網路霸凌融入英文科教案內容架構圖 ·...

1 Cyber bullying 英文 網路霸凌 英文 網路霸凌 What is cyber bullying? Myth, reality, and prevention 1. 上課投影片 2. 英文案例 2. 學習單一 1. 什麼是網路霸凌? 2. 覺察網路霸凌事件 (我是小偵探) 3. 介紹網路霸凌相關英 文字彙 學習單填寫、課程參與 1. 學習單二 2. 討論用小白板 一節課 (50 分鐘) 一節課 (50 分鐘) 1. 能夠認識網路霸凌相 關的英文字彙 2. 了解網路霸凌的定義 並覺察網路霸凌事件 1. 能夠釐清網路霸凌的 迷思概念 2. 了解預防網路霸凌的 方法 1. 網路霸凌的迷思概 2. 學生報告:網路霸凌 相關案例討論 3. 腦力激盪:如何預防 網路霸凌? 學習單填寫、課程參與 度、討論狀況 網路霸凌融入英文科教案內容架構圖 小主題 教學 資源 時間 主要 教學 活動 評量 目標 課程 領域

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    Cyber bullying

    英文 網路霸凌

    英文 網路霸凌

    What is cyber bullying? Myth, reality, and prevention

    1. 上課投影片 2. 英文案例 2. 學習單一

    1. 什麼是網路霸凌? 2. 覺察網路霸凌事件(我是小偵探) 3. 介紹網路霸凌相關英文字彙


    1. 學習單二 2. 討論用小白板

    一節課 (50 分鐘) 一節課 (50 分鐘)

    1. 能夠認識網路霸凌相關的英文字彙 2. 了解網路霸凌的定義並覺察網路霸凌事件

    1. 能夠釐清網路霸凌的迷思概念 2. 了解預防網路霸凌的方法

    1. 網路霸凌的迷思概念 2. 學生報告:網路霸凌相關案例討論 3. 腦力激盪:如何預防網路霸凌?





    教學 資源


    主要 教學 活動



    課程 領域

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    教學主題 Cyber bullying 設計者

    教學對象 高中二年級學生 教學時數 100 分鐘

    教學對象 (Who)

    1. 普通高中二年級的學生,對網路世界有所了解,也知道網路霸凌的基本概念。


    1. 認識網路霸凌相關字彙的英文。 2. 了解網路霸凌的定義,並學會覺察身邊的網路霸凌事件。 3. 澄清網路霸凌的相關的迷思觀念。 4. 懂得如何保護自己,避免成為網路霸凌事件中的受害者。

    教學內容 (What)

    1. 網路霸凌相關英文單字講解。 2. 定義與覺察網路霸凌事件。 3. 網路霸凌事件的媒介、角色與嚴重性。 4. 預防網路霸凌的方法。

    教學方法 (How)

    1. 藉由影片與「快問快答」澄清網路霸凌的迷思概念。 2. 從英文個案中帶領學生運用相關英文字彙與覺察網路霸凌事件。3. 透過學生報告案例統整網路霸凌事件的媒介、角色與嚴重性。 4. 帶領學生藉由腦力激盪思考預防網路霸凌的方法。

    教學評量 (What Impact)

    1. 個人學習單一與學習單二。 2. 小組的活動參與度(報告、討論狀況)。

    理解事項【Understand 大概念】




    1. 了解網路霸凌相關英文單字。 2. 定義與覺察網路霸凌事件。 3. 網路霸凌事件的媒介、角色、嚴重性與正


    1. 如何定義網路霸凌? 2. 如何覺察身邊的網路霸凌事件? 3. 如何預防網路霸凌?





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    1. 與網路霸凌相關的英文字彙。 2. 網路霸凌的定義。 3. 網路霸凌事件的媒介、角色與嚴重性。 4. 預防網路霸凌的方法。

    1. 認識並應用網路霸凌相關字彙。 2. 練習用用英文表達自己的想法。

    次 教學活動流程 時間





    1. 課堂分組,每班分成六組並分組坐好。 2. 發下小偵探學習單一,準備好線索信封。 3. 請學生在上課之前先行完成學習單上的預習作業(Crossword puzzle)



    重性。 短片網址:http://www.teachinctrl.org/lessons/standupinctrl.php (For teacher version) 【討論】 1. 看完請學生簡單分享看完影片的心得或收獲。 2. 請問影片中 bully 和 drama 有什麼不同? (許多專家眼中的網路霸凌行為往往被學生以為只是在網路上




    10 min.





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    【討論】 將學生分成六組,一組會被分配到一個問題。討論的過程中可以



    (老師也可以多使用英文講述,藉此激勵學生) 時間規劃 1. 各組討論:10 分鐘 2. 各組發表:5 分鐘 討論問題 1. Where does cyber bullying often occur? Does it stay on the Internet only? 2. When does cyber bullying happen? (*希望學生發現網路霸凌無時無刻都在發生,並不是真的要學生正確說出一個網路霸凌發生的確切時間。) 3. Who might be the potential cyber bully, victim, or bystanders? 4. What are the means that are used by cyber bullies? 5. How does cyber bullying harm the victims? (Impact) 6. Why is cyber bullying a serious issue? (藉由簡單的討論,教師可以從中得知學生對網路霸凌議題的先


    老師聽完各組分享之後總結,並且帶出網路霸凌的定義。 參考定義 1. “Cyber bullying is using electronic means by a child, preteen, or teen to torment, threaten, harass, humiliate, embarrass, or otherwise target another child, preteen, or teen.” (www. stopcyberbullying. org) 2. “Cyber bullying is the use of digital technologies with an intend to offend, humiliate, threaten, harass, or abuse somebody.” (www. ditchthelabel. org)

    教學活動(二): 我是小偵探(覺察網路霸凌事件) 【遊戲規則】

    15 min.

    20 min.

    Megan Meier

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    線索 1. Megan was an outgoing teenager with low self-esteem. 2. On the Internet, Josh told Megan, “I just moved to your neighborhood and I am home-schooled. Would you like to be my first friend here?” 3. Megan had a history with depression. 4. Megan was eating very little recently. 5. Josh messaged Megan, “I heard that you are not a good person.” 6. On MySpace, Megan saw someone said, “Megan is fat and ugly!” * 等到每一組學生發表完他們的推理之後,老師發下英文版的



    時間規劃 * 遊戲時間:10 分鐘 * 發表成果:10 分鐘 參考字彙 cyber (與電腦相關的), bully (霸凌/霸凌者), victim (受害者), bystander (旁觀者), anonymity (匿名), defamation (毀謗), harassment (騷擾), moral (道德), block (封鎖), blog (部落格), bulletin board (公佈欄), chat (聊天), chat room (聊天室), harass (騷擾), humiliate (羞辱), message (訊息), netiquette (網路禮儀), password (帳密), post (PO文), threat (威脅)




    網路霸凌(bully)和開玩笑(drama)是不一樣的,希望透過上課一開始的討論與小偵探的活動讓學生意識到 cyber bullying 的嚴重性,明白在網路世界交友須小心謹慎,也更能覺察身邊是否有

    網路霸凌的行為(霸凌者、受害者等)。 【複習】



    5 min.

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    次 教學活動流程 時間





    1. 發下學習單二每人一張、小白板每組一個、白板筆每組一支。


    【暖身活動】快問快答:網路霸凌知多少! 1. To stop cyber bullying, we just need to turn off the computer or cell phone. (X: 光是關掉手機或相關網站長期來說並不能解決問題,因為網路上的言論並不會因此停止散播,對受害者的傷害並不會因此減


    懲罰。) 2. Cyber bullying can reach a larger audience. (O) 3. Everyone knows what cyber bullying is. (X) 4. Some cyber bullies my not be aware of the results or consequences of their behavior. (O) 5. Sending unkind and threatening messages is an action of cyber bullying. (O) 6. Cyber bullying causes suicide. (X: 雖然有個案以結束生命的方式來面對網路霸凌,但並沒有直接關係。較嚴重的個案中有些同

    時遭受心理上的困擾,如憂鬱症等。) 7. Creating web sites that have stories, cartoons, pictures, and jokes teasing others is not a form of cyber bullying. (X) 8. Cyber bullying occurs more often than traditional bullying. (X) 9. Young people are found to be twice as likely to be bullied on Facebook than on any other social network. (O) 10. New research shows that young males and females are equally at risk. (O) 參考資料 1. The Cyber Bullying Survey, Ditch the Label (2013) (www. dicththelabel. org) 2. Stabella, R.A., Patchin, J.W., & Hinduja, s. (2013). Cyber

    5 min.




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    bullying myths and realities. Computers in Human Behavior. (www. nlcahr. mun. ca/ Research_Exchange/Cyber_bullying_-_January_28_2015.pdf)


    教學活動(一):What happened to ? 【案例討論】

    * 老師發下學習單二 請各小組準備網路霸凌相關的英文個案與同學分享,並且針對以

    下參考問題分析案例。 分享方式不限(可用投影片介紹、演戲等),每組 4-5 分鐘(六組共 24-30 分鐘) 1. Where did cyber bullying occur? Did it stay on the Internet only? 2. Who were the cyber bully, victim, or bystander(s)? 3. When did the cyber bullying incident happen? 4. Why was cyber bullying a serious issue in this case? 5. What were the means that are used by the cyber bully (according to this case)? 6. How did cyber bullying harm the victim? (Impact) *同學分享完之後,老師歸納六個案例並且帶領同學統整網路霸


    以及嚴重性(帶來的影響)。 教學活動(二):How to protect myself from cyber bullying? 【如果那是我該怎麼辦】10 分鐘腦力激盪 1. 先請學生分組進行十分鐘的腦力激盪,接著再透過學生分享歸納應對網路霸凌事件的方法。 2. 接著,請學生將方法記錄在學習單上,並且在簽名欄上簽上自己的名字,代表「我已經知道並且會遵守」以提醒自己。 參考方法 1. Keep personal information private 2. Only add friends you know personally to your blog, page, or friend list 3. Use nicknames that do not identify your location, gender, or age 4. Never meet face to face with anyone that you have met first online

    30 min.

    10 min.

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    5. Do not share your passwords except with your parents








    5 min.


    1. 學習單一 2. 英文個案 3. 學習單二


    1. 學習單一:第一節上課講義,含課前預習。 2. 學習單二:第二節上課講義,含課中討論問題。 (主要考量小組參與度,不額外評分,只幫忙檢查學生的錯別字。)

  • Cyber bullying _Worksheet I Class ____ Name ______ No.___ Group

    1. Complete the crossword below. Please look up definition of the provided vocabulary before you start to fill in the crossword puzzle.

  • 2. What is cyber bullying?

    (1) Our Question:

    (2) Our response to the question:

    (3) Definition of cyber bullying

  • 3. What happened?

    (1) Who are involved in the incident?

    (2) Our version of the outcome of Megan’s story:

  • Cyber bullying _6 clues: Megan Meier’s Story Class ____ Name ______ No.___ Group

    Megan  was  an  outgoing  teenager  with  low  self-‐esteem.  

    On  the  Internet,  Josh  told  Megan,  “I  just  moved  to  your  neighborhood  and  I  am  home-‐schooled.  Would  you  like  to  be  my  first  friend  here?”  

    Megan  had  a  history  with  depression.  

    Megan  was  eating  very  little  recently.  

    Josh  messaged  Megan,  “I  heard  that  you  are  not  a  good  person.”  

    On  MySpace,  Megan  saw  someone  said,  “Megan  is  fat  and  ugly!”  

  • Cyber bullying _Handout I: Megan Meier’s Story Class ____ Name ______ No.___ Group

    Megan Meier was an outgoing 13 year old girl, who similar to many suffered low self-esteem. Close to

    her 14th birthday, with the permission of her mother, she was allowed to have a MySpace page.

    Her page was monitored by her mother and father. Megan’s parents were the only people with the

    password to the page, which helped them keep an eye on what was happening there. Soon Megan was

    befriended by cute boy on MySpace named Josh Evans. He was a cute16 year old boy, who had just moved

    to Megan’s area and was home-schooled. Josh wanted to be Megan’s friend since he did not know anyone

    else. Megan’s mom was aware of this boy and thought it was just innocent fun online.

    However, soon things took a turn. Their online friendship started to crumble as Josh started saying mean

    and hurtful things to Megan. He started questioning his friendship with Megan because he had heard that she

    was not very nice. Megan tried to ask him who told him this by sending messages to his MySpace account.

    Mean electronic bulletins then begin appear from Josh Evan’s MySpace account. These bulletins included

    calling Megan fat and a slut. Megan, who had a history with depression, called her mom to tell her about the

    cruel bulletins being posted. This situation proved to be too much for Megan. Her mother found Megan’s

    body hanging in a bedroom closet on October 15, 2006. Megan was pronounced dead a day later.

    Weeks after Megan’s death, her parent found out that the Josh Evans who Megan confided in online had

    been the creation of a neighborhood mom, Lori Drew. Megan died thinking Josh Evans was a real

    16-year-old boy, who had first sought friendship and then turned against her. Megan’s mom thought she had

    taken all the right steps at protecting her daughter online, however, there was no way to protect her from

    false MySpace accounts. Currently, Megan’s parents are using this tragic story to help protect other children

    online so that another life does not have to be lost.

    (Parents: Cyber Bullying Led to Teen’s Suicide, Good Morning America November 19, 2007)

  •   1  

    Cyber bullying _Worksheet II Class ____ Name ______ No.___ Group

    1. Please take some notes about other cases and write down what you would like to say to other groups after listening to their presentations. You are welcomed to share your compliment and suggestion.

    Group 1 Group 2 Group 3

    Group 4 Group 5 Group 6

  •   2  

    2. How to protect myself from cyber bullying?

    (1) Brainstorm

    (2) Now list at least 5 ways to protect yourself and sign your name in the blank.


    網路霸凌教案_112101-Cyberbullying worksheet I02-Megan's story-six clues03-Megan's story-the case04-Cyberbullying worksheet II