cgi programming. common gateway interface interface between web server and other programs (cgi...

CGI programming

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Page 1: CGI programming. Common Gateway Interface interface between web server and other programs (cgi scripts) information passed as environment variables passed

CGI programming

Page 2: CGI programming. Common Gateway Interface interface between web server and other programs (cgi scripts) information passed as environment variables passed

Common Gateway Interface

• interface between web server and other programs (cgi scripts)

• information passed as environment variables

• passed to standard input (STDIN)

• script outputs to standard output (STDOUT)

• output is http response message

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CGI Environment

• Web Server defines– working directory– preset variables– filehandles (links to resources on the server)

• CGI script must produce– minimal set of response headers

• e.g. Content-Type: text/html

– content of http response

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Environment Variables

• provide info about the web server and the client

• information drawn from http request headersSERVER_NAME




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Server-Script interface

• STDIN– Web server launches CGI program and

provides standard input

• STDOUT– CGI program outputs response to web server

• STDERR– Web server handles CGI program error output– Apache appends it to error log

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CGI Output

• headers:– Content-Type

•print “Content-Type:text/html\n\n”;

– Location•print “Location:someFile.html\n\n”;

– Status•print “503 Service unavailable”;

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CGI Example

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CGI Example

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Ice Cream Stand Design




Present order form and response

Handle request and response

Produce order form

Process order form

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CGI script design

• Input– Form data

• Output– Order form– Order response

• Self-referencing form

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ice cream stand CGI script

#!/usr/local/bin/perl #ice cream stand cgi script use CGI qw(:standard); print (header(),start_html("Ice Cream Stand"),h1("Ice Cream Stand")); if (param()) { #the form has been filled out $who = param("name"); $flavour = param("flavour"); $scoops = param("scoops"); $vat = 1.175; $cost = sprintf("%.2f", $vat*(1.00 + $scoops*0.25)); print p("OK $who, have $scoops scoops of $flavour for £$cost.");

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ice cream stand CGI script

} else {# present the form print (hr, start_form()); print p("What is your name",textfield("name")); print p("What flavour: ", popup_menu("flavour", ['mint','cherry','mocha'] )); print p("How many scoops? ", popup_menu("scoops",[1..3] )); print p(submit("order"), reset("clear")); print (end_form, hr); } print end_html;

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CGI is programmer-oriented

• HTML embedded in the program

• HTML generated as a series of function calls

• requires– knowledge of HTML tags– programming skills

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Does CGI implement M-V-C?

• No!

• Data processing (model) is inseparable from response page generation (view)

• Also contains elements of controller– Handles request headers and creates response


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CGI security problems

• scripts can be corrupted by user data– hidden fields– arbitrary commands embedded in text fields

• file permissions

• file locations

• trust relationships between web server and other machines

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speed of CGI

• each request creates a new process

• overhead of communication through CGI

• overhead of interpretation and compilation

• Possible solutions (only partly effective)– code optimisation– Fast CGI– mod_perl with Apache

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Alternatives to CGI

• Java servlets

• JSP - Java Server Pages


• ASP - Active Server Pages

• Coldfusion

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Java Servlets

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• add functionality to a web server

• comparable to CGI– More tightly defined– Separate http handling from middleware– Deployed in a web container (see later)

• vendor and platform independent (Java)

• integrate with other Java technologies– J2EE framework

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• efficient– permanently available, no compile overhead

• robust– encapsulation, type-checking, error handling

• secure– specialised interfaces to other server resources

that are not vulnerable to attack

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Servlets• implement javax.servlet.Servlet interface

public void init(ServletConfig c)run on initialisation

public void service (ServletRequest req, ServletResponse res)runs for each request and response

public void destroy ()end of servlet life

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init(ServletConfig c)

service(ServletRequest r, ServletResponse s)


once at first request or at server start

every request

once when server shuts down


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HTTP servlets

• Most commonly used servlet subclass– javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet

• implements additional methods to handle http functionality

• service() method passes handling to more specific sub-class methods– doGet, doPost …

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The “Hello World” servlet

import*;import javax.servlet.*;import javax.servlet.http.*;public class HelloWorld extends HttpServlet{

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The “Hello World” servlet

public void doGet (HttpServletRequest req,HttpServletResponse res) throws ServletException, IOException {res.setContentType(“text/html”);

Printwriter out = res.getWriter();

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The Hello World servlet

out.println (“<html>”);out.println (“<head><title>”);out.println (“Hello World”);out.println (“</title></head>”);out.println (“<body>”);out.println (“<h1>Hello World</h1>”);out.println (“</body></html>”); }}

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Servlets vs CGI

• similar idea– web container “like” CGI environment – request and response objects vs std I/O

• servlet compilation once only– much faster, even though run in JVM

• security problems greatly reduced– web container is much more secure

• but still HTML embedded in code

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Java Server Pages

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Java Server Pages (JSP)

• Template for page generation

• Separates code from HTML

• HTML with additional jsp tags processed on server side

• links to other Java entities for more complex processing/ database access

• platform independent

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JSP elements

• A JSP is a template for generating a web page– Response to an http request

• JSP elements are tags embedded in HTML• JSP scripting elements

– Specify Java code to be run when template is requested

– Separate the coding from HTML content• Fits with M-V-C philosophy

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</HEAD><BODY><H1>Date and Time</H1>

<!--table in here--><%= new java.util.Date.toString() %><!-- end table--></BODY></HTML>

Simple JSP Example

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Page 33: CGI programming. Common Gateway Interface interface between web server and other programs (cgi scripts) information passed as environment variables passed

JSP scripting elements• Three different kinds of scripting,

determining when each is executed:• Insert snippets of Java code

<% … %>• embed a code expression, which

evaluates in the response (no ;)<%= … %>

• declare variables and methods<%! … %>

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<!--Declare a variable--><%! String name = “Gandalf”; %>

<!-- Do some processing--><% name = name + “ the Grey”;%>

<!-- Output a result--><h1><%= name %></h1>

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JSP and Servelets

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How does JSP work?

• NOT a Java scripting language

• NOT like php– JSP are NOT parsed on request

• Java code must involve classes, creation of objects, etc…

• JSP is a designer-friendly way of writing servlets

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Clock example

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Server withTomcat



translationrequest processing

GET clock.jsp






compile and deploy




http response


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public class clock implements Servlet { public void service (ServletRequest r, ServletResponse s) throws ServletException, IOException { s.setContentType (“text/html”); PrintWriter out = s.getWriter (); out.println (“<HTML>”); out.println (“<HEAD>”); out.println (“<TITLE>JSP… </TITLE>”); out.println (“</HEAD>”); out.println (“<BODY>”);

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out.println(“<H1>Date and Time</H1>”);


java.util.Date.toString()); out.println (“</BODY>”); out.println (“</HTML>”); }}

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JSP directive elements

• applied when the JSP is compiled into a servelet– Only executed once (on compilation)– Do not affect the response

• Used to set up resources such as– Java classes– inclusions

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JSP directive elements

• specify page information (static)

<%@ page … >scripting language, error page

<%@ include … >includes a file, e.g. an applet

<%@ taglib … >declare a tag library (custom actions)

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JSP and http

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JSP and http

• A JSP is a servelet

• Permanently resident in server memory

• Multi-threaded

• Request and response objects

• Sessions and cookies

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Accessing request information

• Methods of the request object provide all request information

• object is called “request”

public String getParameter (String name)

public String getMethod ()

public String getHeader (String name)

public Cookie [] getCookies ()

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javax.servelet.http.Cookie class• getName ()

– the name of the cookie

• getValue(), setValue (String value)– gets/sets the value of a cookie

• getDomain(), setDomain(String dName)– get/set the cookie domain name

• getPath(), String setPath(String path)– get/set the request path the cookie is associated with

• getMaxAge(), setMaxAge (int expiry)– get/set maximum age for the cookie

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• provides standard functionality for handling sessions

• handles cookies as standard but must be extended to handle URL rewriting

• holds client state info resident in memory– automatically times out abandoned sessions

• created/returned by HttpServeletRequest class getSession method

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JSP and Java Beans

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Java Beans

• ordinary Java classes with the following properties:– introspection– customization– events– properties– persistence

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Java Beans

• introspection– an analyser can inspect how the Bean works

• properties– naming conventions for getter and setter methods

• persistence– implement the Serializable interface– Bean state can be stored

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Example Java beanpublic class ExampleBean implements {private String name = null;private int score = 0;

public ExampleBean() {} // Empty constructor

/* Getter and Setter Methods */public String getName() {

return name;}

public void setName(String s) {name = s;


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Example Java bean

public int getScore() {return score;


public void setScore(int i) {score = i;


/* No method required to implement



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JSP action elements

• action elements– perform an action when page is requested

<jsp:useBean>uses a JavaBean component

<jsp:getProperty>property from JavaBean used in the page

<jsp:setProperty>sets a JavaBean property (possibly

using request information)

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<jsp:setPropertyname = “userInfo”property = “userName”value = “Gandalf”/>


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The following information was saved:

<ul><li>User Name:<jsp:getProperty


<li>Email Address:<jsp:getProperty



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Other JSP action elements

<jsp:include>responses from other jsp pages or servelets

<jsp:forward>forwards processing to other jsp or servelet

<jsp:param>passes a parameter with include or forward

<jsp:plugin>generates the HTML to embed an applet

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Timetable change

• From 10 November:

• Two lectures moved into one slot:– Wednesday 11-1– B39– (lab with GE being moved)

• Labs will still be Thursday, 9-11