chapter 2: reconstructing the past

Chapter Two Reconstructing History Chapter 2 Slide 1

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  • 1. Chapter Two Reconstructing History Chapter 2 Slide 1

2. Learning Objectives

  • Howdo we find out about the past?
  • Whatare sources?
  • Howdo historians ensure that their sources are reliable?
  • Howis time measured in the study of History?
  • Whyis the study of History dynamic?

Chapter 2 Slide 2 3. What kinds of questions did you have when you saw the photograph above? How do we find answers to our questions? Chapter 2 Slide 3 4. What Are Sources?

  • Sources are collections of evidence or proof.
  • Historians study various sources to help them reconstruct or put together an accurate picture of the past.
  • Sources can be divided into two groups.

Chapter 2 Slide 4 5.

  • Primary sourcesare information provided bypeople who were involved in historical events or who witnessed the events.
  • Secondary sourcesare therecords of people who did not participate directly in or witness the events they described . These records are the study and investigation of primary sources.

Chapter 2 Slide 5 6.

  • Sources can be further divided into four groups:
  • Written evidence official records, newspapers, personal letters, folk stories, messages carved in stone
  • Pictorial evidence paintings, posters, photographs, maps

Chapter 2 Slide6 7.

  • Oral evidence spoken words of eyewitnesses, usually recorded on tape and put in writing
  • Artefacts items used by people of the past, e.g. tools and jewellery

Chapter 2 Slide 7 A war survivor showing television crew his torture wounds Students participating in a archaelogical dig at Fort Tanjong Katong 8. RECAP!!

  • What is the difference between primary and secondary sources?
  • Give some examples of primary and secondary sources.

Chapter 2 Slide 8 9. Reliability of Sources

  • Question: How do historians make sure that their sources can betrusted to be trueandnot biased ?
  • Three 3Cs test
  • -Credibility
  • -Consistency
  • -Corroboration

Chapter 2 Slide 9 10.

  • Fact information that is true
  • Opinion what a person believes to be true, which others may not agree with
  • Propaganda ideas and news meant to influence the way people think and behave
  • Even if the evidence is not a fact, historians can make use of them to show how people in the past thought

Chapter 2 Slide 10 11. The Language of Time B eforeC ommonE ra C ommonE ra Periods different blocks of timeDynasties i. line of rulers who belong to the same family Century 100 years Mauryan period(c. 323185 BCE) Golden Age(c. 320550 CE) Circa c., around ii. refers to the years when a region is continuously ruled by members of the same family Chapter 2 Slide 11 5thcentury CE 4thcentury BCE 3rdcentury BCE 2ndcentury BCE 1stcentury CE 2ndcentury CE 3rdcentury CE4thcentury CE 1stcentury BCE 12. Learning Outcomes

  • Historians reconstruct the past by using
  • Sources are
  • Historians ensure that their sources are reliable by

Chapter 2 Slide 12 13. Learning Outcomes

  • The terms we use to refer to time in the study of History are
  • Our views of the past can change constantly when

Chapter 2 Slide 13