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Copyright © 2008 EMC Corporation. Do not Copy - All Rights Reserved. Celerra Manager - 1 © 2008 EMC Corporation. All rights reserved. Celerra Manager - 1 Celerra Manager Upon completion of this module, you will be able to: Define Celerra Manager’s purpose Access the Celerra Manager Describe the Celerra Manager components Explain the differences between the Basic and Advanced Editions Describe Celerra Manager’s performance and monitoring capabilities Explain Celerra Notifications Methods The objectives for this module are shown here. Please take a moment to read them.

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Celerra Manager

Upon completion of this module, you will be able to:

� Define Celerra Manager’s purpose

� Access the Celerra Manager

� Describe the Celerra Manager components

� Explain the differences between the Basic and Advanced Editions

� Describe Celerra Manager’s performance and monitoring


� Explain Celerra Notifications Methods

The objectives for this module are shown here. Please take a moment to read them.

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What is Celerra Manager?

Celerra Manager is Web-based software that allows you to configure, administer, and monitor the

Celerra Network Server. By consolidating the management of multiple devices into one GUI, Celerra

Manager gives you an overall view of what is happening in your environment. Wizards offer the

opportunity to simplify the completion of administrative tasks.

The Celerra Manager interface, shown above, has two main areas. From the navigation pane on the

left, you select the file server and feature you want to manage. The task page on the right displays the

options available to manage the selected feature. Many task pages include tabs you can click to view

different information about a feature or device.

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Connecting to Celerra Manager

� Connect with a Web browser and use Control Station IP address


– Username and password required (discussed later)

� Supported Web browsers

– Internet Explorer 6.0 SP2

– Netscape 6.2.3 or later (EMC recommends using Netscape 7.1 or later)

– Firefox 1.5 or later

� Disable pop-up blocking entirely or allow pop-ups for the site

� Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 1.5.0_12 recommended

� CAUTION:Using the browser Back button does not update or refresh Celerra Manager pages correctly

� To refresh the Web Browser use the Refresh Button

Java Runtime Environment

EMC strongly recommends the use of Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 1.5.0_12 revision on client machines that will run Celerra Manager. You can get an installable version of JRE 1.4.2 from the Sun Microsystems website at http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.4.2/download.html, or from the Celerra Applications and Tools CD.

The use of Celerra Monitor, provided with Celerra Manager - Advanced Edition, requires installation on the client computer of the Java Web Start package. This package is part of JRE 1.5.0 revisions.

Note: You can use JRE 1.4.0, 1.4.1, or 1.4.2 with Celerra Manager, but you may see performance issues with these earlier revisions.

A bug in version 1.4.2 of the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) sometimes causes the browser to crash when switching between objects in the navigation pane in Celerra Manager or when clicking rapidly without giving the browser time to respond.

Internet Explorer

EMC requires the use of Internet Explorer 6.0 SP2 to run Celerra Manager.


EMC requires the use of Netscape 6.2.3 or later to run Celerra Manager. For the best Netscape experience with Celerra Manager, EMC recommends using Netscape 7.1 or a later 7.x revision.

CAUTION: Celerra Manager is not supported with Netscape 8.0 or later revisions.


EMC requires the use of Firefox 1.5 or later to run Celerra Manager.

Web browser caveats

Some actions in Celerra Manager are designed to open a new browser window. If your browser is set to block pop-ups, these windows cannot open. To use these functions, you must either disable pop-up blocking entirely or allow pop-ups for the site. Also, note that some browsers open a new window in a new tab.

CAUTION: Do not use the Web browser Back button to move around in Celerra Manager. Using the browser Back button does not update or refresh Celerra Manager pages correctly and can produce errors.

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Celerra Manager Terms and Locations

� Navigation pane

– Used to select


� Tasks page

� Tabs (inside


Basic layout of the Celerra Manager interface

The Celerra Manager interface has two main areas: a navigation pane and a task page.

The navigation pane is on the left side of the Celerra Manager window. It includes the word Celerras at the top and lists the Celerra Network Servers you can manage with the current session. An icon beside each server name indicates its overall status. Use the navigation pane to select the file server and feature you want to manage.

Working in the Navigation Pane - Clicking the plus sign (+) beside a Celerra Network Server name expands the folder to show the features that you can manage on that server. Clicking the minus sign (-) collapses the server folder. Double clicking also expands and collapses the server folder.

The folders for features you do not have licensed are grayed out.

Clicking a feature name in the navigation pane opens its initial management page in the task page. Most often, this page provides a list of manageable components and summary information about each component.

The task page is on the right side of the Celerra Manager window. From left to right, the top of the task page includes the name of the feature with which you are working, your login name on the Celerra Network Server with which you are working (<login_name>@<Celerra_name>), and the icons shown on the slide.

Tabs - Part of the task page, tabs contain different views and/or features you can use to configure what you have selected on the navigation pane.

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Celerra Manager ICON Definition

� Status is being requested

� OK

� Warning

� Error

� Critical

� Cannot determine status

� Information

Navigation Pane | Task Page




Overall system status and icons

The overall system status is always visible in icon form in the navigation pane beside the system name

and in the System Status field on the Celerra Home: Status tab. The displayed status is the most

serious hardware component status and software alert status.

The overall system status meanings are:

� Status is being requested from the Celerra Network Server

� OK - Normal operation

� Warning - The system is operating, but possibly not in the intended manner. Investigate and correct

the hardware component or alert that shows a Warning status.

� Error - Something in the system is not operating properly. Investigate and fix the hardware

component or alert that shows an Error status.

� Critical - Something in the system is completely disabled. Investigate and fix the hardware

component or alert that shows the Critical status as soon as possible.

� Cannot determine status - Cannot contact the file server (not logged in or file server is down), or

the file server can be contacted but system status cannot be determined.

� Information - The software facility is operating, but possibly not in the intended manner. Alerts

with the Info status began in another state but were accepted or acknowledged by an administrator.

This action changed the state to Info and prevents the alert from affecting the overall system status.

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Celerra Manager ICON Definition (cont)

From left to right

� Restore

� Refresh

� Help

Restore icon - Restores the default page display settings on the current Celerra Manager page.

Click this icon to restore the default page display on the current page after modifying things such as

column width and order or the types of statistics shown on Statistics tabs.

If the Persistent Settings option is enabled, the default display is restored only on the current page; all

display changes you made or make to other pages continue to be saved automatically.

For how to enable or disable persistent settings for page displays, refer to Customize page display


For how to restore all Celerra Manager pages to their default display settings, refer to Restore pages to

their default display settings.

Refresh icon - Refreshes system data displayed on the current Celerra Manager page.

To get the latest correct information into Celerra Manager, click this icon any time you change

something using the Celerra CLI.

Help icon - Launches the online help system.

Click this icon to display the help page for the current Celerra Manager page.

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Celerra Manager Integrated Help – Online Help


The Celerra Manager’s online help guide includes comprehensive instructions for administering your

Celerra Network Server. Topics including procedures are addressed.

Online Help Guide Tips

� To see a list of help topics in the help navigation pane, click the Contents tab. The Contents tab

includes step by-step instructions for performing procedures in Celerra Manager.

� To view the system index, in the navigation pane, click the Index tab.

� To search for a word or phrase in the online help, go to the Search tab.

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Task Page Tool Tips

� Place cursor over title,

and wait

� Quick answers for simple

usability questions

� Example:

– User navigated to create a

new Celerra Interface (discussed later)

– The cursor was placed over the word “Address:” in the

task page

– Operator waited 2 seconds

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Navigating the User Interface

� Right clicking on the task page

– Additional functionality

�New, Delete, Export, Properties

– Selectable items vary dependant on

where/what you right click

� Export to Comma Separated

Value (CSV)

– Use data for custom reports

Double-clicking a component on the navigation pane opens its initial task page. As you just learned,

the tabs belonging to each task page will provide detail about the component you have selected. Right-

clicking on a component in a navigation pane will run a java applet and generate a non-browser menu.

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Celerra Manager Licensing

� Located by selecting the Celerra

IP in the Navigation page,

Licensing Tab

� Licensing controls Celerra

Manager usability

� Example:

– NFS License has not been enabled

– Unlicensed feature show as gray folders in Navigation pane

– Feature cannot be managed

Licensed features in Celerra Manager

Some Celerra licensed features and products can be managed with Celerra Manager only after you

purchase a license for them and enable them in Celerra Manager:

CIFS and NFS protocol licenses are available for purchase separately. One of these licenses is usually

included in your original purchase to enable client access to your Celerra Network Server. The CIFS

protocol license is required for you to use the CIFS feature of Celerra Manager, and the NFS protocol

license is required for you to use the NFS Exports feature of Celerra Manager.

The iSCSI license is required for you to use the iSCSI feature of Celerra Manager.

The SnapSure license is required for you to use the Checkpoints feature of Celerra Manager.

The Replicator license is required for you to use the Replications feature of Celerra Manager.

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Celerra Manager Basic Edition

� Security

� Network and hardware configuration (discussed later)

� Management of Data Movers, file systems, shares, and

Checkpoint scheduling (discussed later)

� Status monitoring and utilization management

� File system quotas (discussed later)

� Wizards

Celerra Manager - Basic Edition allows you to perform many common management tasks. In the Basic

Edition, features that require the Advanced Edition or a separate feature license are dimmed and


You can manage only one Celerra Network Server using the Basic Edition. To manage more than one

Celerra Network Server with only the Basic Edition license, you must open multiple instances of

Celerra Manager.

Some of the highlights of Celerra Basic Edition are described here.

� Network - Configuration of network settings including DNS, NIS, WINS, link aggregations, and

network identity (IP addresses, subnet masks, VLAN ID).

� Data Mover - Management of CIFS shares, NFS exports, and User Mapping. Other functions

include reboot, shutdown, number of reboots, date/time and NTP configuration, DM name, DM

type, and character encoding.

� File Systems and Shares - The tools required to list, create, modify, expand, check, and delete file

systems and their related shares.

� Checkpoints - Includes screens to list, create, modify, refresh, and delete SnapSure checkpoints. It

also provides a way to restore file system to one of its checkpoints.

� Status - Monitors the status of the Celerra, including uptime, software versions, release notice link,

network statistics, event logs, and hardware status (any hardware components that are in a

degraded state).

� Utilization - Monitors the CPU and memory utilization for the Data Movers.

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Celerra Manager Advanced Edition

All the features of Basic Edition plus

� Multiple Celerra Management

� Volumes

� Data Migration

� Tools

� Celerra Monitor

� Manual Volume Management

� Additional Notifications Tabs

The Celerra Manager Advanced Edition allows you to perform a more comprehensive set of Celerra

management tasks. As in the Basic Edition, separately licensed features that you do not own and enable are

dimmed and unavailable in the interface.

The Celerra Manager Advanced Edition provides all of the features in Celerra Manager Basic Edition and

enables these additional features:

� Multiple Celerra Management - Allows you to manage several Celerra systems through the same Web

browser session.

� Volumes (a subcategory of the Storage feature) - Allows you to create and manage slice volumes, stripe

volumes, and meta volumes.

� Data Migration - Lets you set up and manage the EMC Celerra Data Migration Service (CDMS). Using

CDMS, you can migrate data in either CIFS or NFS file systems from source file servers to a Celerra

Network Server with little to no interruption of normal business operations.

� Tools - A feature that allows you to launch Celerra Monitor, a graphical interface you can use to monitor a

Celerra Network Server and attached storage systems. Use of Celerra Monitor requires installation on the

client computer of the Java Web Start package supplied on the Celerra Applications and Tools CD and is

also available as part of the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) download from the Sun Microsystems website

at http://java.sun.com/getjava.

� Manual Volume Management – A part of the Wizards feature which lets you create individual volumes in

the File System > Create a File System wizard before creating a file system.

� Additional Notifications Tabs - Allows you to set notifications for storage (file system and storage pool)

and Data Mover resource usage.

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Celerra Manager Security

� Default user accounts

– nasadmin

– root

– defined locally or mapped from a domain (LDAP)

� Passwords

– EMC strongly recommends that you modify the default passwords

– Password expiration can be set

�Default is 120 days

Note: Please do not attempt to change the password

during this course unless instructed to do so

If the login defaults are still set on the Celerra Network Server, you can log in with the user name

nasadmin or root and use the default password nasadmin for both accounts. For maximum security,

EMC strongly recommends changing the default passwords for these accounts as soon as possible.

To change your password:

Select Celerras > [Celerra_name].

The Celerra Home: Status tab appears.

Click the Control Stations Properties tab.

The Celerra Home: Control Stations Properties tab appears.

Click the Change Password link next to the User Name field.

On the Change Password page, fill in the form and click Change Password to change your password.

You can click Reset to clear all fields.

If the change is successful, a completion message appears briefly, and the Control Station Properties

page reappears. If you type your old password incorrectly or do not type the same new password in the

New Password and Confirm New Password fields, an error message appears at the top of the Change

Password page and all fields are cleared.

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Celerra Manager Security

� SSL certificate on the Control Station

� Security to protect session tokens

� Security certificate when logging in

� Celerra Manager idle session timeout

� System monitoring after session timeout

� User accounts for Celerra Manager use only

Managing security

For additional information about managing security and user access on your Celerra Network Server,

refer to these documents:

� Using Celerra Manager in Your Web Browsing Environment: Browser and Security Settings to

Improve Your Experience, a Celerra white paper available on EMC Powerlink.

� Managing Administrative Accounts on Celerra, a technical module available on the Celerra

Network Server Documentation CD.

� Controlling Access to Celerra System Objects, a technical module available on the Celerra

Network Server Documentation CD.

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Celerra Manager Security (cont.)

Detail of folders from Security Folder in the Navigation Pane

� Administrators

– Contains Tabs: Users, Groups, Role, Domain Settings

� Celerra Manager

– Absolute Session Timeout

– Idle Session Timeout

– Allow Monitoring with Expired Session

� Network Services

– Ability to enable/disable: CIFS, FTP, SNMP and many more

� Public Key Certificates

– Personas

– CA Certificates

For additional information about managing security and user access on your Celerra Network Server,

refer to these documents:

� Using Celerra Manager in Your Web Browsing Environment: Browser and Security Settings to

Improve Your Experience, a Celerra white paper available on EMC Powerlink.

� Managing Administrative Accounts on Celerra, a technical module available on the Celerra

Network Server Documentation CD.

� Controlling Access to Celerra System Objects, a technical module available on the Celerra

Network Server Documentation CD.

Note: Security in the form of User Authentication will be discussed in further details later in the

course (Authentication Module).

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Celerra Manager Status Monitor

� From navigation pane, right-click Celerras and select

Launch Status Monitor

� Separate Window, Celerra Manager can be closed

� Basic Edition allow only one Celerra, Advanced Edition

can have multiple Celerra systems

Basic Advanced

You can use the EMC Celerra Status Monitor to monitor the overall system status for the Celerra

Network Servers in your current Celerra Manager session. This is useful for when you want to monitor

your servers, but do not want to keep Celerra Manager running.

The Status Monitor appears in a separate window and lists each server and its current status icon. The

status icon changes if the server status changes, alerting you to problems with the server.

To start the EMC Celerra Status Monitor:

In the navigation pane, right-click Celerras and select Launch Status Monitor.

The EMC Celerra Status Monitor appears in a new window, listing the servers in the session and

their current statuses.

Note: You can view a current count of software alerts and hardware issues for a Celerra Network

Server by placing your cursor over its name in the Status Monitor. Info-level software alerts are not

included in the count.

You can also set Celerra Manager to allow passive monitoring, which allows the Status Monitor to run

indefinitely. Enable system monitoring after session timeout provides additional information.

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Celerra Manager Wizards

� Generates pop-up


� Simplified step walk


� Designed for novice


� Further modification

and management done

using Navigation and

Task pages

Celerra Manager includes wizards to help you set up and configure your Celerra Network Server. The wizards

step you through procedures that you can also perform manually using the standard features of Celerra Manager.

Wizards are included in both the Basic and Advanced editions of Celerra Manager to guide you through the

following procedures:

� Network - Set up Services

� Network - Create an Interface

� Network - Create a Device

� Network - Create a Route

� File System - Create a File System

� Celerra - Set Up Celerra (requires root user)

These additional wizards are available when you purchase and enable the Celerra CIFS license:

� CIFS - Set Up CIFS Services

� CIFS - Create a CIFS Server

� CIFS - Create a CIFS Share

These additional wizards are available when you purchase and enable the Celerra iSCSI license:

� iSCSI - Create an iSCSI LUN

� iSCSI - Create an iSCSI Target

This additional wizard is available when you purchase and enable the Celerra Replicator V2 license:

� Replication - Create a Replication

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Celerra Manager Monitoring Statistics

� Various ways to have

data presented (Statistics Tab)

– Data Mover



� Display a maximum of

14 statistics at any

one time

� Graphical data can be exported to CSV file

The Statistics tabs display a live graph of statistics for components of the Celerra Network Server and a legend explaining the graphed data. The graph can display a maximum of 14 statistics at any one time.

This page explains how to use Statistics tabs. To understand the mechanisms that control the Statistics tabs, refer to Understanding Statistics tabs.

Page through accumulated data

The top line on the page includes two arrows for you to page backward and forward in the accumulated data, and text stating the time period covered by the visible graph.

Manipulate the graph

To manipulate the graph, right-click the graph and select:

� Export Data - to export the data in the graph into a comma-separated values file for import into Microsoft Excel or other applications that import data this way. For details, refer to Export graph or table data into a file.

� Print - to print the graph, rotated or scaled to fit a page as needed.

� Time Interval - to change the time period displayed by the graph.

� Select Stats - to add or remove types of statistical data displayed in the graph.

� Polling Control - to change the polling interval for statistical update queries and to disable and enable statistical update polling. For details, refer to Change the polling interval for statistical update queries.

� Polling Interval - the rate at which an object is polled. The default polling interval for updated stats is 5 minutes for Data Mover and storage system data. File system data is polled at a fixed interval of 10 minutes.

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Celerra Monitor Advanced Edition Only

� Opens separate JAVA applet

� Multiple Celerra systems at the same time

� Used when statistics tab is not enough

� Component view shown below

Celerra Monitor is a Java-based, client/server application that allows you monitor the status of a

Celerra Network Server system.

Using Celerra Monitor, you can:

� Display the status of all Data Movers to assist in ensuring smooth operations.

� Display file system, server, volume, and storage-system configurations.

� Generate a wide variety of performance statistics and measurements.

� Check system logs. Control access and polling of monitored objects.

� Define a customized, user view so you can display only the file systems with which you are


� Connect to and monitor multiple Celerra Network Servers at the same time.

The main Component window displays detailed information on the Celerra Network Server you are

connected to and provides navigational capabilities. The data is current from the moment you open the

window and it is refreshed periodically. The time interval when this window refreshes depends on the

number of Celerra Network Servers you are connected to. If you are connected to one Celerra Network

Server, it refreshes every 5 minutes, two Celerra Network Servers refresh every 10 minutes, etc. If you

are displaying a window and need current data to display, click the Refresh button. You can drag

columns to appear in any order you choose. However, the column order you choose will not be saved.

The columns always initially appear in the same order.

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Celerra Monitor (cont.)

� Separate

comprehensive help file

� Requires active

production environment

to properly view


� No data = Blank charts

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Celerra Notifications

� Appears on the Celerra Home, Status tab

� Event notifications

– Based on predefined system events

– Severity levels :Critical, Error, Warning, Info

� Resource notifications

– Based on resource usage parameters you specify

– Storage Usage, Storage Projections, Data Mover Load

� Note: A default file system event and alert when a file

system crosses the 90 percent usage threshold

Notifications specify actions the Control Station takes in response to particular events. For example,

the Control Station can send an email message to an administrator when any critical event occurs.

Event notifications are notifications based on pre-defined system events, such as a temperature being

too high. Severity levels :Critical, Error, Warning, Info

Resource notifications are notifications based on resource usage parameters you specify so you can be

notified of, or in advance of, various resource usage problems. You define the conditions or threshold

for an event that triggers a notification. The notification is sent to the system log, an alert is generated,

which appears on the Celerra Home: Status tab, and optionally, email messages can be sent to

specified users and SNMP traps can be sent to specified hosts.

You can monitor file systems, storage pools, and virtually provisioned file system space to ensure they

do not fill and result in a denial of write access. You can do this by configuring customizable

notifications based on file system and storage pool usage and time-to-fill predictions. These

predictions (otherwise known as projection notifications) can take into account automatic file system

extension (with and without specified maximum sizes) and automatic storage pool extension.

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Celerra Notifications (cont.)

� Log files

– Optional email and/or SNMP trap

� Celerra Manager Basic Edition

– view, create, and manage Event notifications

– view resource notifications.

� Celerra Manager Advanced Edition

– view, create, and manage Event, Storage Usage, Storage Projections, and Data Mover Load notifications.

� Image below represents task page tabs after selecting “Notifications” folder in Navigation pane

The success of Data Mover Load notification conditions depends on resource usage patterns. Since

resource usage typically varies greatly throughout a day, it is important to identify peak usage periods

before setting notification conditions. By identifying peak usage patterns, you can choose appropriate

computation methods and intervals to check for overloads. The Data Mover Statistics tab provides

historical Data Mover statistics graphs to help you understand your Data Mover's CPU and memory

usage patterns. These graphs help you determine whether you should create Data Mover notifications

and if so, at what levels to set the limits.

Computation Methods:

Averages Method, SubInterval Method, Percentage Method: When the specified percentage, or more,

of all readings within the specified interval exceeds the limits set, the specified action for the

notification will be triggered.

Fields included:

ID, Data Mover, Interval Start, Interval Length Memory Limit, CPU Limit, Email Addresses for

Notification, and SNMP Traps for Notification.

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Celerra Manager Message of the Day (MOTD)

� MOTD banner can be used

for any informational purpose

� Useful for sending messages

that affect all users

– server upgrades

– alert about an impending system


� To change any of the properties on this tab, you

must be logged in as root.

A message of the day (MOTD) banner can be used for any informational purpose, but is particularly

useful for sending messages that affect all users. The message might contain information about server

upgrade or an alert about an impending system shutdown. To change any of the properties on this tab,

you must be logged in as root.

To create a message of the day:

Log in as root

Select Celerras > [Celerra_name].

The Celerra Home: Status tab appears.

Click the Control Stations Properties tab.

The Celerra Home: Control Stations Properties tab appears.

In the Message of the Day field, type or paste the message text to display.

Click Apply.

Note: The message of the day appears in a pop up each time a user successfully logs in. The pop up

contains a checkbox that allows the user to display the message only if it has changed.

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Celerra Manager and CLI Interoperability

Working with the CLI from Celerra Manager

The Celerra Manager does not contain interfaces to manage all Celerra tasks, but you can manage

those features using CLI Commands features or open an SSH session to the control station. The CLI

Commands feature allows you to enter a command and view the results but only accepts a single

command at a time.

Some items that can be created using the CLI cannot be managed from Celerra Manager. You may be

able to view these items from Celerra Manager, but will need to use the CLI to modify or delete them.

An example is event notifications that specify individual event identifiers.

When your CLI session is complete, you may need to click the Refresh icon in Celerra Manager to see

the results. Make sure you click the Refresh icon on the Celerra Manager application and not the

browser Refresh icon.

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Module Summary

Key points covered in this module:

� Purpose of Celerra Manager

� How to access Celerra Manager

� Celerra Manager components

� Differences between the Basic and Advanced Editions

� Celerra Manager’s performance and monitoring


� Celerra Notifications Methods

The key points for this module are shown here. Please take a moment to read them.

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