certified athletic trainers (atcs) team … library/unassigned... · certified athletic trainers...

CERTIFIED ATHLETIC TRAINERS (ATCs) ATCs provide initial injury evaluation and treatment on the athletic field or in the training room. More severe injuries or cases that are unresponsive to routine treatment are referred to the team physician for work-up to ensure the student-athlete is returned to play as soon as physically able. TEAM PHYSICIAN/PROGRAM DIRECTOR Keith E. Penney, MD, a board certified orthopedic surgeon who is specialty-trained in sports medicine, provides continuous oversight to the program and is the team physician for participating high schools. Care is provided through his office via ATC or direct patient referral as needed. PHYSICAL THERAPY Integrated rehabilitative services are provided to speed recovery and minimize time spent off the field and out of the game. There is a direct line of communication between Dr. Penney and the therapists to ensure optimal results for each injury. CONCUSSION MANAGEMENT PROGRAM Implementation of pre and post-concussion neurophyschological computer testing with comprehensive follow-up and clearance criteria to ensure the safe return of the student-athlete back to competition. DIAGNOSTIC IMAGING State of the art imaging services are available both at the hospital and the off-site imaging facility on Kennedy Drive to provide the most accurate diagnosis possible with the least possible delay. EMERGENT CARE SERVICES Multiple urgent and emergent care facilities conveniently located throughout the greater Torrington area that are available for more serious injuries as part of the larger Charlotte Hungerford medical network. For More Information Call... (860) 496-6669

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Page 1: CERTIFIED ATHLETIC TRAINERS (ATCs) TEAM … Library/Unassigned... · CERTIFIED ATHLETIC TRAINERS (ATCs) ATCs provide initial injury evaluation and treatment on the athletic field

CERTIFIED ATHLETIC TR AINERS ( ATCs)ATCs p rov ide in i t ia l in ju r y eva luat ion and t reatment on the ath let ic f ie ld o r in the t ra in ing room. More severe in ju r ies o r cases that a re un respons ive to rout ine t reatment a re refe r red to the team phys ic ian fo r work- up to ensu re the s tudent- ath lete i s retu rned to p lay as soon as phys ica l ly ab le.

TEAM PHYSICIAN/PROGR AM DIRECTOR Keith E . Penney, MD, a board cer t i f ied o r thopedic su rgeon who i s specia l t y-t ra ined in spor t s medicine, p rov ides cont inuous over s ight to the program and i s the team phys ic ian fo r par t ic ipat ing h igh school s . Care i s p rov ided th rough h i s of f ice v ia ATC o r d i rect pat ient refe r ra l as needed.

PHYSICAL THER APYI ntegrated rehabi l i tat ive se r v ices a re p rov ided to speed recover y and min imi ze t ime spent of f the f ie ld and out of the game. There i s a d i rect l ine of communicat ion bet ween D r. Penney and the therapis t s to ensu re opt imal resu l t s fo r each in ju r y.

CONCUSSION MANAGEMENT PROGR AM Implementat ion of p re and post- concuss ion neurophyscholog ica l computer tes t ing w ith comprehens ive fo l low- up and c learance cr i te r ia to ensu re the safe retu rn of the s tudent- ath lete back to compet i t ion.

DIAGNOSTIC IMAGINGState of the a r t imaging se r v ices a re ava i lab le both at the hosp i ta l and the of f - s i te imaging faci l i t y on Kennedy D r ive to p rov ide the most accurate d iagnos i s poss ib le w ith the least poss ib le delay.

EMERGENT CARE SERVICESMult ip le u rgent and emergent care faci l i t ies conven ient ly located th roughout the g reater To r r ington a rea that a re ava i lab le fo r more se r ious in ju r ies as par t of the la rger Char lot te Hunger fo rd medica l net work .

For More Information Call ... (860) 496 - 6669

Page 2: CERTIFIED ATHLETIC TRAINERS (ATCs) TEAM … Library/Unassigned... · CERTIFIED ATHLETIC TRAINERS (ATCs) ATCs provide initial injury evaluation and treatment on the athletic field


Page 3: CERTIFIED ATHLETIC TRAINERS (ATCs) TEAM … Library/Unassigned... · CERTIFIED ATHLETIC TRAINERS (ATCs) ATCs provide initial injury evaluation and treatment on the athletic field