chapter 3:coordination and response

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  • 8/21/2019 chapter 3:coordination and response


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    Kirsten (ThinkTankCentre)

  • 8/21/2019 chapter 3:coordination and response


    COORDINATION AND RESPONSE1. An organism experiences changes in its internal and

    external environments all the time

    2. The changes which cause responses in the body are

    called stimuli

    3. There are two types of stimuli:a) internal

    b) external

    4. Mammals detect stimuli through highly specialisedsensory cell called receptor.

    5. Effectors in the body carry out the responses to stimuli

    Kirsten (ThinkTankCentre)

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    5. When the stimuli are detected and eventuallyresort in an appropriate response, it is called


    6. The roles of coordination and response arecarried out by two different coordinating systems,

    namely the nervous system and the endocrine


    Kirsten (ThinkTankCentre)

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    puteri5578 4

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    The main component and pathway involved in detecting and

    responding to changes in the external environmentputeri5578 5

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    The main component and pathwayinvolved in detecting and responding tochan es in the internal environment

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    Organisation of the nervous system

    1. The human nervous system consist of a giantnetwork of nerve cells or neurones, and nerve

    tissues which convey information between thesensory receptors, the organs and effectors.

    2. It is divided into main subsystem:

    a) central nervous system (CNS), consist of brainand spinal cord

    b) peripheral nervous system (PNS), consist of

    cranial nerves and spinal nerves.puteri5578 7

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    8/54Human nervous systemputeri5578 8

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    Cerebrum Divided into two halves called the cerebral

    hemispheres (left and right) It is responsible for many mental abilities

    Cerebellum Coordinating centre for body movements

    Evaluates the information and relays the need for

    coordinated movements back to the cerebrum

    Then sends appropriate commands to the muscle

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    Medulla oblongata

    Regulates the internal body processes that do notrequires conscious effort, that is, automaticfunctions such as the heart beat and breathing.

    Reflex centre for vomiting, coughing, sneezing,hiccupping and swallowing.

    Important role in homeostatic regulation.

    Control centre of the endocrine system

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    Pituitary gland Secretes hormones that influence other glands and

    body function Controls the release of several hormones from the

    pituitary gland and thereby serve as important linkbetween the nervous and endocrine system.

    Hypothalamus Responsible for sorting the incoming and outgoing

    information in the cerebral cortex

    Integrates the information from the sensoryreceptor to the cerebrum by enhancing certainsignals blocking others.

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    The spinal cord and its function1. Contain within the vertebral column

    2. It is consist of white matter and grey matter

    a) in cross section, grey matter looks like a

    butterfly or the letter H

    b) consist mainly of cell bodies of neurones

    c) surrounded by white matter

    d) the white matter comprises myelin-coated

    axons of neurones that extend the whole

    length of the spinal cord

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    A cross section of the spinal cord showing the white

    matter and the grey matterputeri5578 14

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    The neurones

    The nervous system is made up of millions of

    nerve cells called neurones

    Neurones transmit nerve impulses to other

    nerve cells, glands or muscles

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    Types of neurones

    Neurones afferent


    Carry sensory

    information from

    receptor cell to the

    brain and spinal


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    Types of neurones



    information from

    the brain or

    spinal cord to the

    effectors, that is

    the muscle or

    gland cells

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    Types of neurones Interneurones

    convey nerve

    impulses between

    the various parts of

    the brain and spinalcord, transmit nerve

    impulses between

    afferent and efferent

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    The transmission of informationacross synapses

    Synapse is the site where two neurons, or a

    neuron and a effector cell communicate.

    The transmission of information across a

    synapse involve the conversion of electrical

    signals in the form of neurotransmitter

    The function of synapses include controlling

    and integrating the nerve impulses

    transmitted by the stimulated receptors

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    Voluntary action and involuntaryaction

    The PNS has two main function

    1. It transmits signal to the CNS for processing

    2. It transmits responses from the CNS to the

    rest of the body

    Voluntary actions such as walking andtalking are under conscious control

    Involuntary actions that involve skeletalmuscle allows immediate action that doesnot require conscious effort

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    For example, if a finger touch a hot stove, the

    reaction is to pull the finger immediately

    without having to think about it In such circumstance when the responses to

    stimuli are involuntary, they are called reflexes.

    The nerve pathway involved in a reflex action iscalled a reflex arc

    The effectors involved in involuntary action are

    smooth muscle and cardiac muscle

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    Diseases of the nervoussystem

    Parkinsons disease

    Is a progressive disorder of a CNS that typicallyaffect victims around the age of 60 years

    onwards. Parkinsons disease affect muscular

    movements, causing tremors or trembling of

    the arms, jaws legs and face Patients also have difficulty in maintaining

    normal postures and experience impairedbalance and coordination

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    Alzheimer's disease

    Alzheimer's disease is a neurological disorder which

    affect victims around the age of 60yearsonwards, causesthe loss of reasoning and the ability to care for oneself.

    Individual of Alzheimer's disease often become confuse,

    forgetful, and lose their way although they are in place

    which are familiar to them.

    As their mind continue to deteriorate, patients may lose

    the ability to read, write, eat, walk and talk.

    the cause of this disease still unknown, but the factorssuch as genetic, environmental or the aging process

    itself can lead to Alzheimer's disease

    23Kirsten (ThinkTankCentre)

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    The role of hormone in human Endocrine system consists of a number of glands

    that secrete hormones.

    Hormones are the chemical messenger produce

    by the endocrine glands.

    Although the hormones travel in the blood of the

    body, they affect and influence only the specific

    target cell.

    Once the hormone binds to its target cell, thehormone cause the cell to respond in the specific


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    puteri5578 25The transport of hormones to target cells

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    The need for the endocrinesystem

    1. The endocrine system and nervous systemplay important roles in maintaining


    2. Both this system often works together.

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    The endocrine system controls involuntary actions Conveys chemical signal

    (hormones) Messages are conveyed via

    the bloodstream Message are conveyed

    slowly Messages are carried from

    the source to the variousdestination

    The response or effects are


    The nervous system Control voluntary and

    involuntary actions

    Conveys electrical signals Messages are conducted

    via neurones.

    Messages are conveyed

    rapidly Messages are carried

    between specificlocations

    The responses or effectare temporary

    Kirsten (ThinkTankCentre)

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    Regulation of hormones secretion The pituitary gland is regarded as the master

    endocrine gland because it secrete severalhormones that control other endocrine gland

    Pituitary gland itself controlled by thehypothalamus.

    Pituitary gland consist of two parts:

    a) posterior pituitary

    b) anterior pituitary

    The posterior pituitary contains the axons andsynaptic terminals of the neurosecretory cells thatoriginate in the hypothalamus

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    puteri5578 29

    The role of the hypothalamus in regulating thesecretion of hormones from the pituitary gland


    Anterior pituitaryAnterior pituitary

    ADH oxytocin

    ACTH TSH FSH & LHGrowth


    Kidney tubules Smooth muscle in the




    Thyroid Ovaries, testes Bones, tissues Mammary


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    ADH and axytocin are synthesised in theneurosecretory cells of the hypothalamus

    but secrete by the posterior pituitary The hypothalamus controls the hormone

    secretion of the anterior pituitary gland

    and therefore, affect the secretion ofmany other endocrine glands indirectly.

    The anterior pituitary controls the

    secretions of hormones from the thyroidgland, the adrenal gland and gonad. All ofwhich are also endocrine glands.

    Kirsten (ThinkTankCentre)

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    puteri5578 31


    Thyroid-releasingHormone, TRH

    ANTERIOR PITUITARYThyroid-stimulating

    Hormone, TSH

    TARGET GLANDThyroxine

    Stimulates the anterior

    pituitary to secrete TSH

    Stimulates the target gland to

    secrete Thyroxine

    When the thyroxine concentration exceeds a certain level in the

    blood, its inhibits TRH production in the hypothalamus and TSH

    production from the anterior pituitary



    inhibits the

    release of




    inhibits therelease of


    Negative feedback mechanism in hormone regulation


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    HOMEOSTASIS IN HUMAN Homeostasis is the maintenance of a relatively

    constant internal environment. Physical factor such as body temperature and

    blood pressure while chemical factor are sugar

    level and osmotic pressure such as partial of

    carbon dioxide and oxygen

    The excretory system

    Plays an important role in homeostasis The primary organs of the excretory system are

    the kidneys.

    32Kirsten (ThinkTankCentre)

    F n ti n f th kidn

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    Function of the kidneys1. Helps to regulates the water and salt balance in the

    body by excreting more or less salt, and increasing the

    in take or loss of water.

    2. Regulate the osmotic pressure and ionic levels in the


    3. Excrete waste products.4. Regulate the blood pH

    Waste products excreted by the kidneys are substances

    that are not useful to the body such as waste productsfrom the metabolic reaction (urea, creatinine and uric

    acid) and foreign substances in the diet (drugs or toxins)

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    The human kidney The kidneys filter the blood and form the

    urine which is exits the body through the

    ureters, urinary bladder and urethra.

    Urine consists of water, urea and other

    dissolved waste, and some excess nutrients.

    Human kidney has two distinct region:

    a) Renal cortex

    b) Renal medulla

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    The nephron The functional unit of the kidney is the nephron.

    The human kidney consists of about 1 millionnephrons.

    A nephron consists of three major parts:

    a) Glomerulusb) Bowmans capsule

    c) Renal tubule

    Renal tubule is made up of the:

    a) Proximal convoluted tubule

    b) Loop of Henle

    c) Distal convoluted tubule36Kirsten (ThinkTankCentre)

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    Nephron perform three basic process:

    1. Ultrafiltration

    2. Reabsorption

    3. Secretion

    Ultrafiltration When the blood enters the glomerulus, ultrafiltration

    take place when the high pressure forces fluid throughthe filtration membrane into the capsular space

    The fluid that enters into the capsular space is called theglomerular filtrate

    glomerular filtrate contain water, glucose, amino acid,urea, mineral salt and other small molecule. Somecomposition as blood plasma but not contain red bloodcells and plasma protein


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    Ultrafiltration in bowmans capsule

    puteri5578 39

    R b

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    Reabsorption Reabsorption take place when the substance

    moves across the renal tubule into the capillarynetwork.

    In the proximal convoluted tubule, there areabundance of mitochondria to generate ATP for

    the process of active transport that used toreabsorb glucose and amino acid.

    Solute concentration in the capillary network is

    increase, so that water moves into the bloodcapillary by osmosis

    In the loop of Henle, water, sodium and chlorideions are reabsorbed.

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    At the distal convoluted tubule, more water, sodium

    and chloride ions are reabsorbed.

    B the time, the filtrate reaches the collecting duct, very

    little salt left and 99% of water has been reabsorbed

    into the bloodstream.

    Only 1% of water in the filtrate actually leaves the body

    as urine. Some urea diffuses out into the surrounding fluid and

    blood because of its small molecular size.

    Finally, about 45% of the original urea remain in the

    collecting duct to be excrete in the urine.

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    Secretion Not everything is filtered, only 20% of the plasma

    leaves the blood vessels and enters the renaltubule. Hence there are waste product in theblood which were not filtered originally.

    Secretion is a process in which waste and excess

    substances that were not initially filtered aresecreted into the renal tubule.

    Secretion take place in the renal tubules andcollecting ducts but is especially active at the distal

    convoluted tubule. Secretion occurs by passive diffusion and active


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    Detected by

    osmoreseptors in


    Decrease in solute


    Normal plasma

    osmotic level

    Increased in solute


    Detected by

    osmoreseptors in


    Increased permeability of distal

    convoluted tubule and

    collecting duct to water

    Greater proportion of water

    reabsorption in renal tubules

    small volume of

    concentration urine produced

    large volume of dilute urine


    smaller proportion of water

    reabsorption in renal tubules

    Decreased permeability of

    distal convoluted tubule and

    collecting duct to water

    n increased in

    DH released

    from posterior


    decreased in

    DH released

    from posterior


    Plasma solute potential


    Plasma solute potential



    d water



    d water



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    Notes about Kidney Dialysis:

    The main stages that blood passes through during thedialysis process include:

    Blood enters machine from body (under pressure from

    radial artery).Pump (some diagrams show a roller pump) controlspressure and flow rate.Anticoagulant added to prevent clotting.Blood passes through dialysis membrane (equivalent to

    kidney nephrons).Bubble Trap removes any gas bubbles from blood.Blood is filtered then returned to the patient's radial vein.

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    puteri5578 46

    Aft l D i f ti ft

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    After meal

    Rise in blood glucoselevel

    Secretion of more insulinor less glucagon by


    Liver cellsabsorb

    glucose fromblood to formglycogen

    Increase inglucose uptake

    by body cellsfor respiration

    Liver cellbreak down

    glycogen intoglucose

    Decrease inglucose uptake

    by body cellsfor respiration

    Drop in blood glucoselevel

    Secretion of less insulin ormore glucagon by


    During fasting or afterexercise

    Blood glucose levelreturns to normal

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    Practising a healthy lifestyle

    Drugs can alter brain functions and therates at which neurones releaseneurotransmitters

    There are some types of drug and theireffects on the body:

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    Stimulants Increase the activity of the central nervous


    Cocaine, nicotine, amphetamines & caffeineincrease the heart rate and alertness Hallucinations, LSD perceive things that do not



    Kirsten (ThinkTankCentre)

    D p ss nts

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    Depressants Slow down the activity of the central nervous

    system Alcohol, barbiturates & heroin slow down the

    breathing rate &lower blood pressure

    50Kirsten (ThinkTankCentre)

    Plants hormones**http%3A//**http%3A//
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    Plants hormones

    Plants hormones is a chemical substances whichis produced by the plants and influences the

    growth and development of the plants. Examplesauxinsand ethylene


    Auxins controlled the plants respond to stimuli by

    growing in a certain direction called tropism. Growth of shoots towards sunlight is called +ve

    phototropism and growth of shoots away fromsunlight is called -ve phototropism.

    Auxins promotes the elongation of cells in theshoot

    51Kirsten (ThinkTankCentre)

    The growth movement of a plant is response to

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    The growth movement of a plant is response to

    gravity is called geotropism.

    Auxins is used to:

    a) Increase the stem length by increasing the rate of cell


    b) Stimulate the growth of adventitious roots from the

    stemc) Parthenocarpy, produce seedless fruit

    d) Promotes growth of plants cells. Delay fruit ripening

    and prevent fruit from falling off the plant before it is


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    Ethylene Ethylene is a plant hormones which is synthesised

    during the ripening of fruits. The synthesis of ethylene occurs in fruits, leaves and


    Speedup the ripening of fruits by stimulating theproduction of cellulase that used to hydrolyses the

    cellulose in plants cells walls, making the fruits soft.

    Promotes the breakdown of complex carbohydrates

    into simple sugar. That is why a ripe fruit tastes

    sweeter than an unripe fruit

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