chaotic advection and fast, patient-specific simulation of blood flows in cerebral aneurysms

Chaotic advection and fast, patient-specific simulation of blood flows in cerebral aneurysms Dr. Gábor Závodszky

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Chaotic advection and fast, patient-specific simulation of blood flows in cerebral aneurysms

Dr. Gbor Zvodszky


Chaotic dynamicsPAGE 2

Chaotic advection and fast, patient-specific simulation of blood flows in cerebral aneurysmsEffects of chaosPAGE 3

Chaotic advection and fast, patient-specific simulation of blood flows in cerebral aneurysmsHow is this connected to blood flows?PAGE 4

Chaotic advection and fast, patient-specific simulation of blood flows in cerebral aneurysmsA visualisation of the phenomenaPAGE 5

Chaotic advection and fast, patient-specific simulation of blood flows in cerebral aneurysmsSimple setup for examinationPAGE 6

Chaotic advection and fast, patient-specific simulation of blood flows in cerebral aneurysmsAppearance of chaosPAGE 7

Chaotic advection and fast, patient-specific simulation of blood flows in cerebral aneurysmsMeasurement of chaotic propertiesPAGE 8

Chaotic advection and fast, patient-specific simulation of blood flows in cerebral aneurysms

PAGE 9Changed parameter and the amount of changeD1(information dimension)(escape rate)(Lyapunov exponent)Default set of parameters0,9220,0190,243Parent artery radius (R) +2,5 [mm]0,927 0,0240,330 Parent artery radius (R) -2,5 [mm]0,937 0,0160,257Parent artery diameter (D) +0,5 [mm]0,9190,0240,301Parent artery diameter (D) -0,5 [mm]0,9110,009 0,100 Sac neck width (L) +1,0 [mm]0,853 0,056 0,383 Sac neck width (L) -0,5 [mm]0,9230,0170,219Sac radius (r) +2,5 [mm]0,9020,005 0,046 Sac radius (r) -0,7 [mm]0,9230,064 0,826 Flow velocity (Re) +500,9260,053 0,712 Flow velocity (Re) -900,9160,0180,208 Heart beat freq. (Wo) +0,56 (0,5 s cycle)0,879 0,040 0,332 Heart beat freq. (Wo) -0,4 (2 s cycle)0,935 0,003 0,049

Chaotic advection and fast, patient-specific simulation of blood flows in cerebral aneurysmsValidationPAGE 10

Surface meshSilicon phantomPIV & LDA

Chaotic advection and fast, patient-specific simulation of blood flows in cerebral aneurysmsValidationPAGE 11

Chaotic advection and fast, patient-specific simulation of blood flows in cerebral aneurysmsChaotic flow in a real aneurysm geometryPAGE 12

Chaotic advection and fast, patient-specific simulation of blood flows in cerebral aneurysmsIncreasing the flow velocity (Re)PAGE 13

Re = 50Re = 450

Chaotic advection and fast, patient-specific simulation of blood flows in cerebral aneurysmsThe main projectPAGE 14

Chaotic advection and fast, patient-specific simulation of blood flows in cerebral aneurysmsGPU vs. CPUPAGE 15

Chaotic advection and fast, patient-specific simulation of blood flows in cerebral aneurysmsSeveral tricks under the hood.15


Chaotic advection and fast, patient-specific simulation of blood flows in cerebral aneurysms

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