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  • 7/28/2019 Cf chap3 engineering mcq's


    Unit 3 CF QB

    1. Two dimensional arrays are also called

    A tables arrays

    B matrix arrays

    C both of A & B

    D none of above

    Answer C

    2. What is the output of the following code?# include# define a 10main(){


    printf("%d",a);}void foo(){

    #undef a#define a 50


    A 10..10

    B 10/01/50

    C Error

    D 0

    Answer A

    3. The syntax of the array declaration is:

    A datatype nameofarray [size];

    B nameofarray [size];

    C datatype nameofarray

    D all of above

    Answer A4. int j[4] the size of (j) and size of (int) will display the value

    A 8,2

    B 2.8

    C 2,2

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    D 1,1

    Answer A

    5. How many time the following function be called main( ){

    int j;j=10;fun(j);

    }fun(int j){



    A 10 times

    B 5 timesC 6 times

    D Infinite loop

    Answer B

    6. Which is the true statement about an array?

    A To represent an array keyword array is used.

    B Array elements can be accessed by the index placed within[].

    C Array is a collection of similar type of elements.

    D Both B & C.Answer D

    7. Function name refers to

    A Name given to variables.

    B Name given to main function.

    C Name given to function within main function.

    D None of these.

    Answer C

    8. Which is the calling function?A largest(a,b);

    B largest(int a, int b)

    C largest(int, int);

    D largest(*a, *b);

    Answer A

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    9. Which of the following is false about functions ?

    A More that one function allowed in a program

    B A function can call itself

    C Constants can appear in the formal argument list

    D A function can call another function

    Answer C

    10. What will be the output of the program?


    int fun(int i){

    i++;return i;}

    int main(){

    int fun(int);int i=3;fun(i=fun(fun(i)));printf("%d\n", i);return 0;


    A 5

    B 4

    C Error

    D Garbage value

    Answer A

    11. Every executable C program must contain a

    A printf function

    B scanf, printf and main functions

    C main function

    D scanf function

    Answer C

    12. Two dimensional array elements are stored in

    A System dependent.

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    B In row major dependent.

    C Compiler dependent

    D In column major dependent.

    Answer C

    13. Array elements are stored in

    A Sequential memory locations.

    B scattered memory locations

    C Direct memory locations.

    D random memory locations

    Answer A

    14. Identify the incorrect declaration of arrays from the following

    A int a[50];

    B float values[10][20];

    C double a[50];

    D int score[10,15];

    Answer D

    15. Array is used to represent the following

    A A list of data items of different data types.

    B A list of data items of real data type.

    C A list of data items of same data type.

    D A list of data items of integer data type.Answer C

    16. Arrays are passed to a function arguments by

    A Value.

    B Reference.

    C Both value & reference

    D None of the above.

    Answer C

    17. An array a[8] will store how many values ?A 8

    B 7

    C 9

    D 0

    Answer A

    18. If an array is declared as a[10], then its elements will be stored as

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    A a[1] to a[10].

    B a[1] to a[9].

    C a[0] to a[9].

    D a[0] to a[10].

    Answer C

    19. Recursion always requires ?

    A Termination of the algorithm

    B Key variable

    C Base value

    D All of these

    Answer D

    20. In int k[4] the total memory occupied by the array is

    A 32

    B 8

    C 4

    D 2

    Answer B

    21. One dimensional array needs only subscript.

    A one

    B Two

    C both of the first two

    D none of the first two

    Answer A

    22. What will be the output of the program?#includeint main(){

    int a[5] = {5, 1, 15, 20, 25};int i, j, m;i = ++a[1];j = a[1]++;m = a[i++];printf("%d, %d, %d", i, j, m);return 0;


    A 2, 1, 15

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    B 1, 2, 5

    C 3, 2, 15

    D 2, 3, 20

    Answer C

    23. What will be the output of the program?#includeint main(){

    int arr[1]={10};printf("%d\n", arr[0]);return 0;


    A 1

    B 10

    C 0

    D 6

    Answer B

    24. What will be the output of the program ?#includeint main(){

    float arr[] = {12.4, 2.3, 4.5, 6.7};printf("%d\n", sizeof(arr)/sizeof(arr[0]));return 0;

    }A 5

    B 4

    C 6

    D 7

    Answer B

    25. What will be the output of the program if the array begins 1200 in memory?#includeint main()

    {int arr[]={2, 3, 4, 1, 6};printf("%u, %u, %u\n", arr, &arr[0], &arr);return 0;


    A 1200, 1202, 1204

    B 1200, 1200, 1200

    C 1200, 1204, 1208

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    D 1200, 1202, 1200

    Answer B

    26. Which of the following statements are correct about the program below?#includeint main(){

    int size, i;scanf("%d", &size);int arr[size];for(i=1; i

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    A Must contain at least one function.

    B Need not contain any function.

    C Needs input data.

    D None of the above.

    Answer A

    30. int x[3]; the base address of x is 65460 the elements are stored at locations

    A 65460, 65462, 65464

    B 65460, 6546165462

    C 65460, 65464, 65468

    D 65460, 65460, 65460

    Answer A

    31. int cal_sum(int a, int b);In the above example int at the beginning indicates

    A Name of the function.

    B Return type of the function.

    C Both function arguments are integer.

    D None of the above options.

    Answer B

    32. Return is a statement used to

    A Return control back to calling function.

    B Return control & value back to calling fun

    C Return void.

    D Return value to the calling function.

    Answer B

    33. A ______________ function is one that returns no value.

    A Float.

    B Recursive.

    C Void.

    D Integer.

    Answer C

    34. int main(void){int i=1;while (i

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    { printf("%d",i);if (i>2)goto here;i++;}

    }void fun(){here:

    printf("C objective bits");}

    Output of above program is

    A 5 C objective bits

    B 6

    C C objective bits 7

    D error

    Answer D

    35. Elements of two dimensional array are stored in ?

    A Random order

    B Column major order

    C Row major order

    D None of these

    Answer C

    36. In int x[10]; the number 10 specified in the square bracket represents the

    A 10 addresses

    B 10 values

    C 10 lines

    D None of the above

    Answer B

    37. Each array element stored in separate .

    A memory Location

    B pages

    C directory

    D None of the above

    Answer A

    38. Any function can be called from any other function. this statement is

    A neither true nor false.

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    B true.

    C false.

    D true some times.

    Answer B

    39. In a program, A function can be called

    A only one time.

    B only once.

    C any number of times.

    D only three times.

    Answer C

    40. when compared to call by value, the call by reference is ________ in execution

    A fast.

    B neither slow nor fast.C slow.

    D equal.

    Answer A

    41. Actual and formal parameters must agree in

    A names and data types.

    B number of arguments and data types.

    C names and number of arguments.

    D data types.Answer B

    42. void funct(void)The above function declaration indicates

    A it returns nothing and no arguments.

    B it returns nothing and had arguments.

    C it returns a value and had arguments.

    D it returns a value and no arguments.

    Answer A43. If the number of actual arguments are not matching with formal arguments then

    A no error.

    B compiler error.

    C logical error.

    D Run time error

    .Answer B

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    44. It is necessary to declare the return type of a function in the calling program if thefunction

    A Returns an integer

    B Returns a non-integer value

    C Is not defined in the same file

    D None of these

    Answer B

    45. Use of functions

    A helps to avoid repeating a set of statements many times

    B enhances the logical clarity of the program

    C helps to avoid repeated program across programs

    D all of the above

    Answer D

    46. What will be the output of the program in Turbo C (under DOS)?#includeint main(){

    int arr[5], i=0;while(i

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    int main(){

    printf("HELLO");main();return 0;


    A Infinite timesB 32767 times

    C 65535 times

    D Till stack overflows

    Answer D

    49. If you dont initialize a static array, what will be element set to?

    A 0

    B An undefined value

    C A floating point

    D \0

    Answer A

    50. Which of the following statements are correct about the program?#includeint main(){

    printf("%p\n", main());return 0;


    A It prints garbage values infinitely

    B Runs infinitely without printing anything

    C Error: main() cannot be called inside printf()

    D Compilation Error

    Answer B

    51. There is a error in the below program. Which statement will you add to remove it?


    int main(){

    int a;a = f(10, 3.14);printf("%d\n", a);return 0;

    }float f(int aa, float bb)

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    {return ((float)aa + bb);


    A Add prototype: float f(aa, bb)

    B Add prototype: float f(int, float)

    C Add prototype: float f(float, int)D Add prototype: float f(bb, aa)

    Answer B

    52. Which of the following statements are correct about the function?

    long fun(int num){

    int i;long f=1;for(i=1; i

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    B Run time error

    C No Error

    D Compilation error

    Answer C

    56. What will be the output of the program if the array begins at 65472 and each integer occupies 2 bytes?#includeint main(){

    int a[3][4] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 3, 2, 1, 7, 8, 9, 0};printf("%u, %u\n", a+1, &a+1);return 0;


    A 65474, 65476

    B 65480, 65496

    C 65480, 65488

    D 65474, 65488

    Answer B

    57. In C, if you pass an array as an argument to a function, what actually gets passed?

    A Value of elements in array

    B First element of the array

    C Base address of the array

    D Address of the last element of array

    Answer C

    58. Choose the correct statements

    A Strictly speaking C supports 1-dimensional arrays only

    B An array element may be an array by itself

    C Array elements need not occupy contiguous memory locations

    D Both (A) and (B)

    Answer D

    59. Choose the correct statements

    A an entire array can be passed as an argument to a function

    B a part of an array can be passed as argument to a function

    C any change done to an array that is passed as an argument to a function will be local to thefunction.

    D Both (A) & (B)

    Answer D

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    60. Choose the correct statements

    A Array stores data of the same type

    B Array can be a part of a structure

    C Array of structure is allowed

    D All of the above

    Answer D

    61. Choose the statement that best defines an array

    A It is a collection of items that share a common name.

    B It is a collection of items that share a common name and occupy consecutive memorylocation

    C It is a collection of items of the same type and storage class that share a common nameand occupy consecutive memory locations.

    D None of above.

    Answer C62. C does no automatic array bound checking. This is

    A TRUE


    C C's asset

    D None of the above

    Answer A

    63. Consider the array definition

    int num [10] = {3, 3, 3};Pick the Correct answers

    A num [9] is the last element of the array num

    B The value of num [ 8] is 3

    C The value of num [ 3 ] is 3

    D None of the above

    Answer A

    64. The values within [ ] in array declaration is used to specify ?

    A Size of array

    B Largest subscript value

    C both a and b

    D None of these

    Answer A

    65. What will be the output of the following program?# include

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    void display();int main(){ printf(Hello);display();return 0;


    void display(){


    A Hello Welcome

    B Welcome Hello

    C No output

    D Both messages will get printed infinitely

    Answer D

    66. What will be output if you will compile and execute the following c code?#include

    int main(void){int array[3]={5};int i;for(i=0;i

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    Answer B

    68. If an array is declared asint a[4] = {3, 0, 1, 2}, then values assigned to a[0] & a[4] will be ______

    A 3, 2

    B 0, 2

    C 3, 0

    D 0, 4

    Answer C

    69. The names of variables,functions,arrays are known as

    A keywords

    B identifiers

    C names

    D elements

    Answer B

    70. Array is a ... ?

    A Linear data structure

    B non linear data structure

    C complex data structure

    D none of these

    Answer A

    71. If an array is declared as " int a[10] " which of the following is wrong ?

    A a[-1]

    B a[0]

    C a[10]

    D ++a

    Answer A

    72. The parameters of the called function are called

    A casual parameters.

    B formal parameters.

    C usual parameters.

    D actual parameters.

    Answer B

    73. The names of actual parameters and formal parameters

    A almost same.

    B should be same.

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    C always same.

    D need not be same.

    Answer D

    74. Which is not a proper prototype?

    A int funct(char x, char y);

    B double funct(char x)

    C void funct();

    D char x();

    Answer B

    75. What is the return type of the function with prototype: "int func(char x, float v, double t);"

    A char

    B int

    C float

    D double

    Answer B

    76. Which of the following is a valid function call (assuming the function exists)?

    A funct;

    B funct x, y;

    C funct();

    D int funct();

    Answer C

    77. Which of the following is a complete function?

    A int funct();

    B int funct(int x); {}

    C void funct(int) { printf( "Hello");

    D void funct(x) { printf( "Hello"); }

    Answer D

    78. What is the index number of the last element of an array with 29 elements

    A 29

    B 28

    C 0

    D Programmer-defined

    Answer B

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    79. Which of the following is a two-dimensional array?

    A array anarray[20][20];

    B int anarray[20][20];

    C int array[20, 20];

    D char array[20];

    Answer B

    80. Which of the following correctly accesses the seventh element stored in foo, an array with100 elements?

    A foo[6];

    B foo[7];

    C foo(7);

    D foo;

    Answer A

    81. Which of the following gives the memory address of the first element in array foo, anarray with 100 elements?

    A foo[0];

    B foo;

    C &foo;

    D foo[1];

    Answer B

    82. Is there any difference in the following declarations?

    int myfun(int arr[]);int myfun(arr[20]);

    A Yes

    B No



    Answer B

    83. Global variable are available to all functions. Does there exist a mechanism by way of which it available to some and not to others.

    A Yes

    B No



    Answer B

    84. If no_______statement appears in a function definition, control automatically returns to

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    the calling function after the last statement of the called function is executed:

    A Return

    B Void

    C main

    D None of these

    Answer A

    85. Array passed as an argument to a function is interpreted as

    A Address of the array

    B Values of the first elements of the array.

    C Address of the first elements of the array

    D Number of element of the array

    Answer C

    86. Which is the false statement:

    A An array of characters is called string.

    B Array can be passed to function.

    C Array is always reference type.

    D None of these

    Answer D

    87. What will happen if in a C program you assign a value to an array element whosesubscript exceeds the size of array?

    A The element will be set to 0.

    B The compiler would report an error.

    C The program may crash if some important data gets overwritten.

    D The array size would appropriately grow.

    Answer C

    88. Maximum number of elements in the array declaration int a[5][8] is

    A 28

    B 32

    C 40

    D 35

    Answer C

    89. If the size of an array is less than the number of initialization then

    A Extra values are beingIgnored

    B Generates an error message

    C Size of array is increased

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    D Size is neglected when values are given

    Answer B

    90. What will be the outputfor (i = 0; i

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    A Brackets( [ ])

    B Parenthesis ( )

    C Comma ( ,)

    D None

    Answer A

    96. Array can be sorted by using:

    A Bubble Sort

    B Merge Sort

    C Quick Sort

    D All of above

    Answer D

    97. _________ is used to store more than one value at a time in a single variable

    A Array

    B Pointer

    C Structure

    D None

    Answer A

    98. The two dimensional array is called _____

    A matrix

    B inverse

    C one-dimensionalD None

    Answer A

    99. The array elements have been stored and accessed _____

    A Row wise

    B Column wise

    C diagonally

    D A & B

    Answer D100. What will happen if you assign values in few locations of an array?

    A Rest of the elements will be set to 0

    B Complier error message will be displayed

    C Possible system will crash

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    B 551849

    C 125559

    D 998554

    Answer A

    103. What is the output of the following program?

    void main ()

    { int j[]={15,11,17,15,14,18};

    int m[]={1,5,8,4,5,9};

    int l[]={1,2,,1,5,9},k;
