ch3 market efficiency

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Post on 03-Jun-2018




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  • 8/12/2019 Ch3 Market Efficiency


    Security prices accurately reflect availableinformation, and respond rapidly to newinformation as soon as it becomesavailable

  • 8/12/2019 Ch3 Market Efficiency


    Weak form efficiency: prices incorporate informationabout past prices

    Semi-strong form: incorporate all publicly availableinformationStrong form: all information, including insideinformation

  • 8/12/2019 Ch3 Market Efficiency


    Reasons to Think Markets Ought to

    Be EfficientMarginal investor determines pricesSmart money dominates trading

    Survival of fittest

  • 8/12/2019 Ch3 Market Efficiency


    Reasons to Doubt these ReasonsMarginal investor: wealth mattersSmart money: matter of degree. Limits to arbitrage

    theorySurvival of fittest: life cycle renews

  • 8/12/2019 Ch3 Market Efficiency


    Psychological FactorsGambling behaviorOverconfidence

    Slowness to make money, futility of career trying toprove others of ones ability

  • 8/12/2019 Ch3 Market Efficiency


    Technical AnalysisRobert D. Edwards & John Magee, Technical Analysisof Stock Trends , 1948.

    Hand drawing of charts, judgmental interpretation ofpatternsDifficult to test success of technical analysis

  • 8/12/2019 Ch3 Market Efficiency


    Head & Shoulders PatternInitial advance attracts traders, upwardmomentum. Smart money begins to distributestock, trying not to kill demand.Eventually downturn, but smart money comes into support demand, manipulation. (left shoulder)Upward momentum resumes, ends when smart

    money has distributed all shares; market drops.New traders try to exploit well-known tendency torally. New weak rally, right shoulder, then abreakout. (Edwards & Magee)

  • 8/12/2019 Ch3 Market Efficiency


  • 8/12/2019 Ch3 Market Efficiency


    Implications of Efficiency Allocational efficiency

    If markets are not allocationally efficient thenperhaps there is a ________________________

    ___________ in capital markets.

    role for greater governmentintervention

    Possible rules changes to attempt to improveallocational efficiency

    Tax on trading activityMore taxes on short holding period returnsChanges in corporate compensation

  • 8/12/2019 Ch3 Market Efficiency


    Implications of EfficiencyInformational efficiency

    If markets are not informationally efficient

    Investors may not be able to trust that marketprices are up to date and investors shouldthen conduct their own research (or hire aresearcher) to validate the price.

    Privileged groups of investors will be able to

    consistently take advantage of the generalpublic.Active strategies could outperform passivestrategies.

  • 8/12/2019 Ch3 Market Efficiency


    Relationships between forms ofthe EMH

    Notice that _______________________________ __________________ (but _____________)

    Strong form efficiency would imply that __________________________________________.

    semi-strong efficiency implies weakform efficiency holds NOT vice versa

    both semi-strong and weak form efficiency hold