cesa 2012 spring elections presentation

Voting Instructions 1. Please take time to read all candidates answers; it might be helpful to have someone read them out loud; 2. Some candidates are running unopposed and only require a yes or no vote; 3. For class reps, please only vote for YOUR year. (Ex. 1 st year right now votes for year 2 rep); and 4. Ballots are to be placed in the sealed envelope including unmarked ballots.

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Page 1: Cesa 2012 spring elections presentation

Voting Instructions

1. Please take time to read all candidates answers; it might be helpful to have someone read them out loud;

2. Some candidates are running unopposed and only require a yes or no vote;

3. For class reps, please only vote for YOUR year. (Ex. 1st year right now votes for year 2 rep); and

4. Ballots are to be placed in the sealed envelope including unmarked ballots.

Page 2: Cesa 2012 spring elections presentation

Cedar Lockwood for President

Name: Cedar LockwoodYear: 4Division: I/S

1. Why are you running for this position on CESA?I have been on the CESA executive for the past two years and I want to use my final year at Trent to become even more involved in the student association of our program. I am very committed to CESA and would like to take on more of a leadership role.

2. What experience do you have that makes you a good candidate for this position?I am an organized and approachable person and I feel comfortable leading my peers. I have past experience being in co-president positions for other committees. Having been on the executive for two years I am very familiar with all of the positions and their duties. This will help me to better participate with and oversee the planning and events by CESA. 

3. How will Con Ed students benefit from your leadership? I am very enthusiastic about our program and want to see it become even more successful each year. I am a resourceful person and think my peers can count on me being a strong link between our classes and the administration and wider education community. I am very open to new ideas and fresh changes. My aim will be to create a stronger connection between the students in our program and the actions of CESA as a whole. 

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Michael Neumann for Vice President

Name: Michael NeumannYear: 3Division: P/J

1. Why are you running for this position on CESA?I have been involved with CESA for two years now. My first year I was the Jr. Social Rep, and this past year the Sr. Social Rep. I have been very active in the CESA community and would like to continue by being Vice-President. As Vice-President I will be able to work with all members of the CESA Executive and help organize great activities for Con Ed Student’s. The Vice-President is also supposed to be a liaison between Trent CESA and Queen’s CESA. I would make sure to maintain a strong communication, and keep Trent Con-Ed Students involved in important activities and resources Queen’s is doing and vice versa.

2. What experience do you have that makes you a good candidate for this position?Being on CESA for two years has definitely given me a good knowledge of how the executive runs and information about the Concurrent Education program. Last year I was also a part of LEC Cabinet, and Rez reps, so I am well aware of how student groups run. This past summer I worked as a member of senior staff at Red Pine Camp. The 13 senior staff worked together to supervise 54 junior staff. This experience has given me a strong sense of teamwork, which has helped me out on CESA this year and hopefully again next year.

3. How will Con Ed students benefit from your leadership? I have a lot of energy and enthusiasm, which I will definitely bring to Con-Ed Students! I would really love to work with CESA executive and get Con Ed students more involved to the program outside of the class.

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Derrick DeKlerk for Secretary

Name: Derrick DeKlerkYear: 3Division: I/S

1. Why are you running for this position on CESA?I am running for the position of secretary on CESA to use my organizational and writing skills in a way to benefit other students. I am hoping to use this opportunity to apply my abilities to CESA and to gain experience in a committee that focuses on the profession of teaching.

2. What experience do you have that makes you a good candidate for this position?I am a good candidate for this position through my extensive experience in committee work. Throughout my high school and university life, I have continually included myself in committees such as student's council, newspaper, and intramural committees. As executives in these, I have learned to work hard and in a team. I am dedicated and responsible towards committee related events

3. How will Con Ed students benefit from your leadership? Con Ed students will benefit from my energy. Not only will I work hard and be dedicated to CESA, I bring energy and enthusiasm to CESA events and will be involved in the various events. 

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Haley Dubarsky for Community & Human Issues Representative

Name: Haley DubarskyYear: 2Division: P/J

1. Why are you running for this position on CESA?I am running for Community and Human Issues, because it is so important to me to give back to the community, and as soon-to-be teachers social consciousness is something we should promote. :) We are the leaders of tomorrow! ;) Also, I was Community and Human Issues Rep this past year, and I felt it was a great fit for my interests and leadership! 

2. What experience do you have that makes you a good candidate for this position?I may not be photogenic but I make a good Community & Human Issues Rep! This year on CESA, I successfully organized and coordinated the Canned Food Drive (and we broke a record!), the first-ever Con Ed Blood Drive, the P.D Movie Night and Cultural Outreach Night at Kenner Collegiate. I also helped all of CESA’s many other events run smoothly!  I was a member of ISW Staff for LEC, and was Spirit Rep on Student Council in high school, so running events and fulfilling a leadership role is something I feel comfortable in! I attended leadership camps throughout high school, and helped run my high school leadership camp in my grade 12 year.I also am an active volunteer back home in Ottawa, specifically with Children at Risk (helping children with autism) and have many contacts that I have made over this past year (being on CESA) in Peterborough as well. I feel my compassion and sensitivity make me a worthy candidate for this particular position on CESA. 

3. How will Con Ed students benefit from your leadership? I plan to continue to break records for the Canned Food Drive each year, and make the Con Ed Blood Drive an official annual CESA event. I have already put forward the idea to change next year’s CESA constitution to add a Con Ed Blog for students to share articles/blurbs/ideas, so I have already helped modernize and develop our CESA constitution! I also genuinely love being a part of CESA, and if you want someone in the position who wholeheartedly commits to every responsibility, then re-elect me!

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Candidate # 1 for TreasurerName: Morgan TapscottYear: 4Division: I/S

1. Why are you running for this position on CESA?•I want to get more involved in my program •I won't have a con-ed class and want to stay connected to the program.

2. What experience do you have that makes you a good candidate for this position?• I'm a math major... so I can count• I've been in charge of the finances of my house for the past 2 years. ie/ paying bills, managing accounts etc.• I am extremely organized and keep great records of everything - people make fun of me for it

3. How will Con Ed students benefit from your leadership? •I am very approachable so students who want their voices heard can talk to me•I am great at advocating for people and getting their ideas heard•I have a very professional attitude when it comes to banking and would represent CESA well in the community and at Trent

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Candidate # 2 for Treasurer

Name: Amber LockwoodYear: 2Division: P/J

1. Why are you running for this position on CESA?I am running for the position of Treasurer on CESA because I have done an extensive amount of work as the Treasurer for the 2011-2012 school year, and I feel that I could successfully continue this work on to the next year. I am running for this position in particular because it allows me to be greatly involved with the inner workings of CESA, and now, with changes to the Constitution in regards to the Treasurer having to sit on the Conference Committee, I believe that a certain amount of experience with CESA finances is a huge asset.

2. What experience do you have that makes you a good candidate for this position?In terms of my experience, this past year on CESA, I have done a lot of work to update CESA's finances into an easier, more accessible experience for all CESA members. I have done work to switch CESA's banking into an electronic format, and I have also implemented the use of easier strategies for purchasing items for CESA events. With next year's changes to the Treasurer's position, I have the experience it takes to get the job done!

3. How will Con Ed students benefit from your leadership? (I.e. do you have plans or ideas that you will bring to this position).

Con. Ed. students will greatly benefit from my leadership in the role of the CESA Treasurer. This year, I have started many changes in regards to the CESA finances, and I feel a second term in this position will allow me to see these changes to their completion. I look forward to the changes of the Treasurer position to sit on the Conference planning committee, and I know that my experience within the position already will only benefit all Con. Ed. students.

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Candidate # 1 for Clothing Coordinator

Name: Frankie Perrin Year: 3Division: P/J

1. Why are you running for this position on CESA?Last year I had so much fun helping to plan many of the CESA events and would love the opportunity to do so again. If I were reelected, this would be my second year on the CESA executive as clothing coordinator. Designing program clothing is a lot of fun and I now have a lot of experience doing it.

2. What experience do you have that makes you a good candidate for this position?This year I designed and organized the fall clothing order, the winter clothing order, and the Better in B.ED social night t-shirts. I also have experience designing clothing for programs outside of CESA including sports groups and work groups.

3. How will Con Ed students benefit from your leadership? If I were reelected next year, I would really like to open the designing process to other members of the Con-Ed community. I want to know what you want to wear. I would be open to design suggestions, suggestions for new articles of clothing you would like to see offered, and any other ideas you guys have in mind that would really improve our program clothing. Please reelect me for CESA’s clothing coordinator in this spring’s elections!

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Candidate # 2 for Clothing Coordinator

Name: Madison MackenYear: 1Division: P/J

1. Why are you running for this position on CESA?I am running for the position of Clothing Coordinator because I thin being on the CESA team would be a fantastic experience. I would love the opportunity to meet more Con Ed students and take part in CESA as well as the red apple newsletter.

2. What experience do you have that makes you a good candidate for this position?

I have past experience designing and ordering clothing in my high school. I worked with a group of 12 other students to design sweaters, sweat pants, coats and hats with the high school logo. I think having this experience makes me a good candidate for this CESA position.

3. How will Con Ed students benefit from your leadership? Having past experience I have many ideas to put forth when it comes to clothing design. Moreover, I am ready to dedicate my time to this position and the responsibilities that come with it. I work well with others and believe I could bring a lot to the CESA team!

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Candidate # 1 for Communications Coordinator

Name: Christina HoffmannYear: 3Division: P/J

1. Why are you running for this position on CESA?I am running for the position of Communications Coordinator on CESAbecause I love social media and CESA!! I really want to help all ConcurrentEducation students be connected and knowledgeable about CESA events, and teaching information in general.

2. What experience do you have that makes you a good candidate for this position?This year I was the Secretary on the CESA Executive, so I already know how CESA runs and what information should be conveyed to Con Ed students, and I completed all of the duties that were expected of me. Also, for all 4 years of my high school choir I was elected to ensure that the choristerswere informed of upcoming events, so I've had good practice keeping my peers informed. Finally, I LOVE using social media!! I have Facebook and Twitter accounts that I use frequently, and I'm always trying to keep up to date with new forms of social media! #followme

3. How will Con Ed students benefit from your leadership? I think that the Facebook and Twitter pages that were introduced this year are awesome for students, so I'd definitely keep using them! I'd also like to introduce a Con Ed blog where students could share interesting an useful teaching resources and stories. Additionally, I'd like to start a Facebook page for incoming Con Ed students, where they could talk to each other over the summer and ask upper year students advice and questions! #votextinahoffman

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Candidate # 2 for Communications Coordinator

Name: Rebecca McPheeYear: 3Division: I/S

1. Why are you running for this position on CESA?I am running for this position because I would love to be more involved within the concurrent education program. I, like many of university students, want my years at Trent to be memorable, and I would love the opportunity to be apart of CESA as the Communications Coordinator so that I could be apart of making our years here as unforgettable as possible.

2. What experience do you have that makes you a good candidate for this position?I think that I would excel in the role of Communications Coordinator because as Vice President of students’ council in high school I oversaw all the advertising and marketing projects. I created numerous posters to advertise for fundraiser, events, dances and spirit days. I moderated a Facebook page that kept the students of our high school informed about what was happening at school. I also wrote a weekly article for the local newspaper and went to the local radio station once a week to report on high school updates.

3. How will Con Ed students benefit from your leadership? I think Con Ed students will benefit from my leadership because I have many plans that I would love to make possible as a member of CESA. As Communications Coordinator, I will use social media so that all students can be connected. I will make sure that every student is aware of social gatherings and outings run by CESA, so that every Con Ed student has the opportunity to be apart of our wonderful group. I also have many ideas to bring forward and discuss with CESA to make our time here at Trent not only fun, but also to plan events that help us in our placement experiences. For example, a Sex Ed night where we could bring in workers from the Peterborough Health Unit to discuss ways in which we could approach situations with our students about sex. And of course, to make things fun, after the serious discussion part of things, have a sex education trivia competition between P/J and I/S.

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Candidate # 1 for 4th year RepName: Winnie LiuYear: 3Division: I/S

1. Why are you running for this position on CESA?CESA is a student organization that I genuinely support and believe to be an integral aspect of the Con-Ed experience. As university students, we confine ourselves to our own studies; and later on as teachers, we work in the solidarity of our own classrooms. What we lack is a sense of solidarity and communication within the con-ed student body. My incentive as Communications Coordinator/ 4th year Rep. is to initiate the ways in which this experience can benefit and extend out to all con-ed students. After all I believe that there should be more to being in a Con-Ed program then a pub-crawl t-shirt and this pretentious attitude (you know what I’m talking about!).

2. What experience do you have that makes you a good candidate for this position? France Study Abroad 2011- 2012 Trent Charity Fashion Show Co-Director 2011 ISW Staff 2010 Champlain College Cabinet Secretary & Academic Rep. Trent Pen Pals Program

3. How will Con Ed students benefit from your leadership? My leadership in a variety of positions has showed me the ropes of running student initiatives and contributed to my development of enhancing the student body. Throughout my years as a Con-Ed student, there are certain aspects that I believe can benefit all Con-Ed students and better the Con-Ed experience. Some ideas are: accessibility to volunteering opportunities (on/off campus, local/provincial/international), availability of academic and teaching resources, closer interaction within students in different Years /staying in touch with 5th year students at Queen’s and pushing active participation of professional knowledge conferences, workshops and Con-Ed events.

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Candidate # 2 for 4th year Rep

Name: Jenna FroggettYear: 3Division: P/J

1. Why are you running for this position on CESA?I am running for this position because I believe I would be a good liaison between CESA and 4th year students, I am very approachable and I can communicate and share ideas well and I would like to be the voice for the 4th years and speak on their behalf. 

2. What experience do you have that makes you a good candidate for this position?

Some past experiences that make me a good candidate is that I worked for 3 years at a family summer camp and worked my way up to co-running the dining hall with 400 campers every day. I  was also on student council for the music department at my high school where I organized, set up, and ran coffee houses throughout the year.

3. How will Con Ed students benefit from your leadership? Next year, I plan on having even more Con Ed ran activities! For example, having capture the flag in the drumlin in the fall! 

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Anita Kauldhar for 3rd year rep

Name: Anita KauldharYear: 2Division: I/S

1. Why are you running for this position on CESA?I believe this position is an exciting opportunity to connect with the student body. I have strong communication skills that are necessary in order to interact with a diverse population. Furthermore, I am a firm believer in using team building to collectively reach goals. Not only will I be delivering information about latest events or news, I will also give students an opportunity to voice their opinion regarding any concerns, suggestions or ideas. 

2. What experience do you have that makes you a good candidate for this position?From being part of a leadership committee throughout my 4 years in high school, I have provided my classmates with information regarding events and news. I went door to door to provide students with information about future campaigns regarding anti bullying, promoting health and awareness, or any upcoming multicultural, or sport events. Furthermore, I was also in charge of the morning announcements, and creating social network groups as a way to keep everyone connected with news/updated events around the school.

3. How will Con Ed students benefit from your leadership? Students will benefit from my leadership because I am a strong communicator and effective leader where I strongly believe in building a relationship with my peers. I'll make sure we remain connected through our social network lives of twitter, and face book, as well as new creative ways. I am constantly looking for creative ways to deliver messages while still sending a strong message! 

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Sydney Smith for 2nd year rep Name: Sydney SmithYear: 1Division: P/J

1. Why are you running for this position on CESA?I am running for this position on CESA because in secondary school I was involved in numerous activities, events, and positions. When I came to Trent, I began to shy away from volunteer opportunities and positions on cabinet because I did not know if I would be able to handle the workload. I now know that I can handle extra-curricular activities and my studies together. I miss being a part of a team, and what better way than to be part of CESA! 

2. What experience do you have that makes you a good candidate for this position?I mentioned before that I have had some experience in leadership roles and have volunteered. I first became involved in student council in my elementary school which I was on for two years. I then was part of the recycling and compost team, as well as in a earth care program which I won an award for at graduation. In secondary school our leadership program was weak and the principal changed the format a few times. Instead of being a  part of student council, I took peer tutoring three time even though I would only get one credit. The reason why I did this is I wanted to help the students in their courses. I became a role model to most of them and I even offered to help them with assignments and editing papers for any of their courses if they wished. I was also enrolled in three dramatic arts classes and two production classes. Through working with radio stations, television stations, and communicating with numerous people in order to promote our productions, I was able to gain valuable skills working with the public on a daily basis. Throughout my time in secondary school I became more outgoing as the years passed, which is what I hope to do at Trent as well. 

3. How will Con Ed students benefit from your leadership? Con-Ed students will benefit from me being their 2nd year class representative because they will be able to gain knowledge on upcoming events and activities going on in the program. I will also make myself available to everyone in the program so if they have any questions about anything I will help them or direct them to someone else who may be able to help them out. They will also be aware of any upcoming events well in advance which I would promote in class and continue to promote outside of class as well. I think the Con-Ed students would be able to relate to me easily and be comfortable confronting with me with any questions or issues they had.