chapter 10: binary search...

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Page 1: CHAPTER 10: Binary Search… · Binary Search Trees •A binary search tree is a binary tree with the added

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is an imprint of


Binary Search Trees

Java Software Structures:

Designing and Using Data Structures

Third Edition

John Lewis & Joseph Chase

Page 2: CHAPTER 10: Binary Search… · Binary Search Trees •A binary search tree is a binary tree with the added


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Chapter Objectives

• Define a binary search tree abstract data structure

• Demonstrate how a binary search tree can be used to solve problems

• Examine various binary search tree implementations

• Compare binary search tree implementations

Page 3: CHAPTER 10: Binary Search… · Binary Search Trees •A binary search tree is a binary tree with the added


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Binary Search Trees

• A binary search tree is a binary tree with the added property that for each node, the left child is less than the parent is less than or equal to the right child

• Given this refinement of our earlier definition of a binary tree, we can now include additional operations

Page 4: CHAPTER 10: Binary Search… · Binary Search Trees •A binary search tree is a binary tree with the added


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The operations on a binary search tree

Page 5: CHAPTER 10: Binary Search… · Binary Search Trees •A binary search tree is a binary tree with the added


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* BinarySearchTreeADT defines the interface to a binary search tree.


* @author Dr. Lewis

* @author Dr. Chase

* @version 1.0, 8/19/08


package jss2;

public interface BinarySearchTreeADT<T> extends BinaryTreeADT<T>



* Adds the specified element to the proper location in this tree.


* @param element the element to be added to this tree


public void addElement (T element);

Page 6: CHAPTER 10: Binary Search… · Binary Search Trees •A binary search tree is a binary tree with the added


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BinarySearchTreeADT (continued)


* Removes and returns the specified element from this tree.


* @param targetElement the element to be removed from this tree

* @return the element removed from this tree


public T removeElement (T targetElement);


* Removes all occurences of the specified element from this tree.


* @param targetElement the element that the list will have all instances

* of it removed


public void removeAllOccurrences (T targetElement);


* Removes and returns the smallest element from this tree.


* @return the smallest element from this tree.


public T removeMin();

Page 7: CHAPTER 10: Binary Search… · Binary Search Trees •A binary search tree is a binary tree with the added


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BinarySearchTreeADT (continued)


* Removes and returns the largest element from this tree.


* @return the largest element from this tree


public T removeMax();


* Returns a reference to the smallest element in this tree.


* @return a reference to the smallest element in this tree


public T findMin();


* Returns a reference to the largest element in this tree.


* @return a reference to the largest element in this tree


public T findMax();


Page 8: CHAPTER 10: Binary Search… · Binary Search Trees •A binary search tree is a binary tree with the added


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UML description of the


Page 9: CHAPTER 10: Binary Search… · Binary Search Trees •A binary search tree is a binary tree with the added


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Implementing Binary Search Trees

With Links

• We can simply extend our definition of a

LinkedBinaryTree to create a


• This class will provide two constructors,

one to create an empty tree and the other

to create a one-element binary tree

Page 10: CHAPTER 10: Binary Search… · Binary Search Trees •A binary search tree is a binary tree with the added


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* LinkedBinarySearchTree implements the BinarySearchTreeADT interface

* with links.


* @author Dr. Lewis

* @author Dr. Chase

* @version 1.0, 8/19/08


package jss2;

import jss2.exceptions.*;

import jss2.*;

public class LinkedBinarySearchTree<T> extends LinkedBinaryTree<T>

implements BinarySearchTreeADT<T>



* Creates an empty binary search tree.


public LinkedBinarySearchTree()




Page 11: CHAPTER 10: Binary Search… · Binary Search Trees •A binary search tree is a binary tree with the added


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LinkedBinarySearchTree (cont.)


* Creates a binary search with the specified element as its root.


* @param element the element that will be the root of the new binary

* search tree


public LinkedBinarySearchTree (T element)


super (element);


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Implementing Binary Search Trees

With Links

• Now that we know more about how this

tree is to be used (and structured) it is

possible to define a method to add an

element to the tree

• The addElement method finds the proper

location for the given element and adds it

there as a leaf

Page 13: CHAPTER 10: Binary Search… · Binary Search Trees •A binary search tree is a binary tree with the added


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LinkedBinarySearchTree -

addElement /**

* Adds the specified object to the binary search tree in the

* appropriate position according to its key value. Note that

* equal elements are added to the right.


* @param element the element to be added to the binary search tree


public void addElement (T element)


BinaryTreeNode<T> temp = new BinaryTreeNode<T> (element);

Comparable<T> comparableElement = (Comparable<T>)element;

if (isEmpty())

root = temp;



BinaryTreeNode<T> current = root;

boolean added = false;

while (!added)


if (comparableElement.compareTo(current.element) < 0)


if (current.left == null)

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LinkedBinarySearchTree –

addElement (continued)


current.left = temp;

added = true;



current = current.left;




if (current.right == null)


current.right = temp;

added = true;



current = current.right;






Page 15: CHAPTER 10: Binary Search… · Binary Search Trees •A binary search tree is a binary tree with the added


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Adding elements to a binary search tree

Page 16: CHAPTER 10: Binary Search… · Binary Search Trees •A binary search tree is a binary tree with the added


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Removing Elements

• Removing elements from a binary search

tree requires

– Finding the element to be removed

– If that element is not a leaf, then replace it with

its inorder successor

– Return the removed element

Page 17: CHAPTER 10: Binary Search… · Binary Search Trees •A binary search tree is a binary tree with the added


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Removing Elements

• The removeElement method makes use of

a private replacement method to find the

proper element to replace a non-leaf

element that is removed

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LinkedBinarySearchTree -



* Removes the first element that matches the specified target

* element from the binary search tree and returns a reference to

* it. Throws a ElementNotFoundException if the specified target

* element is not found in the binary search tree.


* @param targetElement the element being sought in the binary

* search tree

* @throws ElementNotFoundException if an element not found exception occurs


public T removeElement (T targetElement)

throws ElementNotFoundException


T result = null;

if (!isEmpty())


if (((Comparable)targetElement).equals(root.element))


result = root.element;

root = replacement (root);



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LinkedBinarySearchTree –

removeElement (continued)



BinaryTreeNode<T> current, parent = root;

boolean found = false;

if (((Comparable)targetElement).compareTo(root.element) < 0)

current = root.left;


current = root.right;

while (current != null && !found)


if (targetElement.equals(current.element))


found = true;


result = current.element;

if (current == parent.left)


parent.left = replacement (current);


Page 20: CHAPTER 10: Binary Search… · Binary Search Trees •A binary search tree is a binary tree with the added


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LinkedBinarySearchTree –

removeElement (continued)



parent.right = replacement (current);





parent = current;

if (((Comparable)targetElement).compareTo(current.element) < 0)

current = current.left;


current = current.right;


} //while

if (!found)

throw new ElementNotFoundException("binary search tree");


} // end outer if

return result;


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LinkedBinarySearchTree -



* Returns a reference to a node that will replace the one

* specified for removal. In the case where the removed node has

* two children, the inorder successor is used as its replacement.


* @param node the node to be removeed

* @return a reference to the replacing node


protected BinaryTreeNode<T> replacement (BinaryTreeNode<T> node)


BinaryTreeNode<T> result = null;

if ((node.left == null)&&(node.right==null))

result = null;

else if ((node.left != null)&&(node.right==null))

result = node.left;

else if ((node.left == null)&&(node.right != null))

result = node.right;

Page 22: CHAPTER 10: Binary Search… · Binary Search Trees •A binary search tree is a binary tree with the added


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LinkedBinarySearchTree –

replacement (continued)



BinaryTreeNode<T> current = node.right;

BinaryTreeNode<T> parent = node;

while (current.left != null)


parent = current;

current = current.left;


if (node.right == current)

current.left = node.left;



parent.left = current.right;

current.right = node.right;

current.left = node.left;


result = current;


return result;


Page 23: CHAPTER 10: Binary Search… · Binary Search Trees •A binary search tree is a binary tree with the added


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Removing elements from a binary tree

Page 24: CHAPTER 10: Binary Search… · Binary Search Trees •A binary search tree is a binary tree with the added


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Removing All Occurrences

• The removeAllOccurrences method removes all occurrences of an element from the tree

• This method uses the removeElement method

• This method makes a distinction between the first call and successive calls to the removeElement method

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LinkedBinarySearchTree -



* Removes elements that match the specified target element from

* the binary search tree. Throws a ElementNotFoundException if

* the sepcified target element is not found in this tree.


* @param targetElement the element being sought in the binary \

* search tree

* @throws ElementNotFoundException if an element not found exception occurs


public void removeAllOccurrences (T targetElement)

throws ElementNotFoundException





while (contains( (T) targetElement))



catch (Exception ElementNotFoundException)




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The removeMin Operation

• There are three cases for the location of the minimum element in a binary search tree: – If the root has no left child, then the root is the

minimum element and the right child of the root becomes the new root

– If the leftmost node of the tree is a leaf, then we set its parent’s left child reference to null

– If the leftmost node of the tree is an internal node, then we set its parent’s left child reference to point to the right child of the node to be removed

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LinkedBinarySearchTree -



* Removes the node with the least value from the binary search

* tree and returns a reference to its element. Throws an

* EmptyBinarySearchTreeException if this tree is empty.


* @return a reference to the node with the least

* value

* @throws EmptyCollectionException if an empty collection exception occurs


public T removeMin() throws EmptyCollectionException


T result = null;

if (isEmpty())

throw new EmptyCollectionException ("binary search tree");



if (root.left == null)


result = root.element;

root = root.right;


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LinkedBinarySearchTree –

removeMin (continued)



BinaryTreeNode<T> parent = root;

BinaryTreeNode<T> current = root.left;

while (current.left != null)


parent = current;

current = current.left;


result = current.element;

parent.left = current.right;




return result;


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Removing the minimum element from a binary

search tree

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Implementing Binary Search Trees

with Arrays

• Just as we have done with the LinkedBinarySearchTree we can extend our ArrayBinaryTree from chapter 9 to create an ArrayBinarySearchTree

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* ArrayBinarySearchTree implements a binary search tree using an array.


* @author Dr. Lewis

* @author Dr. Chase

* @version 1.0, 8/19/08


package jss2;

import java.util.Iterator;

import jss2.exceptions.*;

import jss2.*;

public class ArrayBinarySearchTree<T> extends ArrayBinaryTree<T>

implements BinarySearchTreeADT<T>


protected int height;

protected int maxIndex;

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ArrayBinarySearchTree (continued)


* Creates an empty binary search tree.


public ArrayBinarySearchTree()



height = 0;

maxIndex = -1;



* Creates a binary search with the specified element as its

* root.


* @param element the element that will become the root of the new tree


public ArrayBinarySearchTree (T element)



height = 1;

maxIndex = 0;


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ArrayBinarySearchTree - addElement


* Adds the specified object to this binary search tree in the

* appropriate position according to its key value. Note that

* equal elements are added to the right. Also note that the

* index of the left child of the current index can be found by

* doubling the current index and adding 1. Finding the index

* of the right child can be calculated by doubling the current

* index and adding 2.


* @param element the element to be added to the search tree


public void addElement (T element)


if (tree.length < maxIndex*2+3)


Comparable<T> tempelement = (Comparable<T>)element;

if (isEmpty())


tree[0] = element;

maxIndex = 0;



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ArrayBinarySearchTree - addElement


boolean added = false;

int currentIndex = 0;

while (!added)


if (tempelement.compareTo((tree[currentIndex]) ) < 0)


/** go left */

if (tree[currentIndex*2+1] == null)


tree[currentIndex*2+1] = element;

added = true;

if (currentIndex*2+1 > maxIndex)

maxIndex = currentIndex*2+1;



currentIndex = currentIndex*2+1;


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ArrayBinarySearchTree - addElement



/** go right */

if (tree[currentIndex*2+2] == null)


tree[currentIndex*2+2] = element;

added = true;

if (currentIndex*2+2 > maxIndex)

maxIndex = currentIndex*2+2;



currentIndex = currentIndex*2+2;




height = (int)(Math.log(maxIndex + 1) / Math.log(2)) + 1;



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Using Binary Search Trees:

Implementing Ordered Lists

• Lets look at an example using a binary

search tree to provide an efficient

implementation of an ordered list

• For simplicity, we will implement both the

ListADT and the OrderedListADT in the

BinarySearchTreeList class

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The common operations on a list

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The operation particular to an ordered list

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The BinarySearchTreeList class


* BinarySearchTreeList represents an ordered list implemented using a binary

* search tree.


* @author Dr. Lewis

* @author Dr. Chase

* @version 1.0, 8/19/08


package jss2;

import jss2.exceptions.*;

import java.util.Iterator;

public class BinarySearchTreeList<T> extends LinkedBinarySearchTree<T>

implements ListADT<T>, OrderedListADT<T>, Iterable<T>



* Creates an empty BinarySearchTreeList.


public BinarySearchTreeList()




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The BinarySearchTreeList class (cont.)


* Adds the given element to this list.


* @param element the element to be added to this list


public void add (T element)





* Removes and returns the first element from this list.


* @return the first element in this list


public T removeFirst ()


return removeMin();


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The BinarySearchTreeList class (cont.)


* Removes and returns the last element from this list.


* @return the last element from this list


public T removeLast ()


return removeMax();



* Removes and returns the specified element from this list.


* @param element the element being sought in this list

* @return the element from the list that matches the target


public T remove (T element)


return removeElement(element);


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The BinarySearchTreeList class (cont.)


* Returns a reference to the first element on this list.


* @return a reference to the first element in this list


public T first ()


return findMin();



* Returns a reference to the last element on this list.


* @return a reference to the last element in this list


public T last ()


return findMax();


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The BinarySearchTreeList class (cont.)


* Returns an iterator for the list.


* @return an iterator over the elements in this list


public Iterator<T> iterator()


return iteratorInOrder();



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Analysis of linked list and binary search tree

implementations of an ordered list

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Balanced Binary Search Trees

• Why is our balance assumption so


• Lets look at what happens if we insert the

following numbers in order without

rebalancing the tree: 3 5 9 12 18 20

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A degenerate binary tree

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Degenerate Binary Trees

• The resulting tree is called a degenerate

binary tree

• Degenerate binary search trees are far

less efficient than balanced binary search

trees (O(n) on find as opposed to O(logn))

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Balancing Binary Trees

• There are many approaches to balancing

binary trees

• One method is brute force

– Write an inorder traversal to a file

– Use a recursive binary search of the file to

rebuild the tree

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Balancing Binary Trees

• Better solutions involve algorithms such as red-black trees and AVL trees that persistently maintain the balance of the tree

• Most all of these algorithms make use of rotations to balance the tree

• Lets examine each of the possible rotations

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Right Rotation

• Right rotation will solve an imbalance if it is caused by a long path in the left sub-tree of the left child of the root

– Make the left child element of the root the new root


– Make the former root element the right child element of the new root.

– Make the right child of what was the left child of the former root the new left child of the former root.

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Unbalanced tree and balanced tree after a right


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Left Rotation

• Left rotation will solve an imbalance if it is caused by a long path in the right sub-tree of the right child of the root

– Make the right child element of the root the new root element.

– Make the former root element the left child element of the new root.

– Make the left child of what was the right child of the former root the new right child of the former root.

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Unbalanced tree and balanced tree after a left


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Rightleft Rotation

• Rightleft rotation will solve an imbalance if it is caused by a long path in the left sub-tree of the right child of the root

• Perform a right rotation of the left child of the right child of the root around the right child of the root, and then perform a left rotation of the resulting right child of the root around the root

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A rightleft rotation

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Leftright Rotation

• Leftright rotation will solve an imbalance if it is caused by a long path in the right sub-tree of the left child of the root

• Perform a left rotation of the right child of the left child of the root around the left child of the root, and then perform a right rotation of the resulting left child of the root around the root

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A leftright rotation

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AVL Trees

• AVL trees keep track of the difference in height between the right and left sub-trees for each node

• This difference is called the balance factor

• If the balance factor of any node is less than -1 or greater than 1, then that sub-tree needs to be rebalanced

• The balance factor of any node can only be changed through either insertion or deletion of nodes in the tree

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AVL Trees

• If the balance factor of a node is -2, this means the left sub-tree has a path that is too long

• If the balance factor of the left child is -1, this means that the long path is the left sub-tree of the left child

• In this case, a simple right rotation of the left child around the original node will solve the imbalance

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A right rotation in an AVL tree

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AVL Trees

• If the balance factor of a node is +2, this means the right sub-tree has a path that is too long

• Then if the balance factor of the right child is +1, this means that the long path is the right sub-tree of the right child

• In this case, a simple left rotation of the right child around the original node will solve the imbalance

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AVL Trees

• If the balance factor of a node is +2, this means the right sub-tree has a path that is too long

• Then if the balance factor of the right child is -1, this means that the long path is the left sub-tree of the right child

• In this case, a rightleft double rotation will solve the imbalance

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A rightleft

rotation in an

AVL tree

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AVL Trees

• If the balance factor of a node is -2, this means the left sub-tree has a path that is too long

• Then if the balance factor of the left child is +1, this means that the long path is the right sub-tree of the left child

• In this case, a leftright double rotation will solve the imbalance

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Red/Black Trees

• Red/Black trees provide another alternative implementation of balanced binary search trees

• A red/black tree is a balanced binary search tree where each node stores a color (usually implemented as a boolean)

• The following rules govern the color of a node: – The root is black

– All children of a red node are black

– Every path from the root to a leaf contains the same number of black nodes

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Valid red/black trees

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Insertion into Red/Black Trees

• The color of a new element is set to red

• Once the new element has been inserted, the tree is rebalanced/recolored as needed to to maintain the properties of a red/black tree

• This process is iterative beginning at the point of insertion and working up the tree toward the root

• The process terminates when we reach the root or when the parent of the current element is black

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Insertion into Red/Black Trees

• In each iteration of the rebalancing process, we will focus on the color of the sibling of the parent of the current node

• There are two possibilities for the parent of the current node: – The parent could be a left child

– The parent could be a right child

• The color of a null node is considered to be black

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Insertion into Red/Black Trees

• In the case where the parent of the current node is a right child, there are two cases

– parentsleftsibling.color == red

– parentsleftsibling.color == black

• If parentsleftsibling.color is red then the processing steps are: – Set the color of current’s parent to black.

– Set the color of parentsleftsibling to black.

– Set the color of current’s grandparent to red.

– Set current to point to the grandparent of current

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Red/black tree after insertion

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Insertion into Red/Black Trees

• If parentsleftsibling.color is black, we first must check to see if current is a left child or a right child

• If current is is a left child, then we must set current equal to current.parent and then rotate current.left to the right

• The we continue as if current were a right child to begin with: – Set the color of current’s parent to black.

– Set the color of current’s grandparent to red.

– If current’s grandparent does not equal null, then rotate current’s parent to the left around current’s grandparent

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Insertion into Red/Black Trees

• In the case where the parent of current is a left child, there are two cases: either parentsrightsibling.color == red or parentsrightsibling.color == black

• If parentsrightsibling.color == red then the processing steps are: – Set the color of current’s parent to black.

– Set the color of parentsrightsibling to black.

– Set the color of current’s grandparent to red.

– Set current to point to the grandparent of current

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Red/black tree after insertion

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Insertion into Red/Black Trees

• If parentsrightsibling.color == black then we first need to check to see if current is a left or right child

• If current is a right child then we set current equal to current.parent then rotate current.right to the left around current

• We then continue as if current was left child to begin with: – Set the color of current’s parent to black.

– Set the color of current’s grandparent to red.

– If current’s grandparent does not equal null, then rotate current’s parent to the right around current’s grandparent

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Element Removal from Red/Black


• As with insertion, the tree will need to be rebalanced/recolored after the removal of an element

• Again, the process is an iterative one beginning at the point of removal and continuing up the tree toward the root

• This process terminates when we reach the root or when current.color == red

• Like insertion, the cases for removal are symmetrical depending upon whether current is a left or right child

• In insertion, we focused on the color of the sibling of the parent

• In removal, we focus on the color of the sibling of current keeping in mind that a null node is considered to be black

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Element Removal from Red/Black


• We will only examine the cases where current is a right child, the other cases are easily derived

• If the sibling’s color is red then we begin with the following steps: – Set the color of the sibling to black.

– Set the color of current’s parent to red.

– Rotate the sibling right around current’s parent.

– Set the sibling equal to the left child of current’s parent

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Red/black tree

after removal

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Element Removal from Red/Black


• Next our processing continues regardless of whether the original sibling was red or black

• Now our processing is divided into two cases based upon the color of the children of the sibling

• If both of the children of the sibling are black then: – Set the color of the sibling to red.

– Set current equal to current’s parent

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Element Removal from Red/Black


• If the children of the sibling are not both black, then we check to see if the left child of the sibling is black

• If it is, then we must complete the following steps before continuing: – Set the color of the sibling’s right child to black.

– Set the color of the sibling to red.

– Rotate the sibling’s right child left around the sibling.

– Set the sibling equal to the left child of current’s parent

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Element Removal from Red/Black


• Then to complete the process in the case when both of the children of the sibling are not black: – Set the color of the sibling to the color of current’s parent.

– Set the color of current’s parent to black.

– Set the color of the sibling’s left child to black.

– Rotate the sibling right around current’s parent.

– Set current equal to the root

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Binary Search Trees in the Java

Collections API

• Java provides two implementations of balanced binary search trees

– TreeSet

– TreeMap

• In order to understand the difference between these two, we must first discuss the difference between a set and a map

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Sets and Maps

• In the terminology of the Java Collections API, all of the collections we have discussed thus far would be considered sets

• A set is a collection where all of the data associated with an object is stored in the collection

• A map is a collection where keys that reference an object are stored in the collection but the remaining data is stored separately

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Sets and Maps

• Maps are useful because they allow us to manipulate keys within a collection rather than the entire object

• This allows collections to be smaller, more efficient, and easier to manage

• This also allows for the same object to be part of multiple collections by having keys in each

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The TreeSet and TreeMap Classes

• Both the TreeSet and TreeMap classes are red/black tree implementations of a balanced binary search tree