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Two-Sample Tests of Hypothesis and Analysis of Variance Chapters 11 & 12 Dr. Richard Jerz © 2017 1

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• Conductatestofahypothesisaboutthedifferencebetweentwoindependentpopulationmeans

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• IsthereadifferenceintheaveragevalueofresidentialrealestatesoldbymaleagentsandfemaleagentsinsouthFlorida?

• IsthereadifferenceinthemeannumberofdefectsproducedbyfirstshiftandsecondshiftsatKimbleProducts?

• Isthereadifferenceinthemeannumberofdaysabsentbetweenworkersunder21yearsoldandworkersolderthan60yearsoldinthefast-foodindustry?

• Isthereanincreaseintheproductionrateifmusicispipedintotheproductionarea?

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• Thehypothesesforcomparingtwoindependentpopulationmeansμ1 andμ2 are:

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1. Populationσ2’sareknown2. Populationσ2’sareunknown

1. Areσ2’sequal?2. Areσ2’sunequal?

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• Historicalmethod(usingtables)• Computea“special”teststatistic,eitherzort

• Compareittotheteststatisticofthedesiredconfidencelevel(oralpha).

• Modernmethod• Computethep-value(probability)andcomparethistotheminimumacceptableerror(α).Ifthep-valueissmallerthanα,thereisadifference(rejectnullthattheyarethesame.)

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• Populationσ2’sareknown:Zstatistic• Populationσ2’sareunknown:Tstatistic

1. Ares2’sequal?2. Ares2’sunequal?

Saidalittledifferently• Ifthepopulationvariancesσ12 andσ22areknown,thenusethenormaldistribution.

• Ifpopulationvariancesareunknownandestimatedusings12 ands22,thenusetheStudent-tdistribution.

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• Welch-Satterthwaite test

• with degrees of freedom

• A Quick Rule for degrees of freedom is to use min(n1 – 1, n2 – 1).


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• MSExcel• Testforequalmeans,knownpopulationvariances

• Testforequalvariances• Testforequalmeans,unknownpopulationvariances

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• Excel:Data|Data Analysis

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ComparingTwoVariances– FStatistic

• Formatofhypotheses• Totestwhethertwopopulationmeansareequal,wemayalsoneedtotestwhethertwopopulationvariancesareequal.

• Thehypothesesmaybestatedas

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• Thereisa“family”ofFDistributions.

• Eachmemberofthefamilyisdeterminedbytwoparameters:thenumeratordegreesoffreedomandthedenominatordegreesoffreedom.

• Fcannotbenegative,anditisacontinuousdistribution.

• TheFdistributionispositivelyskewed.

• Itsvaluesrangefrom0to¥• AsF®¥ thecurveapproaches

theX-axis.© 2017 rjerz.com13

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• Theteststatisticistheratioofthesamplevariances:

• If the variances are equal, this ratio should be near unity: F » 1


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• Iftheteststatisticisfarbelow1orabove1,wewouldrejectthehypothesisofequalpopulationvariances.


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• Itissensitivetonon-normalityofthesampledpopulations.

• TheFtestassumesthatthepopulationsbeingsampledarenormal.

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• P368• P377• P380,problem17• P381• P384,problem22• P386• P405

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