cghs rate list 2014.pdf

CGHS CHENNAI - NEWRATES 2014 Sr.No. CGHS TREATMENT PROCEDURE/ INVESTIGATION LIST Non-NABH/ Non-NABI NABH/NABL I Consultation OPD -15) 135 2 Consultation- for Inpatients 270 270 3 Dressings of wounds 50 58 4 Suturing of wounds with local anesthesia 108 L24 5 Aspiration Plural Effusion - Diagnostic tr! 138 6 Aspiration PluraI Effusion - Therapeutic 193 222 7 Abdomine l Aspiration - Diagnostic 345 397 6 AQdominal Aspiration - Therapeutic 460 579 9 Perica rdial Aspiratio n 380 437 10 Joints Aspiration 3rl 365 1L Biopsy Skin 230 26s 72 Removal of Stitches 36 47 13 Venesection L24 L43 1,4 Phimosis Under LA 1180 L357 15 Sterna I pu ncture 173 199 15 Injection for Haemorrhoids 4L4 476 17 Injection for Varicose Veins 350 403 18 Catheterisation 83 95 19 Dilatatio n of U rethra 450 518 20 Incision & Drainage 378 435 2I Intercostal Dra inage 1,25 1.44 22 PeritonealDialysis 1319 1-517 23 Excision of Moles 345 397 24 Excision of Warts 310 5l I 25 Excision of Molluscum contagiosum 130 150 26 Excision of Venera I Warts 160 184 27 Excision of Corns L40 rol 28 l/D Injection Keloid 97 1L2 29 Chemical Cautery (s) 100 1- 15 30 Subconjunctival/subtenon's iniections in oneeyes 69 79 31 Subconju nctiva l/subtenon's injections in both eyes 138 159 32 Pterygium Surgery 86 99 33 Conju nctival Peritomy 58 67 34 Conjunctivalwound repair or exploration following blu nt trauma 115 L32 J) Removql of cornealforeign body ro4 '120 36 Cauterization of ulcer/subconjunctival injection in oneeye 69 79 37 Cauterization of ulcer/subconjunctival injection in both eyes 138 159 38 Corneal grafting-Penetrating keratoplasty 5750 OO.LJ 39 Corneal graflin€- La mella r keratoplasty 5000 5750 40 Cyanoacrylate /fibrin glue application for corneal perforation 690 794 4't- Bandage contact lenses for corneal perforation 460 529 42 Scleral grafting or conjunctival flap for corneal perforation 7070 238r 43 Keratoconus correction with therapeutic contact lenses 1200 1380

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    I Consultat ion OPD-15) 135

    2 Consultat ion- for Inpat ients 270 2703 Dressings of wounds 50 584 Sutur ing of wounds with local anesthesia 108 L245 Aspirat ion Plural Effusion - Diagnost ic tr! 1386 Aspirat ion PluraI Effusion - Therapeut ic 193 2227 Abdomine l Aspirat ion - Diagnost ic 345 3976 AQdominal Aspirat ion - Therapeut ic 460 5799 Perica rdial Aspirat io n 380 43710 Joints Aspirat ion 3r l 3651 L Biopsy Skin 230 26s72 Removal of St i tches 36 4713 Venesect ion L24 L431,4 Phimosis Under LA 1180 L35715 Sterna I pu ncture 173 19915 Inject ion for Haemorrhoids 4L4 47617 Inject ion for Var icose Veins 350 40318 Catheter isat ion 83 9519 Dilatatio n of U rethra 450 51820 Incis ion & Drainage 378 4352 I Intercostal Dra inage 1,25 1.4422 Peri tonealDialysis 1319 1-517

    23 Excision of Moles 345 39724 Excision of Warts 3 1 0 5 l I25 Excision of Mol luscum contagiosum 130 15026 Excision of Venera I Warts 160 18427 Excision of Corns L40 r o l28 l /D Inject ion Keloid 97 1L229 Chemical Cautery (s) 100 1- 15

    30 Subconjunct ival /subtenon's in iect ions in one eyes 69 793 1 Subconju nct iva l /subtenon's in ject ions in both eyes 138 15932 Pterygium Surgery 86 9933 Conju nct ival Per i tomy 58 6734 Conjunct ivalwound repair or explorat ion fol lowing blu nt

    trauma 115 L32J ) Removql of cornealforeign body ro4 '12036 Cauter izat ion of ulcer/subconjunct ival in ject ion in one eye 69 7937 Cauter izat ion of ulcer/subconjunct ival in ject ion in both eyes 138 15938 Corneal graf t ing-Penetrat ing keratoplasty 5750 OO.LJ39 Corneal graflin- La mella r keratoplasty 5000 5 75040 Cyanoacrylate / f ibr in glue appl icat ion for corneal perforat ion 690 7944't- Bandage contact lenses for corneal perforat ion 460 52942 Scleral graf t ing or conjunct ival f lap for corneal perforat ion 7070 238r43 Keratoconus correct ion with therapeut ic contact lenses 1200 1380




    44 UV radiat ion for cross- l inking for keratoconus 1800 207045 EDTA for band shaped keratopathv 863 99246 Arcuate keratotomy for ast igmatism 2800 322047 Re-sutur ing (Pr imary sutur ing) of corneal wound 1150 L S Z a48 Penetrat ing keratoplasty --- wi th glaucoma surgery 1"21.44 1396549 Penetrat ing keratoplasty -- wi th v i t rectomy 12'J-44 1396650 Penetrat ing keratoplasty --- wi th IOL implantat ion 13 656 157045 1 DALK- Deep anter ior lamel lar keratoplastv 17254 1983852 Keratoprosthesis stage I and l l 11500 L322s53 DSAEK- Descemet 's str ipping automated endothel ia l

    keratoplasty'1667 5 T9L76

    54 ALTK- Automated lamel lar therapeut ic keratoplastv 16500 1897555 Probing and Syr inging of lacr imal sac- in one eve 7956 Probing and SVr inging of lacr imalsac- in both eve 138 1595 7 DacrvocVsto rhinostomV- Pla in 2875 330658 Dacryocystorhinostomy- Pla in with intubat ion and/or with

    lacr imal imolants 97 5A I121,3

    5 9 Dacryocystorh inosto my- conju nct iva lwi th implant 9200 105 8060 Cal icu loplasty 2300 264561 DacryocystectomV 15 53 178662 Punctal piugs for dry eyes 130 15063 Refraction 40 4664 Indirect OphthalmoscopV 67 7765 Orthopt ic check-u p- wi th svnoptophore 44 5 165 Lees' chart ing or Hess' chart inq 100 t_ t f67 Orthopt ic exercises 50 5868 Pleopt ic exercises 50 5869 Perimetrv/ f ie ld test-Goldman 't-44 _t-oo70 Perimetrv/ f ie ld test- automateo L44 -too7 L Fluorescein angiography for fundus or i r is 828 95272 Ultrasou nd A- Scan 777 89473 U l t rasou nd B- Scan 230 76574 Fu nd us Photo Test 200 230t5 Indocya n in gree n angiogra phy 924 105876 Corneal endothel ia l cel l count with specular microscopV 2ra 24277 Cornealtopography 331 38178 Corneal pachymetry 210 24279 Auto-refraction 35 4080 Macular funct ion tests 44 5 18 1 Potent ialacui tv metrv 100 11582 Laser interfe ro metry 'l-73 19983 OCT-Optical coherence tomography 1913 220084 HRT- Heidelberg's ret inal tomogram 150 17385 GDX--- Nerve f ibre layer analyzer 88 10186 UBM- U l t rasound bio microscoov 150 77387 Non Contact tonometrv 50 5 5



    - - - - ^ ^ 1 . . , i + h . - h i ^ 1 "


    NABH/NABLSr. No.

    30 358889

    l u r r I ] e d 5 u I c r r r t r r r v v r ! r I J v ' t ' : ' _

    -'"u'u'"*"n,.,I'lL l!?lltill tono'"t'u50 5858


    I h re r l l l r ro rexa t t t t . t ta r tu r ' ' " ' ' " ' '90 D lens examtnattonGonioscoPYahalazion incis ion and 9ul9! !9gg i19!9jy.e--

    50 5858

    400 46093 43r 49694 f h a l a z t o n t n c t S l o n a r t u u u t e t r o 6 , c " ' " " ' " " r " -

    F6GiGifitfr fasanella servat procedure " 2300 2645

    95 5500 6325969798

    Ptosts surgerY wt t t t ur : ' cJ . . ' ' " " " " " . " : 6674 767 rPtoSls sur8ery wr t r I J r r | |F . ' " ' 6 - ' t - ' ' " "F . t r ^n ion sUrgerv - ong I loE^+.^^ i^h c ' ' roarv - ho th l ids

    E pi ca nth u s co rrect lo r-lCantholysis and canthol9|n Y

    1.400 16102500 7875


    1s 50 778366L

    101 13801 1s87ro2103104

    Entropton surgerEntroplon surger

    v - ( J J l g l l u 200c 2300v _ u v r r | | r q J 65t 748

    arsorrapnyl - L f 13 z7

    105 ;utu n ng oT l lo retraction rePallloncretlons removiSucket handle Proc

    153( 1760106 1-1:107 34 397108 62L 7 L42109 l heek ro ta t ton t tap tu t t tu t " ' ' ' " ' "

    f,rbitotomY774s1 8332


    3000 345C3000 3450

    t n u c l e a l l o l l w l L r r u r u r r o r r ' r r v r s " ' " * " - - - - '

    EiG6ra-.-t',on with orbit.l implants and artificial prostnes'sTelecanthus correctionOrbital decomPressionF YcntPra t tonE-^^ ia r f , t inn \ ^ / i th sk in e fa t t ing

    Fracture orbi tal rePa i r

    34s01 396t113 s6931 6s47TL4 s17sl sesl115 sTsol 6613116 s7s0l 5613'L t1

    1186900 793s9200 10580

    LLg r-s001 172s12012r122

    RPt ina l lasgr o roceuu l es 1-1500 L3225Rgt l na l oe lac r l l l l t s l l l 5u r6s r v - .iE:tal d-eu.l,,r'tent sutgety *ith sc,letal butklingBuckle removal .Si l icone oi l removalAnterior retinal cryoPexY

    13800 158701150 1323

    123 2800 3220124 rL62 1336'Lzs

    5000 5750r z o Squint correct ton rut ur t ! cY" 7500 8625727128

    5qu ln ! cor rec t t t l t t tu t uu t " -v= '

    TrabeculectomY6900 793567LO 7142

    129 9 31s tol 12130 l r abecu lec lo r r l y w l l r r | | ou tLv r v ! v " ' t

    Trephit ion2 300 2645

    t5 -L 345 391r32 GontotomY

    with Glaucoma valves 6210+VALVE7142+VALVE133 Glaucoma surget



    134 CyclocrVothe ra pV 1150 L323135 YAG laser i r idotomV 13 50 1553-!5 0 YAG laser capsulotomV 984 ' t ' 132

    ALT-Areon laser t rabeculoDlastv r.495 1719138 PDT-PhotodVmlc therapV 3450 3968139 TTT- Transpu pillarV therma I therapV 3000 3450140 PTK- Phototherapeut ic keratectomV 6750 7763'J-4L Argon/diode laser for ret inal detatchment 1035 1190L42 lntralase aool icat ion for keratoconus 5750 6613'143 EOG- e lectro-ocu logram 900 1035144 ERG- Electro-ret inogram 794 913745 VEP- visua l lv evoked potent ial 720 828146 VitrectomV- pars pla na 11500 13225747 Intravi t rea I in iect ions- of a nt ib iot ics 1150 L 5 Z 5L48 Intravi t real in iect ions- of lucent is excluding cost of drug 3000 3450r49 X- Rav orbi t _L tf 132150 CT-orbit and bra in 199151 MRI- Orbi t and brain 345 0 3968L52 Dacryocystogra phy 344 391153 Orbi tal angio-graphical studies 1500 7725154 ECCE with IOL 3 450 3968155 SICS wi th IOL 5000 5750156 Phaco with foldable IOL (si l icone and acrvl ic) /PMMA IOL r0781. 12398157 Pa rs plana lensectomy with/without IOL 9315 t07L2158 Secondary IOL implantat ion- AC IOL PC IOL or scleral f ixated IOL 6714 7r42159 Cataract extract ion with IOL with capsular tension r ings

    (Cionni 's r ins) \7154 13973160 Optic nerve sheathotomv 7500 862s-LO t l r idodialvsis repair or papi l larv reconstruct ion s000 5754L62 l r is cvst removal 850 978163 Lid Abscess incis ion and Drainage 1700 1955764 Orbi tal Abscess incis ion and Drainase 3000 3450165 B io psV 460 529165 Paracentesis 230 26st67 Scleral graf t for scleral melt ing or perforat ion 2800 3220158 Amniot ic membrane graft ing 1100 1265169 Cvclod iathermv 2300 2645170 Intraocular foreign bodv removal L87 2L517L Electrolvsis 230 265177 Perforat ing in iurV repa i r 4500 5r75L73 Botul inum iniect ion for blepharospasm or squint 2500 2875

    174 Fla p Operat ion per quadrant 360 41-4175 GinglvectomV per quadra nt 234 269r t o Reduct ion & immobi l izat ion of f racture- Maxi l la Under LA 900 103 5

    Reduct ion & immobi l izat ion of f ractu re-Mandible U nder LA 3s00 4025



    ^ t ; ^+ . / r i . , ' r r rm rnand ihr r la r w i r ins under LA

    Non-NABH/ I NnsH/NneLNon-NABL ISr. No,slol s87t-t8

    sphnts/Cirucum mandibular wir ing u nder GA seoL _____113st79 3000 34504500180 Internal wire f ixat ion/plate

    f ixat ion of Maxi l la under LAInternal wire f ixat ion/plate f ixat ion of Maxi l la under GArn to rne l r l i re f i va t ion /o la te f i xa t ion o f Mand ib le under LA

    4000181 35ool 4o2sL82

    l" t . - .1 *-" f " . t . " /p late f ixat ion of MaExtraction Per tooth under LAF* , , r i . . t .a Fv t ner Tooth under LA

    3825 , 2 0 0n183 80

    184 1001 11s185Fytract ion of imoacted tooth under LA 184186

    787 I*tr" . t lon in mental ly retarded/pat ients with systemicdiseases/pat ient @

    9391 1080

    188 Cvst & tumour of Maxi l la /mandib le by enucleat lon/ exc ls lon/- - ' ^ - - , . - - l ; - - + i ^ ^ , , ^ t ^ / l . m < r r n d a r l A

    2441 28Lr r r d r r u p o [ J o ! ' v I s t /

    *ul___ -t189 Cyrt a t | ' , .out of Maxi l la/ma nd ible by enucleat ion/ excis ion/marsupal isat ion slze more than 4 cms under LA

    190 Lvst & tumour of Maxi l la/mandible byenucleat ion/excis ion/ma rsupal isat ion size more than 4 cmsunder GA

    10001 11sc

    7s001 862191 TM joint ankylosis- under GA

    Biopsy lntraoral Soft t issueo i ^ ^ . \ , l n t - ^ r i l - R n n e

    374 430192 3741 430193t temi-ma ndibu lectomv wi th graf t 210001 24ts0194

    195 Hemi-mandibu lectomylry4heu!-gIaft __- 21000 24L5039103400195 c^^,.^^r-t m.^. l iht r la.f .)mv with sraftJ s 5 " ' L ' ' r s r i , , s i . e . " - - _ - - , e -c^^6a^ra l - rn ' n . l ih r r lF . tomv w i thout s fa t t 990 1139797 J L b " r l r ' r e , , i i e . . - - - - - , -Maxi l lectomY- Tota I wi th graft 2500


    199 ^ n - - i l l d . l ^ m \ , - T ^ t a l \ ^ / i t h o l l t p r a f tMaxi l lectomY- Part ia l wi th grattr r r t rv i l le r tnmv- nar t ia l w i thout s ra f t

    3000 3450200 2500 287520rR"1""*

    " f - f ib." t b*tdt & graft ing - in (osMF) treatment under

    GAPre-prosthetic surgery- Alveoloplasty

    1500 1725202500


    203 r-380204 Pre-prosthet ic surgery - r idge augmentat lqn . .

    ;; ."'.'"[*rtrn."t{ RCT) Anterior teeth(per tooth) s00 575205Root ca nal Treatment(RCT) Poster ior teeth (pe r tooth) 700


    207 AprcoectomY- Single root^ ^ i -^a. i^mw-l\ / l r r l t inle roots 650 748208Metal Crown-oer uni t 500 575209

    zrc Metal Crown with Acryl ic facing per uni t 700805

    2Lr Complete single denture-metal based 135095015531093

    2'Lz Complete denture- acryl ic based per arch .I^-^-xr. ^rr t ia i denirrre-Metal based-upto 3 teeth 700 805273; . -^ '^ ln" nar t ie l denture-Meta l based-more than 3 teeth 900 1035zL4Remwable part ia l denture-Acryl ic based-upto 3 teeth 500 575215

    z r o R"r"""bl . p. t t i . I d"@ 264200


    217 Amalgum restorat ion-Per tooth




    218 Comoosite Restorat ion-oe r tooth-a nter ior tooth 2so 288219 G las lonomer-per tooth 200 234220 Sca l ing & pol ishine 300 34522L Removable Orthodont ics appl iance- per Arch 630 725222 Fixed O rhto do nt ics-pe r Arch 1150 L323223 Space ma inta iners-Fixed 500 575224 Ha bi t breaking appl ia nces-removable 800 92022s Ha bi t brea king appl ia nces-Fixed 1500 1725226 Expa nsion plate 1000 1150227 Feeding appl iance for c lef t palate 1500 L725228 Maxi l lo- facial prosthesis (sal /aur icular/orbi tal / facial lost part) 3s00 4025729 Funct ional orthodent ic aool iances 3000 3450230 Obturator (Maxi l lo- facial) 1500 172523't- Occlusal night gua rd(spl int) 800 920

    232 Pure Tone Audiogram 1-t2 198233 lmoedence with steoedeal ref lex 230 265234 S lSl Tone Decay r3z L52235 Mult ip le hear ing assessmenttest to Adults 115 L32236 Soeech Discr im inat io n Score 90 104237 Speech Assessment L20 138238 Speech therapy per session of 30-40 minutes , L J I 1 5 L239 Cold Calor ie Test for Vest ibula r funct ion 'l-7 2 198240 Removal of foreign body From Nose 345 397747 Removal of foreign body From Ear 230 26s742 Svrineins (Ear) L66 19L243 Polyp removal under LA 575 661244 Polyp removal u nder GA 850 978245 Peri tonsi l lar abscess Drainage under LA 1304 1500246 Myringoplasty 5900 7935247 Staepedectomy 9200 1058C248 MVringotomy with Grommet insert ion 4600 5294249 TvmpanotomV 8525 99192s0 TVm pa no p lastV 1380C 1s870251- Mastordectomv 14950 tt193252 OtoplastV 1s000 L7250253 LabVr inthectomy 13800 L5 870254 Sku l l Base su rgerv 25000 28750255 Facial Nerve DecomDression 17250 19838256 Septoplastv 5750 b b 1 5257 Subm ucous Resect ion 6583 7570258 Septo-rhinoplasty 15100 185152s9 RhinoplastV- Non-cosmetic 11500 13225260 Fractu re Reduct ion 4250 4888t o L Intra nasa I DiathermV 1150262 TurbinectomV 5750 6613




    263 Endoscopic DCR 11,700 13455264 Endoscopic Su rgerY r2424 1.4283265 Septa I Pe r fo rat ion RePair 13800 1587C

    266 Antrum Pu nctu re 950 1093

    Lateral RhinotomY 1000 1150268 Cranio-facial resect ion 25500 29325269 Caldwel l Luc Su rgerY L0626 12224270 Aneiof ibroma Exctsion 15300 r759527r Endoscopic HyPo P hYsect! rnY- 21500 2472s272 E ndoscopic Opt ic Nerve Decompression 3277 5 37691.773 Decompression of Orbi t 25500 29325274 Punch/Wedge bioPsY 674 775

    275 Tonsi l lectomy 5000 5750276 Uvu lo-pa lato plasty 15000 77250277 FESS for antrochoal PoIYP 5750 O O I J

    278 FESS for ethmoidal PoIYP 5750 6613279 Polyp removal ear 748 850

    280 Polyp removal Nose(Septal polyp| - 748 86028L Mastoidectomy plus Ossciculoplgsty including TORP or PORP 74L5 2771

    282 Endolymphatic sac deco [ !I9!!.]en- 2875 3306283 Diagnost ic endoscoPY u nder Gl 2070 238L284 Yonges operat ion for Atrophic rhini t is 6900 7935285 Vidian neurectomy for vasomotor Rhini t is 10350 11903

    286 Nasa I Pa cking-a nte r io r 345 397287 Nasal Packing-Poster ior 805 926288 Ranula Excis ion 6843 7869

    289 Tongue Tie excis ion 1s00 1725290 Sub Mandibular Duct Li thotomY 769 309297 Adenoidectomy 5640 6486292 Pa latopha ryngo p la sty 8165 9390293 Pharyngoplasty T7I93 19172294 Sty lo idectomy 9200 10580295 Direct laryngoscopy includil& Q!pply Lt1!s1G{- 4500 5r75296 Oesophagoscopy/foreign body removal from 1800 2074

    297 Bronchoscopy with F.B.removal 2438 2ao4298 Other Major Su rgerY 1s00c L7250299 Other Minor SurgerY 7650 8798

    300 Ear Lobe Repair one side 500 s75301 Excision of Pin na for Growth (Squamous/Basa l / In ju r ies) Skin

    Onlv' 4 0 0 0 4600

    302 Excision of Pinna for Growth (Squamous/Basa l / In jur ies) Skinand Ca r t i lage

    3800 4370

    303 Part ia l Amputat ion of Pinna 4500 5175

    304 Total Amputat ion of Pinna 6200 7L30

    305 TotalAmputat ion & Excision of ExternalAuditory Meatus 1500 t725




    306 Excision of Cvst ic Hygroma 577 5 5951307 Excision of Cvstic Hvgroma Extensive 6701 7713308 Excision of Bra nchial Cyst 103 50 11903309 Excision of Branch ia I Sinus 103 s0 11903310 Excisio n of Pharyngeal Divert iculum 10580 r27613 1 1 Excision of Carot id Bodv-Tumours 11515 133s73L2 Ooe rat ion for Cervical Rib 12s0c 'J.4375313 Block Dissect ion of Cervical Lymph Nodes 1500c L72503L4 Pharyngectomy & Reconstruct ion 15000 L7250315 Operat ion for Carcinoma Lip - Wedge-Excision 8050 92585 tt) Operat ion for Carcinoma Lip - Vermi l ionectomy 5758 6622317 Operat ion for Carcinoma Lip - Wedge Excision and

    Vermilonectomv9292 10686

    318 Est lander Operat ion 7 475 85963 1 9 Abbe operat ion 9800 11274320 Cheek Advancement 9775 712413 t r Excisio n of the Maxi l la 79324 222L85 2 2 Excision of ma ndlble-segme nta I 1s525 17 854323 Mandibulectomy 2100c 2415C324 Part ia l Glossectomy 5 520 6344325 Hemiglossectomy 7000 80505 Z O TotalGlossectomV 2288s 26318

    Commondo Operat ion 2.2000 25300328 Pa rot idectomv - Superf ic ia l 72075 13886329 Pa rot idectomy - Tota l 1s000 \1254330 Pa rot idecto mV Radical 195 s0 22483331 Repa ir of Parot id Duct 11500 I S Z Z J332 Removal of Submandibular Sal ivary gla nd 8625 9919333 HemithVroidectomy 9500 10925334 Part ia l Thvroidectomy ( lobectomy) 1150C L322533s Subtotal Thyroidectomy 13053 15011336 Total Thvroidectomv 19000 21850337 Resect ion Enucleat ion of thvroid Adenoma 10s 80 12161338 Total Thvroidectomv and Block Dissect ion 25450 30418339 Excision of Lingual Thyroid 16882 194',1-4340 Excision of ThVroglossal Cyst/Fistula L3225 15209341 Excision of Parathyroid Adenoma/Ca rcinoma 2L275 24466342 La rVngectomy 77825 20499343 Larvngo Pharyngectomy 30000 34s00344 HVoid Suspension 103 50 11903345 Genioplastv ' 12000 1380C346 Direct Laryngoscopy including biopsy under GA 517 5 5951341 Phonosurgery 13800 15870348 Fibropt ic examit ion of Larynx u nder LA 1553 17862 / O MicrolarVngeal Surgery 103 s0 11903350 La rvnAofissure t7750 19838



    NABH/NABtSr. No.

    r9784 221413s1

    5750 66135 ) Z :Yr is tona l b tooSleS 9500 10925353 Benlgn I umour ExL ls lu r 15 2070Q 23805354 Iempora l bone suotu to t t c>cr ' ' " ' ' 2s300 2909s3s5 Mod l l l ed KaO lca l l \ eLK u r5 )eLL ru r I

    Ca rot id BodY ExcisionTotal La rYngectomY

    26000 29900356 39192 45071357 40000 46000358 F lap Kecons i ruc t lVeJu |E 'Ery 39330 452303s9 Parapharyngeat t u t t tuu t c ; 'u t : ' " "

    Other Major Su rge rY 2125424438

    360 5000 5150361

    5400 6210362 Drarnage or aoscess

    E x c i s i o n o f l u m P s6Zt2 7213

    363 12650 14548364 Lo.l' T.r,"f.ol',y-',,i!u:li-:; :: :::;;;^; 78754 33053355 Radlca l masrec ton ty - tu t t t to t u ' " ' " " " ' ' " '

    F " . i< i ^n n f mammarV l l s tU la- ^ - ^ . + i ^ ^ ^ f h r a 2 < t

    15000 L7250366 16100 18515

    2875C367 ) C H l - 2s00c358 Other l v la lo r 5urgerY 500c 575C369 U t n e r l v l l n o r > u r B e r Y , " . , , , , , ,

    r:l:tfllr.:ir:li:l:,.:i.i:r:.rt:l|ena]!rr1-{r.!'':r:'.l'' '_ "-_' - 38 44(370 I n J u r y U T 5 u P e r t t c t a t : u t t t t : : " ' 26: 30!311 Sutur tng o l smal l wuur ru5 29( 331312 sFaondArv su ture o l wuu l lu> 4s0l s1t373 lDebr idement oT wourru5 300 345374

    15531 1786375 : x c lS lon oT Le rv l Ld l Ly r r rP r I r r vuL zo+gl 23s6376 ixclslon ol Axlrrd r y Ly rl i .Pl:r:-v-1q- zo49l 2356371 E x c t s t o n o T t n g u t n a t r y t t t P t r t u " " ' !4701 1691378 E*'lt lon !loPtY ol Y,': ':: i: ' ;,:;:, ;::;:: zassl 33 33379 Fxcts ton b lopsv u t :upet t ' u ' " ' ' " " 'n '

    r - " i . i ^h R innsv o f G rowths / U lCerS

    Trucut Needle BioPsYPe rcuta neo us Kidney BioPsY .Marrow BioPsY (OPen)Muscle BioPsYScalene Node BioPSY

    t47ol 1691380 1ss0l 17833 81, r47A 1691382 1060 t219383 M7A 169t384 1350 1553J O ) 1 1 1 8 7286386 t xc ls lon or )eudLcuu5 uY""

    r*,'!o" ol l,o"'li.!11 ll?ll?,;;:;;1932 2722

    387 z25A 2 588388 Exc lS too oT 5upe t t t c t a t t ' t cu t u " " ' " " ' "

    Excis ion of Dermoid CYstsHaemo rrhoidectomYStappler hae mo r rhoidectomY

    2049 2 5 > O389 2500 2875390 4025 4629391 1150 t 5 z 3?s2 t ( e l o l o exc lS lu I I




    393 Vericose vein surgery;Tendelenburg operat ion with sutur ing orl ieat ion.

    8625 9919

    394 Atresia of Oesophagus and Tracheo Oesophageal Fistula 2875C 33063395 Operat ions for Replacement of Oesophagus by Colon 2500c 28750396 Oesophagectomv for Carcinoma Easophagus 2500c 78750397 Oesophageal Intubat ion (Mausseau Barbin Tube) 1150C L3275398 Acha lasia Cardia Tra nsthoracic 't 4950 L7793399 Acha las ia Cardia Abdominal 'l-2650 14548400 Oesophago Gastrectomy for mid 1/3 les ion 24495 2816940L Hel ler 's Operat ion 19750 2 2 7 L 3402 Colon- lnter posi t ion or Replacement of Oesophagus 22540 25921-403 Oesophago Gastrectomy- Lower Corr ingers procedure 2t390 24599404 Othe r Malor Su rgery 7l675 317 69405 Other Minor Surgery 5000 5 750

    406 GastroscopV 15 53 1786407 Gastr ic & Duodenal Biopsy (Endoscopic) 1950 2243408 PVloromyotomy 2800 3220409 GastrostomV 8625 991"94'10 Slmple Closure of Perforated pept ic Ulcer 9775 1L241477 VagotomV Pyleroplasty / Gastro Jejunostomy 13800 1s8704'J-Z Du o de n ojej u nosto m y 189 50 21793413 Pa rt ia l /Su btota I Gastrectomv for Carcinoma 23000 264544'l-4 Part ia l /Subtotal Gastrectomv for Ulcer 22425 2s7894L5 Operat ion for Bleeding Pept ic Ulcer 20000 230004L6 Operat ion for Gastrojejuna I Ulcer E78A 227 4741-l Total Gastrectomy for Cancer 72368 257234r8 H igh lv Select ive VagotomV 18630 2L425419 Select ive VagotomV & Drainage 18630 21425420 ConAe n i ta I Dia ph ragmat ic He rn ia 1897 5 2'J-821421 H iatus Hernia Repair- Abdominal 74494 L6664422 H iatus Hernia Reoair- Transthoracic 16100 18515423 ExploratorV Laparotomy L265C 1.4548424 Epieastr ic Hernia Repa i r 1138s 13093425 Umb i l i ca l He rn ia Repa i r 11385 13093476 Ventral / incis ional Hernia Repair 10293 11837427 InRu ina I Hernia Herniorraphy 14835 17060428 I n A U i n a I H e r n i a - H e r n i o p l a s t y 16500 18975429 Femoral Hernia Repa i r 16457 18926430 Rare Hernias Repair (Spigal ion, Obturator, Lumbar, Sciat ic) ' 18975 2L821431 Sple nectomy For Trauma 1-897 5 21821432 Sple necto my - For Hypersplenism '14490 76664433 SDlenorenal Anastomosis 23000 264s4434 Portocaval Anastomosis 28750 33063435 Direct Operat ion on Oesophagus for Portal Hypertension 22885 26318




    436 Mesenter icocaval Anastomosls 2s450 292684 3 1 Warren Shunt 287s0 33053438 Pancerato DuodenectomY 2L735 24995439 Bv Pass Procedure for Inoperable Carcinoma of Pancreas 23000 2645Q440 Cvstoiejunostomy or Cystogastrostomy 74494 L666444t Cholecystectomy L0292 1183 6442 Cholecvstectomy & Explorat ion of CBD 1437s 16531443 Repa ir of CBD 13600 15640444 Operation for Hydatid Cyst of Liver r1.902 13687445 CholecVstostomy ro292 11836446 Hepat ic Resect ions (Lobectomy /Hepatectomy) L4375 16531447 Operat ion on Adrenal Glands - Bi lateral 26L05 3002L448 Ooerat ion on Adrenal Glands - Uni lateral 13800 15870449 Appendicectomy 8108 9324450 Aopendicular Abscess - Drainage 9775 Lt24L451 Mesente r ic Cyst- Excis ion 17044 12696452 Peritonroscopy/ Lapa rosco PY 4600 52904J5 Jeiunostomy 5750 66L3454 l leostomV 15410 17722455 Resect ion & Anastomosis of Smal l Intest ine 70700 23805456 Duode na I Divert iculum 18400 2r764457 ODerat ion for Intest inal Obstruct ion 10350 11903458 Operat ion for Intest inal perforat ion 34704 39330459 Benign Tumours of Smal l Intest ine 1955C 22483460 Excision of Smal l Intest ine Fistula 19550 22483467 Ooerat ions for Gl Bleed 16000 18400402 Operations for Haemorrhage of SrylllI!99!M 19550 22483463 Operations of the Duplication of the l!19$!19! 17825 20499464 Ooerat ions for Recurrent Intest inal Obstruct ion (Noble Pl icat ion

    & Other Operat ions for Adhesions)23000 2645Q

    465 l l ieosigmoidostomy and related resect ion 16790 19309466 l l ieotransverse Colostomv and related resect ion 16790 19309467 Caecostomy 3903 4488468 Loop Colostomy Transverse Sigmoid 13110 t5071469 Termlnal Colostomy fi254 19838470 Closure of ColostomY 17 484 20L0247r RiAht Hemi-Colectomy 1380C 15870412 Left Hemi-ColectomY 13800 15870473 Total Colectomy 17250 1983 8474 Operat ions for Volvulus of Large Bowel 24924 28658475 Operat ions for Sigmoid Divert icul i t is 18 630 27425476 Fissure in Ano with Internal sphinctrectomy with f issurectomy. 13800 L587C477 Fissure in Ano - Fissurectomy 5750 6613478 Rectal Polyp-Excision 5092 s 856479 Fistula in Ano - High Fistulectomy t5102 17 361480 Fistula in Ano - Low FistulectomY 9861 L \ 3 4 1



    481 Prolapse Rectum - Theirch Wir ing 10350 11903482 Prola ose Rectum - Rectopexv 5750 6613483 Prolaose Rectum - Grahams Ooerat ion 18400 2t764484 Operat io ns for H i rschspru ngs Disease 74264 16399485 Exc is ion o f P i l on ida lS inus (open) 11500 13225486 Excision of Pi lonidalSinus with c losure 11500 73225487 Abdomino-Per ineal Excis ion of Rectum 18300 2L045488 Anter io r Resect ion of rectum 218 s0 75r28489 Pul l Through Abdominal Resect ion u17A 79746490 Retro Peri toneal Tumor Removal 18000 20704497 Rad io a blat ion of var icose veins 1800 2070AO1 Laser ablat ion of var icose veins L7250 19838493 La proscoDic Fu ndopl icat ion 19300 22195494 Laproscopic Spleenectomy 25000 28754495 La prosco p ic Removal of hvdat id cyst 18000 20704496 Laproscopic t reatment of Pseudo Pancreat ic cyst l^8000 20700497 La orosco pic whipples operat io n 20000 23000498 La proscopic Gl bypass operat ion 22000 25300499 La proscopic Total Colectomy 25000 28750500 La proscopic Hemi ColectomV 23000 26450501 La oroscooic Anter ior Resect ion 23000 26450502 Laoroscooic Cholecvstetomv L897 5 21821503 Laoroscopic AppedicectomV 18000 20700504 La proscopic Hernia inguinal reparr 18000 20700s05 La proscopic ventral Hernia Repair 17500 20125506 La proscopic Paraumbl ical Hernia Repair 12580 74467507 Laproscooic Adrenelectomv 12000 13800508 Laproscopic Nephrectomy 22000 25300509 Other Maior Su rgerV 34200 39330510 Other Minor Su rAerv 6000 6900

    5 1 L Coronary Care with Cardiac Monitor ing (Room Rent extra) 750 86351.2 Compressed air / p iped oxvgen /per hou r 45 q ,513 Vent i lato r charges (Per dav) 531 o f t514 Paediatr ic care for New born (Per dav) 186 2745 1 5 Incubator cha rges (Per dav) 345 397516 Neonatal ICU charges (Per day) 3 9 1 450577 Resusci tat ion 1.84 2L2518 Excha nge Tra nsfusion 239 275519 Pneupack vent i lator in Nurserv (Per dav) 575 o o t

    520 ASD Closu re s1808 5957952r VSD with eraft 51808 59579522 TOF/TAPVC/TCPC/R EV/RSOV repa ir r2707 5 146136523 B. D.G lenn/Left atr ium mvxoma 80750 92863




    524 SenninA/ASO with eraft 122188 140516q t < D50 93254 L07242526 AV Canal repair 151000 185150527 Fonten 169000 194350528 Condu i t re pa i r 169000 1943 50529 CABG 1143 68 131523s30 CABG + IABP 152100 L7 49Ls531 CABG + VAIVE. 169000 194350s32 CABG without bvpass. 140000 161000533 Ascending aorta replacement 130000 149500534 DVR 53000 60950535 MVR/AVR 93254 107742536 MV repair + AV repair 103615 119157537 Aorta femoral bypass 52000 59800s38 B.T Shunt/Coaractat ion 51980 59777539 P.A. Ba nding septostomV 51980 59771540 Pericardectomv 4732Q 48668541 CMV/PDA 51980 59771542 G unshot in iury 51980 59777543 Heart t ranspla nt 276004 31.7400544 Bal loon coronary angioplasty/PTCA with VCD 75000 862s0q,4 q Ba l loon coronarV angioplasty/PTCA without VCD 75000 86250546 Rotablat ion 48875 s6206547 bal loon valvotomv/PTMC L0264 71804548 CATH 10000 1-1500549 Arch Replacement 10350 11903550 Aort ic Dissect ion D65A L4548551 Thoraco Abdominal Aneurism Reoair 15000 L7254552 Embolectomy 71000 241.54553 Vascula r Repair 36000 4r404554 Bental l Repair wi th Prosthet ic Valve 30000 34500555 Bental l Repair wi th Biologic Valve I27 504 L46625556 Coaractat ion di latat ion 14500 L667s557 Coaracta t io n di latat ion with Stent ing 18500 27275558 T P l S r n g l e C h a m b e r 7500 862 5559 TPI Dual Chamber 8160 9384560 Permanent pacemaker implantat ion- Single Chamber 13800 15870561 Permanent pacemaker implantat ion- Dual Chamber 19320 22218562 Permanent pacemaker implantat ion Biventr icular 34s00 39675563 AICD implantat ion Single Chamber 28754 3 3053564 AICD impla ntat ion Dual Chamber 36ooo 47404565 Combo device im p la ntat ion 40000 46000s55 Diagnost ic Electrophvsiological studies convent ional 4550 s233567 Ambulatory BP monitor ing 587 675568 External Loop/event recording 2848 3275569 RF Ablat ion convent ional 3s000 40254



    570 RF Ablat ion Atr ia l Tachvcardia/Carto 4s000 5175057'J- Endo mVoca rd ia I b iopsy 10000 11500572 IABP 7820 8993573 lntra vascula r coi ls 46000 5290C574 Septostomv- Bal loon 1615C L8573575 Septostomv- Blade 19s5C 22483576 AVBD/PVBD 4830C 55545577 Digi tal subtract ion angiographV-Peripheral artery 1150C 13225578 Digi tal subtract ion angiogra phV- venogram 1150C L3225579 C.T Guided biopsv L265 1455s80 Sinogra m 853 992581 Peripheral Angioplastv with VCD 11500 73225582 Pe r iphera I Angio plastv without VCD 11500 'J.3225

    583 R e n a l A n A i o p l a s t v 603 50 69403584 IVUS 22504 2s875585 FFR 72754 14663586 Holter a na lvsis 8s0 978587 Aort ic stent graf t ing for aort ic aneurysm 78500 90275588 IVC Fi l ter implantat ion L6r29 18548589 ASD/VSD/PDA device closu re 36225 4L659s90 ECG 50 58591 HUTT 2200 2 s30s92 2 D echoca rdiogra phv 1080 1-742593 3 D echoca rdioeraphv 1763 L452qo,a Feta l Echo L260 1449595 2 DTEE t263 7452596 3 D TE E(Tra nsoesophagea I echo ) r 203 1452597 Stress Echo- exercise 13 50 1553s98 Stress Echo- pharmacological 2250 2 588599 Stress MPI 'exerc ise L760 2024600 Stress MPI pha rmacologica I 2soo 2875601 CoronarV angiographV 10350 11903602 CT coronarv angiography 5030 6935603 Card iac CT scan 2272 2613604 Card iac MRI 2444 28't ' t505 Stress Cardiac MRI 3000 3450606 M R angiographV. 5535 6480607 Card iac PET 1500 L725608 Perica rdiocentesis 3500 4025609 Other Major Surge ry 2000c 2300c610 Other Minor Surge rV 4Z5A 4888

    611 Normal del iverV with or wi thout EpisiotomV & P. repair 8000 9200612 vacuum del iverv 8625 9919613 Force ps Del ivery 9200 10s80614 Cesa rean Sect io n 1405C 1615 8



    515 Cesarean HVsterectomV L7078 19640616 Rupture Uterus closure & repair wi th Tubal Ligat ion 1s750 18113o r / Perforat ion of Uterus af ter D/E Laparotomy & Closure 17424 1,4283618 LaparotomV for Ectopic pregna ncy 1,270Q 14605619 Lapa rotomy-periton itis Lavage and Drainage 11100 1,2765620 Salphingo-Oophorectomy/ Oophorectomy Laproscopic 10000 11500621 Ovarian CvstectomV-laparoscopic. 103s0 11903622 Ovarian Cvstectomv - laparotomv. 13800 15870623 Salpingo-Oophorectomy-laparotomy L'1524 73248624 Laproscopic Broad Ligament Hematoma Drainage with repair 6900 7935625 Explorat ion of per ineal Haematoma & Repair 8000 9204626 Explorat ion of abdominal Haematoma (af ter laparotomy +

    LSCS) 8050 9258627 Manual Removal of Placenta 310s 3571.528 Examinat ion u nder anesthesia (EUA) 1000 115 0629 Burst-abdomen Reoair 10000 11500630 Gaping Perineal Wound Secondary Sutur ing _Lb) b LgQ4b 5 r Gaping abdominal wound Secondary Sutur ing 310s 3571.632 Complete per ineal tear-repair 2000 2300633 Exolorat ion of PP H-tea r repa i r 3150 3623634 Suct ion evacuat ion vesicula r mole 5000 5750635 Suct ion evacuat ion Missed abort ion/ incomolete abort ion s000 5750636 ColpotomV 3450 3958637 Repair of post-coi tal tear/ per ineal in iurv 3't 57 3631638 Excision of urethral caruncle 3450 3968639 Shirodhkar/ Mc. Donald's st i tch 3220 3703640 Abdominal Hysterectomy with or wi thout salpingo-

    ooohorec tomv15525 77854

    641 Vagina I Hysterectomy (NDVH) 155 25 r1854642 Vaginal HvsterectomV with repairs (UV Prolapse) 16000 18400643 Mvomectomv - laparotomy 13400 15410644 Mvomectomv la pa roscopic 6325 7274645 Vagino p lasty t4700 1690s646 Vulvectomy -Simple 9200 10580647 Vu lvectomV-Radical 9200 10580648 RVF Repa i r 14000 16100649 Ma nchester ODerat ion 15000 77250650 Shirodkar 's s l ing Operat lon or other s l ing operat ions for

    orola ose uterus3450 3968

    551_ Laparoscopic s l ing operat ions for prolapse uterus 2s200 28980652 Diagnost ic Cu ret tage 2484 28576s3 Cervical Biopsv 1800 2070654 Polvpectomv 1518 L746655 other-Minor Operat ion Endometr ia l 230C 2645655 Excision Vaginal Cyst/Ba r thol in Cyst 3105 35 71657 Excision Vaginal Septum 41,4Q 4761



    6s8 Laparoscopy -Diagnost ic with chromopertubat ion and orad hesiolvsis and dr i l l ing

    3623 4L66

    659 Lapa roscopV Ste r i l izat ion 3450 3958660 LAVH 22719 1 6 1 2 |66L Bal loon Temponade for PPH 2800 3220b b z Total laparoscopic hvste rectomv 24000 27600663 Laparoscopic t reatment of Ectopic pregnancy-

    saloinsectomv/salpinostomv conservat ive9775 LL24I

    664 Conisat ion of cervix 4025 4629665 Trachhelectomy of cervix for ea r ly CA ce rv ix 5500 6325666 Hvsteroscooic cannulat ion 2875 3306667 Laparotomy recannal izat ion of Fal lopian tubes-(Tubuloplasty) 20183 232lC668 Laparoscopic recannal izat ion of Fal lopian tubes-(Tubuloplasty) 1950C 22425669 Colooscopv 9 5 8 '1.102

    670 Inversion of Uterus - Vasinal Reposi t ion 2500 287567'J. Inversion of Uterus - Abdominal Reposi t ion 2500 2875o t z La pa roscopic VVF Re pair 2800c 3220C673 Abdominal WF Repair 28000 3220C674 Vaginal WF Repa i r 28000 3220C675 Interve nt iona I U l t rasonogra phV (CVS) 880 1012676 Am n iocentesis 880 L012677 Ka rvotvpins 800 924678 Thermal bal loon a blat ion. 11500 1-3225679 U l t raso nographic myolysis 10000 1150C680 Vaginal Myomectomy 10000 1150C681 lntra Uter ine lnsemini t ion 924 1058682 tcsl 11500 73225683 La pa rotomy abdominal sacro-colpopexy 1s000 1.7254684 Vaginal Colpopexy 22004 2s300685 La pa roscopic abdominal sacro-colpopexV 20000 2300c686 La pa rotomv pelvic Lvmphadenectomv 1204 13 80687 La pa roscopic pelv ic Lvmphadenectomy 3500 4025588 Endometr ia l aspirat ion cytoloey/biopsy 574 656689 Transvaginal sonography (ryS for Fol l icular monit ior ing

    /aspirat ion ) 464 529590 laoarosco0ic t reatment for stress incont inence 13500 15525691 Transvaginal tapes for Stress incont inence 13500 15525692 trans-obturator taDes for Stress incont ine nce 11000 n6sa693 Intervent ional radiographic arter ia l embol izat ion 16500 18975694 Diagnost ic cvstoscopy 7875 3306695 Staging laparotomv surgery for CA Ovary 5200 7'BA696 lnternal l l lac l iAat ion 3 393 3902691 steowise devascu la r isat ion 8600 9890698 Assisted breech del iverv 9833 11308699 lntra-ute r ine fetal blood transfusion 19'J.48 22024700 Hvste rosco pv TCRE 8500 9775




    707 HvsteroscopV Removal of IUCD 6750 7763702 Hvsteroscopv Removal of Septum 9900 11385703 Hysteroscopy Diagnost ic 6754 7763704 Radical Hysterectomyfor Cancer cervix with pelv ic

    lvmphadenectomv8500 9775

    705 Radical Hysterectomy for Cancer endometr iu m extendingtocervix with oelv ic and para aort ic lvmphadenectomy

    8500 977 5

    706 Ster i l izat ion Post partum (mini lap) 3600 4L4A707 Ster i l izat ion interval (mini lap) 3750 43L3708 UltrasonographV Level l l scan/Anomaly Scan s00 575709 Fetal nuchal TranslucencV 27Q 311710 Fetal Doppler/U m bl ica I Doppler/Uter ine Vessel Doppler 8s0 9787LL MTP- 1st Tr imester 2704 31057',t 2 MTP - znd Tr imester 5:r5l71,3 Quadruple test 2000 2300714 Biophysical score 600 69071,5 Othe r Maior Su rge rV 2800c 3220C7L6 Other Minor SurgerV 5000 s750

    777 Pa rt ia l Nephrectomy -open L621.5 L86477L8 Part ia l NephrectomV-laproscopic/endoscopic r449C L6664- 7 1 0 Nephrol i thomv -open 1200c 1380C720 Nephrol i thomy - la prosco p ic le n doscop ic 1400c 1610C'711 PVe lo lithoto my-o pe n 1300c l_4950722 Pvelol i thotomy - la p rosco p ic/e n dosco p ic 1058C L2L67723 Operat ions for Hydronephrosis -pyeloplasty open 1840C 2L160724 Operat ions for Hydronephrosis -pyeloplasty Lap/endoscopic 1900c 2185C725 Operat ions for HVdronephrosis Endoplyelotomy antegrade 2000c 23000726 Operat ions for Hydronephrosis Endoplyelotomy retrograde 2000c 23000721 Operat ions for Hvdronephrosis -ureterocal icostomy 1800c 20700728 Operat ions for Hvdronephrosis- l leal ureter 1800c 20700729 Open Drainage of Per inephric Abscess 800c 9200730 Percutaneous Drainage of Per inephric Abscess -Ultrasound

    eu ided5750 6613

    73L Cavernostomy 9775 1124r732 Operat ions for Cyst of the Kidney open 11960 1,3754733 Operat ions for Cvst of the Kidney -Lap/endoscopic 14030 16135734 Ureterol i thotomv -ooen ' l-3248 1.5235/ 3 5 Ureterol i thotomV-Lap/Endoscopic 10000 11500736 Nephrou reterecto my open 16100 18515737 Nephroureterectomy -Lap/Endoscopic 15100 18515738 operat ions for Ureter for -Double Ureters 19000 21850739 Operat ions for Ureter - for Ectopia of Single Ureter 18000 20700740 Operat ions for Vesico- ureter ic Ref lux -Open 18000 207007 4't- Operations for Vesico- ureteric Reflux-La p/Endoscopic 18000 20700




    742 Operat ions for Vesico- ureter ic Ref lux/ Ur inary incont inencewith bulkinR asents 20704 23805

    743 UreterostomV - Cuta neous 12000 13800744 U retero-Col ic a nastomosis 16000 18400745 Formation of an l leal Conduit 17254 19838746 Ureter ic Catheter isat ion 690 794747 Biopsy of Bladder (Cvstoscopic) 7070 2381748 cvsto-Lithola paxv 1092 5 12564749 Operat ions for In iu r ies of the Bladder 10000 11500750 Suprapubic Drainage (Cystostomy/vesicostomy) 6000 59007 51- Simple CystectomV 17250 19838752 Divert iculectomy -open 1600c 1840C753 Divert iculectomv- Lap/Endoscopic 1840C 2TL6C754 Divert iculectomv -Endoscopic incis ion of neck t775 1984755 Augmentat ion CVstoplasty 6674 767 7756 Operat ions for Extrophy of the Bladder- Single stage repair 22304 25645757 Operat ions for Extrophv of the Bladder- Mult istage repair 20815 23931758 Operat lons for Extrophy of the Bladder- s imple cystectomywith

    u r inarv diversion 27504 25875

    759 Repa ir of U reterocoel -Ooen 13800 15870760 Repair of U reterocoel -Lap/Endoscopic 14375 -LO) 5 -t'/6't- Repair of U reterocoel -Endoscopic incis ion 13000 14950762 Open Suprapubic ProstatectomV 20700 23805763 Open Retropu bic Prostatectom y 20125 23144764 Transurethral Resect ion of Prostate {TURP) 18630 21425765 U reth rosco py/ CVstopa nendosco py 4600 529C766 Internal urethroto mV -opt ica I 5 750 o o t l767 Internal urethrotomV -Core through urethroplastv 1104C 17696768 Urethral Reconstruct ion -End to end ansatamosis 3450 3968769 Urethral Reconstruct ion - subst i tut ion urethroplasty (Transpubic

    u rethroolastv19550 22483

    770 Abdomino Perinea I ureth roplasty 14000 16100771 Poste r ior UrethralValve fu lsu rat ion, 7L27A 12967772 Operat ions for Incont inence of Ur ine - Male -Open u25A 19838773 Operat ions for Incont inence of Ur ine - Male -Sl ing 18400 21"764774 Operat ions for Incont inence of Ur ine - Male-Bulking agent 19435775 Operat ions for Incont inence of Ur ine - Female -Open 1,7250 1983 8l l 6 Operat ions for Incont inence of Ur ine - Female-Sl ing 18400 21160777 Operat ions for Incont inence of Ur ine - Female-Bulking agent 19435 22351778 Red uct ion of Paraphimosis r125 1984719 Circu mcisio n 3000 3450780 Meatotomy 2346 2698781- M eato p la stV 3724 3703782 Operat ions for Hvpospadias + Chordee Correct ion 9200 1058C183 Operat ions for Hvpospadias - Second StaRe 1s00c 1725C784 Operat ions for Hvposoadias - One StaAe Repair 9204 10s8c



    NABH/NABLSr, No.

    11-500 13725785 Cperat ions tor Lr lpp leq Hypu) t rdurd> . 12593 t4482786 Opera t tons toT rp tspouto>- t r " " :o ' . v ' ' . v " " . 11385 13093787 Operat tons Tor tp tspautas-ut t t . rv ' - " 'v ' . ' ' " - ' " "

    ^ ^ f + h 6 D 6 n i < LO7 64 L2379788 H a r t l d l A l r l P u L d r r u ' r v r L r ! ! ' _ " ' 12000 13800789 Tota l amPurar lon u l L l rc r t r r r r 9775 1L247790 OrchldectomY-) l r r rPrc.

    ^ - - L : r ^ ^ + ^ - , , D - d i . . l t2075 13886

    16100797 \ - , r l L l l l u c L r v r I r Y r r u s ' | v q '

    port nua,.r t nua|c-r t Ot. f idectomy retroper i toneal lymph nodedissect ion.

    1400c792800c 9200

    793 F n tn tovmec tu l l l vAd**.6. t" tv Ut-d". t" tv U t l . t " ral /Bi lateral for Tumour/For Carcinoma-

    O p e n , : ; - : : : ,2530( 29095



    L437795 Adreneclectomy Uni la tera l /B i la tera l tor lumour/ rot LdrLrr rurr rd '| - ^ / E - . 1 ^ ( . ^ n i .

    586: 67 45796 Operattons lor nyor9!919 yltlt-o-'': " 85s 9839797 Opera t tons to r nyo tucetc - o t to '= ' ' ' 1150( L322s798 O p e r a t t o n l o r t o r s t o t t u r t e : t ' : . . . . - - -

    ii-rc.c-su.gica I vasovasostomy /vaso epidedym.a I gnsatamosts 11o4ol 12696

    799 770 8861800 9200

    12 65010s80r4548801

    "p.,. r'"". l"' :": "'"': ; : ;I:';::: i- ; ;;:::. : ;;;,;;i802 oP"'.ti"":' I'"'l:!:::: ::i:::::i ; ";i #:";; 149s01 r7r93803 O p e r a t l o n s T o r v a t t c t r c c t s o t ' o " ' " ' ' " t ' a ' - - ' , - . - - ' - - - - - - ' 6325 727426454


    804 ^ + : ^ ^ ^ { i l i ^ i h d ' r i n a l N n d e s - ( J n e ) l o e l r u l L d - r s r r r J '

    i loirr". ton of i t io ingr' 'nut t t todes - Both sides (For ca-Pen is )

    t c



    806 E X C l 5 l U l I U l r r l o r r o r J u r v ! v t ' ', , : , ' - - . . r - ^ ^ - ^ l - ^ + - + i ^ . / r o l e i o d \ 3500807 N l u l r c Y i I o r r r y r q r r ! s ! t v r ' \ ' ' - _ - -iffi-a n t p l


    nt" t i o n ( s p o u s a l / u nr-e l t t e d )^ 6 ^ : . - - ^ - - - ^ + l L . l ^ - r . 1 n . ^ l . h t a t l n n

    L43000 164450808 441000 507150809 34920C 40158081,0 sgsoOl 68425811 28754 33063872 45000





    813 83300814

    K-.d*v Tr."pl t . , t * , th Nat ive Kidney Nephrectomy (Related)/Un i l a te ra l . - - - - - - '


    85000815 Kidney Transplant wi th Nat ive Kidney Nepnrecromy (nerdreui /B i l a l r . r a l : : : : : ;

    850008L7 Kidney Transplant wi th Nat ive Kidney Nephrectomy ( rpeu>dr l"

    - - ^ l ^ + ^ r \ | l ^ i l - + 6 r . 1u l l l s r o ( s " /

    " ' , " ^ r /85000818 Kidney Transplant wi th Nat ive Kidney Nepnrecromy \ ) f 'uu5dr /

    U n r e l a t e d ) B i l a t e r a l - ' ' - ' 6800819 T-^^ .^ r -^+ .^ l la . t inn dra inase tOr LVmpnOCele [operUr u J L - r r o r r J P r u r , ! v v i ' ! r - - - - -

    port-iEropt"nt Collection drainage for Lymphocele(oercuta neous)





    82r Post-Transplant Col lect ion drainage for Lymphocele{Laproscopic) 7650 8798

    822 Arter iovenous Fistula for Haemodialvsis 2300 2645823 Arter iovenous Shu nt for Haemod ialvsis 3500 4025824 Jugula r Catheter izat ion for Haemodialvsis 1500 1.125825 Su bc lav ia n Catheter izat ion for Haemodia lvs is 275C 2588826 One s ided (s ingle Lumen) Femoral Catheter izat ion for

    H aemod ia lvs is1000 1150

    827 Bi lateral (s ingle Lumen) Femoral Catheter izat ion forHaemodia lvsis

    1500 1725

    828 Double Lumen Femoral Catheter izat ion for Haemodialvsis 1850 2728829 Permcath lnsert ion z52A 2898830 Arter io venous Prosthet ic Graft 1850 2128831 Single lumen Jugu la r Catheter izat ion 1500 1725832 Single lumen Subclavia n Catheter izat ion noa 1955833 Plasma Excha nge/ Plasma phresis 1725 1984834 Open method CAPD catheter insert ion 3500 4025835 Schlendinger method CAPD catheter insert ion 3150 3623836 Sustained low eff ic iencv hemodialvsis 1250 14386 3 1 Contin uous Veno venous/Arter iovenous Hemof i l terat ion 2250 2588838 Hemodialysis for Sero negat ive cases 1400 1610839 Hemodialvsis for Sero Posi t ive cases 1650 189 8840 Acute Pe r i tonea I Dia lvsis 1450 1668841 Fisto losra m for Arte r iovenous Fistula 2500 2875842 U l t rasound AUided kidneV Biopsv 850 978843 Fistula stenosis di lat ion 2700 3105844 Slow cont inuous U l t raf i l terat ion 2500 2875845 PCN L - Uni lateral 20000 23000846 PCN L - Bilatera I 25000 28750847 Endoscopic Bulkins agent Iniect 4500 5175848 Test icula r Biopsy 1955 2248849 Ra d ica Nephrectomy -Open \1250 19838850 RadicaNephrectomv -Lap/Endoscopic 20100 23805851 Ra d ica Nephrectomv plus lV throm bus 2070c 23805852 Ra d ica Nephrectomy plus lV thrombus plus cardiac bypass. 2300c 26450853 Vesico Vaginal F is tu la Repair (Open) 1500c 18400854 Vesico Vaginal Fistula Repair ( l -aproscopic) 2200c 25300855 Rad ica I Cvstectomv - l lea I condu i t 1700c 195 5C856 Radical Cvstectomv - cont inent d iversion. 1500c L725C857 Rad ica I Cvstectomv- Neo b ladder 1850C 21-275858 Nephrectomv Simple -Open 'L0014 115858s9 Nephrectomv Simple- lap/Endoscooic 72593 14482860 Nephrostomy -Open 10000 11500861 Nephrostomv -La p/E ndoscopic 9634 11079862 Ureter ic Re- implant for Megau reter/Vesicou reter ic ref lex/

    uterocele {o0en ) 1.0494 r2068


    Sr, No, Non-NABH/Non-NABt_ NABH/NABtdbJ

    1-0494 120688646 b 5 13800 15870dbb 'J-7250 198385 b / 77000 19550868 11000 t2650l 6q 9867 71.347170 :IJT 12334 1,41.84171 72282 1-4L24

    872 Uqqol 1'6l-rs873 977a LL24874 3450 3968

    10925 L25646 / 5876 10350 11903877 1-O92s 12564878 8s56 qe 10879 47'J-5 s422880 2000 2300881 1984882 33350 38353883

    - - - - _ - - _ - 1 yLaproscopic ovelolithotornv- 10000 11500

    884 !91r ' L2650 1,4548885 :s!lt 71-241.385 - - - - _ - - - - - : ' " rLa proscopic u rete ro I ith o tn.,.,F 9775 L1.241887 !1!9ol tzz:s888 L322sl rszos889 190001 zrsso890 450 518891 18ol ss2892 28031 3223893 Jrlor. 467s1 fi76894 Uo'4,; 3381 3888

    474 476395895 Radrca I prosta tectomv_Lanro Jlii'- 1,7825 20499897 - - - - - . - - . - - - - F ' -t{adrca I prostatectomv- Roh# 20125 23L44898 {o 20125 231.44899 15000 17250900 4600 5290901 17250 1983 8902 1-0200 LL730903 L7250 19838904 6800 7820





    905 Cystoscopic Botul inum Toxin Inject ion ( Over act ive bladder/Neu rosen ic bladder) 5800


    906 Pevronie's disease - Pla que excis ion with graft ing 3400 3910907 High Intensi ty Focus Ultrasound (H IFU) (Robot ic) for Carcinoma

    orostrate and renal cel l carcinoma4600 s290

    908 Prosthet ic surgerV for ur inary incont inence 2300 2645909 TRUS gu ided prostate biopsy s75 b b t910 Ultra sound guided PCN

    't20 82891L Other Maior Su rgery 15000 17254912 Other Minor Su rgery 6800 7824

    913 Craniotomv and Evacuat ion of Haematoma -Subdural 50715 583229L4 Craniotomv and Evacuat ion of Haematoma -Extradural 5000c 5750C915 Evacuat ion /Excis ion of Brain Abscess by craniotomy 4000c 46000916 Excision of Lobe (Frontal TemporalCerebel lum etc ) 41000 47L509t7 Excision of Brain Tumours -Supratentor ial 39123 44991918 Excision of Brain Tumours - lnfratentor ial 45000 5r7 50919 Surgery of spinal Cord Tumours 4s000 51750970 Ventr iculoatr ia l /Ventr iculoper i toneal Shunt 25000 28754921 Twist Dr i l l Craniostomy 4250 4888922 Subdura lTapp ing 2456 2824J 2 3 Ventr icula r Ta pping 2967 34r2924 Abscess Tapping 2875 5 5 U O925 Placement of ICP Monitor - 2875 3306926 Skul l Tract ion Appl icat ion 2300 2645927 Lumber Pressu re Monitor ing 4250 4888928 Vascular Malformat ions 22000 2s300929 Meningo Encephalocoele excis ion and repair 1s000


    930 Meningomyelocoel Repair 24995 287 44931 C.S. F. Rhinorrhaea Repa i r 28754 33063932 Cranioplastv 24754 27773933 Anter ior Cervica I Dissectomy 16600 19090O 2/t Brachial Plexus Explorat ion and neurot izat ion 1552s 1785493s Median Nerve Decompression 12500 1449C936 Peripheral Nerve Surgery - Major t725C 19838937 Pe r ipheral Nerve Surgery Minor 8280 9522938 Ventr iculo-Atr ia l Shunt 11615 L3357939 Nerve Biopsy 6900 7935940 Bra in Bio psy 5808 667994r Anter ior Cervical Spine Surgery with fusion 32204 37030942 Anter io Lateral Decompression of spine 28154 33063943 Brain Mapping 831 953944 Cervicalor Dorsal or Lumbar Laminectomy 23000 26454945 Combined Trans-oralSurgery & CV Junct ion Fusion 34500 39675946 C.V. J unct ion Fusion procedures 3000c 34s0c947 Deoressed Fracture Elevat ion 2s000 2875C




    948 Lumbar DiscectomY 27604 3L74Q949 Endarterectomy (carolt!)----------------.-..-- 20000 230009s0 R.F. Lesion for Tr igeminal Neuralgia 11500 L3225951 Spasticity SurgerY - 39675 45626

    952 Spinal Fusion Procedu re 30000 34500

    953 Spina I Intra Medul larY Tumours 3450C 3967 5

    954 Spinal Bi f ida Surgery Major 18975 2L821.955 Spina I Bi f ida SurgerY Minor 15000 fi254

    956 itereotaxic Procedures- bropsy/aspiration of cyst 23000 26454

    957 Trans Sphenoidal Su rgerY- 3000c 34500958 Trans OralSurgery 30000 34500

    959 lmplantat ion of DBS -One electrode 34500 39675

    960 lmolantat ion of DBS -two electrodes 40250 46288

    961 Endoscopic aqueductoPlasty 1500c 17250967 Facial nerve reconstruct lon 30000 34500953 Carot id stent ing 42263 48602

    964 Cervica I disc a rthroPlasty 27 604 3fl44

    965 Lu mbar disc arthroPlasty 1380C 1s87C966 Corpus cal lostomY for E Pi lePsY 3s000 402s0967 HemishpherotomY for EPi lePsY 32200 37030968 Endoscopic CSF rhinorrhea rePair 30000 34500

    969 Burr hole evacuat ion of chronic subdural haematoma 24L5A 27713

    970 Epi lepsV surgerY 36225 4t65997r RF lesion for facet jo int pain syndrome 17250 19838972 Cervical la m inoplasty 32000 36800

    973 Lateral mass C1-CZ screw f ixat ion 23000 26454

    974 Microsurgical decomplessienler flgErnjn9.l nslys 3800c 4370C975 Microsurgical decompression for hemifacial spasm 4646 s343976 lC EC bypass proced u res 32000 36800

    977 lmage guided cra n iotomY - 28980

    978 Baclofen PumP imPlantat ion 39000 44850

    979 Programmable VP shu nt 2s000 28750980 Endoscopic symPathectqmY n101 7967 3981 Lumber punctu re 2Q7 238982 Exte rna I ventric u I a t CELn-qs-(EyE- 4600 5294983 Endoscopic 3rd ve ntr iculosto m v 4000c 46000984 Endoscopic cranial surserl@!!y&iqilg!91- 31536 36266985 Endoscopic discectomy (Lqrn !e r, Jelyj!ell- 35627 40964986 Aneurysm coiling ( Elqevglegl3O--- 30960 35604987 Surgerv for skull fractures 40000 4600c988 Carpel Tunnel decomPression 15000 t7250989 Cl ipping of intracranial aneurysm 74750 7777 3

    990 Surgery for intracranial Arter iovenous malformarions(AVM) 40000 46000991 Foramen magnum decompression for Charl Malformat ion 1100 L265

    992 Dorsal column st imulat ion for backache in fai led back syndrome 287s0 33053

    993 Sursery for recurrent dlgq !I9E!:9/e-Pjggellibrg:!i 32200 37030




    994 Surgerv for brain stem tumours 43988 50586995 Decompressivecraniotomyfor hemishpherical acute subdural

    haematoma/brain swel l ing/ large infarct40000 4500c

    9 9 6 Intra-arter ia l thrombolysis with TPA (for ischemic stroke) 4600 s 290997 Ster iotact ic aspirat ion of intracerebral haematoma 37545 31427998 Endoscooic asoirat ion of intracerebel lar haematoma 40000 46000999 Ster iotact ic Radiosurgery for brain pathology(X kni fe/ Gamma )

    ONE session27560 31694

    1000 Ster iotact ic Radiosurgery for brain pathology(X kni fe / Gammaknife -Two or more sessions

    57500 66L25

    1001 Chemotheraphy wafers for mal ignant brain tumors 1-4450 156181002 BatterV Placement for DBS 19800 227741003 Baclofen pump implantat ion for spast ic i ty 17330 19930roo4 Periphera I Nerve tumor surgery 24004 776041005 Surgerv Intra Cra nial Meningioma 20000 230001006 Su rgery for Intracra n ia I Schwannoma 35000 402501007 Su rgerv for Gl iomas 45000 517501008 Surgerv for Orbi ta I tumors 40000 460001009 Surgerv for Cra nia | (Skul l ) tumors 38500 4427 51010 SurgerV for Sca lp AVM's 25000 287541011 KVphoplasty 40000 4500c!01.2 Ba l loon Kypho p lasty 4000c 4600c1013 Lesioning procedures for Parkinson's disease, Dystonia etc. 3500c 402501014 Other Maior Surgery 4250C 488751015 Other Minor SurgerV 17000 19550

    1016 Excision of thyroglossa I Duct/Cyst 16000 18400LO77 Diaphragmatic Hernia Repair (Thoracic or Abdominal Approach) L7250 198381018 Tracheo Oesophageal Fistula (Correct ion Surgery) 23000 264501019 Colon Replace me nt of Oesophagus 23000 264541020 Omphalo Mesenter ic Cvst Exciston L7250 1983 8ro27 Omohalo Mesenter ic Duct- Excis ion 15525 178541.022 Meckels Divert iculectomV 3347 38491023 Omphalocele 1st Stage (Hernia Repair 15525 178541024 Omphalocele 2nd Stee (Hernia Repair) 17254 19838102 5 Gastrochisis Repair 16100 18515LO26 Ingu inal Hernrotomy 12558 14442L027 Conge ni ta I Hydrocele 12000 1380C1028 Hydrocele of Cord 12000 1380C7029 Torsion Test is Ooerat ion 15000 1725C1030 ConRen i ta I Pvlor ic Stenosis- operat ion ' 13938 160291031 Duodenal- Atresia Ooerat ion 1400c 151007032 Pa ncreat ic Ring Operat ion 22425 257891033 Meconium l leus Operat ion 14s00 L66151034 l\4a l rotat ion of Intest ines Operat ion 13000 14950103 5 Rectal Biopsv (Megacolon) 9736 1119 5



    1036 Colostomy Tra nsverse 1s0001 r72s0ro37 Colostomy Left l l iac 150001 7725A1038 nOOorin 'r t p"t teal Pul l Through (Hirschaprugis Disease) 21850190001039 lmperforate Anus Low Anomaly -Cut Back Operat ion 102351 r777O1040 Irp"r fotate Anrs Low Anomaly - Per ineal Anoplasty 120001 13800

    1041 f .p"r t -" t" m'us High Anomaly -Sacroabdomino Perineal P ul ltnrousn

    125001 1.4375

    LO42 aar tn ta ro anr r< H ish Anomalv - C losureof Co los tomv 862s1 9919lntususcept ion OPerat ion 70704 238051043

    LO44 Choledochod uodenostomyfor Atresia of Extra Hepat ic Bi l l iaryDuct. r h 6 ' . t i ^ h n f f h n l c d n c h a l C v s t

    150001 L7250

    1045 160001 18400

    Nenhrectomv for -PvonePhrosiS 17000 195501045ro47 Neohrectomv for - HYdronePhrosis 15000 L72501048 Nephrectomy for -Wi lms Tumour 1s0001 t72so1049 laraort ic Lym ph"denoctomy with Nephrectomy for Wi lms

    Tumour20000 23000

    1050 Sacro-Coccygeal Teratoma Excislo! 1400c 16100

    1051 Neu roblastoma De!!l!.[g-- r.50001 18400ro52 Nr^ , , ' ^h l . c t n rna Tn ta l F r . i s i on 20704 23805

    Rha bdomyosa rcoma ryideggisjen 15000 1725C10s3ro54 Consenital Atresia & Stqng!l! e!!rngL!-.!19:IinS 19000 218501055 Muconium i leus 160001 18400

    1056 Mal-rotat ion & Volvulus of the Midgut 1s000 17254

    ro57 Excision of Meckle 's Devert iculum 12000 1380Cross fothet IVlaior SurgerY 27000 310501059 Other Minor SurgerY

    Primarv Sutur ing of Wound

    110501 12108

    1060 300 345

    1051 Iniection of Keloids - Ga!!cn_------- 1000 1150

    7062 Inject ion of Keloids - Haemangtoma 1035 1190LO53 lFree Grafts - Wolfe Qa l!9 1725 19841064 Free Grafts - Theirech- Smal l Area 5% 7475 8596

    1055 Free Grafts Large Area 10% 8000 9200

    1066 E,6a c r . f r< - \ / a r v l e roe A rea 20% and above 10350 11903

    skin F laos - Rotat ion FlaPs 8974 103151067I

    1068 lskin f laps - Advancement Flaps 1-2s00 743751069 Skin Flaps - Direct- cross Leg Flaps- Cross Arm Flap 12500 1.437 5- l1o7o lskin Flaps - cross Finger 12500 1.4375ro7 f lskin r laps - Abdominal 9350 107531072 Skin Flaps - Thoracic 9350 10753

    ro73 Skin Flaps - Arm Etc. 11000 L2654LO7 4 c , , h . ' , t . ho^ , , c po . l i . l p F laos Ra i s i ns 6900 7935

    su Llcutaneous Pedicle Flaps Delay 5950 684310751076 Subcuta neous Pedicle Flaps Transfer 5950 5843

    r077 Cart i lage Graft ing 8625 9919




    1078 Reduct ion of Facial Fractures of Nose 13 80 15 87L079 Reduct ion of Facial Fractures of Maxi l la 8000 92001080 Reduct ion of Fractures of Mandible & Maxi l la - Eye Let Spl int ing 7475 85961081 Reduct ion of Fractures of Mandible & Maxi l la - Cast Netal

    Spl ints5900 7935

    1082 Reduct ion of Fractures of Mandible & Maxi l la - Gumming Spl ints 7500 85251083 lnternal Wire Fixat ion of Mandible & Maxi l la 11500 L32751084 Cleft L ip - repa i r . 11500 r 5 2 2 )1085 Cleft Pa late Repair

    ' l-2654 L4548

    1085 PrimarV Bone Graft ing for alveolar c lef t in Clef t L ip 1150C 732251087 Secondarv Surgery for Cleft Lip Deformity 10000 115001088 Secondary Surgery for Clef t Palate 12650 145481089 Reconstruct ion of Eyel id Defects - Minor 6325 727 41090 Reconstruct ion of Eyel id Defects - Major 8500 97751091 Plast ic Surgerv of Di f ferent Regions of the Ear - Minor 8050 92581092 Plast ic Surgerv of Di f ferent Regions of the Ear- Major 103 50 119031093 Plast ic Surgery of the Nose - Minor 805 0 9258r094 Plast ic Surgery of the Nose - Major 9500 L09251095 Plastic Surgery for Facial Paralysis (Suppe4lryI! 1911'm9!e!) 1610C 185151096 Pend ulo us Breast - MammoPlasty 13000 149501097 Underdeveloped Breast lv lammoplasty 12000 138001098 After Mastectomy (Reconstruct ion)Mammoplasty 12000 138001099 svndactyly Repair 127 5A L46631100 Dermabrasion Face 13225 152091101 upto 30% Burns 1st Dressing r ) z r l )7702 upto 30% Burns Subsequent Dressing 124 1.431103 3O/o to 5Oo/o Bu rns 1st Dressing 193 222'J.L04 30% to 50% Burns Subsequent Dressing t ) z 175l- 105 Extensive Burn -above 50% Frist Dressing 2761106 Extensive Burn -above 50% Subsequent dressing 193 222

    L707 Plaster Work 25s 2931108 Fingers (post s la b) 259 2981109 Fingers ful l p laster 259 2981 1 1 0 Col les Fracture - Below elbow 978 7r25TIII Col les Fracture - Ful l Plaster 994 L't 431.112 Col les fracture Ant. Or post. s lab 400 4601113 Above elbow ful l p laster 173 r99'l-'l-L4 Above Knee post s la b 575 6 6 11115 Below Knee ful l p laster L73 199t t t o Below Knee post-s la b 178 8261'J-17 Tube Plaster (or plaster cyl inder) 800 9201L 18 Above knee fu l l p laster L265 r-455'1L19 Above knee fu l l s lab 1158 1332t120 Minerva Jacket 2300 2645't 12r Plaster Jacket 2000 2300



    LIZZ q h ^ ' ' l . l A r c h i . 2 L760 2024c i h d l a l . l ; h c n i . a 7019 23221.L23Doub le H iD so ica 24841 28571L24

    t t25 Straooins of Finger 119 206

    1.L26 Stra ooing of Toes 180207

    L127 Straooins of Wrist 234 26s1r-28 Stra pping of Elbow 288250t729 Strappins of Knee 311 358

    1130 c + r . ^ ^ i h d n f A n k l c 311 358J ! ' v t , t / r i r b e , . . . -q f rann ing o f Ches t 4s0l 5181131

    L t 5 Z Strapping of Shoulder 466 s36113 3 c t - , ' r o n f Q h e n d a o p 466 536

    Col lar and cuff s l tng 234 2657134113 5 Bal l bandage 3601


    LL36 nppt ic"t ion of P.O.P Casts for Upper & Lower Limbs 633 728

    t1.37 nnn l i e r t i nn n f F r rn . t i o l Cas t B race 1350 1553

    Anol icat ion of Skin Tract ion 62t 714113 81139 A0pl icat io n of Skeletal Tract ions 8 5 4 982

    Lt40 aah . l . dA P , q t rann ino< fo r F rac tu fes 491 572

    Asoirat ion & lntra Art icular In iect ions 575 66r\t41-L't 42 Appl icatton of P.O.P Spices & Jackets 247 3 2844

    11.43 Close Reduction of Fractures of Lin! 3-B O.l 2600 2990t't 44 D6.1 , ' . i i ^h n f l - nmnnr rnd F rac tU res 276A 3L7 4

    st75 5v) r1145 f6pen Reduct ion & Internt l Fl*at ion ofii4 PPer / Lower Limb

    Il - i l ins & Exter l Fixat ion

    8050 9258

    L147 lOoen Reduct ion of f racture of Long Bones ot Upper / LowerlLimb -Ao Procedures

    96601 11109

    1148 Tension Ba nd Wir ings s658 65016601 7 591-Y.49 lBone Graft ing1150 lExcis ion of Bone Tumours 6900


    rf i f l f * . i t tn or other Operat ions for Scaph 71888266

    1152 lseouestrectomv & Sa ucer isat ion1153 TS"q uutttectomy & S"uc"rl!!!jen: -AI!h relety

    6900 79359971 LI467

    1154 lvtul t ipte Pinning Fracture Neck Femur 103s01 11903

    irss lPlate Fixations for Fracture Neck Femur 13500 15525

    rrSO lnlOCotpression Procedures foi Fracture Neck Femur t4904 L7 740

    i i@r Muscle Pedicle Graftand lnterna I Fixat ions

    19500 22425

    1158 Close Red uct ion of Dislocat ions 3r7 4 3650- - - - l1159 lOpen Reduct ion of Dislocat ions 3439 3955

    1160 6lLp o,{,,.t i.'.' .' f F ra ct u re D i s l o ca t i o n & I nt e rn a l F i xa t i o n 13500 15525Neurolvsis/Nerve rePalr 13800 15870t761-

    1L62 Nr6 . \ , a aana i r \ ^ / i r h G ra f t i ns 15008 !72s9T^^.{^h r^, i th Tren




    -L LO] Tendon Transfer 3105 3577_troo Laminectomv Excision Disc and Tumours 4830 555s'1 t67 Soi l Ostectomv and Internal Fixat ions 24150 277731-168 Anterolateral decompression for tuberculosis/ Costo-

    Tra nsversectomv3450 3968

    L'169 Antereolateral Decompression and Spi l Fusion 19350 zzz) a'L'J.70 Correct ive Ostectomy & Internal Fixat ion - short bones 13800 1587C1-17',1- Correct ive Ostectomy & Internal Fixat ion long bones 1104C L2696L172 Arthrodesis of - Minor Joints 10000 11500'L '17 3 Arth rodesis of ' Malor loints 10000 11500rt7 4 Soft Tissue Ooerat ions for C.T, E.V. 80s0 9258I I I ) Soft Tissue Operat ions for Pol lo 6900 793s- L I l O Hemia r throplasty- Hip 20000 230001 L 7 7 Hemiarthroolastv- Shoulder 20000 23000L778 Ooerat ions for Brachial Plexus & Cervical Rib 27735 2499s1179 Amputat ions - Below Knee 5900 79351180 AmDutat ions - Below Elbow 6843 78691181 Amputat io ns - Above Knee 8050 92581182 Amputa t i ons AboveE lbow 6843 78691183 Am Dutat ions - Foreq ua r ter 13225 L57091L84 Amoutat ions -Hind Quarter and Hemipelvectomy 18400 211"641185 Disart iculat ions - Major jo int 1863C 214251186 Disart iculat ions - Minor jo int 113 8s 13093L187 Arth rogra phV 9200 105801188 ArthroscopV - Diagnost ic 8568 98531189 Arthrosco py-the rapeut ic: wi thout im pla nt 10000 115001190 Arth roscopy-thera peut ic: wi th im pla nt 1552s t78541191 Soft Tissue Ooerat ion on JOINTS -SMALL 6900 79351192 Soft Tissue Operat ion on JOINTS -LARGE 13500 1s5251193 Mvocutaneous and Fasciocutaneous Flap Procedures for Limbs 76767 19282rLg4 Removal of Wires & Screw 1760 20241195 Removal of Plates 4740 4 I O t1196 Total Hip Replacement 79000 908501197 Total Ankle Joint Replacement 8s850 987391198 Total Knee Joint RePlacement 99000 1138sC1199 Tota Shou lder Joint Replacement 7L70C 8L7651200 Tota Elbow Joint Replacement 71r.00 8r765L207 Tota Wrist Joint Replacement 90000 103s001202 Total f inger jo int replacement 20000 230001203 Tu bu lar external f ixator 4500 52907204 l l izarov's external f ixator 7163 89271205 Pelvi-acetebu la r f racture - lnternal f ixat ion 8625 9919r206 Meniscectomy 1200c 13800r20l Meniscus Repa i r 10000 115001208 ACL Reco nstruct ion 8s00 97751209 PCL Reconstruct ion 13s00 1s525



    T2IO Knee Col lateral Lisament Reconstruct io n 1250C t437512 'L r Benca r f Reoair Shou lder 1320C 1s18012L2 RC Repair 150C L72512'J-3 Biceps tenodesis 14000 1610012L4 Dista I b iceos tendon reoair 10380 L1937r2'15 Arth rolvsis of knee 12 s00 1437512T6 Capsulotomy of Shoulder 1422C 1635372L7 Conservative Pop 1080 124272L8 Appl icat ion for CTEV per s i t t ing r20c 138012L9 Tota Hip Replacement Revision Stage-l 1700c 19550L220 Tota Hip Replacement Revision Stage-l l s0000 57500r22't Tota Knee Replacement Revision Stage-l 35000 402501222 Tota KneeReplacementRevision Stage-l l 35000 402s07223 l l l izarov/ external f ixat ion for l imb lengthening/ deformity

    correct ion1,1,250 12 938

    rz24 Discectomv/ Micro Discectomy 12500 L437 5L225 Laminectomv 4646 53431226 Spina I Fixat ion Cervica l /dorsolumbar/ lumbosacral 1.4400 165601.227 Fusion Surgery Cervical / Lumbar Spine upto 2 Level 22000 25300L228 More tha n 2 Level 12000 13800L229 Scol iosis Surgery/ Deformity Correct ion of Spine 25000 287501230 Vertebroplastv 12000 13800123r Spina I In iect ions 450 5 1 81232 DHS for Fracture Neck Femur 15000 772501233 Proximal Femoral Nai l (PFN for lT Fracture) 14000 16100L234 SpinalOsteotomv L434 L649L235 l l l izarov's / External Fixat ion for Trauma 13000 149501235 Sott Tissue Operat ions for Pol io/ Cerebral Palsy 10s s7 'J.2141.L237 Mini Fixator for Hand/Foot 9000 103s01238 Other Maior 5u rgerV 34425 395891239 Other Minor Su rgery 1188 3 13665

    1240 U l t rasonic therapV 70 81't 241 S.W. Diathermv 70 811242 Electr ical st imulat ion ( therapeut ic) 70 81L243 Muscle test ing and diagnost ic 7 L 821244 lnfra red 70 81' l-245 U,V. Therapeut ic dose 58 67L246 Intermit tent Lumbar Tract ion 10 811.247 lntermit tent Cervical t ract ion 68 781248 Wax bath 68 787249 Hot pack 78 901250 Breathing Exercises & Postural Drainage 50 587251 Cerebral Pa lsv - exercise 50 58'J-257 Post - pol io exercise 50 58




    I L 5 5 Co balt 60 thera py 57375 659811754 Rad ica l the rapy 61s 83 70824I L ) ) Pa l l iat ive therapy 21994 25293L256 Linear accelerator 29754 3421-31-257 R a d i c a l t h e r a p y 52185 507031258 Pal l iat ive thera py 30t 97 3 s4117259 3 D Pla n ning 4399 s0591260 2 D Planing 4399 5059lzr))- IMRT(lntensi tv Modulated radiotherapy) 100878 1160101262 SRT (Stereotactic radiotherapy) 60996 70L451263 5 RS(Stereotactic radio surgery) 80546 926287264 IGRT(lmase suided radiothera py) t4701-6 1690687265 Respiratory Gat ing-alongwith Linear accelerator planning 110000 12650CI Z O O Electron beam with Linear accelerator 60726 6983 sL267 Tomotherapy 7 t46A 82119

    L268 Intracavi tory r173C 134901269 Interst i t ia l 5278s 607037270 lntra lu m ina I 9775 L12411271- Su rface mould 4180 4807L272 G LIADAL WAFER 93900 107985

    L273 Neoadjuva nt 863 992r27 4 Adiuva nt 863 9921275 Co nc u rre nt-c h e m oa diation 920 1058127 6 Single drug 552 6357277 Mu l t i p le d rugs 891 1032t278 Ta rgeted thera py 924 1058L279 Chemoport faci l i ty 924 10581280 PICC l ine (per ipheral lV inserted Central canul isat ion) 924 1058

    1287 Upper G. l , Endoscopy+ LowerG.l . Endoscopy I J 5 5 1786L282 Diagnost ic endoscopy 250 2881283 Endoscopic b iopsy 345 397L2a4 Endoscooic mucosal resect ion 1543 17'l41285 Oesophageal str icture di latat ion 1700 19557286 Bal loon di latat ion of achalasia cardia 2875 33061287 Foreign body removal 1725 198412 88 Oesophagealstent ing 3000 34501289 Ba nd l igat ion of oesophagea I vartces 2500 287 5r290 Sclerotherapy of oesophageal var ices 2254 2s88129L Glue inject ion of var ices 2s00 2875r292 Argon plasma coagu lat ion 4025 46291293 Pvlor ic ba l loon di latat ion 2415 2777



    "orr/"or'_Non-NABL | -Sr. No.36801 4232

    r294 Fn to rane l s ten t i ngDuodenal str icture di lG

    geol 113!L295 4000 46001296 Single bal loon enrer uLeuY 3s09l 4oz51297 Double bal loon enrer usLuPY 44ssl 5121L298 Ca psule endoscoPY

    Piles banding10991 L264

    1299 2n7l 31481300 :o lon ic Str ic ture d l la tar lon 345130001301- lo t b ioPsY torcePs Pt uccu" ' ' "

    Colonic s tent lngJunct ion b ioPsY

    27371 31481302 2oool 230q1303 460040001304 Conjugal mtcrosct tPY 24t5 27111305 Fn. lnscootc son lncre l uLUr t rY 2475 27771,306 CBD stone extracr lon s850 67281307 CBD Str ic ture o l larar lor r 4800 55201308 t"''!Y'f

    "lll?'Y'lliii ii'i; ;-;;:;;1 7204 828C659!1309 Mcchan l ca l l l r nuL r l p5y v r - " " " ' " " - - 5738

    1310 PancrPat ic sPn lncreroLUI I rY 5175 c q 51,311 Pancreat ic S t r l c tu re o l ldLd t ru l I 9088 1045t3L2 Pa ncreatlc stone e{!!g!j.jY! t0247 \r7 8,1313 7700 88sl1314 62LOEndoscoPtc cysro ta>t t u>. ' " ' ' 'Y 7 14,1315 575Ra l l oon d l l a ta t l on o l pdp r | ' d o o r1-316 I J l t raSou nd gu loeo r r \^L 720 82813r7 Ul t rasound gu loeo apsLcs5 L / r d r r 106 '

    PTBD115 0 L S Z J

    1318 1900 2L851319 Diagnost tc angtoBraPt tY 15100 1736513 20 Jascular emool lzar lor l 486C 5589

    35410L3ZI I IPs 3079t322 IVC graPhY + nePat tc ve t t ' " s ' oY" Y

    Muscular stent ingBRTO ..Portal haemodYmic studles

    8797 roLll lL 5 Z 5 s7sool 667211324 1s131 2lnor5 z ) 1854r6L2r326 Menomet rv ano Pn I I l t s l ' r Y 4sool s17s

    soo0L___-!ZI9L327 OesoPnageat rn t t te t t YOesophageal manometrY1328 78ZA6800

    t329 Small bowel manomelrY 61201 70381330 Anorectal manometr y

    Colonic manometrYBili.rY .unlT"ltY :::;: _ ;::-:::

    7654 8798T 5 J . L 7650 8798r 55Z 2588 29761333 Sengstaken b lac




    13 39 Denta I loPA x-ray 50 581340 Occlusal X-rav 78 907341 OPG X-rav 196 225

    1342 Luns Ventilation & Perfusion Scan (V/q!q1) 3244 37261343 Lung Perfusion Scan 1800 2070

    1-344 Whole Bodv Bone Scan with SPECT. 3421 3 9341345 Three phase whole body Bone Scan 3421 3934

    1346 Brain Perfusion SPECT Scan with Technet ium 99mra d io p h a rm a ce ut ica ls.

    8798 10118

    1347 Radionucl ide Cisternography for CSF Ieak 3366 387r

    1348 Gastro esophageal Reflux Study (G.E.R.s!!y) 195s 2248t349 Gastro intest inal Bleed (GloB.)Study with Technet ium 99m

    labeled RBCs.3019 3541

    13 50 Hepatobi l iary Scint igraPhY. 2444 28r'L13 51 Meckel 's Scan 1955 22481352 Hepatosplenic scint igraphy with Technet ium-99m

    rad iop h a rm a ce ut ica lsr870 2L51

    1353 G astr ic emPtYing 1.275 1466

    1354 Renal Cort ical Scint igraphy with Technet ium 99m D.M.S.A. 3079 3 5411355 DVnamic Renogra phy. 3079 35411356 DVnamic Renogra phy with Diuret ic. 3079 35411357 Dvnamic Renography with Captopr i l 1960 22541358 Test icula r Scan 1466 1686

    1359 Thvroid Uotake measurements with 131- lodine 1500 t7251360 Thvroid Scan with Technet ium 99m Pertechnetate. L466 1686r 5 0 _ t Lodine-131 Whole Body Scan. 2933 33731362 Whole Bodv Scan with M.l .B.G. 1s836


    1353 Pa rathyroid Scan 4500 sL7 5

    L364 131-lodine Therapy 1530 176013 6s 131-lodine Therapy 100mCi 1500c 7725013 69 Phosphorus-32 therapy for metastat ic bone pain pal l iat ion 5000 5750L370 Samarium-153 therapy for metastat ic bone pain pal l iat ion 9405 10816L371 Ra d io svnovecto my with Yttr ium L9L25 2t994

    1372 Stress thallium / Myocardial Petf ullqr,ltjltiglg-p-ly 850s 978'1.r373 Rest thallium / Myocardial Perfuqlq!!q4Eply-- 7204 8280



    Non-NABH/ I *ntH/*ott-Non-NABL ISr. No.

    :rool 3795489 562

    t375 489 5 0 2-t5 /o r-0131 1855r377

    43201 496813781379

    65982 75819

    1847 5 2L2461380 t3791 1517113 81 15000 172501382

    3 5 401383 Urine rout ine- pH, 5peci f ic grav i ty , sugar , prote ln ano

    microscoPYU r i n e - M i c r o a l b u m i n

    Stool occul t b lood .Post co i ta l smea T examlnat lon

    63 l21384 3 2 313 85 24 zt13 86 30 313871388

    35 4(semen analy5lS

    " , ,

    ", ,,,,"

    ",,,,."."{sr., !i!r! rlrlrr r! Fr.l:l!::rrl*:l

    18 2L13 89 28 321390 I u L o r L s u l v r y ! r ! v v v ' \ ' - - ,

    Dif feren Lia I Leucocvt ic Cou nt (DLC)E ,S , R .i l l l '

    " ^ , . r r ^ r r .n r rn r ru i rh Nnav McH.MCHC.DRW

    28 3Z1391 25 29r392 30 351393

    CorUEG rf *r""g.rtpret" rf *r""g.,tttlCeC, Hb,RBC count and indices' TLC'

    DLC, Plate let , ESR, Per iphera l smear examinat ionPlate let cou ntRet icu locYte count

    . ^ - i ^ ^ ^ h i l - ^ ' r h i

    122 14013 9443 49

    139 5 43 49139 6 A a 49!39713 98

    13 1539 45

    13 99 37 4314001401

    32 3750 58

    L402 70 811403t404

    725 259440 506

    1405 102 L111406 44 5 11401 99 '1141408 v v L r L L y L v ! r r r " , , J ! i t - - - - -

    S""d",C Drs"rd"r . p"*L PT, APTT, Thrombin Time Fibr inogen' D

    Dimer/ FDPFactor AssaYs-Factor Vl l lFactor AssaYs-Factor lX

    400 4601409648 745

    1410 6'12 10474!1- 50 5814t2 P latelet F unct ion test




    1413 Tests for hypercoagulable states- Protein C, Protein S,Ant i thrombin

    400 460

    L414 Tests for lu pus a nt icoagula nt 150 773r475 Testsfor Ant iphosphol ip id ant ibody lgG, lgM (for cardiol ip in

    and 82 clvcoprotein 1) 500575

    1-4'l-6 Thalassemia studies (Red Cel l indices and Hb HPLC) 560 6441417 Tests for Sickl ing / Hb H PLC) 77 89

    74L8 Blood Group & RH Type 3l 35L419 Cross match 45 57L420 Coomb's Test Direct 81 93142'l- Coomb's Test Indirect 90 1047422 3 cel l panel- ant ibody screening for pregnant female 153 7761423 Ll cel ls oanel for ant ibodv ident i f icat ion 770 rvb1424 HBs Ag 100 115L425 HCV r28 'J.47L426 H I V l a n d l l 150 173L427 VDRL 40 46L428 RH Ant ibodV t i ter 80 921429 Platelet Concentrate 56L430 Random Do nor P latelet(RDP ) 1-25 t44143L Single Donor Platelet (SDP- Aphresis) 135 155

    L432 Ro utine-H & E 90 7041 4 J I spec ia l s ta in 65 757434 lmm unohistochem istrV( lH C) 675 7761435 Frozen sect ion 780 897L436 Paraffin section 309 355

    'J.437 Pap Smear 135 155143 8 Bodv f lu id for M a l igna nt cel ls 1551439 FNAC 180 207

    'J.440 Leukemia panel /LVmphoma pa nel 1536 7766744L PNH Panel-CD55,CD59 1000 1150

    L442 Ka rvotVping 1539 177Ar443 F I S H 500 575

    1444 Blood Glucose Random 24 287445 24 hrs ur ine for Proteins,Sodium, creat in ine 50 581446 Blood Urea N i t rogen 49 561447 Serum Creat inine 50 581448 Urine Bi le Pigment and Salt 23 26L449 Urine Urobi l inogen 20 23145 0 Urine Keto nes 27 5 I




    L45L Urine Occult Blood 32 377452 Urine total proteins 18 2 1

    145 3 Rheumatoid Factor test 90 ro4'J.454 Bence Jones protein 42 48

    1455 Serum Uric Acid 50 58L456 Serum Bi l i rubin total & direct 77 83'J.457 Serum lron 8 1 937458 c .R.P. 100 l r )'t /t qo C.R.P Quantitative 160 l-841460 Body fluid (csF/Ascitic FIuid q1!,)!ggr, jplgj! {.. 90 104!46t A lbumin . 18 L I'J.462 Creat inine clea ra nce. 80 92L463 Serum Cholesterol ) o 647464 Total l ron Binding CaPacity 80 92L465 G lucose (Fast ing & PP) 47 54t+oo Serum Calcium -Total 5 4 62L467 Serum Calcium - lo nic 44 5 t

    7468 Serum Phospho rus < A 621469 Total Protein Alb/Glo Rat io 50 581470 lsG. 225 259t47L l*l\rl 250 288't 472 lgA. 225 2591.473 ANA, 200 230

    747 4 Ds DNA. 3 ls 362L475 S.G,P .T , 50 58t47 6 5.G.O.T. 50 58L477 Serum amylase 105 721.t478 Serum Lipase LI7 135L479 Serum Lactate 70 d_L1480 Serum Magnesium 90 104L48L Serum Sodium 50 58I482 Serum Potassium 50 581483 Serum Ammonia 90 1047484 Anemia Prof i le 204 235

    1485 Serum Testosterone 150 173L486 lmprint Smear From EndoscoPY z L o 2487487 Triglycer ide 68 781488 G lucose Tolera nce Test (GTT) 90 1041489 Triple Marker. 800 920

    1490 cPl( 100 115L49L Foeta l Haemoglobin (H bF) 85 98't 492 Prothrombin Time (P.T.) 100 L t fL493 L .D .H . 1-00 115

    1494 Alka l ine PhosphataseE A h 2

    L495 Acid Phosphatase 78 90L496 CK MB 190 219




    1497 CK MB Mass 140 1511498 Troponin I 100 1151499 Troponin T 540 6211500 Glucose Phosphate Dehydrogenase (G, 6PD) 100 115150 L L i t h i u m . L17 1351502 Di la nt in (phenvtoin). 360 4141503 Carba mazepine, 36C 4141504 Valproic acid. 3001505 Feri t in. 251 2881506 Blood gas analvsis 120 1387507 Blood gas analvsis with electrolvtes 414 4761508 Urine pregnancy test 59 681509 Tests for Ant iphosphol ip id ant ibodies syndrome. 252 2901510 Hb 41 C 130 1501511 Hb Electroohoresis/ Hb H PLC 100 I L f15'12 KidneV Fu nct ion Test. 203 2331513 Liver Funct ion Test. 225 2591514 Lipid Prof i le.( Total cholesterol , LDL, H DL,treigylce r ides) 200 234

    1515 Serum lron 90 1.041 5 L 6 Total l ron Binding Ca paci tv 90 7047517 Serum Ferr i t in 100 1151518 Vitamin B12 assav, 250 2881519 Fol ic Acid assav. 300 345t520 Extended Lipid Prof i le.( Total cholesterol ,LDL,

    H DL,treiAVlcer ides,Apo A1,Apo B,Lp(a) ) 536616

    t521 Apo A1. 200 2301522 Apo B. 199 2291523 L D { a ) . 430 4957524 CD 3 ,4 and 8 coun ts '170 1951525 CD 3,4 and 8 percentage 170 r-96'1526 LDL, 62 7 I'J.527 Homocvsteine. 400 4601528 HB Electrophoresis. 396 455L529 Serum Electroohoresis. 220 2531530 Fibr inogen. t b ) 19015 31 Ch lo r i de . 54 62t532 MaAnesium. _15 ) 155T J S I GGTP. 81 931534 Lrpa se 2L5 2411535 Fruc tosamine . 180 2071536 B2 microglobul in 81 93I J 3 I Catecholamines. 94s 10871538 Creat inine clea ra nce. 108 L24

    1539 PSA. TOtAI , 281. 323




    1540 PSA- Free. 338 389'J.54r A F P . 274 3111542 H CG, 289 332L543 cA. 12 5. 380 431L544 cA 19,9. 554 6311545 cA 15.3. 504 5801546 V inv l Mande l i c Ac id 350 403L547 Calci ton in 450 5181548 Carcioembryonic a nt igen (CEA) 306 352

    1549 lmmunof luorescence 150 1731550 Direct(Skin and kidney Disease) 425 4891 5 5 1 Indirect (ant ids DNA Ant i Smith ANCA) 425 489L552 VitD3 assaV 5s0 63315 53 Serum P rotein e lectro phoresis with

    im m unof ixat ionelectrop horesis ( lFE) 270311

    1554 BETA-2 Microglobul in assay 100 1 1 51555 Ant i cycl ioci t ru l l inated peptrde (Ant i CCP) 450 5 1 81556 Ant i t issuetra nsgluta m inase ant ibody 425 489'1557 Serum Eryth ropoet in 425 4891558 ACTH 500 575

    1559 T3, T4, TSH 180 2071560 T3 64 7415 61 r4 64 t41.562 TSH 90 10415 53 LH 150 173'1564 FSH 150 L7315 65 Prolact in 150 17315 66 Co rtiso I 250 288t ) o / PTH (Pa ratha rmone) 500 5751568 C-Pept ide. 330 38015 69 ln s u lin. 150 L737570 Progesterone. 225 259L57 r 17-DH Progesterone. 396 4551572 DHEAS, 396 455L5t 3 Androste ndione. 600 690'l-574 Growth Hormone. 330 3801575 TPO. 300 345L576 Throslobu l in. 300 3451577 Hydat ic Se ro logy. 318 3661578 Ant i Sperm Ant ibod ies, 342 3937s79 Qua l i ta t ive. 1800 20701580 Qua nt i tat ive. 1500 17251581 Qua l i ta t ive. 1691 194515 82 H PV sero logy 218 25r




    L5 83 Rota Virus serology 130 1501584 PCR for TB 900 1035158 5 PCR for HIV 600 5901586 Chlamvdae ant igen 800 924L587 chlamydae ant ibody 238 2741588 Brucel la serology 230 2651589 Inf luenza A serology 849 976

    1590 USG for Obstetr ics - Anomal ies scan 3 2 31591 Abdomen USG 323 371r592 Pelvic USG ( prostate, gynae, infertility etc) 255 2931593 Smal l parts USG ( scrotum, thyroid, parathyroid etc) 349 40'L15 94 Neonata I head (Tra nfonta nel la r) 383 44415 95 Neona ta l sp ine 450 5181596 Contrast enhanced USG 810 932L597 USG Breast 349 4011598 USG HVstero-Salpa ingogra phy (HSG) 255 2931599 Ca rot id Doppler 765 8801500 Arter ial Colour Doppler 635 730160r- Venous Colour Doppler 635 130r602 Colour Doppler, renal arter ies/any other organ 720 8281603 USG suided intervent ion- FNAC 490 5641604 USG euided intervent ion - biopsy 720 8281605 USG guided intervent ion - nephrostomy 800 920

    1606 Abdomen AP Su pine or Erect (One f i lm) 1 1 5 'J.32'1607 Abdomen Lateral v iew (one f i lm) 115 1321508 Chest PA view (one f i lm) 60 691609 Chest Lateral (one f i lm) 60 691610 Mastoids:Towne view, obl ique views (3 f i lms) 225 2591 6 1 1 Extremit ies, bones & Joints AP & Lateral v iews (Two f i lms) 230 265t6L2 Pelvis A.P (one f i lm) 110 r271613 T. M. Joints (one f i lm) 110 r27t6r4 Abdomen & Pelvis for K. U. B. 120 1381615 Sku l lA . P . & La te ra l (2 f i lms ) 230 26576L6 Spine A. P. & Lateral (2 f i lms) z z J 25916'J-7 P N S v i e w ( 1 f i l m ) 110

    1618 Barium Swal low 5 1 0 587L619 Barium Upper Gl study 800 9201620 Barium Upper Gl study (Double contrast) 935 LO75r o2 | Barium Meal fo l low through 935 1075'J.622 Barium Enema (Single contrast/double contrast) 8s0 978t623 Smallbowel enteroclysis 1020 7773L624 ERCP (Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangio - Pa ncreatogra p hy) 2500 2875




    L625 Genera | :Fistulography /Sinogra phy/Sialogra phy/Dacrocvstographv/T-Tube cholangiogram/ Nephlostogram

    638 734

    7626 Percuta neous transhepat ic chola ngiography (PTC) 'J.444 16561627 Intravenous Pyelography ( lVP) 1190 13691.628 Micturat ing Cvstou reth rography (MCU) 680 7827629 Retrosrade UrethroeraPhY (RGU) 680 7821630 Contrast Hystero-Salpingography (HSG) 918 10561531 X ray - Arth rography 630 7251632 Cepha logra phV 150 173163 3 Myelography 247 5 2846' t634 Diagnost ic Digi tal Subtract ion Angiography (DSA) 17 49 20L1.

    1535 X-ray Mammography 315 362-LO5 0 MRI Mammography 2550 2933

    1637 CT Head-Without Contrast 900 10351638 CT Head- wlth Contrast (+/- CT angiography) 1350 15531639 C. T. Chest - wi thout contrast ( for lungs) 1700 19551640 C. T. Scan Lower Abdomen(incl . Pelvis) With Contrast L700 1955t641 C. T. Scan Lower Abdomen( Incl . Pelvis) Without Contrast 1500 L725L642 C. T. Scan Whole Abdomen Without Contrast 3000 34507643 C. T. Scan Whole Abdomen With Contrast 4050 4658L644 Triole Phase CT abdomen 4500 5L751645 CT angiogra phy abdomen/ Chest 4500 5r75L646 CT EnteroclVsis 5400 oz tvL647 C. T. Scan Neck - Without Contrast 1500 77257648 C. T. Scan Neck - With Contrast 1870 215rL649 C. T.Scan Orbi ts - Without Contrast 1190 13 591650 C. T. Scan Orbits - With Contrast 1615 185 71651 C. T. Scan of Para Nasal Sinuses- Without Contrast 900 1035L652 C. T. Scan of Para Nasal Sinuses - With Contrast 1600 18401653 C. T. Spine (Cervical , Dorsal , Lumbar, Sacral)-wi thout contrast 1500 7725.LDJ+ CTTemDoral bone - wi thout contrast 893 70271655 CT - Dental I275 L4561656 C. T, Scan Limbs -Without Contrast r700 195st657 C. T. Scan Limbs -With Contrast including tQl 4g|s8lgqry- 2253 25911658 C,T. G uided intervent ion -FNAC 1200 13801659 C.T. Guided Trucut Biopsy 1200 13801660 C. T. Guided intervent ion -percutaneous catheter drainage /

    tube placement1305 1501

    1661 MRI Head - Without Contrast 1998 27987662 MRI Head - With Contrast 2848 32751663 MRI Orbits - Without Contrast

    'l-445 t ooz

    t664 MRI Orbi ts - With Contrast 2000 23001665 MRI Nasopharvnx and PNS - Without Contrast 2450 z8L8



    1666 MRI Nasopharvnx and PNS - With Contrast 3500 40251667 MR for Sal ivarv G la nds with Sialographv 3000 34501668 MRI Neck - Without Contrast 3000 34501669 MRI Neck- with contrast 5000 s7507670 MRI Shou lder - Without contrast 2000 2300't-67r MRI Shou lder - With con ntrast 2600 2990L672 MRI shou lder both Joints - Without contrast 3000 34507673 MRI Shoulder both io ints - With contrast 4000 4600167 4 MRI Wrist Single jo int - Without contrast 2t25 2444L675 MRI Wrist Single io int - With contrast 4000 46001676 MRI Wrist both io ints - Without contrast 2125 24447677 MRI Wrist Both jo ints - With contrast 5000 57501678 MRI knee Single io lnt - Without contrast 2L25 2444L679 MRI knee Single io int - With contrast 5000 57501680 MRI knee both io ints - Without contrast 2L25 24441681 MRI knee both io ints - With contrast s000 57501682 MRI Ankle Single jo int - Without contrast 7L25 24441683 MRI Ankle single io int - With contrast 5000 57501684 MRI Ankle both io ints - With contrast 5000 s7501585 MRI Ankle both io ints - Without contrast 2500 2875-1O60 MRI Hip - With contrast 2s00 2875't 687 MRI Hio - wi thout contrast 2L25 24441688 MRI Pelvis - Without Contrast 2L2s 24441589 MRI Pelvis - wi th contrast 5000 57501690 MRI Extremit ies - With contrast s000 57501591 MRI Extremit ies - Without contrast 2125 24441-692 MRI Temooromandibular- B/L - With contrast 4000 45001593 MRlTemporomandibular- B/L - Without contrast 7 \25 24441.694 MR Temporal Bone/ Inner ear with contrast 4000 45001695 MR Temporal Bone/ Inner ear without contrast 2500 28751696 lvlRl Abdomen - Without Contrast 2725 2444L697 M Rl Abdomen - With Contrast 5000 57501698 M Rl Breast - With Contrast 4250 48881699 M Rl Breast - Without Contrast 2125 24441700 MRI Spine Screening - Without Contrast 1000 1150770r M Rl Chest - Without Contrast 2725 2444L702 M Rl Chest - With Contrast 4000 46001703 MRI Cervica l /Cervico DorsalSoine -Without Contrast 2125 24441l04 MRI Cervical / Cervico Dorsal Soine -With Contrast 4000 46001705 MRI Dorsal / Dorso Lumbar Spine - Without Contrast 2125 74441706 MRI Dorsal / Dorso Lumbar Spine - With Contrast 4000 4600L707 MRI Lumbar/ Lumbo-Sacral SDine - Without Contrast 2125 24441-708 MRI Lumbar/ Lumbo-Sacral Soine - With Contrast s000 57507709 Whole bodv MRI (For oncological workup) 5100 58557770 MR cholecvsto-pancreatography. 4950 569317'l-'l- MRI AneiographV - wi th contrast 5000 5750




    t7L2 MR Enteroclysis 2125 2444

    !7L3 Dexa Scan Bone Densitometry - Two Sites 1500 7725r7t4 Dexa Scan Bone Densi tometry - Three si tes (Spine, Hip &

    extremitV)2000 2300

    17t5 Dexa Scan Bone Densitometry Whole body 2404 2764

    t7L6 EEG/Video EEG 798 34377t7 EMG (Electro myograPhY) 638 734L778 Nerve condrt ion veloci ty (at least 2 l imbs) 638 73417t9 Decrementalresponse (before and after neo st igmine) s36 o r oL 7 2 0 Incremental resPonse 595 684

    172L ssEP (Somato sensory evoked potent ials) 638 734L722 Poly somnography 638 734L723 Brachial plexus study 638 134

    17 24 Muscle biopsy 345 397

    L725 ACH R ant i body t i t re 1848 2r257726 Ant i MUSK body t i t re 2340 76911127 Serum COPPER 450 5 1 8L728 Serum ceruloplasmin 450 5181729 U r inarV copper 450 518

    L730 Serum homocyst ine 450 5181737 Serum valproate level 315 352L732 Ser