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  • 8/17/2019 Censors for IOT




    “Analy i !" #$i %in 'r!()*% in %+# IOT ,#l(- an( i% r# (#/#l!'0#n% %! 0##%*)rr#n% 0ar1#% n##( 2



    PGDM E 3I5 6789 : 8;

  • 8/17/2019 Censors for IOT



    1. Name of the Student : Abhijeet Ramesh Bhange

    2. Program & Year : PGD !"Bi# 2$1%"2$1 'Bat(h )*

    +. Area of Proje(t Resear(h : ),- te(hno og/

    %. Name of the 0a(u t/ Guide : Prof. Githa eggde

    . -it e of the Proje(t : )nitia Pub i( ,3ering & Stud/ on 4af5 4o3ee Da/


    6. Project Details

    A Objective of study:• Analysis of existing products in the IOT field• Ana /se the (urrent mar6et re7uirements '(urrent / a8ai ab e

    9rodu(ts need to be u9graded and redesigned . *• -o (arr/ out brief (om9etitors ana /sis in the e d of ),- and

    (onsidering fo o;ing fa(tors1..

  • 8/17/2019 Censors for IOT


    "Rede8e o9ment of ;eb 9ane s> embedded de8i(es and ser8ers.

    " Research #ethodology:Ste9 ): 4o e(tion of se(ondar/ data 'through o?(ia ;ebsites i6e NS!)ndia> other on ine 9ub ished data> ;ebsites i6e

    one/(ontro .(om> Annua re9orts of the (om9an/ et(.*Ste9 )): ,rgani#ation and 9resentation of data (o e(ted.Ste9 ))): Ana /sis of abo8e organi#ed data.Ste9 )@: Presentation and (riti(a dis(ussion of resu ts of the stud/.

    D $xpected Results of the study:

    An understanding of ho; a (om9an/ 9 ans for an )P,> interna de(isions and9re(ise timing to go 9ub i(. -he stud/ re8ea s 8arious as9e(ts that are(onsidered b/ the (om9an/ for an )P,. =nderstand the 9ro(ess of )P, andana /#ing the rea time mar6et beha8ior for it. '

    Name: Prof. Githa eggde Name: Abhijeet Ramesh Bhange

    Signature: Signature:

    Date: Date:

  • 8/17/2019 Censors for IOT



    -his is to (ertif/ that 9roje(t tit ed Analy i !" #$i %in 'r!()*% in

    %+# IOT ,#l(- an( i% r# (#/#l!'0#n% %! 0##% *)rr#n% 0ar1#%

    n##( C is su((essfu / done b/ r. Abhijeet Bhange in 9artia

    fu ment of his t;o /ears fu time (ourse Post Graduation Di9 oma in

    anagementE re(ogni#ed b/ A)4-! through the Prin. F. N. Banga ore.

    -his 9roje(t in genera is done under m/ guidan(e.

    'Signature of 0a(u t/ Guide*

  • 8/17/2019 Censors for IOT


    Name: Prof. Githa eggde



  • 8/17/2019 Censors for IOT


    )t gi8es us immense 9 easure on 9resenting m/ 9roje(t re9ort entit ed>

    “ Analy i !" #$i %in 'r!()*% in %+# IOT ,#l(- an( i% r# (#/#l!'0#n%

    %! 0##% *)rr#n% 0ar1#% n##( 2

    ) e 9ress m/ dee9 sense of gratitude and sin(ere regards to m/ entor Prof.

    Githa eggde. -heir time / guidan(e and friend / dis(ussions has he 9ed me

    immense / (om9 eting m/ 9roje(t ;or6 .

    Fast / ) a so e 9ress m/ sin(ere than6s to m/ (o ege Prin. F. N. Benga uru> (o ege fa(u t/ and friends

    ;ho ha8e a ;a/s he 9ed me dire(t / or indire(t / to ma6e this tas6 su((essfu .

  • 8/17/2019 Censors for IOT


    ! e(uti8e summar/


    “Analy i !" #$i %in 'r!()*% in %+# IOT ,#l(- an( i% r#(#/#l!'0#n% %! 0##% *)rr#n% 0ar1#% n##( .2

    -he )nternet of -hings is a te(hno ogi(a re8o ution that re9resents the futureof (om9uting and (ommuni(ations> and its de8e o9ment de9ends ond/nami( te(hni(a inno8ation in a number of im9ortant e ds> from ;ire esssensors to nanote(hno og/.

    IndexSr.No. Title


    1. $xecutive %u!!ary &

    2. 'iterature Revie( )

    3. Overvie( of 'iterature Revie( *

    4. Initial Public Offering +IPO, -

    5. Different .inds of Issues &/

    6. %ignificance of IPO &&

    7. Pri!ary #ar0et 1 %econdary #ar0et &2

    8. Ris0 3actors &4

    9. Ris0 Assess!ent &5

    10. Analy ing an IPO Invest!ent &*

    11. Investor Research &-

    12. IPO Invest!ent %trategies )/13. Pricing of an IPO ))

    14. 7nderpricing 1 Overpricing of an IPO )2

    15. Principal %teps in an IPO )4

    16. 8oo0 8uilding 8asic "oncept )6

    17. 8oo0 8uilding Process )-

    18. %tudy on "af9 "offee Day IPO 25

    19. "af9 "offee Day IPO Details 2-

    20. Objects of the Issue 4/21. Issue %ubscription Detail 4&

    22. IPO Revie(+Issue %u!!ary, 42

    23. 8ibliography 45

  • 8/17/2019 Censors for IOT


    0irst> in order to (onne(t e8er/da/ obje(ts and de8i(es to arge databasesand net;or6s H and indeed to the net;or6 of net;or6s 'the internet* H asim9 e> unobtrusi8e and (ost"e3e(ti8e s/stem of item identi (ation is (ru(ia .,n / then (an data about things be (o e(ted and 9ro(essed. Se(ond> data

    (o e(tion ;i bene t from the abi it/ to dete(t (hanges in the 9h/si(a statusof things> using sensor te(hno ogies. !mbedded inte igen(e in the thingsthemse 8es (an further enhan(e the 9o;er of the net;or6 b/ de8o 8inginformation 9ro(essing (a9abi ities to the edges of the net;or6. 0ina />ad8an(es in miniaturi#ation and nanote(hno og/ mean that sma er andsma er things ;i ha8e the abi it/ to intera(t and (onne(t . A (ombination of a of these de8e o9ments ;i (reate an )nternet of -hings that (onne(ts the;or dEs obje(ts in both a sensor/ and an inte igent manner. )ndeed> ;ith thebene t of integrated information 9ro(essing> industria 9rodu(ts and

    e8er/da/ obje(ts ;i ta6e on smart (hara(teristi(s and (a9abi ities. -he/ma/ a so ta6e on e e(troni( identities that (an be 7ueried remote /> or bee7ui99ed ;ith sensors for dete(ting 9h/si(a (hanges around them. Su(hde8e o9ments ;i turn the mere / stati( obje(ts of toda/ into ne; / d/nami(things> embedding inte igen(e in our en8ironment> and stimu ating the(reation of inno8ati8e 9rodu(ts and entire / ne; ser8i(es. -he te(hno ogiesof the )nternet of -hings o3er immense 9otentia to (onsumers>manufa(turers and rms. o;e8er> for these ground"brea6ing inno8ations togro; from idea to s9e(i ( 9rodu(t or a99 i(ation for the mass mar6et> adi?(u t 9ro(ess of (ommer(ia i#ation is re7uired> in8o 8ing a ;ide arra/ of 9 a/ers in( uding standard de8e o9ment organi#ations> nationa resear(h(entres> ser8i(e 9ro8iders> net;or6 o9erators> and ead users

  • 8/17/2019 Censors for IOT



    N one that ;i radi(a / transform our (or9orate>(ommunit/> and 9ersona s9heres. !ar / forms of ubi7uitous information and(ommuni(ation net;or6s are e8ident in the ;ides9read use of mobi e9hones: the number of mobi e 9hones ;or d;ide sur9assed 2 bi ion in mid"2$$ . -hese itt e gadgets ha8e be(ome an integra and intimate 9art of e8er/da/ ife for man/ mi ions of 9eo9 e> e8en more so than the internet.

    -oda/> de8e o9ments are ra9id / under ;a/ to ta6e this 9henomenon anim9ortant ste9 further> b/ embedding short"range mobi e trans(ei8ers into a;ide arra/ of additiona gadgets and e8er/da/ items> enab ing ne; forms of (ommuni(ation bet;een 9eo9 e and things> and bet;een things themse 8es.A ne; dimension has been added to the ;or d of information and(ommuni(ation te(hno ogies ')4-s*: from an/time> an/ 9 a(e (onne(ti8it/ foran/one> ;e ;i no; ha8e (onne(ti8it/ for an/thing . 4onne(tions ;imu ti9 / and (reate an entire / ne; d/nami( net;or6 of net;or6s H an)nternet of -hings. -he )nternet of -hings is neither s(ien(e (tion norindustr/ h/9e> but is based on so id te(hno ogi(a ad8an(es and 8isions of net;or6 ubi7uit/ that are #ea ous / being rea i#ed.

  • 8/17/2019 Censors for IOT


    -he )nternet of -hings is a te(hno ogi(a re8o ution that re9resents the futureof (om9uting and (ommuni(ations> and its de8e o9ment de9ends ond/nami( te(hni(a inno8ation in a number of im9ortant e ds> from ;ire esssensors to nanote(hno og/. 0irst> in order to (onne(t e8er/da/ obje(ts and

    de8i(es to arge databases and net;or6s H and indeed to the net;or6 of net;or6s 'the internet* H a sim9 e> unobtrusi8e and (ost"e3e(ti8e s/stem of item identi (ation is (ru(ia . ,n / then (an data about things be (o e(tedand 9ro(essed.Se(ond> data (o e(tion ;i bene t from the abi it/ to dete(t(hanges in the 9h/si(a status of things> using sensor te(hno ogies.!mbedded inte igen(e in the things themse 8es (an further enhan(e the9o;er of the net;or6 b/ de8o 8ing information 9ro(essing (a9abi ities to theedges of the net;or6. 0ina /> ad8an(es in miniaturi#ation andnanote(hno og/ mean that sma er and sma er things ;i ha8e the abi it/ to

    intera(t and (onne(t . A (ombination of a of these de8e o9ments ;i (reatean )nternet of -hings that (onne(ts the ;or dEs obje(ts in both a sensor/ andan inte igent manner.

    )ndeed> ;ith the bene t of integrated information 9ro(essing> industria9rodu(ts and e8er/da/ obje(ts ;i ta6e on smart (hara(teristi(s and(a9abi ities. -he/ ma/ a so ta6e on e e(troni( identities that (an be 7ueriedremote /> or be e7ui99ed ;ith sensors for dete(ting 9h/si(a (hanges around

    them. !8entua /> e8en 9arti( es as sma as dust might be tagged andnet;or6ed. Su(h de8e o9ments ;i turn the mere / stati( obje(ts of toda/into ne; / d/nami( things> embedding inte igen(e in our en8ironment> andstimu ating the (reation of inno8ati8e 9rodu(ts and entire / ne; ser8i(es.

    -he abi it/ to dete(t (hanges in the 9h/si(a status of things is a so essentiafor re(ording (hanges in the en8ironment. )n this regard> sensors 9 a/ a9i8ota ro e in bridging the ga9 bet;een the 9h/si(a and 8irtua ;or ds> and

    enab ing things to res9ond to (hanges in their 9h/si(a en8ironment. Sensors(o e(t data from their en8ironment> generating information and raisinga;areness about (onte t. 0or e am9 e> sensors in an e e(troni( ja(6et (an(o e(t information about (hanges in e terna tem9erature and the9arameters of the ja(6et (an be adjusted a((ording /.

  • 8/17/2019 Censors for IOT


    !mbedded inte igen(e in things themse 8es ;i distribute 9ro(essing 9o;erto the edges of the net;or6> o3ering greater 9ossibi ities for data 9ro(essingand in(reasing the resi ien(e of the net;or6. -his ;i a so em9o;er thingsand de8i(es at the edges of the net;or6 to ta6e inde9endent de(isions.

    Smart thingsC are di?(u t to de ne> but im9 / a (ertain 9ro(essing 9o;erand rea(tion to e terna stimu i. Ad8an(es in smart homes> smart 8ehi( esand 9ersona roboti(s are some of the eading areas. Resear(h on ;earab e(om9uting 'in( uding ;earab e mobi it/ 8ehi( es* is s;ift / 9rogressing.S(ientists are using their imagination to de8e o9 ne; de8i(es anda99 ian(es> su(h as inte igent o8ens that (an be (ontro ed through 9honesor the internet> on ine refrigerators and net;or6ed b inds . -he )nternet of

    -hings ;i dra; on the fun(tiona it/ o3ered b/ a of these te(hno ogies torea i#e the 8ision of a fu / intera(ti8e and res9onsi8e net;or6 en8ironment.

    -he te(hno ogies of the )nternet of -hings o3er immense 9otentia to(onsumers> manufa(turers and rms. o;e8er> for these ground"brea6inginno8ations to gro; from idea to s9e(i ( 9rodu(t or a99 i(ation for the massmar6et> a di?(u t 9ro(ess of (ommer(ia i#ation is re7uired> in8o 8ing a ;idearra/ of 9 a/ers in( uding standard de8e o9ment organi#ations> nationaresear(h (entres> ser8i(e 9ro8iders> net;or6 o9erators> and ead users .

    0rom their origina in(e9tion and throughout the R&D 9hase> ne; ideas andte(hno ogies must nd (ham9ions to ta6e them to the 9rodu(tion 9hase. -hetime to mar6et> too> re7uires 6e/ ead usersC that (an 9ush the inno8ationfor;ard. -o date> the te(hno ogies dri8ing the )nternet of -hings are notab efor the strong in8o 8ement of the 9ri8ate se(tor. Yet 9ub i( se(torin8o 8ement is gro;ing> through nationa strategies for te(hni(ade8e o9ment 'e.g. nanote(hno og/* and in se(tor"s9e(i ( in8estments inhea th(are> defen(e or edu(ation.

    home and se(urit/> medi(a > aeros9a(e> home automation> remotemonitoring> stru(tura and en8ironmenta monitoring. !stimates of theirmar6et 9otentia 8ar/ '9art / due to di3erent de nitions*> but ana /sts

  • 8/17/2019 Censors for IOT


    fore(ast that as their unit 9ri(e fa s> the number of units de9 o/ed ;i gro;signi (ant /. ean;hi e> roboti(s is e 9anding into ne; mar6ets. At 9resent>the mar6et share of industria roboti(s is arger than that of 9ersona andser8i(e roboti(s> but this is set to (hange> as the 9ersona roboti(s segment

    is e 9e(ted to ead future mar6et gro;th. 4hanging business strategies is thename of the game> in 9arti(u ar in the retai > automoti8e andte e(ommuni(ation industries. 0irms are embra(ing the under /ingte(hno ogies of the )nternet of -hings to o9timi#e their interna 9ro(esses>e 9and their traditiona mar6ets and di8ersif/ into ne; businesses.

    Bui ding on the 9otentia bene ts o3ered b/ the )nternet of -hings 9oses anumber of (ha enges> not on / due to the nature of the enab ing

    te(hno ogies but a so to the sheer s(a e of their de9 o/ment. -e(hno ogi(astandardi#ation in most areas is sti in its infan(/> or remains fragmented.Not sur9rising /> managing and fostering ra9id inno8ation is a (ha enge forgo8ernments and industr/ a i6e. Standardi#ation is essentia for the massde9 o/ment and di3usion of an/ te(hno og/. Near / a (ommer(ia /su((essfu te(hno ogies ha8e undergone some 9ro(ess of standardi#ation toa(hie8e mass mar6et 9enetration.

    ,ne of the most im9ortant (ha enges in (on8in(ing users to ado9t emergingte(hno ogies is the 9rote(tion of data and 9ri8a(/. 4on(erns o8er 9ri8a(/ anddata 9rote(tion are ;ides9read> 9arti(u ar / as sensors and smart tags (antra(6 usersE mo8ements> habits and ongoing 9referen(es.

  • 8/17/2019 Censors for IOT


    ear / ;arning and e8a(uation> thereb/ redu(ing oss of ife due to naturadisasters. S9e(ia robots ha8e for instan(e been used for mine dete(tion tosa8e i8es and imbs in (onIi(t #ones. 4ommer(ia a99 i(ations are a read/being de9 o/ed in (ountries i6e )ndia> -hai and and -ur6e/> among others.

    0or the te e(ommuni(ation industr/> the )nternet of -hings is an o99ortunit/to (a9ita i#e on e isting su((ess stories> su(h as mobi e and ;ire ess(ommuni(ations> but a so to e 9 ore ne; frontiers. )n a ;or d in(reasing /mediated b/ te(hno og/> ;e must ensure that the human (ore to oura(ti8ities remains untou(hed. ,n the road to the )nternet of -hings> this (anon / be a(hie8ed through 9eo9 e oriented strategies> and tighter in6agesbet;een those that (reate te(hno og/ and those that use it. )n this ;a/> ;e;i be better e7ui99ed to fa(e the (ha enges that modern ife thro;s our;a/.

    4urrent net;or6s and mobi e generations are not tai ored for ma(hine"t/9e(ommuni(ations. Ne; re7uirements in aten(/> re iabi it/> s(a abi it/>through9ut> de8i(e (osts and de8i(e 9o;er (onsum9tion must be met> goingfar be/ond (urrent smart9hone (onne(ti8it/ re7uirements. Yet the )o- o9ensdi3erentiation and moneti#ation o99ortunities for mobi e net;or6s. obi eo9erators (an e8erage ne; (e u ar te(hno og/ to su99 ant the (urrent /fragmented ands(a9e of ma(hine"to"ma(hine (onne(ti8it/.

    -o be su((essfu > mobi e net;or6s ;i need to meet the e tremere7uirements of the )o- b/ o3ering a net;or6 that is:

    J = tra"dee9 for (onne(ting bi ions of sensors and ma(hines

    J = tra"dense that de i8ers gigab/tes of band;idth on demand

    J = tra"re iab e for su99orting (riti(a ma(hine (ommuni(ations and remote"

    (ontro a99 i(ationsRe7uirements and te(hno ogies for net;or6 se(urit/ ;i a so be signi (ant /im9a(ted b/ the need for safe and re iab e o9eration of )o-"(onne(tedde8i(es. interferen(e ;ith the (ontro s of a9a(ema6er> a (ar or a nu( ear rea(tor 9oses a threat to human ife.

  • 8/17/2019 Censors for IOT


    -he )nternet of -hings is e 9e(ted to en(om9ass $ bi ion net;or6"(onne(ted e ements b/ 2$2 . -his (onne(ti8it/ ;i be both enormous andfar"rea(hing> ;i ha8e signi (ant im9a(t on mobi e net;or6s and ;i o3ergreat o99ortunities to enab e (om9 ete / ne; use (ases> far be/ond

    smart9hone (onne(ti8it/. mobi e o9erators (an 9 a/ a signi (ant ro e in (a9turingand de i8ering the )o-Es e (iting ne; o99ortunities.

  • 8/17/2019 Censors for IOT





    SCENARIO4om9anies are (urrent / 9ro8iding the ( oud based so ution as a 9art of industria internet of things. ),- (ommuni(ation 9ro(ess bet;een(onne(ted de8i(es and a99 i(ations. 4onne(ted De8i(es (ommuni(ateo8er the ( oud and ;ire ess infrastru(ture. ),- eads to (a9ture of Reatime )nformation. Rea -ime )nformation enab es 9ro(ess e?(ien(/ andfaster de(ision ma6ing. 0o o;ing 0ig. '* sho;s ho; di3erent industriaa99 i(ations are (ommuni(ating ;ith the he 9 of 9rodu(t 4 oud %oneC.

  • 8/17/2019 Censors for IOT


    0ig. '1*

    As sho;n in 0ig. '1*> 4 oud%one is based on sim9 e ),- ar(hite(ture;hi(h (onsists of three major e ements> ;hi(h are hard;are i.e.embedded 9ane > ser8ers i.e. ),- midd e;are and ;eb 9ane anda99 i(ations soft ;ares for 9resentation i.e. =K '=ser ! 9erien(e*.

    ● !mbedded Pane :

    !mbedded 9ane is the a(tua hard;are (om9onent ;hi(h is tted onthe entit/ to be monitored. !mbedded 9ane (onsists of fo o;ing(om9onents: 'refer 0ig. '1**

    ● (ommuni(ation mode i.e. GPSLGS LGPRS modu es● mi(ro(ontro er ogi(● on board memor/

  • 8/17/2019 Censors for IOT


  • 8/17/2019 Censors for IOT


    ● o8ab e Asset anagement in( udes:● 0 eet anagement● 4o d 4hain anagement

    ● @-S '@ehi( e -ra(6ing S/stem* for 0 eet anagement :

    -he management of mo8ab e assets in8o 8es a the 9ro(eduresne(essar/ to ensure that the mo8ab e assets of the go8ernment area(7uired and dis9osed of e?(ient / and e(onomi(a /> and uti ised andmaintained e3e(ti8e / ;hi st in use. Res9onsibi it/ for (arr/ing outthese tas6s> ho;e8er> is di8ided bet;een e 9erts in e7ui9mentmanagement su(h as engineers> maintenan(e o9erati8es and 9 antmanagers and nan(ia management s9e(ia ists ;ho dea ;ith thefunding and (osting as9e(ts. -his te(hni(a (om9eten(ies di(tionar/dea s on / ;ith the ro e of nan(e s9e(ia ists. -he di(tionar/ a soreIe(ts the fa(t that the o;nershi9 of mo8ab e assets rests ;ith thede9artments ;hi(h use them the ro e of the nan(e s9e(ia ist is to9ro8ide ad8i(e> su99ort and te(hni(a and 9rofessiona e 9ertise toassist ine managers in fu ing their res9onsibi ities.

  • 8/17/2019 Censors for IOT


    Fig. (2)

    -he major fun(tions 9erformed b/ nan(ia managers in mo8ab e assetmanagement (o8er the fo o;ing areas:

    ● Strategi( nan(ia 9 anning re ating to the ong term a(7uisition> de9 o/mentand dis9osa of mo8ab e assets.

    ● -he 9ro8ision of ad8i(e from a nan(ia 9ers9e(ti8e to ine managers about

    mo8ab e asset management 9o i(ies and 9ro(edures in( uding fundingmethodo ogies> maintenan(e s(hedu es and safeguarding arrangements.

    ● onitoring the use of mo8ab e assets in( uding 9h/si(a 8eri (ation>uti isation rates and transfers bet;een de9artments.

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    ● 4o d 4hain anagement :

    4o d (hain is a ogisti( s/stem that 9ro8ides a series of fa(i ities formaintaining idea storage (onditions for 9erishab es from the 9oint of origin to the 9oint of (onsum9tion. )t e tend and ensure the she f ife of 9rodu(ts su(h as fresh agri(u tura 9rodu(e> seafood> fro#en food>(hemi(a s and 9harma(euti(a drugs.

    4o d (hain retains the onge8it/ of 9rodu(t (hara(teristi(s> a(ti8eingredients> freshness> nutriti8e 8a ue.

  • 8/17/2019 Censors for IOT


    4urrent /> the )ndian (o d (hain mar6et is ;orth + bi ion. -he mar6etis e 9e(ted to gro; to 12.% bi ion b/ the end of 2$1 . 4umu ati8e(a9a(it/ of )ndia is near / 2 mi ion tonnes> resu ting in oss of about%$O of the agri"9rodu(e 9ost"har8est. =ttar Pradesh has the ma imum1> Q numbers of (o d (hains fo o;ed b/ aharashtra % $ and Punjab %2$. -he(urrent mar6et demand is 1$ times more than ;hat ;e ha8e toda/.

    .8.6 H)0an A #% Mana #0#n%No; there s a smarter> more e?(ient ;a/ to manage a /our umanAssets. ,ur uman Asset anagement 9 atform integrateda99 i(ations assist /ou in (a9turing data in rea time and in measuring>ana /sing and a(ting ;ith right de(isions. -hese android based

  • 8/17/2019 Censors for IOT


    a99 i(ations he 9 /ou automate di3erent a(ti8ities i6e sa es order(a9ture> e d for(e automation> (o e(tions management> eadmanagement> et(. Di3erent 9 ugins 8i#. signature (a9ture> 9hotogra9h(a9ture> bar(ode s(anner> B uetooth enab ed 9rinter integration et(.

    (an be in(or9orated in our human asset management so utions.

    ● uman Asset anagement in( udes :● Remote Attendan(e● Sa esfor(e Automation● 0ie d for(e Automation● De i8er/ anagement

    ● Remote Attendan(e :

    -ra(6ing attendan(e of remote agents is a fundamenta 9rob em thatse8era de8e o9ing";or d a99 i(ations re7uire for sustained o9erationand im9a(t. ea th(are outrea(h 9rograms must monitor the arri8a of hea th ;or6ers in designated o(ations and at designated times inorder to ensure bene ts to the intended bene (iaries. !du(ation"fo(used institutions must sta/ a;are of tea(hers 9resen(e or absen(e

    in res9e(ti8e ( assrooms to ensure bene ts to students. )n se8era su(ha99 i(ations> the agents ;ho need to be tra(6ed o9erate from remoteo(ations ;hi(h ma6es monitoring their attendan(e a non"tri8ia tas6.

    ● Sa esfor(e Automation

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    Abbre8iated S0A> sa es for(e automation is a te(hni7ue of using

    soft;are to automate the business tas6s of sa es> in( uding order9ro(essing> (onta(t management> information sharing> in8entor/monitoring and (ontro > order tra(6ing> (ustomer management> sa esfore(ast ana /sis and em9 o/ee 9erforman(e e8a uation.

    S0A 9a(6ages t/9i(a / in( ude a and (ustomi#ab e tem9 ate s. A three"tiered ar(hite(ture ist/9i(a / used to se9arate the database> ser8er> and a99 i(ation toredu(e 9rogramming demands on ( ients. A modu e"based design isgenera / used> to a o; users to (ustomi#e the 9a(6age to suit their



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    .8. I00!/a?l# A #% Mana #0#n%)ndustria energ/ use g oba / a((ounts for %$O of e e(tri(it/ use> Oof (oa and (oa 9rodu(ts use> and + O of natura gas use and is a

    major (ontributor to 4,2 emissions. )n de8e o9ing (ountries> the9ortion of the energ/ su99 / 'e ( uding trans9ort* re7uired for industr/is fre7uent / in e (ess of $O and (an (reate tension bet;eene(onomi( de8e o9ment goa s and a (onstrained energ/ su99 /. 0urther>de8e o9ing (ountries ;ith emerging and e 9anding industriainfrastru(ture ha8e a 9arti(u ar o99ortunit/ to in(rease their(om9etiti8eness b/ a99 /ing energ/ e?(ient best 9ra(ti(es from theoutset in ne; industria fa(i ities> rather than fo o;ing the s o;er 9athto im9 ementation that o((urs in e isting industria fa(i ities in more

    de8e o9ed (ountries.

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    tra(6ed and monitored in rea time for 8arious 9arameters ;hi(h ;ou da3e(t the 9rodu(ti8it/> (a9a(it/ uti i#ation and the o8era out(omes.

    ● )mmo8ab e Asset anagement in( uded :● ,9eration and aintenan(e ;ith remote ma(hiner/ data● !nerg/ onitoring

    ● ,9eration and aintenan(e ;ith remote ma(hiner/ data :

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    ,3ering (ustomers a remote maintenan(e ser8i(e ;hi(h is anattra(ti8e o9tion for manufa(turers and ser8i(e 9ro8iders. You are ab eto monitor 9 ant and ma(hiner/ or )- s/stems 8ia the )nternet> to rea(t7ui(6 / in the e8ent of defe(ts and to (arr/ out 9re8enti8emaintenan(e. -his (on8enient su99ort re7uires a ot ess e3ort than on"site ser8i(e b/ a te(hni(ian and ensures the smooth o9eration of 9 antand s/stems. -his means that /ou (an 6ee9 /our (ustomers satis edand e 9and /our business.

    ● !nerg/ onitoring :

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    )t has re(ent / 8entured into the domain of internet of things. -hisin8o 8es (ommuni(ation bet;een (onne(ted de8i(es through ;ire essand ( oud infrastru(ture. -his assists organi#ations to (a9ture data inrea time and thus he 9s /ou in measuring> monitoring and (ontro ing

    data from /our ogisti(s> assets or 9eo9 e on the e d. Aimed atenhan(ing the 9rodu(ti8it/ and e?(ien(/ of the organi#ations ;.r.ttheir mo8ab e and immo8ab e assets> as ;e as 9eo9 e.

    .6 A*%i/# Cli#n% >● @-S '@ehi( e -ra(6ing S/stem*

    The Mobile Store

    Hadwise Technologies

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    Reema Transport Pvt. Ltd.


    ● 4o d"(hain anagement

  • 8/17/2019 Censors for IOT


    Amul Milk and Milk Products

    ● !nerg/ onitoring

    SMC Pneumatics

    TS PLC !Transaction Solution nternational"

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    Sur#a Roshni Ltd.

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    S!4,NDARY R!S!AR4ANAFYS)S 4om9etitors Ana /sis

    4om9etiti8e ana /sis 9 a/s an im9ortant ro e in sha9ing the mar6eting

    strategies of man/ brands. Your brandEs ran6 in /our mar6et he 9s re8ea/our strengths and short(omings. 4om9etition as mu(h as smart> insightfu

    (om9etitor ana /sis is 9art of the game in an/ industr/. !8er/ da/. )n man/

    di3erent forms. anagement needs to understand their (om9etiti8e

    ad8antagesLdisad8antages re ati8e to (om9etitors.


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    -he rst ste9 in a (om9etitor ana /sis is to identif/ the (urrent and 9otentia

    (om9etition. -here are essentia / t;o ;a/s /ou (an identif/ (om9etitors.

    -he rst is to oo6 at the mar6et from the (ustomer s 8ie;9oint and grou9 a/our (om9etitors b/ the degree to ;hi(h the/ (ontend for the bu/er s do ar.

    -he se(ond method is to grou9 (om9etitors a((ording to their 8arious

    (om9etiti8e strategies so /ou understand ;hat moti8ates them.

    ,n(e /ou ha8e grou9ed /our (om9etitors> /ou (an start to ana /#e their

    strategies and identif/ the areas ;here the/ are most 8u nerab e. -his (an be

    done through an e amination of /our (om9etitors ;ea6nesses andstrengths. A (om9etitor s strengths and ;ea6nesses are usua / based on the

    9resen(e and absen(e of 6e/ assets and s6i s needed to (om9ete in the


    ere> in our t;o months of internshi9 9eriod> ;e need to identif/ ;ho are

    nationa and internationa (om9etitors. After that> ;e isted further 6e/

    e ements based on fo o;ing fa(tors :

    a. 0eatures o3eredb. Pri(ing methods(. area ser8edd. mar6et segmentatione.

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    that> se(ondar/ resear(h is not enough to identif/ the feature set of /our


    Pri*in M#%+!( >

    Pri(ing is the 9ro(ess of determining ;hat a (om9an/ ;i re(ei8e in

    e (hange for its 9rodu(t or ser8i(e. Pri(ing fa(tors are manufa(turing (ost >

    mar6et 9 a(e> (om9etition> mar6et (ondition> brand > and 7ua it/ of 9rodu(t.

    Pri(ing is a so a 6e/ 8ariab e in mi(roe(onomi( 9ri(e a o(ation theor/. Pri(ing

    is a fundamenta as9e(t of nan(ia mode ing and is one of the four Ps of the

    mar6eting mi . Pri(ing is one of the bui ding b o(6s of mar6eting that

    a99ears to be eas/ to understand> but is 9robab / one of the most di?(u t.

    an/ thin6 it is eas/ be(ause ;e a bu/ 9rodu(ts that ha8e 9ri(es> and man/

    be ie8e a /ou ha8e to do is se the 9rodu(t for more than it (osts /ou to

    earn a 9ro t. en(e it is 8er/ im9ortant to identif/ ;hi(h 9ri(ing

    methodo og/ is fo o;ed b/ /our (om9etitor to attra(t more (ustomers.

    Ar#a S#r/#( >

    Area ser8ed means the region ;here /our (om9etitor is most a(ti8e. -hat

    means> rst stage to identif/ /our (om9etitor is to o(ate area of /our


    ar6et Segmentation he 9s the mar6eters to bring together indi8idua s ;ith

    simi ar (hoi(es and interests on a (ommon 9 atform. ar6et Segmentation


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    he 9s the mar6eters to de8ise a99ro9riate mar6eting strategies and

    9romotiona s(hemes a((ording to the tastes of the indi8idua s of a 9arti(u ar

    mar6et segment. A ma e mode ;ou d oo6 out of 9 a(e in an ad8ertisement

    9romoting fema e 9rodu(ts. -he mar6eters must be ab e to re ate their

    9rodu(ts to the target segments. ar6et segmentation he 9s the mar6eters

    to understand the needs of the target audien(e and ado9t s9e(i ( mar6eting

    9 ans a((ording /. ,rgani#ations (an ado9t a more fo(ussed a99roa(h as a

    resu t of mar6et segmentation. 0urther in this brief re9ort ;e are going to

    see ho; mar6et is segmented for ),- enter9rise 9rodu(ts.

    W#? Pan#l > U

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    $ C!n )0#r N##( an( Wan% C+an #

    4onsumer needs and ;ants (ontinuous / (hange. 0irms shou d res9ond to

    these (hanges through their 9rodu(ts and ser8i(es. ,ther;ise (onsumers ;i

    s;it(h to (om9etitor 9rodu(ts that satisf/ their needs and ;ants . 0or

    e am9 e:" (onsumers are be(oming more hea th (ons(ious> this is for(ing

    (om9anies to introdu(e o; sugar> sa t and fat 9rodu(ts. 4o(a"4o a Tero;hi(h (ontains no sugar is a ( assi( e am9 e of ne; 9rodu(t de8e o9ment

    e8en though 4o(a"4o a s e isting 9rodu(t range a read/ (ontained diet (o6e.

    Both diet (o6e and 4o(a"4o a Tero (ontain no sugar but the/ taste di3erent.

    $ Pr!()*% R#a*+# T+# En( O" I% Pr!()*% Li"# Cy*l#

    -he 9rodu(t ma/be at the end of its Produ(t Fife 4/( e > so the (om9an/ ma/

    introdu(e ne; and im9ro8ed u9dated 8ersions. i(rosoft has done this b/

    mo8ing from the Kbo to the Kbo + $ and no; Kbo + $ imited editions

    a o; i(rosoft to refresh the 9rodu(t through sma (hanges.


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    $ Pr!()*% I A% T+# Ma%)ri%y S%a # O" I% Pr!()*% Li"# Cy*l#

    -he 9rodu(t might be at the maturit/ stage of its Produ(t Fife 4/( e and need

    modi (ations to stimu ate an in(rease in sa es. Nintendo ha8e re9 a(ed its

    DSi (onso e ;ith the +DS (onso e ;hi(h (ontains additiona features su(h as

    an e tra (amera so that /ou (an m in +D> a +D s(reen ;hi(h doesn t

    re7uire g asses> a jo/sti(6 and motion sensors.

    $ En/ir!n0#n%al C+an #

    -here ma/ be en8ironmenta (hanges ;hi(h the (om9an/ ;ants to (a9ita ise

    on. usi( (om9anies are no; se ing more musi( 8ia internet do;n oads than

    through traditiona retai sho9s. Re(ord (om9anies ;ere 9ushed into se ingmusi( through the internet fo o;ing the su((ess of the internet site Na9ster>

    ;hi(h o3ered i ega musi( do;n oads. )n A9ri 2$$ the song 4ra#/ b/

    Gnar s Bar6 e/ made histor/ b/ be(oming the rst song to a(hie8e the

    number one s9ot in the =U (harts through musi( do;n oad sa es on /. )n

    ar(h 2$11 er(ur/ Re(ords sto99ed re easing sing es on 4D as b/ then

    QQO of sing e sa es ;ere through do;n oads.

    $ C!0'#%i%!r 'Refer 4om9etitors Ana /sisC from se(ondar/ resear(h data*

    4om9etitors ma/ for(e (hange. -his is 8er/ a99arent in the te(hno og/

    mar6et> ;here ne; 9rodu(ts are (onstant / being introdu(ed to a target

    mar6et that ;e (omes (hange and inno8ation. -e(hno og/ (onsumers are not

    afraid to tr/ ne; 9rodu(ts> in fa(t the/ often ;ant the atest gadget to sho;

    to friends and (o eagues. )f a 9rodu(t is su((essfu then (om9etitors ;i

    attem9t to de8e o9 simi ar 9rodu(ts. )n fa(t Goog e sa/ that the/ de8e o9edthe Android o9erating s/stem to 9re8ent the te(hno og/ mar6et for 9rodu(ts

    su(h as mobi e 9hones and tab ets being dominated b/ one su99 ier.


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    Ne; 9rodu(t de8e o9ment is an essentia a(ti8it/ for a businesses. )t he 9s

    /ou sta/ ahead of the (om9etition. )f /ou do not de8e o9 ne; 9rodu(ts

    someone e se ;i and stea a of /our (ustomers. -he number of businesses

    that ha8e gone into administration during the (urrent ;or d re(ession

    demonstrate the im9ortan(e of (hange management.



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    Ana /sis of a 9rodu(t based on se(ondar/

    resear(hAnso3 matri ana /sis :

    -o 9ortra/ a ternati8e (or9orate gro;th strategies> )gor Anso3

    9resented a matri that fo(used on the rm s 9resent and 9otentia 9rodu(ts

    and mar6ets '(ustomers*. B/ (onsidering ;a/s to gro; 8ia e isting 9rodu(ts

    and ne; 9rodu(ts> and in e isting mar6ets and ne; mar6ets> there are four

    9ossib e 9rodu(t"mar6et (ombinations. Anso3 s matri is sho;n be o;:

    Anso3 s matri 9ro8ides four di3erent gro;th strategies:

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    ● Mar1#% P#n#%ra%i!n " the rm see6s to a(hie8e gro;th ;ith e isting

    9rodu(ts in their (urrent mar6et segments> aiming to in(rease its mar6et

    share .● Mar1#% D#/#l!'0#n% " the rm see6s gro;th b/ targeting its e isting

    9rodu(ts to ne; mar6et segments.● Pr!()*% D#/#l!'0#n% " the rms de8e o9s ne; 9rodu(ts targeted to its

    e isting mar6et segments.● Di/#r i,*a%i!n " the rm gro;s b/ di8ersif/ing into ne; businesses b/

    de8e o9ing ne; 9rodu(ts for ne; mar6ets.

    Selecting a Product-Market Growth Strategy

    -he 0ar1#% '#n#%ra%i!n strateg/ is the east ris6/ sin(e it e8erages

    man/ of the rm s e isting resour(es and (a9abi ities. )n a gro;ing

    mar6et> sim9 / maintaining mar6et share ;i resu t in gro;th> and

    there ma/ e ist o99ortunities to in(rease mar6et share if (om9etitors

    rea(h (a9a(it/ imits. o;e8er> mar6et 9enetration has imits> and

    on(e the mar6et a99roa(hes saturation another strateg/ must be

    9ursued if the rm is to (ontinue to gro;.

    Mar1#% (#/#l!'0#n% o9tions in( ude the 9ursuit of additiona mar6et

    segments or geogra9hi(a regions. -he de8e o9ment of ne; mar6ets

    for the 9rodu(t ma/ be a good strateg/ if the rm s (ore (om9eten(ies

    are re ated more to the s9e(i ( 9rodu(t than to its e 9erien(e ;ith a

    s9e(i ( mar6et segment. Be(ause the rm is e 9anding into a ne;

    mar6et> a mar6et de8e o9ment strateg/ t/9i(a / has more ris6 than amar6et 9enetration strateg/.

    A 'r!()*% (#/#l!'0#n% strateg/ ma/ be a99ro9riate if the rm s

    strengths are re ated to its s9e(i ( (ustomers rather than to the


  • 8/17/2019 Censors for IOT


    s9e(i ( 9rodu(t itse f. )n this situation> it (an e8erage its strengths b/

    de8e o9ing a ne; 9rodu(t targeted to its e isting (ustomers. Simi ar to

    the (ase of ne; mar6et de8e o9ment> ne; 9rodu(t de8e o9ment

    (arries more ris6 than sim9 / attem9ting to in(rease mar6et share.

    Di/#r i,*a%i!n is the most ris6/ of the four gro;th strategies sin(e it

    re7uires both 9rodu(t and mar6et de8e o9ment and ma/ be outside

    the (ore (om9eten(ies of the rm. )n fa(t> this 7uadrant of the matri

    has been referred to b/ some as the sui(ide (e . o;e8er>

    di8ersi (ation ma/ be a reasonab e (hoi(e if the high ris6 is

    (om9ensated b/ the (han(e of a high rate of return. ,ther ad8antagesof di8ersi (ation in( ude the 9otentia to gain a footho d in an

    attra(ti8e industr/ and the redu(tion of o8era business 9ortfo io ris6.

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    the/ are (ontinuous / re(ei8ing (om9 aints about ;eb

    9ane interfa(e. Be(ause the e isting ;eb 9ane and the mobi e a99 i(ation

    soft;are are not as user friend / as the/ ha8e to be. an/ (ustomersre7uires more user friend / and the sim9 e user interfa(e. en(e there is a

    need of de8e o9ing ne; ;eb 9ane .

    2. Ne; sensors re7uirement :

    Some of the (ustomers re7uire ne; t/9e of sensors i6e humidit/ sensors and

    9o ution in the air sensor et(.

    en(e> the (om9an/ de(ided to design a ne; embedded 9ane that (an

    (ontain ne; t/9e of sensors.

    +. Gra9hi(a re9resentation of ana /ti(s :

    -he e isting s/stem is (a9ab e of e tra(ting the re9orts from the 9rodu(t

    ;hi(h are insta ed on site. But> the 9rob em is these re9orts are in the ra;

    for that a ehman 9erson (an not understand that easi /. en(e> some of the( ients re7uire a gra9hi(a re9resentation of the ana /ti(s so that it ;ou d be

    eas/ to understand.

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    " 4om9etitors ana /sis :

    1. 0eature set :

    -his is most im9ortant and 8ita as9e(t for the 9rodu(t rede8e o9ment

    de(ision. 0rom the se(ondar/ resear(h about (om9etitors ana /sis ;e (ome

    to 6no; that there are man/ (om9etitors ;ho are (urrent / 9ro8iding man/

    ne; and inno8ati8e features that man/ ne; ( ients (an easi / attra(t

    to;ards them and that to in the same 9ri(e. en(e it is ne(essar/ to design

    ne; feature set so that ;e (an remain stab e in the (urrent mar6et 9osition.

    2. Ne; ard;are features :

    Besides man/ gra9hi(a and feature ;ise modi (ations man/ other nationa(om9etitors are de8e o9ing the ne; ;a/ of smart hard;are that (an be

    he 9fu for better and fast ;or6ing of the de8i(e. 0or e am9 e> 0,-A

    '0irm;are ,8er -he Air* and re a/ (ontro . -he hard;are modi (ations i6e

    this (an ma6e a (ontro o8er the di3erent de8i(es and it (an in(rease the

    9ro(essing s9eed too.

    +. Pri(ing strateg/ : -his is another im9ortant as9e(t ;hi(h needs to ta6en (are of immediate /.

    ! isting 9ri(ing methodo og/ of the (om9an/ is as e 9 ained be o; :

    T ! %a # 'ri*in >

    A (ommon / obser8ed t;o"stage 9ri(ing strateg/ for a (ustom"made

    9rodu(t in8o 8es a 9re 9ur(hase entr/ fee for a 9otentia (onsumer and a

    9ur(hase 9ri(e if he de(ides to bu/ the 9rodu(t. the rm does not (ommit in ad8an(e to the se(ond"

    stage 9ri(e and in the se(ond> the rm does. the t;o 9ri(e 9oints are strategi( (om9 ements> in

    that the higher 9re"9rodu(t fee im9 ies a higher 9ost"9rodu(t 9ri(e. the t;o 9ri(e 9oints are strategi( substitutes and the rm (an

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    im9ro8e 9ro t o8er the no"(ommitment (ase b/ o3ering a o; 9ur(hase 9ri(e

    in the se(ond stage and e tra(ting the sur9 us through an entr/ fee. the (ommitment so ution bene ts both

    the rm and the (onsumer.

    -he/ (harge (ertain amount of 9ri(e to the (ustomer for the 9ur(hase

    of 9rodu(t and after that the/ (harge di3erent / for the subs(ri9tion and

    su99ort. 0or e am9 e> Rs. %$$$L" is the 9ri(e of the 9rodu(t that a (ustomer

    has to 9a/ in stage 1 and Rs. 1 $$L" 9er month is the (harge of subs(ri9tion

    after su((essfu (om9 etion of one /ear that this amount (ustomer has to

    9a/ in stage 2.

    But> some of the (om9etitors are o3ering one time in8estment 9ri(ing

    strateg/ i.e. one stage 9ri(ing strateg/. 0or e am9 e : (ustomer has to 9a/

    Rs. WQQQL" and he ;i get /ears of free subs(ri9tion a ong ;ith the de8i(e.

    Be(ause of su(h fan(/ 9ri(ing strategies (ustomers are attra(ted to;ards it.

    - Ne; emerging te(hno ogies in the internationa mar6et :

    A ong ;ith nationa (om9etitors ;e a(tua / did some internationa

    (om9etitors ana /sis too> ;here ;e found that there are se8era ne;

    (on(e9ts that are ne; to the indian mar6et. en(e> be(ause of this the

    (om9an/ has a (han(e to im9 ement these ideas for the 8er/ rst time in the

    )ndian mar6et. 0or ! am9 e> on"board diagnosti(s> b a(6bo feature>

    sur8ei an(e (amera et(.

    - 4on( usion :

  • 8/17/2019 Censors for IOT


    en(e as ;e see from the ana /sis of abo8e 9oints and the Anso3 atri > ;e

    (ome to a (on( usion that> the (om9an/ has to rede8e o9 an e isting 9rodu(t

    to meet the ne; mar6et re7uirement.

    CHAPTER> ;


    0uture P ans

    ● Redesigning of @-S > !nerg/ monitoring>4o d (hain monitoring ;eb 9ane s.● 4reating ne; feature ist for @-S>!nerg/ monitoring>4o d (hain monitoring.● Ar(hite(ture design of 8% ser8er.● Redesigning of !mbedded 9ane .● 4reating of umbre a brand for ),- 9rodu(ts.● ar6eting 9 ans for ),- ser8i(es.

    8. R#(# i nin !" VTS -En#r y 0!ni%!rin -C!l( *+ain 0!ni%!rin#? 'an#l .

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    A ;hi(h indi8idua /are a so often referred to as the ser8er .

    Ser8ers o9erate ;ithin a ( ient"ser8er ar(hite(ture . Ser8ers are (om9uter9rograms running to ser8e the re7uests of other 9rograms> the ( ients . -hus>


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    the ser8er 9erforms some tas6s on beha f of ( ients. )t fa(i itates the ( ientsto share data> information or an/ hard;are and soft;are resour(es.

    -here ;ere 2 ser8er that ;ere 9resent that ;ere being used for ),-a99 i(ations.

    82 ser8er ;as used for the embedded de8i(es to (ommuni(ate ;ith the ;eb9ane & 8+ ser8er ;as used for the mobi e a99 to (ommuni(ate ;ith the ;eb9ane . -he (om9an/ de(ided to (reate a ne; ser8er ;hi(h ;ou d ha8e(a9abi ities of both the 82 & 8+ ser8ers> this ser8er ;ou d be 6no;n as 8%ser8er.

    9.R#(# i nin !" E0?#((#( 'an#l.

    An embedded s/stem is a (om9uter that has been bui t to so 8e on / a fe;8er/ s9e(i ( 9rob ems and is not easi / (hanged.)n (ontrast> a genera "9ur9ose (om9uter (an do man/ di3erent jobs> and (an be (hanged at an/time ;ith ne; 9rograms for ne; jobs.

    -he (urrent mi(ro"(ontro er embedded 9ane that is in use had imited9ro(essing (a9abi ities> esser memor/> and ess number of sensors (ou d beatta(hed to it. Sin(e it ;as de(ided to in(rease number of sensors that (ou dbe (onne(ted to the embedded 9ane > the embedded 9ane neededim9ro8ements and hen(e a redesign. -he redesign made it 9ossib e to addmore sensors and in turn 9ro8ide more ser8i(es .

    .Cr#a%in !" )0?r#lla ?ran( "!r IOT 'r!()*% .

    =mbre a branding 'a so (a ed a fami / brand* is ;hen a rm uses a brandname for t;o or more 9rodu(ts. A 9rodu(ts use the same means of identi (ation and ha8e no additiona brand names or s/mbo s atta(hed.

    -he (om9an/ de(ided to im9 ement umbre a branding strateg/ for the ),-9rodu(ts.Be(ause of umbre a branding ar6eting and branding strategies(an be at the shared 8a ue e8e > touting a the s9e(i ( bene ts.

  • 8/17/2019 Censors for IOT


    ;.Mar1#%in 'lan "!r IOT #r/i*# .

    ar6eting 9 ans in( uded mar6eting the ),- 9rodu(ts under an )0?r#lla?ran( . A so 9ri(ing>PR>9rodu(t 9a(6aging strategies ;ere to be de(ided.



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    -as6 assigned & (om9 eted.

    ● Brief Ana /sis of (om9etitors ;eb 9ane for @-S.● 4om9i ation of feature ist for @-S.● Design of ;eb 9ane as 9er feature ist.● Brief Ana /sis of (om9etitors ;eb 9ane for !nerg/ monitoring s/stem & (o d

    (hain monitoring s/stem.● 4om9i ation of feature ist for !nerg/ monitoring s/stem & (o d (hain

    monitoring s/stem.● Ar(hite(ture Design for 8% ser8er .

    .1.Brief Ana /sis of (om9etitors ;eb 9ane for @-S.)n )ndia> 2 main (om9etitors for the @-S mar6et ;ere a9m/india & -ra(6inggenie. A ong ;ith these 2 (om9etitors> the ;eb 9ane s of man/ nationa andinternationa @-S ;ere studied. the 8arious features that ;ere re7uested b/(urrent ( ients ;ere a so (onsidered for im9 ementation.

    Some of the (om9etitors ;hose ;eb 9ane s ;ere studied are :

    Nationa :

    X -ra(6ing GenieX a9 /)ndiaX No8ire -e(hno ogiesX )nd-ra(6X 4ode andX !f6on )ndia

    )nternationa :

    X Fin u9X 0 eet)nsightX 0 eetSat

  • 8/17/2019 Censors for IOT


    X A te(h netstarX -ra(6erX atriX 4tra(6X 4artra(6

    .2.4om9i ation of feature ist for @-SAfter a brief ana /sis of the features 9ro8ided b/ 8arious (om9etitors in themar6et> a feature ist ;as (om9i ed & 9ut for;ard. the feature set ;as asfo o;s :

    a9sDashboardAdminA ertsRe9ortsAna /ti(sRemote anagementS(hedu ing

    .+.Design of ;eb 9ane as 9er feature istA

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  • 8/17/2019 Censors for IOT


    -he e isting ;eb 9ane 9ro8ided imited features and ;as di?(u t tona8igate . Some of the feature that ;ere 9ro8ided ;ere:

    / De8i(es>De8i(e Fogs>Re9orts>Admin>A erts.

    Brief des(ri9tion :

    My D#/i*# :Ga8e the o(ation of the 8ehi( e on the ma9>a de8i(es ;ereisted and their status ;as sho;n.

    D#/i*# L! : )t sho;ed a tab e ;here a the data that ;as sent from thede8i(es to the ser8er ;as dis9 a/ed. )t ga8e a (om9 ete ist of dataa((ording to the time it ;as re(ei8ed b/ the ser8er.-he data re(ei8ed ;ou dbe de8i(e name> ) !) number> o(ation>s9eed >time & date of the og .

    R#'!r% : )n this se(tion detai ed re9orts re ated to a (ertain 8ehi( e (ou d beobtained b/ se e(ting the 8ehi( e and se e(ting the start and end date.

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    A(0in : )n this se(tion a (ertain 8ehi( e (ou d be assigned to a (ertainde8i(e. ,ther admin re ated features i6e add de8i(e> add 8ehi( e et( ;erea so 9resent.

    Al#r% : )n this se(tion a erts (ou d be set for (hanges in (ertain ambient9arameters su(h as tem9erature >enter or e it geofen(e >s9eed et( .

    After na i#ing the feature ist to be 9ro8ided > the ;ireframe & mo(6u9 of the ;eb 9ane ;as (reated. A #? i%# ir#"ra0# > a so 6no;n as a 9ages(hemati( or s(reen b ue9rint> is a 8isua guide that re9resents the s6e etaframe;or6 of a ;ebsite. in( udinginterfa(e e ements and na8igationa s/stems> and ho; the/ ;or6 together.)ndesign> a 0!*1)' > or 0!*1 )' > is a s(a e or fu "si#e mode of a design orde8i(e> used for tea(hing> demonstration> design e8a uation> 9romotion> andother 9ur9oses. A mo(6u9 is a prototype if it 9ro8ides at east 9art of thefun(tiona it/ of a s/stem and enab es testing of a design. o(6"u9s are usedb/ designers main / to a(7uire feedba(6 from users.

    )n order to design the mo(6u9 >the too used ;as ba sami7 mo(6u9.

    Some of the s(reenshots of the mo(6u9s are as fo o;s

    Dashboard mo(6u9

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    Route s(hedu ing mo(6u9:

  • 8/17/2019 Censors for IOT


    Admin 9ane mo(6u9:

  • 8/17/2019 Censors for IOT


    Re9orts mo(6u9 'abo8e*:

    Remote management mo(6u9 'be o;*:

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  • 8/17/2019 Censors for IOT


    A erts mo(6u9 'abo8e & be o;*

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    -he feature set ;as as fo o;s :


    AdminA ertsRe9ortsAna /ti(sRemote anagementS(hedu ing

    Brief des(ri9tion of some of the features

    Ma' : -his se(tion sho;ed the 9osition of a the 8ehi( es on the ma9.

    )t ;as 9ossib e to ter on / the re7uired 8ehi( es ;hi(h (ou d then bedis9 a/ed . =sing 9 a/ histor/ feature > the route that a 8ehi( e tra8ersedduring a (ertain 9eriod of time>(ou d be found.

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    Da +?!ar( : -his se(tion ga8e a 7ui(6 sna9shot of the entire Ieet. )t ga8einformation su(h as 8ehi( e data>(urrent tri9 data>dai / summar/ et(. )t a sosho;ed the o(ation of the se e(ted 8ehi( e on a sma er ma9 . A a(ti8ea erts>subs(ribed re9orts et( for a 8ehi( e ;ere a so sho;n.

    A(0in :)n this se(tion de8i(es >8ehi( es >dri8ers (ou d be added to thedatabase and then 9ro8isioned . ie: a (ertain 8ehi( e ;as 9ro8isioned a(ertain de8i(e. Additiona information i6e organisation name> 8ehi( et/9e>;at(her et( (ou d a so be added.

    Al#r% :)n this se(tion 8arious a erts (ou d be set for a set of 9arameters.

    S9eed @io ation>!ngine ,NL,00 ')d ingin( uded*>Geofen(e )NL,=->GPSLGPRS Dis(onne(tion> otion 'A ert aftero9erating hours*>0irst o8ement of the da/ Noti (ation.

    Sto99age>Ana og Sensor'-em9erature> -an6 Pressure> 0ue Fe8e s*>Batter/Status>A4 ,NL,00>0ue Pi ferage et(.

    R#'!r% : )n this se(tion re9orts (ou d be obtained > these re9orts ;ou d bere ated to information su(h as sto99age > tri9 re9orts>id ing>8ehi( e9erforman(e et(. -he start and end time shou d be se e(ted a ong ;ith there7uired information> and a re9ort ;ou d be generated. 0urther on (ertain8ehi( es (ou d be tered and data re ated to on / those 8ehi( es (ou d beobtained. -hese re9orts ;ere high / detai ed and (ontained date and time;hen the og ;as made. -he re9orts (ou d be e 9orted in e (e or 9df or(ou d be mai ed to a (ertain emai id.

    Analy%i* : )n this se(tion the a8ai ab e data (ou d be uti ised for ana /singand dis9 a/ing in 8isua form . )d e -ime.>-ra8e time 8s)d e time>S9eed Ana /sis>0ue Ana /sis>0ue !?(ien(/ Ana /sis et( . for a

  • 8/17/2019 Censors for IOT


    (ertain 8ehi( e. head ights>engine et( and it ;ou d a so be9ossib e to ta6e a(tion re ated to it.

    R!)%# S*+#()lin :)n this se(tion it is 9ossib e to (reate a route b/ mar6ing(he(69oints on the ma9 and these routes (an be sa8ed.

    .%.Brief Ana /sis of (om9etitors ;eb 9ane for !nerg/ monitoring s/stem &(o d (hain monitoring s/stem. -he basi( frame;or6 of the ;eb 9ane of energ/ monitoring s/stem and (o d(hain monitoring ;ou d be simi ar > in energ/ monitoring 9arameters su(h asU< > tem9erature>genset fue e8e s et( ;ou d be monitored. ;hereas> in(o d (hain monitoring most / tem9erature of free#ers and o(ation of reefertru(6s ;ou d be monitored.

    some of the (om9etitors ;hose energ/ monitoring s/stems ;ere studied areas fo o;s:

    Z De ma te(hZ Po;erda eZ ! SZ ArgandZ No8eda

    'A abo8e (om9etitors are internationa *

    B/ brieI/ ana /sis the ;eb 9ane s of these (om9etitors the design of the uiand features ;ere studied.

    . .4om9i ation of feature ist for energ/ monitoring & (o d (hain monitoringAfter a brief ana /sis of the features 9ro8ided b/ 8arious (om9etitors in themar6et> a feature ist ;as (om9i ed & 9ut for;ard. the feature set ;as asfo o;s:

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    !nerg/ monitoring:

    Fi8e StatusLDashboard

    De8i(e Fogs

    S(hedu er


    Ana /sis

    A erts

    4o d (hain monitoring:

    Fi8e StatusLDashboard

    De8i(e Fogs


    A erts

    Ana /ti(s

    -he basi( fun(tiona it/ of the abo8e features ;as simi ar to those of thefeatures 9resent in @-S> modi (ations ;ere made in the features so as tosuit to energ/ monitoring s/stems & (o d (hain monitoring s/stems.

    Brief des(ri9tion of abo8e features is as fo o;s

    Li/# %a%) Da +?!ar( : -his ga8e a i8e re9ort of the 9arameters re atedto the (o d (hain or the area ;hose energ/ ;as being monitored.eg:

    -em9eratures in (o d (hain monitoring> U< in energ/ monitoring. Some of the 9arameters that are dis9 a/ed are De8i(e Status>Site Address

    LFo(ation>-em9erature>@o tage>Batter/ e8e s>A4 Status>Door status

    >Generator fue e8e s.

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    D#/i*# L! :)n this se(tion detai ed ogs ;ou d be dis9 a/ed for ea(h of thede8i(es . -he ogs ;ou d a so sho; the date and time at ;hi(h the og ;asmade . -he data dis9 a/ed in the ogs ;as as fo o;s :

    De8i(e )DLName>4 ient )nfo.>Fo(ation>-em9erature.>@o tage>Batter/ e8e s>A4Status>Door status>Generator fue e8e s.>De8i(e Status>Fast re9ort time.

    R#'!r% :)n this se(tion 4ustomer (an get a detai ed re9ort for 8arious9arameters for a (ertain de8i(e or o(ation. 4ustomer (an get a 9resettem9 ate of a re9ort or (an get a (ustomised re9ort as 9er his 9referen(e .

    Re9orts (ou d be obtained for the fo o;ing data :-em9erature>@o tage>

    Batter/ e8e s>A4 status >Door status>genset fue e8e s.

    Al#r% :)n this se(tion 8arious a erts (ou d be set for a set of 9arameters.

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    ;a/ more ad8an(ed than both these ser8ers. -he basi( frame;or6 of theser8i(es and business (om9onent of the ser8er is gi8en be o;:

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    -he too used in designing the ser8er ar(hite(ture ;as Dra;.io.

    !a(h (om9onent of the ser8er ;as further e 9anded and the ;or6Io; of ea(h ;as e 9 ained.

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