec

  • ExampleExample: An infrared light has a wavelength of 2.42 x 10-6m. Calculate the frequency of this light. = c/ = 3.0 x 108m/sec = 2.42 x 10-6m= 1.2 x 1014 waves/sec

  • Wavelength and frequency****Remember and are inverse. Therefore short wavelength = high frequency!!

  • Quantum TheoryNeeded to explain why certain elements when heated give off a characteristic light (certain color)1900- Max Planck idea of quantum

  • Quantum Theory- The amount of energy (electromagnetic radiation) an object absorbs/emits occurs only in fixed amounts called quanta (quantum)- Quanta finite amount of energy that can be gained or lost by an atom.

  • 1905 Einsteins theoryEinstein explained photoelectric effect by proposing that light consists of quanta of energy called PHOTONS Photon = discrete bit of energy Consider light traveling as photons

  • Energy equationAmount of energy of a photon described asE = hWhere E = energy = frequencyh = Plancks constant = 6.6262 x 10-34 J sJoule = SI unit for energy

  • Photoelectric effect electrons are ejected from the surface of a metal when light shines on the metal. The frequency determines the amount of energy. The higher the frequency, the more energy per photon.

  • Photoelectric effectEx. X-rays have a high frequency; therefore can damage organisms while radio waves have a low frequency.

  • Dual nature of radiant energy Photons act both like particles and waves.Line Spectra: A spectrum that contains only certain colors, or wavelengths

  • Question: How are electrons arranged in atoms?

    Note: All elements emit light when they are vaporized in an intense flame or when electricity is passed through their gaseous state.

  • How are electrons arranged in atoms?Explanation: Bohr atom: 1911postulated that atoms have energy levels in which the electrons orbitenergy levels and/or orbits are labeled by a quantum number, n. lowest energy level = ground state n=1

  • How are electrons arranged in atoms?when an electron absorbs energy, it jumps to a higher level (known as the excited state) n = 2,3 or 4Bohr model of an atom Hydrogen Red- e falls from 3 to 2Blue e falls from 4 to 2Violet e falls from 6 to 2

  • 1924 Louis DeBroglie If waves of light can act as a particle, then particles of matter should act like a wave. Found to be true.

  • DeBroglieMatter waves = wavelike behavior of particles.From equation wave nature is inversely related to mass therefore we dont notice wave nature of large objects. However, electrons have a small mass so they have a larger wave characteristic

  • Schroedingers wave equationpredicted probability of finding an electron in the electron cloud around nucleus. Gave us four quantum numbers to describe the position.

  • Heisenbergs Uncertainty PrincipleThe position and momentum of a moving object cannot simultaneously be measured and known exactly.Cannot know where it is and where its going at the same time.

  • Quantum mechanical model of an atom Treats the electrons as a wave that has quantized its energyDescribes the probability that electrons will be found in certain locations around the nucleus.

  • OrbitalsOrbitals atomic orbital is a region around the nucleus of an atom where an electron with a given energy is likely to be found (high probability)Have characteristic shapes, sizes and energies.Four different kinds of orbitals s, p, d, f.

  • S and p orbitals

  • Orbitals and energy

    Principal Energy Level = quantum number n. Principal Quantum number Value of n = 1,2,3,4,5,6,7Tells you the distance from the nucleus

  • sublevelsEach level is divided into sublevels# of sublevels = value of nN=1 1 subleveln=2 2 sublevels s,p,d or f shows the shape

  • Orbital shapeEach sublevel has a certain number of orbitals which are directed three dimensionally S = 1 sphereP = 3 figure 8 (along the x,y or z axis)D = 5 figure 4-27 p. 145F = 7

  • Each electron in an orbital will have a spin 2 options clockwise, vs. counter clockwise.Electron configurationPauli Exclusion Principle each orbital in an atom can hold at most 2 electrons and their electrons must have opposite spin.

  • Aufbau Principle- electrons are added one at a time to the lowest energy orbitals availableHunds Rule electrons occupy equal energy orbitals so that the maximum number or unpaired electrons result. Occupy singly before pairing

  • Diagonal Rule: for order of sublevels: must remember 1s, 2s, 2p, 3s, 3p, 4sExceptions to Aufbau PrincipleCr Z=24 Cu Z = 29

  • Energy levelsNumber of electrons per energy level1st = 22nd = 83rd = 184th = 32

  • Number of electrons per orbital2Difference between paired and unpaired electronsPaired = 2 electrons in the same orbitalUnpaired = 1 electron in the orbital