changing the way we teach today

Changing the way we teach today 7 March 2012

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How do we educate the 21st Century Learner?


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Changing the way we teach today

7 March 2012

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My Mother’s Classroom is not like My Classroom

Michael Gordon Robinson

AST 2nd Outstanding-Educator-In-Residence (OEIR)

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In this article, he shares his reflection on how teaching requires a combination of old and new teaching techniques in order to engage the students in the learning process. He believes that teachers must be willing to embrace change and continue to develop their teaching strategies to incorporate within them the latest technology and information available.

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My mother’s classroom

• Mother a Third Grade teacher

• No computers and no multimedia projectors

• Internet non-existent

• Set of 1980s encyclopedias on a bookshelf

• Mother taught with textbook and chalk-filled blackboard

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My classroom

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Teaching is challenging

• Teaching is an art form that you perfect over time. You do not just start out as a great teacher…Teaching can be at times a thankless and frustrating ordeal, but you stick with it because the reward of seeing your students learn and the satisfaction of knowing what you do matters more than most professions. It makes teaching worth it.

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My classroom then

• 1994 – no computers in the room, no email, no cell phones; overhead projector and notes written on clear transparencies

• 1997 – email address and one computer in the classroom

• One computer would change my entire approach to my lesson preparation

• My mantra then “Why change what works?”

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My classroom now

• A good lesson on world climates becomes a great lesson by the resources now available on the internet

• It is no longer now a matter of choice for a teacher to use the internet in the classroom. It is a NECESSITY.

• What I must now learn is how to best use the internet and teach my students how to best use it. The key word again is “TEACH”.

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Preparing for the unknown

• Teachers have a new job when it comes to preparing students for the 21st century.

• It has become necessary for teachers to focus on “learning how to learn”.

• The challenge for teachers is to focus on how their students can learn beyond the classroom.

• Students need critical thinking skills so that they can problem solve and be innovative and creative.

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Living in a shrinking world

• The human experience is an increasingly globalized phenomenon in which people are constantly being influenced by transnational, cross-cultural, multi-cultural and multi-ethnic interactions.

• We must embrace CHANGE and, enrich and equip our students to meet the challenges of the changing world.

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Do we teach today as we taught yesterday?

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The relationship between SDL, CoL and 21CC

• SDL and CoL are skills and learning processes integral to achieving 21CC - as listed in many educational reports

• 21st century learners are active and life-long learners. They need skills pertaining to group-based problem solving and knowledge creation


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Self-directed Learning (SDL)


SDL is intricately linked to lifelong learning.

The salient aspects of SDL are: ownership of learning, management and monitoring of own learning and extension of own learning.

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Self-directed learning spectrum

Adapted from

Low degree of self-direction

High degree of self-direction


Self-directed learning “Students independently set learning goals and outcomes, and design activities that extend their learning. They then reflect on and evaluate their own progress to improve their learning.”

Self-planned learning “Students negotiate and set learning goals and manage their own learning. They pursue learning outcomes through activities they design themselves and incorporate feedback from their peers to achieve their goals.”

Self-managed learning “Students independently complete activities presented through learning guides. They monitor their own learning, and look for resources that complement given resources to achieve their learning goals.”

Teaching students to think independently “Students work on teacher-facilitated learning activities that develop them to think independently. The activities emphasise the personal pursuit of meaning through exploration, inquiry, problem solving and creative activity.

Incidental self-directed learning “The occasional introduction of SDL activities into activities that are otherwise teacher-directed.”

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Collaborative Learning (CoL)


CoL is also defined as social interactions that are targeted at deeper knowing.

When students interact for the purpose of achieving better understanding of a concept, a problem, a phenomenon or to create a novel piece of knowledge or solution that they do not previously know, they are engaged in collaborative learning.

Simply defined, CoL is where students work in pairs or groups to solve a problem or to achieve a common learning objective.

(Barkley et al., 2005).

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CoL and the 5 phases of knowledge construction

Phase Processes Actions

V Application of newly constructed meaning

As students inquire collaboratively and teach one another reciprocally, their further discussion reflects new knowledge construction.

IV Testing and modification

The negotiations trigger further experimentation, collecting data, review of literature and consultation with experts.

III Knowledge co-construction

Considering others’ viewpoints, students negotiate their diverse ideas and direct them towards a collective understanding.

II Exploration of inconsistency among participants

Students contribute ideas and the ideas are different from each other.

I Sharing and comparing of information

In groups, students discuss identified problems, set goals and determine group processes with guidance from teachers.


High degree of knowledge construction

Low degree of knowledge construction

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SDL, CoL and 21CC

• SDL and CoL are skills that students can acquire in order to learn and work effectively in the 21st century knowledge-based environment

• SDL and CoL are also learning processes which allow students to become self-directed learners, active contributors, confident persons and concerned citizens

– the Desired Outcomes of Education.


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“If we teach today as we taught yesterday, we rob our children of


John Dewey

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2 fundamental questions

• Who are the 21st Century Learners and what are their learning preferences?

• What do they need to know to confidently handle the challenges of the changing world?

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21st Century Learners and their Learning Preferences

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Future Work Skills for 21st Century Learners

3 People Skills for the Workforce

• Virtual Collaboration – Ability to work productively, drive engagement, and

demonstrate a presence as a member of a virtual team

• Cross-Cultural competency – Ability to operate in different cultural settings

• Social Intelligence – Ability to connect to others in a deep and direct way, to

sense and stimulate reactions and desired interactions

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Future Work Skills for 21st Century Learners

7 Literacy Skills for the Workforce

• Transdisciplinarity – Literacy in and ability to understand concepts

across multiple disciplines

• New-Media Literacy – Ability to critically assess and develop content that

uses new media forms and to leverage these media for persuasive communication

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Future Work Skills for 21st Century Learners

7 Literacy Skills for the Workforce

• Design Mindset – Ability to represent and develop tasks and work

processes for desired outcomes

• Cognitive Load Management – Ability to discriminate and filter information for

importance, and to understand how to maximize cognitive functioning using a variety of tools and techniques

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Future Work Skills for 21st Century Learners

7 Literacy Skills for the Workforce • Computational Thinking

– Ability to translate vast amounts of data into abstract concepts and to understand data-based reasoning

• Novel and Adaptive Thinking – Proficiency at thinking and coming up with solutions

and responses beyond that which is rote or rule-based

• Sense Making – Ability to determine the deeper meaning or

significance of what is being expressed

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21st Century Literacy Skills

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21st Century Literacy Skills

6 processes PIACC identifies as Critical Components of Literacy

• Accessing

– Knowing about and know how to collect and/or retrieve information

• Managing

– Organising information into existing classification schemes

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21st Century Literacy Skills

6 processes PIACC identifies as Critical Components of Literacy

• Integrating – Interpreting, summarising, comparing and

contrasting information using similar or different forms of representation

• Evaluating – Reflecting to make judgments about the quality,

relevance, usefulness or efficiency of information

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21st Century Literacy Skills

6 processes PIACC identifies as Critical Components of Literacy

• Constructing – Generating new information and knowledge by

adapting, applying, designing, inventing, representing or authoring information

• Communicating – Conveying information and knowledge to various


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Discussion Time

• How can educators meet the needs of the 21st Century Learner?

• How can we re-evaluate the practice of teaching and learning and equip students with the necessary tools to help them advance in this digital age?

20 min