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LEADERSHIP IN NURSING:THEORIES AND MODELSCHAPTER 3NURSING LEADERSHIP THEORIESLeadership is an essential element ! mana"ement and all mana"ers m#st pssess leadership $#alities t %e e!!e&ti'e(It &an %e &lassi!ied as EARLYand CONTEMPORARYleadership theries(EARL) LEADERSHIP THEORIESTrait Theries*eha'iral TheriesCntin"en&+ TheriesSit#atinal TheriesTRAIT THEORIES,Great Man TheoryAss#mes that the &apa&it+ !r leadership is INHERENT- that "reat leaders are %rn- nt madeTrait Theory Ass#mes that peple inherit e.trardinar+ $#alities and traits that ma/e them %etter s#ited t leadershipspe&ial traits0 tireless am%itin- 1est !r li!e- "reat ratr s/ills- irresisti%le "d l/s and e.tremel+pers#asi'eCOMMON TRAITS O2 LEADERSPOSITIVEPsiti'e traits %rin" peple t PROGRESSCheer!#l2r"i'in"Intelli"entGd l/in" men and 3menNEGATIVENe"ati'e traits %rin" peple t DESTRUCTION*itterA""ressi'eL#d0 m#thedS#llenU"l+Sme ! the traits ! a LeaderEmtinal sta%ilit+ and &mps#reAdmittin" errrGd interpersnal s/illsIntelle&t#al %readthIndividual Character Theory Traits determine 3hether r nt a persn &an %e e!!e&ti'e leader Distin&ti'e ph+si&al and ps+&hl"i&al indi'id#al &hara&teristi&s a&nt !r leadership e!!e&ti'eness*EHA4IORAL THEORIESIt is &n&erned 3ith 3hat leaders did and a&t than 3h the leader is( Se'eral therists st#died the %eha'ir ! leaders as it a!!e&ts mana"ement and h3 h#mans relate t ea&h ther r"ani1atins56#rt Le3in 789:;0 8:Eminent ps+&hl"istPrpsed that the 3r/er?s %eha'ir is in!l#en&ed %+ intera&tins %et3een the persnalit+- the str#&t#re ! the primar+ 3r/ "r#p and the s&i0 te&hni&al &limate ! the 3r/pla&e(Cate"ri1ed the LEADERSHIP STYLES as:AuthoritarianDemocraticLaissez- faireDe'elped the ,2ield Ther+ ! H#man *eha'ir@Prpsed that CHANGE#nder"es 3 sta"es5STAGE CHARACTERISTICS ORGANIZATIONA IMPACT!N"REEZINGPeple in the r"ani1atin made a3are ! pr%lemsA per!rman&e "ap and need !r &han"e(The dia"nsis sta"e is !ten dri'en %+ a &han"e a"ent(CHANGINGPeple e.periment 3ith ne3 3r/pla&e %eha'ir t deal 3ith needed &han"e(The inter'entin sta"e !eat#res spe&i!i& trainin" plans !r mana"ers and empl+ees(RE# "REEZINGPeple empl+ ne3 s/illsand attit#des and are re3arded %+ r"ani1atinChan"es are instit#tinali1ed in the &rprate lt#re(Chris Ar"+ris 78:B3>Or"ani1atinal ps+&hl"istSt#died the 3a+ peple in r"ani1atins a&t and rea&t 3ith ea&h ther(St#died the patterns ! reasnin" that e.plains ne?s %eha'irDe'elped the &n&ept !A$$ER O" IN"ERENCE and $O!%E OOP EARNING&The Ladder ! In!eren&eD#%le and Sin"le Lp Learnin" %+ Chris Ar"+ris and Dnald S&hn Al'in T!!ler 78:B9>2#t#ristE.amined te&hnl"+ and its impa&t t the 3rld and the rea&tin ! and &han"es in s&iet+(Third 'aveRensis Li/ert 78:;30 8:98>6n3n !r his i(ert Scale and in(in) Pin Model Li/ert?s !#r T+pes ! Mana"ement S+stemsE*+loitative# Authoritative%enevolent# AuthoritativeCon,ultativePartici+ativeR%ert R( *la/e 78:890 B;; and Cane M#tn 78:3;0 8:9=>De'elped the Manaeria! "ri# Mo#e! 3hi&h attempts t &n&ept#ali1e mana"ement in terms ! relatins and leadership st+leThe "rid &nsists ! t3 %eha'iral dimensins8( Cn&ern !r tas/ r prd#&tinB( Cn&ern !r peple2i'e Leadership St+lesI-+overi,hed Style 78-8>Country Clu. Style 78-:>Produce Peri,h Style 7:-8>Middle# o/# the# Road 7D-D> Tea- Style 7:-:>DRILLE(As a n#rse leader +# sh#ld ha'e spe&ial traits and $#alities t %e a%le t !#n&tin e!!e&ti'el+( This is the:a( Indi'id#al Chara&ter Ther+%( Trait Ther+&( *eha'iral Ther+d( Great Man Ther+Ass#mes that the &apa&it+ !r leadership is inherent( This is:a( Great ManTher+%( Indi'id#al Chara&ter Ther+&( *eha'iral Ther+d( Trait Ther+This therist de'elped the !i'e s+stems appra&h in mana"ement:a( Simn%( Fe%er&( Li/ertd( Dr#&/erThe leader 3h sh3s hi"h &n&ern !r peple and l3 &n&ern !r prd#&tin is #sin" 3hi&h mana"erial "rid:a( Imp'erished%( C#ntr+ Cl#%&( Prd#&e and Perishd( Middle0 !0 the0 RadSITUATIONAL OR CONTIGENC) THEORIESAnother a++roach to leader,hi+ i, the$Situationa! a%%roach&'Situation# ,et o/ value, and attitude 0ith 0hich the individual or )rou+ ha, to deal in a +roce,, o/ activity and 0ith re)ard to 0hich thi, activity i, +lanned and it, re,ult a++reciated&

Paul Her,ey and 1enneth %lanchard!#r leadership st+les SI: Dire&tin"ATellin" leadersG The leader de!ines the rles and tas/ ! the !ll3er and s#per'ise them &lsel+(G De&isins are made %+ the leader and ann#n&ed- &mm#ni&atin is lar"el+ ne03a+(S23 Coachin)4Sellin) leader, 5 The leader ,till de/ine, role, and ta,(6 .ut ,ee(, idea, and ,u))e,tion, to the /ollo0er&5 $eci,ion, are -ade .y the leader6 .ut co--unication i, -uch -ore t0o 0ayS73 Su++ortin)4 Partici+atin) leader, 5 The leader, +a,,e, day to day deci,ion6 ,uch a, ta,( allocation and +roce,,e, to the /ollo0er&5 The leader /acilitate, and ta(e, +art in deci,ion,6 .ut control i, 0ith the /ollo0er& S83 $ele)atin) leader,5 eader, are ,till involved in deci,ion, and +ro.le- ,olvin)6 .it control i, 0ith the /ollo0er& 5 E//ective leader, need to .e /le*i.le6 and -u,t ada+t the-,elve, accordin) to the ,ituation&"RE$ "IE$ER 9:;22< G 2iedler- de'elped his ther+ ar#nd the premise that leaders persnal &hara&teristi&s are sta%le( The (ie#!er Continenc) Mo#e!is a leadership ther+ that m'ed !rm the resear&h ! traits and persnal &hara&teristi&s ! leaders and t leadership st+les and %eha'irs(

ASPECTS O2 THE SITUATION THAT NEEDS TO *E CONSIDERED8( LEADER0MEM*ER RELATIONB( TAS6 STRUCTURE3( POSITION POFER4i&tr Harld 4rm and )ettn:& I-+ortance o/ the deci,ion =uality > acce+tance2& A-ount o/ relevant in/or-ation +o,,e,,ed .y the leader and ,u.ordinate,7& i(elihood that ,u.ordinate, 0ill acce+t an autocratic deci,ion8& A-ount o/ di,a)ree-ent a-on) ,u.ordinate, 0ith re,+ect to their +re/erred alternative,Path0Gal Ther+ ! Leadership 7 R%ert H#se>$irective leader,hi+Su++ortive leader, leader,hi+Partici+ative leader,hi+Achieve-ent#oriented leader,hi+CONTEMPORAR) LEADERSHIP THEORIESCONTEMPORAR) LEADERSHIP THEORIESTRANSACTIONA EA$ERSHIP ST?E8 Ty+e,%ehaviour:&Contin)ent Re0ard2& Mana)e-ent .y E*ce+tion 9M%EB( L"i&al mathemati&al intelli"en&e 7n#m%erAreasnin" smart>3( Spatial intelli"en&e 7pi&t#re smart>

Dr( Gardner prpsed ei"ht 79> Di!!erent Intelli"en&esJ( Interpersnal intelli"en&e 7peple smart>=( Intrapersnal intelli"en&e 7sel!0smart>9( Nat#ralist intelli"en&e 7nat#re smart>HUANTUM LEADERSHIPDes&ri%ed %+ Prter O?Grad+ and Mall&h 7B;;3>Cntrl is n the iss#e5 rather- chan)e do-inate, the cli-ateNe3 leadership !r ne3 a"e