cents editormitchell's voige op the that statement. unsigned..€¦ · i rejt^rate tlven**jiat...

VXJL, XVIII N©. 33 RICHMOND, VIRGINIA, SATURDAY. AUGUST. II. 1«m>| VIRGiMA 5;TAtr 11 RICHMOND ^"^^"Snnannaa PRICE, P1VE CENTS Editor Mitchell's Statement. A Review of the First Baptist Church Trouble. the :press and its mission..a yestkd right tikiCANNOTBE.'MADEA PUBLIC OB*BESQSE. TheJ Gospel Rxle..Rights of the Dtmomm 'Board .Roth L God's and Man's Law DisrefgaTded..ThelesueOoined. fcrf Will Contend to the End. Rickmono. Va.. Aug. 12. 1901. Te|thef,MenilKr^Jxrf the 1-irst laptas Church:. Ft.rltw.nty-threv yaars, E iu.vc BBBaBai consistent contribatsng nierhc:T oa? tht First'Baptist Chureh and during that time, Ihave never attempted to BfNBBa or particiiiate in th«- affairs otataal Nxlv. I would also remijad «ywu that during that time ! have nev^rbeen OBaWI oa to appoar before it upun any charx ¦- WherrUa' time ea*.tnef»->r the election of pastor. 1 broke tln- long silfaice, ar.d protoated against ibi* of the nu st oat- rageous. bBbBbBBbbbBbbIstf'God's hoa.se-over seen in this or any ObBBbT comauuuity. Yon are fAmiliar no doubt wi<h the disgraceful proccedhiga of Monday night, June 3. 1901, when I with >thers wa* joercd.'hootcd and threatened with bodiry inJBiw on nocount. >f not being favorable 80 tlie candiriucy of Rw W T. Johnson. 1 HK OMABGK A** PRBOXNTEP. fffFnough f.rr that! Snffice it to say that injnry was a.lded to insult-v. hen U8*>n a trumpod up jharge of having- lH-eii^uil- ty of a public offenae, I ww agahi de- nied the riglit of defeuee and in the n< < of the anost ot:trag««ou»; partrsan mling by Rev. Tom H. Briggs. K. a vose of 66 to 64 waa declared eaccludatl froirt the church. Tha* by s votes wae thia out- rage iftegally perpetxau-d. -This-%>-as done in a church with a mentt-ership of 2600. The cfaargc waa that I publiahed iu the columns of the Pi.abvet the BtiBBto letter of Rev.nW. T. Johtnaon addreaaed to the chavrch and also the prsceefkngs of the chau-chymeeting of July 1, 19&. TBuE UOHT TO PCB1.ISH. I preenme yon know that as editor. ef the Pi.anft, it ia my rigbt and iinty to publish anytha.(g I BBO nt. being irespon- sible only -in tbe eourta of the coinnion- wi-alth for the.abase of Crie privilege. Thia rigbt is, engrafted Ln the "Consti¬ tution of tho United States and efce Bill of Rights of Virginia. It isabsurd to-aay that a right.a vest- . ed right in the veoognizeid law of thia country ia a crime in the neoogiiizad law of the chureh. It is a fact that there is n<»t one liue in the constitution of the Ftret Baatist Church which aays that the proceedings of r. church shall not be publiahed in tho. oolunms of a newspaper. Neaaaer ia there any puuiahmeut provided for so doinff. TUB WORbB .SIIOULD KNOW. On -he other hand, it is a well-known princaple that the.church in its meetings should do nothing whieh it ie ashamed for the world to know. The ehurch is not a secret organiza¬ tion. it concedes rtrhe right to pnbliah its proceedings in.a favorable light and therubyacknowledges the right to pub lish tbe proceedings in an uufavorable light. The statement that an official letter addressed to 2500 people ia a private doc- ument is too ridiculou* to adniit of a moment's conaideration. An official letter cannot be a private letter. I had a right to publish it. THEED1TOK'* POBITIOX. I atated in the Plaket at the time and assert now that if there is anything in the report of the proceedings which is either incorrect or untrue, I stand ready to make such a correction. I need hardly to state that the editor- ial department of the Plaket, for which I am personally responsible ia on the 4th page and my name appeara at the top of the page. In these columns, up te thia writing, aothing has appeared concerning the Hrst Baptist Church. The article of which complaint is made appeared in the reportorial col- nmus and was a report of the proceed¬ ings of the church meeting. If the church or any member interest- ed in the controveray desires to make a statement, the columns of the Planet are open. WaU CONTKND TO THK KXD. But, on the other hand, if any attempt is made to question my right to publish or to puniah me for ao doing, I shall con- tinue tbe conteat to the end of the chao- ter. r I claim tbe right gnaranteed nnder tbe law, and deny the right of any in- * . .lividunl r orKJUiizHtionr',, ht^j- BBSiaia thnt rijrht. I Klmll publish anytthiuK 1 BSS ri* which ia -oucluyl ln r*aes*afBt fcjiKuapr and ir a-a-Min-e ,.1 ir.lon. iin»*> ., t<> cmr renders. 1 shall oxp<>*> n]J ,aaa*fa*0pSx* and nnluv-ful riiuga, chqves or ,r jiil.ijm tlons. rafB8a*41sxa1 Bxf th* 0*Ba*a*a8BaSSB08SI either 80 D ys«lf or tlu- jonnut' vhich I rc|in*saV!t HAVB**K. SJAiSJ. Whrni ii the right, I have jio fa>*r. I have Dnwer v«t trailed my baiao-r in th.* dust ^TtaBii naifmsBOa* ta* do*arn-ta*odden onte»si i**s> ile erasi wheu i facd oosn- hn-ntioj*- i., >re ]N»M*«rfuLivid daiajerous tlmn fbxmsjbj * with BSxnifBaTfl am iiov 0OBV toaadilBK. 'i Imvc troMtoil lU'Godaiul ITc BSaTJ raSaBBff > t dcceiav.vd or forsaken nie. 1 hu*fr>luv<*n in *axa»SSBafBS taBBSS unies n <i«SlaSkSS of my rijjxvt to pulaiah and .hree ttnie** Have white juries cV.-ki .1 in tf ivnr OS rsaj rifc'ht topublish. *Ak* : IKOKV«Sr:FSOrB. It BSBaBnt 80 \h- tho W>my of fat<* ti at I havr. UfO but once BaaaBBI I BBBij .f col- ¦<*- <1 ikso>1« ,a id that tim. have leen oondeniraed rf >r exonrjbKuiK **¦ privikjre. w lich is known and -x\*cogi*m*d t.» I*- a rhxht hy Batioi n. who bbws the int* lli- »e tcc nttrt ita .lity to amdecNtaml h.- fuuduiucnanl v,.rinciph** uuderlviug».>ur t<o- u of K<rvernnient. I'avuiK the I overri-Ylon bTb. luws of ¦*.... this naune riinj proteede* to B) r rid* the law* of Qod. xaVli.AW VIOLaTSlD. S.» where lu tlie Bible which is th * fatfa'aiu-heavd ,of all law and vs in fac th«- j uide toauiextent eveat Ln the conrtf of th- land covn then* be foauidom* word linecr syllahie 8o cover th*- case or t* eotadt-iun a rssaxaffn****, who at editvr madt puhli the proooedingg of ti*> church. It it plainly .wident that *his action wwi ilii'jfal and <vai«i. I rejt^rate tlven**Jiat I have -.violated UO law-of tlu* aiaaTaQh. How tlhon COttld a denaajid be mavdetupon nie to aak par- don wh- n no 0B*Bnfa*M had bee* coaviniit- tcd? How then oon'd I be hr-gally ex- cluded<wrhen no ruk of the ehuroh had been violated? I do not presume that it ia necesaexy for nae to call att«a»ti«n to the 18th , .hapter ttf Matthew, s*hioh set* foxtt the ptx^ier rule of oonluct iu dealinu with all oascs of discipline Instead>of oompljriujp with the pravi- aii>ns, apaj^.*r contaiuiiiK forged urni-es vas presftnl *d to tbe. *t>-*acon Board Jtly 7th, caliiaiir for a sneeting Moini«v night, July 15th, aud an effort **#vas roade to e»clude me without eitecji hes-ring or«ven a notiot to appear. THE GO#a*SL RULK BjafcHEOARDKD. Ko one hadlteen to see me, buton nuo- tion, a .writtesi.coniniunieition was seiat to mo to appear at the ohurch-nieering Augnst 5th to show cause*why I shotiW not he excludad Did you ever hear of a cimrch sending a wrifcteii comnMiiiication to a brother, citiiiK him to apptjar-1 Do you not kuow that it was propea- for the member, wao made tke charge So go to the brother agamst whom the charge was made. and th^neby compfy with the mandato- ry provisions of vthe 18th *Chapter oi* Jiatthewr TflDE DUTY Or JTHE CHUBCH. Certainly. a committee should have waited upon him. But this was not done. When I appeared befare the chunch, I was brow-beaten and insult- ed. Although called to show cause why 1 should not he excluded. when I obeyed the chnrch and appearod, I was denied the right to do what the ehurch had di- rected me to doand was excluded while on the floor in my own defense. I presnme yon know that no case of discipline can come properly before the First Baptist Church until it has firat been brought before the Deacon Board. Should that body fail or refuse to con- sider it, then it can bo brought before the church; but, not nntil this ia done can a brother be brought before the church. THK CHURCH, THE LAST RESOKT. So true is this that "Hiscock'a New Directory for Baptist Chnrchea," the recognized Baptist authority, declares that should a brother be brought before the church first, before an effort has been made to correct the offense com- plained of, the member, who brings the matter up should be himself punished. This then is a brief review of the case which has attracted attention through- out this country, and which is being watched with interest by all, regardless of religion or denomination. KEVKR HEARD OP 8UCH BEFORE. I am frank to Con'esa that I hare nev- . r bBfoaa>aBBBBBSBf such an atteanjitsd nsurpataaai of bbbbbi oai Ifae part of aiw i bodv of awaajaa, atriaBBig :Vs it doe* ata [ vttal hjuot pnnople of afao repubJic .and ; Hitcrferiac.wtti tkearetcd powers <©f I the ooBaiaa The <pn*st»or. bvf**>*,?> is. Caat rings Iaad repi».M-!iir;rives of- aooret urjeaitKei-' noas {aaaaa .!!« i»astor* tor obBbbbbb*] tbas dCBBBBBUigi-UH* l»c.aut fide meiubor*- ,f the church of.tiietnruflr.s in thi*! juat-, ter'r < an rdaaf BBaaBB and bbBbbBBB tlw puKic press. which. a* tlie bulwark of Jrtwmty. was onlained and seut fortli r<» »sa*we; . t-uch nefamow-pTateaioe VIESTIOXS .WIUCH DtOI AM' UBbBBbBbB. i ui th*w, .rpou th/tr own bbBbBbbb, nluce unjmitciplvrt men in the chair W qnPBtinBastlli -BBaMaBBa and att«Muart fcV I punish atribuueofi thi colored pwvple t*ne whoBawatlbOTorla\. their (bbbbbbbb! worke<i nightiBad day m pleading shear' <ause in fh- ti.rum of the nation? Can th»«y at«eniptJ.av> ripph- hww&u- nce and boast of- ta«-:r pmwcKs ia th. ?a-.treeta of aiHM-jity? l*hUk«a>e.^neau«r> which decnaatdt. au answer. A mewiiar.iuis(BBMBB alh-d to ^aas-kW i us obm Shurnluy Bjajfbt, August lUt-h | K)l. and alieavquestaors will no d.ai»u niscusrwd there. THEJl-.HCHE aatOBBBBt THK MAN. As for Bmvk mat*r»n- Imt little. lt ifi h. c cause., rather tba.i the nuiu which .v ill hc preaoirfrt to ync. '.'t is tlioae-memtors BjrfaO stav awav TTOSB thecitur->h-iiie<'ain>:.s which bbBbBb! such disgrattotul-aceim- ipossible. I have iKithiug uim\ to say ta The! ;TmJt uises. The |H*opl".inud«> ana>>-hat I am. Dur¬ ing my eurhleuai years «.f puhlic bbVI have Ixvii oh,.r- BBB*BBbb1 listeniug -tn tii. coir,plaints<if raBO loaafa/ and doingall in my power bBMBBBBBb for them the rijpW iWBj h have^aren so ku»g denie<l. Tae obaiBB) BbbbI 1 ha,v - in nnv wbvt«« Bsot >d upon+iiaiier faonjry jn-ople **¦ The labo ing cla»w«*; in awv walk of hfv isi fatvu'tsurd to rvaguire. a-d^nial and v««t i ««do.8i ny it. stilil :bavk ry. kxt -. ltf> friends Ihave ue :cr desertwd ui« whet} my aBBBBaBBI sough. to t-iuxMnpaj* BBJ rn in or rejuur* at irry defent. I bave tlie matter ar the lmnds<*~.a BOOBKtSod, kiiowrug thut lespite all of the ht< rmy sceaias thrts- ;h wliich I am I«wKia^, I sliall -after BBBra fitful bOSSB sleerj..-«ell." and-tine Maker of all paid and pe-tect j^ifts will, iiaHis own tiiart., wipt-ut! tears froim ourey.s. KespHK-traiily sdhn.itted. JOH3C Mirc-iKLL JK **» liat Are V e llert |*ati The rapreseatatiBH ot^tu tt our white Democxaalc daily joasrnala called on us and afkes . xpn^sing -aurpria | at the ac- tion of v.t'ie First iBaptiat Church re- i .narked. rlditckell, why dsr 't you ask I hem, what are we harre for WAJm,)-A ma* BataBB horse and ands, tcwqrk on shaves a-.cinall farm Bjatv near c ty. Suitaade te- tnu-king aald gratiug. Good chauice for industri ©BsmananH rrtfo, Ajiaff toF this office. P«h»bi Woreestejr, '"aass. 1o pay elnm h defot, Hev. W. B. Pear- son, pastor oflBethe! A. *at. t. Church isph.nmn^|*-aiidrallya5if >his conjrre- gatioa. lt avill be iu tbe ohrsx-h, Sun¬ day, ^Sept. 1. rsBS* effort willbt made to erowai the «hurch audnvorimu at all three-iservicen. Special sermow will be nrtta.*hed at 10 o'clock in thetsioming, .8 o'clock in the aftemcon aur 7:80 at m#ht The i-iain object of the rally ietoraise fJundst to carry on. the church work and ¦aeduceall debts. lt is expectei that «very inember will ^ve a sum <a£j»oney There-is a debt qtf f 1000 on the. church .property. The Festival which has been ia pro¬ gress for several woeks will ouutinue until Sepfcmber i»t Some money is beiag realiced each tright, but tbe pas tor says an-effort hasto be made in ad- ditian. He hopes soma citizen wilLeome sorward and assist the church ia its atraggle for maintenatie. I Wcaxester's young men aae bogin- niugrto open sheir eyes since Sergt. Jas Bell of 99 West St. returned home from across the deep blue. Iftr. Bell is a very britfht young man and is working very hard just now trying to form a nrilitia company. He held a nsseting at his home Sttuday, A*g. 11th So talk matters over, and there wore 29 ia attendanoe One very promiuent young man that was there was Mr. Oeo. Griajin, former- ly a private in L Co.; 6th Retjiment. They made a good show ing hut there will have to he many more to form a Company, brst we hope they .srill come forward. Offieers Eleeted. Manchestkr, Va., Aug. 13, *0l. Following officers elected for inatalla- tion: R. J. Jackson, C. C; Payton Carter, V C.;UmphreySeaborn. Prolate; Edward Barbitt, M. of Ex.; Cyrns Jones, K. of R. & S.; Robert Holmes, M. at A . Fletcher Powell, I.G.; Elijah Murray' O. G.; Jss. T. Thompson, M. of Works! Geo. E. Scott, M. of Finance. The officers were installed by Deputy J. T. Thompson of Manchester Lodge No. 11, K. ofP., assisted by Sir S 8 Baksr, P. C. of Maceo Lodge- VOIGE OP THE IHITBPKjn _ i *.«*JH> BIVIELL. JaV^XCniTlkEir FTOM ( Hl i B*t>wf. .ifriua* Baotixt (Tswotrii 'tJffta'lMl *at 21'iiMU-it inn ia Un riaw^. Me^tfatr. Laste«l *««* Hour*. [Richmsnd Dispafah, JSrnsr 8 ,)V>h*i nfrrt hell. Jr., edrtor of the Plav rvr. «nd<wv of the *Vwt--knf>wii oolored tnaieninto* State. aa* b-eti exclxded ."Hrom the T-rst Africaw Baptist Vhmrch <vthiR city. This arrtu m was taken lhast Mondiv 'light, sft-ra very frt-rrnrv meeSing. which laortr d from alrartly afterX o'el >ck UBtil *kSJBBS next murxing. 'The Omrch y alleged tltat K<lit«»r Mitchell fiermitted a publioatactn iu his pey>*.r oftse proceed- iu»rs of a * rnier nKtetanjr of ihe churoh which, asa loyalnanaswr of the OnUBBoh, he shonld not have done. H* was aa*ed . to apoloariae. He dW-luud So do ao aud jl was cxvl-aticd. Thi*, i* ths cburchs Skfa ^.briefly *ta*\«d. f Editor Mitchell <xiUB8iu!a taat he avid . the repr«*v>utative* crfhis pap r did ao » thing that was wruiia in weitinv aad . printhig a report of tha proe^-diiiKH of | the meetisjg referred ta. He iiolda. s*> ; oordinar to astntemem made hv a niina- > tor and a Triend of his), Is.at night, that , the meetisir was not a -seorrt one. anr that lt^cowM not have been, sijiee nwm rs of other churches were present ata* I wera known to be present, and-were uot asked to retire. He contends ihat for this roasosi the pn*ct*»yHa*a8 wer- placed in the hajatls of the psntdic and became publio au^sperty. He theoaiuiad a right, i,*i|*er *>niblrahui, to priut in hi* jftrffeT w .at had occurred ia a practiralhr -open m *etiiiK BBS hold* that he haa done nothing ¦wrong ouai heuce has noapotirv to -make. The nK*etiUK of last Mondav night was pactvroularly intcf*eanuig. Tne at- tnulaiu-e at the 08B8BS*BBfl wn* large, but aa the uu*hr wore on the -mwd Inaaon . od untilv vften th. vote w**-? taken. IsSS rthan *M0 jMirsons wctv in the room The vote f< >r exclusion «tot»d sixtv-four .to tifty six The facfs irrvenabov. Ohtaiued v?hh much care. The erSorta *;> see Editor Mitchell |in puimm faoled A nnnuhe' of other perarav* were v.-n and their uarrative* were avl: pra<ti<*llv a< given above. But several of those seend*»-hired that a faotiouarttjrht was behiud the actaen Sahen by th* church in withdrawiiiK atl* iowship from Editor Mitchell. JThe iiur*e*ii*g, the report of which ga*e «*ffence to so many of the naembets 88* th.« church, .was that one at which Rev W T. Johnson, of Lexington was 0SnaS| Ip tln- pastocrue of the church. One fac¬ tion wauied this iniuister, so if is said 3Jm other faction, of which, it is said Bdator Mitchell has helonged. wanteii tlie R«*v. WaOaJSr Bnx>k>, of Waahing ton. It is claimed by aome that the re IKrrtui the Plaxkt offended only the faotwn favoriujr the Rev. Johnson, and as they were bi the niajority, they w.re able-to take the action of last Mondav night *.*»«»7 It aaid that Mitchell will be unable to jovB any other Baptist church in the city, ualess that, hurch ia williuK tod*> clare that he has been wrongly traaatod by the First Church. JOHX 3UT1HBLL NOT 1HSMAYKO. Friend. Wlll Ask for a Recoasldera- Hon. {Evtsting Leader, Ang. 8, 1901. J John Mitehell, editor of the Pi.aket « !2ifT«5*5? at tht> a^tiouof the Firat Baptist Church (colored) in excludinjr liun from u* membarship. The action was taken on the part of tne church at a meeting held last Mon¬ day night, which ran until 2 o'clock in the morning The cause of the action was the pnbhcation of a letter in tha Planet, which certain members of the church allege was a secret matter When seen this afternoon Mitehell said that the action of the church was entirely contrary to the rules of the church, and that, while he was exclud- ed at the meeting he did notconsiderthe action legal. His friends have called a meeting for the 19th inatant, at which time the question of reconsideration will be considered. MITCHELL'S FRIENDS AT WORK. Appeal to Board of Deacons to Rel n- atate Him. (The News,.Aug. 8, "01.) John Mitehell, Jr., editor of the PI.AVKT, has been expelled from fel- Wship in the First African Baptist Church of thia city. The grounds of his expnlsion is that he published in his paper the proceedings of a meeting called ui connection with the e- tection of a pastor, which certain in- dividuals beleived should have been jg?rg*i Th"n*aaJority by which Mitehell was expelled was very narrow, and the result was reached only after a very stormy meeting and a deflance of parliamentary procedure. Friends of the editor are circulating rr*<lllajBBaa*BBaBBBBjdras the r*BU*d<tf£V - ¦"»lat, fora asaaaiiiaj to he h^ld an Au- **st l,-»th*t»-.tsUB--th. matter up iu due ¦'fc'in. The «nanri*> ..f Mitehell. it n al "¦'"' . 'lt«*5gHB*e<l a, Prrard nfTkaaBwit* %a which irh,. iBMtUir should have been [ a*;eiYd brforeaiie-ccKigregati,a1 call ao to i«a« »i»ik it.- ?.H-ausc «»f btaand was HBtv/oraba* *«> KtcheE. .»OHX XTSnilKI/l/S FOSlTTrwN. 4»* ConteadN That Re Did XoUibb* to < auae His Removal from Chirrrh. (I*k?hj*a*1BBiTEin.**, Aug. 9, lftfia) E Sn? *£*** of John Mitehell, «*ditor f2 ?SS P,^NKT^ ll»v* <-alled a raaaBBBBJ of w.- First Bapract Charch (llllhaTatJ con xrrgntion f«rthe ll-ta in.stant to art on * t*- question atwanaaiBihii hia the action i «d the chureh Wt Sotulav night -ba ex j-edBdiug him from it> met iN-rship. Mitehell arnid yeefxday that he was »-a« way dJaaBasraai ;,t tbs m-t**ai-taken tom Monday night, »for hie felt trhai ba an»n BjOtbaaa* legnlly expelled from tho l^ibi'rshipof thatchnn-l*i. HV<aro:,.inU tara. the reasons »rra>-n for such -axtion .aaajMiot raffi.iant.Bjid he mnrntmns tfas* what he did in the prernW was ix »i i hreHch of faith lM cause Off the tx-mhle w«* the BSSjV aS". °S a lett**r br ?«it*-hrT;.*-,,,. K*v w. t. Johnson. iu re rerenoe r. the tau*. rate of the ehurdh. T lie faaiar >ra- tvm or a portion of them, coawidcred tbe i tter a matter rd Been <v. Mitehell aad i is friends consii*. red i t'a anrttw of paKh lmportan.v. a-*d st atv n* their "aBBBBBl tbat it was au offiei aj dnotiui. nt anri Mavaaaad to * oongrvKa tkm of 2..00 peo-pi. MtabaQaaranj tv.isao4eae.of iiews-ai the reavters «rf uis paper.and a* a IBBBffasharrt w <%* kw d»7tv nr rjrmt fie iiBsr* when it did not c^iifiict wiih ptr- soiial Ojliyatious. Mrbrtiall said yv*t,a*lav Uiat theaetioai ef th*- eaurvh on Memdnv night, whaja fhcrv \%-re lcm than WM, BaaOfaB) of a <x«. gn>Ka«80« of 2.f*S) nreaeait would uxm' todisrot* the church. The Jl'iruiuent Frerted -a.ihor |>aj Coirrt el Srwport w*** r* nus bj*. The Tbrv \V. MiteheB inonuinent has ¦ ern erecSed and veiled and *v >rvthiug is being put in shape |aj -the ii.th of i ugust.mn-.-eiling day. The aaaatajBBaJOaj danaTaswaTJI atnBat who have pn*miat«l sunis of nnuvvy to turn it it as early at possible so tha*" they niay bt able to m«*ot their obligwtaons proiupt ry. All permis having books m . re- BBBajBssd to have them iu the hoadtuar ter*. of the Aawwiation, 305 JS\ 2ud St by Jtmij;. l!*hr i-'IOl. Ia tho list j*iven iu the laat issue, ehe lutn*.* of Kichm.Hid Lodge, Na 1, K. of P. w*i« uuintoB*sii>UHily oniitted wish toSBBBTSIOVaadfB the follow ing eavitributkntas: Riehnw uid Lodge. No. I. K. of P. $5,0. W. R. Pattemm. Sluefield, W. Va. 1.00 Silver Leaf Court. 241, 1. O. C. X**w- pow News, Va. - Bjfjfj Invinciale Lxlge. (*ld Fellows. iJM} Some tinie previoaato uuvoilingday a sjKjiker'a staud will he ereetod faeu-x the. nioiiainent. A very lneat BQaaaSBI has been erected at th«- entraiice to the . .emetary and the aupariiitemleut pla.** *x at the diopiwal (lf those personsattend- utg the uuveiling, and other ooniforts raade a*? faraa i>ossihle by the ownrr*. rjf th»* cemetary. THK DFM-OXS IX SKSSIOX. The? Rold Hpeeial Meeting.The Chareh Meeting Ordered.Hro. Hritrgs Wrsthy. The Deacon Board of the First Bap- tiat Church held a special meetiug laat Sunday morning after aervices for tbe purpofie of granting the committee cer¬ tain privilegea in renovating the pulpit furniture. Deacon A. W. Holmea, Man¬ ager of the True Reformer Hotel preaid- ed. Brother H. F. Jonathan preseuted a petition signed bv a long list of mem¬ bers of the church asking for a church- meeting to be held Monday night Aujr litth 1901 to consider the ease of John Mitehell, Jr. Rev. Tom H Briggs, the sailor oon- taactor waa on hand to oppose the grant Ing of the church, He declared that the Deacon Board would be held ac conntable, if it acted and intimated that they would be dealt with by the church. THE BULIN'O OP THE CHAIR. Chairman Holmes ruled that as Rev Briggs was not a member of the Deacon Board, he had no right to speak without its permission. He insultingly respond- ed that he was a member of the church He contmued to gpeak despite the mild protests of the other members The Deacon Board voted unanimous- ly to grant the request. It isalwaya cnatomary to dothis when the petitiou is aigned by 15 or more bona-flde members of the church Brother Henry G. Carter who did not wear those big-leg white breechea and shad-belly coat laat Sunday morninjr was very mdignant and openly declared that the present Deaoon Board would put out. Rev. Robert Watkins, who was guard at the penitentiary during the Readiua- ter rule was equally emphatic, but Bro Nelson Williams, Jr., who forged the names te the application for the meet¬ ing was not in evidence on last Sundav morning. ** Deacon Harriaon Smith waa appoint- ed to give out the notice at every ser- vice of the church. That Letter Unsigned.. The True Keformers And The Secret Cireular. A KERLY TO A DENIAL .INSISTS- THAT. THE CHARGES MADE ARE TRUE. Aa Appeal tr> the Gsnstitutioii..A Word Aboui Salaries. A La-» tjnto T-hemselves. No repry ;-xa* nj« ye* weai reoiv.*d from t*a*f*ax*n*l Worthy Secretary W. P. Burn 11 SaTSB Cas Wr JL T. 'Hill iu au- swer totheirueries <of Editor JoimMitch- ell. Jr.. relar-ve 80 BBa.wa.J8wl .o^jcular. V N< rTHKR SKi raxT Cl RCCI. -s K. On Auguat 8th, JJ»1. Eriit.n Mitchell re<-eive<l anenvelo* e »ddi*es.«*ti to "Kdi- tor, Richmond 1 *i.AKrn. Ri hmond. Va." The post tnark Kh<r*r**ri thai it had been maik*d in this city, .aud had reached (he p^t-ofli ee at half \past two o'clock tliat n**.rnin;r. It <outaiued a SSfj r of tlie n>w fa- mous secret rirvuln.r. uo whi'ii was written these w**-rds. "We seud OOBjff for yonr pentran." A i-KTTi.R TO THK KlaTOK. It also ormtained a Wter tvpewntteii, well pnnct»ia«ed. beiuK tha* woxk <>f a person thoroughh- trniried ia the type- writiug baoineas. lt is a model of sieat- n<*HM aud eorT»*et upelling It reads a* folinv s: THK DEMALH A-.NB OTHKK V*-'B**TK>N> "Richbonu. Va., August. MfC Irflitor, Richmonti JV.ANET: Knowing yai have always laboral (B) BBBB9 <»ur people.po»tod on such things aa affect their interest. bjbj beg you to pl<ja*e ask the followiug question* rela- tivt to the secret uiruialar, the RbbbBBbbbT >has-ao often meutioned thnmgh it col- Iciium n-cently: U), Ii its coutenta are falae. why were th*? Chiefs of the Divi- skui* »rdcred to stuiimou their meKaen- ger* iu «ecret intH'tings and instruct the.ni noi t<- i.-t it ba road iu their subordiiuue F'onntiBaisr WANtrt? the kkm kmei. *j>o piblish (2), Ifohe cireular is faloe, why does the Reformer uot publish it*- coutenta and advise its readers to ruad taa. Guide Book. iasued by the Roard <rf Directors prior to the last Grand Sittistg. read sec- tion a. page 39. of the Constttwtion, and then r*ad the rt*jx>rts of the Miauitee of the lllth aud Jutlt Annual S«««ions of the Grand FouttSuiiir THK PKK#slJ>K\T*S S.M.AKY. (.'ii, lf tlie Presideut's salary and dhe salary *>f other eertaizi officers were ia- <-reaaod liefore the last Grand Sittiug, why were they not reported to the Grand Fountain for confirmation last Septcmber:- Read the President's re¬ port of the Mth Annual Sesslon and see if he mentious it. (4), How many of the delegates to the last Grand Sitting knew of these important chauges? THE SAKKTV Off THR ORDER. ("»), How can an order be safe as lcug as certain offlcers can come together aud have their salaries raised when ever they feel like it aud not report such to the Grand Body when in arrnual session for confirmation? Yours for the race, Subscribers." Itmaybe that Messrs. Burrell and Hill are too busy getting ready to in- stall the True Roforruer pastor of the First Baptist Church te prepare their answeas. THB FIRST TIME. This is the first time that any com- munication has been opened up between the local secret circular committee and the generai public. The failure of President Taylor to run them to earth" ia rather an omi- thSthL1^' /iUCe !! must conceded that the headquarters are in this city The organization is an incorporated inatitution and as snch is directly sub- ject to the order of the court. DoesMr. W. P. Burrell reoeive as month.' Does Mr. R. T. Hill as Cashier receive #150.00 per month? ^«"»er A COMPARISON OF WAOK8. What is their pay for ertra work? If this is the amouut of their salaries what do the clerks, assistant clerks, ete re- ceivo? A comparison of wages would tend to enlighten the public from whom the organization draws its snpport and whose funds tead to swell the ootlers of the institution in question. If the officials have been misrepresent- ed, the columns of the Planet are open to them and through this channel. they can make any statement which will en¬ lighten the public. - - of 110 East Leigh St., has removed his offlce tofiOO North 2nd St., opposite the True Reformers' Bank. His new offlce is much nicer than his old one, which will be more convenient for his patients THEIR DOORS OFEH WIRE. iA Reiiiarkable Letter.Speaks I'lainlj Tn the Kditor..The Action of the First llapltst Church.A Cor- disl Invitation. Kditor John Mitehell, Jr. ha* been th- reoipi.mt of of invitations to join the K^pal and the A. M. E. Chun he8 *The frOIowmg letter from a waH- kj*,wn white (',1th,.h.Pncst iaa niode 1 llaaaar of iaa kind. and no< having obtain- «-«Iliscxmseut we with-hold his name.: l'HK SEVKREXD's I.ETTEB, WtOUIaaWVOBl, Dk.. . .\uk. ;<, !901 My Dear Mr. Mitehell.. aa-a - ,, In t( *1;,v * l^ltimore- St n. .read an accouiit of vour exuuhuon from tbe Bnptist Chuich ^P0"**** Now, will yon uermir Daa as an old friend af vours te give expression to £ »h,*ghtt>jat raggests itaalf to nif' l oaa of aoauaa *-.v.prea« no opiniou as te the faota MBBjiuulad with aaa ease. 8in<£ I bavoBaBaabar heard nor read anything ber/OBad th* few lines in the Six. IXTEKDaCD AS BfMsHMEXT. The action on the part of tlu* .,«,.. - of the First Baptist Cl.un-l^Iti^ uitendtHl aaa puaJshmenj: aud will r. ' fiect ou you BB the cvts ot soan, few pe£ But, after all, wliar does it ameuut »a J have often woudered how a m«n of your nitelhgence and euueariun could churcli kSmmH W,th a "^^nSg THe LORD 8 INTH-NOHON. The Ix>rd iiitended his chnrunito be *r* orgauized society to whicli .u^sTff long m order tosave their bob£ TW hereaies would come; that di^atTx! uommatious would spring up/a^rtW each for itself. to be the Churl^hcJchSf; was diviuely foretold and should £Z1 no wouder to ou, who has SKt SS THE ONLY TROUBLE. The trouble with yom. it seem- ^ "1 this; you want to be intXSXi0 mt want to be popular and ^nt e tS ' J^T jonty of people in you? JSm ?s Z£* "^ Did yon ever read thos,. .-ords. TEE LORDS WELCOMB, May pour case resemble the one rof th*. cTth^* Go"1*1* who ^as^ned 0n\ of the synagogue, but lovingly receiverl ?JrHUK^rd- The chn*h ot tha 22 Lord bids you welcome into he, bcSun if^therwnse you have the right ;.&££. I trust vou will accept tliese exnrea-. ^"m °frieUdIySpi"t iu JSwfS re.2. ^ Wi8heS f°r ^^ .tft*re,;i Yours sincerely, * <»K1>DERS0>-J0NE!S. to Mr. Robert p. Granderson has beea an! nounced to take place Aug. 27th, at/ sii ° Th0^.- .?' the Hotel Reformsr Ihe bride is the young and attractive wrdow of the late Cornelius Jones and i* very popular. The groom is a valned. employeeof the True Reformers, beint themanager of Branch Store, No £ Manoheator, Va, -BS a an _ Miss White Is to Teach At Hsrtshora. College. Mias Viola M. White, (oolored) a irrart oate of Oberliu College has beW euSSr yla? aShWmttHartShorn **££& o(T°iLJ?irrougig' £. Professor of O. T. I^nguage and Litorotnre^Stoa! "Permit meto endorss her withon* true and broad culture, souud commor. jense, and oonsecratod Christiarf^S" glfsh writos^' the ***** « **> Miss V. M White is a student of rerw unusual abihty, intelligent, ^U-rlS? "jiiawlSS P^88ef3e8 ScellenftSai- Personally, she is dit-nified r»«tZ^ attractive. I should expscihcrV 2% 332^.^*" ^«^!n!

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Page 1: CENTS EditorMitchell's VOIGE OP THE That Statement. Unsigned..€¦ · I rejt^rate tlven**Jiat I have-.violated UOlaw-of tlu* aiaaTaQh. Howtlhon COttld adenaajid be mavdetupon nie


VIRGiMA 5;TAtr 11



Editor Mitchell'sStatement.

A Review of the First BaptistChurch Trouble.

the :press and its mission..a yestkd righttikiCANNOTBE.'MADEA PUBLIC OB*BESQSE.TheJ Gospel Rxle..Rights of the Dtmomm 'Board .RothL God's and Man's Law DisrefgaTded..ThelesueOoined.fcrf Will Contend to the End.

Rickmono. Va.. Aug. 12. 1901.Te|thef,MenilKr^Jxrf the 1-irst laptas

Church:.Ft.rltw.nty-threv yaars, E iu.vc BBBaBai

consistent contribatsng nierhc:T oa? thtFirst'Baptist Chureh and during thattime, Ihave never attempted to BfNBBaor particiiiate in th«- affairs otataal Nxlv.

I would also remijad «ywu that duringthat time ! have nev^rbeen OBaWI oa to

appoar before it upun any charx ¦-

WherrUa' time ea*.tnef»->r the electionof pastor. 1 broke tln- long silfaice, ar.dprotoated against ibi* of the nu st oat-

rageous. bBbBbBBbbbBbbIstf'God's hoa.se-overseen in this or any ObBBbT comauuuity.Yon are fAmiliar no doubt wi<h thedisgraceful proccedhiga of Mondaynight, June 3. 1901, when I with >therswa* joercd.'hootcd and threatened withbodiry inJBiw on nocount. >f not beingfavorable 80 tlie candiriucy of Rw WT. Johnson.


fffFnough f.rr that! Snffice it to say thatinjnry was a.lded to insult-v. hen U8*>n atrumpod up jharge of having- lH-eii^uil-ty of a public offenae, I ww agahi de-nied the riglit of defeuee and in the n< <

of the anost ot:trag««ou»; partrsan mlingby Rev. Tom H. Briggs. K. a vose of66 to 64 waa declared eaccludatl froirt thechurch. Tha* by s votes wae thia out-rage iftegally perpetxau-d. -This-%>-asdone in a church with a mentt-ership of2600.The cfaargc waa that I publiahed iu

the columns of the Pi.abvet the BtiBBtoletter of Rev.nW. T. Johtnaon addreaaedto the chavrch and also the prsceefkngsof the chau-chymeeting of July 1, 19&.


I preenme yon know that as editor. efthe Pi.anft, it ia my rigbt and iinty topublish anytha.(g I BBO nt. being irespon-sible only -in tbe eourta of the coinnion-wi-alth for the.abase of Crie privilege.Thia rigbt is, engrafted Ln the "Consti¬

tution of tho United Statesand efce Billof Rights of Virginia.

It isabsurd to-aay that a right.a vest-. ed right in the veoognizeid law of thiacountry ia a crime in the neoogiiizad lawof the chureh.

It is a fact that there is n<»t one liue inthe constitution of the Ftret BaatistChurch which aays that the proceedingsof r. church shall not be publiahed intho. oolunms of a newspaper. Neaaaeria there any puuiahmeut provided for sodoinff.


On -he other hand, it is a well-knownprincaple that the.church in its meetingsshould do nothing whieh it ie ashamedfor the world to know.The ehurch is not a secret organiza¬tion. it concedes rtrhe right to pnbliahits proceedings in.a favorable light and

therubyacknowledges the right to publish tbe proceedings in an uufavorablelight.The statement that an official letter

addressed to 2500 people ia a private doc-ument is too ridiculou* to adniit of amoment's conaideration.An official letter cannot be a privateletter. I had a right to publish it.


I atated in the Plaket at the timeand assert now that if there is anythingin the report of the proceedings whichis either incorrect or untrue, I standready to make such a correction.

I need hardly to state that the editor-ial department of the Plaket, for whichI am personally responsible ia on the 4thpage and my name appeara at the top ofthe page.

In these columns, up te thia writing,aothing has appeared concerning theHrst Baptist Church.The article of which complaint is

made appeared in the reportorial col-nmus and was a report of the proceed¬ings of the church meeting.If the church or any member interest-ed in the controveray desires to make astatement, the columns of the Planet areopen.

WaU CONTKND TO THK KXD.But, on the other hand, if any attemptis made to question my right to publish

or to puniah me for ao doing, I shall con-tinue tbe conteat to the end of the chao-ter. r

I claim tbe right gnaranteed nndertbe law, and deny the right of any in-


.lividunl r orKJUiizHtionr',, ht^j- BBSiaiathnt rijrht.I Klmll publish anytthiuK 1 BSS ri*

which ia -oucluyl ln r*aes*afBt fcjiKuaprand ir a-a-Min-e ,.1 ir.lon. iin»*> ., t<> cmrrenders. 1 shall oxp<>*> n]J,aaa*fa*0pSx*and nnluv-ful riiuga, chqves or ,r jiil.ijmtlons. rafB8a*41sxa1 Bxf th* 0*Ba*a*a8BaSSB08SIeither 80 D ys«lf or tlu- jonnut' vhich Irc|in*saV!t


Whrni ii the right, I have jio fa>*r. Ihave Dnwer v«t trailed my baiao-r in th.*dust ^TtaBii naifmsBOa* ta* do*arn-ta*oddenonte»si i**s> ile erasi wheu i facd oosn-hn-ntioj*- i., >re ]N»M*«rfuLivid daiajeroustlmn fbxmsjbj * with BSxnifBaTfl am iiov 0OBVtoaadilBK. 'i Imvc troMtoil lU'Godaiul ITcBSaTJ raSaBBff > t dcceiav.vd or forsaken nie.

1 hu*fr>luv<*n in *axa»SSBafBS taBBSS uniesn <i«SlaSkSS of my rijjxvt to pulaiah and.hree ttnie** Have white juries cV.-ki .1 in

tf ivnr OS rsaj rifc'ht topublish.*Ak* : IKOKV«Sr:FSOrB.

It BSBaBnt 80 \h- tho W>my of fat<* ti at Ihavr. UfO but once BaaaBBI I BBBij .f col-¦<*- <1 ikso>1« ,a id that tim. have leenoondeniraed rf >r exonrjbKuiK **¦ privikjre.w lich is known and -x\*cogi*m*d t.» I*- arhxht hy Batioi n. who bbws the int* lli-»e tcc nttrt ita .lity to amdecNtaml h.-fuuduiucnanl v,.rinciph** uuderlviug».>urt<o- u of K<rvernnient.

I'avuiK the I overri-Ylon bTb. luws of¦*.... this naune riinj proteede* to B) rrid* the law* of Qod.

xaVli.AW VIOLaTSlD.S.» where lu tlie Bible which is th *

fatfa'aiu-heavd ,of all law and vs in facth«- j uide toauiextent eveat Ln the conrtfof th- land covn then* be foauidom* wordlinecr syllahie 8o cover th*- case or t*eotadt-iun a rssaxaffn****, who at editvr madtpuhli the proooedingg of ti*> church.It it plainly .wident that *his actionwwi ilii'jfal and <vai«i.

I rejt^rate tlven**Jiat I have -.violatedUO law-of tlu* aiaaTaQh. How tlhon COttlda denaajid be mavdetupon nie to aak par-don wh- n no 0B*Bnfa*M had bee* coaviniit-tcd? How then oon'd I be hr-gally ex-cluded<wrhen no ruk of the ehuroh hadbeen violated? I do not presume that itia necesaexy for nae to call att«a»ti«n tothe 18th , .hapter ttf Matthew, s*hiohset* foxtt the ptx^ier rule of oonluctiu dealinu with all oascs of disciplineInstead>of oompljriujp with the pravi-aii>ns, apaj^.*r contaiuiiiK forged urni-esvas presftnl *d to tbe. *t>-*acon Board Jtly7th, caliiaiir for a sneeting Moini«vnight, July 15th, aud an effort **#vasroade to e»clude me without eitecjihes-ring or«ven a notiot to appear.

THE GO#a*SL RULK BjafcHEOARDKD.Ko one hadlteen to see me, buton nuo-tion, a .writtesi.coniniunieition was seiat

to mo to appear at the ohurch-nieeringAugnst 5th to show cause*why I shotiWnot he excludadDid you ever hear of a cimrch sending

a wrifcteii comnMiiiication to a brother,citiiiK him to apptjar-1 Do you not kuowthat it was propea- for the member, waomade tke charge So go to the brotheragamst whom the charge was made.and th^neby compfy with the mandato-ry provisions of vthe 18th *Chapter oi*Jiatthewr


Certainly. a committee should havewaited upon him. But this was notdone. When I appeared befare thechunch, I was brow-beaten and insult-ed. Although called to show cause why1 should not he excluded. when I obeyedthe chnrch and appearod, I was deniedthe right to do what the ehurch had di-rected me to doand was excluded whileon the floor in my own defense.

I presnme yon know that no case ofdiscipline can come properly before theFirst Baptist Church until it has firatbeen brought before the Deacon Board.Should that body fail or refuse to con-

sider it, then it can bo brought beforethe church; but, not nntil this ia donecan a brother be brought before thechurch.


So true is this that "Hiscock'a NewDirectory for Baptist Chnrchea," therecognized Baptist authority, declaresthat should a brother be brought beforethe church first, before an effort hasbeen made to correct the offense com-plained of, the member, who brings thematter up should be himself punished.This then is a brief review of the casewhich has attracted attention through-out this country, and which is beingwatched with interest by all, regardlessof religion or denomination.


I am frank to Con'esa that I hare nev-

. r bBfoaa>aBBBBBSBf such an atteanjitsdnsurpataaai of bbbbbi oai Ifae part of aiwi bodv of awaajaa, atriaBBig :Vs it doe* ata[ vttal hjuot pnnople of afao repubJic .and; Hitcrferiac.wtti tkearetcd powers <©fI the ooBaiaa

The <pn*st»or. bvf**>*,?> is. Caat ringsIaad repi».M-!iir;rives of- aooret urjeaitKei-'noas {aaaaa .!!« i»astor* tor obBbbbbb*]tbas dCBBBBBUigi-UH* l»c.aut fide meiubor*- ,fthe church of.tiietnruflr.s in thi*! juat-,ter'r< an rdaaf BBaaBB and bbBbbBBB tlw puKicpress. which. a* tlie bulwark of Jrtwmty.was onlained and seut fortli r<» »sa*we;

. t-uch nefamow-pTateaioeVIESTIOXS .WIUCH DtOI AM' UBbBBbBbB.i ui th*w, .rpou th/tr own bbBbBbbb,nluce unjmitciplvrt men in the chairWqnPBtinBastlli -BBaMaBBa and att«Muart fcVI punish atribuueofi thi colored pwvplet*ne whoBawatlbOTorla\. their (bbbbbbbb!worke<i nightiBad day m pleading shear'

<ause in fh- ti.rum of the nation?Can th»«y at«eniptJ.av> ripph- hww&u-nce and boast of- ta«-:r pmwcKs ia th.?a-.treeta of aiHM-jity?l*hUk«a>e.^neau«r> which decnaatdt.

au answer.A mewiiar.iuis(BBMBB alh-d to ^aas-kW

i us obm Shurnluy Bjajfbt, August lUt-h| K)l. and alieavquestaors will no d.ai»u.« niscusrwd there.


As for Bmvk mat*r»n- Imt little. lt ifih. c cause., rather tba.i the nuiu which.v ill hc preaoirfrt to ync.'.'t is tlioae-memtors BjrfaO stav awav

TTOSB thecitur->h-iiie<'ain>:.s which bbBbBb!such disgrattotul-aceim- ipossible.I have iKithiug uim\ to say ta The!;TmJt uises.

The |H*opl".inud«> ana>>-hat I am. Dur¬ing my eurhleuai years «.f puhlic bbVIhave Ixvii oh,.r- BBB*BBbb1 listeniug -tn tii.coir,plaints<if raBO loaafa/ and doingall inmy power bBMBBBBBb for them the rijpWiWBj h have^aren so ku»g denie<l.Tae obaiBB) BbbbI 1 ha,v - in nnv wbvt««

Bsot >d upon+iiaiier faonjry jn-ople **¦ Thelabo ing cla»w«*; in awv walk of hfv isifatvu'tsurd to rvaguire. a-d^nial and v««t i««do.8i ny it.

stilil :bavk ry. kxt -.

ltf> friends Ihave ue :cr desertwd ui«whet} my aBBBBaBBI sough. to t-iuxMnpaj*BBJ rn in or rejuur* at irry defent.I bave tlie matter ar the lmnds<*~.aBOOBKtSod, kiiowrug thut lespite all ofthe ht< rmy sceaias thrts- ;h wliich I am

I«wKia^, I sliall -after BBBra fitful bOSSBsleerj..-«ell." and-tine Maker of all paidand pe-tect j^ifts will, iiaHis own tiiart.,wipt-ut! tears froim ourey.s.KespHK-traiily sdhn.itted.


**» liat Are V e llert |*ati

The rapreseatatiBH ot^tu tt our whiteDemocxaalc daily joasrnala called on usand afkes . xpn^sing -aurpria | at the ac-tion of v.t'ie First iBaptiat Church re-

i .narked. rlditckell, why dsr 't you askI hem, what are we harre for

WAJm,)-A ma* BataBB horse andands, tcwqrk on shaves a-.cinall farmBjatv near c ty. Suitaade te- tnu-kingaald gratiug. Good chauice for industri©BsmananH rrtfo, Ajiaff toF this office.

P«h»bi Woreestejr, '"aass.

1o pay elnm h defot, Hev. W. B. Pear-son, pastor oflBethe! A. *at. t. Churchisph.nmn^|*-aiidrallya5if >his conjrre-gatioa. lt avill be iu tbe ohrsx-h, Sun¬day,^Sept. 1. rsBS* effort willbt made toerowai the «hurch audnvorimu at allthree-iservicen.

Special sermow will be nrtta.*hed at10 o'clock in thetsioming, .8 o'clock inthe aftemcon aur 7:80 at m#htThe i-iain object of the rally ietoraisefJundst to carry on. the church work and¦aeduceall debts. lt is expectei that«very inember will^ve a sum <a£j»oneyThere-is a debt qtf f1000 on the. church.property.The Festival which has been ia pro¬gress for several woeks will ouutinueuntil Sepfcmber i»t Some money isbeiag realiced each tright, but tbe pastor says an-effort hasto be made in ad-ditian. He hopes soma citizen wilLeomesorward and assist the church ia its

atraggle for maintenatie. IWcaxester's young men aae bogin-niugrto open sheir eyes since Sergt. JasBell of 99 West St. returned home from

across the deep blue. Iftr. Bell is a verybritfht young man and is working veryhard just now trying to form a nrilitiacompany. He held a nsseting at hishome Sttuday, A*g. 11th So talk mattersover, and there wore 29 ia attendanoeOne very promiuent young man thatwas there was Mr. Oeo. Griajin, former-ly a private in L Co.; 6th Retjiment.They made a good showing hut therewill have to he many more to form aCompany, brst we hope they .srill comeforward.

Offieers Eleeted.

Manchestkr, Va., Aug. 13, *0l.Following officers elected for inatalla-

tion:R. J. Jackson, C. C; Payton Carter, VC.;UmphreySeaborn. Prolate; EdwardBarbitt, M. of Ex.; Cyrns Jones, K. ofR. & S.; Robert Holmes, M. at A .

Fletcher Powell, I.G.; Elijah Murray'O. G.; Jss. T. Thompson, M. of Works!Geo. E. Scott, M. of Finance.The officers were installed by DeputyJ. T. Thompson of Manchester LodgeNo. 11, K. ofP., assisted by Sir S 8

Baksr, P. C. of Maceo Lodge-


i*.«*JH> BIVIELL. JaV^XCniTlkEir


i B*t>wf. .ifriua* Baotixt (Tswotrii 'tJffta'lMl*at 21'iiMU-it inn ia Un riaw^.

Me^tfatr. Laste«l *««* Hour*.

[Richmsnd Dispafah, JSrnsr 8

,)V>h*i nfrrt hell. Jr., edrtor of the Plavrvr. «nd<wv of the *Vwt--knf>wii ooloredtnaieninto* State. aa* b-eti exclxded."Hrom the T-rst Africaw Baptist Vhmrch<vthiR city.

This arrtu m was taken lhast Mondiv'light, sft-ra very frt-rrnrv meeSing.which laortr d from alrartly afterX o'el >ckUBtil *kSJBBS next murxing. 'The Omrch

y alleged tltat K<lit«»r Mitchell fiermitted apublioatactn iu his pey>*.r oftse proceed-iu»rs of a * rnier nKtetanjr of ihe churohwhich, asa loyalnanaswr of the OnUBBoh,he shonld not have done. H* was aa*ed

. to apoloariae. He dW-luud So do ao audjl was cxvl-aticd. Thi*, i* ths cburchs Skfa^.briefly *ta*\«d.f Editor Mitchell <xiUB8iu!a taat he avid. the repr«*v>utative* crfhis pap r did ao» thing that was wruiia in weitinv aad. printhig a report of tha proe^-diiiKH of| the meetisjg referred ta. He iiolda. s*>; oordinar to astntemem made hv a niina-> tor and a Triend of his), Is.at night, that, the meetisir was not a -seorrt one. anrthat lt^cowM not have been, sijiee nwm

rs of other churches were present ata*I wera known to be present, and-were uotasked to retire. He contends ihat forthis roasosi the pn*ct*»yHa*a8 wer- placedin the hajatls of the psntdic and becamepublio au^sperty.He theoaiuiad a right, i,*i|*er*>niblrahui, to priut in hi* jftrffeT w .at had

occurred ia a practiralhr -open m *etiiiKBBS hold* that he haa done nothing

¦wrong ouai heuce has noapotirv to-make.The nK*etiUK of last Mondav night

was pactvroularly intcf*eanuig. Tne at-tnulaiu-e at the 08B8BS*BBfl wn* large, butaa the uu*hr wore on the -mwd Inaaon

. od untilv vften th. vote w**-? taken. IsSSrthan *M0 jMirsons wctv in the roomThe vote f< >r exclusion «tot»d sixtv-four

.to tifty six The facfs irrvenabov.Ohtaiued v?hh much care. The erSorta*;> see Editor Mitchell |in puimm faoled

A nnnuhe' of other perarav* were v.-nand their uarrative* were avl: pra<ti<*llva< given above.But several of those seend*»-hired that

a faotiouarttjrht was behiud the actaenSahen by th* church in withdrawiiiK atl*iowship from Editor Mitchell.JThe iiur*e*ii*g, the report ofwhich ga*e«*ffence to so many of the naembets 88*th.« church, .was that one at which RevW T. Johnson, of Lexington was 0SnaS|Ip tln- pastocrue of the church. One fac¬tion wauied this iniuister, so if is said3Jm other faction, of which, it is saidBdator Mitchell has helonged. wanteiitlie R«*v. WaOaJSr Bnx>k>, of Waahington. It is claimed by aome that the reIKrrtui the Plaxkt offended only thefaotwn favoriujr the Rev. Johnson, andas they were bi the niajority, they w.reable-to take the action of last Mondavnight *.*»«»7

It i» aaid that Mitchell will be unableto jovB any other Baptist church in thecity, ualess that, hurch ia williuK tod*>clare that he has been wrongly traaatodby the First Church.


Friend. Wlll Ask for a Recoasldera-Hon.

{Evtsting Leader, Ang. 8, 1901. JJohn Mitehell, editor of the Pi.aket

« !2ifT«5*5? at tht> a^tiouof the FiratBaptist Church (colored) in excludinjrliun from u* membarship.The action was taken on the part oftne church at a meeting held last Mon¬day night, which ran until 2 o'clock inthe morning The cause of the actionwas the pnbhcation of a letter in thaPlanet, which certain members of thechurch allege was a secret matterWhen seen this afternoon Mitehellsaid that the action of the church wasentirely contrary to the rules of thechurch, and that, while he was exclud-ed at the meetinghe did notconsidertheaction legal. His friends have called ameeting for the 19th inatant, at whichtime the question of reconsideration willbe considered.


Appeal to Board of Deacons to Rel n-atate Him.

(The News,.Aug. 8, "01.)John Mitehell, Jr., editor of thePI.AVKT, has been expelled from fel-Wship in the First African BaptistChurch of thia city. The grounds ofhis expnlsion is that he published inhis paper the proceedings of a meetingcalled ui connection with the e-tection of a pastor, which certain in-dividuals beleived should have beenjg?rg*i Th"n*aaJority by whichMitehell was expelled was very narrow,and the result was reached only after a

very stormy meeting and a deflance ofparliamentary procedure.Friends of the editor are circulating

rr*<lllajBBaa*BBaBBBBjdras the r*BU*d<tf£V -

¦"»lat, fora asaaaiiiaj to he h^ld an Au-**st l,-»th*t»-.tsUB--th. matter up iu due¦'fc'in. The «nanri*> ..f Mitehell. it n al"¦'"' . 'lt«*5gHB*e<l a, Prrard nfTkaaBwit*%a which irh,. iBMtUir should have been

[ a*;eiYd brforeaiie-ccKigregati,a1 w» callao to i«a« »i»ik it.- ?.H-ausc «»f btaand wasHBtv/oraba* *«> KtcheE.

.»OHX XTSnilKI/l/S FOSlTTrwN.4»* ConteadN That Re Did XoUibb* to< auae His Removal from Chirrrh.

(I*k?hj*a*1BBiTEin.**, Aug. 9, lftfia)E Sn? *£*** of John Mitehell, «*ditorf2 ?SS P,^NKT^ ll»v* <-alled a raaaBBBBJ ofw.- First Bapract Charch (llllhaTatJ conxrrgntion f«rthe ll-ta in.stant to art on

* t*- question atwanaaiBihii hia the actioni «d the chureh Wt Sotulav night -ba exj-edBdiug him from it> met iN-rship.Mitehell arnid yeefxday that he was»-a« way dJaaBasraai ;,t tbs m-t**ai-takentom Monday night, »for hie felt trhai baan»n BjOtbaaa* legnlly expelled from thol^ibi'rshipof thatchnn-l*i. HV<aro:,.inUtara. the reasons »rra>-n for such -axtion.aaajMiot raffi.iant.Bjid he mnrntmnstfas* what he did in the prernW wasix »i i hreHch of faithlM cause Off the tx-mhle w«* the BSSjVaS". °S a lett**r br ?«it*-hrT;.*-,,,.

K*v w. t. Johnson. iu re rerenoe r. thetau*. rate of the ehurdh. T lie faaiar >ra-tvm or a portion of them, coawidcredtbe i tter a matter rd Been <v. Mitehellaad i is friends consii*. red i t'a anrttw ofpaKh lmportan.v. a-*d st atv n* their"aBBBBBl tbat it was au offiei aj dnotiui. ntanri Mavaaaad to * oongrvKa tkm of 2..00peo-pi. MtabaQaaranj tv.isao4eae.ofiiews-ai the reavters «rf uis paper.and a*a IBBBffasharrt w <%* kw d»7tv nr rjrmt fieiiBsr* when it did not c^iifiict wiih ptr-soiial Ojliyatious.

Mrbrtiall said yv*t,a*lav Uiat theaetioaief th*- eaurvh on Memdnv night, whajafhcrv \%-re lcm than WM, BaaOfaB) of a <x«.gn>Ka«80« of 2.f*S) nreaeait would uxm'todisrot* the church.

The Jl'iruiuent Frerted -a.ihor |>ajCoirrt el Srwport w*** r* nus bj*.

The Tbrv \V. MiteheB inonuinent has¦ ern erecSed and veiled and *v >rvthiugis being put in shape |aj -the ii.th ofi ugust.mn-.-eiling day.The aaaatajBBaJOaj danaTaswaTJI atnBat whohave pn*miat«l sunis of nnuvvy to turn itit as early at possible so tha*" they niaybt able to m«*ot their obligwtaons proiuptry. All permis having books m . re-BBBajBssd to have them iu the hoadtuarter*. of the Aawwiation, 305 JS\ 2ud Stby Jtmij;. l!*hr i-'IOl.

Ia tho list j*iven iu the laat issue, ehelutn*.* of Kichm.Hid Lodge, Na 1, K. ofP. w*i« uuintoB*sii>UHily oniittedW« wish toSBBBTSIOVaadfB the follow

ing eavitributkntas:Riehnw uid Lodge. No. I. K. of P. $5,0.W. R. Pattemm. Sluefield, W. Va. 1.00Silver Leaf Court. 241, 1. O. C. X**w-

pow News, Va. - BjfjfjInvinciale Lxlge. (*ld Fellows. iJM}Some tinie previoaato uuvoilingday a

sjKjiker'a staud will he ereetod faeu-xthe. nioiiainent. A very lneat BQaaaSBIhas been erected at th«- entraiice to the. .emetary and the aupariiitemleut pla.***x at the diopiwal (lf those personsattend-utg the uuveiling, and other oonifortsraade a*? faraa i>ossihle by the ownrr*. rjfth»* cemetary.


The? Rold Hpeeial Meeting.TheChareh Meeting Ordered.Hro.

Hritrgs Wrsthy.

The Deacon Board of the First Bap-tiat Church held a special meetiug laatSunday morning after aervices for tbepurpofie of granting the committee cer¬tain privilegea in renovating the pulpitfurniture. Deacon A. W. Holmea, Man¬ager of the True Reformer Hotel preaid-ed.

Brother H. F. Jonathan preseuted apetition signed bv a long list of mem¬bers of the church asking for a church-meeting to be held Monday night Aujrlitth 1901 to consider the ease of JohnMitehell, Jr.Rev. Tom H Briggs, the sailor oon-taactor waa on hand to oppose the grantIng of the church, He declared thatthe Deacon Board would be held acconntable, if it acted and intimated thatthey would be dealt with by the church.

THE BULIN'O OP THE CHAIR.Chairman Holmes ruled that as RevBriggs was not a member of the DeaconBoard, he had no right to speak withoutits permission. He insultingly respond-ed that he was a member of the churchHe contmued to gpeak despite themild protests of the other membersThe Deacon Board voted unanimous-ly to grant the request.It isalwaya cnatomary to dothis whenthe petitiou is aigned by 15 or morebona-flde members of the churchBrother Henry G. Carter who did not

wear those big-leg white breechea andshad-belly coat laat Sunday morninjrwas very mdignant and openly declaredthat the present Deaoon Board would b«put out.Rev. Robert Watkins, who was guardat the penitentiary during the Readiua-ter rule was equally emphatic, but BroNelson Williams, Jr., who forged the

names te the application for the meet¬ing was not in evidence on last Sundavmorning. **

Deacon Harriaon Smith waa appoint-ed to give out the notice at every ser-vice of the church.

That LetterUnsigned..

The True Keformers And TheSecret Cireular.


Aa Appeal tr> the Gsnstitutioii..A Word Aboui Salaries.A La-» tjnto T-hemselves.

No repry ;-xa* nj« ye* weai reoiv.*dfrom t*a*f*ax*n*l Worthy Secretary W. P.Burn 11 SaTSB Cas Wr JL T. 'Hill iu au-swer totheirueries <of Editor JoimMitch-ell. Jr.. relar-ve 80 BBa.wa.J8wl .o^jcular.

V N< rTHKR SKi raxT Cl RCCI. -s K.On Auguat 8th, JJ»1. Eriit.n Mitchell

re<-eive<l anenvelo* e »ddi*es.«*ti to "Kdi-tor, Richmond 1 *i.AKrn. Ri hmond.Va." The post tnark Kh<r*r**ri thai ithad been maik*d in this city, .aud hadreached (he p^t-ofli ee at half \past twoo'clock tliat n**.rnin;r.

It <outaiued a SSfj r of tlie n>w fa-mous secret rirvuln.r. uo whi'ii waswritten these w**-rds. "We seud OOBjfffor yonr pentran."

A i-KTTi.R TO THK KlaTOK.It also ormtained a Wter tvpewntteii,well pnnct»ia«ed. beiuK tha* woxk <>f a

person thoroughh- trniried ia the type-writiug baoineas. lt is a model of sieat-n<*HM aud eorT»*et upellingIt reads a* folinv s:

THK DEMALH A-.NB OTHKK V*-'B**TK>N>"Richbonu. Va., August. MfC

Irflitor, Richmonti JV.ANET:Knowing yai have always laboral

(B) BBBB9 <»ur people.po»tod on such thingsaa affect their interest. bjbj beg you topl<ja*e ask the followiug question* rela-tivt to the secret uiruialar, the RbbbBBbbbT>has-ao often meutioned thnmgh it col-Iciium n-cently: U), Ii its coutenta arefalae. why were th*? Chiefs of the Divi-skui* »rdcred to stuiimou their meKaen-ger* iu «ecret intH'tings and instruct the.ninoi t<- i.-t it ba road iu their subordiiuueF'onntiBaisr

WANtrt? the kkm kmei. *j>o piblish

(2), Ifohe cireular is faloe, why doesthe Reformer uot publish it*- coutentaand advise its readers to ruad taa. GuideBook. iasued by the Roard <rf Directorsprior to the last Grand Sittistg. read sec-tion a. page 39. of the Constttwtion, andthen r*ad the rt*jx>rts of the Miauitee ofthe lllth aud Jutlt Annual S«««ions ofthe Grand FouttSuiiir


(.'ii, lf tlie Presideut's salary and dhesalary *>f other eertaizi officers were ia-<-reaaod liefore the last Grand Sittiug,why were they not reported to theGrand Fountain for confirmation lastSeptcmber:- Read the President's re¬port of the Mth Annual Sesslon and seeif he mentious it. (4), How many ofthe delegates to the last Grand Sittingknew of these important chauges?

THE SAKKTV Off THR ORDER.("»), How can an order be safe as lcugas certain offlcers can come together audhave their salaries raised when everthey feel like it aud not report such tothe Grand Body when in arrnual sessionfor confirmation?

Yours for the race,Subscribers."

Itmaybe that Messrs. Burrell andHill are too busy getting ready to in-stall the True Roforruer pastor of theFirst Baptist Church te prepare theiransweas.

THB FIRST TIME.This is the first time that any com-munication has been opened up betweenthe local secret circular committee andthe generai public.The failure of President Taylor torun them to earth" ia rather an omi-

thSthL1^' /iUCe !! must *» concededthat the headquarters are in this cityThe organization is an incorporatedinatitution and as snch is directly sub-ject to the order of the court.DoesMr. W. P. Burrell reoeive as

month.' Does Mr. R. T. Hill as Cashierreceive #150.00 per month?^«"»er

A COMPARISON OF WAOK8.What is their pay for ertra work? Ifthis is the amouut of their salaries whatdo the clerks, assistant clerks, ete re-ceivo? A comparison of wages wouldtend to enlighten the public from whomthe organization draws its snpport andwhose funds tead to swell the ootlers ofthe institution in question.If the officials have been misrepresent-ed, the columns of the Planet are opento them and through this channel. theycan make any statement which will en¬lighten the public.

- -

of 110 East Leigh St., has removed hisofflce tofiOO North 2nd St., opposite theTrue Reformers' Bank. His new offlceis much nicer than his old one, whichwill be more convenient for his patients


iA Reiiiarkable Letter.Speaks I'lainljTn the Kditor..The Action of the

First llapltst Church.A Cor-disl Invitation.

Kditor John Mitehell, Jr. ha* beenth- reoipi.mt of of invitations to join theK^pal and the A. M. E. Chun he8*The frOIowmg letter from a waH-kj*,wn white (',1th,.h.Pncst iaa niode 1llaaaar of iaa kind. and no< having obtain-«-«Iliscxmseut we with-hold his name.:l'HK SEVKREXD's I.ETTEB,

WtOUIaaWVOBl, Dk.. . .\uk. ;<, !901My Dear Mr. Mitehell..

aa-a - ,,In t( *1;,v * l^ltimore-St n. .read an accouiit of vour exuuhuonfrom tbe Bnptist Chuich ^P0"****

Now, will yon uermir Daa as an oldfriend af vours te give expression to £»h,*ghtt>jat raggests itaalf to nif' loaa of aoauaa *-.v.prea« no opiniou as tethe faota MBBjiuulad with aaa ease. 8in<£I bavoBaBaabar heard nor read anythingber/OBad th* few lines in the Six.IXTEKDaCD AS BfMsHMEXT.

The action on the part of tlu* .,«,.. -of the First Baptist Cl.un-l^Iti^uitendtHl aaa puaJshmenj: aud will r.'

fiect ou you BB the cvts ot soan, few pe£But, after all, wliar does it ameuut »aJ have often woudered how a m«n ofyour nitelhgence and euueariun could

churcli kSmmH W,th a "^^nSgTHe LORD 8 INTH-NOHON.

The Ix>rd iiitended his chnrunito be *r*orgauized society to whicli a£ .u^sTfflong m order tosave their bob£ TWhereaies would come; that di^atTx!uommatious would spring up/a^rtWeach for itself. to be the Churl^hcJchSf;was diviuely foretold and should £Z1no wouder to ou, who has SKtSSTHE ONLY TROUBLE.

The trouble with yom. it seem- r« ^"1 this; you want to be intXSXi0 mtwant to be popular and ^nt e tS ' J^Tjonty of people in you? JSm ?s Z£* "^Did yon ever read thos,. .-ords.

TEE LORDS WELCOMB,May pour case resemble the one rof th*.cTth^* Go"1*1* who ^as^ned 0n\of the synagogue, but lovingly receiverl?JrHUK^rd- The chn*h ot tha 22Lord bids you welcome into he, bcSunif^therwnse you have the right ;.&££.I trust vou will accept tliese exnrea-.

^"m °frieUdIySpi"t iu JSwfSre.2.^ Wi8heS f°r ^^ .tft*re,;i

Yours sincerely, *


to Mr. Robert p. Granderson has beea an!nounced to take place Aug. 27th, at/ sii° Th0^.- .?' the Hotel ReformsrIhe bride is the young and attractivewrdow of the late Cornelius Jones and i*very popular. The groom is a valned.employeeof the True Reformers, beintthemanager of Branch Store, No £Manoheator, Va,-BS a an _

Miss White Is to Teach At Hsrtshora.College.

Mias Viola M. White, (oolored) a irrartoate of Oberliu College has beW euSSryla? aShWmttHartShorn **££&o(T°iLJ?irrougig' £. Professor ofO. T. I^nguage and Litorotnre^Stoa!"Permit meto endorss her withon*

true and broad culture, souud commor.jense, and oonsecratod Christiarf^S"glfsh writos^' the ***** « **>Miss V. M White is a student of rerwunusual abihty, intelligent, ^U-rlS?"jiiawlSS P^88ef3e8 ScellenftSai-Personally, she is dit-nified r»«tZ^attractive. I should expscihcrV2%332^.^*"^«^!n!