cerebellum 4 -5

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  • 7/30/2019 Cerebellum 4 -5



  • 7/30/2019 Cerebellum 4 -5


    Some Terminologies

    White matter : myelinated fibre tracts Gray matter : areas of neuronal cell bodies

    Tracts: collections of axons subserving similarfunction or location in CNS

    Nerves: peripheral axons

    Nucleus : collection of neurons subserving similarfunction in CNS e.g., caudate nucleus, red nuclei

    Brainstem:Midbrain (Mesencephalon) + Pons +

    Medulla Oblongata

    Folia : Leaves

    Vermis: Worm

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    Table 5.3 (1)

    Page 144


    Brain stem

    Cerebral cortex



    Basal nuclei

    (lateral to thalamus)


    Spinal cord





    Brain components

    Cerebral cortex

    Basal nuclei




    Brain stem

    (midbrain, pons,

    and medulla)


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    Located dorsal to the pons and medulla

    Makes up 11% of the brains mass

    Cerebellar activity occurs subconsciously

    Provides precise timing and appropriate

    patterns of skeletal muscle contraction

    Programming ballistic movementsActs as comparator for movements

    Comparing intended and actual movement

    Correction of ongoing movements

    Internal & external feedback

    Deviations from intended movement

    Motor learning

    Shift from conscious ---> unconscious

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    Anatomy of the Cerebellum

    2 symmetrical hemispheres connected medially by the Vermis

    Folia: Transversely oriented gyri3 lobes in each hemisphere: Anterior, Posterior, Flocculonodular (FN)

    Neural arrangement: Gray matter (Cortex), White matter (Internal),

    Scattered cerebellar nuclei: dentate, globose, emboliform, fastigial

    Arbor vitae (tree of life): distinctive treelike pattern of the white matter


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    Lateral part

    Intermediate part

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    CEREBELLUM:THE STRUCTUREInputs to the cerebellar cortex: Climbing fibers & Mossy fibers

    Climbing fibers: originate in the inferior olive of the medulla

    Mossy fibers: originate in all the cerebellar afferent tracts apart from inferior


    Purkinje cells: The final output of the cerebellar cortex

    3 LayeredCerebellar


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    Climbing fibers: excite the Purkinje cells

    Mossy fibers: excite the granule cellsGranule cells: make excitatory contact with the Purkinje cells

    Purkinje cells: Tonic inhibition on the activity of the neurons of the cerebellar nuclei

    => All excitatory inputs will be converted to the inhibition

    => Removing the excitatory influence of the cerebellar inputs (erasing)

    Cerebellum: 3 layered cortex

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    Cerebellar Peduncles

    Three paired fiber tracts connect the cerebellum to the brainstem:

    Superior peduncles connect the cerebellum to the midbrain;

    Middle peduncles connect the cerebellum to the pons and to the axis of

    the brainstem;

    Inferior peduncles connect the cerebellum to the medulla.



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    Cerebellar Peduncles

    Superior peduncles (to the midbrain):

    Fibers originate from neurons in the deep cerebellar nuclei &

    communicates with the motor cortex via the midbrain and

    the diencephalon (thalamus)

    Middle peduncles (to the pons):

    Cerebellum receives information advising it of voluntary motor

    activities initiated by motor cortex

    Inferior peduncles (to the medulla):Afferents conveying sensory information from muscle proprioceptors

    throughout the body & from the vestibular nuclei of the brainstem

    (Spinal cord)

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    Cerebellar Input

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    Inputs to cerebellum from spinocerebellar tracts have a

    somatotopic organization.

    2 maps of body Primary fissure

    Signals from the motor cortex, which is also arranged somatotopically,

    project to corresponding points in the sensory maps of the cerebellum.

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    Vermis Receives input from spinal cord regarding somatosensory and

    kinesthetic information (intrinsic knowledge of the position of the limbs) Damage leads to difficulty with postural adjustments (cerebellar ataxia)

    Intermediate Zone Receives input from the red nucleus and somatosensory information

    from the spinal cord

    Damage results in rigidity & difficulty in moving limbs

    Lateral Zone Receives input from the motor and association cortices through the pons

    Projects to the dentate nucleus, which projects back to primary and

    premotor cortex Damage leads to 4 types of deficits:

    - Ballistic movements (cerebellar ataxia)- Coordination of multi-joint movement (lack of coordination: asynergia)

    - Muscle learning (loss of muscle tone: hypotonia)

    - Movement timing

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    Outputs of the Cerebellum

    Dentate nuclei: project contralaterally through

    the superior cerebellar peduncle to

    neurons in the contralateral thalamus &

    from thalamus to motor cortex

    Func.: influence planning and initiation of

    voluntary movementEmboliform & Globose nuclei: project mainly

    to the contralateral red nuclei & a small

    group is projected to the motor cortex

    Red Nuclei Rubrospinal Tract

    control of proximal limb muscles

    Fastigial nuclei: project to the vestibular nuclei

    & to the pontine and medullary reticular

    formationVestibulospinal & Reticulospinal tracts

    Cerebellar nuclei: dentate, globose, emboliform, fastigial

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    Inputs and outputs of the Cerebellum

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    Clinical Findings and Localization of Cerebellar Lesions

    Ataxiarefers to disordered contractions of agonist and antagonist

    muscles and lack of coordination between movements atdifferent joints typically seen in patients with cerebellar lesions.

    Normal movements require coordination of agonist and antagonist

    muscles at different joints in order for movement to have smooth


    In ataxia movements have irregular, waveringcourse consisting of continuous

    overshooting, overcorrecting and

    then overshooting

    again around the intended trajectory.

    Dysmetria = abnormal undershoot or overshoot during

    movements toward a target

    (finger-nose-finger test).

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    Cerebellum and Motor Learning

    Deficits in learning complex motor tasks aftercerebellar lesions

    fMRI studies : cerebellum active during

    learning of novel movements

    Postulated that cerebellar nuclei store certain

    motor memories

    May be involved in cognitive functions

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    Cerebellum: Control of Voluntary Movement

    Information sources: lesions & damages &

    experimental stimulation of cerebellar nuclei

    Primary function:

    1. To supplement & correlate the activities of other motor areas

    2. Control of posture3. Correction of rapid movements initiated by cerebral cortex

    4. Motor learning

    (Frequency of nerve impulses in the climbing fibers almost doubles when a we earns a new task)

    Movement Control:a. Inputs from motor cortex inform the cerebellum of an intended

    movement before it is initiated

    b. Sensory information is then received via the

    spinocerebellar tract

    c. An error signal is generated and is fed back to the cortex

    Cerebellum has no direct connection to the spinal motoneurons (indirect effect).

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    Cerebellar Processing

    Cerebellum receives impulses of the intent to initiatevoluntary muscle contraction

    Proprioceptors and visual signals inform the cerebellumof the bodys condition

    Cerebellar cortex calculates the best way to perform amovement

    A blueprint of coordinated movement is sent to thecerebral motor cortex

    Cerebellar Cognitive Function

    Plays a role in language and problem solving

    Recognizes and predicts sequences of events

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    Lateral aspect of brainstem & cerebellum ,

    showing cerebellar


    It controls equilibrium, it influences

    posture & muscle tone and coordinatesthe movements

    Its surface is high convoluted, forming

    folds or folia, being oriented transversely

    It lies behind Pons & M.O. , separatedfrom them by the cavity of 4th ventricle.

    It is connected to brain stem (medulla,

    pons& midbrain) by inferior, middle &

    superior cerebellar peduncles respectively.

    The cerebellum consists of a midline

    vermis and 2-lateral hemispheres.

    Anatomically , it is divided into anterior

    , posterior & flocculo-nodular lobes.

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    EXTERNAL FEATURESOF CEREBELLUM :It has anterior notch ,which iswider and lodging the back of pons

    & medulla. It is separated fromthem by cavity of 4thventricle

    It has also posterior notch

    occupied by falx cerebelli, which

    separates the 2 cerebellar H.

    Inferior surface : rounded on

    each side and presents :

    a deep groove (vallecula) betweenthe 2-cerebellar hemispheres,which

    is occupied by the inferior vermis.

    -Tonsil is a small part of cerebellar

    hemisphere that lies lateral to

    inferior vermis.

    Superior surface

    Inferior surface


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    Superior surface : lies beneathtentorium cerebelli and has a raised superior

    vermis + a large cerebellar hemisphere oneach side + primary & horizontal fissures.

    1- Primary fissure V-shaped,well defined

    fissure, lies on superior surface and

    separates the small anterior lobe from the

    larger middle lobe (or posterior lobe).

    2- Horizontal fissure lies along the sides of

    cerebellum, extending from anterior notch

    to posterior notch, separates the superior

    from the inferior surfaces.

    3- Secondary (posterolateral) fissure

    lies on inferior surface and separates

    flocculo-nodular lobe from the ramainder

    of cerebellum.

    F i l bdi i i f

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    Schematic drawing of cerebellum

    showing the relationshipsbetween the

    anatomical & functional divisions of


    Green =archi-cerebellum,


    Pink= neo-cerebellum

    Functional subdivision of

    cerebellum :1- Archi-cerebellum =

    posterior lobe(Vestibular part) :

    _It is formed of the flocculo-nodular lobe + associated fastigial

    nuclei, lying on inf. Surface in frontof postero-lateral fissure.

    _Embryologically, it is the oldest

    part of cerebellum.

    _It receives afferent Fs. Fromvestibular apparatus of internal ear

    Via vestibulo-cerebellar tracts.

    _It is concerned with equlibrium.

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    Connections of



    It is concerned with equilibrium.

    It represents flocculo-nodular lobe.

    It has connections with vestibular &

    reticular nuclei of brain stem

    through the inferior cerebellar


    Afferent vestibular Fs. Pass fromvestibular nuclei in pons & medulla to the

    cortex of ipsilateral flocculo-nodular lobe.

    Efferent cortical (purkinje cell) Fs.Project to fastigial nucleus, which projects to

    vestibular nuclei & reticular formation.

    It affects the L.M.system bilaterally via

    descending vestibulo-spinal & reticulo-spinal

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    Schematic drawing of cerebellum

    showing the relationshipsbetween the

    anatomical & functional divisions of


    Green =archi-cerebellum,


    Pink= neo-cerebellum

    2- Paleo-cerebellum=

    (spinal part) :-_it is formed of midline vermis+ surrounding paravermis +

    globose & emboliform nuclei.

    _It receives afferent proprio-ceptive impulses from Ms.&

    tendons Via spino-cerebellar

    tracts (dorsal & ventral) mainly.

    -it sends efferents to red nucleus

    of midbrain.-it is concerned with muscle tone

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    Connections of Paleo-cerebellum.

    2-Paleo-cerebellumIt is concerned with muscle tone

    & posture.Afferents spinal Fs. consist of

    dorsal & ventral spino-cerebellar

    tract from muscle, joint &

    cutaneous receptors to enter thecortex of ipsilateral vermis & para

    vermis Via inferior & superior

    cerebellar peduncles .

    Efferents cortical fibres pass toglobose & emboliform nuclei, then

    Via sup. C. peduncle to contra-

    lateral red nucleus of midbrain to

    give rise descending rubro-spinal


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    Schematic drawing of cerebellum showing

    the relationshipsbetween the anatomical &

    functional divisions of cerebellum.

    Green =archi-cerebellum,


    Pink= neo-cerebellum

    3- Neo-cerebellum=

    (cerebral part) :

    _It is the remaining largest partof cerebellum.

    _It includes the most 2-cerebellar

    hemispheres + dendate nuclei.

    _It receives afferent impulses

    from the cerebral cortex+pons

    Via cerebro-ponto- cerebellar


    -it sends efferents to V.L.nucleusof thalamus.

    -it controls voluntary movements

    (muscle coordination).

    3 N b ll

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    Connections of Neo-cerebellum.

    3- Neo-cerebellum

    It is concerned with muscular


    It receives afferents from cerebral cortex

    involved in planning of movement- to

    pontine nuclei ,cross to opposite side Via

    middle Cerebellar peduncle to end in

    lateral parts of cerebellum (cerebro-ponto-

    cerebellar tract).

    Neo-cerebellar efferents project to

    dendate nucleus,which in turn projects to

    contra-lateral red nucleus & ventral lateral

    nucleus of thalamus ,then to motor cortexof frontal lobe, giving rise descending

    cortico-spinal & cortico-bulbar pathways.Efferents of dentate nucleus form a major

    part of superior C. peduncle.

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    Are usually vascular, may be traumatic or tumour. Manifestations of unilateral cerebellar lesions :

    1-ipsilateral incoordination of (U.L) arm = intention tremors : it isa terminal tremors at the end of movement as in touching noseor button the shirt.2-Or ipsilateral cerebellar ataxia affects (L.L.) leg, causingwide-based unsteady gait.

    Manifestations of bilateral cerebellar lesions (caused byalcoholic intoxication, hypothyrodism, cerebellardegeneration & multiple sclerosis) :1-dysarthria : slowness & slurring of speech.2-Incoordination of both arms.= intention tremors.3-Cerebellar ataxia : intermittent jerky movements orstaggering , wide-based, unsteady gait.4-Nystagmus : is a very common feature of multiple sclerosis. Itis due to impairment coordination of eye movements /so,incoordination of eye movements occurs and eyes exhibit a to-and-fro motion.

    Combination of nystagmus+ dysarthria + intension tremorsconstitutes Chacottriad, which is highly diagnostic of thedisease.

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    Sagittal section of cerebellum.

    T.S.of cerebellum & brain at level

    of 4th V. to showcerebellar nuclei.

    It consists of an outerlayer of grey matter

    (cerebellar cortex) , &

    inner layer ofwhite matter

    containing 4-pairs of

    cerebellar nuclei :above roof of 4th V. from

    medial to lateral :

    1-Fastigial nucleus.

    2-Globose nucleus.3-Emboliform nucleus.

    4-Dendate nucleus.

    (theonly one that can be

    seen clearly with the nakede e .

    C b ll t

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    Cerebellar cortex

    It is highly convoluted,

    forming numerous transversely

    oriented folia.

    It contains nerve cells,

    dendrites and synaptic

    connections of cellular


    The cellular organization of

    the cortex consists of 3-layers :

    1-Outer molecular layer.

    2-Intermediate, purkinje cell


    3-Inner granular layer, which is

    dominated by granule cell.

    T.S of cerebellar folia showinglayers of cerebellar cortex.

    Afferent & Efferent connecltions and

    their relationships to principal cells of

    cerebellar cortex.

    C r b ll r rt

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    Cerebellar cortex

    Molecular layer : contains1-Cells : molecular cells (stellate cells) &

    basket cells.2-Nerve Fibres :

    a- dendrites of Purkinje cells


    B-axons of granule cells. ( bifurcate to

    produce 2-parallel fibres , oriented

    along long axis of folium).

    C-ending of climbing fibers.

    Purkinje cell layer : it is formedof one layer (unicellular) of large flask-

    shaped purkinje cells. Their arborisationsare at right angles to long axis to folium.

    Granular layer : it is formed ofsmall granule cells & ending of mossy


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    M There are 3-types of

    Nerve Fibres in whiteMatter :1-Axons of purkinje cells :

    the only axons to leave cerebellar

    cortex to end in deep cerebellarnuclei specially dendate nucleus.

    2-Mossy Fibres : end in the


    3-Climbing Fibres : end in the

    molecular layer.

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    Afferent Fibres to cerebellum :

    Mostly end in cerebellar cortex,

    excitatory to cortical neurones,

    as mossy or climbing Fs. passing

    through the cerebellar peduncles.

    The following are Afferent fibres:

    1-dorsal & ventral spino-cerebellar

    tract. (passing via I.C.P & S.C.P)

    2-vestibulo-cerebellar Fs. (via I.C.P)

    3-olivo-cerebellar Fs. (via I.C.P)/

    (extrapyramidal fibres), (end as

    climbing or mossy fibres)4-ponto-cerebellar Fs. (via M.C.P).

    (In M.O)

    Efferent Fibres of the

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    Efferent Fibres of the

    cerebellum :

    It sends the following fibres :

    1-Cerebello-vestibular Fs. to

    vestibular nuclei of pons & M.O.

    2-Cerebello-olivary Fs. To M.O.

    3-Dendato-rubro-thalamic tract To

    red nucleus of midbrain & ventro-

    lateral nucleus of the thalamus and

    finally to motor cortex of frontal

    lobe to coordinate movement via

    cortico-spinal & corticobulbartracts.

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    It is a cavity of hindbrain.

    Position : lies between pons & M.O.anteriorly and the cerebellum posteriorly.

    It is a diamond-shaped space which is

    lined by ependyma.

    Its superior angle is continuous with

    cerebral aqueduct of midbrain.

    inferior angle is continuous with

    centeral canal of closed M.O.

    Its lateral angles extend laterally to

    form a lateral recess on each side to

    open into subarachnoid space.

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    Superiolateral boundary :-it is formed by superior cerebellar

    peduncle on each side.

    Inferiolateral boundary :

    -it is formed by inferior cerebellar

    peduncle + gracile & cuneate

    tubercles on each side.

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    -it is a tent-shaped when seen

    laterally, and diamond-shaped when

    seen behind.

    -it is formed of superior & inferior

    medullary vela, which are thin sheets

    of white matter /consists of :ependyma covered by pia mater.

    -Sup.medullary velum connects the 2

    sup.cerebellar peduncles.

    -Inf.medullary velum connects the 2inf.cerebellar peduncles.

    -Inferior vermis of cerebellum : lies

    in the middle of roof of 4th ventricle.

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    THE ROOFOF 4TH VENTRICLEThe lower part of roof is

    invaginated bytela choroidea of 4thventricle.

    The tela choroidea is a double

    layer of pia mater which encloses the

    choroid plexus of 4th ventricle.

    The choroid plexus is a vascular

    capillary tuft covered by ependymal

    cells and secretes C.S.F. into the

    lumen of 4th ventricle.

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    THE OPENINGSOF 4TH VENTRICLEThe roof contains 3 aperatures

    which transmit C.S.F. from ventricularlumen to subarachnoid space.

    Median aperature (foramen of

    Magendie) : lies in the median plane at

    lower end of inferior medullary velum,and opens into subarachnoid space at

    cistrna magna at cerebello-medullary


    2 lateral openings (foramina ofLuschka) : each one lies at the lateral end

    of lateral recess to open into

    subarachnoid space at cerebello-pontine

    angle. choroid plexus partly protrudes out

    through each lateral aperture.

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    A diagram to show the floor & lateral

    boundaries of 4th ventricle.

    It is called rhomboid fossa.

    It is diamond-shaped and is

    divided into right & left halves

    by the median sulcus.

    It is crossed in the middle bytransvere Fs. (ponto-cerebellar

    Fs.)called medullary stria,

    which divide floor of 4th

    ventricle into upper (pontine)

    &lower (medullary) part.

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    A diagram to show the floor & lateral

    boundaries of 4th ventricle.

    Upper pontine part : presents

    on each side of median sulcus.1-Medial eminence : a rounded

    elevation produced by the abducent


    2-Facial colliculus : an elevationon the top of lower part of medial

    eminence. It is produced by the

    fibres of facial nerve which

    surround abducent nucleus.

    3-Superior fovea : a groove lateralto facial colliculus.

    4-Vestibular area : lateral to

    superior fovea. It overlies superior,

    medial & lateral vestibular nuclei.

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    A diagram to show the floor & lateral

    Lower medullary part :

    presents on each side of themedian sulcus. 1-Inferior fovea :

    inverted V-shaped groove.

    2-Hypoglossal area : medial to

    inferior fovea. It overlieshypo-glossal nucleus.

    3-Vagal area (triangle) : between

    limbs of inferior fovea.It overlies

    dorsal nucleus of vagus.

    4-Vestibular area : lateral to

    inferior fovea. It overlies inferior

    vestibular nucleus.