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Chairman Mao Tse-tungOur great teacher, great leader, great supreme commander and great helmsman







On October 1, our greot teocher, greot leoder, greot supreme commonderond greot helmsmon Choirmon Mqo ond his close comrode-in-orms Vice-Choirmon Lin Pioo review the morching columns of the Notionol Doy

porode from the Tien An Men rostrum


Ghairman Hao Gelehrates fiational IIay Hith58{1,000 frrmyllreil and People in Fekingo The people cheer the splendid victories won in the post 18 yeors by Choirmon

MEo's revolutionory line ond the tremendous successes of the greot culturolrevolution.

I Choirmon Mao ond his close comrode-in-orms Vice-Choirmon Lin Pioo, both inradisnt heolth, give their festivol greetings to oll ottending the moss rolly ondioining the porode. The revolutionory mosses cheer: "Long live Choirmon Moo!A long, Iong life to Choirmon Moo!"

. Comrode lin Piqo mokes o very importont speech.




rfT HE capital resounded with shouts of "Long livet Chair-man lvlao! A long, long life to him!" andthunderous applause as half a million People's Libera-tion Armymen, proletarian revolutionaries and peopleof all circles ceiebrated the l8th anniversary of thePeople's Republic of China at a rnass rally, followedby a mammotl'r parade past Tien An Men Squareon October 1. Chairman Mao, the great teacher, greatleader. great su.preme commander and great helmsman,and his ciose comrade-in-arms Vice-Chairman Lin PiaoatiendeC the rally and reviewed the mighty army ofparaders.

It q'as a magnificent celebration at a time whenthe natlon *,as joyousiy acclaiming tire tremendous vic-

tories of the great proletarian cultural re'rolution per-sonally initiated and led by Chairman Mao, the greatestMar'xist-Leninist of the preseni era. It was a cele-bration hailing the briiliant vietories won in the past18 years by the proletarian revolutionary line repre-sented by Chairman Mao. It rvas a mighty demon-stration against U.S. imperialism, Soviet modern re-visionism and reaction throughout the worid!

Calrf ing recl flags, portraits o{ Chairman Mao andtheir treasured red-covered Quotations From Clnirman!r'Iao Tse-tung, the paraders conrzerged from all overthe cit;' on Tien An iL;Ien Square ea.r1y in the morning.singing rerrolutionar:r' songs and shcuting "Long liveChaii'man NIao!'' They read in unison from

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Wiih a huge national er*blera anti a large statue of Chairmau SIaoin its rnitlst, the vanguard surges throu8h lien An Mea Sqirare

Octobet 6, 1957

-IChairman Mao as they waited for the happy momentwhen they would be reviewed by their great leaderChairman Mao.

At 10 a.m. sharp, Chairman Mao and his closecomrade-in-arms Vice-Chairman Lin Piao, both in ex-ceilent soirits and glowing with health, ascended thercstrum on the Tien An Men Gate to the strains of. TheEcsl Is Red. Tremendous cheers of "Long live ChairmantrI::l A long, long life to him!" burst forth fromthe P.LA men, young Red Guards and revolutionarypeopie gathered at the square and from friendsand comrades-in-arms from all over the ',vor1d inthe reviewing stands. At that moment, the squarewas transformed into a picture of the rising sun asthe 100,000 revolutionaries massed there held up redand gold bouquets. Huge balloons were then rcleased,five of which, in the form of palace lanterns, bore thewords "Long live Chairman Mao" in five Chinese char-acters, while two others trailed streamers with thewords "Heartily wish Chairman Mao a long, long life!"Like sunflowers facing the sun, the jubilant massesturned their eyes to the great leader, cheering andwaving their copies of Quotations Frant, Chairman MctoTse-tung.

With Chairman Mao and Vice-Chairman Lin piao onthe rostrum were Chou En-lai, Chen Po-ta, Kang Sheng,Chu Teh, Li Fu-chun, Chen Yun, Soong Ching Ling,Tung Pi-wu, Chen Yi, Li Hsien-nien, Hsu Hsiang-chien,Nieh Jung-chen. Yeh Chien-ying, Hsieh Fu-chih, ChiangChing, Yang Cheng-r,vu, Su Yu, Chi Pen-yu and yehChun. Also on the rostrum were: Comrade MehmetShehu, head, and Comrade Ramiz Alia, member, of theAlbanian Party and Government Delegation; ComradeLe Thanh Nghi, head, and Comrade Hoang Van Hoan,deputy head, of the Party and Government Delegationof the Vietnam Democratic Republic; Comrade HuynhVan Danh, head of the Delegation of the South Viet-nam ldational Front for Liberation; Thakin Ba TheinTin, head of the Delegation of the Centra,l Committee ofthe Communist Party of Burma; yusuf Adjitorop,head of the Deiegation of the Central Committee ofthe Indonesian Communiist Party; John Foulds, headof the Delegation of the Communist party ofNew Zealand; Prime Minister Ambroise Noumaza-lay, head of the Delegation of the National Revolu-tionary Movement and Government of the Republic ofthe Congo (Brazzaville); Minister Abdul Rahman Mo-hammed Babu, head of the Tanzanian Goodlvil1 Dele-gation; Bakara Diallo, Director of the president,sCabinet of Mali, and his wife; Minister Khrvaja Shaha-buddin, head of the Pakistan Government GoodwillDelegation, and his wife; Nguyen Minh phuong,acting head of the Permanent Mission of theSouth Vietnam National Front for Liberation toChina; Anna Louise Strong, noted American ,"vriter;Djawoto, Secretary-General of the Afro-AsianJournalists' Association, and his wife; R.D. Senanayake,Secretary-General of the Afro-Asian Writers' Bureau,and his wife; Rcbert Williams, American fr.iend, airdhis wife; and Kinkazu Saionji, Japanese friend. Alsoon the rostrum were Members and Alternate Members


of the Central Committee of the Chinese CommunistParty, Members of the Standing Committee of the Na-tional People's Congress, leading members of the ChinesePeople's Liberation Army, Peking Municipal Revolu-tionary Committee and various government departments.Mr. Li Tsung-jen was also on the rostrum. Also on therosti:um rvere P.L.A. combat heroes, and activists in thestudy of Chairman Mao's works.

When Hsieh Fu-chih, Alternate Member of thePo1itical Bureau of the Party's Central Committee,Vice-Premier and Chairman of the peking MunicipalRevolutionary Committee, declared the rally open,salvoes boomed out and the national anthem was play-ed. Amid a thunderous ovation, Comrade Lin Piaostepped forward to address the nation. (For fu1l textof the speech see p. g.)

After Comrade Lin Piao,s speech, the The hundreds of thousands of revolutionary peo-ple and P.L.A. coramanders and frghters, who surgedthrough the square in 140 columns to be reviewed bythe great leader Chairman Mao, marched briskly,shouting revolutionary slogans, holding aloft portraitsof Chairman Mao and red banners, and waving theirred-covered Quotations From Chairman Mao Tse-tung.During the two-hour parade, Chairman Mao and hisclose comrade-in-arms Vice-Chairman Lin Piao werein high spirits as they greeted the paraders, wavingto them again and again.

At the front of the parade was a large statueof Chairman Mao, his arm upraised, guiding thetriumphant march of miilions upon millions ofpeople. As the marchers carrying huge portraits of1\4arx, Engels, Lenin, Staliri and Chairman Mao andgiant models of the Selected Works of Mao Tse-tungfiled past, the spectators cheeredi "Long live the in-vincible thought of Mao Tse-tung!" Everyone u,asoverjoyed that the world had entered the new era ofMao Tse-tung's thought. The great thought of MaoTse-tung has been widely popularized in the great cul-tural revolution. To read Chairnran Mao's books hasbecome a must for the revolutir"rnary people. Theprinters in the capiial brought models to the paradeto show the record-breaking number of Chairman Mao'sworks they had brought out.

Thirty thousand People's Liberation Armymen,workers, Red Guards and students then marched past asthe vanguard. The P.L.A. is a Great Wali that protectsthe motherland and the great proietarian cr-ritural revo-lution. Escorting the national flag and the nationalemblem, the P.L.A. men marched as one man, rifle inone hand, Quatatians From Chairmsn Mao Tse-tung inthe other. They marched past vigorously to be reviervedby their great supreme commander Chairman Mao. Thevanguard carried large arresting slogans and modelsillustrating the tremendous victories of the great pro-letarian cultural revolution. The people greeted withexceptional enthusiasm models of the May 16, 1966Circular on the cultural revolution issued by the Cen-tral Committee of the C.P.C. and of the historic big-character pcster "Bombard the Headquarters" r,vrittenby Chairman Mao. All eyes were turned to Chairman

Peking liet:ieu, No. 41



A F.L.A. contingent marehes through the square, carrying a big poster with Vice-Chair-ma"r'! Lin Piao's inscription "Long lil'e Chairman Mao, the great teacher, B:reat leailer,great supreme cGmmander and great helrr,srnan! A long, Iong life to Chairrnan Mao!"

Mao on the rostrum as shouts of "Long live ChairmanMao!" rang out again al-id again. The Circular, whichlvas drawn up under the personal guidance of Chair-man Mao, pu1 forr,vard the theory, line, principles andpclicies for the great proletarian cultural revolution.It sounded the call for the cultural revolution andpushed the theory of proletarian diciatorship to a nelvstage. In his big-character poster "Bombard the Head-quarters" v;ritten on August 5, 1966, Chairman Meouncovered the bourgeois headquarters headed byChina's Khrushchov which had lain hidden within tI-reorganizations of the proletariat. This great culturalsevolution is now developing in depth and scope. Thebourgeois headquarters headed by China's Khrushchovhas collapsed. Its counter-revolutionary line has gonecompletely bankrupt.

Contingents of P.L.A. men marched into the squarecarrying a big poster bearing Comrade Lin Piao's rn ordsin his handrvliting: "Hold aloft the great red bannerof Mao Tse-tung's thought and win new merit inthe great proletarian cultural revolution movement."Under Comrade Lin Piao's personal Qommand,the P.L.A. has performed immortal feats and scorednew successes in defending the country, in defendingand supporting the great proletarian cultural revolu-tion, and in promoting industrial and agricultural pro-duction. The army is the true and powerful mainstayof the dictatorship of the proletariat. Contingents fromthe army also carried posters with the slogan: "Wewill liberate Taiwan!"

A ne-,v upsur:ge has emerged in the mass movementto "support the army and cherish the people" through-out the country. The paraders held aloft huge posters

October 6, 7967

with the slogans "!Vith-out a people's army thepeople have nothing"and "Learn from theP.L.A., salute theP.L.A." to express theardent love and sup-port of the people ailover ihe country for theP.L.A.

With group dancingand with slogans andmcdels, the paradersci:mcnstrated how theyll.ere following thegreat strategic piancharted by ChairmanIvlao by actively takingpart in the mass critic-ism and repudiationagainst the top Partypersons in authoritytaking the capitalistroad. There u,ere alsoslogans lauding the rev-olutionary great allianceand the revolutionary

"three-in-one" combination. The cultural revolutionhas transfcrmed the mental outlook of the people andpromoted industrial and agricultural production as rvellas scientific and technolo€Iical development. The ex-plosion of China's first hydrogen bomb marked thenew level China has reached in science and technology.Good news has been pouring in from all fronts. The coun-try has just brought in a good harvest for the sixth suc-cessive year. Worker and peasant paraders marched withfloats shor,ving their achievements to Chairman Mao.

A militant dance by Red Guards attracted particularattention. As the revolutionary young people marchedpast shouting "Completely destroy the old. world!"and "Revolution is no crime, to rebel is justified," allcheered the rvorld-shaking Red Guard movement. Nur-tured by Mao Tse-tung's thought and tempered in thestorm of class struggle, China's young revolutionariesare maturing very quickly. They are making them-selves worthy successors to the proletarian cause byalways following Chairman Mao's teachings, learningfrom the P.L.A., the workers and peasants, and inte-grating with the workers and peasants.

From the display of 15,000 marching literary andart workers, those in the reviewing stands could seethe vigorous development in China's new culture andliterature and art since the start of the great prole-tarian cultural revolution. In ihe van marched literaryand art workers dressed as workers, peasants or sol-diers, rvith a hu,ge statue of Chairman Mao in their midstand carrying a big banner inscribed with the words:"Triumphantly advance along Chairman Mao's revolu-tionary iine for literature and artl" This signified theirdetermination to make art and literature serve the

workers, peasants and soidiei's as well as proletarianpolitics.

The reform of drama is an important componentpart of the cultur-al revolution. Elght floats movedslowly through the sqlrare, presenting the eightexemplary revolutionary thea.tricai works, which ln-ciuCed the Peking opera ?aking the Bandits' Strang-hc?C. t!:e baiiet Tlze Wlzite-ilaired. Girt and tl-:e sym-phc::ic s-ork Shaclziapang. The floats lvon enthusiasticap-cl.use from the spectators.

fu the literary and art lvorkers' column were MaoTse-trng's thought propaganda teams, new-born in thegreai cultural revolution. These are task forces inaciivell disseminating lltao Tse-tung's thought in {ac-tories. people's comirlunes, government offices, schoolsand the streeis.

The masses parading through the square displayedthe miiitant solida-rit;r of the Chinese people rvith theoppressed peoples and oppressed nations of the world.Again and again they shouted slogans expressing theChinese people's resolute support for the Vietnamesepeople in their great rn,ar against U.S. aggression andfor nationa.i salvation, resolule support for the revolu-tionary struggles of the Asian. African ancl LatinAmerican peoples, and fcr the revolutionary strugglesof the people in the rest of the worid. When theymarched past the revieu,ing stands, l-rolding aloft ban-ners rvith the words "Dorvn with irnperialism Lreadedby the United Sta'uesl" "Down with modern revision-ism rvith the So'riet revisionist leading clique as itsc€ntre," many cornrades and friends from all over theworld raised their clenched fisis high or shouted slogansangrily expressing their common hatred for imperiaiismand modern revisionisin.

Similar rallies and parades were held in Shanghai,Tientsin. Wuhan, Krvangchou, and other eities throrigh-out the country to celebrate National Day.

i.lqtionol Doy CcrnivolChairman Nllao, our most respected and beloved

leader, joined hundreds o{ thousands of P.L.A. men,proletarlan revolutionaries and people from various cir-cles in Peking in the National Day carnival on theevening of October 1.

When Chairman Mao appeared on the rostrum onthe Tien An Men Gate, jrrbilant young Red Guardsjumped for joy, wavecl their copies of Quotations FromChai.rman Mao Tse-tung and shouted "Long live Chair-man Mao!" Smiling, Chaii'man Mao waved back toacknowiedge their greetings. The rejoicing people re-peatedly sang So,iling the Seas Depends an the Helms-rnan to express their boundless respect, boundless loveand boundiess reverence fcr their great leader. Beam-ing with smiles, Chairman NIao shook hands with thecomrades and friends from various countries.

With Chairman Mao were Comrades Chou En-lai,Chen Po-ta, Kang Sheng, Chu Teh, Li Fu-chun, ChenY,-rn, Tungi Pi-wu, Chen Yi, Li Hsien-nien, Nieh Jung-chen, Hsieh Fu--chih, Li Hsueh*feng, Sung Jen-chiung,Chiang Ching, Liti Ning-I, Yang Cheng-wu, Su Yu, ChiPen-yu and Yeh Chun.


Among the distinguished guests on the rostrumvrere Ccmrades l\llehmet Shehu and Ramiz Aiia of Al-bania. Congolese (B) Prime &Iinister Arnbroise Nou-mazalay, Comrades Le Thanh Nghi and Hoang Van Hoanof the Vietnam Democratic Republic, Comrade ThakinBa Thein Tin of Burma, Comrade Huynh Van Danh ofsouth Vietnam, Comrade Yusuf Adiitorop of Indonesia,Comrade John Foulds of New Zealand, Minister KhwajaShahabuddin of Pakistan and his wife, Minister A.R.M.Babu of Tanzania, and Bakara Diallo, Director of thePresident's Cabinet of Mali, and his wife.

The revolutionary masses in the square sang anddanced joyously, frequently bursting into cheers fortheir great leader Chairman Mao and the guests ofhonour.

The carnival lasted till iate into the night.

Nqtioncl Dcy Reception

On the evening of September 30, Premier ChouEn-lai gave a grand reeeption at Peking's Great Ha1lof the People. Proletarian revolutionary comrades-in-arms and representatives of the people of al1 circlesin the country celebrated the anniversary together withdistinguished gues-ts from many countries of the fivecontinents. The reception was held at a time whenChina's great proletarian cuitural revolution had wongreat victories and the domestic and world excellent.

Premier Chou spoke at the reception. His speeeh(see full iext on p. 11) rvas pulrctuated with enthu-siastic applause.

The reception was filled wiih an atmosphere ofrevolutionary friendship and militant unity. Hostsand guests repeatedly toasted the great victories ofChina's great proletarian culiural revolution which hadshaken the whole rvorld to its very foundation, thestrengthening o{ the revolutionary mi.Iitant friendshipbetween the people of China and the rest of the world,the excellent situation in the worldwide revolutionarystruggle against imperialism, rer;isionism and reaction.Everyone rvished a long, long iife to Chairma,n Mao,the great leader of the Chinese people and the reddestred sun in the hearts of the people of the world.

Before Premier Chou's speech, 300 Red Guardsmounted the rostrum and recited in unison the fo1-lovring quotations from Chairman Mao: "The foreeat the core leading our cause forrvard is the ChineseCammunist Party. The theoretical basis guiding ourthinking is Marxism-Leninism" and "The truth ofMarxism-Leninism .is on our side. So is the interna-tional proletariat. So are the oppressed nations andoppressed peoples. ll,nd so are the masses of peoplewho constitute over 90 per cent of the world's popula-tion. We have friends all over the world." Then theysang the lnternationale, The Eosf Is Red, People ofthe World, Unite a:td Sai.ling th,e Seas Depends an theHelmsman to express their deep love for the greatleader Chairman Mao and their revolutionary deter-mination. They u,ere greeted by warm applause fromthe anti-imperialist and anti-revisionist fighters fromvarious countries.

Peking Reoiew, No. 41

cCIMraABffi LAro pE&O',g gpffiffiCH

- At the rolly


Comrades and friends,

Today is the 18th anniversary of the foundingof the People's Republic of China. On this gloriousfestive occasion, ol behalf of our great leader Chair-man Mao, the Central Committee of the Party, theGovernment of the People's Republic of China, theNIililary Commlssion of the Party's Central Conr-mittee and the Cultural Revolution Group Underthe Party's Central Committee, I most warmlysalute the work,ers, peasants, comrranders andfighters of the People's Liberation Army, the RedGuards, the revolutionary cadres and revoiu-iionaryinteilectuals and the people of all nationalitiesthroughout the country, and extend a hearty we1-come to our comrades and friends who comefrom clifferent parts oi the worldl

We are celebrating the l8th anniversary of thefounding of the Peop1els Republic of China at a timervhen tremendous victories have been won in thegreat proletarian cultural revolution and an excel-lent siiuation prevails both in China and in thewhole world.

The great proletarian cultural revolution move-ment initiated and led personally by Chairman L,Iao

has spread to the whole of China. HunclreCs cfmiiiions of people have been aroused. Frcm thecapital to the bcrder l'egions, frcm the cities to thecourrtryside, and from factory 'uvorkshops to work-ei-s' hcnles, everyone, from teenagers to giey-hairedoid dcik, concerns himseif witli state affairs andwith the consolidaticn and strengihening ,of thedictatorship of the proietariat. Never beJoi'e ha"s a

mass movement been so extensive and deep-gorngas the present one. The broad masses of rn,orkersand peasants, commantiers and fighters of the Feo-pie's Litreraiion Army, Red Guards, rerroLutionarycadres a-n<i revoluiionar;r intellectuals, graduailyuniting themselves through their struggies in thepast year, have formed a raighiy revclu+"ionaryarmy. Under the leadership of the Party's CentralCommittee headed by Chairman Mao, they have

October 6, 1967

celebroting the ISth onniversory of the

of the People's Republic of Chino

badly routed the handful of Party persons in autho-rity taking the capitalist road headed by China'sKhrushchov, who have collapsed on all fronts.

Frightened out of their wits by China's greatpr:oletarian cultural revolution, U.S. irnperialism,Soviet revisionism and ai1 reaction hoped that thisgreat revolution rvould upset crur national economy.The facts have turned out to be exactly the oppositeof the 'u-zishes of these overloi:ds. The great prcle-tarian cuitural revolutioir has further liberated thep::oriuctive forces. Glad iidings about the successes

in cu.l' industriai product.ion keep cn coming in. Inagi:icuiture, we are reaping a good harvest for thesixl-i: consecutive year. Cur markets are thrivingand ihe prices are stabie. The successful explosionof China's hydrcgen bcr::b indicates a ne-w level inthe development of science and'technology. What iseven more important. the great cultural revolutionhas educated the masses and the youth, greatly pro-nroted the revolutionization of the thinking of theentire Chinese people. enhanced the great unity of thepeople of all nationalities and tempered our cadresand aii the P.L.A. conrmaudet's and fightels. Ourgreat motherland has never been so powerful as itis today.

China's grea-t proletarieln culti;ral revolution has

v;on decisive victory. In the history of the inter-national communist ltto!,ement, this is the lirst greatrevoiution lau-nched by the pr:oieiariat itself in a

country under the dictaiorship of the pi:oletariat. Itis an epcch-mahing netl,' de'u'eiopmetrt of Marxism-Leninisrn whicli Chairman Mao has effected rn ithgeirilLs and in a creativc r,vay.

In response to the great cali of Chairman Mao,.we niust not only thorcughly d,estroy the bourgeoisheadquarters o:,:ganizaticnally, 'oui must also carryout mcre exiensive and penetrating revolutionarymass criticism and repudiation so that the handfulof trar'Ly persons in aulhority iaking the capitalisfroad headed by China's Khrurshcirov v,'i11 be com-pietely overthrow-n and discredited politica11,v,


ideologically and theoretically and will never beabie to rise again. Such mass criticism and repudia-tion should be c:mbined with the struggie-criticism-transformation in the respective units so that theg,'eat red banner of Mao Tse-tung's thought will a1l. fronts.

At present, the most important task belore usis. in accordance with Chairman Mao's teacl-ringsard his theory, line, principles and policy for mak-ing revolution under the dictatorship of the prole-ta:ra-. to hoid fast to the generai orientaticn of therevoiutionary struggle pointed out by ChairmanI\{ac. lo closely foilow his strategic plan and, throughthe revolutionary mass criticism and repudiationcombined'n,ith the struggle-criticism-transformationin the respective units, to consolidate and developthe revolutionary great alliance and revolutionary"three-way combination" and make a success of thestruggle-criticism-transformation in these units,thus carrying the great proletarian cultural revolu-tion through to the end,

Chairman Mao has recently instructed us that"it is irnperative to com,bat selfishness and criticizeand repudiate revisionism." By combating seifish-ness, we mean to use Marxism-Leninism, MaoTse-tung's thought to fight selfish ideas in one's ownmind. By criticizing and repudiating revisionism,we mean to use Marxism-Leninism, Mao Tse-tung'sthought to combat revisionism and struggle againstthe handful of Party persons in authority taking thecapitalist road. These two tasks are interrelated.Only when we have done a good job of eradicatingselfish ideas, can we better caffy on the struggleagainst revisionism through to the end. We mustrespond to the great call of Chairman Mao and, withthe instruction "cornbat selfishness and criticize andrepudiate revisionism" as the guiding principle,strengthen the ideological education of the army andcivilian cadres and of the Red Guards. Various kindsof study classes should be organized both at thecentral and local levels and can also be run by therevolutionary mass organizations, so that the wholecountry will be turned. into a great school of MaoTse-tung's thought. These studies will hetp ourveteran and new cadres and young revolutionaryfighters to study and apptry Mao Tse-tung's thoughtin a creative way, liquidate all sorts of non-pro1e-tarian ideas in their minds, raise their ideologicaland politlcal level and perform new meritoriousdeeds for the people.

We must respond to the great call of ChairmanMao and "take firrn hokl of the revolution andpnomote prcduction," energetically promote thedevelopment of our industrial and agricultural


production and rapidly raise our scientific andtechnological level.

We must respond to the great call of ChairmanMao and unfold a movement of "supporting the armyand eherishing the people." We must strengthen thedictatorship of the proletariat and resolutely sup-press the sabotaging activities by class enemies,domestic and foreign.

The great proletarian cultural revolution is a

movement that integrates Mao Tse-tung's thoughtwith the broad masses of the people. Once MaoTse-tung's thought is grasped by hundreds of mi1-lions of people, it turns into an invincible materialforce, ensuring that the dictatorship of the prole-tariat in our country will never change its colour andenabiing our sociaiist revolution and socialist con-struction to advance victoriously along the road ofMao Tse-tung's thought!

Proletarian revolutionaries, unite, hold high thegreat red banner of Mao Tse-tung's thought andcarry the great protretarian cultural revolutionthrough to the end!

Workers of all countries, unite; workers of theworld, unite with the oppressed peopies and oppres-sed nations!

Down with imperialism headed by the UnitedStates !

Down with modern revisionism with the Sovietrevisionist leading ciique as its centre!

Resolute support to the Vietnamese people intheir great war against U.S. aggression and fornational salvation !

Resolute support to the revolutionary strugglesof the peoples of Asia, Africa and Latin America!

Resolute support to the revolutionary strugglesof all peoples!

We are determined to liberate Taiwan!

Long live the great unity of the people of allnationalities of China!

Long live the People's Republic of China!

Long live the great, glorious and correct Com-munist Party of China!

Long live great Marxism-Leninism!

Long live the ever-victorious thought of MaoTse-tung!

Long live Chairman Mao, our great teacher,great leader, great supreme commander and greathelmsman! A long 1ife, and Iong, long life to him!

Pzking Reuiew, No. 4I



- At the Notionq! Dsy Reception

Distinguished guests,

Comrades and friends,

We are highiy elated and most happy that we pro-letarian revolutionary comrades-in-arms and repre-sentatives of the people of all circles of our countryhave the opportunity of gathering joyously with ourdistinguished guests from many countries of the fivecontinents in this hall to celebrate the 18Lh anniver-sary of the founding of the People's Republic of Chinaat a time when our great proietarian cultural revolu-tion is winning further victories.

Guests at this reception include the Albanian Partyand Government Delegation led by Comrade MehmetShehu, which has come from the forefront of the strug-gie against imperialism and revisionism; the Party andGovernment Delegation of the Democratic Repubiic ofVietnam led by Comrade Le Thanh Nghi and ComradeHoang Van Hoan and the Delegation of the SouthVietnam National Front for Liberation 1ed by ComradeHuynh Van Danh, which have come from the forefrontof the armed struggle against U.S. imperialism; theDelegation of the National Revolutionary Movementand the Government of the Congo (B) led by His Ex-cellency Ambroise Noumazalay, the Tanzanian Good-r,vill Delegation led by His Excellency Abdul RahmanMohammed Babu, and His Excellency Diailo Bakaraof Ma1i, that have come from the forefront of the anti-imperialist struggtre in Africa; the Pakistan Govern-ment Goodwiil Delegation led by His ExcellencyKhwaja Shahabuddin coming from a country which isour close neighbour; the delegates of various fraternalMarxist-Leninist Parties; and many political, military,economic, cultural and non-governmental friendshipdelegations and protninent personages of various walksof life from different countries. The presence of thesedistinguished guests is a tremendous support and en-couragement for the Chinese people. Now, on behalfof our great leader Chairman Mao Tse-tung and hisclose comrade-in-arms Vice-Chairman Lin Piaci and inthe name of the Communist Party of China and theChinese Government and people, I lvould like to extendto you our warm welcome and hearty thanks!

Comrades and friends! An excellent siiuation pre-vails in our great motherland.

In the past year and more, the great proletariancultural revolution personally initiated and led byChairman Mao has truly aroused hundreds of millionsof re'rolutionary masses. The dissemination of the greatthought of Mao Tse-tung has been more extensive than

October 6, 7967

ever before, and the mental outlook of our people hasu-ndergone a tremendous change. The handful of topParty persons in authority taking the capitalist roadhave bsen exposed and are being subjected to thoroughcriticism and repudiation. The dictatorship of the pro-leiariat in our country has been further consolidated.In conformity with Chairman Mao's great strategicplan, on the principled basis of Mao Tse-tung's thoughtand following the guideline of "cornbat selfishness andcriticize and repudiate revisionism," a new nationwideupsurge of revolutionary mass criticism, revolutionarygreat ailiance and revolutionary "three-way combina-tion" is coming into being.

"Bevolutions are the locomotives of history."Chairman Mao's great call for "taking firm hold ofthe revolution and prornoting production" has inspiredthe broad masses of tl-re working people to dynamicaction, and our country will certainly make new leapsforward in her socialist construction.

An excellent situation likeu,ise prevails in the wholeworld.

The &tarxist-Leninist ranks are expanding. Stand-ing in the forefront of the struggle against revisionism,the heroic, People's Albania has become a great beaconof socialism in Europe. The revolutionary movementof the people of the world, and especially that of theAsian, African and Latin American peoples, is devel-oping. The flames of people's armed struggle havebeen kindled in more and more countries. The heroicVietnamese people are v'inning one brilliant victoryafter another in their war against U.S. aggression andfor national salvation. The anti-imperialist tides in theArab and African regions continue to rise. In theUnited States, the Afro-Americans have started armedsiruggLes against tyranny on an unprecedented scale.Beset with difficulties at home and abroad, U.S. im-perialism is finding it very hard to get along. Themodern revisionists are revealing more and more clear-Iy their true colours as renegades and are also findii-rqthe going tough. To avert their doom, the U.S. im-perialists and the modern revisionists are stepping uptheir collusion and are mustering a few followers ina vain attempt to whip up a new anti-Chinese adversecurrent and so isolate and stamp out the revolutionarystruggles of the peoples. These gentlemen are simpl"irindulging in wishful thinking. The 700 million Chinesepeople are determined to carry the great proletariancultural revolution through to the end. No force canhold back the historical trend of the revolutionarystruggles of the people in Asia, Africa, Latin America



and the rest of the'r,,,orid. In hatching plots againsiChina, corriu:runism, the people and revolution, U.S.imperialism and modern revisionism are lifting a rockonly to drop it on their own teet, thereby hasteningtheir defeat.

Co:::rades and friendsl Our great leader ChairmanI\{ac teaches us: ". . . struggie hard so as to buildChina into a great and powerful sccialist countrSr sqdhelp the broad masses of the oppressed and exploitedthroughout the world in frilfihnent of our great inter-netionalist duty." Through the current great prole-tarian cultural revolution, the Chinese people arrneds'ith the invincible thought of Mao Tse-tung will cer-tainlS.- carry out stil1 better the general lins of ourforeign policy and rnore effectively fulfil our greatinternationalist duty. Not flinching from maximumnational : sacrifices, \ re are determined to give all-outsupport and aid to the Vietnamese people in their viaragainst U.S. aggression and for national salvation til1final victcr:y is rvon. We firmly support the re.rclu-tionary struggies of the peoples in Asia, Africa, LatinAmerica and the rest of the world. We will unite withall lMarxist-Leninists of the r,vor'ld, with the revolu-tionary people of ihe rn'orld, with all the oppresseclpeoples and oppressed nations and with ail the anti-irnperialist forces that can be united and form thebroaCest r-rnited front against U.S. imperialism to carrythrough to the end the struggle against U.S. lmperiaiismand its lackeys and ihe struggle against modern revi-sionism, and continuously advance the revolutionary

cause of tl-ie people of the vrorld and ihe internationalproletariat !

Nowlproposeatoastto the great uniiy of the people of al1 nationaiities

of our country,to the great unity cf the people of ihe u,hole -rvcrlC,

to the new victoric.s of the heroic Vietnamese peo-ple and the other p,eoples in their strliggle against U.S.imoerialism,

to the new viclories of the peooles of Asir. Africa,Latin America and the rest of the world in theirrevolutionary cause of liberation,

to the new victories of our great proletarian cul-tural revolution,

to the great, ever-victorious thought of Mao Tse-tung.

to the long, iong life of Chairman 1\1[ao, our greatteacher, great leader, great supreme commander andgreat helmsman,

to the health of our distinguished guests from A1-bania, the Congo (B), Vietnam,, Tanzania,Maii and other countries,

to the health of ail our foreign comrades andfriends,

to the healih of the dipiomatic envoys and theirwilres, and

to the heaith of ali our fellorv countr"ymen andcomrades present!

Rohsst E{emEtfu

-A Source of Trernendoers Hcppiness to the Fe*ple of ehinsAnd the Whole WorEd

against u'ar and ad-vanee troth rvork and productioer,"and win new merit in defence of the great proletariancr-ritural revoiution and of national security.

Comrade Chang Chun-chiao, Deputy l{ead of theCultural Revolution Group Under the Centra"I Com-mittee of the Chinese Communist Party and a respon-sibie member of the P.L.A. Nanking }/Iilitary Com:land,brought the good news that our great ieader Ch;rlr-man &trao was in excellent healtir and full of vigour.This was a source of trernendous happiness to tirepeople of China and of the whole r,vorld, he said. FIisword,q rvei:e greeted wiih long an,C thunderous applause.Cireers resounded: "Long live Chairman Mao! A long,long life to him!"

(Continued on p. 19.)

Peking Reuieu, No. 41

8llr, &reat l"eader &haErffiE&BE ffice Es Em ffixeeEEemfr,

THE air force unit of the Chinese People's Liberationr Alm.r r',-hich brougl'rt dor,r-n the U.S.-made U-2

high-altitude reconnaissance plane of the Chiang banditgang on September B in east China, held a meeting onthe afteriroon of September 28 io celebrate this majorvictoi'y and to commend the units aitd individuals rvhohad distinguished themselves in the engagement.Speaking ai the meeting, P.L.A. commanders andfighters and proletarian revolutionaries hailed thissuccess as a resorurding victory for the invincibletl-rought of L{r.o Tse-tnng. They expressed their deter-mina-tion to r"a.ise siiiL higher the great red banner ofIvIao T::e*tr-iag's tl:c:rght. claserly fcllotv Chairrnan Mao,sgreat stial.egic piLn :.ii.:.d reeoLltel;z implement theirsllpreme commanii'.:r:'s impcriant riirectlrre,,to take:{irnr hold of tXae revoiution, prornote preparedness

ffi$?m#re'ereffiffi &4** ffieseayffis AEfuffiffi8am Fmtrty

Anred Gmwetrffisffiemf ffieEeg*tx&ff?

Chairman it'iao ygarmly shakes hanils wi6!r Comrade DEehrnet Strehu, leaatrer of the Alhanian Farty and Govcrnment Delega(ioq

d-\Ot'lRADE SI{O TSE-T{.]}{G, our most respec!.ed and\-l bcloved great leader, C!-raintran of the CentralConi*eittec of the Chinese Communist trarty, on thea.ftcrnaon of Septernber 30 receivecl Conrrade S{ehmetShePru, head of tire .Al-oanian Party anci GovernsrentDetegation, E{ernber of Ure FoEitical Bureau ef the Cen-tral Ccrnrnittee of the Albanien Party of Labour andChairmaa of the Councitr of Ministers of Altrania; Com-rade fiarniz Alia, mernher of the Albanian Farty andGovernrcrent Delegation, IMernber of the Politieal Bureauancl Secretariat of the Central Committee of the AI-

October 6, 7967

hanian Party of Labour; and other n:embers of the.&Ibanian Farty aud Gcvernment f,)elegatien.

At 4 p.m., Chairr-rtan Mao, bearning with sn-aiics endin high spiri.ts, w,atrked. u,ith firrn strides to tnie entranceof the reception hall to greet the close cornracles-iu-arrnsfrorn Albania, the great beacon of sociatrisrn in Europe-

lYhen Comrade Mehrnet Shehu and ali the eomradesfrom the Alfuanian Party and Government Delcgatioqarrived at the reception hall, Chairrnan ll[ao rvarmlywelcomed them and shook hands with tlem. The Al-


banian comrades expressed their love for Chairman Maoby their warm applause. Photographs were taken ofChairman NIao rvith the Albanian ccfflrades,

Chairman lfao then had a very cordia! talk withComrade Shchu, Comrade Ramiz Alia, andother members of the Albanian Party and Governrnent

Delegation including Comrades Mihallaq Zicishti, Rah-man Ferllaku, Tonin Jakova, Agim Mero, Foto Cami,Firo Bita and Yasil Nathanaili.

Comrades Chou En-lai, Kang Sheng, Liu Ning-I, [-iuHsiao and Lo Kwei-po were present during thereception.

ing the job of supporting the Left, assisting industryand agriculture, exercising military control and givingmilitary and political training, so as to quickly sharethis greatest happiness with them.

P.L.A. men stationed on the coastal front and thefrontiers greeted the news r,vith similar rejoicing. Cheersof "Long live Chairman Mao! A long, long life tohim!" resounded from the southeastern coast to theTibetan Plateau and Karakoram Mountain Range, fromthe banks of the Ili River to the I{eilungkiang River.

Amid these heart-stirring festive activities, themasses of commanders and fighters of the three services,filled with the highest respect for our great Leader Chair-man Mao, said that Chairman Mao's reception showedthe greatest concern for and encouragement to theP.L.A., and would most vigorously urge them forward.Cadres of army units stationed in Peking who had beenpresent at the reception found themselves too excitedto sleep. They pledged to be loyal to Chairman Maofor ever, to study, remould themselves and make rev-olution as long as they live and be fighters alwaysadvancing along Chairman Mao's proletarian revolu-tionary line.

Recalling the progress they have made during thepast year, commanders and fighters participating inthe work of supporting the Left, assisting industry andagriculture, exercising military control and giving mili-tary and poiitical training said that practice in the sharpand complicated class struggle has greatly raised theirclass feeling towards Chairman Mao, Mao Tse.tung'sthought and Chairman Mao's proletarian revolutionaryline.

With heightened fighting spirit, they expressedtheir resolve to hold the great red banner of MaoTse-tung's thought still higher and, in the course ofstruggle, creatively study and apply Chairman Mao'sworks still better. They are determined to closely fol-low Chairman Mao's great strategic plan; do good workin defending the motherland, in supporting the Leftand cherishing the people; assist the proletarian revolu-tionaries and revolutionary !-nasses to carry forr,vard therevolutionary mass criticism and repudiation in a morepenetrating way; help to bring about the revolutionarygreat alliance and rer,'olutionary "three-in-one" com-bination; take firm hoid o{ the revolution and promoteproduction and carry the great proletarian cultural rev-olution through to the end.

Ghairman ffiao Reeeiwes ffiilitary Gadres ila Pekimg

A T , time when there is an excellent situation in theI r great proletarian cultural revolution and on theeve of the lEth anniversary of the founding of the Feo-ple's Bepublic of China, our great teacher ChairmanMao on the evening of September 26 received rnititarycadres from different provinces studying in Feking andleading members of the People's Liberation Armystationed in various provinces and regions who lvereattending meetings in the capital.

When Chairman Mao arrived at the meeting placein extrernely high spirits, the whole gathering greetedhim with prolonged, stormy applause and cheers, shout-ing enthusiastically and excitedly: "Long live ChairmanMao! A long, long life to him!", "Wishing our greatleader Chairman Mao a long, long Iife!", "For ever loyalto our great leader Chairman Mao!", "For ever loyal toMao Tse-tung's thought!", "For ever loyal to ChairmanMao's proletarian revolutionary line !", "We will gofight wherever Chairrnan Mao directs us!" and ..Carrythe great proletarian cultural revolution through to theend!"

The news ot'Chairman Mao's reception of militarycadres has greatly inspired the commanders and fight-ers of the Chinese People's Liberation Army. Thewhole army, from rank-and-file to leadership, frommilitary organizations to companies, from cadres tofighters, has been overrvhelmed with joy and happiness.Army units stationed in a1l parts of the country heldmeetings, parades and other celebration activities to ex-press their boundless love, loyalty and respect for Chair-man Mao and their infinite faith in him.

Upon hearing the news broadcast, army units sta_tioned in the capital r.vere astir early in the morning ofSeptember 27. The various General Departments of theP.L.A., the Scientific and Technological Commission forNational Defence, the Office in Charge of National De_fenee Industry, leading organs of the air and navalforces and various branches of the army, and the pe-king garri.son forces immediately put up big-characterposterc to spread the glad news and helcl celebrationmeetings or discussions. Sirnitar celebrations and dis_cussions r.vere also held by army units in Shanghai,Wuhan, Tsinan, Lanchow, Shenyang, I(rvangchorv, Nan_king, Chengtu and elsewhere. Some organized prop_aganda teams and other activities to bring the goodnews to the revolutionary masses and companies; othersused a host of means to inform the commanders andfighters in factories and on the farms who lvere tackl-

14 Pelcittg Reoiew, No. 41


Long Live Victory of the GreotCulturol Revolution Under theDictotorsh ip of the Proletsriqt

- ln Celebrotion of the lStlr Anniversory of the Founding

Of the People's Republic of Chino

by the Editorial Departments of "Eenmin Ribao,""Hongqi " and "Jiefangjun Bao"

IDING on the powerful east wind of the greatproletarian cultural revolution, along the bright

road of Mao Tse-tung's thought, we triumphantlygreet the 18th anniversary of the founding of the Peo-ple's Republic of China.

On the eve of this grand festival, the happy newsthat our great leader Chairman Mao has just made aninspection tour of north, central-south and east Chinaspread throughout the country, giving immense newencouragement to hundreds of millions of revolution-ary people.

We warmly welcome the comrades and friendsfrom all parts of the world who have come to joinus in our National Day festivities at the high tide ofthe great cultural revolution.

The 18 years of the People's Republic of Chinahave been 18 years of life-and-death struggle betweentwo antagonistic classes-the proletariat and thebourgeoisie. They have been 18 years of the triumphof the socialist road over the capitalist road, and 18

years of the day-by-day strengthening and consolida-tion of the dictatorship of the proletariat.

Proceeding in the direction pointed out by Chair-man Mao, and with the concerted efforts and struggleof the masses of the working people, we have mademost brilliant achievements along the socialist roadduring the past 18 years.

The soeialist system has promoted the growth ofChina's productive forces which have developed byleaps and bounds. Under the guidance of the generalline for building socialism formulated by ChairmanMao, there has emerged an all-round big leap forrvardin industrial and agricultural production and in allfieids of construction. In a giant leap, our countryhas been transformed from a poor, backward andcalamity-ridden country into a prosperous, vigorous andfast developing socialist power.

Since liberation, we have repulsed repeated fren-zied attacks by the bourgeoisie and won one greatvictory after another. We won victories in the cam-

October 6, 7967

paign against the three evils (corruption, waste andbureaucracy) and five evils (bribery, tax evasion, theftof state property, cheating on government contractsand stealing economic information for speculation), inthe struggle against the Rightists and in opposing Rightopportunists inside the Party and in the socialist edu-cation movement in the cities and countryside. On theideological and cultural front, we have criticized andrepudiated the bourgeoisie on many occasions.

In the past 18 years, the Chinese people havewaged valiant struggles against imperialism, modernrevisionism and reactionaries of various countries. Inthe war to resist U.S. aggression and aid Korea, theChinese people together with the Korean people inflicteda crushing defeat on U.S. imperialism. We have made in-ternationalist contributions by our support of the peo-ple of Vietnam and the revolutionary struggles of thepeoples of other countries. Together with the Marxist-Leninists of other countries, we have thoroughly ex-posed and launched a resolute struggle against mod-ern revisionism with the Soviet revisionist renegadeclique as its centre, thereby promoting the triumphantdevelopment of the international communist move-ment in its ner.v stage.

The history of the past 18 years ful1y proves thatonly Mao Tse-tung's thought can save China. Stead-fast adherence to the socialist road, to the proletarianrevolution and to the dictatorship of the proletariatunder the great revolutionary red banner of MaoTse-tung's thought is the militant course we havetaken; this is our orientation.

The current unprecedented, great proletarian cul-tural revolution initiated and led by Chairman Maohimself is worth recording in letters of gold in theglorious history of the People's Republic of China.

Holding high the great red banner of l\{ao

Tse-tung's thought, China's masses of workers, peas-

ants and soldiers, revolutionary cadres and revolu-tionary intellectuals have stepped on to the politicalstage of the great proletarian cultural revolution, and,

in the short period of a little over one year, have per-formed world-shaking miracles.


Lenin said: "Bevolutions are festivals of the op-pressed and the explcited. At no other time are thonrass of the people in a position to come forward so

actively as creators of a nerv social order, as at a tirneof revolution- At such times the people are capableof performing rnitacles, if judged by the limited, phil-istine yardstick of gradualist ptogress." Our coun-tr1-'s great proletarian cultural revolution has devel-ope<i precisely in this way.

Proletarian revolutionaries and the masses of thepeople throughout the country, mobilized under Chair-nan Iflao's great call to "bombard the headquarters,"mounted fierce attacks on the bourgeois headquartersheaded by China's Khrushchov. Led by the proletarianheadquarters headed by Chairman Mao, the revolu-tionary mass movement with the tremendous force ofa thunderbolt sr-nashed the bourgeois headquarters,which had made a futile attempt to bring about acounter-revolutionary restoration, and routed the hand-ful of top Party persons in authority taking the capi-talist road. The counter-revolritionary revisionist linethey pushed has gone totally bankrupt.

The gigantic storm of the great proletarian cu1-tural revolution I'ras shaken hundreds of millions ofpeople to the depths of their souls. The great Marxism-Leninism, the great thought of Mao Tse-tung has beenpopularized on a scale unparalleled in history. Thei.deological revolutionization of the entire Chinese peo-pie has reached new heights. By studying and ap-p).ying Chairman Mao's works in a creative way duringthe eourse of the struggle, the broad masses have criti-cized and repudiated the bourgeois worid outlook andcome to understand the great truth of the necessityfor revolution under the dictatorship of the proletariat,the target and methods of the revolution and the wayto prevent the restoration of capitalism.

Tens of miilions of revolutionary young people andrevolutionary Red Guards, who have stormed the enemypositions during the present great revolution, haveundergone repeated tempering in the class struggle andmade outstanding contributions. Successors to the rev-olutionary cause of the proletariat are growing andmaturing steadily. The nerv-born, revolutionary back-bone forces of the proletariat are corning forward ingreat numbers. Numerous revolutionary cadres havestood up to the rigorous tests of the great proletariancultural revolution, greatiy raised their proletarian con-sciousness, irnproved their reiations with the masses,and are now making new contributions to the cause ofsocialism.

The great Chinese People's Liberation Armv isfounded and 1ed personally by our great leader Chair-man Mao. Under the direct command of ComradeLin Piao, it is holding aloft the great red banner ofMao Tse-tung's thought and forging close links witltthe masses of the people. It has achieved glorious andhistoric new merits rxzhile undergoing the biggest andbest tempering in the siruggle to deferrd the country,safeguard and support the great proleiarian cuitural


revolution and promote the development of industrialand agricultural production. It is worthy of its roleas the powerful piilar of the dictatorship of the pro-leta.riat, and is the matchless army of the peopie.

The immense spiritual force generated by the greatproletarian cultural revolution has been transfolmedinto a gigantic material force that is propelling fors'ardthe development of socialist consiruction. The explo-sion of our country's first hydrogen bomb indicates thatour science and technology and the build-up of ournational ciefence have reached a ne-w and higher level.

Comrade Lin Piao has pointed out that, as far as

the great proletarian cultural revolution is concerned,"the Losses are of the'smallesit rnhile the gains are ofthe biggest." This is a very good summing up of thesituaiion.

Our country has never before been as united as itis today, the various nationalities of our country havenever before enjoyed such unity as they do today, andour national defence has never before been as con-solidated as it is today.

This is a great victory for Chairman Mao's theoryon the continuation of revolution under the dictator-ship of the proletariat, a great victory for his proleta-rian revolutionary line, a great victory for MaoTse-tung's thought, a great victory for Chairman Mao'sdevelopment of Marxism-Leninism.

It is by no means accidental that the great prole-tarian cultural revolution has taken place in China.It is an inevitable stage in the deeper-going develop-ment of the class struggle under the d-ictatorship of theproletariat. It is a tremendous achievement arisingfrom the study and summing up of the laws governingelass contradictions and class str"uggle in socialist so-ciety, undertaken by Chairman Mao over a long period.

As early as the eve of nationwide victory 18 yearsago, Chairman Mao pointed out to the entire Party:"To win this victory will not require mueh more timeand effort, but to consolidate it will." "To win country-lvide victory is only the first step in a long march often thousand Zi."

Chairman Mao here explained to us an extremel5rimportant Marxist-Leninist principle. The proletariat'sconquest of political power in no way means the con-clusion of the revolution but is the beginning of it.The dictatorship of the proletariat covers a very longhistorical period. After winning political power, theproletariat still has to wage protracted and repeatedstruggle in a test of strength with the bourgeoisie andforces of capitalism. Gigantic efforts must be madeto push the socialist revolution forrvard and carry itthrough to the end.

The law of class struggle in socialist society tellsus that the exploiting classes, though they have failed,never for a moment stop dreaming of the recovery oftheir lost paradise. They sti[ wield considerable in-fluence in the ideological sphere and control quite a

Peking Reuieu, No. 41




number of positions. The sponia-neous capitalist ten-dencies of the u-rban and rural petty bourgeoisie andthe force of habrt will not quickly vanish completelyjust because of collectivization. They can still con-stantly generate new bour:geois elements. At the sametime, international capitalist influence seeks in everyway and through every channel to bring about "peace-ful evolution" in the socialist countries. Just as Leninsaid: "The dictatorship of the proletariat means amost determined and most ruthless war waged by thenew class against a nxore pouerful enemy, the bour-geoisiq whose resistance is inereasec{ tenfold by theiroverthrow (even if only in a single eountry), and rvhosepower lies, not only in the strengih of internatioyralcapital, the strength and durability of their interna-tional connections, but also in the force of habit, inthe strength of smnll-scale proiluction. Unfortunately,small-scale production is still widespread in the world,and small-scale productiola eqerlders capitalism and thebourgeoisie continuously, daily, hourly, spontaneously,and on a mass scale. All these reasons make the dic-tatorship of the proletariat necessary, and vietory overthe bourgeoisie is impossible without a long, stutrbornand dpsperate life-and-death struggle which calls fortenacity, discipline, and a single and inflexible will."

Chairman Mao repeatedly teaches us that classstruggle does not eome to an end after the completionof socialist transformation of the ownership of the meansof production. "The class struggle between the prole-tariat and the bourgeoisie, the class struggle betweenthe different political forces, and the class struggle inthe ideological field between the proletariat and thobourgeoisie wiII continue to be long and tortuous andat times rvill even become very acute. The proletariatseeks to transform the world aecording to its oivnworld outlook, and so does the bourgeoisie. In thisrespect, the question of which will win out, socialismor capitalism, is still not really settled." If this is notsufficiently understood, or is not understood at a1l, thegravest mistakes will be made.

The handful of Party persons in authority takingthe capitalist road headed by China's Khrushchov arethe most stubborn defenders of bourgeois ideology andrepresent it in the most concentrated form. Using thepo\yer they usurped, they did their utmost to campaignfor capitalism in a vain attempt to turn the dictator-ship of the proletariat into a bourgeois dictatorshipand, by open and underhand methods, bring about therestoration of capitalism. To destroy the ideology ofall exploiting classes, we are bound to engage in antag-onistic conflicts with this handful of bourgeois repre-sentatives. Thus, the overthrow of the handful ofParty persons in authority taking the capitaiist roadbecomes the main task of the great proletarian culiuralrevolutioir. Our struggle with them is a life-and-deathstruggle to determine which wiit win out, the prole-tariat or the bourgeoisie.

Ccmrade Mao Tse-tung, the greatest Marxist-Leninist of our era, has summed up the historica-i expe-rience of the dictatorship of the proletariat in China

October 6, 7967

and other countries and in particular studied the se-rious lesson of the overall restoration of capitalism inthe Soviet Union. FIe has revealed penetraiingly thelaws governing class struggle in socialist society, cr:ea.-tively set forth the important theory of the great pro-letarian cultural revolution and persona,lly initiatedanci ied the gigantic struggle of the first such revolu-tion in mankind's history. By so doing, he has graspedand solved the most important fundamental question,that of carrying on revolution under the dictator-ship of the proletariat. He has developed with tre-mendous creativeness the Marxist-Leninist concept ofclass struggle in the period of the dictatorship of theproletariat and greatly developed the concept of thedictatorship of the proletariat, thereby advancingIVlarxism-Leninism to a completely new stage, the stageof Mao Tse-tung's thought.

Startling thunderbolts shake the earth. Once ourgreat leader Chairman Mao's brilliant theory of carry-ing on the revolution under the dictatorship of the pro-letariat is integrated with hundreds of millions of rev-olutionary people, it immediately turns into an un-precedentedly powerful proletarian revolutionary forcein this vast. land of China. This invincible force hasfurther smashed the counter-revolutionary capi',alistforces and accelerated the advance of our history,ushering i:n a new era in the history of the internationalcommunist movement.

The victory we have already ,"von is great. Fromnow on, we must exert further efforts in the struggleto carry the great proletarian cultural revolutionthrough to the end.

Our future fighting tasks are as follou's:

We should hold still higher the great red bannerof Mao Tse-tung's thought, carry out revolutionary ma-ss

critieism and repudiation even more extensively anddeeply, concentrate our fire on the target, overthrowand completely discredit politically, ideologically arrdtheoretically the handful of top Party pensons in au-thority taking the capitaiist road heaCed by China',sKhrushchov so that all their intrigues and plots for a

come-back wili be bankrupted for ever.

We should fu1ly arouse the masses, combine revo-lutionary mass criticism and repudiation with thetasks of struggle-criticism-transformation in all units,fulfil these tasks successfully, carry out deep-goingtransformation in all spheres in accordance with Chair-man Mao's revolutionary line and ensure the supremacyof Mao Tse-tung's thought in all fieids.

Chairman N{ao teaches us: ''There is no funda-mental clash of interests within the working class.

Under the dictatorship of the proletariat, there is noreason whatsoever for the working class to split intotwo big itreconcilable organizations."

In addition to this important instruction to theworking class, Chairrnan IVIao teaches us: "The revo-lutionary Red Guards and revoluti-onary student or-ganizations shotlld realize the revoitltionary great alli-ance. So long as both sides are revolutionary mass


orgairizaticns, they should realize the revolutionarygreat alliance in accordance with revolutionary prin-eiples."

\Ye should follow Chairman Mao's teachings anddevelop and cousolidate the revolutionary great allianceand the lerolutionary "three-in-one" combination andstrengther revolutionary unity on the prineipled basisof IIao Tse-tung's thought.

5fe should consolidate or establish revolutionarycc,=-r-'i:ees at the various levels and correctly handleccl::aiic:ions rvithin the revolutionary ranks, correctlykea: :i:e cacires, boldly use the revolutionary cadres andexei cur efforts to help and bring up new cadres ac-corirng to Chairman Mao's principles.

\Ye should launch a vigorous movement of support-ing the arrny and cherishing the people on a still largerscale and carry through this movement persistently andin a penetrating way.

We should further implement the great policy of'taking firm hold of the revolution and promoting pro-duetion," persist i.n carrying out revolution after work-ing-hours, carrying out revolution in one's own locali-ty and practising thrift in the course of carrying outrevoluticn anrl energetically promote the development ofindustrial and agricultural production.

While striving to do a still better job of supportingthe Left, assisting industry and agriculture, exercisingmilitary control and giving military and political train-ing, all commanders and fighters of the People's Libera-tion Army should maintain high vigilance, strengthentheir combat readiness, consolidate national defence andsafeguard the suceessful advance of the great proleta-rian cultural revolution. They should be ready at alltimes to smash the aggression of imperialism headed bythe United States and to liberate our territory ofTaiwan.

We should rely on the masses, further consolidateand strengthen the dictatorship of the proletariat, res-oiutely suppress all the sabotaging activities of foreignand domestic class enemies, resolutely suppress the va-rious spy activities of U.S.-Chiang Kai-shek specialagents, Soviet revisionist special agents and Japanesespecial agents.

"The important thing is to be good at learning.,'In order to accomplish all these great tasks it is neces-sary to creatively study and apply Chairman Mao'sworks in the course of struggle and to strengthen thework of building up the revolutionary ranks ideologi-ca1ly.

Marx and Engels pointed out in tt:le Manifesto ofthe Communist Partg: "The Communist revolution isthe most radical rupture with traditional property re-lations; no wonder that its developrnent involves themost radieal rupture with traditional ideas.,,

The traditional ideas of the exploiting classes areselfishness, whose influence has been deep-rooted forthousands of years. Ali proletarian revolutionaries andthe broad revolutionary masses should consciously take


up the weapon of seif-criticism and use Marxism-Lenin-ism, Mao Tse-tung's thought, to defeat bourgeois andpetty-bourgeois ideas and courageously break awayfrom the "selfishness" in their own minds. OnIy inthis way can our ranks be built up into a mighty pro-letarian cultural revolutionary army, which has a highlevel of revolutionary spirit, scientific approach andsense of organization and discipline.

Most of our cadres are good or comparatively good.With regard to the revolutionary cadres who havecommitted mistakes, we should help them patientlyand give them the chance and time to correct theirown mistakes according to Chairman Mao's traditionalpolicy of "Learning from past rnistakes to avoid futureones, curing the sickness to save the patient," so thatthey can make amends and catch up with the revolu-tionary ranks of the proletariat.

A mighty new contingent of young cadres hascome forward in the course of the great proletariancultural revolution. To educate well this new contin-gent, continuously instil Mao Tse-tung's thought intoits members, enable them always to maintain a firmand coruect politicai orientation and to retain the r.vork-ing people's intrinsic characteristic of hard-workingand plain-living, and maintain close ties with the masses

- all these are major issues that concern the prospectsand future of our motherland.

The leadership given by our great leader ChairmanMao and the proletarian headquarters of the Party'sCentral Committee headed by Chairman Mao, theIeadership by Mao Tse-tung's thought, is the mostbasic guarantee of all our victories. We must vigo-rously estabiish the absoiute authority of ChairmanMao, of Mao Tse-tung's thought and of Chairman Mao'srevolutionary line and resolutely uphold the leadershipof the proletarian headquarters headed by ChairmanMao.

We must realize that in the coming year classstruggle will still be very acute and complicated andwe shall still have to advance in the teeth of greatstorms and waves of class struggle. The handful ofbad persons who attempt to shake, from the Right orthe extreme "Left," the proletarian headquarters of theParty's Central Committee headed by Chairman Mao,and who secretly sow dissensions and smear peopie byrumours and slanders, and the counter-revolutionar5rforces which vainly attempt to reverse the wheel ofhistory, must be exposed and dealt resolute counter-blows.

The victory of China's great proletarian culturalrevolution has tremendously inspired the oppressednations and people of the world in their revolutionarystruggle, and won the warm praise and support of therevolutionary people of the world. Imperialism headedby the United States, modern revisionism with the So-viet revisionist renegade clique as its centre, and aIlreactionaries at home and abroad, with their counter-revolutionary nose, sensed from the very beginningthat China's great proletarian cultural revolutionwould be the greatest threat to them. To cover up



Peki,ng Reuiew, No. 41

the intense fear hidden in the depth of their hearts,they have made desperate efforts to slander and vilifyour great proletarian cultural revolution. Nevertheless,all their slanders have vanished one after another likesoap bubbles.

Chairman Mao pointed out long ago: "To beattacked by the enemy is not a bad thing but a goodthing," and "It is still better if the enemy attacks uswildly and paints us as utterly black and without asingle viriue; it demonstrates that we have not onlydrawn a elear line of demarcation between the enemyand ourselves but achieved a great deal in our work."

Let the dying flies buzz! We shall keep to ourown road even more staunchly.

Hold the great red banner of Mao Tse-tung'sthought still higher and fight unswervingly and withredoubled confidence for the complete and thoroughgo-ing victory of the great proletarian cultural revolution!

Long live our great socialist motherland!Long live the great, glorious and correct Chinese

Communist Party!Long live great Marxism-Leninism!Long live the invincible thought of Mao Tse-tung!

Long live Chairman Mao, our great teacher, greatIeader, great supreme commander and great helmsman!A long, long life to him!

(October 1, 1967.)


(Continued. from p. 12.)

Chairman Mao had been very happy to hear thereport of the downing of the Chiang U.S.-made U-2high altitude reconnaissance plane. This was a tremen-dours encouragement and reward to the fighters, ChangChun-chiao added.

When the glad news reached them, P.L.A. com-man'ders and fighters and the revolutionary masses inPeking, Shanghai and other places, in festive mood inanticipation of National Day, gave thunderous cheersand immediately passed the word around: "ChairmanMao is in excellent, robust healthl"

Commanders and fighters among his hearers whohad rendered outstanding service in bringing down theU-2 elatedly declared that the happy news was atremendous encouragement to them and a mighty rein-forcement to their fighting strength. Chairman Mao'scommendation and encouragement was, they said, thehighest commendation and the greatest encouragementwhich the commanders and fighters of the army couldreceive,

When the representative of a company who hadbeen at the meeting relayed the news to his unit, all toa man wished Chairman Mao a long life and immedi-ately started a discussion: "As Chairman Mao pays so

much attention to us, what should we do?" Every vic-tory, they declared, was the fruit of the invinciblethought of Mao Tse-tung. Of all the thousands ofthings, the'most important was, they said, to arm their,minds with Mao Tse-tung's thought. They pledgedthemselves to make further efforts to bring on a newupsurge in the creative study and application of Chair-man Mao's works, take firm hold of the revolution andpromote preparedness against war, advance their work,heighten their vigilance and "go all out and be sure todestroy enemy intruders" so as to be able to reportnew, fresh victoties to Chailman Mao.

In Peking, when they heard the heartening news,proletarian revolutionaries and commanders and fight-ers of the leading organs of the naval. air force andother afmy units under the Peking Military Commandsang their praises of Chairman Mao in hundreds of

October 6,''L967

songs. Commanders and fighters of a certain companywhich day and night guards the Tien An Men Gate,held a meeting there beneath the portrait of ChairmanMao and took this solemn oath: "We, red sentinels ofChairman Mao, will go into action wherever Chair-man Mao commands." Fighters who had performedmeritorious service in battle exultantly declared thatChairman Mao's excellent, robust health was the mostwelcome news to the whole army, a1l the Chinese peo-ple and the revolutionary people throughout the world.They unanimously expressed their determination tomake a still greater success of their creative study andapplication of Chairma.n Mao's works and establish intheir own minds the absolute authority of MaoTse-tung's thought. They promised to follow ChairmanMa_qis teachings resolutely, fully implement his instruc-tior.i$ and win fresh merit defending their motherlandand ;the great proletarian cultural revolution.

E1ated and inspired by Chairman Mao'rs excellenthealth and tire{ess vigour, the proletarian revolution-aries and revolutionary masses of Peking and Shanghaitook to the stleets to spread the happy nervs and postup congratulatory slogans. Some held celebrationmeetings and discussions; others pledged before Chair-man Mao's portrait that they would raise still higherthe great red banner of Mao Tse-tung's thought, closelyfollow Chairman Mao's great strategic plan, carryforward revolutionary maBS criticism and repudiation,develop and consolidate the revolutionary great allianceand revolutionary "three-in-one combination," succesrs-

fully fulfit the tasks of struggle-criticism-transforma-tion in their own units an'd carry the great proletariancultural revolution through to the end. Proletarianrevolutionaries in many factories, mines and enterprisesexpressed their firm determination to respond to Chair-man Mao's great call to "take firm hold of the revolu-tion and promote productlon," to become revolutionarypath-breakers and models in promoting production so

that they could report to Chairman Mao new achieve-ments in the revolution and production. Young Red

Guard fighters expresse.d their determination to do

still better in the creative study and application ofChairman Mao's works and make new contributions tothe great cultural revolution.


Albonion Psrty snd GoverffimemtDelegetism YisEts CEniffis

A DFJ EGATION representing the Albanian Party ofJ. I Labour and the Aibanian Government arrived inPeking on September 26, on the eve of the l8th anni-versary of the founding of the Chinese People's Re-public. It was headed by Comrade MeE?net Shehu,Member of the Political Bureau of the Central Com-mittee of the Albanian Party of Labour and Chairmanof the Albanian Cot;nciL of Ministers. The distinguishedguests from the land of eagles have come to Chinaat a time when the Chinese people are rejoicing overthe outstanding victories of the great proletarian cul-tural revolution.

The Albanian delegation includes Ramiz Alia,Member of the Poliiical Bureau and Secretariat of theCentral Committee of the Albanian Party of Labour;Mihallaq Zicishti, Member of the Party's Central Com-mittee and First Secretary of the Korca Regionai Com-mittee of the Labour Party; Rahman Perl1aku, Memberof the Party's Central Committee and Political Com-missar of the Naval Military Forces; and Tonin Jakova,Member of the Party's Central Committee and GeneralSecretary of the Central Council of Albanian TradeUnions.

Rousing Welcome for Close Comrodes-in-Arms

The speeial plane carrying the Aibanian delegationtouched down on Peking airport at 4:30 p.m. Shouts of"Long live Chairman Mao!" '(Long live ComradeEnver Hoxha!" burst forth above the sound of drumsand cymbals as Comrade Shehu, Comrade Ramiz Aliaand other members of the delegation stepped on to thetarmac. Leaders of the Chinese Party and staie, in-cluding Comrades Chou En-Iai, Chen Po-ta. Kang Shengand Li Fu-chun. r-ushed forward and heariiiy weicomedand embraced the cornrades-in-arms from the fore-front of the anti-imperialist and anti-revisionist strug-gle. Red Guards presented the guests with copies ofQuotations From Chairman Mao Tse-tu,ttg, the treasuredbook for revolutionaries. Meanwhiie, all present readthe follorving passage from Chairman Mao together: ..Letthe Parties and peoples of China and Albania unite,let the Marxist-Leninists of all countries unite, let therevolutionary people of the whole world unite andoverthrow imperialism, modern revisionism and thereactionaries of every country! A new world with-out imperialisrn, without capitalisrn and without anysystem of exploitation is certain to be built.,, This wasfollowed by a quotation from Comrade Hoxha: ..Ourpeople, our Party and our Government are marehing



Envo'ys From the Anti-lmperialist, Anti-Revisianist fore{rant

along the sacne revolutionary road with the great Chi-nese people and Cllinese Commu.nist Farty. trVhetherin time of peace or in stormy days, r";e will for everstand shouider to shoulder with thexn, and wiII edvancetogether with thern in the struggie against irnperialismand modern revisienisrn and for the victory of the rev-olution and sociaiisrsr," A huge welcoming eeremonythen took place.

From among the enthusiastic crowds gathered atthe airport, some young Red Guards rushed forwardto present Comrade Shehu and other Albanian com-rades with Chairman Mao badges and Red Guard arm-bands. The air was fiiied with deafening shouts of"Salute the heroic Albanian people!" "Down with U.S.imperialism!" "Down with modern revisionisrn!" Theguests smiled in response, waving the red books pre-sented to them on arrirral.

The long drive from the airport to the Guest Housethrough the capital's main thoroughfare, which waslined with hunrlreds of lhousands o.i Peking's prole-tarian revolutionaries and Red Guards as well as thethree services of the Chinese People's Liberation Army,turned into an occasion for demonstrating anew .thegreat friendship and rnilitant unity between the Chi-nese and Albanian peoples. Comrade Shehu rode inan open limousine with Comrade Chou En-lai andComrade Kang Sheng, followed by Comrade Alia withComrades Chen Po-ta and Chang Chun-chiao in anotheropen car. The motorcade slowly drove past the densecrowds, and when it reached Tien An Men Square 3,000professional and amateur Red Guard artists greeted thevisitors with performances of a variety of dances. Thecrowds, holding portraits of Chairrnan Mao and Com-rade Enver Hoxha and placards inscribed with quota-tions from Chairman Mao and Comrade Hoxha, timeand again boomed out stirring slogans. Red flagsfluttered along the boulevard animated by prolongedcheers and the beating of drums.

The visit to China by the Aibanian Party and Gov-ernment delegation at the invitation of the CentralCommittee of the Chinese Communist Party and theChinese Government highiights the unbreakable fra-ternal friendship and militant Marxist-Leninistsolidarity between the Parties and peoples of Chinaand Albania. It represents a powerful demonstrationagainst U.S. imperialism, Soviet modern revisionismand the reaetionaries of all countries.

The following evening Comrade Chou En-Iai gavea banquet in the Great HalI of the People to welcome

-Pekittg *eoi,ew, Na. 4I



the envoys from heroic Albania. Comrades Shehu,Ramiz Alia and others in the cielegation r,r'ere enthusias-tically applauded as they entered the banquet hall ac-companied by the leading members cf tire Pariy Cen-tral Commlttee and the Cultural R,evoiution GroupUnder the Central Committee and comrades in chargeof various government and army departments: Com-rades Chou En-lai, Chen Po-ta, Kang Sheng, Li Fu-chttir, Li Hsien-nien, Nieh Jung-chen, Hsieh Fu-cLrih,Chiang Ching, Liu Ning-I, Yang Cheng-wu, Su Yu. KuoMo-jo, Chang Chun-chiao, Chi Pen-yu, Yao Wen-yuan,V/ang Tung-hsing and others.

On behaif of the great leader Chairman Mao andhis close cornrade-in-ai'ms Comrade Lin Piao and inthe name of the Communist Party of China and theChinese Government and people, Cornrade Chou En-laier.pressed the warmest welcome to the Aibanian Partyand Government delegation and extended militantgreetings to the great lea,der of the Albanian peopleComrade Enver Hoxha, to the Albanian Party ofLabour and to the Albar-rian Government and people.

Albanio's Revolutionizotion Moyernent GreotiyEnriehes the Experience of Froletoriqn

Dictotorship Throughout the World

The Albanian Party of Labour and the Albanianpeople, Comrade Chou En-lai said, consistentiy adher-ing to the revolutionary iine of Marxism-Leninism andpersevering in the dictatorship of the proletariat and

the poiicy of self-reliance rn' pick in one handand rifle in the other, have smashed the blockade and

sabotage of imperialism and modern revisionism and

are advancing rvith giant strides along the broad roa-d

oI socialism. Since last year, when the Albanian PariyoI Labour adopted a series of important inthe political, economic, military, cultural ar-rd otherfields, it has unfolded a vigorous movement for rev-

OcLober 6,, 1967

:]] :::::

Right: Caturade Iuehmet Shehu, leader of the Albanian Party and Government llelegation, ackno11,-lealgescheers from Peking citizens. Accompanying him are Comrades Chou En-lai and Kang Sheng

Left: Waving the red Qttotations From Chairrnan ifiao Tse-tung, the capital's revolutionary m&ssesheartily welcome the eBvoys from heroic Albania on the Adriatic

olutionization. This movement underwent a new andd-eeper development after the Fifth Party Congress,giving further impetus to the revolutionization of thepeople's thinking. Albania's movement for revolu-tionization has immense theoretical and practical signif-icance for the prevention of capitalist restoration andfor the consolidation of the dictatorship of the prole-tariat and has made a valuable contribution to theenrichment of the experience of the dictatorship of theproletariat throughout. tJre world.

The Albanian Party of Labour and the Albanianpeople, Comrade Chou En-lai continued, have all alongheld high the banner of Marxism-Leninism and prole-tarian internationalism, resolutely opposed imperialismheaded by the United States, and resolutely opposedmodern revisionism with the Soviet revisionist leadingclique as its centi:e, as well as the Tito clique of rene-gades, They ha-re firmly supported the Vietnamese peo-ple's vl'ar of resistanee against U.S. aggression and fornational salvation and the national-liberation move-ment of the peoples of Asia, Africa and Latin Amerieaand the revolutionary struggles of the people through-out the lvorld. Tl-re Albanian Party of Labour and theAlbanian people have performed indelible meritoriousdeeds for the revolutionary cause of the world proLe-

tariat and set a shining example for the Marxist-Leninist Pariies and the revolutionary peopie of thew'orld.

The Aibanian Party of Labour headed by ComradeEnver Hoxha is a glorious and long-tested revolutionaryMarxist-Leninist Party, Cornrade Chou En-Iai said. TheAlbanian people are a great and heroic people. TheChinese people are extremely honoured and proud to

have such a Party and people as their closest com-rades-in-arms.

(Cantinued. on p" 24.)




+fr EfS ( Moderoto moestoso)

o teprlo













1&, hta 1[;ei

ltJrvei liao li

7.^ +,liao ge lllao

1t1 a\ ,#men de dai

E. flFIi na










Peking'Ree*s1u, No. 4l

,ft, fr. /. Eta shi ren mitr

1F+1\18]ing dao wo mett

flpg,tRna li ren min

+)Lqhu er hai

+ )L ,i,hu er hai

4lL whu er hai





















He leails us onuldrd.

(hu er hai gao!)

To build the neto China.

The Communist Partg is the sun,

Wltereuer it shi.nes, there ts light.Where there's the Cammunist PartA,

(hu er hai yao!)

There the peaple u:ill usin liberation.

(About the author of this song see p. 41.)


The Eost ls Red

(Literol tronslotion)

The east is recl,

The sun rises.

China has brought Jorth a Mao Tse-tuttg.

He works for the people's happiness,

(hu er hai, yao!)

He is th,e peoyile's great saxiour.

Chairman Mao loues the people,

He is our guide.

Oetober, 6, ,1967

(Continued trom p. 21.)

Greot New Victory of Moo Tse-tung's Thought

Referring to China's great proletarian cultural rev-olution since Comrade Shehu's visit last year, ComradeChou En-lai pointed out that the Chinese people haver*-on magnificent victories under the personal leader-ship of Comrade Mao Tse-tung. The situation has neverbeen as good as it is today. The bourgeois headquartersied by China's Khrushchov has crumbled. AIl this is avictory of the proletarian revolutionary line repre-sented by Comrade Mao Tse-tung; it is a great newvictory of Mao Tse-tung's thought.

Comrade Chou En-lai sai.d that Comrade iVlaoTse-tung has summed up the historical experience ofthe dictatorship of the proletariat in China and theq,orld in an all-round ."vay. For the first time in thehistory of the development of Marxism, Comrade MaoTse-tung has analysed scientifically, systematically andpeneiratingly the contradictions, classes end class strug-gle in a socialist society, expcunded the larvs of classstruggle in a socialist society and solved the theoretiealand practical questions of carrying on revolution andpreventing capitaiist restoration under the dictatorshipof the proletariat. This, Comrade Chou En-lai pointedout, is a most important sign that Marxism-Lenlnismhas deveioped to an entirely new stage.

The great proletarian cultural revolution in Chinahas consolidated and strengthened the leadership ofthe Chinese Ccnimunist Party armed with MaoTse-tung's thought; it has also consolidated andstrengthened the dictatorship of the proletariat and thesocialist system in China, Comrade Chou En-lai said.It is of immense and far-reaching significance to thecause of world revolution for a socialist country likeChina to hold high the great red banner of Marxism-Leninism, Mao Tse-tung's thought, prevent capitalistrestoration and ensure that she will never changepolitical colour. We are convinced, he said, thatthrough this great cultural revolution China will beable to do still better in fulfiiling her proletarian in-ternationalist duty and make more contributions tothe cause of world revolution.

Comrade Chou En-lai then turned to the vigorousrevolutionary movement of the people of Asia, Africaand Latin America and the raging flames of the peo-p1e's armed struggle in various countries in SoutheastAsia. The imperialists, he said, are finding thingsharder and harder. U.S. imperialism has never beenas isolated as it is today. The modern revisionist bloervith ,the leadership of the C.P.S.U. as its centre is rid-den t,ith internal contradictions, and the Soviet revi-sionist leading clique is beset with difficulties at homeand abroad. The present international situation ismost favourable to the Marxist-Leninists and revolu-tionary people of ail countries. We are in a great newera of world revoiution.

In regard to the war waged by the Vietnamesepeopie U.S. aggression and for r-rational sal-


vation, Comrade Chou En-lai underlined the splendidvictories r.von by the Vietnamese people. He.denouncedthe United States, the Soviet Union and their followersfor contriving a new "peace talks" hoax and U.N. in-tervention in the Vietnam question.

Comrade Chou En-lai said the Soviet revisionistclique is going farther and farther down the path ofKhrushchov revisionism. Internally, it is stepping upan all-round restoration of capitalism and, externally,it is further capitulating to U.S. imperialism. Innu-merable facts have shown that this clique is theNo. 1 accomplice of U.S. imperialism and the archtraitor to the international communist movement. Tooppose U.S. imperialism, Comrade Chou En-iaistressed, it is imperative for Marxist-Leninists theworld over to take a firm stand against modern re-visionism rvith the Soviet revisionist leading clique as

its centre.

The fraternal friendship and militant unity be-tt'een the Parties and states and peoples of China andAlbania have been forged in the struggle against ourcommon enemies and tested in the violent storms ofthe international class struggle, Comrade Chou En-laistated. Chairman Mao has said: "'A bosom friendafar brings a d'istant land near.' China and Albaniaare separated by thousands of mountains and riversbut our hearts are closely linked." Our friendship andunity are truly based on Marxism-Leninism and pro-letarian internationalism. They are everlasting and un-breakable, Comrade Chou En-lai stressed.

Chino's Culturol Revolution ls of Greot HistoricSignificonce to the World Revolution

In his speech, the leader of the Albanian delega-tion spoke highly of China's great proletarian cuLturalrevolution perSonally initiated and led by ChairmanMao Tse-tung. Comrade Shehu said: The historic de-cision adopted by the l1th Plenary Session of the BthCentral Committee of the Chinese Cornrnunist Partyunder the guidance of Chairman Mao Tse-tung inAugust last year has opened up a ne\l,- stage of partic-ular significance in the history of the revolutionarydevelopment in People's China and on the road to so-cialism and communism. This revolution, ComradeShehu noted, "is of great historic significance not onlyto the Chinese people, but also to the peoples of theentire world and to the world revolution as a 'uvhole."Its international significance lies in the fact that itsweeps away with a revolutionary broom bourgeoisand revisionist dirt and fiith from the People's Re-public of China, that it bombards and destroys tl:e re-visionist headquarters led by China's I(hrushchov inwhich international modern revisionism places its lasthope for "capturing the stronghold fi:cm inside'lthrough China's No. 1 revisionist and his followers,and that it overthrows and defeats the agents of thebourgeoisie and imperialism who vainly attempt toruin the great feats of Mao Tse-tung and liquidatethe sociaiist system in China.

Peking Re'.-ieu, No. 41

Therefore, Comrade Shehu pointed out, imperial-ism headed by the United S';ates and modern rer.'ision-ism with the Soviet revisionist clique as its centre haveforrned an anti-Chinese crusade to oppose the greatproletarian cultural revolution and the Chinese people,sgreat leader Comrade Mao Tse-tung. They fear theMarxist-Leninist thought of Mao Tse-tung and the greatproletarian cultural revolution. To us revolutionaries,this is a very good thing.

Our Glorious !.eoders Comrcde Moo Tse-tung dndComrcde Enver Hoxho Are the Architects of

Sino-Albcnion Friendship

Comrade Shehu stressed that Sino-Albanian friend-ship "is unbreakable because it is based on Marxlsm-Leninism and proietarian internationalism and becauseit was founded by our two Parties and our gloriousleaders Comrade Mao Tse-tung and Comrade EnverHoxha."

Comrade Shehu went on: "Comrade Mao Tse-tunghas said: 'China and Albania are separated by thou-sands of rnountains and rivers but our hearts are close-ly linked. . . . Come what may, our two Parties andour two peoples will always be united, will ahvays fighttogether and be victorious together.' These words ofComrade Mao Tse-tung, the great leader of the Chinesepeople and the great friend of the Albanian people, areof immense revolutionary significance and have takendeep root in the hearts of the peoples of Albania andChina. These words have already been turned into amighty material and ideological force and have lurtherstrengthened the fraternal friendship and uaity be-tween us.

"Speaking about the great Albanian-Chinese friend-ship, the leader of our Party and people Comrade EnverHoxha has said: 'Our unity is solid and unbreakable;our friendship is everlasting. For our unity and friend-ship are built on the solid basis of Marxism-Leninisrnand proletarian internationalism; for the eommon strug-gles against imperialism and revisionism waged by ourtwo Parties and our two peoples on all fronts are guidedby a common aim and a common idea - lVlarxism-LeninisrL"l

Comrade Shehu said: "The festive day of October Ithis year is of particular significance, because this dayis being celebrated in an atmosphere of tremendous vic-tory won in the great proletarian cultural revoJution."He added: "This historic day is being celebrated notonly by the Chinese people, but also by the Albanianpeople and the revolutionary people of the whole worldwho have boundless love and admiration for the greatChinese people, the giorious Ctiinese Communist Partyand Comrade Mao Tse-tung."

The Bonner of Morxism-Leninism Will AlwoysFly Over Albonio

Comrade Shehu said that the movement for further-ing the overall revolutionization of national life was

October 6, lgET

developing successfully in socialist Albania. "The finalobjective in furthering the revolutionization of our na-tional iife is to ensure the final victory of the road ofsocialism in Albania, thereby preventing the emergenceof revisionism and the restoratlon of capitalism inA1bania, and to ensure that the People,s Republic ofAlbania never changes its revolutionary character andthe banner of Marxism-Leninism flies for ever over so-cialist Albania and never fades.,,

Comrade Shehu said that U.S. imperialism wasworking in overt and covert collusion with the SovietKhrushehov revisionist clique headed by Kosygin andBrezhnev, and trying in a thousand and one ways tostrengthen its role of international gendarme in al1 partsof the world. In the grip of catastrophe, U.S. imperial-ism was trying hard to compel the heroic Vietnamesepeople to submit to U.S. imperialism "at the peace talkstable." But the most eourageous fight put up by theheroic Vietnamese people domonstrated to the peopleof the whole world that the people of a small countrycouid defeat the largest imperialist power and triumphover the military strength of the United States. "Ourpeople and our Party and Government will support theheroic Vietnamese people to the very end," ComradeShehu declared.

The criminal aggression by imperialism and Israelagainst the Arab states last June, he eontinued, onceagain revealed before the whole world, and especiallybefore the Arab peoplg the nature of the bloodthirstyU.S. aggressors and the true features of the Soviet re-visionist clique as the faithful stooge of U.S. imperial-ism. It proved that the People's Republic of China, theFeople's Republic of Albania and the other countriesand forces of the world opposing imperialism and re-visionism were the real friends of the peoples strugglingfor freedom and independence, especially of the Arabpeople. The recent incidents in the Middle East hadenabied those who genuinely opposed imperialism tounderstand even better that, as the great Lenin said,the struggle against imperialism could not achieve vic-tory if it was separated from the struggle against revi-sionism.

Comrade Shehu said in conclusion: "Mao Tse-tung'sgreat China is the No. 1 enemy of U.S. imperialism andSoviet revisionism and the main obstacle to the realiza-tion of their criminal plans. Therefore, both of themdirect their spearheads against People's China andComrade Mao Tse-tung. Howerzer, the whole of mankindand the world revolution are very fortunate to have inexistence the great socialist state of the People's Re-public of China which calls out to U.S. imperialism andKhrushchov revisionism: 'Stop!' China has become theforce which will completely frustrate the criminalschemes of imperialism and revisionism. This is be-cause the great China has the Marxist-Leninist thoughtof Comrade Mao Tse-tung and she has emerged morepowerful through the great proletarian cultural revolu-tion."


Envoys From the Forelront ol Anti-U.S. Armed Struggle

-Tle are now in a great new era of world revolu-tion. The revolutionary upheaval in Asia, Africa andLatin America is sure to deal the whole of the oldworld a decisive and crushing blow. The great victo-ries of the Vietnamese people's war against U.S. ag-gression and for national salvation are convincingproof of this."

Groups of young Red Guards read out the abovequotation from Chairman Mao Tse-tung on two occa-sions at the Peking airport when they went to greettwo Vietnamese delegations upon their arrival onSeptember 29. These were the Party and GovernmentDelegation of the Democratic Republic of Vietnamheaded by Comrade Le Thanh Nghi, Member of thePolitical Bureau of the Central Committee of theVietnam Workers' Party and Vice-premier, and Com-rade Hoang Van Hoan, Member of the political Bureauof the Central Committee of the Vietnam Workers'Party and Vice-Chairman of the Standing Com-mittee of the D.R.V. National Assembly, and the Delega-tion of the South Vietnam National Front for Libera-tion led by Combat Hero Huynh Van Danh.

i Coming to China at a time when the great proleta-riap cultural reyolution in this country has won tremen-dous victories and when the Vietnamese people werewinning brilliant victories in their war against U.S.aggression and for national salvation. both delegationsreceived a rousing welcome in the Chinese capital.

Worm Welcome to the Vietnom porty ondGovernment Delegotion

To the throbbing of drums, clashing of cymbalsand the shouting of slogans of solidarity with the Viet_namese people, hundreds of thousands of revolutionarypeople in the capital turned out in the streets to wel_come the .Vietna,mese Party and Government Delegationarriving here at the invitation of the Central Committeeof the Chinese Communist party and the Chinese.Gov_ernment. On hand at the airport to meet the delegationwere Li Fu-chun, Nieh Jung-chen, and other ChineseParty and governnrent leaders.

The special piane canying the delegation arrivedat 11:00 a.m. Li Fu-chun. Nieh Jung-chen and othercomrades then stepped forr,vard, warmly shook handswith the Vietnamese comrades-in-arms and embracedthem. A group of young Red Guards presented copiesof Quotations From Chairman Mao Tse-tung to thedelegation mernbers and greeted then-r by reciting inVietnamese the quotation from Chairman Mao. This


was followed by a grand welcoming ceremony. Thewelcoming crowds displayed the high revolutionaryspirit of a nation which has scored brilliant victories inthe great proletarian cultural revolution now in an un-precedentedly fine condition. Waving their red-coveredQuotations From Mao Tse-tung and thenational flags of China and Vietnam, they shouted:"Long live Chairman Mao!" "Long live President HoChi Minhl" and "Long live the invincible thought ofMao Tse-tung!"

The Vietnamese comrades then drove into the city,where hundreds of thousands of revolutionary people,holding countless portraits of Chairman Mao and Pres-ident Ho Chi Minh, lined the thoroughfare to cheerthem. Vice-Premier Le Thanh Nghi rode in an openlimousine with Vice-Premier Li Fu-chun and Vice-Chairman Hoang Van Hoan rode in another with YangCheng-wu, Acting Chief of the General Staff of theChinese People's Liberation Army. The public welcomereached its height as the motorcade passed Tien An MenSquare. There, more than 3,000 Red Guards greetedthe guests with revolutionary 6ongs and dances.

Heorty Greetings to S.V.N.F.L. Envoys

The national flags of China and Vietnam as wellas the flag of the South Vietnam National Front forLiberation flew over Peking airport. A throng ofseveral thousand holding portraits of Chairman Mao,President Ho Chi Minh and President Nguyen HuuTho, was there to welcome the guests. In uniform,Huynh Van Danh and members of the deiegationstepped down from the plane at 11:30 a.m. amidst atremendous ovation. Greeting them at the airportwere Vice-Premi.-r Nieh Jung-chen, Vice-ChairmanKuo Mo-jo of the Standing Committee of the NationalPeople's Congress and Vice-Minister of National De-fence Su Yu. The delegation, representing the 14 mil-Iion heroic people in south Vietnam. was composedmainly of fighters fresh from the battlefield, who haveall made great contributions in south Vietnam's strug-g1e against U.S. aggression and for national salvation.Among them were combat heroes, fighters who havedistinguished themselves in battle. Huynh Van Danh,who led the delegation. is himself a noted sniper. Theguerriila unit to r,vhich he belongs is credited withmany outstanding engagements in south Vietnam, andas a sharp shooler, he once fired 82 shots and kiiledas many enemies.

The militant delegation members were plesentedby a group of Red Guards with Quotations From Chair-

Uietname$G Party and Gouernment llelegation,

$. Uietnam il.F.I. Ilelegation in Peking

Peking Reiieu.t, N o.' 47

]: '',',::::w,,, ,. f :,

* j', .,,* -,:.'.,*' .l:.:.. l.

Young Bed Guards antl other revolutionary rnasses cheerthe Vietna,rrrese Party ancl Government Delegation head-ed by Comrades Le Thanh Nghi anil Hoang Yan Hoan as

ihey drive through Tien An Men Square

m&n Mao Tse-tung and greeted also by the reading outof the same quotation from Chairman Mao in Vietna-mese. Wiih the cro\,vd shouting "U.S. imperiaLism willsurely be defeated, Vietnam will surely be victorious!"and other slogans, our young Red Guards presentedtheir guests Chairrnan Mao badges and pinned themon their chests. Others presented the Vietnamese com-rades with their own Red Guard arm bands.

When the delegation was introduced to combatheroes and outstanding fighters of the Chinese People'sLiberation Army, the laiter immediately expressedtheir eagerness to learn from their heroic Vietnamesecomrades-in-arms. No matter rvhat storms might occur,they said, the Chinese People's Liberation Army armedwith Mao Tse-tung's thought would always uns\ /erving-Iy support the Vietnamese people to sweep Vietnamesesoil clean of the U.S. aggressors.

Art troupes made up of more than 3,000 young RedGuards performed revolutionary songs and dances atflag-decked Tien An Men Square to convey the militantfriendship which the 700 miilion Chinese people feelfor the Vietnamese people and for the comrades-in-armsfrom the south Vietnam fiaming battlefront. As HuynhVan Danh, leader of the delegation, in an open limousineaccompanied by Vice-Premier Nieh Jung-chen droveto the Guest House, hr-indreds of thousands of revclu-tionary people cheered enthusiastically.

Premier Chou En-lai met the two delegation! in acordia'I atmosphere and later gave a banquet at theGreat Hall of the Peop1e on the same evening in theirhonour. The banquet was attended by other ChineseParty and government leaders and leading comrades ofvarious departments, including Kang Sheng, Li Fu-chun, Liu Ning-I, Yang Cheng-wu and Su Yu.

U.S. lmperiolist ond Soviet Revisionist Plot for U.N.lntervention in the Vietnom Question Condemned

Premier Chou, speaking at the banquet, stronglycondemned U.S. imperialism and Soviet modern revi-

October 6, 1967

Huynh Van Danh, lea,iler of the S.V.N.F.L. Delegation,meets commanrtrcrs ancl figliters of the Chinese People'sLilleratioir Army who have corne to the airport to give

the clelegation a rousing rvelcome

sionism for plotting a nerv hoax to "induce peace talksthror-rgh a bcmbing pause" in a vain attempt to use

the United Nations to meddle in the Vietnarn ques-tion. He noted that U.S. imperialism is steppingup the expansion of its military adventure, while con-tinuing to hatch "peace talks" plots. He pointed outthat the Soviet revisionist leading clique, activelyw-ork:ng in co-ordination rvith U.S. imperialism, has

Lreen running a-round to serve in these plots. Speakingof a Vietnanlese government stateneent which firmiyonpcsed U.N. intervention, he stated: We have con-sietently held tl-rai the Vietnam questicn has nothing todo with the United Nations, that the United Nationshas no right rvhatsoever to meddle in the Vietnamquestion, rn,hich can only be settled in accordance withthe four-point stand of the D.R.V. and the five-partstatement of the S.V.N.F.L. "Any scheme to sell outthrough the United Nations the Vietnamese people'ssacred cause of resisting U.S. aggression and saving thecountry rvill be firmly opposed by the Vietnamese peo-

ple as rve1l as the Chinese people, and it wiil not be

countenanced by the revolutionary people of the worId,"Premier Chou declared.

Premier Chou quoted what Presideht Ho Chi Minhhas said: "The Vietnamese peoptre are determined to

carry on their fight until not even a shadow of U.S.

aggressor troops is left on their beloved land." He also

quoted President Nguyen Huu Tho who has expressed

readiness to "continue the sacred war against U'S.

aggression and for national salvation with redoubled

efforts till not a single U.S. aggressor remains in our

beloved southern Vietnam." Premier Chou pointed

out that these just statements gave fuI1 expression tothe iron will of the 31 million Vietnamese people tocarry this war through to the end. "We are convinced

that by giving play to the spirit of being determined

to fight and win victory and persevering in the fightwith unftagging stamina, the Vietnamese people will


ttroroughly defeat the U.S. aggressors and win finalvictory."

He described the victory won by the Vietnamesepeople as a great example of daring to struggle anC rvinfor the oppresed peoples and nations of the worl'd, a

shining model of a single country employing the strat-eglr aDd tactics of people's war in resisting and defeat-irlg LrS- imperialist aggression in the post-Wcrld WarII years. "The victory of the Vietnamese people hasupset the counter-revolutionary global strategic planof U-S- imperialisrn, supported the peoples of Asia,Africa and Latin America in their anti-imperia-llst rev-olutionar5r struggles and made highly valuable con-lributions to the common struggle of the people of theworld against U.S. imperialism," Premier Chou said.

Following Choirman Moo's TeoctrinE, the ChinesePeople Firrnly Support the Vietncmese Peopie

The Chinese people, Premier Chou said, consistentlyfollowing the teaching of our great leader ChairmanMao, firmly support the just struggie of the Vietnamesepeople and resolutely make China the reliable reararea for the Vietnamese people. Premier Chou En-Iaireaffirmed: "No matter horv frenziedly U"S. imperiaii.smexpands the war, the Chinese people armed with theever-victorious thought of Mao Tse-tung will unswerv-ingly fight shoulder to shoulder with the Vietnamesepeople until final victory is won in the war a.gainstU.S. aggression and for national salvation."

Premier Chou also talked about the excellent situa-tion in China's great proletarian cultural revolutiori.He said: "Thrcugh this greal cultural revolution, ourcountry will become more consoiidated and pclr.erfulthan ever. We sha1l implement stil1 better ChairmanMao's strategic principle of 'preparedness against war,preparedness against natural calamities and everythingfer the people,' carry out more energetically the generalline of our foreign policy, and give more effectitre sup-port and aid to the fraterna'l Vieinamese people intheir war against U.S. aggression and for natiohal sal-vation, and to all the oppressed nations and peoples ofthe world in their revolutionary struggles."

The Vietnamese People Are Resolved to DefeotU.S. lmpericlisrn

Vietnarn's \rice-Premier Le Thanh Nghi also spoke.He strongly denounce<i U.S. imperialism for agairlhatching a plot for a "peaceful settlernent" of theVietnam question. "As U.S. inrperialism cannot sub-jugate the Vietnamese people with armed force, pianesand bombs, it cannot hope to dupe the Vietnamesepeople rnith cunning words," he said.

The Vietnamese Vice-Premier made it clear thatthe U.S. Government must unconditionally stop iisbombing and other acts of war against the D.R.V. onceand for all; that the U.S. troops and iis satellite irocpsmust withdraw from southern Vieinam; that theS.V.N.F.L. must be recognized as the sole genuine


representative of the people of south Vietnam; andthat the Vietnames€ people must be left to settle theirown internal affairs. There is no other alternative!The United States has no right to demand any "reci-procity." He pledged that whatever the circumstancesmight be, the 31 million Vietnamese people rvereresolved to thoroughly defeat the U.S. aggressors,defend the north, liberate the south and then reunifytheir country.

The Vice-Premier greeted the Chinese people fortheir great successes in socialist revolutioir, socialistconstruction and the great proletarian cultural revolu-tion under the leadership of the Chinese CommunistParty and the illumination of }*{arxism-Leninlsm, MaoTse-tung's thought. The Chinese people, he added, arecarrying out the great proletarian cultural revolution indepth and breadth all over their vast territory in orderto prevent a capitalist restoration and ensure that Chinawill never change its colour. The Chinese CommunistParty, Government and people, ioyal to the ideals ofcommunism and the cause of rerrolutionary struggles,have consistently waged a resolute struggle againstimperialism headed by U.S. imperialism, consistentlygiven firm and powerful support to the national-Iibera-tion movements of the peoples of various countries andplayed an active role in the defence of world peace.

Vice-Fremier Le Thanh Nghi said: The Vietnamesepeople, led and educated by the Workers' Party ofVietnam headed by respected and beloved PresidentHo Chi Minh, are determined to make every effort tosee to it that the unity and friendship between Vietnamand China remain evergreen. The Chinese people'ssupport and aid to the people of northern and southernVietnam have indeed been infinitely great and power-ful. In the face of every plot of U.S. imperialism,the Chinese Party and Government have explicitlytaken the stand of firmly siding with the Vietnamesepeople and definitely stated that they rn ill support andaid the Vietnamese people in carrying on their struggleagainst U.S. imperialism, tiil cornplete victory is won.The Vice-Premier quoted r.rhat Chairman Mao said inhis August 1963 statement on the patriotic struggle o{the people in south Vietnam: "We the Chinese peoplefirrnly support their just struggle."

Scuth Vietnqmese People Are Determlned toFight on Until Complete Victory

Speaking at the banquet, Huynh Van Danh, leaderof the S.V.N.F.L. delegation, also condemned U.S. impe-rialism for its "peace negotiations" clamour in anattempt to achieve its criminal designs through theUnited Nations. "The armed forces and people ofsouth Vietnarn declare unequivocally that the UnitedNations has no right to meddle in the Vietnam ques'r.ion,"he stated.

He declared: We people in southern Vi.etnam wiiicontinue resolutely and vigcrously to push ahead r,rithour war against U.S. aggression and for national salva-tion. The Poiitical Programme issued on September 1,

Pelcing Reoiew, I{o. 41




1967 by the S.V.N.F.L. has expressed in explicit termsthe firm resolve of the people of southern Vietnam,that is, regardless of any sacrifice and hardships, and nomatter how many years the fight may last, the southVietnamese people are determined to advance on thecrest of victct'y with their guns firmly in hand, tothoroughly clefeat the U.S. aggressors.

He declared with stress that the entire armed forcesand people in southern Vietnam are overwhelmed withjoy at the magnificent achievements scord by thefraternal Chinese people, and are fully convinced thatunder the brilliant illumination of Mao Tse-tung'sthought, the Chinese people will win even greater vic-tories in revolutionary struggles and in the cause otbuilding their motherland.

Solidarity Against lmperialism oN Colonialisrn

The leader of the S.V.N.F.L. delegation said: Thearmed forces and people of southern Vietnam willnever forget the all-out support and tremendous assist-ance China rendered us in our struggle. The Chinesepeople are not only reliable neighbours and intimatebrothers of the Vietnamese people, but also comrades-in-arms fighting on the same frontline. The Vietnameseand Chinese peoples will always fight shoulder toshoulder and win victory together. The armed forcesand people of southern Vietnam r,vill for ever keepfirmly in mind Chairman Mao's statement of August29, 1963: "We the Chinese people firrnly support theirjust struggle. I am convinced that through strugglethey will attain the goal of Iiberating the southern partof Vietnam and contribute to the peaceful reunifica-tion of their fatherland."

ing Chairman Mao badges on their chests. Waving copiesof Quatatians From Chairman LIao Tse-tung, the tvel-comers shouted repeatedly: "Long live the militantfriendsh.ip of the peoples of China and the Congo (B)1""Long live Chainnan Mao, a long, long life to hinr.!"Prime Minister Noumazalay and his party also wavedQuotatians From Chait'mqn Mao Tse-tung to greet thewelcomers.

On both sides of the road from the airport to theGuest House, welcomers held aloft portraits of Chair-man IVIao, the great leader of the people of the rvorld,and President Alphonse Massamba-Debat, placards vi,ithquotations from Chairman Mao, and national flags ofthe two countries. Dlums beat and cymbals clashed asthe greeters sang revolutionary songs and read aloudQuotations From Chai.rman Mao Tse-tung. When PrimeMinister Noumazalay, accompanied by Premier ChouEn-lai, drove to the centre of the city, thousands ofyoung Red Guards and revolutionarles per'tormed rev-olutionary songs and dances in praise of the great leaderChairman N[ao, the brilliant achievements of the greatproletarian cultural revollition and the militant friend-ship with the African, Asian and Latin American peo-ples.

Resolutely Support the Congolese (B) People'sReyolutionqry Struggle Agoinst lmperiolism

On September 28, Premier Chou gave a banquet inthe Great HaIl of the People in honour of the delega-ticn ied by Prime Minister Noumazalay.

In his speech, Premier Chou En-lai praised the Con-golese (B) people for the victories they have gained intheir struggle against imperialism, colonialism and neo-colonialism headed by the United States, and their run-ning dogs. They are not reconciled themselves to their


Distinguished Guests Frorn tfire Congo (ts)

rylHE Delegation of the National Revolutionary Move-I ment and the Government of the Repubiic of the

Congo (Brazzaville) led by Ambroise Noumazalay, FirstSecretary of the Central Committee of the National Rev-olutionary Nlovement, Prime Minister and Head ofGovernment, arrived in Peking for a friendiy visit onSeptember 27.

The delegation rvas invited to visit China by Pre-mier Chou En-lai at a time when the situation inChina's great proletarian cultural revolution is unprec-edentedly fine. Accompanying Prime Minister Nouma-zalay were Gabriel Bouka and Felix Tathy-Gustave,Members of the Central Committee of the NationalRevolutionary Movement, and Andre Hombessa,Minister of the Interior, Post and Telecommunication.

Hundreds of thousands of Peking's revolutionariesgave the distinguished visitors a rousing welcome.

Premier Chou En-lai, \rice-Premier Li Hsien-nienand Vice-Chairmen of the Standing Committee of theNational People's Congress Kuo Mo-jo and ChouChien-jen and others welcomed them at the airport.Young Red Guards presented copies ot Quotati,ons FromChair'ntan Mao Tse-tung, the precious revolutionarybook, to the Congolese (B) friends and read aloud thefollowing quotaiion from Chairman Mao, the greatleader of the world's pecple: "People of the world,unite and defeat the U.S. aggressors and all their run-ning dogs! People oI the world, be courageous, dare toIight, defy difficulties and advance wave upon wave.Then the whole world will belong to the people. Mon-sters of all kinds shatrl be destroyed-D This was followedby a big ll,elcome cerernony.

When the guests made a round of the aitport torneet the welcomers, young Red Guards pinned glisten-

October 6, 1967 29


Peking revolutionaries welcome the Congolese (B) Delegation lerl by Prime Minister Noumazalay

defeat in the Congo (B), he said. They are engagedin all kinds of scheming activities in a desperate at-tempt to make a come-back. "But we are confidentthat so long as the people of the Congo (B) unite as

one, continue to uphoid their glorious anti-imperialistand anti-colonialist traditions and are resolute in strug-gle, they will defeat their enemies, however cunningand ferocious. The Chinese Government and peoplewil1, as al'ways, firmly stand on the side of the peopleof the Congo (B) and resolutely support them in theirrevolutionary struggle against imperialism through tqthe end."

Premier Chou emphasized that the African people'srevolutionary tide for independence and liberation isirresistible. From their own actual struggle, the arn'a-

kened African people have concluded that no illusionshould be entertained about imperialism, modern revi-sionism and the United Nations.

The Premier continued: In appearance, imperialismand ail reactionaries are terrifying, but in reality theyare not so powerfttl. The brilliant victories of the Viet-namese people and the intensive development of therevolutionary anti-imperialist struggles of the Africanpeople have fully demonstrated that it is the alvakenedpeople, the peopie taking up arms, who are reallypowerful. As our great leader Chairman Mao pointsout, "What is a true bastion of iron? It is the masses,the miilions upon millions of people who genuinely andsincerely support the revalution. That is the real ironbastion which it is irnpossible, and absolutely impossible,for any force on earth to smash. The counter-revolu-tion cannot smash us; on the eontrary, we shall smashit."

The African people alone, Premier Chou said, candecide the fate of Africa. An independent new Africawill certainly emerge provided the African people aredetermined to surmount ail difficulties and perseverein struggle. "Our African friends may rest assured


that the Chinese people will for ever remain reliablecomrades-in-arms of the African people in their revo-lutionary struggle against imperialism."

For more than a year, Premier Chou added, tre-mendous victories have been won in the great prole-

tarian cultural revolution initiated and led by our great

leader Chairman Mao himself. As early as 11 years

ago, Chairman Mao pointed out: "China is a land withan area of 9,600,000 square kilometres and a populationof 600 rnillion people, and she ought to have made a

greater contribution to humanity"' "We are convinced,"Premier Chou said, "that the great cultural revolutionwill enable us more effectively to aid and support therevolutionary struggle of the people of Asia, Africa,Latin America and the whole wor1d."

Premier Chou concluded by stating that in the pro-longed struggles against imperialism, colonialism and

neo-colonialism, the peoples of China and the Congo (B)

have always sympathized with and supported each

other. The present visit of Prime Minister Noumaza-lay and the other Congolese (B) friends will surely makenew contributions to the promotion of friendship be-

tween the tu,o countries.

Friendship Between the Two Peoples Will Be os

Everlosiing os the Yongtse qnd the River Congo

In his speech, Prime Minister Noumazalay firstconveyed the warm greetings of Congolese (B) Presi-dent Alphonse Massamba-Debat, the Congolese Gov-ernment and all the people of the Congo to ChairmanMao Tse-tung, the great leader of the Chinese people

and the great friend of the Congolese people, to Vice-Chairman Lin Piao, to Premier Chou En-lai and to *reChinese people. He said that an unfailing friendshipexisted between the peoples of China and the CongoBrazzaville. The peoples of the two countries, he said,are determined to fight shoulder to shoulder againstimperialism headed by the United States. The Congo

Peking Reoieu, No, 41

.:. {

Brazzaville is happy and proud to have in China analways friendly and entir'ely reliable comrade-in-armson this road.

Referring to China's great proletarian cultural rev-olution, he said he could not conceal his joy at arriv-ing in China at a time when the great proletariancultural revolution launched and led personaily byChairman I\,llao, the beloved great leader of the Chinesepeople, has entered a decisive stage. "We are convincedthat this cultural revolution will turn China into a so-cialist country with a modern agriculture, modern in-dustry, modern science, modern culture and modernnational defence."

He condemned U.S. imperialism for havir-rg launch-ed a slander campaign abroad against China and thegreat proletarian cultural revolution. The counter-propaganda set off by imperialism and its lackeys, hesaid, on the contrary constitutes the best propagandafor China and its great proletarian cultural revolution.

Cem_enting F riendly Re! qtions

Visit ofI T the invitation of the Chinese Government, a Paki-fI stan Government Goodrvill Delegation led byKhwaja Shahabuddin, Minister of Information andBroadcasting, arrived in Peking on September 28 fora friendly visit and to attend the celebration of the l8thanniversary of the founding of the People's Republicof China. Welcoming the guests at the airport werethousands of revolutionary masses, Vice-Premier NiehJung-chen, Vice-Chair"rnan of the Standing Comrnitteeof the Natior-ral People's Congress Kuo l\,{o-jo and iead-ing members of departments concerned.

When the Pakistan guests alighted from the planea group of young Red Guards ran up to present themwith copies of Quotations From Cltairman Mao Tse-tung,the treasured red book of the world's revolutionarypeople, and read aloud a quotation from Chairman Maosaying: "The Chinese people regard the victory in theanti-imperialist struggle of the people of .Asia, Africaand Latin America as their own victory and give warmsympathy and support to all their anti-imperialist anrlanti-colonialist struggles."

An atmosphere of friendship and soiidarity be-tween the Chinese and Pakistan peoples filled the air-port as the crowds, holding up their bright red copiesof @uotatiotts From Chairtnan Mao Tse-tu"ng and por-traits of the great leader Chairman Mao and PakistanPresident Ayub Khan, shouted again and again: "Longlive the friendship between the Chinese anl Pakistanpeoples!" "Resolutely support the Pakistan people'sstruggle against imperialism and colonialism!" and"Firmly support the just struggle of the Pakistan peo-ple against foreign aggression!" When the Pakistanguests, accompanied by Vice-Premier Nieh Jung-chen

October 6, 1967

He extended warm congratulations to the Chinesepeople for the achievements won, particularly in in-creased production and the scientific success repre-sented by the explosion of the hydrogen bomb. Hesaid: At a time when U.S., puppet and satellite troops,out of despair, are carrying out savage and cruel actsof barbarity against the valiant fraternal people of Viet-nam on whose side rve have always stood and are de-termined to stand, this latest success constitutes anevent of the greatest importance, for it crushes nuclearblackmail and is an encouragement to the peopies fight-ing for national liberation.

In conclusion, he expressed his wish that the Chi-nese people, under the leadership of Chairman MaoTse-tr-rng, would r,vin even greater victories in socialistconstruction, tl-rat the 18th anniversary of the Peo-ple's Republic of China would shine with the victory andpermanence of the proletarian cultural revolution, andthat the friendship between the Chinese and Congolesepeoples would be as everlasting as the waters of theYangtse and the River Congo.

and others, walked round to meet the welcomingcrorvds to the throbbing of drums and clashing ofcymbals, representatives of the Red Guards rushed upto pin Chairman Mao badges on their chests and ex-press warm welcome to them on their visit at a timewhen the situation in China's great proletarian cul-tural revolution is unprecedentedly excellent.

On the evening of September 29, Vice-PremierNieh Jung-chen gave a banquet in honour of thePakistarr delegation. Among those present were Vice-Chairmen of the Standing Committee of the ChineseNational People's Congress Kuo Mo-jo and Chou Chien-jen.

Speaking at the banquet, Vice-Premier Nieh Jung-chen said that the friendly relations and co-operationbetrveen the two cou-ntries had made much progress inrecent years. The friendly relations existing betweenthe iwo countries lvere based on equality and mutualrespect.

Vice-Fremier Nieh Jung-chen strongly condemnedthe Indian reactionaries who had hired themselves outto U.S. imperialism and Soviet revisionism and carriedout incessant political blackmail and military provoca-tions against China and Pakistan. He said: "Our ene-

mies are all extremely hostile to and afraid of thefriendship between the Chinese and Pakistan peoples'

and they try in a thousand and one ways to sow dis-cord and dissension between our two countries, in a

vain attempt to achieve their ulterior aims." There-fore, it was "necessary for both our peoples to heighten

(Continued on P. 39.)


Pskiston Government Goodwill Delegstion



Choirmcn Moo, the red sun in the heorts of the revolutionory people of the world, with writers ond friendsfrom countries cf the [!ve continents. l-iolding high the red book Quciations Fram Ch.ainnan Mao Tse-tut'tg,

the ioreign friends exciteclly shouti "L-ong live Choirmo-n lvloo!" "A long, long life to himl"

Ours is o new ero with Moo Tse-tung's thought os itsgreot bonner. With boundiess respect c Looticrn People'sLiberqtion Airny fighter louds Choirmon Moo os "the redsun rising in the eost" ond "the greot helmsmon of the

world revolution,"

The i'odiont thought of Mco Tse-tung is the highest embodi-ment of Morxism-Leninism. lt hcs pointed out the pcth ofrevoiution for the ltolion people. Using tire thought of MooTse-tung os their guide, rnenrbers cf o Forty group of theItolion Comrnunist Pcrty (Morxist-Leninist) in Genoo discuss

orticles in tl're Porty's organ Nuoua lJnita.

32 Peking Reoieu, No. 41











Choirmon Moo, You ore theqfeotest Morxist-Leninist inin. Dresent ero qnd theoreot' leoder of the world'sievolutionory peop!e' Albo-nion comrodes held poriroitsof Choirmon Moo, wishing

him o long, long life.

Choirmon Moo's prestige is high omong the LoiinAniricqn people.' Jom-oicon workers obrood obtoinwisdom on,C strength from Choirmon Moo's red.-bcok'fn"v tov *ot Cl'ioir-on Moo. hqs cleorly indicoted' the orientotion for their odvonce.

The invincible thought of Moo Tse-tung Iights the vic'torious rood of the world revoiuticn. Tonzonion wcrk-ers corry o plocord "oll reocticncries ore poper tigers"

in o demonstrotion,


October 6, 1967

ff"6,6;.96,**.,'r0*d'*,,,,,u*# lu'fi :e##t*ffidad

rFHE brilliance of Mao Tse-tung's thought illuminatesI th" path to victory for the revolutionary people

of the world. They have gained a deeper understand-ing through their own experiences in the revolutionarystruggle of the fact that the only correct and bright roadis to study Chairman Mao's works and follow the rev-olutionary road pointed out by Chairman Mao.

Every day "Guozi Shudian" (China PublicationsCentre) receives many letters from readers all over theworld. They express the deepest admiration and thehighest praise for our great leader Chairman Mao andfor Mao Tse-tung's thought.

Under the guidance of Mao Tse-tung's thought,Chlna's great proletarian cultural revolution, which iswithout precedent in history, has had far-reaching in-fiuence aII ovbr the world. In his letter, an Africanfriend points out that in the past, the Chinese peopleoverthrew the three mountains (imperialism, feudalismand bureaucrat-capitalism) by mastering Mao Tse-tung'sthought. Today, with Mao Tse-tung's thought, theyhave become a strong force opposing U.S. imperialismand Soviet revisionism. He is confident that, withMao Tse-tung's thought, the African people rvill rvipeout oId and new coloniaiism.

It is for this reason that in the more than a yearsince China's great proletarian cultural revolution, moreof Chairman Mao's wot'ks have cii'culated abroad thanin ail of the pr:evious 14 years. It is noter"rorthy thatin less than one year, more than 1.3 million copies ofQuotations From Chairtnan foiao Tse-tung have reached128 countries and regions. In the same period, publish-ing houses in 16 couirtries have translated and publishedworks by Chairman Mao in their ovrn languages. Rev-oiutionaries in scores of countries have formed groupsfor organized and systematic study of Chairman Mao'swor:ks,

The Red Sun in the Heorts of the RevolutionoryPeople of the World

The revolutionary people of the world have a cleeplove for Chairman Mao and for Mao Tse-tung's thought.A Moroccan reader says: "There is only one correctthought in the world - Mao Tse-tung's thought. Itshines over China and the whole world." A friend inVenezuela writes: "The essence, ideas and teachingscontained in Chairman Mao's works have been provedby the practice of the people to be Marxism-Leninism,


enriched and developed. Mao Tse-tung's thought is aneverlasting beacon lighting up the way forr,vard for thepeople of the world in their struggle for liberation andfor real freedom."

An Austrian friend declares that Chairman Mao isthe leader of all the oppressed and exploited people ofthe world.

Chsirrnon Mso's Works Are o TreosureFor Revolutionories

Chairman Mao's works, treasured books of revolu-tion, are the indispensable spiritual food, the compassand the sharpest weapon for the revolutionary people.Therefore, the imperialists, the revisionists and all rea.c-

tionaries fear and hate these wcrks. They franticallytry to obstruct and prevent their dirstribution.

In India, the reactionary Indian Congress govern-ment has wantonly carried out anti-China activiti.esr,vith the support of the U.S. imperialists and the Sovietrevisionists. Through the "Defence of India Act," it hasprohibited the import of Chinese publications. In theirsearch for truth, some Indian revolutionaries havetravelled hundreds of miies to New Delhi in order toget Chairman Mao's works from the Chinese Embassythere. Some Indians in prison have asked tlreir friendsand relatives to bring them Chairman Mao's ',vorks inspite of the difficulties involved. An IndiaiT collegestudent explained: "India today is like China beforeliberation. The Indian people cannot stanci it anyIonger. Believe me, revolution will soon take place inIndia and it will follow the Chinese road."

A reader in Japan who was thrown into prison bythe reactionary government nevertheless persevered instudying tl'te Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung till hedied there.

In countries controlled by the Soviet revisionistclique, those who study Chairman Mao's works openlyare kept under watch, suffer dismissal or secret arrestor are locked up in lunatic asylums. Despite all this,many revolutionaries still study Chairman Mao's works,put up portraits of Chairman Mao and wear ChairmanMao badges. A Soviet reader wrote from jail: "Pleasehave confidence that the majority of the Russian peoplesupport China." i

During the Algerian war of resistance againstFrance, the people's army had a ferv copies of ChairmanMao's works which were passed around among the

Peking Ret:ie'w, No. 41




fighters. One fighting group, which was lucky to havea copy, selected one of its members to take care of it,When he was killed in battte, the others disregardedall danger, rushed forward and saved the book.

In Vietnam, u,hich is today at the forefront in thestruggle to resist U.S. imperialisn'r, a peasant familyobtained a picture of Chairman Mao and a copy ofQuotations Front, Chairman Mao Tse-tung. Every timethey hear the a-ir-r'aid rvarning. the first things they takeup are these two treasures,

During a battle in Laos against the U.S. marauder'swar planes, a young fighter was killed. Before he died,he gave his blood-stained copy of the Selected Worksof Mao Tse-tung to his comrades asking them to studyit well.

Moo Tse-tung's Thought Encouroges PeopleTo Struggle

Comrade Lin Piao has said: "Once Mao Tse-tung'sthought is grasped by the broad masses, it becomes aninexhaustible source of strength and a spiritual atombomb of infinite power."

Inspired by the teachings of Chairman Mao, therevolutionary masses in Japan are rebelling against theU.S. and Japanese reactionaries and the Miyamoto re-visionist clique. They march through the streets indemonstrations carrying placards inscribed with Chair-man Mao's teaching: "Rebellion is justified." A56-year-old Communist of 20 years' membership inthe Party said: "It is with the help of the in-vincible thought of Mao Tse-tung that I am ablegradually to hold aloft a clear revolutionary banner andcarry on a firm struggle against the revisionists, withful1 confidence in the future of the revolution."

In Vietnam, where the flames of the war of re-sistance are blazing, typical remarks by commandersinclude this one: "Chairman Mao's military thinking isthe greatest aid sent us by the Chinese people." Re-marks by fighters are: "Mao Tse-tung's thought is thesharp weapon for defeating U.S. imperialism andmodern revisionism. If we act according to ChairmanMao's teachings, we will be able to vanquish U.S. im-perialism!" Vietnamese workers and peasants too areearnestly studying Mao Tse-tung's thought. One youngsaltfield worker said: "Every sentence of ChairmanMao's is truth. Mao Tse-tung's thought is like the r.ed

sun that never sets." During a fight against a dry spell,some peasants applied Chairman Mao's idea of concen-trating superior forces to fight battles of annihilationand marshalled manpower and material resources for thefight. They sang the song of Chairman Mao's quotationset to music in the course of their work: "Be resolutgfear no sacrifice and surmount every difficulty to winvictory."

On the banks of the Congo, Mao Tse-tung's thoughthas brought the people great encouragement and fight-ing will. A fighter in the Congo (B) said: "My firstneed is Mao Tse-tung's thought and my second, a gun.22

In the Congo (K) though the colonialists' whiteterror is still rampant, neither prison, truncheons nor

October 6, 7967

sworcis can prevent revolutionaries from finding thetruth; nor can these prever-rt them from studying MaoTse-tung's thought, tiving l/Iarxism-Leninism at itshighesi in the present era. Locked behind barq Lu-mumba's soldiers still tried in every way i:o send lettersasking for Chairman Mao's works and copies of PekingReuieu.

A young African studying in Eastern Europe wasunrearsonably ordered to suspend his studies because heexpresse,C his rvarm affection for New China and hissupport for the Chinese Communist Party's views on theinternational communist movement. He said calmly:"Order me home. That's nothing. Back home I'11 takepart in the revolution. Chairman Mao has said: 'Thepeople, and the people alone, are the motive force in themaking of world history.' On my return this time, I'11

go among the people. Together, we'll take up arms andfight."

Wide Disserninotion of Moo Tse-tung's ThoughtThroughout the World

More and more of Chairman Mao's works are cir-culating throughout the world. Thus, Mao Tse-tung'sthought is being mastered by more and more revolu-tionaries.

Some Communists in Burma said: "We have beenearrying on military struggle for nearly 20 years. Wemaintain that with Mao Tse-tung's thought as our guidewe can defy all enemies."

Drawing lesscns of blood from the "September 30"incident, Indonesian Communists said: "For IndonesianMarxist-Leninists who are determined to defend Marx-i,srn-Leninism and oppose modern revisionism, thestudy of the teachings of Marx, Engels, Lenin and

Stalin, and, most especially, the study of Mao

Tse-tung's thought, is of tlemendous significance."

Revolutionaries in Germany marked the publicationand circulation of the German version of QuotationsFrom Chai,rman Mao Tse-tung with a call on workersand peasants to grasp, master, defend and apply genuineMarxism-Leninism, Mao Tse-tung's thought' It said:

"support Comrade Mao Tse-tung and the red pocket

book! Oppose China's Khrushchov and his 6ook on

'self-cultivation!' Fight for the fu1l victory of the rev-olutionary thought of Mao Tse-tung in the GermanDemocratic Republic and in West Germany!"

Revolutionaries in Venezu-ela issued an appeal tostudy Chairma.n Mao's works, particularly mentioning

"the three constantly read articles lSerue, the People, InMemory of Norman Bethune and The Foolish OLd ManWho Remotsed. the Mountainsl." They quoted Comrade

Lin Piao's words: "We must study these three articlesas maxims."

Revolutionary people in a.ll countries are strivinghard to study and apply Chairman Mao's works in a

creative way, When lve broaden our horizon and lookinto the future, we are convinced that mankind wiilinevitably forge ahead vietoriously in the direction

charted by our great helmsman Chairman Mao!


I think it is entirely

in ten yeors' time.

possible for sonre otorn bornbs cnd hydrogen bombs to be mode


GffiEffiE'S $EYffiffi&&ffiil S&ffi$ EXPTS$I{}H

A tribute to Chairman llIao, our greatcommander and great heln-rsr-na.r-r!

great leader, great supreme

A tribute to the 40th anniversaryPecple's Liberation Army created audcommanded directly by Vice-Chairman

A tribute to the l8th anniversary ofpublic of China!

of the foundlng of the great Chineseled pelsonaily by Chairman Mao andLin Piao!

the foun<iing of the great Re-

From: The rvorkers, engineers,technicians and scientists, and the com-manders and fighters of the rChinese

People's Liberation Army w'ho took partin the research. design, rnanufactureand testing of the H-bomb.

September 30, 196?.

Peking Reuieu;, No. 41

€uegp-ltrs-8gyq{s{,qry.{r:,:mq{iry-s-fl rq_{aq_t,_qq

New 5ue cesses

Rich Flervest of All Grsim cnd

IndelstriqE eraps

A M1D the might;' triumphs of the unprecedentedfl movement of the great prcletarian cultural revolu-tion, goori news pours in from the farm front guided bythe briliiant light of the great and invincibie ihought ofIVIao Tse-tung: China's agricu.ltural prcduction has keptup its leap forrrard this year. With the exception of afew areas, ell grain and industrial crops in the countryhave given geireraily rich harvests. The outputs of manycrops were either ihe biggest in the na'iion's history orsince the founding of the Chinese Feople's Repr-rblic in1949. The members of the people's communes are reap-ing the rich fruits of their labour.

Compared witli last year, China's 196? summer cropoutput jncrea,sed by nearly 10 per ceirt. Thls year ra-peseeci output gre-w by moi'e than 10 per cent. Bumperharvests w-ere also reported in early and semi-iate rice.The early autumn crops w'iricl-r har.e been gathered inare rated fairly rich. Crops due to be reaped in late au-tumn also give prospecis o[ a bumper harves[.

: Compared with last.year, fairly big increases havebeen registered this year in both totai output and per-

Corrrrrrune merntrers sturlyirig Quotatlort sTse-tung in a cotton sunning yard

Aciaber 6, 1967

FE C I&TG UE?8ffitr S

Fe rm Fr*stt

. mu yieid not cnly for traditionally high yielding rice,but for'the cereals u.hose rate of increase v;as relativelyla'*' before. Oii-bearirrg crops such as soya beans andpeanuis alsc shor,r,erl notable increases.

Particularly encouraging is cotion: the prospeetis that last year's r:ich harvest u,ili be surpassed.This foliou,s the big cotton increases in each of the iastiour years. Cotton from the first picking has alreadybeen scld to the state and the late cotton is riperring. Thecrops of bast fibre and silkworm cocoons are the biggestsiuce 1949. Output of sugar-bearing crops anC tobaccorearched ail-tin-re highs. Cn the heels of a rich harvestlast ;o,ear, tea output too recorded a considerable gainthis ;'eai .

Eig increeses in output rvere reported this year notonly in high yielciing regions rn her:e large*sca1e capitalconsiruciion had been carried out on the farms andfa::n:ing conditions are fair'l;, favourable, but in severalnortirern areas rvhere S.ields were low as a result of un-far.or-rra]:le farnning c,:nditions and their liability toivatei'log-ging and cirought. Thanks to new iarge-scalecapilai r'onstruction on the falms of these areas and bet-ier field management, they have improvcd their farm-irrg ccndiLions and this year achjeted fairly big increases

in output and yields. Ail this is vivid proofthai the gleat prolctarian cultural revolu-tion has beeome a powerful {olce boostii-rgChina's farm production at a rapid rate.

During the great proletarian culturalrevolution, the hundreds of millions of therevoiutionary peasants and the revolution-ary rural cadres have this year raised high.the great red banner of the invinciblethought o{ Mao Tse-tung, creatively stucliedand appiied Chairman Mao's 'uvorks, andresolutely carried out Chairman Mao's mili-tant call to "take firnr hold of the revolu-ticn-and promote production." They h:vegained a profound understanding of thegreat significance of "taking a firnr hold ofgrain, cotton and cotton cloth production"for the straiegic tasks of "preparednessagainst war, preparedness against naturalcalamities and everything for the people."United in mind, they have put forth theirrevolutionary energy, brought into fullerplay the advantages of the people's com-mr-lnes, and increased farm production.Closely reiying on the tremendousFrom Chairman Mao

in Kiangsu Provinee


At the Yangtan People's Camnrune, Shansi Province,loading grain for ilelivery to the state granary

assistance given by the People's Liberation Army unitswhich came to support the Left and assist agricuiture,the revolutionary peasants and revolutionary ruralcadres resolutely countered all activities against the rev-olution and production by the handful of Party personsin authority taking the capitalist road and won thevictory both in revolution and production.

In order to avert their inevitable doom, the hand-fu1 of capitalist roaders in the Party fomented the evilwind of counter-revolutionary economism at the crucialmoment of this year's spring p;:oduction. They were at-tempting to realize their vicious aims of sabotaging thegreat cultural revolution, the collective economy of thepeople's communes and farm production. The broadmasses of the poor and lorver-middle peasants and rev-olutionary rural cadres, however, thoroughly exposedand criticized and repudiated the counter-revolutionaryschemes of these capitalist roaders and carried out thespring farm work on time.

The spring sowing rvas done well and according toplan. In the Yellow River basin the cotton-growingprovinces beat the dry spell of last winter and thisspring to sow and enlarge the nation's cotton acreage.Several regions along the Yangtse River nursed'andtransplanted their rice seediings despite difficultiescaused by low temperatures and excessive rains and solaid a good basis for this year's bumper harvest.

While the autumn-ripening crops were growing, thepeasant masses and revolutionary rural cadres, with bigassistance from the People's Liberation Army, establish-ed and improved their r,vay.s and means of creativelystudying and applying Chairr:-ran I'{ao's works and raisedthis mass study movement to a ner,v level. This promotedthe revolutionization of people's ideology and the rev-


olutionary mass criticism andrepudiation movement in therural areas. The peasants andrevolutionary rural cadres inmany areas are even moredetermined to take the socialistroad and consolidate the colLec-

tive economy of the PeoPle'scommunes through criticism andrepudiatlon of the counter-revolutionai:y revisionist lineadvocated by the handful of toP

Party persons in authoritYtaking the capitaiist road headed

by China's Khrushchov. ThisIine was, among other things, a

vain attempt to sabotage thecollective economy of the Peo-ple's communes and restore ca-

pitaiism. Revolutionary mass

criticism and repudiation has

also greatly enhanced their so-cialist initiative.

This criticism and repudiation have helped push theefforts to improve field management and other measuresto boost yields for the autumn crops. Peasants in north,northeast and northr,vest China did a better job than lastyear in summer hoeing, irrigation and top dressing, andcompleted quite a la,rge amount of ca.pital constructionon the farms. The weather was favourable over thegreater part of China this year, but insect pests affecteda number of places. Good anti-pest work, however,reduced losses lo a minimum.

The peasant masses and revolutionary rural cadresare now doing careful harvesting and threshing andgiving better attention to late crops in the fields. Theyare working to get autumn ploughing and solving donewell so as to 1ay a firm foundation for rich harvests ofgrain crops in the coming summer.

Stock Roising Doing FineHolding high the great red banner of Mao

Tse-tung's thought and enthusiastically responding toChairman Mao's great call to "take firm hold of therevolution and promote production," on the livestockfront China's peasants and herdsmen working hard andself-reliantly, have brought about an excellent situationin stock breeding this year.

China this year has more horses, cattle, mules,donkeys, pigs and sheep than last year, according tothe statistics of the department concerned. The increasein the number of sheep is especiaiiy large. Comparedwith last year, bigger rates of increase for all these ani-mals are reported in the major st' breeding regionsof Inner Mongolia, Sinkiang and Chinghai, and in thefarming provinces of Hopei, Honan, Kirin, Liaoningand Heilungkiang.

Peking Reui,eto, No. 41

The propagation of good breeds and animal man-agement have improved. The quality of stock isgenerally higher than last year and both the rate ofincrease in numbers and the survival rate have risengreatly.

This excellent situation in China's livestock pro-duction is hailed as a great victory for the invinciblethought of Mao Tse-tung, and an achievement of the ef-forts of the masses of peasants and herdsmen, inspiredby the great proletarian cultural revolution, to crea-tiveiy study and apply Chairman Mao's works andenergetically grasp revolution and promote production,

During the unprecedented, great proletarian cul-tural revolution and in vigorous response to ChairmanMao's call, "you must concern yourselves with stateaffairs and carry the great proletarian cultural revolu-tion through to the end," the peasants and herdsmentook part in the mass campaign to expose, criticize andrepudiate and struggle against the counter-revolu-tionary revisionist line carried out in the farming andpastoral areas by the handful of Party persons inauthority taking the capitalist road headed by China'sKhrushchov. Through the revolutionary mass criticismand repudiation, the peasants and herdsmen havefurther enhanced their socialist consciousness and theirdetermination to take the socialist road and run thecollective economy of the people's communes well. Theyhave poured into production the soaring enthusiasmgenerated by the great proletarian cultural revolution.

Developing the advantages of the collective econ-omy of the people's communes, the masses of herds-men in China's major stock breeding regions, steppingup construction work on the grasslands, self-reliantlybuilt u,ater conservancy projects. This created favour-abie conditions for the growth of livestock and ensuredthe overali increases in the herds. The number ofyoung animals safely delivered in the Inner MongolianAutonomous Region was much greater than last year.

Livestock breeding in the farming areas has alsomade notable gains. Notervorthy is the fairly big pro-gress in livestock prodr-rction in the provinces of Hopei,Honan, Liaoning and Heilungkiang that were adrrerselyaffected by natural calamities at one time or anotherduring the past few years.

This year, the survival rate of young animals hasgone up and the loss rate of fully grown animals hassharply deciined because the peasants and herdsmenpaid more attention to preventing and curing animaldiseases and improving animal management. Blizzardshit the Hulunbuir grassland, a major pastoral area inInner Mongolia, in the winter of last year and thisspring. Guided by Mao Tse-tung's thought, the herds-men overcame these exceptional natural calamities anddid good work in preventing and curing animal di-seases. The survival rate of young animals on theHulunbuir grassland was even raised 8.9 per centhigher than last year, while the survival rate of fullygrown animals went above 96 per eent.

(Continued from p. 31.)

their vigilance and strengthen their unity so as to frus-trate any scheme aimed at undermining Sino-Pakistanfriendship and be ready at any time to deal crushingblows at the aggressors."

"The Chinese Government and people firmly sup-port the Pakistan Government and people in theirstruggle against foreign aggressicn and interference, andfirmly support the people of Piashmir in their strugglefor national self-determination and against the Indianreactionaries' tyrannical rule, This stand of ours isconsistent and unswerving," he declared.


The Vice-Premier also said that under the personalleadership of their great leader Chairman MaoTse-tung, the Chinese people were carrying on an un-precedented great proletarian cultural revolution andachieving great victories. . The Chinese people armedwith Mao Tse-tung's thought unswervingiy opposeC im-perialism, colonialism and neo-colonialism, and theywould for ever remain the most reliable friends of theoppressed nations in their struggle to win and safe.quard

national independence and the most faithful comrades-in-arms of the revolutionary people the world over.

October 6, 7967

'oOur Pakistan friends may rest assured that, inyour struggles against imperialist intervention and sub-version and against the Indian reactionaries' expan-sionisrn, the Chinese people will always be your friends.No one can undermine the friendship between the Chi-nese and Pakistan peoples," the Vice-Premier declared.

In his speech, Minister Shahabuddin said that hisdelegation had brought with it the sincere good wishesald greetings of the Pakistan people to the Chinesepeople, and that the Pakistan people admired all theachievements the Chinese people have scored underthe inspiring leadership of Chairman Mao Tse-tung.

Speaking about the friendly relations betrveen thetwo peoples, I\llinister Shahabuddin pointed out that inrecent years the friendly relations betv,,een Pakistanand China had been further developed and close co-operation between the two countries in various fieldsean only be mutually beneficial. He expressed theconviction that such friendship would be furtherstrengthened. He thanked the Chinese Got'ernmentand people for the support given to Pakistan at thetime of Pakistan's struggle against In<iian aggression,and for China's just stand on the Kashmir question.


Notionol Dny Holidoy

Progr srnrne

National Day this year brought a

string of fresh triumphs in the gi'eatcuitural revolution. A galaxy of neu'riciories were won on the art andliterary front. While the charactersin the eight model theatrical v;orks* the Peking opera.s Th,e Red Lantern,Shachi.apang, Taking the Bandits'Stranghold, and Roid on the WhiteTiger Regim.ent, the ballets R-ed

Detachrnent of Women and TheWhite-Ho-ired Girl, the symphonicr.r,ork Shachiapang and the Pekingopera On the Docks

-still fill pec-

pii:'s rninds, no\rv, over the Natir-'nalL-:r.y l-rolidays, r'evolutionary artistsand u,riters have put on several finenqw- perforrnances which publicizeMa,o Tse-tung's thought for thecapiial's u,orkers, peasants andsoldiers. In using the thought ofMao Tse-tung to criticize and re-pi-rdiate the sinister counter-revolu-tionary line in literature and art,revolutionary artists and writershave become even more eager toserve thc workers, peasants and sol-diers. For the National Day festival,artists, both amateur and profession-al, have organized scores of prop-aganda teams to spread NIaoTse-tung's thought through perfor-mances in factories and mines, invillages and city streets. In additionto this and the above-mentioned eightmodel theatrical works, they are alscdelighting the capital with newoperas, plays, modern dramas, songand dance shor,vs and a batch ofnei,l'ly releaseC films.Films, 'Iwo netv documentaries flointhe Central Newsreel and Document-ary Film Sturiic, Long Liue tlte GreatFriendship Between China and. Alba-nia! and People of the Vlorid,Ard.entlg Loue Cltai,rman, Maa {partII), are playing in Peking and otherparts of the country at a time r,i hcnfriendly envoys sent by many peo-pies in different pa-r:ts of the -wor.ld

are celebrating tcgether with iheChinese people the l8th anniversary


of the fournding of the People's Re-public of China.

Long Liue the Great Friendshi,pBettpeen China and Albania! fea-tures the Albanian State Song andDance Ensemble's tour of China lastDecember when China's great cul-tural revolution rvas developing indepth. Bringing with them the pro-found friendship of the Albanianpeople, members of the ensembleexpressed the strongest support forChina's cultural revolution. Theysang of the victories lvon by the A1-banian people under the leadershipof Comrade Enver Hoxha in the so-cialist revolution and constructioir andin fighting revisionism. With rousingrevolutionary spirit, they sang theChinese song ,Soiling the Seas De-pends on the Heh,smon in praise ofour great, most deeply respected andbeloved leader Chairman Mao andthe song We Must Hclue Fai,tll. in theMasses and Vle Must Hatse Faith inthe Party,'which is a quotation fromChairman Mao set to music. Thefilm throughout is filled with thespirit of the militant friendshipbetween the Chinese and Albanianpeoples, forged on the basis ofMarxism-Leninism and proletarianinternationalism.

People o! tlr.e World ArdentlyLoae Chairman Mao (Part II) recoreisthat historie occasion on July 11 thisyear when Chairman Mao receivedCongolese (B) trainees in China-The film finely conveys the deepregard for Chairman Mao and l\{laoTse-tung's thought rvhich the traineesshare with their compatriots. He isthe red sun in the hearts of the rev-olutlonary people throughout theworld, and they have worked hardto creatively study and apply hisworks.

Peking cinemas screened othernew full-Iength documentaries in-cluding Gloriaus Mod,el, Greet Crea-tisn- Chairman lVlao's eighth review

of the mighly revolutionar-v con-tingents of the ctil.tural revolution;Hail the Birth of the Peking llluni-cipal Reuoluti,anarg Comtnittee -

aspectacular review of the great pro-letarian cultura'l revolution over thepast ;rear and more; and Congress ofRepresentatiaes of RersohttionaryFighters

- a record of the 5thCongress of the Albanian Party ofLabour.

Operas and Flays. Locust TreeVillage and Eprc Night Battle at Sea

are plays by the proletarian revolu-tionaries of the units of the P.L.A.'sthree services stationed in Peking.

The five-act Locusl Tree Village isChina's first mcdern drama u.hichdirectiy denounces China's Khru,sh-chov. In reflecting the sharp classstruggle in the rural ai:eas frcm theland reform up to ihe establishmentand consolidation of the people'scommunes, the play exposes thecriminal efforts of China's Khrush-chov u,ho has opoosed the sociaiistrevolution at every stage of itsadvance. It also repudiates his faila-cies that class struggle rvas dying outin China's sociaiist society and thatthe grou,th of agricultural co-opera-tion had gone beyond the level ,ofthe poiiticai consciousness of themasses.

Epic Night Battle at Sea had itspremiers in Peking on the eve ofthe 40th anniversary of lhe foundingof the Chir:ese People's LiberationArmy in August this year. It was aninstant succer$s and was quickl;zselected for the National Day festivalprogramme- Collectively written, itlauds the heroism of the peopleof the eoast and of the mem-bers of the naval units of theP-L.A. guardiag the nation's south-eastern seas and fighting the Chiangpirates in the two sea battles of 1965.

Chang Szu-teh is another newmodern play. Cornrade Chang Szu-teh, whom Chairman Mao honoursin his fdr*ous artide Ssrae th.e

People, was a Cornrnunist rvholoyaliy served the people. FIe'ivas onthe Iong March and was wounded inaction. In Septerr'lber L944, whilemaking ehar:eoai in the rnountains he

Pekil,g Reaieut, No. 41

Ahout the $ong "The East ls Red"

A MONG popular Chinese revolutionary songs, ?het\ past Is Red, in praise oi our great leader Chair-man Mao, is one of the best loved.

It originated in northern Shensi which has a gloriousrevolutionary tradition and is known as a centre offolk singing. Li Yu-yuan, its author, was once a hiredfarr,rhand of the landlords, The first half of his lifewas lived under landlord exploitation and oppression.This filled him vrith a deep class hatred for the oldsocieiy antl the exploiting classes.

In 1935, Chairman Mao, leading the Chinese Work-ers' and Peasants' Red Army on the Long March,arrirued in northern Shensi and, like the tens ofthou,sands of other poor peasants there, Li Yu-yuanwas emancipated under the leadership of the Com-munist Party and Chairman Mao. A born folk-singer,for the first time he sang impromptu songs in praiseof the great Communist Party and our great leaderChairman Mao.

In 1942 after the publication of Chairman Mao'sTat"ks at the Yenan Forum on, Literature and Art, Li

Yu-yuan became even keener to compose songs andfor a long time he thought about dedicating a songespeciaily to Chairman Mao.

One winter morning that year, carrying his shoulderpole, he reached the summit of a mountain just asthe sun rose and bathed the earth in its glow. Hethought: "The sun nourishes everything. The Chi-nese Cornmunist Party and Chairman Mao are lead-ing the Chinese people towards a happy life. Truly,Chairman Mao is like a sun in the hearts of theChinese people.l' A host of expressions in praise ofthe Party and Chairman Mao flooded his mind.Walking by the city wall and suddenly looking up,he saw a slogan in big characters, "Chairman Mao isthe great saviour of the Chinese people!" Thesewords, he thought, came from the very hearts of theworking masses! On returning home, he wrote: "Theeast is red. The sun rises. China has brought fortha Mao Tse-tung . .. " and set the rvords to the melodyof a popular folk soi-rg of northern Shensi.

The song was s'wiftly handed on and spreadthroughout China after the liberation in 1949.

was killed by the sudden collapse ofa kiln. This opera finely brings outhis spirii of 'wholehearted dedicationto the people's interests.

Peking opera artists present a newversion of Two Liitle Sisters an theGrassl,ands. It describes how twolittle girls of the Mongolian national-ity, true to l\llao Tse-tung's teachings

-selfless and utter devotion toothers and to be resolute, fear nosacrifice and surmount every diffi-culty to win victory - heroicailyfight a blizzard, despite the danger totheir lives, to save their people'scommune's flocl: of five hundredsheep.

S/hether in its Peking opera form,or the new version by the ChinaPingju Opera Theatre Taking theBand.its' Stronghold. invariably gripsworker-peasant-soidier audiences.With great artistic pou/er the per-fcrmance vividly illustrates ChairmanMao's ideas on people's rn,ar, andshows how the r.ictory ga.ine<l in theChinese People's War of Liberationwas a victory for Chairman Mao'smilitary line.

Actober 6, 1967

The Red, Lantern, a very success-fu1 modern-style opera, u6es themclodies oI the Pei<ing opera versionto portray the thoroughgoing revolu-tionary spirii of the three genei'ationsof the family of the railway \,&'orker

Li Yu-ho.

Song and Dance. Revolutionaryartists of units of the three servicesof the Chinese People's LiberationArrny stationed in Peking presenteda performance of revolutionar;,, songsand dances in the holid"ays. Thisinciuded a suite of songs based onChairman Mao's poems and a songand dance pageant The Chingkanghlountains Road. The latter portraysthe famor-rs Autumn Harvest Uprisingand the advance torn ards the Ching-kang Mountains under the leadershipof Chairman Mao in 1927 - a criticalmomeni in the development of theChinese revol.ution. The events por-tra5zs6 are of epoch-making irnpor-tanee in the history of the Chineserevolution and the Chinese People'sLlberaticn Army. They opened theroad to the victory of the Chineserevolution,

The theme of Long Liue the Victoryof Peogfle's War by the DongfangEnsemble. is what revoiutionary peo-ple the world over are deeplyinterested in - armed struggle andhow to carry out revolutionary war.Drawing on the experience of thepeople's armed struggle in Asia,Africa and Latin America for itsmaterial, this performance Llses

singing, acting, dialogue, dancing andsome spectacular stage effects in a

unique and unconventional waY toconvey its political message.

The holidays saw other song anddance items performed bY YoungRed Guards and a host of new rev-olutionary acrobatics, puppet plays,

and ballad singing. Proletarian rev-olutionaries of units of the P.L.A.'sthree services stationed in Peking,too, held footba l, basketball and

handball matches and rnotorcYcleand gymnastic disPlaYs.

Revolutionary musicians composed

a dozen and more ne\[' songs for the

occasion. TheY also got out record,i.rms of eight outstanding model

theatrical works.



rN Tl4ts tssuE


Choirmsn Moo Celebrotes Notions!Dsy With 500,000 Armynnen ondPeop!e in Peking

Comrode Lin Pioo's Speech

-At the rolly celebroting the 18th onniversoryof the founding of the People's Republic ofChinq

Premier Chou En-[oi's Speech ot Nationol DsyReception

Our Greot Leoder Choirmon Moo ls in Excellent,Robust Heolth

Choirmon Moo Receives Albonion Portyqnd Government Delegotion 13

Choirrnon Moo Receives Militory Cqdres inPeking 14

Long Live Victory of the Greot Culturol Revolu-tion Under the Dictotorship of the Proletoriot -The editoriol deportments of Renmin Ribao,Hongqi and Jiefangjun Bao

Albonion Porty ond Government Delegotion VisitsChino

"The Eost ls Red" (A revolutionory song)Vietnomese Porty ond Government Delegotion, S.

Vietnom N.F.L. Delegotion in PekingDistinguished Guests Fro,m the Congo (B)Visit of Pokiston Government Goodwill DelegotionWorld's Revoluticnory People Love Choirmon Moo

(pictorial)Study Choirmon Moo's Works, Fo!low Choirmon

Moo's Revolutionory RoodChino's Hydrogen Bomb Explosion (pictorial)New Successes on Chino's Foi'm Front


Notionol Doy Holidoy ProgrommeAbout the Song "The Eost ls Red"

VoL 10, No. 41

October 6, 1967Published in English, French, Spanish,

Japanese and German editions











Published every Fridoy by PEKING REVIEW, Peking (37), ChinoPost Of(ice Registrotion No. 2-922 Cqble AclCress: Peking 29f0

Priqted in the People's Republic of Chino


Ar,rtumn 1961Sponsored by the nstionol foreiEn trcde corporotions of Chino

from mid November to mid Decemberin Kwangchow (Conton)

ot the Chinese Export Commodities Exhibition Holl

Businessmen and traders the usorld ouer' are cordially uelcome to discuss tracl,e,

both import and etport

For trovel ond' occommodotion orrqngements, pleose contoct





In, English


Revolutions ond Revolutionsry Wors Are lnevitoble in Closs Society

Politicol Power Grows Out of the Borrel of o Gun

lmperiolism ond All Reoctionories Are Poper Tigers

People, Not Things, Are the Foctor Determining Victory or Defeot in Wor

Revolutionory Wor ls o Wor of the Mosses

Estoblish Rurol Boses ond Use the Villoges to Surround the Cities

The People's Liberotion Army ls on Armed Body for Corrying Out theTosks of Revolution

The Strotegy ond Toctics of People's Wor

Our Chief Method ls to Leorn Worfore Through Worfore

56 poges 13x9cm. pocket size

With red plostic cover

Also aaailabl,e in French, Japanese,Russion and Spanish

Published by: FOREIGN LANGUAGES PRESS, Feking, Chino

Dirtdbuted by: GUOZI SHUDIAN (Chino Pu6licotions Gentre), Peking, Chino

Order lrom your locol dealer or write direct to the

Mail Order. DGpt.r GUOZI SHU DIAN, P.O; Box3ee, Pekins, Cftino



















i-'.'[email protected]

Just Off the Press












In English

A selection 39 orticles f rom Comrode

Moo Tse-tung's works written in the different

periods of the Chinese revolution. Seven of these

orticles ore not inctuded in the Selected Works

of Moo Tse-tung, Vols. l-lv.

408 pages 22.2 X 75.2 un. Caoth q Wper cwer

Published by: FORETGN LANGUAGtS PRE55, Pekins, Chino

Distributed by: GUOZI SHUDIAN (Chino Publlcotions C.cntrd, Pcking, Chino

Order {rom your locol deoler or write direct to the

Mail Order Dept .t GUOZI S H U D lA Nr P.O. Box 3ee, Pekins, Chino
