chapter 2 syndromes, developmental disabilities, and motor and sensory impairments that affect...

Chapter 2 Syndromes, Developmental Disabilities, and Motor and Sensory Impairments that Affect Language and Speech

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Page 1: Chapter 2 Syndromes, Developmental Disabilities, and Motor and Sensory Impairments that Affect Language and Speech

Chapter 2Syndromes, Developmental Disabilities, and Motor and Sensory Impairments that Affect Language and Speech

Page 2: Chapter 2 Syndromes, Developmental Disabilities, and Motor and Sensory Impairments that Affect Language and Speech


• Identify the primary characteristics of a variety of disorders associated with pediatric language deficits

• Differentiate between sequence and a syndrome

• Differentiate between the descriptive terms genetic, chromosomal, and heredity

• Describe the effects of hearing loss on a child’s development of form, content, and use of language, then discuss the impact of cochlear implantation on language and speech

• Discuss the impact of prematurity on cognition and language development

• Discuss the effects of alcohol, nicotine, and other drugs on speech, language, and cognitive development

Page 3: Chapter 2 Syndromes, Developmental Disabilities, and Motor and Sensory Impairments that Affect Language and Speech

ASHA Definition of “Language Disorder”

• Impaired _______________, ______ and/or other ___________. The disorder may involve (1) the form of language (phonology, morphology, syntax), (2) the content of language (semantics), and/or (3) the function of language in communication (pragmatics) in any combination.

Page 4: Chapter 2 Syndromes, Developmental Disabilities, and Motor and Sensory Impairments that Affect Language and Speech

Genetic VS Chromosomal

• Genetic - Specific characteristics or traits passed from __________________.

• Genetic Disorders – Disorders carried on _____. May be ______ (gene undergoes mutation), or may be ________

• Chromosomal Disorders – A disorder in the structure or number of __________ or both. May be inherited or acquired, as well.

Page 5: Chapter 2 Syndromes, Developmental Disabilities, and Motor and Sensory Impairments that Affect Language and Speech

Sequence VS Syndrome

• Sequence – a disorder where many of the anomalies are actually ________ disorders, caused by a ________ anomaly which sets off a chain reaction of changes in the developing embryo that result in other anomalies

• Syndrome – the presence of _______ anomalies in the same individual, with all of those anomalies having a ____________.

Page 6: Chapter 2 Syndromes, Developmental Disabilities, and Motor and Sensory Impairments that Affect Language and Speech

Down Syndrome

• Down Syndrome is a _________________

• Presence of ___ copies of chromosome ___ rather than ___.

• _____ – _____ births are Down Syndrome

• Cognitive ability ranges _____ to ______

Page 7: Chapter 2 Syndromes, Developmental Disabilities, and Motor and Sensory Impairments that Affect Language and Speech

Characteristics of Down Syndrome• Dysplagia – ________________

• Prognathism – ______________

• Hypotonia – ________________

• Small ___________

• Mouth breathers; open _____________

• Large ___________

• Late ____________

• Hard palate is _____ and _________

• Possible ______________

• Motor, speech and language delays are present in ______ down syndrome children

Page 8: Chapter 2 Syndromes, Developmental Disabilities, and Motor and Sensory Impairments that Affect Language and Speech

• Although the degree of disability varies, all babies with Down syndrome show a ____________ with regards to their motor, speech, and language development.

• Studies show little difference in the quality and quantity of vocalizations in babies with DS up to ____ months of age

• Delay becomes more apparent at 12 months, and DS children often do not begin to use words until ______ months

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Oral Development Palate

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Speech and Language Skills

• Articulation errors tend to be ________ with typical children

• Voice quality ________, _______ and _______

• ________ is fairly common

• Receptive language is _____ ______ than expressive language

• Use more ________ especially when their __________ of lexicon exceed 100 words

• Very ________

• Language skills tend to plateau at about ___ years of age

• As DS child gets older gap _________

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Speech and Language Skills

• Dissociated verbal comprehension and production

• As DS child gets older gap widens

• Particularly in syntax and morphology (expressive language)

• Issues with vocabulary use

• Typical MLU _____ words at ___ years, ____ words at ___ years, and ____ words at ___ years of age

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Hearing Impairments in Down Syndrome

• Small___________

• Congenital malformation of the _________

• Congenital malformation of the ____________

• Suffer from impacted ___________

• Frequent _______________

• Conductive hearing loss, coupled with frequent middle ear infections can affect ______________

• ____ of DS children suffer a hearing loss

Page 13: Chapter 2 Syndromes, Developmental Disabilities, and Motor and Sensory Impairments that Affect Language and Speech

Fragile X

• Caused by a long arm on the __ chromosome

• AKA _________ syndrome

• Mild to moderate _____________

• Linked to 2-3% of all cases of ______

• More prevalent in _____ than ______

• 1 in 1000 males; 1 in 2000 females

Page 14: Chapter 2 Syndromes, Developmental Disabilities, and Motor and Sensory Impairments that Affect Language and Speech

Characteristics of Fragile X

• _________________ is linked to 1/3 to ½ of the cases of mental handicaps

• Characteristics are often not apparent until late in ______________.

• Large ______

• Prominent _____

• Generally _________

Page 15: Chapter 2 Syndromes, Developmental Disabilities, and Motor and Sensory Impairments that Affect Language and Speech

Speech and Language Skills of Fragile X• _________ delays

• Language Deficits – more _______ than __________

• Auditory Reception

• Grammatic Closure

• Auditory sequential memory

• Severity can be mild to nonverbal

• Use of echolalia

• Perseveration

• Word Finding issues – impacts their ability to answer direct questions

• Delayed syntax

• Pragmatic deficits

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Motor and Sensory Deficit• Static Encephalopathy - AKA – __________

• May affect a child’s _________ skills due to muscle tone

• Hearing Impairment

• Depends on the ___________ and the ____ at which the child becomes hearing impaired (or when the hearing loss is detected), as to the language disorder associated with the hearing impairment

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Let’s Talk

• “Think About It” page 73 in text book

Page 18: Chapter 2 Syndromes, Developmental Disabilities, and Motor and Sensory Impairments that Affect Language and Speech

Hearing Impairment

• ASHA definition – page 74

• Deaf

• Hard of Hearing

• Language disorders of a hearing impaired individual can be variable – based on when the impairment occurred

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• Other factors are:

• Whether or not the hearing loss is ______________

• Whether it is ________________

• What _________ of hearing loss the child demonstrates

• How much __________ the child has received

• Family __________

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Types and Levels of Hearing Loss

• _________ Hearing Loss

• __________ Hearing Loss

• ________ Hearing Loss

• _______ Hearing Loss

Prelingual and Postlingual Hearing Loss

• Prelingual hearing loss – the acquisition of a hearing loss _____ to the development of speech and language

• Postlingual hearing loss – the acquisition of a hearing loss _____ the development of speech and language.

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Otitis Media and Otitis media with effusion• OM – ________________

• OME – Inflammation of the middle ear accompanied by the ____________________________

Problems that may occur

• Both cause _______________ depending on presence of fluid in the middle-ear system

Page 22: Chapter 2 Syndromes, Developmental Disabilities, and Motor and Sensory Impairments that Affect Language and Speech

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome• .6 – 3 in every 1000 children are diagnosed with FAS

• One of the leading causes of ________disabilities.

• _____ preventable

Page 23: Chapter 2 Syndromes, Developmental Disabilities, and Motor and Sensory Impairments that Affect Language and Speech

Diagnosing FAS

• Diagnosis of FAS must include _________________

The child must exhibit three primary symptoms

• _________________

• _________________

• _________________

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Alcohol Related Neurodevelopmental Disorder – Fetal Alcohol Effect

• Diagnosis when all three primary symptoms are _____ ______

• Diagnosis found __ times more than fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS)

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• Insufficient development of _______________

• Short __________

• Small ___________

• Possible ______ fingers and/or toes

• Abnormal __________

• Hip ___________

• Kidney __________

• _______

• Minor ______________

• Abnormal __________

• ___________

• Generalized __________

Physical Characteristics

Page 26: Chapter 2 Syndromes, Developmental Disabilities, and Motor and Sensory Impairments that Affect Language and Speech

Language Deficits found in FAS• _________

• __________

• Expressive language skills are ______ than receptive language skills

• Word _______

• Word ___________

• Issues with ___________

• Also impacting Learning and Language are:

• _________ problems

• _________ deficits

• ___________

• ___________

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In the classroom a child with FAS may exhibit:• Conceptual deficits such as ____ and _____

• Comprehension of both ________ and _____ material

• Basic ____________

• ______ and ______ memory deficits

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Let’s Talk

• “Think About It” page 72 in text book

Page 29: Chapter 2 Syndromes, Developmental Disabilities, and Motor and Sensory Impairments that Affect Language and Speech

Intellectual Disability

• Descriptive criteria for labeling a child intellectually disabled is:

• Difficulty ______________

• Delays in __________________

• _____________

• Lack of ______________

• Delay in development of __________ such as self-help or self-care skills

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Intellectual Disability is based on IQ Classification

• Borderline 70 – 80

• Mild 50 – 69

• Moderate 35 – 49

• Severe 20 – 34

• Profound Below 20

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Acquired Language Disorders• A result of illness

• ________________

• ________________

• ________________