chapter 11 - excepted service appointments - opm. · pdf filechapter 11. excepted service...

11-1 Chapter 11. Excepted Service Appointments (Natures of Action 130, 170, 171, 190, 570, 571, 590, 760) Contents 1. Coverage.................................................................................................... 11-3 2. Definitions. ................................................................................................ 11-3 3. Special Conditions..................................................................................... 11-3 Job Aids Instructions for Processing Personnel Actions on Appointments in the Excepted Service ........................................................................................... 11-5 Tables 11-A. Excepted Appointments that are not Based on Exercise of Reemployment or Restoration Rights................................................ 11-11 11-B. Excepted Appointments Based on Exercise of Reemployment or Restoration Rights ............................................................................. 11-19 11-C. Remarks to be Shown on SF 50 (See Note 1 of this table) ............... 11-25 Figure 11-1. Legal Authority Codes Used For Schedule A, B, C, and D Appointments ..................................................................................... 11-40 Page 11-2 is blank.

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Page 1: Chapter 11 - Excepted Service Appointments - OPM. · PDF fileChapter 11. Excepted Service Appointments 11-3 Chapter 11. Excepted Service Appointments 1. Coverage. This chapter covers


Chapter 11. Excepted Service Appointments (Natures of Action 130, 170, 171, 190, 570, 571, 590, 760)


1. Coverage. ................................................................................................... 11-3

2. Definitions. ................................................................................................ 11-3

3. Special Conditions. .................................................................................... 11-3

Job Aids

Instructions for Processing Personnel Actions on Appointments in the Excepted Service ........................................................................................... 11-5


11-A. Excepted Appointments that are not Based on Exercise ofReemployment or Restoration Rights ................................................ 11-11

11-B. Excepted Appointments Based on Exercise of Reemployment orRestoration Rights ............................................................................. 11-19

11-C. Remarks to be Shown on SF 50 (See Note 1 of this table) ............... 11-25


11-1. Legal Authority Codes Used For Schedule A, B, C, and DAppointments ..................................................................................... 11-40

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Chapter 11. Excepted Service Appointments 11-3

Chapter 11. Excepted Service Appointments

1. Coverage.

This chapter covers all appointments, conversions to appointments, and extensions of temporary appointments that are made without regard to the competitive requirements of the civil service rules and regulations, and that are not covered by the Senior Executive Service (SES). Instructions for SES appointments are published in Chapter 13.)

2. Definitions.

a. An appointment brings an individual onto therolls (staff) of an agency.

b. A conversion changes an employee from oneappointment to another appointment (undereither the same or a different authority) in thesame agency with no break in service or with abreak of 3 days or less.

c. An extension continues a time-limitedappointment (one with an NTE date) up to themaximum time allowed by the authority underwhich it was effected.

d. A Provisional Appointment NTE is atemporary appointment to a continuing positionwhen the agency intends later to convert theemployee to a nontemporary appointment, andhas appropriate authority for the conversion atthe time of the temporary appointment.

3. Special Conditions.

When making appointments in the excepted service, certain special conditions may impact the documentation of the personnel actions and require additional instructions.

a. Retired persons. When the person beingappointed is retired from Federal civilian service,you must follow the instructions in Chapter 3 aswell as those instructions appropriate forexcepted service appointments.

b. Separations by RIF. If an employee who is tobe separated by reduction in force (RIF)procedures accepts a nonpermanent appointmentin the same agency, each action must bedocumented separately, regardless of when thenew appointment begins: the losing officeprocesses a 356/Separation-RIF and the gainingoffices processes the new appointment. If anemployee accepts an offer of assignment underthe RIF regulations to a specifically temporaryposition (e.g., if a career employee accepts anoffer of assignment to a position that isscheduled to be abolished in a year), the action isprocessed as a Reassignment, Position Change,etc., following the instructions in Chapter 14.

c. Concurrent employment. If employee will beemployed concurrently in two (or more)agencies, follow instructions in the “FederalEmployees’ Group Life Insurance: A Handbookfor Employees, Annuitants, Compensationersand Employing Offices” and the “FederalEmployees’ Health Benefit Program: AHandbook for Enrollees and Employing Offices”to determine how health benefits and FEGLI willbe handled, and to document thosedeterminations on the Standard Form (SF) 52(and SF 50).

>d. Appointments funded by Public Law 111-5 dated February 17, 2009 The AmericanRecovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009(“ARRA”)). In addition to citing the legalauthority code(s) required per the Tables in thischapter, when documenting the SF-52/SF-50 foran ARRA funded appointment effective on orafter February 17, 2009, cite “ZEA/Pub. L. 111-5” as the final legal authority.<

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Chapter 11. Excepted Service Appointments 11-5

Instructions for Processing Personnel Actions on Appointments in the Excepted Service

Job Aid # 5

STEP ACTION 1 When actions involve persons new to the rolls of your agency, compare data on the SF 52

submitted by the requesting office with the applications and other documents submitted.

When actions involve persons already on the rolls of your agency, compare data on the SF 52 submitted by the requesting office with the last action in the employee’s Official Personnel Folder (OPF) to be sure it is correct. Then follow any of the instructions that are applicable:

If the employee... Then...

Is being converted to a new appointment on the same date that he or she returns to duty from nonpay status,

Both the return-to-duty (RTD) action and the conversion must be documented.

Follow the instructions in Chapter 16 to document the RTD and the instructions in this chapter to document the conversion. If the actions are being documented on a single SF 52 (and SF 50), enter the nature of action and authority for the RTD in blocks 5A-5F.

Will change the work schedule, or the number of hours he or she works on a part-time basis, will change as a result of a conversion action,

The new schedule/hours must be documented.

Follow the instructions in Chapter 24 to select the nature of action, authority and remarks for the change in work schedule or hours.

If the conversion and the change in work schedule or hours are being documented on a single SF 52 (and SF 50), enter the nature of action and authority for the change in work schedule or hours in blocks 6A-6F; for a Chg in Hours action, enter the new hours per pay period in block 33.

Continued on next page

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Job Aid #5. Instructions for Processing Personnel Actions on Appointments in the Excepted Service, continued


1 When actions involve persons already on the roles of your agency..., continued.

If the employee... Then...

Will change the work schedule, or the number of hours he or she works on a part-time basis, will change as a result of a conversion action,

When an RTD and a conversion are effective on the same date as a change in work schedule or hours, and the RTD and conversion are being recorded on the same action, document the new work schedule in block 32 and the new hours in block 33; there is no need for a separate Chg in Work Schedule or Chg in Hours action.

Is voluntarily converting from a competitive service appointment to an excepted service appointment,

Obtain a statement from the employee that the employee is leaving the competitive service voluntarily to accept appointment in the excepted service.

2 Use Table 11-A or 11-B to select the nature of action and authority for the appointment or conversion and put them in blocks 5A-5F of the SF 52.

If the action is being taken under an authority that is unique to your department or agency, cite that authority (along with the authority code approved by OPM) instead of the authority and code shown in this chapter.

3 Use Table 11-C to select remarks codes/remarks required by OPM for the action and enter them in Part F of the SF 52. Also enter in Part F any additional remarks codes/remarks that are required by your agency’s instructions or that are necessary to explain the action.

4 Use Chapter 3 to see what forms must be obtained or prepared with the action. You may need information from them to complete the SF 52. Follow instructions in that chapter to complete and distribute them.

5 Fill in remaining blocks on SF 52 as required by instructions to Chapter 4.

To identify an excepted appointment that is “conditional,” enter “2” in block 24 of the SF 52; to identify an excepted appointment that is ”indefinite,” or “provisional” enter “3” in block 24 of the SF 52.

Follow your agency’s instructions to obtain approval signature in Part C, block 2, of the SF 52.

6 Prepare the SF 50 from the information on the SF 52. Refer to Chapter 4 to see how the SF 50 should be completed. Follow your agency’s instructions to have it signed or authenticated.

Continued on next page

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Chapter 11. Excepted Service Appointments 11-7

Job Aid #5. Instructions for Processing Personnel Actions on Appointments in the Excepted Service, continued

STEP ACTION 7 Check The Guide to Personnel Recordkeeping to decide if any of the documents submitted with

or created in connection with the action should be filed on the right side of the employee’s Official Personnel Folder. Follow your agency’s instructions to dispose of those not filed in the folder.

8 If the employee... Then...

Being converted to a new appointment and will be serviced by a new payroll office,

Give the employee, before the effective date of the conversion, a completed SF 8, Notice to Federal Employee About Unemployment Insurance. Show the full name and address of payroll office where the individual’s records are maintained.

Coming from another agency, Make another copy of the SF 50 (or list form of notice).

Send it to the servicing personnel office in the “losing” agency, and request that employee’s OPF and leave record (SF 1150) be forwarded to your office.

If a copy of the appointment SF 50 (the “pick-up 50”) cannot be sent to the losing agency within five days of the effective date of the appointment, send a copy of the appointment SF 52. That copy must show the effective date of the appointment and have the appointing official’s signature in the approval block (Part C, block 2) of the SF 52.

Note: When the gaining agency is using an OPM-approved electronic SF 52 or SF 52 signature system, use a letter or other written document as required by the losing agency to request the OPF. The request letter or other written document as required by the losing agency must be signed by the appointing official and contain the information in Part B, blocks 1-6 and 15-22, of the SF 52.

Continued on next page

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Job Aid #5. Instructions for Processing Personnel Actions on Appointments in the Excepted Service, continued


Prepare and distribute notices, continued:

9 Follow your agency instructions to distribute the Standard Form 50 copies.

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Chapter 11. Excepted Service Appointments 11-9

Table Summary: Table 11-A. Excepted Service Appointments

If Appointment Is Go to Rules

On a provisional basis ....................................................................................................... 5-6 Under VRA authority ........................................................................................................ 7-11 Based on a move from the SES ......................................................................................... 12-15 By the President ................................................................................................................ 16-23 Of an Expert or Consultant ............................................................................................... 24-27 Of a foreign national overseas .......................................................................................... 28-31 Under the IPA ................................................................................................................... 32 Not listed above

• Under Schedule A, B, C or D authority ................................................................ 1-4, >33-42, 44-45, 47-49<

• Under another authority ........................................................................................ >43, 46, 50-53<

• Extension of an Exc Appt ..................................................................................... >54-55<

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Chapter 11. Excepted Service Appointments 11-11

Table 11-A. Excepted Appointments that are not Based on Exercise of Reemployment or Restoration Rights

Rule If the person And the appointment And the person


is NOA is Auth code is And Authority is

(See Notes 1-4 of this table)

1 Is being employed under a Schedule A, B, or C authority that is not specifically covered by the rules below

Is without time limitation

Is not on your agency’s rolls

170 Exc Appt (Cite code for Schedule A, B, or C authority that authorizes the appointment or conversion)

(Cite authority under Schedule A, B, or C that authorizes the appointment or conversion) 2 Is already on

the rolls of your agency

570 Conv to Exc Appt

3 Is temporary Is not on your agency’s rolls

171 Exc Appt NTE (date)

4 Is already on the rolls of your agency

571 Conv to Exc Appt NTE (date)

5 Is being appointed on a temporary basis to a continuing position when the agency intends later to convert the employee to a non-temporary position and has current authority for such conversion

Is not on your agency’s rolls

190 Provisional Appt NTE (date)

(Cite code for the Sch A, B, or C, statutory, or regulatory authority for the appointment)

(Cite the Sch A, B, or C, statutory, or regulatory authority for the appointment)

6 Is already on the rolls of your agency

590 Conv to Provisional Appt NTE (date)

7 Is already employed under the Veterans Recruitment Appointment (VRA) in a different agency

Is to a VRA position without a break in service

130 Transfer J8M Pub. L. 107-288

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11-12 THE GUIDE TO PROCESSING PERSONNEL ACTIONS Table 11-A. Excepted Appointments that are not Based on Exercise of Reemployment or Restoration Rights (Continued)

Rule If the person And the appointment And the person Then


NOA is Auth code is And Authority is

(See Notes 1-4 of this table)

8 Is being employed under the Veterans Recruitment Appointment (VRA) on an appointment without time limitation (see Note 5 of this table)

Is not on your agency’s rolls

170 Exc Appt J8M Pub. L. 107-288

9 Is already on the rolls of your agency

570 Conv to Exc Appt

10 Is being employed under the Veterans Recruitment Appointment (VRA) on a temporary appointment (see Note 6 of this table)

Is not on your agency’s rolls

171 Exc Appt NTE (date)

11 Is already on the rolls of your agency

571 Conv to Exc Appt NTE (date)

12 Is converted from an SES career appointment under which the individual had guaranteed placement rights to an appointment in the excepted service

Is based on unacceptable performance during the SES probationary period

Is already on the rolls of your agency

570 Conv to Exc Appt

(Cite code for authority under which conversion is effected) and VDJ

(Cite the authority under which the conversion is effected) and 5 U.S.C. 3594(a)

13 Is based on less than fully successful performance following the SES probationary period

(Cite code for authority under which conversion is effected) and VCS

(Cite the authority under which the conversion is effected) and 5 U.S.C. 3594(b)(1)

14 Is based on a reduction in force in the SES

(Cite code for authority under which conversion is effected) and VCT

(Cite the authority under which the conversion is effected) and 5 U.S.C. 3594(b)(2)

15 Is converted from an SES career appointment under which the individual had guaranteed placement rights to an appointment in the excepted service

Is based on failure to be recertified in the SES

(Cite code for authority under which conversion is effected) and VCW

(Cite the authority under which the conversion is effected) and 5 U.S.C. 3594(b)(3)

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Chapter 11. Excepted Service Appointments 11-13

Table 11-A. Excepted Appointments that are not Based on Exercise of Reemployment or Restoration Rights (Continued)

Rule If the person And the appointment And the person Then


NOA is Auth code is And Authority is

(See Notes 1-4 of this table)

16 Is appointed by the President with the advice and consent of the Senate (see Note 7 of this table)

Is without time limitation

Is not on your agency’s rolls

170 Exc Appt ZNM (Enter Law, E.O., or Reg. that authorizes the Presidential appointment with advice and consent of the Senate)

17 Is already on the rolls of your agency

570 Conv to Exc Appt

18 Is temporary Is not on your agency’s rolls

171 Exc Appt NTE (date)

19 Is already on the rolls of your agency

571 Conv to Exc Appt NTE (date)

20 Is appointed by the President when advice and consent of the Senate is not required

(see Note 7 of this table)

Is without time limitation

Is not on your agency’s rolls

170 Exc Appt ZKM (Enter Law, E.O., or Reg. that authorizes the Presidential appointment) 21 Is already on the

rolls of your agency 570 Conv to Exc


22 Is temporary Is not on your agency’s rolls

171 Exc Appt NTE (date)

23 Is already on the rolls of your agency

571 Conv to Exc Appt NTE (date)

24 Is an expert or consultant appointed under the authority of 5 U.S.C. 3109 and agency’s appropriation act or other statute

Is without time limitation

Is not on your agency’s rolls

170 Exc Appt H2L Reg. 304.103

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11-14 THE GUIDE TO PROCESSING PERSONNEL ACTIONS Table 11-A. Excepted Appointments that are not Based on Exercise of Reemployment or Restoration Rights (Continued)

Rule If the person And the appointment And the person Then


NOA is Auth code is And Authority is

(See Notes 1-4 of this table)

25 Is an expert or consultant appointed under the authority of 5 U.S.C. 3109 and agency’s appropriation act or other statute

Is without time limitation

Is already on the rolls of your agency

570 Conv to Exc Appt

H2L Reg. 304.103

26 Is temporary Is not on your agency’s rolls

171 Exc Appt NTE (date)

27 Is already on the rolls of your agency

571 Conv to Exc Appt NTE (date)

28 Is a foreign national recruited overseas for an overseas position

Is without time limitation

Is not on your agency’s rolls

170 Exc Appt BPM CS Rule 8.3

29 Is already on the rolls of your agency

570 Conv to Exc Appt

30 Is temporary Is not on your agency’s rolls

171 Exc Appt NTE (date)

31 Is already on the rolls of your agency

571 Conv to Exc Appt NTE (date)

32 Is selected under the Intergovernmental Personnel Act (IPA)

Is under the authority of 5 U.S.C. 3374

Is not on your agency’s rolls

171 Exc Appt NTE (date)

VPE 5 U.S.C. 3374

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Chapter 11. Excepted Service Appointments 11-15

Table 11-A. Excepted Appointments that are not Based on Exercise of Reemployment or Restoration Rights (Continued)

Rule If the person And the appointment And the person Then NOAC is NOA is Auth code is

And Authority is (See Notes 1-4 of this

table) 33 Is employed under the

authority of Sch A, 213.3102(i) in a position for which a critical hiring need exists

Is temporary Is not on your agency’s rolls

171 Exc Appt NTE (date)

W9P Sch A, 213.3102(i)(2)

34 Is already on the rolls of your agency

571 Conv to Exc Appt NTE (date)

35 Is without time limitation on a less than full-time basis

Is not on your agency’s rolls

170 Exc Appt

36 Is already on the rolls of your agency

570 Conv to Exc Appt

37 Is employed as an Intern Is under the Internship Program of the Pathways Program

Is not on your agency’s rolls

170 Exc Appt YEA Sch D, 213.3402(a)

38 Is already on the rolls of your agency

570 Conv to Exc Appt

39 Is not on your agency’s rolls

171 Exc Appt NTE (date)

40 Is already on the rolls of your agency

571 Conv to Exc Appt NTE (date)

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11-16 THE GUIDE TO PROCESSING PERSONNEL ACTIONS Table 11-A. Excepted Appointments that are not Based on Exercise of Reemployment or Restoration Rights (Continued)

Rule If the person And the appointment And the person Then


NOA is Auth Code Is And Authority is (See Notes 1-4 of this table)

41 Is employed as a Recent Graduate

Is under the Recent Graduates Program of the Pathways Programs

Is not on your agency’s rolls

170 Exc Appt YEB Sch D, 213.3402(b)

42 Is already on the rolls of your agency

570 Conv to Exc Appt

43 >Is already employed as a Recent Graduate in a different agency

Is not on your agency’s rolls

170 Exc Appt YEP Reg. 362.304<

>44< Is employed as a Presidential Management Fellow

Is under the Presidential Management Fellows Program of the Pathways Program

Is not on your agency’s rolls

170 Exc Appt YEC Sch D, 213.3402(c)

>45< Is already on the rolls of your agency

570 Conv to Exc Appt

46 > Is already employed as a Presidential Management Fellow in a different agency

Is not on your agency’s rolls

170 Exc Appt YER Reg. 362.406<

47 >Is being readmitted as a Presidential Management Fellow

Is not on your agency’s rolls

170 Exc Appt YES Reg. 362.407<

48 Is already on the rolls of your agency

570 Conv to Exc Appt

>49< Is currently serving on a SCEP appt which is being converted to an appt under the Internship Program of the Pathways Programs under Sch D, 213.3402(a) (see Note 8 of this table BEFORE citing this rule)

Is without time limitation

Is already on the rolls of your agency

570 Conv to Exc Appt YEF Sch D, 213.3402(a) - SCEP

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Chapter 11. Excepted Service Appointments 11-17

Table 11-A. Excepted Appointments that are not Based on Exercise of Reemployment or Restoration Rights (Continued)

Rule If the person And the appointment And the person Then


NOA is Auth code is And Authority is (See Notes 1-4 of this table)

>50< Is currently serving on a STEP appt which is being converted to an appt under the Internship Program of the Pathways Programs under Sch D, 213.3402(a) (see Note 8 of this table BEFORE citing this rule)

Is temporary Is already on the rolls of your agency

571 Conv to Exc Appt NTE (date)

YEG Sch D, 213.3402(a) - STEP

>51< Is currently serving on a PMF appt (Reg. 213.3102(ii) and appt is being converted to an appt under the PMF Program of the Pathways Programs under Sch D, 213.3402(c) (see Note 8 of this table BEFORE citing this rule)

Is without time limitation

570 Conv to Exc Appt YEH Sch D, 213.3402(c) – PMF

>52< Is employed under the authority of any other law, Executive Order or Reg. not covered in the preceding rules of this Table (including Experts and Consultants employed under agency authority similar to that of 5 U.S.C. 3109)

Is without time limitation

Is not on your agency’s rolls

170 Ext Appt ZLM (Enter Law, E.O., or Reg. that authorizes the appointment or conversion) >53< Is already on your

agency’s rolls 570 Conv to Exc Appt

>54< Is temporary Is not on your agency’s rolls

171 Exc Appt NTE (date)

>55< Is already on your agency’s rolls

571 Conv to Exc Appt NTE (date)

>56< Previously served on a STEP appt which was converted to an appt NTE under the Internship Program of the Pathways Programs

Is being extended Is already on your agency’s rolls

760 Ext of Appt NTE (date)

YEA Sch D, 213.3402(a)

>57< Is serving on an Exc Appt NTE that is not described in rule >56< above

(Enter same auth code as for the Exc Appt NTE)

(Enter same authority as for the Exc Appt NTE)

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11-18 THE GUIDE TO PROCESSING PERSONNEL ACTIONS Table 11-A. Excepted Appointments that are not Based on Exercise of Reemployment or Restoration Rights (Continued)

NOTES: 1. ZLM: Other Citation (Law, EO, or Reg) may be cited in addition to any other authority or authorities required by this Table. Cite ZLM immediately after the authority

or authorities required by this table. If a Standard Form 59, Request for Approval of Non-Competitive Action, was obtained from the Office of Personnel Management for the action, also include with the authorities ABM: SF 59 approved (date). Cite ABM as the last authority.

2. If appointment was made using special section priority under the agency’s Career Transition Assistance Program (CTAP), cite ABR: Reg 330.608 following the authorities required by this Table and ZLM, if used.

3. When appointee or employee was selected on the basis of bicultural/bilingual selective factors, show as the second authority (in blocks 5E-5F or 6E-6F of the Standard Form 50, Notification of Personnel Action), ABL: Bicultural/Bilingual Selective Factors.

4. For information on Schedule A, B, C, and D see part 213 of title 5, Code of Federal Regulation. For authority codes for Schedules A, B, C, and D see Figure 11-1, or The Guide to Data Standards.

5. Individuals receiving Veterans Recruitment Appointments are placed in Tenure Group II of the Excepted Service. 6. These instructions apply only when the Veterans Recruitment Appointment is to a position in an excepted service agency or organization. When a Veterans Recruitment

Appointment is made on a temporary basis to a position in the competitive service, follow the instructions in Chapter 10. 7. Employee is placed in tenure group 0. 8. Conversion under this authority may only occur with prior approval from OPM. Please contact the Student Programs Office at [email protected] for additional


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Chapter 11. Excepted Service Appointments 11-19

Table 11-B. Excepted Appointments Based on Exercise of Reemployment or Restoration Rights

Rule If the person And Then


NOA Is Auth Code Is And Authority Is (See Notes 1-4 of this table)

1 Is exercising statutory restoration rights upon return from uniformed service

Appointment held prior to the separation upon which restoration is based was without time limitation

170 Exc Appt QAK and (Cite auth code for the appointment held prior to the separation upon which restoration is based)

Reg. 353.207 and (Cite authority for the appointment held prior to the separation upon which restoration is based) 2 Appointment held prior to

the separation upon which restoration is based was temporary

171 Exc Appt NTE (date)

3 Is ordered by MSPB directive to be restored to duty when person appeals failure to restore or improper restoration after uniformed service (see Note 5 of this table)

Appointment held prior to the separation upon which restoration is based was without time limitation

170 Exc Appt ALM and (Cite auth code for the appointment held prior to the separation upon which restoration is based)

MSPB Directive—US and (Cite authority for the appointment held prior to the separation upon which restoration is based) 4 Appointment held prior to

the separation upon which restoration is based was temporary

171 Exc Appt NTE (date)

5 Is exercising statutory restoration rights upon full recovery from a compensable injury

170 Exc Appt QBK and (Cite auth code for the appointment held prior to the separation upon which reemployment is based)

Reg. 353.301 and (Cite authority for the appointment held prior to the separation upon which restoration is based)

6 Is appointed based on his or her partial recovery from a compensable injury

QCK and (Cite auth code for the appointment held prior to the separation upon which reemployment is based)

Reg. 353.301(d) and (Cite authority for the appointment held prior to the separation upon which reemployment is based)

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Table 11-B. Excepted Appointments Based on Exercise of Reemployment or Restoration Rights (Continued)

Rule If the person And Then NOAC is NOA Is Auth Code Is

And Authority Is

(See Notes 1-4 of this table) 7 Is ordered by MSPB

Directive to be restored to duty after person appeals failure to restore or improper restoration upon recovery from compensable injury (see Note 5 of this table)

170 Exc Appt AQM and (Cite auth code for the appointment held prior to the separation upon which restoration is based)

MSPB Directive Inj and (Cite authority for the appointment held prior to the separation upon which restoration is based)

8 Exercises reemployment rights after having moved between executive agencies during an emergency

PWM and (Cite auth code for the appointment held prior to the separation upon which reemployment is based)

Reg. 352.204 and (Cite authority for the appointment held prior to the separation upon which reemployment is based)

9 Exercises reemployment rights after having transferred to an international organization

Is not on your agency’s rolls 170 Exc Appt P3M and (Cite auth code for the appointment held prior to the separation upon which reemployment is based)

Reg. 352.311 and (Cite authority for the appointment held prior to the separation upon which reemployment is based)

10 Exercises reinstatement rights after serving in the Agency for International Development under sections 233(d) and 625(b) of the Foreign Assistance Act

P5M and (Cite auth code for the appointment held prior to the separation upon which reemployment is based)

Reg. 352.507 and (Cite authority for the appointment held prior to the separation upon which reemployment is based)

11 Is already on the rolls of your agency

570 Conv to Exc Appt

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Chapter 11. Excepted Service Appointments 11-21

Table 11-B. Excepted Appointments Based on Exercise of Reemployment or Restoration Rights (Continued)

Rule If the person And Then NOAC is NOA Is Auth Code Is

And Authority Is

(See Notes 1-4 of this table) 12 Exercises reemployment

rights after service with the American Institute in Taiwan

Is not on your agency’s rolls 170 Exc Appt P7M Reg. 352.803

13 Exercises reemployment rights under circumstances not covered in Rules 1-12

ZRM and (Cite auth code for the appointment held prior to the separation upon which reemployment is based)

(Cite authority for the reemployment) and (Cite authority for the appointment held prior to the separation upon which reemployment is based)

14 Is already on the rolls of your agency

570 Conv to Exc Appt

ZRM and (Cite auth code for the appointment held prior to the separation upon which reemployment is based)

(Cite authority for the reemployment) and (Cite authority for the appointment held prior to the separation upon which reemployment is based)

NOTES: 1. ZLM: Other Citation (Law, E.O., or Reg) may be cited in addition to any other authority or authorities required by this Table. Cite ZLM immediately after the

authority or authorities required by this table. 2. If an SF 59 was obtained from OPM for the action, also include with the authorities ABM: SF 59 approved (date). Cite ABM as the last authority. 3. For information on Schedule A, B, C, >and D< see part 213 of title 5, Code of Federal Regulations. For authority codes for Schedules A, B, C, >and D< see

Figure 11-1, or The Guide to Data Standards. 4. On a restoration or reemployment action, cite as the second authority the one that was used for the last appointment or conversion to appointment that occurred

before the employee left his or her agency. Use The Guide to Data Standards to identify the code for that legal authority. 5. If MSPB determines restoration was improper, cancel it following instructions in Chapter 32 of this Guide.

>Pages 11-22 thru 11-24 are blank.<

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Chapter 11. Excepted Service Appointments 11-25

Table 11-C. Remarks to be Shown on SF 50 (See Note 1 of this table)

Rule If And Then Remark Code Is And Remark Is 1 Employee was required to complete

an appointment affidavit, SF 61. M01 Appointment affidavit executed (date).

2 Action is an appointment or a conversion to appointment

M39 Creditable Military Service: (enter yrs and mos, e.g., “6 yrs, 7 mos”) [This remark is not required for reemployed Civil Service annuitants. For other employees, where there is no prior military service, enter “none;” otherwise, follow the instructions in Chapter 6 to calculate years and months of service.]

3 M40 Previous Retirement Coverage: (enter “never covered” or “previously covered”) [“Previously covered” indicates that employee was previously covered by the CSRS or the FERS.]

4 Employee is *** a Recent Graduate or Fellow under the Pathways Programs

A36 The duration of a Pathways appointment under Sch D is a trial period.

5 >Appointment or conversion to appointment action requires employee to complete a trial period and rule 4 is not applicable<

Employee has not completed that trial period

>Determined by employing agency (see

Note 9 of this table)

Determined by employing agency (see Note 9 of this table).<

6 Employee has already completed that trial period

E03 Trial period completed.

7 Employee is given excepted appointment in an agency which uses an appointment system equivalent to the career-conditional appointment system in the competitive service

Employee has not completed the service requirement for Tenure Group I

T09 Service counting towards permanent tenure from (date).

8 Employee has completed the service requirement for Tenure Group I

T08 Service counting towards permanent tenure from (date) to (date).

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Table 11-C. Remarks to be Shown on SF 50 (See Note 1 of this table) (Continued)

Rule If And Then Remark Code Is And Remark Is

9 Employee qualified for position under a training agreement under which he or she is placed directly into target occupation without first meeting qualification standards

E56 Qualified for this position only under training agreement. Not eligible for other positions in this series until satisfactorily completes prescribed training.

10 Employee is a seasonal employee, i.e., one who is employed under conditions requiring a recurring period of employment of less than 2080 hours per year in which he or she is placed in nonpay status in accordance with pre-established conditions of employment

A01 Appointment is on a seasonal basis; the employee is subject to release to nonpay status and recall to duty to meet workload requirements as a condition of employment in accordance with the attached agreement. (see Note 3 of this table)

11 Appointment is indefinite, i.e., nonpermanent without a definite time limitation, and there is no plan (or employee is not eligible under any existing plan) for movement into the agency's permanent workforce without new examination of qualifications

E01 Appointment is indefinite.

12 Employee is currently serving in tenure group “0”

Has completed one year of current continuous employment

T11 Completed 1 year of current continuous service. (See Note 4 of this table)

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Chapter 11. Excepted Service Appointments 11-27

Table 11-C. Remarks to be Shown on SF 50 (See Note 1 of this table) (Continued)

Rule If And Then

Remark Code Is

And Remark Is

13 Action is a Provisional Appt NTE or a Conversion to Provisional Appt NTE

E58 Appointment is on a provisional basis. You are eligible for retirement coverage and for health benefits and life insurance. If your performance is satisfactory, and you meet all legal, qualifications, and other applicable requirements, you may be converted to a nontemporary appointment before this appointment expires.

14 Employee is given a time-limited appointment (NOA 171), or a time-limited appointment is extended

M06 Reason for temporary appointment: (state reason)

15 Appointment is made under Schedule A, Sec. 213.3102(o)

This is the employee's first appointment under the authority during the service year (see Note 5 of this table)

A11 Employment under this appointment must not exceed (number) working days a year.

16 Appointment authority limits the number of days employee may work during a service year

Employee is served in your agency under another appointment under the same authority within the past year (see Note 5 of this table)

A12 Employment under this and previous appointment must not exceed (number) working days a year.

17 Appointment authority limits the number of hours employee may work during a service year

This is the employee's first appointment under this authority during the service year (see Note 5 of this table)

A07 Employment under this appointment must not exceed (number) hours a year.

18 Appointment authority limits the number of hours employee may work during a service year

Employee has served in your agency under another appointment under this authority within the past year (see Note 5 of this table)

A08 Employment under this and previous appointment must not exceed (number) hours a year.

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Table 11-C. Remarks to be Shown on SF 50 (See Note 1 of this table) (Continued)

Rule If And Then

Remark Code Is

And Remark Is

19 Appointment is made under Schedule A, Sec. 213.3102(e)

A22 This appointment cannot be renewed. Upon admission to the Bar, you will be eligible for appointment as attorney in accordance with (agency) appointment procedures.

20 Employee is subject to the SL or ST pay system

The rate of basic pay is equal to or above the specified limit that subjects an employee to coverage by the post-employment restrictions under 18 U.S.C. 207(c) – (i.e., 86.5% of the rate for level II of the Executive Schedule)

M97 Employee subject to post-employment restrictions under 18 U.S.C. 207(c)

21 Appointment is made under the Pathways Programs as a Recent Graduate or Fellow under Sch D, 213.3402(b) or (c) (see Note 6 of this table)

A37 Appointment cannot exceed 2 years plus any agency approved extension of no more than 120 days. Upon satisfactory completion of the program you may be noncompetitively converted to a permanent appointment. If your performance is not satisfactory or if you fail to satisfactorily complete this program employment will be terminated.

22 Appointment is made under the Pathways Programs under Sch D, 213.3402 as an Intern, Recent Graduate, or Presidential Management Fellow (see Note 6 of this table)

The employee is currently employed under a nontemporary appointment in the competitive service

A38 Employee informed in advance of the conditions of appointment under the Pathways Programs

23 Appointment is made under the Pathways Programs as an Intern under Sch D, 213.3402(a) (see Note 6 of this table)

A39 This appointment is intended to continue through completion of education and work requirements. An agency may noncompetitively appoint you to a >term,< career or career-conditional appointment >in the competitive service< within 120 days after satisfactory completion of your educational program and satisfactory completion of at least 640 hours of career-related work experience. The work experience must have been completed prior to or concurrently with the completion of the requirements of your educational program.

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Chapter 11. Excepted Service Appointments 11-29

Table 11-C. Remarks to be Shown on SF 50 (See Note 1 of this table) (Continued)

Rule If And Then Remark Code Is And Remark Is

24 Appointment is made under the Internship Program on a NTE basis (Sch D, 213.3402(a) and Reg. 362.203(d)(ii)) (see Note 12)

Appointment does not confer eligibility to be noncompetitively converted to a term, career or career-conditional appointment

A32 This appointment does not confer eligibility to be noncompetitively converted to a term, career or career-conditional appointment in the competitive service.

25 Appointment may confer eligibility to be noncompetitively converted to a term, career or career-conditional appointment

A35 This appointment may confer eligibility to be noncompetitively converted to a term, career or career-conditional appointment in the competitive service.

26 >Employee is eligible for SoleSurvivorship veterans preference

Block 23 of the SF-50 reflects “7” E59 When “7” is reflected in block 23 above, employee is entitled to: No Points/Sole Survivorship Preference<

27 Appointment is made under the Veterans Recruitment Appointment (VRA)-5 CFR, part 307 (see Note 6 of this table)

Appointment is to a competitive service agency and not to an excepted service agency or organization

A03 This appointment is intended to continue for 2 years. Upon satisfactory completion of 2-year trial period, you will be noncompetitively converted to career-conditional or career appointment. If performance is not satisfactory or you fail to satisfactorily complete program, employment will be terminated.

28 Employee is already on the rolls of your agency

Will serve on two (or more) appointments at the same time

M36 Concurrent employment: (identify position or agency unit where concurrently employed)

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Table 11-C. Remarks to be Shown on SF 50 (See Note 1 of this table) (Continued)

Rule If And Then Remark Code Is And Remark Is

29 Action is a conversion to another appointment of an employee who is being retained on the agency's rolls under a temporary exception to RIF release

The retention has been documented with a 755/Exception to RIF Release action

K60 Action is in lieu of RIF separation of employee retained under temporary exception.

30 Employee is on the rolls of another agency on a part-time or intermittent appointment (see Note 7 of this table)

Will continue in that status after appointment in your agency

M34 On part-time or (intermittent) appointment in (agency).

31 Employee is on the rolls of another agency in a nonpay status (see Note 7 of this table)

M33 On nonpay status in (agency).

32 Employee is moving between executive agencies

Has reemployment rights in former agency or office

M02 You have reemployment rights for two years in (former agency) granted under Reg. 352.204 and OPM letter of (date).

33 Employee is a Special Government Employee as defined in sec. 202 of title 18, U.S. Code

E21 You are subject to regulations governing conduct and responsibilities of Special Government Employees.

34 Employee is converted from an SES appointment

Action is because of employee's less than fully successful performance in the SES position or because of employee's failure to be recertified in the SES

M58 No SES reinstatement rights.

35 Employee declined conversion to an SES appointment

Position to which employee is being assigned is an SES position

M52 Employee declined conversion to the Senior Executive Service and continues under (enter: type of appointment) with all associated rights and benefits.

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Chapter 11. Excepted Service Appointments 11-31

Table 11-C. Remarks to be Shown on SF 50 (See Note 1 of this table) (Continued)

Rule If And Then Remark Code Is And Remark Is

36 Employee receives Presidential appointment that requires Senate confirmation

Appointment follows an SES Career Appt without a break in service and the employee elects to continue SES pay and/or benefits

E54 Employee elects to continue appropriate SES provisions under 5 U.S.C. 3392

37 Employee was a career appointee in the SES who voluntarily requested a change to a position in the excepted service

M20 Action at employee's request.

38 Appointment is at salary rate above minimum rate of the grade

P04 >Pay set using the superior qualificationsand special needs pay-setting authorityunder 5 CFR 531.212.<

39 Employee is appointed to or converted to a position for which special higher-than-usual pay rate has been established under 5 U.S.C. 5305 to recruit and retain qualified employees

P05 Special rate under 5 U.S.C. 5305.

40 Employee is appointed to or converted to a supervisory GS position in which he or she supervises higher paid employees under another pay system

Employee receives a supervisory differential

P72 Salary in block 20 includes supervisory differential of $________.

41 Employee's salary will be based on his or her highest previous rate of pay

Salary for current action is based on that higher rate

P01 Previously employed at (pay plan; grade, level, or band; rate).

42 Agency cannot verify salary before action is effected

P03 Pay rate shown is subject to upward retroactive adjustment upon verification of prior service.

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Table 11-C. Remarks to be Shown on SF 50 (See Note 1 of this table) (Continued)

Rule If And Then Remark Code Is And Remark Is

43 Rate increase (other than a WGI) is due on effective date of action

A separate SF 50 is not being processed for the rate increase

P02 Pay rate fixed to include rate increase due on same date.

44 Employee is returning after service with the American Institute in Taiwan an international organization, military service, or absence due to compensable injury

Rate of pay includes increases he or she earned while absent

P06 Pay rate includes rate changes (e.g., within-grade increases) to which employee would have been entitled had he or she remained continuously in Federal service.

45 Employee was promoted or reassigned while absent

K38 Promoted (or reassigned) from (former position and grade, level, or band), effective (date).

46 Employee is entitled to grade retention under 5 U.S.C. 5362

X37 Employee is entitled to retain grade of (pay plan and grade) through (date).

47 X61 Retained grade will not be used for purposes of reduction-in- force.

48 X45 Retained grade will be used to determine employee's pay, retirement and insurance benefits, and promotion and training eligibility.

49 Retained grade is equivalent to grade actually held by the employee prior to the reduction which entitled employee to grade retention

X35 (see Note 8 of this


The retained pay plan and grade (pay plan and grade) is equivalent to (pay plan and grade), the position from which reduced.

50 Employee will be entitled another period of grade retention when the current period has ended

X38 (see Note 8 of this


On (date) employee will be entitled to retain grade of (pay plan and grade) through (date) provided the preceding period of grade retention is not terminated earlier.

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Chapter 11. Excepted Service Appointments 11-33

Table 11-C. Remarks to be Shown on SF 50 (See Note 1 of this table) (Continued)

Rule If And Then Remark Code Is And Remark Is

51 Employee was entitled to grade retention under 5 U.S.C. 5362 on previous position

Employee has accepted a change to a lower grade position for personal cause

X36 Grade retention entitlement terminated. No further entitlement to grade or pay retention.

52 Employee was entitled to grade retention under 5 U.S.C. 5362 on previous position

Employee has accepted a change to a lower grade position for personal cause

X49 Change to lower grade, level, or band is for personal cause.

53 Employee who is moved out of SES is entitled to a retained rate of pay higher than the pay of the position in which he or she is placed

X40 Employee is entitled to pay retention.

54 Employee is entitled to pay retention under 5 U.S.C. 5363 55 Employee's salary is 150% of the maximum

rate of the grade to which assigned X41 Salary is 150% of maximum rate of grade,

level, or band to which assigned.

56 Employee was entitled to pay retention under 5 U.S.C. 5363 on previous position

Employee has accepted a change to a lower grade position for personal cause

X49 Change to lower grade, level, or band is for personal cause.

57 X42 Pay retention entitlement is terminated.

58 Employee has been receiving severance pay or is eligible to begin receiving severance pay from another agency.

Is given a temporary appointment. N24 Severance pay suspended by (agency paying the full severance pay) until termination of this appointment.

59 Appointment is not described in Rule 58 N25 Severance pay discontinued. Employee has received (total number) weeks of severance pay.

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Table 11-C. Remarks to be Shown on SF 50 (See Note 1 of this table) (Continued)

Rule If And Then Remark Code Is And Remark Is

60 Employee is a senior political appointee whose position is subject to the >pay freeze for certain senior political officials<

P83 The pay rate of an employee occupying a position subject to >the pay freeze for certain senior political officials< shall be based on the rate of pay and applicable pay limitations in effect on December 31, 2013.

61 Employee's total salary includes payment for AUO

P81 Salary in block 20 includes AUO of $_______.

62 Reserved

63 Employee's total salary includes availability pay

P99 Salary in block 20 includes availability pay of $________.

64 Employee who is reemployed under FICA, CSRS, or CSRS-Offset, is eligible to elect FERS as provided in Chapter 11 of The CSRS and FERS Handbook

Employee has been given SF 3109, FERS Election of Coverage, and receipt copy has been filed in employee's OPF

B60 Eligible to elect coverage under the Federal Employees Retirement System (FERS) within 6 months of the effective date of this personnel action. SF 3109 provided to employee.

65 Employee's retirement code will be “C,” “E,” “K,” “L,” “M,” or “N”

M38 Frozen Service: (enter yrs and mos, e.g., “20 yrs, 5 mos”)

66 Employee's retirement code will be “K,” “L,” “M,” or “N”

Employee previously elected coverage under FERS

M46 Employee is covered by FERS because of previous election.

67 Employee's retirement code will be “K,” “L,” “M,” “N”, ”KR”, “LR”, “MR”, “NR”, ”KF”, “LF”, “MF”, “NF”, or “OF”

Rule 66 does not apply M45 Employee is automatically covered under FERS, FERS-RAE or FERS-FRAE.

68 Employee has elected to retain coverage under a retirement system for NAF employees

B63 Elected to retain coverage under a retirement system for NAF employees.

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Chapter 11. Excepted Service Appointments 11-35

Table 11-C. Remarks to be Shown on SF 50 (See Note 1 of this table) (Continued)

Rule If And Then Remark Code Is And Remark Is

69 Employee is eligible for life insurance coverage

Is working on a part-time schedule B51 Basic Life insurance coverage and Additional Optional coverage (if elected) are based on the rate of annual salary payable to you as a part-time employee, not the full- time salary rate shown in block 20 of this SF 50. However, Basic Life insurance coverage is always at least $10,000.

70 Employee is eligible for health benefits coverage

Is working on a part-time schedule of 16-32 hours per week covered by the Federal Employees Part- Time Career Employment Act of 1978

B43 Government share of premium for health benefits coverage will be reduced because you are working part-time. You will have to pay the employee share of the premium plus the difference between what the Government pays for your enrollment and the amount the Government pays for a full-time employee.

71 Employee elected health benefits coverage on last appointment

That coverage will continue B44 Health benefits coverage continues.

72 Employee moves from the jurisdiction of one payroll office to the jurisdiction of another (whether in same agency or in another agency)

Elected not to enroll health benefits plan while in previous agency or office

B02 Elected not to enroll for health benefits.

73 Canceled enrollment while in previous agency or office

B01 Canceled health benefits.

74 Employment is on a short-term basis (i.e., employee is expected to work less than 6 months in each year) or is working on an intermittent basis

B03 Ineligible for health benefits.

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Table 11-C. Remarks to be Shown on SF 50 (See Note 1 of this table) (Continued)

Rule If And Then Remark Code Is And Remark Is

75 Action is appointment NTE or conversion to appointment NTE (NOA 171 or 571)

Is not described in Rule 74, use of remark code T11 is not applicable, and employee has not already made a health benefits enrollment decision

B52 Ineligible for health benefits until you complete 1 year of current continuous employment. Then you may elect health benefits for which you will be charged the full premium.

76 Conversion is from intermittent employment without compensation (WC)

G29 Intermittent employment totaled (number) hours in work status from (date) to (date).

77 Conversion is from intermittent employment with pay

G30 Intermittent employment totaled (number) hours in pay status from (date) to (date).

78 Reserved 79 Employee is not eligible to earn annual or

sick leave B04 Ineligible for leave.

80 Office that provides personnel service (including OPF maintenance) is not at the same location or is not part of the same organization as the one to which the employee is assigned (e.g., employee is located in Europe and OPF is maintained in Washington, DC, or employee works for agency A and receives personnel service from agency B).

M10 OPF maintained by (name and address of office).

81 Will be reemployed annuitant A17 As a reemployed annuitant, you serve at the will of the appointing officer.

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Chapter 11. Excepted Service Appointments 11-37

Table 11-C. Remarks to be Shown on SF 50 (See Note 1 of this table) (Continued)

Rule If And Then Remark Code Is And Remark Is

82 Will be reemployed annuitant Salary will be reduced by the amount of the annuity because neither the Office of Personnel Management nor the agency has approved a waiver under 5 CFR, part 533

P08 Annual salary to be reduced by the amount of your retirement annuity and by further cost of living increases.

83 P90 You are required to submit to the personnel office a copy of any subsequent notice from OPM of any change in your gross annuity rate. (See Note 10 of this table)

84 P10 Annuity at present is $ pa. (See Note 11 of this table)

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Table 11-C. Remarks to be Shown on SF 50 (See Note 1 of this table) (Continued)

Rule If And Then

Remark Code Is

And Remark Is

85 Reserved 86 > Appointment is for a temporary,

seasonal, or intermittent employeeEmployee is expected to work a schedule of less than 130 hours in a calendar month or is expected to work at least 130 hours in a calendar month for less than 90 days

B07 Ineligible for health benefits if you are a temporary, seasonal, or intermittent employee who is expected to work a schedule of less than 130 hours in a calendar month or you are expected to work at least 130 hours in a calendar month but for less than 90 days. <

87 Employee receiving credit for non-Federal service under Section 6303(e) of title 5, United States Code, that other wise would not be creditable

B73 You are receiving (enter yrs. and mos., e.g., 2 yrs., 6 mos.) credit towards your SCD-Leave shown in Block 31 for the following period(s) of non-Federal service: (list all applicable “from” and “to” dates). This time is permanently creditable unless you fail to complete 1 full year of continuous service with this agency.

88 Employee receiving credit for active duty uniformed service under Section 6303(e) of title 5, United States Code, that other wise would not be creditable

B74 You are receiving (enter yrs. and mos., e.g., 2 yrs., 6 mos.) credit towards your SCD-Leave shown in Block 31 for the following period(s) of active duty military service: (list all applicable “from” and “to” dates). This time is permanently creditable unless you fail to complete 1 full year of continuous service with this agency.

NOTES: 1. Use as many remarks as are applicable.2. Reserved.3. Be sure to attach to the employee copy of the SF 50 a copy of his or her employment or working agreement.4. Tenure group in block 24 changes to “3.”5. Service year means a consecutive 12 month period beginning with date of the first appointment under a specific authority. Calendar year means the 12-month period

beginning on January 1 and ending on December 31. Unless otherwise stated, appointments limited to a specific number of hours during a year refer to a “serviceyear.” Thus, if an appointment is limited to 1040 hours during a year, the year begins on date of the appointment and runs for 12 consecutive months from that date.

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Chapter 11. Excepted Service Appointments 11-39

NOTES: (continued)

6. Employees are placed in Tenure Group II.7. Send copy of appointment Standard Form 50 to employee’s servicing personnel office in the other agency (reference 5 U.S.C. 5533).8. Use this remark in addition to those required under Rules 45-48.9. The first character of the code must be either Y or Z and the agency’s remark should address the duration of the trial period. Further guidance on establishing remarks

internal to an agency is in Chapter 1, Section 1-4c(2) of this Guide.10. When the employee submits the notice of annuity adjustment, follow your agency’s procedures to forward it to the payroll office.11. To determine the annual (pa) rate, multiply by 12 the gross monthly annuity shown on the notice of annuity adjustment from the Office of Personnel Management.12. Employees are placed in Tenure Group 0.

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Figure 11-1. Legal Authority Codes Used For Schedule A, B, C, and D Appointments

For appointments under

Sch A, 213.3102(a)














213.3102(u) - Severe Physical Disabilities - Intellectual Disability- Psychiatric Disability


Use Legal Authority Code: >(See The Guide to Data

Standards for translations)<

















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Chapter 11. Excepted Service Appointments 11-41

Figure 11-1. Legal Authority Codes Used For Schedule A, B, C, >and D< Appointments (continued)

For appointments under

Sch A, 213.3102(z)





213.31xx - Agency unique Sch A authority

Sch B, 213.3202(j)



213.32xx. Agency-unique Schedule B authority

Sch C, 213.33xx. Agency-unique Schedule C authority

213.3302(a) Temp. transitional Sch C

Authority other than Sch C, 213.33xx, (i.e., Law or E.O. which establishes a Sch C Position)

Sch D, 213.3402(a) Intern Program

213.3402(b) Recent Graduates Program

213.3402(c) Presidential Management Fellows Program

Use Legal Authority Code: >(See The Guide to Data

Standards for translations)<

















* Effective as of November 30, 1999, agencies may no longer make new appointments under this authority;however, prior appointees under this authority may be promoted, demoted, or reassigned within theappointing agency while remaining under this appointing authority as long as there is no break in service.