chapter 2 brain functions and creative thinking

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  • 8/8/2019 Chapter 2 Brain Functions and Creative Thinking


    Knowing brain functions

    which harness creativethinking



    Revised by Mr. Navaratnam

  • 8/8/2019 Chapter 2 Brain Functions and Creative Thinking


  • 8/8/2019 Chapter 2 Brain Functions and Creative Thinking


    The oral instruction is Say Hello The visual instruction is Say Hello

  • 8/8/2019 Chapter 2 Brain Functions and Creative Thinking



    Our brain is mainly divided into 2 "halves", the left sideand the right side.

    The left-hand side is seemingly responsible fornumberand language. It is likely to process informationlogically. This are is useful for analytical purpose,

    logical thinking, math, science, language, details, pastmemories, knowledge, reality, strategy and practically.

    However, the right-hand side of the brain takes a moreholistic view of information and enjoys patterns. Theright brain could enhance yourcreativity skills, feeling,stimulate interest on arts, music and philosophy,future imagination, fantasy, possibilities anddreaming. Not surprisingly, the right side is known asthe more creative half of the brain. Generally, men tendto be left-brained and women are to be right-brained.This kind of generalization needs to be treated with


  • 8/8/2019 Chapter 2 Brain Functions and Creative Thinking


    Experiments show that most children rank

    highly creative (right brain) before entering

    school. Because our educational systems

    place a higher value on left brain skills

    such as mathematics, logic and language

    than it does on drawing orusing our

    imagination, only ten percent of these

    same children will rank highly creative by

    age 7. By the time we are adults, high

    creativity remains in only 2% of the


    The brain splits up functioning and then

    coordinates and synchronizes information

    processing from the two hemispheres.

    The brain devotes areas to specialized

    tasks. Different specialized brain areasprocess related information at the same

    time (e.g. analyzing while listening to

    music). This ability to transmit data

    processed on one hemisphere and

    coordinate and integrate it with data

    processed in other areas is known as bi-lateral transfer.

  • 8/8/2019 Chapter 2 Brain Functions and Creative Thinking


    How Brain Preference Develops

    Dominance is present at birth but that childrenmay not be able to establish it well until they are5 years old while other studies suggest that

    children continue to develop their brainpreference until they reach puberty.

    A strong relationship exists between the brainpreference of infants and their parents,

    suggesting that genetics has a major infl

    uenceon brain preference.

    Early childhood experience or nurturing can playa major part in brain preference development.

  • 8/8/2019 Chapter 2 Brain Functions and Creative Thinking


    Students required to vote on the statement which refers to their

    cognitive abilities. Adding all the votes finally will contribute the scores.





  • 8/8/2019 Chapter 2 Brain Functions and Creative Thinking


    Left brain Right Brain

    I enjoy planning new things in detail I enjoy doing new things on the spur of the moment

    I rarely daydream or remember my night time


    My dreams are very clear and I often daydream

    I tried to find the reason behind other peoples


    I can rarely see the motivation behind an individual


    Im punctual and have a good sense of time Im rarely punctual and have a less good sense of time

    Im good in describing my feelings into words It is very difficult describing my feelings into words

    I rely on evidence to make decision I rely on my feelings to make decision

    My files and references are always been updatedand arranged in order

    I seldom update my file course.

    Im kept my hands still when talking I gesture a lot when Im talking

    Im good explaining some theories and explain


    I can understand without be someone explain to me

    I solve problems by keeping at them and trying

    different approaches until I find a solution

    I solve problem like putting them at the back and wait

    for a solution to come up.

    Im very good in puzzle ad word games I don't enjoy puzzles and words games.

    I have my feelings well under control I let my feelings show

    I prefer reading non-fiction to romantic novels I prefer to read romantic novel rather than non-


    I analyze problems I deal with a problem as a whole

    I have less interest in music Im very fond of music

  • 8/8/2019 Chapter 2 Brain Functions and Creative Thinking


    Brain Functions


    Linear Holistic Processing

    Sequential Random Processing

    Symbolic Concrete Processing

    Logical Intuitive Processing

    Verbal Nonverbal Processing

    Reality-Based Fantasy-Oriented Processing

  • 8/8/2019 Chapter 2 Brain Functions and Creative Thinking


    Linear Vs. Holistic Processing

    The left side of the brain processes information in alinear manner. It processes from part to whole. It takespieces, lines them up, and arranges them in a logicalorder; then it draws conclusions (systematic approach).

    The right brain however, processes from whole to parts,holistically. It starts with the answer. It sees the bigpicture first, not the details. If you are right-brained, youmay have difficulty following a lecture unless you aregiven the big picture first. That is why it is absolutely

    necessary for a right-brained person to read an assignedchapter or background information before a lecture or tosurvey a chapter before reading.

  • 8/8/2019 Chapter 2 Brain Functions and Creative Thinking


    Sequential Vs. Random Processing

    For example, spelling involves sequencing - if you areleft-brained, you are probability a good speller. The leftbrain is also at work in the linear and sequentialprocessing of math and in following directions. By,

    contrast, the approach of the right-brained student israndom. If you are right-brained, an assignment may belate or incomplete, not because you weren't workingbut because you were working on something else.You were ready to rebel when asked to make study

    schedules for the week. But because of the randomnature of your dominant side, you must make lists, andyou must make schedules. This may be your only hopefor survival in college.

  • 8/8/2019 Chapter 2 Brain Functions and Creative Thinking


    Symbolic Vs. Concrete Processing

    The left brain has no trouble processing symbols. Manyacademic pursuits deal with symbols-such as letters,words, and mathematical notations. The left brainedperson tends to be comfortable with linguistic andmathematical endeavors. Left-brained students willprobably just memorize vocabulary words or mathformulas.

    The right brain, on the other hand, wants things to beconcrete. The right brain person wants to see, feel, ortouch the real object. Right brain students may have

    had trouble learning to read using phonics. They preferto see words in context, to see how the formulaworks. To use your right brain, create opportunities forhands-on activities, use something real wheneverpossible. You may also want to draw out a mathproblem or illustrate your notes.

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    Logical Vs. Intuitive Processing

    The left brain processes in a linear, sequential, logicalmanner. When you process on the left side, you useinformation piece by piece to solve a math problemor work out a science experiment. When you read andlisten, you look for the pieces so that you can draw

    logical conclu

    sions. If you process primarily on the right side of the brain, youuse intuition.You may know the right answer to amath problem but not be sure how you got it. Youmay have to start with the answer and work backwards.On a quiz, you have a gut feeling as to which answers

    are correct, and you are usually right. In writing, it is the left brain that pays attention to

    mechanics such as spelling.

    But the right side pays attention to meaning; that is,your right brain tells you it "feels" right.

  • 8/8/2019 Chapter 2 Brain Functions and Creative Thinking


    Verbal Vs. Nonverbal Processing

    Right brain students may know what they mean, butoften have trouble finding the right words. The bestillustration of this is to listen to people give directions.The left brain person will say something like "From here,go west three blocks and turn north on Vine Street. Gothree or four miles and then turn east onto Broad Street."

    The right brain person will sound something like this:"Turn right (pointing right), by the church over there(pointing again). Then you will pass a McDonalds and aWalmart. At the next light, turn right toward the BP

    station." So how is this relevant to planning studystrategies? Right brain students need to back upeverything visually. If it's not written down, theyprobably won't remember it. They need to get intothe habit of making a mental video of things as theyhear or read them.

  • 8/8/2019 Chapter 2 Brain Functions and Creative Thinking


    Reality-Based Vs. Fantasy-Oriented


    The left side of the brain deals with things the way theyare-with reality. When left brain students are affectedby the environment, they usually adjust to it.

    Not so with right brain students. They try to change theenvironment!

    Left brain people want to know the rules and follow them.In fact, if there are no rules for situations, they willprobably make up rules to follow!

    Left brain students know the consequences of notturning in papers on time or of failing a test.

    But right brain students are sometimes not awarethat there is anything wrong. So, if you are right brain,make sure youconstantly ask for feedback and realitychecks.

  • 8/8/2019 Chapter 2 Brain Functions and Creative Thinking


    Features that can negatively influence

    creative thinking

    The work is controlled by a hierarchical authoritystructure

    No recognition on employees effort

    Nurture an "I know it all" attitude among managers.

    Managers don't communicate their company's strategicintent to the employees even if they have it.

    Don't encourage trial and error.

    Fear that criticizing current practices and commitments is

    a high-risk activity Workforce workloads (i.e. too much to do, not enough


  • 8/8/2019 Chapter 2 Brain Functions and Creative Thinking



    Identifying your brain dominance

    Brain Function Features that negatively influence

    creative thinking

  • 8/8/2019 Chapter 2 Brain Functions and Creative Thinking



    Keong, K. (2000) You are creative.

    Malaysia: Mindbloom Sdn.Bhd

    John, A. (2009) The art of creative thinking:how to be innovative and develop great

    ideas. London: Kogan Page

    Brain Images are available at
