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 Communication apprehension describes the fear in any communication situation ›  Talking on the phone › Meeting new people at social events ›  Speaking to a group of people

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 The fear of speaking before an audience › Sweaty palms › Leg muscles tighten & you’re

shaky › Fast heartbeat › Dry mouth

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 A chemical produced by your body during times of stress

 Prepares body for “fight” or “flight”

 Provides extra energy to think faster & enthusiastically speak

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  1. Describe a nonspeaking situation in which you felt your adrenaline surge. Include the sensations you experienced. Be ready to share your description with the class.

  2. Were the sensations you described some of the same sensations you felt when you got up to present your first speech? Describe the sensations you felt when you first spoke and compare them to your first description.

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Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just,

whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely,

whatever things are of good report, If there is any virtue and if there is anything

praiseworthy--meditate on these things. Philippians 4:8

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Coaches call it “Psyching up” to win.

Speakers can do the same thing. Make it a game: You want to

“Win over the audience” with your speech.

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1.  Dedicate your speech to the Lord and ask Him to help you.

2.  Be prepared! When you prepare, half the battle is over. Know what you want to say!

3.  Your audience “knows” your pain. They empathize with your struggles and want the best for you. You are NOT competing against each other (this is NOT American Idol).

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4. Focus on the message. Choose a meaningful or personal speech topic, something your audience needs to hear

5. Stage fright effects are not visible to your audience (sweaty palms are not noticeable, heartbeat can’t be heard)

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1. Throat exercise: Relax your throat. Yawn with mouth closed. Run the tip of tongue from behind upper front teeth up towards the roof of the mouth. Relax tongue & yawn again. Be aware of tension and relaxation of throat muscles. Repeat several times before presentation.

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2. Head & Shoulder exercise: Sit upright, slowly roll shoulders forward 3 times. Reverse and roll backwards 3 times. Focus on releasing tension in shoulders. Close your eyes & relax neck muscles, dropping head forward. Slowly circle head from right shoulder towards the back, and around to the left shoulder to where you started. Repeat 2 more times & reverse direction.

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3. Rag Doll exercise: Sit up in a straight- back chair. Close eyes & concentrate on relaxing muscles in feet, legs, hips, abdomen, hands, arms, shoulders, neck & jaw. Breath slow & evenly. Relax shoulders as you breathe in. Imagine yourself like a rag doll, drooping forward from the waist, loosely swing arms back & forth. Relax!

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4. Reach for the Sky exercise: Stand up & move away from chair. Lift arms energetically above head. Bring them out to your sides, stretching even to your fingertips. Focus on feeling the stretching sensation through your rib cage. Imagine moving all the tensions out of your body through your fingertips. Drop arms limp to your sides.

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 Avoid playing with your hair, clothes, paper, cards—anything that distracts your audience.

  If you catch yourself doing these distractions– STOP!

 Relax tense muscles

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  Plan a great intro & memorize it  Add humor, if your speech allows. It relaxes

you and your audience.  Direct your energy into (natural) gestures,

volume, & intensity.   Plan to take a step or 2 between main

points to release nervous energy, serves as a transition.

  Focus on the message you are communicating; keep your mind off being nervous.

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 He has called you to this & He will equip you.

 Be open to criticism  Be aware of the criticism given  Use techniques to conquer

stage fright  Persevere!