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Elasticity of Demand and Supply

Topic 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Price elasticity of demand Total revenue test Determinants of price elasticity Elasticity of supply Applications of price elasticity Cross and income elasticity Consider This Last Word True-False

Question numbers 1-39 40-75 76-93 94-125 126-144 145-167 168-169 170-172 173-192



Multiple Choice Questions Price elasticity of demand Type: D Topic: 1 E: 356 MI: 112 1. The price elasticity of demand coefficient measures: A) buyer responsiveness to price changes. B) the extent to which a demand curve shifts as incomes change. C) the slope of the demand curve. D) how far business executives can stretch their fixed costs. Answer: A

Type: E Topic: 1 E: 356 MI: 112 2. The basic formula for the price elasticity of demand coefficient is: A) absolute decline in quantity demanded/absolute increase in price. B) percentage change in quantity demanded/percentage change in price. C) absolute decline in price/absolute increase in quantity demanded. D) percentage change in price/percentage change in quantity demanded. Answer: B

Type: D Topic: 1 E: 356 MI: 112 3. The demand for a product is inelastic with respect to price if: A) consumers are largely unresponsive to a per unit price change. B) the elasticity coefficient is greater than 1. C) a drop in price is accompanied by a decrease in the quantity demanded. D) a drop in price is accompanied by an increase in the quantity demanded. Answer: A

Type: A Topic: 1 E: 357 MI: 113 4. If the price elasticity of demand for a product is 2.5, then a price cut from $2.00 to $1.80 will: A) increase the quantity demanded by about 2.5 percent. B) decrease the quantity demanded by about 2.5 percent. C) increase the quantity demanded by about 25 percent. D) increase the quantity demanded by about 250 percent. Answer: C

Type: A Topic: 1 E: 357 MI: 113 5. Suppose that as the price of Y falls from $2.00 to $1.90 the quantity of Y demanded increases from 110 to 118. Then the price elasticity of demand is: A) 4.00. B) 2.09. C) 1.37. D) 3.94. Answer: C

Type: D Topic: 1 E: 357 MI: 113 6. Which of the following is not characteristic of the demand for a commodity that is elastic? A) The relative change in quantity demanded is greater than the relative change in price. B) Buyers are relatively sensitive to price changes. C) Total revenue declines if price is increased. D) The elasticity coefficient is less than one. Answer: D

Type: A Topic: 1 E: 357 MI: 113 7. If the demand for product X is inelastic, a 4 percent increase in the price of X will: A) decrease the quantity of X demanded by more than 4 percent. B) decrease the quantity of X demanded by less than 4 percent. C) increase the quantity of X demanded by more than 4 percent. D) increase the quantity of X demanded by less than 4 percent. Answer: B

Type: A Topic: 1 E: 357 MI: 113 8. If a firm can sell 3,000 units of product A at $10 per unit and 5,000 at $8, then: A) the price elasticity of demand is 0.44. C) the price elasticity of demand is 2.25. B) A is a complementary good. D) A is an inferior good. Answer: C

Type: A Topic: 1 E: 357-358 MI: 113-114 9. A perfectly inelastic demand schedule: A) rises upward and to the right, but has a constant slope. B) can be represented by a line parallel to the vertical axis. C) cannot be shown on a two-dimensional graph. D) can be represented by a line parallel to the horizontal axis. Answer: B

Chapter 20: Elasticity of Demand and Supply Type: C Topic: 1 E: 357 MI: 113 10. The larger the coefficient of price elasticity of demand for a product, the: A) larger the resulting price change for an increase in supply. B) more rapid the rate at which the marginal utility of that product diminishes. C) less competitive will be the industry supplying that product. D) smaller the resulting price change for an increase in supply. Answer: D

Type: A Topic: 1 E: 359 MI: 115 11. Most demand curves are relatively elastic in the upper-left portion because the original price: A) and quantity from which the percentage changes in price and quantity are calculated are both large. B) and quantity from which the percentage changes in price and quantity are calculated are both small. C) from which the percentage price change is calculated is small and the original quantity from which the percentage change in quantity is calculated is large. D) from which the percentage price change is calculated is large and the original quantity from which the percentage change in quantity is calculated is small. Answer: D

Type: A Topic: 1 E: 357 MI: 113 12. The price elasticity of demand for widgets is 0.80. Assuming no change in the demand curve for widgets, a 16 percent increase in sales implies a: A) 1 percent reduction in price. C) 40 percent reduction in price. B) 12 percent reduction in price. D) 20 percent reduction in price. Answer: D

Type: A Topic: 1 E: 359 MI: 115 13. Suppose Aiyanna's pizzeria currently faces a linear demand curve and is charging a very high price per pizza and doing very little business. Aiyanna now decides to lower pizza prices by 5 percent per week for an indefinite period of time. We can expect that each successive week: A) demand will become more price elastic. B) price elasticity of demand will not change as price is lowered. C) demand will become less price elastic. D) the elasticity of supply will increase. Answer: C

Type: A Topic: 1 E: 358 MI: 114 14. The price elasticity of demand of a straight-line demand curve is: A) elastic in high-price ranges and inelastic on low-price ranges. B) elastic, but does not change at various points on the curve. C) inelastic, but does not change at various points on the curve. D) 1 at all points on the curve. Answer: A

Type: C Topic: 1 E: 359 MI: 115 15. A leftward shift in the supply curve of product X will increase equilibrium price to a greater extent the: A) more elastic the supply curve. C) more elastic the demand for the product. B) larger the elasticity of demand coefficient. D) more inelastic the demand for the product. Answer: D

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Type: A Topic: 1 E: 359 MI: 115 16. If the demand for bacon is relatively elastic, a 10 percent decline in the price of bacon will: A) decrease the amount demanded by more than 10 percent. B) increase the amount demanded by more than 10 percent. C) decrease the amount demanded by less than 10 percent. D) increase the amount demanded by less than 10 percent. Answer: B

Type: A Topic: 1 E: 357 MI: 113 17. The price elasticity of demand is: A) negative, but the minus sign is ignored. B) positive, but the plus sign is ignored. C) positive for normal goods and negative for inferior goods. D) positive because price and quantity demanded are inversely related. Answer: A

Type: A Topic: 1 E: 359 MI: 115 18. For a linear demand curve: A) elasticity is constant along the curve. B) elasticity is unity at every point on the curve. Answer: D

C) demand is elastic at low prices. D) demand is elastic at high prices.

Type: A Topic: 1 E: 359 MI: 115 19. The price of product X is reduced from $100 to $90 and, as a result, the quantity demanded increases from 50 to 60 units. Therefore demand for X in this price range: A) has declined. B) is of unit elasticity. C) is inelastic. D) is elastic. Answer: D

Use the following to answer question 20:

Type: G Topic: 1 E: 359 MI: 115 20. The above diagram shows two product demand curves. On the basis of this diagram we can say that: A) over range P1P2 price elasticity of demand is greater for D1 than for D2. B) over range P1P2 price elasticity of demand is greater for D2 than for D1. C) over range P1P2 price elasticity is the same for the two demand curves. D) not enough information is given to compare price elasticities. Answer: A

Chapter 20: Elasticity of Demand and Supply Type: A Topic: 1 E: 359 MI: 115 21. Suppose we find that the price elasticity of demand for a product is 3.5 when its price is increased by 2 percent. We can conclude that quantity demanded: A) increased by 7 percent. C) decreased by 9 percent. B) decreased by 7 percent. D) decreased by 12 percent. Answer: B

Type: A Topic: 1 E: 359 MI: 115 22. The price elasticity of demand for beef is about 0.60. Other things equal, this means that a 20 percent increase in the price of beef will cause the quantity of beef demanded to: A) increase by approximately 12 percent. C) decrease by approximately 32 percent. B) decrease by approximately 12 percent. D) decrease by approximately 26 percent. Answer: B

Type: A Topic: 1 E: 359 MI: 115 23. The elasticity of demand: A) is infinitely large for a perfectly inelastic demand curve. B) tends to be inelastic in high-price ranges and elastic in low-price ranges. C) tends to be elastic in high-price ranges and inelastic in low-price ranges. D) is the same at each price-quantity combination on a stable demand curve. Answer: C

Type: D Topic: 1 E: 357 MI: 113 24. If a demand for a product is elastic, the value of the price elasticity coefficient is: A) zero. B) greater than one. C) equal to one. D) less than one. Answer: B

Type: D Topic: 1 E: 356 MI: 112 25. The concept of price elasticity of demand measures: A) the slope of the demand curve. B) the number of buyers in a market. C) the extent to which the demand curve shifts as the result of a price decline. D) the sensitivity of consumer purchases to price changes. Answer: D

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Use the following to answer questions 26-28:

Type: G Topic: 1 E: 359 MI: 115 26. Refer to the above diagram. Between prices of $5.70 and $6.30: A) D1 is more elastic than D2. C) D1 and D2 have identical elasticities. B) D2 is an inferior good and D1 is a normal good. D) D2 is more elastic than D1 Answer: A

Type: G Topic: 1 E: 359 MI: 115 27. Refer to the above diagram and assume a single good. If the price of the good decreases from $6.30 to $5.70, consumer spending would: A) decrease if demand were D1 only. C) decrease if demand were either D1 or D2. B) decrease if demand were D2 only. D) increase if demand were either D1 or D2. Answer: B

Type: G Topic: 1 E: 359 MI: 115 28. Refer to the above diagram and assume a single good. If the price of the good increased from $5.70 to $6.30 along D1, the price elasticity of demand along this portion of the demand curve would be: A) 0.8. B) 1.0. C) 1.2. D) 2.0. Answer: C

Type: A Topic: 1 E: 359 MI: 115 29. Suppose the price of local cable TV service increased from $16.20 to $19.80 and as a result the number of cable subscribers decreased from 224,000 to 176,000. Along this portion of the demand curve, price elasticity of demand is: A) 0.8. B) 1.2. C) 1.6. D) 8.0 Answer: B

Type: A Topic: 1 E: 359 MI: 115 30. If the price of hand calculators falls from $10 to $9 and, as a result, the quantity demanded increases from 100 to 125, then: A) demand is elastic. B) demand is inelastic. C) demand is of unit elasticity. D) not enough information is given to make a statement about elasticity. Answer: A

Chapter 20: Elasticity of Demand and Supply Type: A Topic: 1 E: 358 MI: 114 31. A perfectly inelastic demand curve: A) has a price elasticity coefficient greater than unity. B) has a price elasticity coefficient of unity throughout. C) graphs as a line parallel to the vertical axis. D) graphs as a line parallel to the horizontal axis. Answer: C

Type: A Topic: 1 E: 359 MI: 115 32. Moving upward on a downward-sloping straight-line demand curve, we find that price elasticity: A) is constant. C) decreases continuously. B) increases continuously. D) may either increase or decrease. Answer: B

Use the following to answer questions 33-37: Answer the next question(s) on the basis of the following demand schedule:Pr i c e $ 6 5 4 3 2 1 Q u de m 1 2 3 4 5 6 a n t i t y a n d e d

Type: T Topic: 1 E: 359 MI: 115 33. Refer to the above data. If this demand schedule were graphed, we would find that: A) its slope diminishes as we move southeast down the curve. B) its slope diminishes as we move northwest up the curve. C) its slope is constant throughout. D) the data is inconsistent with the law of demand. Answer: C

Type: T Topic: 1 E: 359 MI: 115 34. Refer to the above data. The price elasticity of demand is relatively elastic: A) in the $6-$4 price range. C) in the $3-$1 price range. B) over the entire $6-$1 price range. D) in the $6-$5 price range only. Answer: A

Type: T Topic: 1 E: 359 MI: 115 35. Refer to the above data. The price elasticity of demand is relatively inelastic: A) in the $6-$4 price range. C) in the $3-$1 price range. B) over the entire $6-$1 price range. D) in the $6-$5 price range only. Answer: C

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Type: T Topic: 1 E: 359 MI: 115 36. Refer to the above data. The price elasticity of demand is unity: A) throughout the entire price range because the slope of the demand curve is constant. B) in the $4-$3 price range only. C) over the entire $3-$1 price range. D) over the entire $6-$4 price range. Answer: B

Type: T Topic: 1 E: 359 MI: 115 37. Refer to the above data. Which of the following is correct? A) Although the slope of the demand curve is constant, price elasticity declines as we move from high to low price ranges. B) Although the slope of the demand curve is constant, price elasticity increases as we move from high to low price ranges. C) Although the demand curve is concave to the origin, price elasticity of demand is constant throughout. D) A steep slope means demand is inelastic; a flat slope means demand is elastic. Answer: A

Type: A Topic: 1 E: 359 MI: 115 38. If the price elasticity of demand for gasoline is 0.20: A) the demand for gasoline is linear. B) a rise in the price of gasoline will reduce total revenue. C) a 10 percent rise in the price of gasoline will decrease the amount purchased by 2 percent. D) a 10 percent fall in the price of gasoline will increase the amount purchased by 20 percent. Answer: C

Type: T Topic: 1 E: 359 MI: 115 39. In which price range of the accompanying demand schedule is demand elastic?P Q u r i c ede m $ 4 2 3 4 2 6 1 8 a n t i t y a n d e d

A) $4-$3 B) $3-$2 Answer: A

C) $2-$1

D) below $1

Total revenue test Type: A Topic: 2 E: 361 MI: 117 40. When the percentage change in price is greater than the resulting percentage change in quantity demanded: A) a decrease in price will increase total revenue. C) an increase in price will increase total revenue. B) demand may be either elastic or inelastic. D) demand is elastic. Answer: C

Chapter 20: Elasticity of Demand and Supply Type: A Topic: 2 E: 360-361 MI: 116-117 41. Suppose the price elasticity coefficients of demand are 1.43, 0.67, 1.11, and 0.29 for products W, X, Y, and Z respectively. A 1 percent decrease in price will increase total revenue in the case(s) of: A) W and Y. B) Y and Z. C) X and Z. D) Z and W. Answer: A

Use the following to answer questions 42-44:

$ 1 1 1 1 1 8 6 4 2

2 8 6 4 2 0


T o ta l re v e n u e









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e d

Type: G Topic: 2 E: 361 MI: 117 42. Suppose that the above total revenue curve is derived from a particular linear demand curve. That demand curve must be: A) inelastic for price declines that increase quantity demanded from 6 units to 7 units. B) elastic for price declines that increase quantity demanded from 6 units to 7 units. C) inelastic for price increases that reduce quantity demanded from 4 units to 3 units. D) elastic for price increases that reduce quantity demanded from 8 units to 7 units. Answer: A

Type: G Topic: 2 E: 360 MI: 116 43. Suppose that the above total revenue curve is derived from a particular linear demand curve. That demand curve must be: A) inelastic for price declines that increase quantity demanded from 2 units to 3 units. B) elastic for price declines that increase quantity demanded from 5 units to 6 units. C) inelastic for price increases that reduce quantity demanded from 4 units to 3 units. D) elastic for price increases that reduce quantity demanded from 4 units to 3 units. Answer: D

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Type: G Topic: 2 E: 361 MI: 117 44. Suppose that the above total revenue curve is derived from a particular linear demand curve. That demand curve must be: A) inelastic for price declines that increase quantity demanded from 2 units to 3 units. B) elastic for price declines that increase quantity demanded from 5 units to 6 units. C) unit elastic for price increases that reduce quantity demanded from 5 units to 4 units.. D) inelastic for price increases that reduce quantity demanded from 4 units to 3 units. Answer: C

Type: A Topic: 2 E: 360 MI: 116 45. Which of the following statements is not correct? A) If the relative change in price is greater than the relative change in the quantity demanded associated with it, demand is inelastic. B) In the range of prices in which demand is elastic, total revenue will diminish as price decreases. C) Total revenue will not change if price varies within a range where the elasticity coefficient is unity. D) Demand tends to be elastic at high prices and inelastic at low prices. Answer: B

Type: A Topic: 2 E: 360 MI: 116 46. In which of the following instances will total revenue decline? A) price rises and supply is elastic C) price rises and demand is inelastic B) price falls and demand is elastic D) price rises and demand is elastic Answer: D

Type: A Topic: 2 E: 360-361 MI: 116-117 47. If a firm's demand for labor is elastic, a union-negotiated wage increase will: A) necessarily be inflationary. C) cause the firm's total payroll to decline. B) cause the firm's total payroll to increase. D) cause a shortage of labor. Answer: C

Type: A Topic: 2 E: 360-361 MI: 116-117 48. The Illinois Central Railroad once asked the Illinois Commerce Commission for permission to increase its commuter rates by 20 percent. The railroad argued that declining revenues made this rate increase essential. Opponents of the rate increase contended that the railroad's revenues would fall because of the rate hike. It can be concluded that: A) both groups felt that the demand was elastic but for different reasons. B) both groups felt that the demand was inelastic but for different reasons. C) the railroad felt that the demand for passenger service was inelastic and opponents of the rate increase felt it was elastic. D) the railroad felt that the demand for passenger service was elastic and opponents of the rate increase felt it was inelastic. Answer: C

Chapter 20: Elasticity of Demand and Supply Type: A Topic: 2 E: 360 MI: 116 49. If a firm finds that it can sell $13,000 of a product when its price is $5 per unit and $11,000 of it when its price is $6, then: A) the demand for the product is elastic in the $6-$5 price range. B) the demand for the product must have increased. C) elasticity of demand is 0.74. D) the demand for the product is inelastic in the $6-$5 price range. Answer: A

Type: C Topic: 2 E: 361 MI: 117 50. Suppose the price elasticity of demand for bread is 0.20. If the price of bread falls by 10 percent, the quantity demanded will increase by: A) 2 percent and total expenditures on bread will rise. B) 2 percent and total expenditures on bread will fall. C) 20 percent and total expenditures on bread will fall. D) 20 percent and total expenditures on bread will rise. Answer: B

Use the following to answer questions 51-52:

Type: G Topic: 2 E: 361 MI: 117 51. Refer to the above diagram which is a rectangular hyperbola, that is, a curve such that each rectangle drawn from any point on the curve will be of identical area. If this rectangular hyperbola was a demand curve, we could say that it would be: A) elastic at high prices and inelastic at low prices. C) impossible to generalize about its elasticity. B) elastic at low prices and inelastic at high prices. D) of unit elasticity throughout. Answer: D

Type: G Topic: 2 E: 361 MI: 117 52. Refer to the above diagram which is a rectangular hyperbola, that is, a curve such that each rectangle drawn from any point on the curve will be of identical area. In comparing the price elasticity and the slope of this demand curve we can conclude that the: A) slope of a demand curve measures its elasticity. B) elasticity of a demand curve measures its slope. C) slope and elasticity of the curve are both constant throughout. D) slope of the curve varies, but its elasticity is constant. Answer: D

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Type: A Topic: 2 E: 361 MI: 117 53. Gigantic State University raises tuition for the purpose of increasing its revenue so that more faculty can be hired. GSU is assuming that the demand for education at GSU is: A) decreasing. B) relatively elastic. C) perfectly elastic. D) relatively inelastic. Answer: D

Type: A Topic: 2 E: 361 MI: 117 54. If the demand for farm products is price inelastic, a good harvest will cause farm revenues to: A) increase. B) decrease. C) be unchanged. D) either increase or decrease, depending on what happens to supply. Answer: B

Type: A Topic: 2 E: 360 MI: 116 55. Other things the same, if a price change causes total revenue to change in the opposite direction, demand is: A) perfectly inelastic. B) relatively elastic. C) relatively inelastic. D) of unit elasticity. Answer: B

Type: A Topic: 2 E: 361 MI: 117 56. If the price elasticity of demand for a product is unity, a decrease in price will: A) have no effect upon the amount purchased. B) increase the quantity demanded and increase total revenue. C) increase the quantity demanded, but decrease total revenue. D) increase the quantity demanded, but total revenue will be unchanged. Answer: D

Type: A Topic: 2 E: 361 MI: 117 57. If a price reduction reduces a firm's total revenue: A) the demand for the product is inelastic in this price range. B) the product is an inferior good. C) in this price range the elasticity coefficient of demand is greater than 1. D) this price decline will increase the firm's profits. Answer: A

Type: A Topic: 2 E: 361 MI: 117 58. In which of the following cases will total revenue increase? A) price falls and demand is inelastic C) price rises and demand is inelastic B) price falls and supply is elastic D) price rises and demand is elastic Answer: C

Type: A Topic: 2 E: 360-361 MI: 116-117 59. A manufacturer of frozen pizzas found that total revenue decreased when price was lowered from $5 to $4. It was also found that total revenue decreased when price was raised from $5 to $6. Thus, A) the demand for pizza is elastic above $5 and inelastic below $5. B) the demand for pizza is elastic both above and below $5. C) the demand for pizza is inelastic above $5 and elastic below $5. D) $5 is not the equilibrium price of pizza.

Chapter 20: Elasticity of Demand and Supply Answer: A

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Use the following to answer questions 60-61:

Type: G Topic: 2 E: 360 MI: 116 60. Refer to the above diagram. In the P1P2 price range demand is: A) of unit elasticity. B) relatively inelastic. C) relatively elastic. Answer: C

D) perfectly elastic.

Type: G Topic: 2 E: 360 MI: 116 61. Refer to the above diagram. In the P3P4 price range demand is: A) of unit elasticity. B) relatively inelastic. C) relatively elastic. Answer: B

D) perfectly elastic.

Type: A Topic: 2 E: 360 MI: 116 62. If the demand for a product is elastic, then total revenue will: A) increase whether price increases or decreases. C) fall as price falls. B) be constant in response to a price change. D) rise as price falls. Answer: D

Type: A Topic: 2 E: 361 MI: 117 63. The total-revenue test for elasticity: A) is equally applicable to both demand and supply. B) does not apply to demand because price and quantity are inversely related. C) does not apply to supply because price and quantity are directly related. D) applies to the short-run supply curve, but not to the long-run supply curve. Answer: C

Type: A Topic: 2 E: 361 MI: 117 64. If the University Chamber Music Society decides to raise ticket prices to provide more funds to finance concerts, the Society is assuming that the demand for tickets is: A) parallel to the horizontal axis. B) shifting to the left. C) inelastic. D) elastic. Answer: C

Chapter 20: Elasticity of Demand and Supply Type: A Topic: 2 E: 361 MI: 117 65. The state legislature has cut Gigantic State University's appropriations. GSU's Board of Regents decides to increase tuition and fees to compensate for the loss of revenue. The board is assuming that the: A) demand for education at GSU is elastic. B) demand for education at GSU is inelastic. C) coefficient of price elasticity of demand for education at GSU is unity. D) coefficient of price elasticity of demand for education at GSU is greater than unity. Answer: B

Type: A Topic: 2 E: 360 MI: 116 66. Which of the following is correct? A) If demand is elastic, an increase in price will increase total revenue. B) If demand is elastic, a decrease in price will decrease total revenue. C) If demand is elastic, a decrease in price will increase total revenue. D) If demand is inelastic, an increase in price will decrease total revenue. Answer: C

Type: A Topic: 2 E: 361 MI: 117 67. Suppose that the price of peanuts falls from $3 to $2 per bushel and that, as a result, the total revenue received by peanut farmers changes from $16 to $14 billion. Thus: A) the demand for peanuts is elastic. B) the demand for peanuts is inelastic. C) the demand curve for peanuts has shifted to the right. D) no inference can be made as to the elasticity of demand for peanuts. Answer: B

Type: A Topic: 2 E: 361 MI: 117 68. Which of the following is correct? A) If the demand for a product is inelastic, a change in price will cause total revenue to change in the opposite direction. B) If the demand for a product is inelastic, a change in price will cause total revenue to change in the same direction. C) If the demand for a product is inelastic, a change in price may cause total revenue to change in either the opposite or the same direction. D) The price elasticity coefficient applies to demand, but not to supply. Answer: B

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Use the following to answer questions 69-72:

Type: G Topic: 2 E: 360 MI: 116 69. Refer to the above diagram. Total revenue at price P1 is indicated by area(s): A) C + D B) A + B C) A + C D) A Answer: B

Type: G Topic: 2 E: 360 MI: 116 70. Refer to the above diagram. If price falls from P1 to P2, total revenue will become area(s): A) B + D B) C + D C) A + C D) C Answer: A

Type: G Topic: 2 E: 360 MI: 116 71. Refer to the above diagram. The decline in price from P1 to P2 will: A) increase total revenue by D. C) decrease total revenue by A. B) increase total revenue by B + D. D) increase total revenue by D - A. Answer: D

Type: G Topic: 2 E: 360 MI: 116 72. Refer to the above diagram. In the P1 to P2 price range, we can say: A) that consumer purchases are relatively insensitive to price changes. B) nothing concerning price elasticity of demand. C) that demand is inelastic with respect to price. D) that demand is elastic with respect to price. Answer: D

Chapter 20: Elasticity of Demand and Supply Use the following to answer questions 73-75:

Type: G Topic: 2 E: 361 MI: 117 73. Refer to the above diagram. If price falls from $10 to $2, total revenue: A) rises from A + B to A+ B + D + C and demand is elastic. B) falls from A + D to B + C and demand is inelastic. C) rises from C + D to B + A and demand is elastic. D) falls from A + B to B + C and demand is inelastic. Answer: D

Type: G Topic: 2 E: 361 MI: 117 74. Refer to the above diagram and assume that price increases from $2 to $10. The coefficient of price elasticity of demand (midpoints formula) relating to this change in price is about: A) .25 and demand is inelastic. C) 1 and demand is unit elastic. B) 1.5 and demand is elastic. D) .67 and demand is inelastic. Answer: A

Type: G Topic: 2 E: 361 MI: 117 75. Refer to the above diagram and assume that price declines from $10 to $2. The coefficient of price elasticity of demand (midpoints formula) relating to this change in price is about: A) .25 and demand is inelastic. C) 1 and demand is unit elastic. B) 1.5 and demand is elastic. D) .67 and demand is inelastic. Answer: A

Determinants of price elasticity Type: A Topic: 3 E: 362 MI: 118 76. The demands for such products as salt, bread, and electricity tend to be: A) perfectly price elastic. C) relatively price inelastic. B) of unit price elasticity. D) relatively price elastic. Answer: C

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Type: A Topic: 3 E: 362-363 MI: 118-119 77. The elasticity of demand for a product is likely to be greater: A) if the product is a necessity, rather than a luxury good. B) the greater the amount of time over which buyers adjust to a price change. C) the smaller the proportion of one's income spent on the product. D) the smaller the number of substitute products available. Answer: B

Type: A Topic: 3 E: 362 MI: 118 78. We would expect: A) the demand for Coca-Cola to be less elastic than the demand for soft drinks in general. B) the demand for Coca-Cola to be more elastic than the demand for soft drinks in general. C) no relationship between the elasticity of demand for Coca-Cola and the elasticity of demand for soft drinks in general. D) none of the above to hold true. Answer: B

Type: A Topic: 3 E: 362 MI: 118 79. The narrower the definition of a product: A) the larger the number of substitutes and the larger the price elasticity of demand. B) the smaller the number of substitutes and the larger the price elasticity of demand. C) the larger the number of substitutes and the smaller the price elasticity of demand. D) the smaller the number of substitutes and the smaller the price elasticity of demand. Answer: A

Type: A Topic: 3 E: 362 MI: 118 80. Which of the following statements is correct? A) Supply is more elastic in the short run than in the long run. B) Demand is more elastic in the short run than in the long run. C) Demand is more elastic when a large number of substitute goods are available. D) Supply is more elastic when there are a small number of producers in the industry. Answer: C

Type: A Topic: 3 E: 362-363 MI: 118-119 81. The more time consumers have to adjust to a change in price: A) the smaller will be the price elasticity of demand. B) the greater will be the price elasticity of demand. C) the more likely the product is a normal good. D) the more likely the product is an inferior good. Answer: B

Type: A Topic: 3 E: 362 MI: 118 82. The demand for autos is likely to be: A) less elastic than the demand for Honda Accords. B) more elastic than the demand for Honda Accords. C) of the same elasticity as the demand for Honda Accords. D) perfectly inelastic. Answer: A

Chapter 20: Elasticity of Demand and Supply Type: A Topic: 3 E: 362-363 MI: 118-119 83. Price elasticity of demand is generally: A) greater in the long run than in the short run. B) greater in the short run than in the long run. C) the same in both the short run and the long run. D) greater for "necessities" than it is for "luxuries." Answer: A

Type: A Topic: 3 E: 362 MI: 118 84. Which of the following generalizations is not correct? A) The larger an item is in one's budget, the greater the price elasticity of demand. B) The price elasticity of demand is greater for necessities than it is for luxuries. C) The larger the number of close substitutes available, the greater will be the price elasticity of demand for a particular product. D) The price elasticity of demand is greater the longer the time period under consideration. Answer: B

Type: D Topic: 3 E: 358 MI: 114 85. A demand curve which is parallel to the vertical axis is: A) perfectly inelastic B) perfectly elastic C) relatively inelastic Answer: A

D) relatively elastic

Type: A Topic: 3 E: 358 MI: 114 86. If quantity demanded is completely unresponsive to price changes, demand is: A) perfectly inelastic B) perfectly elastic C) relatively inelastic D) relatively elastic Answer: A

Type: A Topic: 3 E: 362 MI: 118 87. If price and total revenue vary in opposite directions, demand is: A) perfectly inelastic B) perfectly elastic C) relatively inelastic Answer: D

D) relatively elastic

Type: D Topic: 3 E: 362 MI: 118 88. If the coefficient of price elasticity is less than 1 but greater than zero, demand is: A) perfectly inelastic B) perfectly elastic C) relatively inelastic D) relatively elastic Answer: C

Type: A Topic: 3 E: 362 MI: 118 89. The demand for a luxury good whose purchase would exhaust a significant portion of one's income is: A) perfectly inelastic B) perfectly elastic C) relatively inelastic D) relatively elastic Answer: D

Type: A Topic: 3 E: 362 MI: 118 90. The coefficient of price elasticity is 0.2. Demand is thus: A) perfectly inelastic B) perfectly elastic C) relatively inelastic Answer: D

D) relatively elastic

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Type: A Topic: 3 E: 358 MI: 114 91. A firm can sell more or less output at a constant price. Demand is thus: A) perfectly inelastic B) perfectly elastic C) relatively inelastic D) relatively elastic Answer: B

Type: A Topic: 3 E: 362 MI: 118 92. The demand for a necessity whose cost is a small component of one's total income is: A) perfectly inelastic B) perfectly elastic C) relatively inelastic D) relatively elastic Answer: C

Type: D Topic: 3 E: 358 MI: 114 93. A demand curve which is parallel to the horizontal axis is: A) perfectly inelastic B) perfectly elastic C) relatively inelastic Answer: B

D) relatively elastic

Elasticity of supply Type: D Topic: 4 E: 364 MI: 120 94. The price elasticity of supply measures how: A) easily labor and capital can be substituted for one another in the production process. B) responsive the quantity supplied of X is to changes in the price of X. C) responsive the quantity supplied of Y is to changes in the price of X. D) responsive quantity supplied is to a change in incomes. Answer: B

Type: A Topic: 4 E: 365 MI: 121 95. The main determinant of elasticity of supply is the: A) number of close substitutes for the product available to consumers. B) amount of time the producer has to adjust inputs in response to a price change. C) urgency of consumer wants for the product. D) number of uses for the product. Answer: B

Type: A Topic: 4 E: 366 MI: 122 96. Suppose the supply of product X is perfectly inelastic. If there is an increase in the demand for this product, equilibrium price: A) will decrease but equilibrium quantity will increase. B) and quantity will both decrease. C) will increase but equilibrium quantity will decline. D) will increase but equilibrium quantity will be unchanged. Answer: D

Chapter 20: Elasticity of Demand and Supply Use the following to answer questions 97-100:P Q u a n t i t y r i c se u p p l i e d $ 1 0 1 0 8 9 6 8 4 7 2 6

Type: T Topic: 4 E: 365 MI: 121 Status: New 97. Over the $6-$4 price range, supply is: A) perfectly elastic. B) elastic. C) perfectly inelastic. D) inelastic. Answer: D

Type: T Topic: 4 E: 365 MI: 121 Status: New 98. Over the $8-$6 price range, supply is: A) inelastic. B) elastic. C) perfectly inelastic. D) perfectly elastic. Answer: A

Type: T Topic: 4 E: 365 MI: 121 Status: New 99. Over the $10-$8 price range, the elasticity coefficient of supply is: A) 1. B) zero. C) less than 1. D) greater than 1. Answer: C

Type: T Topic: 4 E: 365 MI: 121 Status: New 100. Over the $4-$2 price range, the elasticity coefficient of supply is: A) 1. B) zero. C) less than 1. D) greater than 1. Answer: C

Type: A Topic: 4 E: 365 MI: 121 Status: New 101. The supply of product X is elastic if the price of X rises by: A) 5 percent and quantity supplied rises by 7 percent. B) 8 percent and quantity supplied rises by 8 percent. C) 10 percent and quantity supplied remains the same. D) 7 percent and quantity supplied rises by 5 percent. Answer: A

Type: A Topic: 4 E: 365 MI: 121 Status: New 102. The supply of product X is inelastic if the price of X rises by: A) 5 percent and quantity supplied rises by 7 percent. B) 8 percent and quantity supplied rises by 8 percent. C) 10 percent and quantity supplied remains the same. D) 7 percent and quantity supplied rises by 5 percent. Answer: D

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Type: A Topic: 4 E: 365 MI: 121 Status: New 103. The elasticity of supply of product X is unitary if the price of X rises by: A) 5 percent and quantity supplied rises by 7 percent. B) 8 percent and quantity supplied rises by 8 percent. C) 10 percent and quantity supplied stays the same. D) 7 percent and quantity supplied rises by 5 percent. Answer: B

Type: A Topic: 4 E: 365 MI: 121 Status: New 104. The supply of product X is perfectly inelastic if the price of X rises by: A) 5 percent and quantity supplied rises by 7 percent. B) 8 percent and quantity supplied rises by 8 percent. C) 10 percent and quantity supplied stays the same. D) 7 percent and quantity supplied rises by 5 percent. Answer: C

Use the following to answer question 105:

Type: G Topic: 4 E: 365 MI: 121 105. The above diagram shows two product supply curves. It indicates that: A) over range Q1Q2 price elasticity of supply is greater for S1 than for S2. B) over range Q1Q2 price elasticity of supply is greater for S2 than for S1. C) over range Q1Q2 price elasticity of supply is the same for the two curves. D) not enough information is given to compare price elasticities. Answer: A

Type: A Topic: 4 E: 365 MI: 121 106. It takes a considerable amount of time to increase the production of pork. This implies that: A) a change in the demand for pork will not affect its price in the short run. B) the short-run supply curve for pork is less elastic than the long-run supply curve for pork. C) an increase in the demand for pork will elicit a larger supply response in the short run than in the long run. D) the long-run supply curve for pork is less elastic than the short-run supply curve for pork. Answer: B

Chapter 20: Elasticity of Demand and Supply Type: A Topic: 4 E: 365 MI: 121 107. Suppose that the price of product X rises by 20 percent and the quantity supplied of X increases by 15 percent. The coefficient of price elasticity of supply for good X is: A) negative and therefore X is an inferior good. C) less than 1 and therefore supply is inelastic. B) positive and therefore X is a normal good. D) more than 1 and therefore supply is elastic. Answer: C

Type: A Topic: 4 E: 365 MI: 121 108. Assume that the price of product X rises by 5 percent and the quantity supplied of X increases by 15 percent. The coefficient of price elasticity of supply for good X is: A) negative and therefore X is an inferior good. C) less than 1 and therefore supply is inelastic. B) positive and therefore X is a normal good. D) more than 1 and therefore supply is elastic. Answer: D

Use the following to answer questions 109-110:

Type: G Topic: 4 E: 365 MI: 121 109. Refer to the above diagram and assume that price increases from $2 to $10. The coefficient of the price elasticity of supply (midpoints formula) relating to this price change is about: A) 5 and supply is elastic. C) .25 and supply is inelastic. B) 1 and supply is unit elastic. D) 2.5 and supply is elastic. Answer: C

Type: G Topic: 4 E: 365 MI: 121 110. Refer to the above diagram and assume that price decreases from $10 to $2. The coefficient of the price elasticity of supply (midpoints formula) relating to this price change is about: A) 4 and supply is elastic. C) .5 and supply is inelastic. B) 1 and supply is unit elastic. D) .25 and supply is inelastic. Answer: D

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Use the following to answer questions 111-114:

Type: G Topic: 4 E: 365-366 MI: 121-122 111. The above diagram concerns supply adjustments to an increase in demand (D1 to D 2) in the immediate market period, the short run, and the long run. Supply curves S1 , S2, and S3 apply to the: A) immediate market period, long run, and short run respectively. B) immediate market period, short run, and long run respectively. C) long run, short run, and immediate market period respectively. D) short run, long run, and immediate market period respectively. Answer: C

Type: G Topic: 4 E: 365-366 MI: 121-122 112. The above diagram concerns supply adjustments to an increase in demand (D1 to D 2) in the immediate market period, the short run, and the long run. In the immediate market period the increase in demand will: A) have no effect on either equilibrium price or quantity. B) increase equilibrium price, but not equilibrium quantity. C) increase equilibrium quantity, but not equilibrium price. D) increase both equilibrium price and quantity. Answer: B

Type: G Topic: 4 E: 365-366 MI: 121-122 113. The above diagram concerns supply adjustments to an increase in demand (D1 to D 2) in the immediate market period, the short run, and the long run. In the long run the increase in demand will: A) have no effect on either equilibrium price or quantity. B) increase equilibrium price, but not equilibrium quantity. C) increase equilibrium quantity, but not equilibrium price. D) increase both equilibrium price and quantity. Answer: D

Type: G Topic: 4 E: 365-366 MI: 121-122 114. The above diagram concerns supply adjustments to an increase in demand (D1 to D 2) in the immediate market period, the short run, and the long run. On the basis of this illustration we can conclude that: A) short-run adjustments are more economically efficient than are long-run adjustments. B) the amount of time producers have to adjust to a change in demand is not a determinant of supply elasticity. C) supply is more elastic the greater the amount of time producers have to adjust to a change in demand. D) supply is less elastic the greater the amount of time producers have to adjust to a change in demand.

Chapter 20: Elasticity of Demand and Supply Answer: C

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Type: C Topic: 4 E: 365 MI: 121 115. If the supply of product X is perfectly elastic, an increase in the demand for it will increase: A) equilibrium quantity but reduce equilibrium price. B) equilibrium quantity but equilibrium price will be unchanged. C) equilibrium price but reduce equilibrium quantity. D) equilibrium price but equilibrium quantity will be unchanged. Answer: B

Type: A Topic: 4 E: 366 MI: 122 116. Price elasticity of supply is: A) positive in the short run but negative in the long run. B) greater in the long run than in the short run. C) greater in the short run than in the long run. D) independent of time. Answer: B

Type: C Topic: 4 E: 365 MI: 121 117. Suppose the price of a product rises and the total revenue of sellers increases. A) It can be concluded that the demand for the product is elastic. B) It can be concluded that the supply of the product is elastic. C) It can be concluded that the supply of the product is inelastic. D) No conclusion can be reached with respect to the elasticity of supply. Answer: D

Type: A Topic: 4 E: 366 MI: 122 118. Supply curves tend to be: A) perfectly elastic in the long run because consumer demand will have sufficient time to adjust fully to changes in supply. B) more elastic in the long run because there is time for firms to enter or leave the industry. C) perfectly inelastic in the long run because the law of scarcity imposes absolute limits on production. D) less elastic in the long run because there is time for firms to enter or leave an industry. Answer: B

Type: A Topic: 4 E: 366 MI: 122 119. For an increase in demand the price effect is smallest and the quantity effect is largest: A) when supply is least elastic. C) in the short run. B) in the long run. D) in the immediate market period. Answer: B

Type: A Topic: 4 E: 365 MI: 121-122 120. A supply curve that is a vertical straight line indicates that: A) production costs for this product cannot be calculated. B) the relationship between price and quantity supplied is inverse. C) a change in price will have no effect on the quantity supplied. D) an unlimited amount of the product will be supplied at a constant price. Answer: C

Chapter 20: Elasticity of Demand and Supply Type: C Topic: 4 E: 365 MI: 121 121. A supply curve that is parallel to the horizontal axis suggests that: A) the industry is organized monopolistically. B) the relationship between price and quantity supplied is inverse. C) a change in demand will change price in the same direction. D) a change in demand will change the equilibrium quantity but not price. Answer: D

Type: C Topic: 4 E: 365 MI: 121 122. An increase in demand will increase equilibrium price to a greater extent: A) if the product is a normal good. C) the less elastic the supply curve. B) if the product is an inferior good. D) the more elastic the supply curve. Answer: C

Type: C Topic: 4 E: 365 MI: 121 123. Assume there is an increase in the demand for hand calculators. The subsequent: A) increase in price will be greater in the long run than in the short run. B) increase in price will be greater the greater the inelasticity of supply. C) increase in price will be greater the greater the elasticity of supply. D) decline in price will be greater the greater the elasticity of supply. Answer: B

Type: D Topic: 4 E: 365 MI: 121 124. If the supply of a product is inelastic, the price elasticity coefficient of supply is: A) zero. B) greater than one. C) equal to one. D) less than one. Answer: D

Type: A Topic: 4 E: 366 MI: 122 125. The supply of known Monet paintings is: A) perfectly elastic. B) perfectly inelastic. Answer: B

C) relatively elastic.

D) relatively inelastic.

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Applications of price elasticity Use the following to answer questions 126-134:P r i c e p $ 1 3 1 1 9 7 5 3 e r t Q i c uk a e 1 2 3 4 5 6 dnt e t im t y a n , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 d e d

Type: T Topic: 5 E: 360 MI: 116 126. Refer to the above information and assume the stadium capacity is 5000. If the Mudhens' management charges $7 per ticket: A) some fans who want to see the game will find that tickets are not available. B) there will be 2,000 empty seats. C) there will be 1,000 empty seats. D) the game will be sold out. Answer: C

Type: A Topic: 5 E: 365 MI: 121 127. Refer to the above information and assume the stadium capacity is 5000. The supply of seats for the game: A) varies inversely with ticket prices. C) is perfectly inelastic. B) varies directly with ticket prices. D) is perfectly elastic. Answer: C

Type: A Topic: 5 E: 360 MI: 116 128. Refer to the above information and assume the stadium capacity is 5000. If the Mudhens' management wanted a full house for the game, it would: A) set price so as to maximize its total revenue. B) encourage scalpers to sell their tickets for more than $7. C) set ticket prices at $5. D) set ticket prices at $9. Answer: C

Type: T Topic: 5 E: 360-361 MI: 116-117 Status: New 129. Refer to the above information. Over the $13-$11 price range, demand is: A) perfectly elastic. B) perfectly inelastic. C) elastic. D) inelastic. Answer: C

Type: T Topic: 5 E: 360-361 MI: 116-117 Status: New 130. Refer to the above information. Over the $11-$9 price range, demand is: A) perfectly elastic. B) perfectly inelastic. C) elastic. D) inelastic. Answer: C

Chapter 20: Elasticity of Demand and Supply Type: T Topic: 5 E: 360-361 MI: 116-117 Status: New 131. Refer to the above information. Over the $9-$7 price range, demand is: A) perfectly elastic. B) perfectly inelastic. C) elastic. D) inelastic. Answer: C

Type: T Topic: 5 E: 361 MI: 117 Status: New 132. Refer to the above information. Over the $7-$5 price range, demand is: A) perfectly elastic. B) perfectly inelastic. C) elastic. D) inelastic. Answer: D

Type: T Topic: 5 E: 361 MI: 117 Status: New 133. Refer to the above information. Over the $5-$3 price range, demand is: A) perfectly elastic. B) perfectly inelastic. C) elastic. D) inelastic. Answer: D

Type: T Topic: 5 E: 361 MI: 117 Status: New 134. Refer to the above information. If the Mudhens' management wanted to maximize total revenue from the game, it would set the ticket price at: A) $5. B) $7. C) $9. D) $13. Answer: B

Type: A Topic: 5 E: 367 MI: 123 135. An antidrug policy which reduces the supply of heroin might: A) increase street crime because the addict's demand for heroin is highly inelastic. B) reduce street crime because the addict's demand for heroin is highly elastic. C) reduce street crime because the addict's demand for heroin is highly inelastic. D) increase street crime because the addict's demand for heroin is highly elastic. Answer: A

Type: A Topic: 5 E: 364 MI: 120 136. Studies of the minimum wage suggest that the price elasticity of demand for teenage workers is relatively inelastic. This means that: A) an increase in the minimum wage would increase the total incomes of teenage workers as a group. B) an increase in the minimum wage would decrease the total incomes of teenage workers as a group. C) the unemployment effect of an increase in the minimum wage would be relatively large. D) the cross elasticity of demand between teenage and adult workers is positive and very large. Answer: A Type: A Topic: 5 E: 363-364 MI: 119-120 137. In 1991 the Federal government imposed a 10 percent excise tax on yachts costing more than $100,000. This tax: A) failed to bring in the expected amount of tax revenue because the demand for yachts was more price elastic than the government estimated. B) brought in more tax revenue than expected because the demand for yachts was less price elastic than the government estimated. C) failed to bring in the expected amount of tax revenue because the demand for yachts was less income elastic than the government estimated. D) brought about an increase in the demand for yachts and stimulated employment in the boat-building industry.

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Answer: A

Chapter 20: Elasticity of Demand and Supply Type: A Topic: 5 E: 363 MI: 119 138. Farmers often find that large bumper crops are associated with declines in their gross incomes. This suggests that: A) farm products are normal goods. B) farm products are inferior goods. C) the price elasticity of demand for farm products is less than 1. D) the price elasticity of demand for farm products is greater than 1. Answer: C

Use the following to answer questions 139-144:Q d u a n t i t y Q u a n t i t y e m a n P d r e i dc s e u p p l i e d 4 5 $ 01 7 7 5 0 8 7 3 5 6 6 6 8 6 1 4 6 1 6 7 2 5 7

Type: T Topic: 5 E: 48-49 MI: 48-49 Status: New 139. Refer to the above data: Equilibrium price is: A) $8. B) $6. C) $4. D) $2. Answer: C

Type: T Topic: 5 E: 365 MI: 121 Status: New 140. Refer to the above data. Suppose quantity demanded increased by 12 units at each price, changing the equilibrium price in a direction and an amount for you to determine. Over that price range, supply is: A) perfectly elastic. B) perfectly inelastic. C) elastic. D) inelastic. Answer: D

Type: T Topic: 5 E: 365 MI: 121 Status: New 141. Refer to the above data. Suppose quantity supplied declined by 23 units at each price, changing the equilibrium price in a direction and amount for you to determine. Over that price range, demand is: A) elastic. B) inelastic. C) perfectly elastic. D) perfectly inelastic. Answer: B

Type: T Topic: 5 E: 366 MI: 122 Status: New 142. The price of old baseball cards rises rapidly with increases in demand because: A) the supply of old baseball cards is inelastic. C) the demand for old baseball cards is inelastic. B) the supply of old baseball cards in elastic. D) the demand for old baseball cards is elastic. Answer: A

Type: T Topic: 5 E: 366 MI: 122 Status: New 143. The supply curve of a one-of-a-kind original painting is: A) relatively elastic. B) relatively inelastic. C) perfectly inelastic. D) perfectly elastic. Answer: C

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Type: T Topic: 5 E: 366 MI: 122 Status: New 144. The supply curve of antique reproductions is: A) relatively elastic. B) relatively inelastic. C) perfectly inelastic. D) unit elastic. Answer: A

Cross and income elasticity Type: A Topic: 6 E: 368 MI: 124 145. Suppose the income elasticity of demand for toys is +2.00. This means that: A) a 10 percent increase in income will increase the purchase of toys by 20 percent. B) a 10 percent increase in income will increase the purchase of toys by 2 percent. C) a 10 percent increase in income will decrease the purchase of toys by 2 percent. D) toys are an inferior good. Answer: A

Type: A Topic: 6 E: 368 MI: 124 146. If the income elasticity of demand for lard is -3.00, this means that: A) lard is a substitute for butter. B) lard is a normal good. C) lard is an inferior good. D) more lard will be purchased when its price falls. Answer: C

Type: A Topic: 6 E: 367 MI: 123 147. The formula for cross elasticity of demand is percentage change in: A) quantity demanded of X/percentage change in price of X. B) quantity demanded of X/percentage change in income. C) quantity demanded of X/percentage change in price of Y. D) price of X/percentage change in quantity demanded of Y. Answer: C

Type: A Topic: 6 E: 367 MI: 123 148. Cross elasticity of demand measures how sensitive purchases of a specific product are to changes in: A) the price of some other product. C) income. B) the price of that same product. D) the general price level. Answer: A

Type: A Topic: 6 E: 367 MI: 123 149. The larger the positive cross elasticity coefficient of demand between products X and Y, the: A) stronger their complementariness. B) greater their substitutability. C) smaller the price elasticity of demand for both products. D) the less sensitive purchases of each are to increases in income. Answer: B

Chapter 20: Elasticity of Demand and Supply Type: A Topic: 6 E: 367 MI: 123 150. We would expect the cross elasticity of demand between Pepsi and Coke to be: A) positive, indicating normal goods. C) positive, indicating substitute goods. B) positive, indicating inferior goods. D) negative, indicating substitute goods. Answer: C

Type: A Topic: 6 E: 367 MI: 123 151. We would expect the cross elasticity of demand between dress shirts and ties to be: A) positive, indicating normal goods. C) negative, indicating substitute goods. B) positive, indicating inferior goods. D) negative, indicating complementary goods. Answer: D

Use the following to answer question 152:

Type: G Topic: 6 E: 367 MI: 123 152. The above diagram suggests that: A) X and Y are both inferior goods. B) X and Y are both normal goods. Answer: D

C) X and Y are substitute goods. D) X and Y are independent goods.

Type: A Topic: 6 E: 367 MI: 123 153. Compared to coffee, we would expect the cross elasticity of demand for: A) tea to be negative, but positive for cream. C) both tea and cream to be negative. B) tea to be positive, but negative for cream. D) both tea and cream to be positive. Answer: B

Type: A Topic: 6 E: 367 MI: 123 154. We would expect the cross elasticity of demand for Pepsi in relation to other soft drinks to be greater than that for soft drinks generally because: A) soft drinks are normal goods. B) the income effect always exceeds the substitution effect. C) there are fewer good substitutes for soft drinks generally than for Pepsi. D) there are more good substitutes for soft drinks generally than for Pepsi. Answer: C

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Type: A Topic: 6 E: 368 MI: 124 155. Suppose that when your income increases from $28,000 to $30,000 per year, your purchases of X increase from 4 to 5 units because of that income increase. Thus: A) X is an inferior good. B) X is a substitute good. C) the income effect exceeds the substitution effect. D) the demand for X is elastic with respect to income. Answer: D

Use the following to answer questions 156-163:

Type: G Topic: 6 E: 367 MI: 123 156. Refer to the above diagrams. The case of substitute goods is represented by figure: A) A. B) B. C) C. D) D. Answer: D

Type: G Topic: 6 E: 368 MI: 124 157. Refer to the above diagrams. The case of a normal good is represented by figure(s): A) A. B) B. C) C. D) D. Answer: A

Type: G Topic: 6 E: 368 MI: 124 158. Refer to the above diagrams. The case of an inferior good is represented by figure(s): A) A only. B) B only. C) C. D) D. Answer: B

Type: G Topic: 6 E: 367 MI: 123 159. Refer to the above diagrams. The case of complementary goods is represented by figure: A) A. B) B. C) C. D) D. Answer: C

Chapter 20: Elasticity of Demand and Supply Type: G Topic: 6 E: 368 MI: 124 160. Refer to the above diagrams. In which case would the coefficient of income elasticity be positive? A) A. B) B. C) C. D) D. Answer: A

Type: G Topic: 6 E: 368 MI: 124 161. Refer to the above diagrams. In which case would the coefficient of income elasticity be negative? A) A. B) B. C) C. D) D. Answer: B

Type: G Topic: 6 E: 368 MI: 124 162. Refer to the above diagrams. In which case would the coefficient of cross elasticity of demand be positive? A) A. B) B. C) C. D) D. Answer: D

Type: G Topic: 6 E: 368 MI: 124 163. Refer to the above diagrams. In which case would the coefficient of cross elasticity of demand be negative? A) A B) B C) C D) D Answer: C

Type: A Topic: 6 E: 367 MI: 123 164. Suppose that a 10 percent increase in the price of normal good Y causes a 20 percent increase in the quantity demanded of normal good X. The coefficient of cross elasticity of demand is: A) negative and therefore these goods are substitutes. B) negative and therefore these goods are complements. C) positive and therefore these goods are substitutes. D) positive and therefore these goods are complements. Answer: C

Type: A Topic: 6 E: 367 MI: 123 165. Suppose that a 20 percent increase in the price of normal good Y causes a 10 percent decline in the quantity demanded of normal good X. The coefficient of cross elasticity of demand is: A) negative and therefore these goods are substitutes. B) negative and therefore these goods are complements. C) positive and therefore these goods are substitutes. D) positive and therefore these goods are complements. Answer: B

Type: A Topic: 6 E: 368 MI: 124 166. Assume that a 4 percent increase in income in the economy produces an 8 percent increase in the quantity demanded of good X. The coefficient of income elasticity of demand is: A) negative and therefore X is an inferior good. C) positive and therefore X is an inferior good. B) negative and therefore X is a normal good. D) positive and therefore X is a normal good. Answer: D

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Type: A Topic: 6 E: 368 MI: 124 167. Assume that a 3 percent increase in income in the economy produces a 1 percent decline in the quantity demanded of good X. The coefficient of income elasticity of demand for good X is: A) negative and therefore X is an inferior good. C) positive and therefore X is an inferior good. B) negative and therefore X is a normal good. D) positive and therefore X is a normal good. Answer: A

Consider This Questions Type: F E: 358 MI: 114 Status: New 168. (Consider This) Elastic demand is analogous to a __________ and inelastic demand to a _________. A) normal wrench; socket wrench C) Ace bandage; firm rubber tie-down B) tight rubber band; loose rubber band D) one-foot ruler; tape measure Answer: C

Type: F E: 358 MI: 114 Status: New 169. (Consider This) Elasticity can be thought of as degree of relative: A) video brightness. B) price bounce. C) audio volume. D) quantity stretch. Answer: D

Last Word Questions Type: A E: 369 MI: 125 Status: New 170. (Last Word) Suppose that a firm has "pricing power" and can segregate its market into two distinct groups based on differences in elasticities of demand. The firm might charge: A) a lower price to the group that has the less elastic demand. B) a higher price to the group that has the less elastic demand. C) the same price to both groups but include a "free" related product for the group that has an inelastic demand. D) the same price to both groups but make it difficult for the group with the more elastic demand to gain access to the product. Answer: B

Type: A E: 369 MI: 125 Status: New 171. (Last Word) Microsoft charges a substantially lower price for a software upgrade than for the initial purchase of the software. This implies that Microsoft views the demand curve for the software upgrade to be: A) more elastic than the demand for the original software. B) upsloping rather than downsloping. C) less elastic than the demand for the original software. D) of less value than the original software. Answer: A

Chapter 20: Elasticity of Demand and Supply Type: A E: 369 MI: 125 Status: New 172. (Last Word) Which of the following is not an example of pricing based on group differences in elasticity of demand? A) Senior-citizen discounts at restaurants and motels. B) Cash rebates for purchases of automobiles. C) Children discounts for admissions to theme parks. D) Discounted student prices for visits to museums. Answer: B

True/False Questions Type: A E: 359 MI: 115 Status: New 173. A linear demand curve has a constant elasticity over the full range of the curve. Answer: False

Type: A E: 365 MI: 121 Status: New 174. The greater the ease of shifting resources from product X to Y in the production process, the greater is the elasticity of supply of product Y. Answer: True

Type: E E: 365 MI: 121 Status: New 175. If the elasticity coefficient of supply is 0.7, supply is elastic. Answer: False

Type: F E: 366 MI: 122 Status: New 176. Antiques tend to have highly inelastic supply curves. Answer: True

Type: A E: 362 MI: 118 177. The smaller the number of good substitutes for a product, the greater will be the price elasticity of demand for it. Answer: False

Type: A E: 363 MI: 119 178. If the demand for wheat is highly price inelastic, an extraordinarly large crop may reduce farm incomes. Answer: True

Type: A E: 362 MI: 118 179. Generally speaking, the demand for luxury goods is more price elastic than is the demand for necessities. Answer: True

Type: A E: 362 MI: 118 180. Generally speaking, the smaller the percentage of one's total budget devoted to a particular product, the more price elastic will be the demand for that product. Answer: False

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Type: A E: 361 MI: 117 181. If price and total revenue are directly related, demand is inelastic. Answer: True

Type: A E: 361-362 MI: 117-118 182. If price changes and total revenue changes in the opposite direction, demand is relatively elastic. Answer: True

Use the following to answer questions 183-185: Answer the next question(s) on the basis of the following demand and supply data:Q u a n t i t y d e m Q a un ad p e r m o n P t rh i c e p e 3 0 $ 8 4 3 6 7 3 4 2 6 3 5 0 5 2 r ne dt i t y s u p m o n t h 4 8 0 0 p l i e d

Type: A E: 48-49 MI: 48-49 183. Refer to the above data. The equilibrium price of this product is somewhere between $6 and $7. Answer: True

Type: T E: 359 MI: 115 184. Refer to the above data. The demand for this product is elastic in the $8-$7 price range. Answer: True

Type: T E: 365 MI: 121 185. Refer to the above data. The supply of this product is inelastic in the $6-$5 price range. Answer: False

Type: T E: 367 MI: 123 186. Cross elasticity of demand measures the effect of a change in the price of one product on the quantity demanded of another product. Answer: True

Type: D E: 368 MI: 124 187. Income elasticity measures the effect of a change in income on the purchases of some good or service. Answer: True

Type: D E: 368 MI: 124 188. If the coefficient of income elasticity of demand is positive, the product is an inferior good. Answer: False

Chapter 20: Elasticity of Demand and Supply Type: A E: 367 MI: 123 189. If the coefficient of cross elasticity of demand is positive, the two products are complementary goods. Answer: False

Type: A E: 368 MI: 124 190. An income elasticity coefficient of -1.8 means the product is a normal good. Answer: False

Type: A E: 367 MI: 123 191. A cross elasticity of demand coefficient of +2.5 indicates that the two products are substitutes. Answer: True

Type: A E: 367 MI: 123 192. We would expect the coefficient of cross elasticity of demand for DVD players and DVDs to be positive. Answer: False

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