chapter 13: promotion - rcsc · 2019-12-03 · chapter 13: promotion 13.1. policy 13.1.1. reward...

CHAPTER 13: PROMOTION 13.1. Policy 13.1.1. Reward and motivate potential and competent civil servant. 13.1.2. Promote fairness, equity and meritocracy in the Civil Service through open competitive promotion system. 13.1.3. Provide equal career advancement opportunities and retain the best and brightest civil servants. 13.2. Strategy 13.2.1. Conduct a fair and open competitive selection based on merit. 13.2.2. Performance and potential of a civil servant shall be the basis for considering his promotion. 13.2.3. The RCSC shall be highly selective while considering promotion of a civil servant particularly to/within Executive and Specialist Positions. 13.2.4. The Position Directory and fulfillment of promotion criteria shall be the basis for determining the promotion category of a civil servant being considered for promotion. 13.2.5. Awarding of promotions shall be aligned to competency framework wherever possible. 13.3. Category 13.3.1. Promotion through open competition 13.3.2. Promotion within the broad-banded positions 13.3.3. Promotion to specialist position 13.3.4. Fast-track promotion 13.3.5. Meritorious promotion

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Page 1: CHAPTER 13: PROMOTION - RCSC · 2019-12-03 · CHAPTER 13: PROMOTION 13.1. Policy 13.1.1. Reward and motivate potential and competent civil servant. 13.1.2. Promote fairness, equity


13.1.1. Reward and motivate potential and competent civilservant.

13.1.2. Promote fairness, equity and meritocracy in the CivilService through open competitive promotion system.

13.1.3. Provide equal career advancement opportunities andretain the best and brightest civil servants.

13.2. Strategy13.2.1. Conduct a fair and open competitive selection based

on merit.

13.2.2. Performance and potential of a civil servant shall bethe basis for considering his promotion.

13.2.3. The RCSC shall be highly selective while consideringpromotion of a civil servant particularly to/withinExecutive and Specialist Positions.

13.2.4. The Position Directory and fulfillment of promotioncriteria shall be the basis for determining thepromotion category of a civil servant being consideredfor promotion.

13.2.5. Awarding of promotions shall be aligned tocompetency framework wherever possible.

13.3. Category13.3.1. Promotion through open competition13.3.2. Promotion within the broad-banded positions13.3.3. Promotion to specialist position13.3.4. Fast-track promotion13.3.5. Meritorious promotion

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13.4. Authority of the Agency13.4.1. The Agency shall be vested with the authority to

promote a civil servant to fill in a vacant position asfollows:


Promotion to


Authority for PromotionPromotionthrough



Promotion withinBroad


Promotion of







SpecialistES1 NA NA RCSC NA NA





P1Specialist NA NA M/A/C NA NA




Operational O4 - O1 M/A/C/D M/A/C/D NA RCSC RCSC

Note:C=Constitutional Office;M=Ministry;A=Autonomous Agency;D=Dzongkhag and

Thromde;and NA=NotApplicable.

13.4.2. Notwithstanding Section 13.4.1, in-servicerecruitment in Professional and Management Categorythrough Open Competition shall be carried out by theAgency after the assessment of the vacancy is carriedout by the Parent Agency in accordance with section2.8.5.3 and section (ix).

13.4.3. The sectoral personnel posted in Dzongkhags shall bepromoted by the Dzongkhag authority concernedwhile the personnel placed at the Centre shall bepromoted by the Ministry/Autonomous Agency as perthe delegation of authority in section 13.4.1.

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13.4.4. For open competition and promotion to specialistposition at P1, Agency shall identify vacant positionsbased on approved staffing pattern and staff strengthof the Agency.

13.5. Schedule13.5.1. Promotion shall normally be approved with effect from

1st January or 1st July.

13.5.2. Schedule:

Activity Deadline forJanuary Promotion

Deadline for JulyPromotion

RCSC Level PromotionAgency submit recommendations toRCSC and process in CSIS. 15th November 15th May

Approve promotion by Commission 15th December 15thJune

Convey approval to Agency 25th December 25thJuneAgency Level promotionApprove decentralized promotionswithin Broad-banded positions 30th November 31st May

Issue system generated promotionorder to individuals 25th December 25th June

Submit a copy of system generatedpromotion order to RCSC 25th December 25th June

Page 4: CHAPTER 13: PROMOTION - RCSC · 2019-12-03 · CHAPTER 13: PROMOTION 13.1. Policy 13.1.1. Reward and motivate potential and competent civil servant. 13.1.2. Promote fairness, equity The Agency must ensure that all thepromotion procedures must be completedprior to the deadline indicated in the tableabove. The HRD/HRS shall proactively generatethe list of all civil servants eligible forpromotion and shall facilitate the processingof promotion. Recruitment & Selection process throughopen competition shall normally becompleted within two months from the dateof the vacancy announcement, andpromotion shall be approved with effectfrom either 1st or 15th day of month, aftercompletion of all requirements. There shall be no retroactive promotion.

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13.6. General CriteriaA civil servant shall not claim promotion as a matter of right. Apromotion shall entail a higher degree of responsibilities,requiring greater knowledge, skills and ability. The criteria forpromotion of a civil servant shall be based on:

13.6.1. Availability of post vacancy;13.6.2. Fair and just selection system based on merit. Merit

shall be defined in terms of: Academic qualification; Relevant Training; Skills and competence; Past and present performance in his jobs

reflected in the performance appraisal; Relevant experience; Clean service record; Suitability to perform duties and

responsibilities of the vacant position; Potential to shoulder higher

responsibilities; Not reflected in the negative list of the

RAA; and13.6.2.10. No pending investigation / administrative

action/ court case.

13.6.3. Service in rural area shall be given due recognition.

13.6.4. Seniority in service shall also be given duerecognition.

13.6.5. Additional qualifications relevant to the nature ofduties and responsibilities shall be given duerecognition.

13.6.6. In addition to the general promotion criteria, a civilservant shall fulfill the eligibility criteria specifiedunder the respective promotion category.

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13.6.7. Fulfillment of the minimum duration requirement asper the category of promotion shall be as follows: First Promotion – Civil servants

irrespective of the entry position levelshall be eligible for their first promotionafter serving four years, excludingprobation period and for civil servant inSchedule 13(a), three years excludingprobation shall apply; Second and subsequent promotions afterserving the duration as indicated below(within broadband)

Position Category Duration

PMC 4 years

SSC4 years (S5-S1)

5 years (S1-SS1)OC 4 years Promotions other than broad-bandedpromotions, the minimum duration asindicated below shall apply.

Promotioncategory Eligibility

Open Competitionwith promotion Minimum of two years of service in the current position level

MeritoriousPromotion Six months to one year prior to the award of normal promotion


First fast-track Minimum of two years of service inthe current position

Second & subsequent fast-tack:

Minimum of three years of servicein current position

ExecutivePromotion Minimum five years of service in the current position


Promotion to ES3 and above Minimum of five years in currentposition

Promotion to P1 Specialist Minimum of four years in currentposition

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13.6.8. All the relevant and valid documents as per thecategory of promotion and announcement shall besubmitted.

13.6.9. Performance rating of “need improvement” shall resultin serving an additional year over and above minimumyears of active service.

13.6.10. Performance rating of “need improvement” for threeconsecutive years shall be compulsorily retired fromservice.

13.6.11. Study Leave up to 18 months of any single trainingshall be counted as part of active service forpromotion.

13.6.12. Any form of leave up to three months at a time, exceptEOL, shall be counted as part of active service forpromotion.

13.6.13. Maternity leave of six months shall be counted as partof active service for promotion.

13.6.14. For civil servants in Schedule 13 (a), the entireduration of the course shall be considered as activeservice for promotion provided the course duration ismore than 2 years and conditions as specified in theschedule.

13.6.15. Even if a civil servant has fulfilled eligibility criteria,his promotion shall not be processed/approved duringhis absence from duty and availing medical leavebeyond three months, EOL and long-term study leaveor when LTT status in CSIS is ‘Reported but pendingCompletion’. However, a civil servant while pursuinglong-term training under Mixed-Mode shall be eligiblefor promotion subject to fulfilling other criteriaincluding his presence in office at the time ofprocessing and effecting the promotion.

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13.6.16. A civil servant in the entry Position Level who has notavailed a single promotion shall not be eligible for fast-track, meritorious promotion and promotion throughopen competition.

13.6.17. Promotions shall be approved / recommended by theHR Committee of the Agency concerned as per thedelegation of authority under Section 13.4.1.

13.6.18. On approval, Promotion Order shall be issued whichshall clearly specify the following: Name and EID No. of the civil servant

being promoted; Position Title and Position Level, before

and after the promotion as per the PositionDirectory; Promotion effective date; and13.6.18.4. Section/Division, Department and Agency

etc. as may be relevant and the place ofposting.

13.6.19. For promotions under the authority of the RCSC,Agency shall submit recommendation to the RCSC inaccordance with section (vi).

13.6.20. The RCSC/ Agency shall not promote civil servantsmechanically based only on the completion of theminimum four/five year’s criterion without properlyassessing their capability, performance, allegiance, andthe need of the Agency.

13.7. Promotion through Open CompetitionPromotion based on post vacancy shall be subject to opencompetition that shall follow the procedures as detailed below:13.7.1. The Agency after the assessment on the vacancy

conducted by the Parent Agency concerned shallannounce the vacant position in its website and/ormedia as and when a vacancy arises and provide atleast two weeks for candidates to submit theirapplications;

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13.7.2. For post vacancy in position P1, the Agency shallmake the announcement as per the approved staffingpattern; and

13.7.3. Vacancy announcement shall clearly define thefollowing: Profile of the Position

a) Position Title, Position Level andSuperstructure Group;

b) Minimum educational qualification asdefined in the Position Directory.Additional knowledge, skills andcompetency relevant to the post shallbe given preference for the purpose ofshort-listing;

c) Relevant work experience requirement;d) Section/Division, Department and

Agency and the place of posting forwhich the recruitment is beingconsidered;

e) Document requirements;f) Application deadline; andg) Contact number and email address of

the focal person in the recruitingAgency. EligibilityA civil servant participating in opencompetition shall meet the followingcriteria;a) The minimum educational

qualification requirement prescribedin the Position Directory;

b) Currently, in one Position Level lowerthan the Position Level announced. Acandidate in the same Position Levelwho was appointed through opencompetition is also eligible to applyprovided he has fulfilled a minimum oftwo years of active service at the timeof the announced applicationdeadline;

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c) Completed a minimum of two years ofactive service in current Position Levelto apply to higher position at the timeof the announced applicationdeadline;

d) Should not be in entry level position;e) For in-service candidate selected

through BCSE, should have availedfirst promotion after his selectionthrough BCSE;

f) Position can be within or outside hisMOG but in the same superstructuregroup as per Schedule 2 (a);

g) A civil servant after returning fromlong term training shall be required toserve equal the duration of Long termtraining to be eligible for opencompetition outside his agency orMOG;

h) Clean service record;i) Should not be on long-term training

and secondment;j) Performance rating “Good” and above

in the annual performance rating forthe last two years; and

k) To the extent possible,transfers/movement through opencompetition, shall not lead to the lossof professionals by an agency andappointment of such civil servantsto positions where their specialisedknowledge and skills are renderedirrelevant.

13.7.4. Agency/HR Committee shall have the authority todisqualify a candidate who has participated in the earlierinterview(s) from appearing in the selection interview forthe same post, based on his past performance in earlierinterviews.

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13.7.5. An applicant shall be required to submit the followingdocuments: Application; and13.7.5.2. Curriculum Vitae

13.7.6. A civil servant applying for a vacant position outside hisAgency shall be required to submit the followingadditional documents: Copies of academic transcripts; Copies of Training Certificates (if required); Performance rating/ Assessed Performance

Appraisal Form (IWP) of the last two years:and Any other documents that may be required.

13.7.7. Short listing of candidates:The Agency concerned shall: Decide on the criteria; Verify all testimonials and academic

transcripts; Compile all applications and shortlist

applicants fulfilling the eligibility criteria; Give preference to eligible candidates with

relevant qualification and work experience,within same super structure; Notify applicants on the status of applicationand inform short-listed candidates in writingthrough email/SMS/Website regarding venue,date and time of the competitive selectionprocess and other requirements, if any; Announce the time extension of another twoweeks for more candidates to submitapplications if there is no eligible candidate oronly one eligible candidate; Extend the deadline to submit applications, ifthe Agency is not satisfied even when thenumber of eligible candidates are more thanone; Proceed with the selection process even ifthere is only one eligible candidate despite thetime extension of two weeks; and

Page 12: CHAPTER 13: PROMOTION - RCSC · 2019-12-03 · CHAPTER 13: PROMOTION 13.1. Policy 13.1.1. Reward and motivate potential and competent civil servant. 13.1.2. Promote fairness, equity Appoint Officiating if there are no eligibleapplicants after the extended deadline andupdate in CSIS.

13.7.8. Selection process13.7.8.1. The Agency shall institute an appropriate, fair

and competitive selection process. This shallbe executed through Selection Committeewith following roles and responsibilities:a) It shall comprise of at least five members

of the HR Committee/HRC approvedselection Committee and a representativeof the RCSC for cases of P1 selection;

b) The Selection Committee shall be properlybriefed particularly on the eligibilitycriteria for the position, the applicant’sresume details and the interview formatprior to the interview. The SelectionCommittee shall also be briefed on theirCode of Conduct;

c) The Selection Committee members shallpre-determine the cutoff percentage;

d) Interview Assistant shall omit highest andlowest scored by each panel member whencomputing the final scores for eachcandidate;

e) In addition to the panel interview(Interview Form given at Schedule 13(b)),written examinations in both Dzongkhaand English or a presentation on a topicmay be conducted;

f) Questions/Answers during the interviewas far as possible shall be bilingual inDzongkha and English;

g) The R&S Committee members shall declareConflict of Interest, if any, prior toconfirmation in which case the Agencyshall withdraw him from the SelectionCommittee and another qualified membershall be identified;

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h) The Selection Committee shall verify theresult and shall be required to sign on thecompiled result sheet(s) for endorsementby the HR Committee in the Agency forselection based on merit ranking of theresult; and

i) For cases requiring RCSC’s participation,the Agency shall inform at least a week inadvance with all relevant documents. Pre-populated sections of the selection form:The following sections of the selection formwill be calculated by Interview Assistant asdesignated by the HRD/HRS as follows:a) Service in rural area(s) shall have

weightage up to 5%;b) Seniority in the Civil Service shall have

weightage up to 5%; andc) PE rating shall have weightage up to 40%

as per MaX Manual. The Interview Assistant as designated by theHRD/HRS shall compile the selection result.

13.7.9. Declaration of Results: The agency shall submit all the required

documents for endorsement to RCSC withintwo weeks after completion of the selectionprocess. The Agency shall declare the result in thewebsite and/or media after receivingendorsement from RCSC within two workingdays. The selected candidate shall be given amaximum of two weeks after the declarationof result, to submit the following documentsfor appointment to the vacant position:

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a) No Objection Certificate endorsed by theHRC of the Agency signed by acompetent authority;

b) Valid Audit Clearance Certificate whichshall be verified online; and

c) Valid Security Clearance Certificatewhich shall be verified online If the selected candidate fails to produce thedocuments within the stipulated time, thenext candidate in order of merit ranking maybe considered. He shall be required to submitthe above documents within two weeks fromthe date of notice being served.

13.7.10. Appointment: For all appointments to P1 position, RCSC

shall issue appointment orders. For other appointments not involving inter-Agency transfer or change in MOG, withinthe superstructure group Agency shallappoint the successful candidate against thevacant position level announced. The OfficeOrder shall clearly indicate that he has beenselected through open competition.a) The Agency shall submit the following

documents to the RCSC:i. Copy of the appointment order;ii. Signed copy of the compiled selection

result;iii. Copy of the vacancy announcement;iv. Application ID of the approved

Online Security ClearanceCertificate;and

v. Application ID of the approved AuditClearance Certificate. All inter-ministerial or inter-agency or inter-occupational transfers within the superstructure group shall be carried out by theRCSC whereas intra-ministerial or intra-

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agency or intra-occupational transfers shallbe carried out by Ministries and Agenciesthemselves.a) For inter-Agency transfer or inter-

occupational group within the samesuper structure group or inter-subgroup the Agency shall submit thefollowing documents to the RCSC:i. Copy of the vacancy

announcement;ii. Signed copy of the compiled

selection result;iii. No Objection Certificate from the

Parent Agency and WorkingAgency;

iv. Application ID of the approvedOnline Security ClearanceCertificate; and

v. Application ID of the approvedAudit Clearance Certificate.

13.7.11. Completion of recruitment and selection process throughopen competition and effective appointment should be asper the timeline as per Section 13.5.3.

13.7.12. A candidate appointed and promoted through opencompetition shall be required to serve a minimum of twoyears in that position in the Agency

13.7.13. Agency shall facilitate leave that is admissible for acandidate to participate in Open Competition. However,he shall not be entitled to TA/DA.

13.8. Promotion within Broad-banded Position13.8.1. A broad-banded position, specified in the Position

Directory, shall be linked to at least one to two higheror lower position(s) in the same occupational groupthat require same minimum qualification and skills,and are similar in purposes, roles and responsibilities.The main difference of the broad-banded positions

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is the increase in years of experience andresponsibilities.

13.8.2. A civil servant shall be promoted within the broad-banded positions without a need to compete for thehigher position in order to facilitate the Agencyconcerned to reward and recognise and retain a civilservant within the Agency.

13.8.3. Promotion within the broad-banded positions shall bebased on the following eligibility criteria: Completion of minimum of four/five years

of active service in the current position andposition level in accordance with section13.6.8 respectively; Minimum performance rating of “Good”for three years during the period of review; Performance rating of “need improvement”shall result in serving an additional yearover and above minimum years of activeservice; Clean service record; and13.8.3.5. Submission of the following documents:

a. Consolidated Annual Performancerating ;

b. Valid Security Clearance Certificatewhich shall be verified online; and

c. Valid Audit Clearance Certificatewhich shall be verified online.

13.8.4. The Agency shall compile proposals as per thePromotion Summary Form (Schedule 13 (c)) andsubmit to the HR Committee in the Agency, whichshall review all promotion proposals of civil servantsin broad-banded positions for appropriate decisions.

13.8.5. Promotion order shall clearly specify the informationrequired under Section 13.6.17 of this Rule.

13.8.6. The Agency shall submit promotion details online aswell as send copies of the promotion orders to the

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RCSC as per the schedule along with the signed copyof the compiled Promotion Summary form.

13.8.7. Agency shall retain the promotion documents andshall be produced as and when required by the RCSC.

13.8.8. A civil servant in SSC can progress upto SS1irrespective of the entry level provided promotioncriteria are met.

13.9. Promotion to P1 Specialist Position13.9.1. To retain, reward and motivate a professional to

continue in the field of specialisation within theAgency, a civil servant shall be promoted to P1without the need to compete for a higher position solong as he meets the eligibility criteria as follows; Completion of the minimum of four years

of active service; Minimum performance rating of:“Good” for

three years during the period of review; Performance rating of “need improvement”

shall result in serving an additional yearover and above minimum years of activeservice required as per section14.4.1.1.b.for promotion; Any other relevant criteria as may bedeveloped by the HRC aligned to greaterlevel of responsibility and autonomy thatthis role may require; Consistent practice in the field; and13.9.1.6. Clean service record.

13.9.2. A civil servant who has decided to continue his servicein his field of specialisation shall be promoted withoutthe need to participate in open competitive selectionprocess.

13.9.3. The specialist position shall be adjusted within theapproved staffing strength.

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13.9.4. In addition to the documents required for processingpromotion to a specialist position specified underSection, the following shall be required: Specific job description of the proposed

specialist position; Post Adjustment Form given at Shedule 13

(d); and13.9.4.3. Legal Undertaking(Schedule 13 (e))

13.9.5. A civil servant promoted to a specialist position shallcomply with the job descriptions of the respectiveposition.

13.9.6. Position Level P2 shall be the deciding point for a civilservant on his future career ladder. He shall decidewhether to continue service in his field ofspecialisation/profession or move to a managementposition.

13.9.7. Once a civil servant opts to continue in his line ofspecialisation and avails a promotion to P1 and above,he shall not be eligible to compete in open competitiveselection process for a management position and tothis end,he shall be required to sign a legalundertaking.

13.9.8. A civil servant in a management position in P1 andabove shall be eligible to move to his line ofspecialisation in a specialist position provided hemeets all the criteria.

13.9.9. An Agency shall be prudent on the promotion tospecialist posts and once the promotion is granted,the Agency shall take full responsibility in ensuringthat their services are optimally utilised.

13.10. Fast-track Promotion (interim till sublevels are removed)13.10.1. In order to collapse sub-levels B and C to A for

achieving the policy of “equal pay for work of equalvalue” the principle of fast- track promotion shall beapplied to performers.

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13.10.2. The minimum Acceptable Sub-level of a PositionLevel shall be C which shall be ultimately collapsedto sub-level A after which, there will be 17 PositionLevels only and no sub-levels.

13.10.3. A civil servant in sub-level B or C shall be grantedfast-track promotion so long as he meets theeligibility criteria for promotion including thefollowing: Completion of minimum of two years of

active service in the current PositionLevel for the first fast track promotion; Completion of minimum of three yearsof active service in the current PositionLevel for second fast track promotion; Minimum performance rating of “Good”for two years during the period ofreview; Performance rating of “needimprovement” shall result in serving anadditional year over and aboveminimum years of active servicerequired as per section forpromotion; Clean service record; Submission of all the required

documents specified under Section13.8.3.4. e Performance AppraisalReports shall be for the last two yearsas per; and Recommendation of the HR Committee.

13.10.4. A civil servants shall not avail more than two fasttrack promotion in his entire service period;

13.10.5. A civil servant, who has availed fast-track promotion,shall serve in that position for a minimum periodequal to the duration benefited, calculated from thedate of his fast-track promotion.

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13.10.6. A civil servant in the entry Position Level who hasnot availed a single promotion shall not be eligiblefor Fast-track.

13.11. Meritorious Promotion13.11.1. Meritorious promotions shall be granted to reward

and recognise outstanding performance andleadership qualities of a civil servant who shall be arole model.

13.11.2. Meritorious Promotion is the promotion awarded outof turn by six month or one year.

13.11.3. The following are the criteria to be eligible forMeritorious promotion : Consistently “Outstanding” annual

performance ratings for the last threeyears except for those professions listedin Schedule I. ; A maximum of only year left for normalpromotion; Potential to shoulder higherresponsibilities; Exceptional act or service in thepublic interest besides his normalresponsibilities; Suggestion, invention,accomplishment or personal effortwhich has contributed to the efficiency,economy, or other improvement in theGovernment; Clean service record; Submission of all the required

documents specified under Section13.8.3.4 and Justification Form given atSchedule 13(f); for agency listed underSchedule A of the MaX manual; Verification, shortlist andrecommendation by theHR Committee;

Page 21: CHAPTER 13: PROMOTION - RCSC · 2019-12-03 · CHAPTER 13: PROMOTION 13.1. Policy 13.1.1. Reward and motivate potential and competent civil servant. 13.1.2. Promote fairness, equity Verification in consultation with bothParent and Working Agency andapproval by the RCSC; Meritorious promotions shall be grantedto profession identified as per schedule13 (a) provided they meet all thecriteria; A civil servant in the entry PositionLevel who has not availed a singlepromotion shall not be eligible formeritorious promotion.

13.12. In addition to the above categories of promotion, the RCSCshall consider the following13.12.1. Promotion on appointment to a civil service position

specified in the Constitution. On appointment to a civil service

position specified in the Constitution, acivil servant shall be granted onepromotion if he is not in the PositionLevel of the position to which he isappointed.

13.12.2. Direct Promotion13.12.2.1. The RCSC, on its own, may promote a

civil servant if the RCSC has sufficientevidence of outstanding performanceand the civil servant is deniedpromotion due todiscrimination,omission or when he isassigned the responsibilities of ahigher position in the interest of thepublic service.

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13.13. Appeals related to PromotionIn the event a civil servant finds that his promotion has notbeen considered by the authority concerned despite fulfillmentof all the promotion criteria, the incumbent may appeal to theAppellate Authority

13.14. Handing/Taking Over of ChargeThere shall be proper handing/taking over of the charge beforea civil servant is relieved from the current post on promotion,including Government property, files and records.

13.15. OrientationThe Agency concerned shall institute an appropriateOrientation Programme to ensure that an in-service candidateon promotion is properly inducted.

13.16. Accountability13.16.1. A promotion granted without fulfilling the prescribed

criteria and/completing the prescribed processesshall be regarded as invalid and shall be revoked bythe RCSC.

13.16.2. The authority responsible for granting suchpromotions shall be accountable and liable foradministrative actions.

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Schedule 13 (a)Doctors (MBBS/BDS)

A. Doctors’ need to meet all the following criteria:


Proposals approved by theCommission Criteria

1 Meritorious promotion for seniorDoctors

● Seniority lost (MBBS/BDS & Masters Degree)● Currently practicing the profession● Not applicable for Dr. appointed in P3 & P2● Not applicable for Doctors in P1, ES3 & ES2 level.● PE rating of Good● Duration criteria of 3 yrs● Clean service record

2 Entry level at P3 for Doctors withMasters

● Seniority lost (MBBS/BDS & Masters Degree)● Masters in clinical

● Requirement and thus study approved before hand by MoH/JDWNRH

● Masters degree has to be 3 yrs & above

3 More than 2 years study to beconsidered active service for promotion

● Seniority lost (MBBS/BDS & Masters Degree)● Masters (clinical)● Course duration more than 2 years● Excludes extension period due to failure of course● Currently practicing the profession● PE rating based on university performance● Duration criteria of 4 yrs

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● Clean service record

4 First promotion : 3 yrs + 1 yr probation

● Seniority lost (MBBS/BDS)● Course duration is more than 5 years● Currently practicing the profession● PE rating as per BCSR 2012● Clean service record

Note: Doctors are not allowed to avail the above promotions during study except those who are undergoingstudy at KGUMSB

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Schedule 13(b)


Name: …………………………………Post Applied:…………………..……………….

Sl. No. Factors Maximum Marks Marks Awarded




a. Presentation skills (organisation of thoughts) 5

b. Analytical ability 5



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11WRITTEN EXAMINATION (30 minutes each)

a. Dzongkha 5b. English 5

Total Marks 100

Place :Date : (Name & Signature of the Committee Member)

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Sl.No. Name EID




Date oflast BEFORE ON

Active No.of yrscompleted



RemarksAppt. Promotion Promotion Promotionratingsfor 3yrs



1. Service calculated as on…………………….

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2. Probation period, training period beyond 18 months on any single training and leave periodexceeding 3 months at a time except for maternity leave are excluded from years of activeservice in the present position as per Promotion Rules and Regulations.

3. Performance Reports for 3 years are taken into consideration.

4. Abbreviations:- NI-Need Improvement, Good, VG-Very Good, OT-Outstanding, PT- Position Title, PL-Position Level and SL-Sub-Level.

HR Committee Meeting No.:……………… Date:……………………Prepared and verified by:

Approved by:

(Chairperson of HR Committee)

Schedule 13


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Promotion to a specialist position in P1/ES3 shall not entail increase in the staff strength and must be adjusted within

the staff strength approved for the current FYP.

Post adjustment proposal must be against an approved regular Civil Service post in PMC/ESC (not againstDivision Chief/GSP/ESP post).

As far as possible, specialist post (P1/ES) must be adjusted against an approved vacant post within the sameDepartment/Division/Sector.For promotion of Dzongkhag Sector staff specialist post (P1/ES), post adjustment proposal must be against an approvedvacant post in the Dzongkhag Sector post.

Post Adjustment From (post against which the promotion of a specialist (P1/ES) is to be adjusted):

Position Title :

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No. of Position(s) approved :

No. of existing against the Position(s):

Section/Division :



Post Adjustment To (post to which the specialist (P1/ES) promotion is proposed):

Position Title

Position Level :

Section/Division :

Department/ Sectors :

For the Ministry/Agency

Submitted by: Approved/Recommended by:

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HR Committee Meeting No.:………. Date:………

(Signature) (Signature)

Name of HR Officer: Chairperson, HR Committee

For the RCSCVerified by:

(Signature)Name of Chief/HR Officer, HRMD:

Schedule 13 (e)UNDERTAKING

I, .……………………………………………………., bearing Citizenship ID Card No.…………………….. and employee IDNo. ………………, currently working in……………………………….. (mention name of the Mnistry/Agency)as………………………. (mention Position Title) in Position Level ……………… do hereby confirm the following:

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1. WHEREAS I have been briefed on this undertaking governing my promotion to……………………… (mention proposedPosition Title) in Position Level …………with effect from ……………………….. (Promotion effective date);

2. AND WHEREAS I agree with the condition that I shall continue my service as a specialist and shall not appear for anyopen competitive selection for change of position title and position level under the Executive Category or request theMinistry/Agency/RCSC for any change of position/function to Executive (EX) in the event of my promotion;

3. AND WHEREAS I understand that in the event I do not adhere to the aforesaid condition, I shall be liable forappropriate administrative action by the RCSC; and

4. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto signed this document in the presence of the following witnesses:

Place: …………………………………….. Sd/

Date: …………………………….. (Legal Stamp)


1. For the Ministry/Agency 2. For the RCSC(Secretary of Ministry/Head of Agency) (Commissioner, HRM)

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(Signature) (Signature)

Name: ……………………………… Name: …………………………….Official Seal Official Seal

Schedule 13(f)


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SUPPLEMENTARY MERITORIOUS PROMOTION PROPOSAL FORM ( for civil servants in Schedule A of the MaX manual)

To be completed by the Supervisor:

Please complete the following format most accurately as your statements, information and assessments shall be liablefor further verification.

1. Name of immediate supervisor recommending the proposal:

2. Name of official proposed for meritorious promotion:

3. Agency/Division/Section:

4. Present Position Title:

5. Position Level & Sub Level:

6. Describe present responsibility of the official (attach a separate sheet)

7. Proposed Position Title:

8. Position Level & Sub Level:

9. Describe the proposed job very clearly (attach a separate sheet)

10. Describe the potentials of the official to assume the responsibility of the proposed post:

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11. Besides normal duties, what are the 3 specific outstanding achievements of the official? Please complete the

attached form.

12. a) Achievements/Impacts

(Impacts may be described in terms of efficiency, economy or other improvements in governmentoperations). If required, please attach an extra sheet.





List Impact oftheAchievements


1 Special act orservice in thepublic interests




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2 Suggestions 1.



3 Inventions 1.



4 Otheraccomplishments




12. b) List documentary evidences:

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As a supervisor, I hereby certify that the above information and assessment are correct to the best of myknowledge. I understand that I am liable for further explanations and enquiry as deemed appropriate in the eventthat the above information is incomplete or incorrect.

Signature of supervisor/Date

Recommendations of the Manager

Date : Signature :Place : Name & Position Title of Manager :

Reference : HR Committee Meeting No………………..dated………………..

RecommendedNot Recommended

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Date : Signature : Place :

Chairperson, HR Committee :

Recommendations of the Parent Agency

Reference : HR Committee Meeting No………………..dated………………..

RecommendedNot RecommendedDate : Signature : Place :Chairperson, HR Committee :

Approved by: (Chairpersonof HR CommitteePOST