ch 7 -moon (2)

Our loyal companion

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Post on 13-Jul-2015




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Our loyal companion

1. Pock marked with craters and maria(mar’-ee-a for plural,) or mare (mar’-eyh,)

which are the smooth places.

Gravity 1/6 that of the earth: 9.8/6 = 1.7 m/s2. That is why no water or atmosphere will stay there.

We always see the same side of the moon because it rotates on its axis at the same rate it revolves around the earth.

Try the dime/quarter experiment.

1. Fission: The moon was material separated from the earth when the earth was first forming.

2. Capture: The moon was formed in another part of the solar system and captured by the earth’s gravity.

Condensation: The moon was formed near to and simultaneously with the earth in the early solar system.

None of them!!

Mars size celestial object collided with the Earth. This is well tested withevidence. Rocks from themoon have been found on the

Artic continent. They have the same composition as that of the earth.

Solid Iron inner core.

Semi-solid outer core.

Solid mantle.

Crust is thicker on the side facing awayfrom the earth.

maria: singular is mare

mascons: mass

concentrations beneath the


Craters: the pocks and


Coming out of these

are lines called rays.

Regolith: The dust.


..\Astronomy\moon facts.docx

Full Moon Names:


The Moon has quakes:

These are caused by the gravitational pull of

the Earth. Lunar astronauts used

seismographs on their visits to the Moon, and

found that small moonquakes occurred several

kilometres beneath the surface, causing

ruptures and cracks. Scientists think the Moon

has a molten core, just like Earth.

The Moon has only been walked on by 12

people; all American males:

The first man to set foot on the Moon in 1969

was Neil Armstrong on the Apollo 11 mission,

while the last man to walk on the Moon in 1972

was Gene Cernan on the Apollo 17 mission.

Since then the Moon has only be visited by

unmanned vehicles.

The Moon is the fifth largest natural satellite

in the Solar System:

At 3,475 km in diameter, the Moon is much

smaller than the major moons of Jupiter and

Saturn. Earth is about 80 times the volume

than the Moon, but both are about the same

age. A prevailing theory is that the Moon was

once part of the Earth, and was formed from a

chunk that broke away due to a huge object

colliding with Earth when it was relatively


The Moon will be visited by man in the near


NASA plans to return astronauts to the moon to

set up a permanent space station. Mankind

may once again walk on the moon in 2019, if

all goes according to plan.