chap. 3 (sec . 3 & 4) ancient china i. geography: a. china proper * center of civ

Chap. 3 (Sec. 3 & 4) Ancient China I. Geography: A. China Proper *center of civ. most of population

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Chap. 3 (Sec . 3 & 4) Ancient China I. Geography: A. China Proper * center of civ . most of population. B. Haung He - Yellow River “River of Sorrows” death & destruction Loess * fine yellow soil Chinese Civ. starts 4000 BC. C. Yangtze River * 2nd major river. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Chap. 3 (Sec. 3 & 4)Ancient China I. Geography: A. China Proper *center of civ. most of population

B. Haung He - Yellow River “River of Sorrows” death & destruction Loess *fine yellow soil Chinese Civ. starts 4000 BC

C. Yangtze River *2nd major river

D. Middle Kingdom *Chung Kuo Chinese called their land / center of world “China is a sea which salts all rivers that run into it.”

II. Imperial Age “Age of Dynasties”A. Xia Dynasty *Legendary Sage Emperors 1st Chinese dynasty? 4000 BC Chinese Myths: 1. Pan Ku 1st man *Giant worked 18,000 years create universe

Pan Ku

2. Yu the Great *tamed Yellow River introduced irrigation & flood control

3. Empress Si Lingi 2650 BC Goddess of Silk invented silk?

4. Hero-Kings (Early Kings) invented marriage, music, & wheel

B. Shang Dynasty 1750 BC - 1122 BC *1st historical dynasty Shang king conquered 1800 city-states 1. Kings absolute power / royal sacrifices cut off heads show power

2. Aristocracy “Warlords” upper class wealth based on land power passed on to family

3. Anyang *Shang capital city

4. Bureaucracy system of organizing gov. by dept. Ex. Army, Treasury, & Law

5. Wu Ding 1200 BC *greatest Shang King Fu Hao Wu Ding’s wife *greatest Shang General

6. Veneration of Ancestors Filial piety duty to family / respect old living & dead united good & bad luck

Exemplary Souls on the Bridge to the Pure Land of the West

Domain of the First Magistrate.

7. Shang Di *Supreme Emperor god presided over heaven

8. Oracle Bones “Dragon Bones” tell fortunes / record history

9. Shang Achievements Bronzemaking Yoke Lunar Calendar

C. Zhou Dynasty 1122 BC - 256 BC * longest dynasty in Chinese history 1. Wu Wang “Martial King” *defeated Shang King “Sons of Heaven” - nickname Zhou army Xian - Zhou capital city


2. Rites of Zhou Kings: Son of Heaven link bt. gods & humanity

Mandate of Heaven *power to rule comes from gods rule wisely & just right to revolution overthrow corrupt & evil rulers

Dragon *symbol of Chinese rulers

3. Confucius lived during Zhou dyn. gov. based on his teachings

4. Dev. of Chou Dynasty Feudal System King granted land Lords own land Peasants work land Iron *most important dev. Plow Fertilizer Jade *link bt. Gods & humanity more precious than gold

Grand Canal *links Yellow & Yangtze Rivers

Book of Odes (Book of Songs)*myths & legends / love poems

D. Period of Warring States 403 BC – 221 BC 7 Feudal Lords *battle for control

The Art of War Sun-tzu 512 BC *book on military strategy

The Art of War

All war is based on deception.

Can you imagine what I would do If I could do all I can?

For to win 100 victories in 100 battles is not the acne of skill.To subdue the enemy without fighting is the acne of skill.

He who is prudent and lies in wait for an enemy who is not, Will be victorious.

If ignorant of your enemy and yourself, you are certain to be in peril.

If you know the enemy and know yourself you need not fear the results of a 100 battles.

The skillful employer if men will employ the wise man, the brave man, the covetous man, and the stupid man.

Newest installment of the NHL ad campaign. Sun Tzu said: "In the practical art of war, one- piece Easton sticks penetrate the abdomen wall much more effectively than Northland Wood.'"

Dynastic Cycle Indv. Leader - defeats rival passes thrown - Dynasty power peaks Decline - problem or disaster Overthrown

E. Qin (Chin) Dynasty 221 BC - 207 BC Qin Shih Huang Ti “Chinese Ceasar” *1st Emperor of China * unified China China *name comes from Dynasty

Great Wall “The Wall of 10 Thousand Li” protect invasion Huns and Mongols 4470 miles original 2600 miles long today - 25 feet high

"Last Door under Heaven"

Terra Cotta Army *clay soldiers*Guard Shi Haungdis tomb

Regime - gov. in power based on legalism (strict rules)Censorate - inspectors check up on gov. officials Eyes & Ears of Emperor

F. Han Dynasty 202 BC- 220 AD 1. Liu Pang “Exalted Emperor of Han” * led revolt against Chin Dyn. Battle of Han River “Sons of Han” *nickname of Han Army

2. Han Wudi “Warrior Emperor” 140 BC most famous Han Emperor conquered Korea, Manchuria, & Vietnam stopped invading Huns Pax Sinica “Chinese Peace” 400 years peace

Trung Sisters 39 BC *led revolt against Chinese in Vietnam

Dev.s of Han Dynasty1. Civil Service (gov. jobs) exam based on Confucius teachings2. Leveling storage of surplus crops3. Paper 4. Rudder Junks *Chinese sailboats

5. Silk Road 4000 miles long trade route connecting China & Rome *silk, spices, & tea

G. Six Dynasties 220 AD - 589 AD *Civil Wars & Huns Invaded

III. Chinese Philosophers A. Confucius 551 BC - 478 BC Kung Fu-tze Kung-family name / Tze-philosopher “The Master Kung” “The First Teacher” Lived – Zhou Dyn.

Confucianism *system of Confucius ideas Confucian Code based on duty & humanity loyalty courtesy hard work kindness

Analects *teachings & sayings of Confucius collected by his students

5 Constant Relationships:parent – childhusband – wifeolder sibling – younger siblingfriend – friendruler – subject

Confucian SayingsWhat you do not like when done unto yourself, do not do unto others.

If there is righteousness in the heart,there will be beauty in the character.

Measure the feelings of others by one’s own.

Within the 4 seas all men are brothers.

The duty of children to their parents is the foundation from which all virtues spring.”

B. Naturalism workings of nature & cosmic principles Dualism - 2 sides of nature

Yin *female, dark, cold, & passive

Yang *male, light, hot & active balance bt. Yin & Yang

C. Legalism: Han Fei Tzu *founder Authoritarian rulers govern by power strict rules / harsh punishment Shih Huang Ti *1st Emperor used Legalism

D. Buddhism 400 AD Mahayana *Greater Vehicle *Buddha as a God

E. Daoism Lao-tse “Old Master” *founder of Daoism “Tao” *Way of Nature in harmony with Dao Humble, Quiet, Thoughtful, Simplicity, Meditation “He who overcomes others is strong: he who overcomes himself is mighty.”

*Philosophy & Religion

Taoist Priest invented: Gunpowder firecrackers to frighten ghosts

Magnetic Compass favorable positions for graves

Acupuncture insert needles body points enableChi *life – force to move